John D. Fox Laboratory

The John D. Fox Superconducting Linear Accelerator Laboratory at Florida State University is a busy, teeming place with the radioactive beam facility RESOLUT, the construction of advanced detector systems, such as ANASEN and RESONEUT, and nuclear-spectroscopy setups using Compton-suppressed Clover gamma-ray detectors as well as the Enge Split-Pole magnetic spectrograph.
Our group is one of the seven founding members of ARUNA , the Association for Research with University Nuclear Accelerators. ARUNA's goal is to support and enhance the research and education programs enabled by University laboratories. The John D. Fox Lab is part of the Center for Excellence in Nuclear Training and University-Based Research (CENTAUR), a multi institutional effort from the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA). CENTAUR fosters basic research in low-energy nuclear physics and workforce development.