Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/gwm17/Mask.git synced 2025-02-18 11:28:51 -05:00

Update project structure. Tighten up code, improve syntax, enforce style. Still bugged, but now working from proper environment. Switch back to ROOT as file I/O and data management

This commit is contained in:
Gordon McCann 2022-08-18 10:32:48 -04:00
parent 66900ea9b4
commit 0b7b06e4f1
74 changed files with 2644 additions and 2596 deletions

View File

@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ set(MASK_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include)
find_package(ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS GenVector)
add_subdirectory(src/vendor/catima) add_subdirectory(src/vendor/catima)
add_subdirectory(src/Mask) add_subdirectory(src/Mask)
add_subdirectory(src/MaskApp) add_subdirectory(src/MaskApp)
add_subdirectory(src/Detectors) add_subdirectory(src/Detectors)
add_subdirectory(src/Plotters/ROOT) add_subdirectory(src/Plotters)

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@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
#include <string>
#include "DetectorEfficiency.h"
#include "StripDetector.h"
#include "QQQDetector.h"
#include "Target.h"
#include "Nucleus.h"
#include "MaskFile.h"
#include "AnasenDeadChannelMap.h"
struct DetectorResult {
bool detectFlag = false;
Mask::Vec3 direction;
double energy_deposited = 0.0;
std::string det_name = "";
class AnasenEfficiency : public DetectorEfficiency {
void CalculateEfficiency(const std::string& inputname, const std::string& outputname, const std::string& statsname) override;
void DrawDetectorSystem(const std::string& filename) override;
double RunConsistencyCheck() override;
inline void SetDeadChannelMap(const std::string& filename) { dmap.LoadMapfile(filename); }
DetectorResult IsRing1(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus);
DetectorResult IsRing2(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus);
DetectorResult IsQQQ(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus);
DetectorResult IsAnasen(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus);
void CountCoincidences(const Mask::MaskFileData& data, std::vector<int>& counts, Mask::RxnType rxn_type);
std::vector<StripDetector> m_Ring1, m_Ring2;
std::vector<QQQDetector> m_forwardQQQs;
std::vector<QQQDetector> m_backwardQQQs;
Mask::Target det_silicon;
AnasenDeadChannelMap dmap;
/**** ANASEN geometry constants *****/
const int n_sx3_per_ring = 12;
const int n_qqq = 4;
const double sx3_length = 0.075;
const double sx3_width = 0.04;
const double barrel_gap = 0.0254;
const double sx3_frame = 0.049; //0.049 is base gap due to frames
const double ring1_z = sx3_length/2.0 + sx3_frame + barrel_gap/2.0;
const double ring2_z = (-1.0)*(barrel_gap/2.0 + sx3_length/2.0);
const double qqq_nom_z = 0.0125 + sx3_length + sx3_frame + barrel_gap/2.0;
const double qqq_rinner = 0.0501;
const double qqq_router = 0.0990;
const double qqq_deltaphi = 1.52119;
const double qqq_z[4] = {qqq_nom_z, qqq_nom_z, qqq_nom_z, qqq_nom_z};
const double qqq_phi[4] = {5.49779, 0.785398, 2.35619, 3.92699};
const double ring_rho[12] = {0.0890601, 0.0889871, 0.0890354, 0.0890247, 0.0890354, 0.0890354, 0.0890247, 0.0890354, 0.0890354, 0.0890247, 0.0890354, 0.0890354};
const double ring_phi[12] = {4.97426, 5.49739, 6.02132, 0.261868, 0.785398, 1.30893, 1.83266, 2.35619, 2.87972, 3.40346, 3.92699, 4.45052};
static constexpr double threshold = 0.6; //MeV
static constexpr double deg2rad = M_PI/180.0;
static constexpr double si_thickness = 1000 * 1e-4 * 2.3926 * 1e6; //thickness in um -> eff thickness in ug/cm^2 for detector

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@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
namespace Mask {
class AngularDistribution {
AngularDistribution(const std::string& file);
void ReadDistributionFile(const std::string& file);
double GetRandomCosTheta();
inline int GetL() { return L; }
inline double GetBranchingRatio() { return branchingRatio; }
inline bool IsIsotropic() { return isoFlag; }
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> uniform_cosine_dist;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> uniform_prob_dist;
double branchingRatio;
int L;
std::vector<double> constants;
bool isoFlag;

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
#include "ReactionSystem.h"
#include "AngularDistribution.h"
namespace Mask {
class DecaySystem: public ReactionSystem {
DecaySystem(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a);
bool SetNuclei(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a) override;
void RunSystem() override;
const std::vector<Nucleus>& GetNuclei() override;
inline void SetDecay1Distribution(const std::string& filename) { decay1dist.ReadDistributionFile(filename); }
inline const Nucleus& GetTarget() const { return step1.GetTarget(); }
inline const Nucleus& GetEjectile() const { return step1.GetEjectile(); }
inline const Nucleus& GetResidual() const { return step1.GetResidual(); }
inline int GetDecay1AngularMomentum() { return decay1dist.GetL(); }
inline double GetDecay1BranchingRatio() { return decay1dist.GetBranchingRatio(); }
void LinkTarget() override;
void SetSystemEquation() override;
Reaction step1;
AngularDistribution decay1dist;

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
#ifndef MASKAPP_H
#define MASKAPP_H
#include "ReactionSystem.h"
#include "DecaySystem.h"
#include "OneStepSystem.h"
#include "TwoStepSystem.h"
#include "ThreeStepSystem.h"
#include "RxnType.h"
namespace Mask {
class MaskApp {
bool LoadConfig(const std::string& filename);
bool SaveConfig(const std::string& filename);
inline int GetNumberOfSamples() const { return m_nsamples; };
inline const std::string GetSystemName() const { return m_sys == nullptr ? "" : m_sys->GetSystemEquation(); };
inline const std::string GetOutputName() const { return m_outfile_name; };
inline const RxnType GetReactionType() const { return m_rxn_type; };
void Run();
ReactionSystem* m_sys;
std::string m_outfile_name;
RxnType m_rxn_type;
int m_nsamples;

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
Nucleus is a derived class of Vec4. A nucleus is the kinematics is essentially a 4 vector with the
additional properties of the number of total nucleons (A), the number of protons (Z), a ground state mass,
an exctitation energy, and an isotopic symbol.
--GWM Jan 2021
#ifndef NUCLEUS_H
#define NUCLEUS_H
#include "Vec4.h"
#include <string>
namespace Mask {
class Nucleus : public Vec4 {
Nucleus(int Z, int A);
Nucleus(int Z, int A, double px, double py, double pz, double E);
virtual ~Nucleus() override;
bool SetIsotope(int Z, int A);
inline void SetThetaCM(double tcm) { m_theta_cm = tcm; }; //save theta in rxn CM frame
inline int GetZ() const { return m_z; };
inline int GetA() const { return m_a; };
inline double GetExcitationEnergy() const { return GetInvMass() - m_gs_mass; };
inline double GetGroundStateMass() const { return m_gs_mass; };
inline const char* GetIsotopicSymbol() const { return m_symbol.c_str(); };
inline double GetThetaCM() const { return m_theta_cm; };
inline void SetDetected() { m_detectFlag = true; };
inline void SetNotDetected() { m_detectFlag = false; };
inline bool IsDetected() const { return m_detectFlag; };
inline Nucleus& operator=(const Nucleus& rhs) {
SetIsotope(rhs.GetZ(), rhs.GetA());
SetVectorCartesian(rhs.GetPx(), rhs.GetPy(), rhs.GetPz(), rhs.GetE());
return *this;
//Conservation of nucleons and momentum
inline Nucleus operator+(const Nucleus& daughter) {
return Nucleus(GetZ()+daughter.GetZ(), GetA()+daughter.GetA(), GetPx()+daughter.GetPx(), GetPy()+daughter.GetPy(), GetPz()+daughter.GetPz(), GetE()+daughter.GetE());
inline Nucleus operator-(const Nucleus& daughter) {
return (GetZ() - daughter.GetZ()) <= 0 || (GetA() - daughter.GetA()) <= 0 ? Nucleus() :
Nucleus(GetZ()-daughter.GetZ(), GetA() - daughter.GetA(), GetPx()-daughter.GetPx(), GetPy()-daughter.GetPy(), GetPz()-daughter.GetPz(), GetE()-daughter.GetE());
int m_z, m_a;
double m_gs_mass;
double m_theta_cm;
std::string m_symbol;
bool m_detectFlag;

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
#include "ReactionSystem.h"
namespace Mask {
class OneStepSystem: public ReactionSystem {
OneStepSystem(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a);
bool SetNuclei(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a) override;
void RunSystem() override;
const std::vector<Nucleus>& GetNuclei() override;
inline void SetReactionThetaType(int type) { step1.SetEjectileThetaType(type); };
inline const Nucleus& GetTarget() const { return step1.GetTarget(); };
inline const Nucleus& GetProjectile() const { return step1.GetProjectile(); };
inline const Nucleus& GetEjectile() const { return step1.GetEjectile(); };
inline const Nucleus& GetResidual() const { return step1.GetResidual(); };
void LinkTarget() override;
void SetSystemEquation() override;
Reaction step1;

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
Class implementing geometry for QQQDetector where the detector is perpendicular to the beam axis.
Detector is first generated centered on the x-axis (phi=0)
Coordinate convention : +z is downstream, -z is upstream. +y is vertically down in the lab.
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include "Vec3.h"
#include "Rotation.h"
#include "RandomGenerator.h"
class QQQDetector {
QQQDetector(double R_in, double R_out, double deltaPhi, double phiCentral, double z, double x=0, double y=0);
inline Mask::Vec3 GetRingCoordinates(int ringch, int corner) { return m_ringCoords[ringch][corner]; }
inline Mask::Vec3 GetWedgeCoordinates(int wedgech, int corner) { return m_wedgeCoords[wedgech][corner]; }
inline Mask::Vec3 GetNorm() { return m_norm; }
Mask::Vec3 GetTrajectoryCoordinates(double theta, double phi);
std::pair<int, int> GetTrajectoryRingWedge(double theta, double phi);
Mask::Vec3 GetHitCoordinates(int ringch, int wedgech);
inline void TurnOnRandomizedCoordinates() { rndmFlag = true; }
inline void TurnOffRandomizedCoordinates() { rndmFlag = false; }
inline int GetNumberOfRings() { return nrings; }
inline int GetNumberOfWedges() { return nwedges; }
inline bool CheckChannel(int ch) { return (ch >=0 && ch < nrings); }
inline bool CheckCorner(int corner) { return (corner >=0 && corner < 4); }
void CalculateCorners();
Mask::Vec3 TransformCoordinates(Mask::Vec3& vector) { return m_ZRot*vector + m_translation; }
double m_Rinner, m_Router, m_deltaR, m_deltaPhi, m_deltaPhi_per_wedge, m_phiCentral;
std::vector<std::vector<Mask::Vec3>> m_ringCoords, m_wedgeCoords;
Mask::Vec3 m_translation;
Mask::Vec3 m_norm;
Mask::ZRotation m_ZRot;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> m_uniform_fraction;
bool rndmFlag;
static constexpr int nrings = 16;
static constexpr int nwedges = 16;
static constexpr double deg2rad = M_PI/180.0;

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
#include <random>
namespace Mask {
class RandomGenerator {
inline std::mt19937& GetGenerator() { return rng; }
inline static RandomGenerator& GetInstance() {
static RandomGenerator s_instance;
return s_instance;
std::mt19937 rng;

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@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
Reaction is a class which implements either a decay or scattering reaction. As such it requires either
3 (decay) or 4 (scattering) nuclei to perform any calcualtions. I also links together the target, which provides
energy loss calculations, with the kinematics. Note that Reaction does not own the LayeredTarget.
--GWM Jan. 2021
#ifndef REACTION_H
#define REACTION_H
#include "Nucleus.h"
#include "LayeredTarget.h"
namespace Mask {
class Reaction {
Reaction(int zt, int at, int zp, int ap, int ze, int ae);
bool Calculate();
void SetNuclei(int zt, int at, int zp, int ap, int ze, int ae);
void SetNuclei(const Nucleus* nucs);
void SetBeamKE(double bke);
void SetEjectileThetaType(int type);
inline void SetLayeredTarget(LayeredTarget* targ) { target = targ; };
inline void SetPolarRxnAngle(double theta) { m_theta = theta; };
inline void SetAzimRxnAngle(double phi) { m_phi = phi; };
inline void SetExcitation(double ex) { m_ex = ex; };
inline void SetTarget(const Nucleus& nuc) { reactants[0] = nuc; };
inline void SetTarget(int z, int a) { reactants[0] = Nucleus(z, a); };
inline void SetProjectile(const Nucleus& nuc) { reactants[1] = nuc; };
inline void SetProjectile(int z, int a) { reactants[1] = Nucleus(z, a); };
inline void SetEjectile(const Nucleus& nuc) { reactants[2] = nuc; };
inline void SetEjectile(int z, int a) { reactants[2] = Nucleus(z, a); };
inline void SetResidual(const Nucleus& nuc) { reactants[3] = nuc; };
inline void SetResidual(int z, int a) { reactants[3] = Nucleus(z, a); };
inline void SetRxnLayer(int layer) { rxnLayer = layer; };
inline void TurnOffResidualEloss() { resid_elossFlag = false; };
inline void TurnOnResidualEloss() { resid_elossFlag = true; };
inline bool IsDecay() { return decayFlag; };
inline const Nucleus* GetNuclei() const { return &(reactants[0]); };
inline const Nucleus& GetProjectile() const { return reactants[1]; };
inline const Nucleus& GetTarget() const { return reactants[0]; };
inline const Nucleus& GetEjectile() const { return reactants[2]; };
inline const Nucleus& GetResidual() const { return reactants[3]; };
inline int GetRxnLayer() { return rxnLayer; };
inline void ResetTarget() { reactants[0].SetVectorCartesian(0,0,0, reactants[0].GetGroundStateMass()); }
inline void ResetProjectile() { reactants[1].SetVectorCartesian(0,0,0, reactants[1].GetGroundStateMass()); }
inline void ResetEjectile() { reactants[2].SetVectorCartesian(0,0,0, reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass()); }
inline void ResetResidual() { reactants[3].SetVectorCartesian(0,0,0, reactants[3].GetGroundStateMass()); }
void CalculateDecay(); //target -> light_decay (eject) + heavy_decay(resid)
void CalculateReaction(); //target + project -> eject + resid
void CalculateReactionThetaLab();
void CalculateReactionThetaCM();
Nucleus reactants[4]; //0=target, 1=projectile, 2=ejectile, 3=residual
LayeredTarget* target; //not owned by Reaction
double m_bke, m_theta, m_phi, m_ex;
int rxnLayer;
int m_eject_theta_type;
bool decayFlag, nuc_initFlag, resid_elossFlag;
static constexpr int lab = 0;
static constexpr int center_of_mass = 1;

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "Nucleus.h"
#include "RxnType.h"
#include "MaskFile.h"
#include <THashTable.h>
#include <TH1.h>
#include <TH2.h>
#include <TGraph.h>
struct GraphData {
std::string name;
std::string title;
std::vector<double> xvec;
std::vector<double> yvec;
int color;
class RootPlotter {
inline void ClearTable() { table->Clear(); };
inline THashTable* GetTable() {
return table;
void FillData(const Mask::Nucleus& nuc, double detKE = 0.0, const std::string& modifier = "");
void FillCorrelations(const Mask::MaskFileData& data, Mask::RxnType type);
void FillCorrelationsDetected(const Mask::MaskFileData& data, Mask::RxnType type);
THashTable* table;
void GenerateGraphs();
void MyFill(const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int bins, float min, float max, double val);
void MyFill(const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int binsx, float minx, float maxx, int binsy, float miny, float maxy, double valx, double valy);
void MyFill(const std::string& name, const std::string& title, double valx, double valy, int color); //TGraph
std::vector<TGraph*> garbage_collection;
std::vector<GraphData> graphs;
static constexpr double rad2deg = 180.0/M_PI;

View File

@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
Class which represents a single MMM detector in the SABRE array at FSU. Origial code by KGH, re-written by
Distances in meters, angles in radians.
The channel arrays have four points, one for each corner. The corners are
as follows, as if looking BACK along beam (i.e. from the target's pov):
| |
| | x
| | <-----
| | |
| | |
3---------------------2 y
(z is hence positive along beam direction)
The channel numbers, also as looking back from target pov, are:
>> rings are 0 -- 15 from inner to outer:
15 -------------------
14 -------------------
13 -------------------
2 -------------------
1 -------------------
0 -------------------
>> wedges are 0 -- 7 moving counterclockwise:
7 6 ... 1 0
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
>> Note that the detector starts centered on the x-axis (central phi = 0) untilted, and then is rotated to wherever the frick
it is supposed to go; phi = 90 is centered on y axis, pointing down towards the bottom of the scattering chamber
-- GWM, Dec 2020; based on the og code from kgh
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include "Vec3.h"
#include "Rotation.h"
class SabreDetector {
SabreDetector(int detID, double Rin, double Rout, double deltaPhi_flat, double phiCentral, double tiltFromVert, double zdist, double xdist=0, double ydist=0);
/*Return coordinates of the corners of each ring/wedge in SABRE*/
inline Mask::Vec3 GetRingFlatCoords(int ch, int corner) { return CheckRingLocation(ch, corner) ? m_ringCoords_flat[ch][corner] : Mask::Vec3(); };
inline Mask::Vec3 GetWedgeFlatCoords(int ch, int corner) { return CheckWedgeLocation(ch, corner) ? m_wedgeCoords_flat[ch][corner] : Mask::Vec3(); };
inline Mask::Vec3 GetRingTiltCoords(int ch, int corner) { return CheckRingLocation(ch, corner) ? m_ringCoords_tilt[ch][corner] : Mask::Vec3(); };
inline Mask::Vec3 GetWedgeTiltCoords(int ch, int corner) { return CheckWedgeLocation(ch, corner) ? m_wedgeCoords_tilt[ch][corner] : Mask::Vec3(); };
Mask::Vec3 GetTrajectoryCoordinates(double theta, double phi);
std::pair<int, int> GetTrajectoryRingWedge(double theta, double phi);
Mask::Vec3 GetHitCoordinates(int ringch, int wedgech);
/*Basic getters*/
inline int GetNumberOfWedges() { return m_nWedges; };
inline int GetNumberOfRings() { return m_nRings; };
inline double GetInnerRadius() { return m_Rinner; };
inline double GetOuterRadius() { return m_Router; };
inline double GetPhiCentral() { return m_phiCentral; };
inline double GetTiltAngle() { return m_tilt; };
inline Mask::Vec3 GetTranslation() { return m_translation; };
inline Mask::Vec3 GetNormTilted() { return TransformToTiltedFrame(m_norm_flat); };
int GetDetectorID() { return m_detectorID; }
/*Class constants*/
static constexpr int m_nRings = 16;
static constexpr int m_nWedges = 8;
static constexpr double deg2rad = M_PI/180.0;
/*These are implicitly the width of the spacing between detector active strips*/
static constexpr double POSITION_TOL = 0.0001; //0.1 mm position tolerance
static constexpr double ANGULAR_TOL = 0.1*M_PI/180.0; // 0.1 degree angular tolerance
void CalculateCorners();
/*Performs the transformation to the tilted,rotated,translated frame of the SABRE detector*/
inline Mask::Vec3 TransformToTiltedFrame(Mask::Vec3& vector) { return (m_ZRot*(m_YRot*vector)) + m_translation; };
/*Determine if a given channel/corner combo is valid*/
inline bool CheckRingChannel(int ch) { return (ch<m_nRings && ch>=0) ? true : false; };
inline bool CheckWedgeChannel(int ch) { return (ch<m_nWedges && ch >=0) ? true : false; };
inline bool CheckCorner(int corner) { return (corner < 4 && corner >=0) ? true : false; };
inline bool CheckRingLocation(int ch, int corner) { return CheckRingChannel(ch) && CheckCorner(corner); };
inline bool CheckWedgeLocation(int ch, int corner) { return CheckWedgeChannel(ch) && CheckCorner(corner); };
For all of the calculations, need a limit precision to determine if values are actually equal or not
Here the approx. size of the strip spacing is used as the precision.
inline bool CheckPositionEqual(double val1,double val2) { return fabs(val1-val2) > POSITION_TOL ? false : true; };
inline bool CheckAngleEqual(double val1,double val2) { return fabs(val1-val2) > ANGULAR_TOL ? false : true; };
/*Determine if a hit is within the bulk detector*/
inline bool IsInside(double r, double phi) {
double phi_1 = m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0;
double phi_2 = M_PI*2.0 - m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0;
return (((r > m_Rinner && r < m_Router) || CheckPositionEqual(r, m_Rinner) || CheckPositionEqual(r, m_Router)) && (phi > phi_2 || phi < phi_1 || CheckAngleEqual(phi, phi_1) || CheckAngleEqual(phi, phi_2)));
For a given radius/phi are you inside of a given ring/wedge channel,
or are you on the spacing between these channels
inline bool IsRing(double r, int ringch) {
double ringtop = m_Rinner + m_deltaR_flat_ring*(ringch + 1);
double ringbottom = m_Rinner + m_deltaR_flat_ring*(ringch);
return (r>ringbottom && r<ringtop);
inline bool IsRingTopEdge(double r, int ringch) {
double ringtop = m_Rinner + m_deltaR_flat_ring*(ringch + 1);
return CheckPositionEqual(r, ringtop);
inline bool IsRingBottomEdge(double r, int ringch) {
double ringbottom = m_Rinner + m_deltaR_flat_ring*(ringch);
return CheckPositionEqual(r, ringbottom);
inline bool IsWedge(double phi, int wedgech) {
double wedgetop = -m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0 + m_deltaPhi_flat_wedge*(wedgech+1);
double wedgebottom = -m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0 + m_deltaPhi_flat_wedge*(wedgech);
return ((phi>wedgebottom && phi<wedgetop));
inline bool IsWedgeTopEdge(double phi, int wedgech) {
double wedgetop = -m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0 + m_deltaPhi_flat_wedge*(wedgech+1);
return CheckAngleEqual(phi, wedgetop);
inline bool IsWedgeBottomEdge(double phi, int wedgech) {
double wedgebottom = -m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0 + m_deltaPhi_flat_wedge*(wedgech);
return CheckAngleEqual(phi, wedgebottom);
/*Class data*/
double m_Router, m_Rinner, m_deltaPhi_flat, m_phiCentral, m_tilt;
Mask::Vec3 m_translation;
Mask::YRotation m_YRot;
Mask::ZRotation m_ZRot;
double m_deltaR_flat, m_deltaR_flat_ring, m_deltaPhi_flat_wedge;
Mask::Vec3 m_norm_flat;
int m_detectorID;
std::vector<std::vector<Mask::Vec3>> m_ringCoords_flat, m_wedgeCoords_flat;
std::vector<std::vector<Mask::Vec3>> m_ringCoords_tilt, m_wedgeCoords_tilt;

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
#include "MaskFile.h"
#include "DetectorEfficiency.h"
#include "SabreDetector.h"
#include "Target.h"
#include "SabreDeadChannelMap.h"
#include "Nucleus.h"
class SabreEfficiency : public DetectorEfficiency {
void SetDeadChannelMap(std::string& filename) { dmap.LoadMapfile(filename); };
void CalculateEfficiency(const std::string& inputname, const std::string& outputname, const std::string& statsname) override;
void DrawDetectorSystem(const std::string& filename) override;
double RunConsistencyCheck() override;
std::pair<bool,double> IsSabre(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus);
void CountCoincidences(const Mask::MaskFileData& data, std::vector<int>& counts, Mask::RxnType rxn_type);
std::vector<SabreDetector> detectors;
Mask::Target deadlayer;
Mask::Target sabre_eloss;
Mask::Target degrader;
SabreDeadChannelMap dmap;
//Sabre constants
const double INNER_R = 0.0326;
const double OUTER_R = 0.1351;
const double TILT = 40.0;
const double DIST_2_TARG = -0.1245;
const double PHI_COVERAGE = 54.4; //delta phi for each det
const double PHI0 = 306.0; //center phi values for each det in array
const double PHI1 = 18.0; //# is equal to detID in channel map
const double PHI2 = 234.0;
const double PHI3 = 162.0;
const double PHI4 = 90.0;
const double DEG2RAD = M_PI/180.0;
static constexpr double DEADLAYER_THIN = 50 * 1e-7 * 2.3296 * 1e6; // ug/cm^2 (50 nm thick * density)
static constexpr double SABRE_THICKNESS = 500 * 1e-4 * 2.3926 * 1e6; // ug/cm^2 (500 um thick * density)
static constexpr double DEGRADER_THICKNESS = 70.0 * 1.0e-4 * 16.69 * 1e6; //tantalum degrader (70 um thick)
const double ENERGY_THRESHOLD = 0.25; //in MeV

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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
Simple class designed to provide timing info on parts of the process.
Only for use in development.
Written by G.W. McCann Oct. 2020
#include <chrono>
class Stopwatch {
void Start();
void Stop();
double GetElapsedSeconds();
double GetElapsedMilliseconds();
using Time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point;
using Clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
Time start_time, stop_time;

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
// +z is along beam axis
// +y is vertically "downward" in the lab frame
//angles must be in radians, but distances can be whatever
//PROVIDED all input distances are the same
//Front strips from largest y to smallest y
//Back strips from lowest z to highest z
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include "Vec3.h"
#include "Rotation.h"
#include "RandomGenerator.h"
struct StripHit
int front_strip_index=-1;
int back_strip_index=-1;
double front_ratio=0.0;
class StripDetector {
StripDetector(int ns, double len, double wid, double cphi, double cz, double crho);
inline Mask::Vec3 GetFrontStripCoordinates(int stripch, int corner) { return front_strip_coords[stripch][corner]; }
inline Mask::Vec3 GetBackStripCoordinates(int stripch, int corner) { return back_strip_coords[stripch][corner]; }
inline Mask::Vec3 GetRotatedFrontStripCoordinates(int stripch, int corner) { return rotated_front_strip_coords[stripch][corner]; }
inline Mask::Vec3 GetRotatedBackStripCoordinates(int stripch, int corner) { return rotated_back_strip_coords[stripch][corner]; }
inline Mask::Vec3 GetNormRotated() { return zRot*m_norm_unrot; }
inline void TurnOnRandomizedCoordinates() { rndmFlag = true; }
inline void TurnOffRandomizedCoordinates() { rndmFlag = false; }
Mask::Vec3 GetHitCoordinates(int front_stripch, double front_strip_ratio);
StripHit GetChannelRatio(double theta, double phi);
inline bool ValidChannel(int f) { return ((f >= 0 && f < num_strips) ? true : false); };
inline bool ValidRatio(double r) { return ((r >= -1 && r <= 1) ? true : false); };
void CalculateCorners();
int num_strips;
static constexpr int num_corners = 4;
double length; //common to all strips, hence total
double total_width;
double front_strip_width; //assuming equal widths
double back_strip_length; //assuming equal widths
double center_phi; //assuming det centered above x-axis (corresponds to zero phi)
double center_z;
double center_rho; //perpendicular radius from axis
std::vector<std::vector<Mask::Vec3>> front_strip_coords, back_strip_coords;
std::vector<std::vector<Mask::Vec3>> rotated_front_strip_coords, rotated_back_strip_coords;
Mask::Vec3 m_norm_unrot;
Mask::ZRotation zRot;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> m_uniform_fraction;
bool rndmFlag;

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
#include "ReactionSystem.h"
#include "AngularDistribution.h"
namespace Mask {
class ThreeStepSystem : public ReactionSystem {
ThreeStepSystem(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a);
bool SetNuclei(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a) override;
void RunSystem() override;
const std::vector<Nucleus>& GetNuclei() override;
inline void SetDecay1Distribution(const std::string& filename) { decay1dist.ReadDistributionFile(filename); };
inline void SetDecay2Distribution(const std::string& filename) { decay2dist.ReadDistributionFile(filename); };
inline void SetReactionThetaType(int type) { step1.SetEjectileThetaType(type); };
inline const Nucleus& GetTarget() const { return step1.GetTarget(); };
inline const Nucleus& GetProjectile() const { return step1.GetProjectile(); };
inline const Nucleus& GetEjectile() const { return step1.GetEjectile(); };
inline const Nucleus& GetResidual() const { return step1.GetResidual(); };
inline const Nucleus& GetBreakup1() const { return step2.GetEjectile(); };
inline const Nucleus& GetBreakup2() const { return step2.GetResidual(); };
inline const Nucleus& GetBreakup3() const { return step3.GetEjectile(); };
inline const Nucleus& GetBreakup4() const { return step3.GetResidual(); };
inline int GetDecay1AngularMomentum() { return decay1dist.GetL(); };
inline int GetDecay2AngularMomentum(){ return decay2dist.GetL(); };
inline double GetDecay1BranchingRatio() { return decay1dist.GetBranchingRatio(); };
inline double GetDecay2BranchingRatio(){ return decay2dist.GetBranchingRatio(); };
void LinkTarget() override;
void SetSystemEquation() override;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> m_phi2Range;
Reaction step1, step2, step3;
AngularDistribution decay1dist, decay2dist;

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
#include "ReactionSystem.h"
#include "AngularDistribution.h"
namespace Mask {
class TwoStepSystem : public ReactionSystem {
TwoStepSystem(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a);
bool SetNuclei(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a) override;
void RunSystem() override;
const std::vector<Nucleus>& GetNuclei() override;
inline void SetDecay1Distribution(const std::string& filename) { decay1dist.ReadDistributionFile(filename); };
inline void SetReactionThetaType(int type) { step1.SetEjectileThetaType(type); };
inline const Nucleus& GetTarget() const { return step1.GetTarget(); };
inline const Nucleus& GetProjectile() const { return step1.GetProjectile(); };
inline const Nucleus& GetEjectile() const { return step1.GetEjectile(); };
inline const Nucleus& GetResidual() const { return step1.GetResidual(); };
inline const Nucleus& GetBreakup1() const { return step2.GetEjectile(); };
inline const Nucleus& GetBreakup2() const { return step2.GetResidual(); };
inline int GetDecay1AngularMomentum() { return decay1dist.GetL(); };
inline double GetDecay1BranchingRatio() { return decay1dist.GetBranchingRatio(); };
void LinkTarget() override;
void SetSystemEquation() override;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> m_phi2Range;
Reaction step1, step2;
AngularDistribution decay1dist;

View File

@ -1,28 +1,26 @@
----------Data Information---------- ----------Data Information----------
OutputFile: /data1/gwm17/7BeNov2021/sim/7Bedp_1100keV_beam_50CD2.mask OutputFile: /media/data/gwm17/mask_tests/10B3Hea_test.root
----------Reaction Information---------- ----------Reaction Information----------
ReactionType: TwoStepRxn ReactionType: OneStepRxn
Z A (order is target, projectile, ejectile, break1, break3(if pure decay is target, ejectile)) Z A (order is target, projectile, ejectile, break1, break3(if pure decay is target, ejectile))
1 2 5 10
4 7 2 3
1 1
2 4 2 4
----------Target Information---------- ----------Target Information----------
NumberOfLayers: 1 NumberOfLayers: 1
begin_layer begin_layer
Thickness(ug/cm^2): 50 Thickness(ug/cm^2): 50
begin_elements (Z, A, Stoich.) begin_elements (Z, A, Stoich.)
element 1 2 2 element 5 10 1
element 6 12 1
end_elements end_elements
end_layer end_layer
----------Sampling Information---------- ----------Sampling Information----------
NumberOfSamples: 100000 NumberOfSamples: 1000
BeamMeanEnergy(MeV): 1.1 BeamEnergySigma(MeV): 0.0 BeamMeanEnergy(MeV): 24.0 BeamEnergySigma(MeV): 0.0
EjectileThetaType(0=Lab,1=CM): 1 EjectileThetaType(0=Lab,1=CM): 1
EjectileThetaMin(deg): 0.0 EjectileThetaMax(deg): 180.0 EjectileThetaMin(deg): 0.0 EjectileThetaMax(deg): 180.0
EjectilePhiMin(deg): 0.0 EjectilePhiMax(deg): 360.0 EjectilePhiMin(deg): 0.0 EjectilePhiMax(deg): 360.0
ResidualExMean(MeV): 0.0 ResidualExSigma(MeV): 0.0 ResidualExMean(MeV): 16.8 ResidualExSigma(MeV): 0.023
Decay1_DistributionFile: ./etc/isotropic_dist.txt Decay1_DistributionFile: ./etc/isotropic_dist.txt
Decay2_DistributionFile: ./etc/isotropic_dist.txt Decay2_DistributionFile: ./etc/isotropic_dist.txt
-------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public:
AnasenDeadChannelMap(const std::string& filename); AnasenDeadChannelMap(const std::string& filename);
~AnasenDeadChannelMap(); ~AnasenDeadChannelMap();
void LoadMapfile(const std::string& filename); void LoadMapfile(const std::string& filename);
inline const bool IsValid() const { return valid_flag; } const bool IsValid() const { return valid_flag; }
const bool IsDead(AnasenDetectorType type, int detIndex, int channel, AnasenDetectorSide side) const; const bool IsDead(AnasenDetectorType type, int detIndex, int channel, AnasenDetectorSide side) const;
private: private:
void InitMap(); void InitMap();

View File

@ -3,194 +3,221 @@
#include <iomanip> #include <iomanip>
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
AnasenEfficiency::AnasenEfficiency() : AnasenEfficiency::AnasenEfficiency() :
DetectorEfficiency(), det_silicon(si_thickness) DetectorEfficiency(), m_detectorEloss({14}, {28}, {1}, s_detectorThickness)
{ {
for(int i=0; i<n_sx3_per_ring; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nSX3PerBarrel; i++)
m_Ring1.emplace_back(4, sx3_length, sx3_width, ring_phi[i], ring1_z, ring_rho[i]); {
m_Ring1[i].TurnOnRandomizedCoordinates(); m_Ring1.emplace_back(4, s_sx3Length, s_sx3Width, s_barrelPhiList[i], s_barrel1Z, s_barrelRhoList[i]);
m_Ring2.emplace_back(4, sx3_length, sx3_width, ring_phi[i], ring2_z, ring_rho[i]); m_Ring1[i].SetPixelSmearing(true);
m_Ring2[i].TurnOnRandomizedCoordinates(); m_Ring2.emplace_back(4, s_sx3Length, s_sx3Width, s_barrelPhiList[i], s_barrel2Z, s_barrelRhoList[i]);
} }
for(int i=0; i<n_qqq; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nQQQ; i++)
m_forwardQQQs.emplace_back(qqq_rinner, qqq_router, qqq_deltaphi, qqq_phi[i], qqq_z[i]); {
m_forwardQQQs[i].TurnOnRandomizedCoordinates(); m_forwardQQQs.emplace_back(s_qqqInnerR, s_qqqOuterR, s_qqqDeltaPhi, s_qqqPhiList[i], s_qqqZList[i]);
m_backwardQQQs.emplace_back(qqq_rinner, qqq_router, qqq_deltaphi, qqq_phi[i], (-1.0)*qqq_z[i]); m_forwardQQQs[i].SetSmearing(true);
m_backwardQQQs[i].TurnOnRandomizedCoordinates(); m_backwardQQQs.emplace_back(s_qqqInnerR, s_qqqOuterR, s_qqqDeltaPhi, s_qqqPhiList[i], (-1.0)*s_qqqZList[i]);
} }
std::vector<int> det_z = {14};
std::vector<int> det_a = {28};
std::vector<int> det_stoich = {1};
det_silicon.SetElements(det_z, det_a, det_stoich);
} }
AnasenEfficiency::~AnasenEfficiency() {} AnasenEfficiency::~AnasenEfficiency() {}
void AnasenEfficiency::DrawDetectorSystem(const std::string& filename) { void AnasenEfficiency::DrawDetectorSystem(const std::string& filename)
std::ofstream output(filename); std::ofstream output(filename);
std::vector<double> x, y, z; std::vector<double> x, y, z;
std::vector<double> cx, cy, cz; std::vector<double> cx, cy, cz;
Mask::Vec3 coords; ROOT::Math::XYZPoint coords;
for(int i=0; i<n_sx3_per_ring; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nSX3PerBarrel; i++)
for(int j=0; j<4; j++) { {
for(int k=0; k<4; k++) { for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
for(int k=0; k<4; k++)
coords = m_Ring1[i].GetRotatedFrontStripCoordinates(j, k); coords = m_Ring1[i].GetRotatedFrontStripCoordinates(j, k);
x.push_back(coords.GetX()); x.push_back(coords.X());
y.push_back(coords.GetY()); y.push_back(coords.Y());
z.push_back(coords.GetZ()); z.push_back(coords.Z());
coords = m_Ring1[i].GetRotatedBackStripCoordinates(j, k); coords = m_Ring1[i].GetRotatedBackStripCoordinates(j, k);
x.push_back(coords.GetX()); x.push_back(coords.X());
y.push_back(coords.GetY()); y.push_back(coords.Y());
z.push_back(coords.GetZ()); z.push_back(coords.Z());
} }
coords = m_Ring1[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, 0); coords = m_Ring1[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, 0);
cx.push_back(coords.GetX()); cx.push_back(coords.X());
cy.push_back(coords.GetY()); cy.push_back(coords.Y());
cz.push_back(coords.GetZ()); cz.push_back(coords.Z());
} }
} }
for(int i=0; i<n_sx3_per_ring; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nSX3PerBarrel; i++)
for(int j=0; j<4; j++) { {
for(int k=0; k<4; k++) { for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
for(int k=0; k<4; k++)
coords = m_Ring2[i].GetRotatedFrontStripCoordinates(j, k); coords = m_Ring2[i].GetRotatedFrontStripCoordinates(j, k);
x.push_back(coords.GetX()); x.push_back(coords.X());
y.push_back(coords.GetY()); y.push_back(coords.Y());
z.push_back(coords.GetZ()); z.push_back(coords.Z());
coords = m_Ring2[i].GetRotatedBackStripCoordinates(j, k); coords = m_Ring2[i].GetRotatedBackStripCoordinates(j, k);
x.push_back(coords.GetX()); x.push_back(coords.X());
y.push_back(coords.GetY()); y.push_back(coords.Y());
z.push_back(coords.GetZ()); z.push_back(coords.Z());
} }
coords = m_Ring2[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, 0); coords = m_Ring2[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, 0);
cx.push_back(coords.GetX()); cx.push_back(coords.X());
cy.push_back(coords.GetY()); cy.push_back(coords.Y());
cz.push_back(coords.GetZ()); cz.push_back(coords.Z());
} }
} }
for(int i=0; i<n_qqq; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nQQQ; i++)
for(int j=0; j<16; j++) { {
for(int k=0; k<4; k++) { for(int j=0; j<16; j++)
for(int k=0; k<4; k++)
coords = m_forwardQQQs[i].GetRingCoordinates(j, k); coords = m_forwardQQQs[i].GetRingCoordinates(j, k);
x.push_back(coords.GetX()); x.push_back(coords.X());
y.push_back(coords.GetY()); y.push_back(coords.Y());
z.push_back(coords.GetZ()); z.push_back(coords.Z());
coords = m_forwardQQQs[i].GetWedgeCoordinates(j, k); coords = m_forwardQQQs[i].GetWedgeCoordinates(j, k);
x.push_back(coords.GetX()); x.push_back(coords.X());
y.push_back(coords.GetY()); y.push_back(coords.Y());
z.push_back(coords.GetZ()); z.push_back(coords.Z());
} }
for(int k=0; k<16; k++) { for(int k=0; k<16; k++)
coords = m_forwardQQQs[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, k); coords = m_forwardQQQs[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, k);
cx.push_back(coords.GetX()); cx.push_back(coords.X());
cy.push_back(coords.GetY()); cy.push_back(coords.Y());
cz.push_back(coords.GetZ()); cz.push_back(coords.Z());
} }
} }
} }
for(int i=0; i<n_qqq; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nQQQ; i++)
for(int j=0; j<16; j++) { {
for(int k=0; k<4; k++) { for(int j=0; j<16; j++)
for(int k=0; k<4; k++)
coords = m_backwardQQQs[i].GetRingCoordinates(j, k); coords = m_backwardQQQs[i].GetRingCoordinates(j, k);
x.push_back(coords.GetX()); x.push_back(coords.X());
y.push_back(coords.GetY()); y.push_back(coords.Y());
z.push_back(coords.GetZ()); z.push_back(coords.Z());
coords = m_backwardQQQs[i].GetWedgeCoordinates(j, k); coords = m_backwardQQQs[i].GetWedgeCoordinates(j, k);
x.push_back(coords.GetX()); x.push_back(coords.X());
y.push_back(coords.GetY()); y.push_back(coords.Y());
z.push_back(coords.GetZ()); z.push_back(coords.Z());
} }
for(int k=0; k<16; k++) { for(int k=0; k<16; k++)
coords = m_backwardQQQs[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, k); coords = m_backwardQQQs[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, k);
cx.push_back(coords.GetX()); cx.push_back(coords.X());
cy.push_back(coords.GetY()); cy.push_back(coords.Y());
cz.push_back(coords.GetZ()); cz.push_back(coords.Z());
} }
} }
} }
output<<"ANASEN Geometry File -- Coordinates for Detectors"<<std::endl; output<<"ANASEN Geometry File -- Coordinates for Detectors"<<std::endl;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<x.size(); i++) { for(std::size_t i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
output<<x[i]<<" "<<y[i]<<" "<<z[i]<<std::endl; output<<x[i]<<" "<<y[i]<<" "<<z[i]<<std::endl;
} for(std::size_t i=0; i<cx.size(); i++)
for(unsigned int i=0; i<cx.size(); i++) {
output<<cx[i]<<" "<<cy[i]<<" "<<cz[i]<<std::endl; output<<cx[i]<<" "<<cy[i]<<" "<<cz[i]<<std::endl;
output.close(); output.close();
} }
double AnasenEfficiency::RunConsistencyCheck() { double AnasenEfficiency::RunConsistencyCheck()
std::vector<Mask::Vec3> r1_points; {
std::vector<Mask::Vec3> r2_points; std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZPoint> r1_points;
std::vector<Mask::Vec3> fqqq_points; std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZPoint> r2_points;
std::vector<Mask::Vec3> bqqq_points; std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZPoint> fqqq_points;
for(int i=0; i<n_sx3_per_ring; i++) { std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZPoint> bqqq_points;
for(int j=0; j<4; j++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nSX3PerBarrel; i++)
for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
r1_points.push_back(m_Ring1[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, 0)); r1_points.push_back(m_Ring1[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, 0));
} }
for(int i=0; i<n_sx3_per_ring; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nSX3PerBarrel; i++)
for(int j=0; j<4; j++) { {
for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
r2_points.push_back(m_Ring2[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, 0)); r2_points.push_back(m_Ring2[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, 0));
} }
for(int i=0; i<n_qqq; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nQQQ; i++)
for(int j=0; j<16; j++) { {
for(int k=0; k<16; k++) { for(int j=0; j<16; j++)
for(int k=0; k<16; k++)
fqqq_points.push_back(m_forwardQQQs[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, k)); fqqq_points.push_back(m_forwardQQQs[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, k));
} }
} }
for(int i=0; i<n_qqq; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nQQQ; i++)
for(int j=0; j<16; j++) { {
for(int k=0; k<16; k++) { for(int j=0; j<16; j++)
for(int k=0; k<16; k++)
bqqq_points.push_back(m_backwardQQQs[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, k)); bqqq_points.push_back(m_backwardQQQs[i].GetHitCoordinates(j, k));
} }
} }
int npoints = r1_points.size() + r2_points.size() + fqqq_points.size() + bqqq_points.size(); std::size_t npoints = r1_points.size() + r2_points.size() + fqqq_points.size() + bqqq_points.size();
int count = 0; std::size_t count = 0;
Mask::Vec3 coords; ROOT::Math::XYZPoint coords;
for(auto& point : r1_points) { for(auto& point : r1_points)
for(auto& sx3 : m_Ring1) { {
auto result = sx3.GetChannelRatio(point.GetTheta(), point.GetPhi()); for(auto& sx3 : m_Ring1)
auto result = sx3.GetChannelRatio(point.Theta(), point.Phi());
coords = sx3.GetHitCoordinates(result.front_strip_index, result.front_ratio); coords = sx3.GetHitCoordinates(result.front_strip_index, result.front_ratio);
if(IsDoubleEqual(point.GetX(), coords.GetX()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.GetY(), coords.GetY()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.GetZ(), coords.GetZ())) { if(IsDoubleEqual(point.X(), coords.X()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.Y(), coords.Y()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.Z(), coords.Z()))
count++; count++;
break; break;
} }
} }
} }
for(auto& point : r2_points) { for(auto& point : r2_points)
for(auto& sx3 : m_Ring2) { {
auto result = sx3.GetChannelRatio(point.GetTheta(), point.GetPhi()); for(auto& sx3 : m_Ring2)
auto result = sx3.GetChannelRatio(point.Theta(), point.Phi());
coords = sx3.GetHitCoordinates(result.front_strip_index, result.front_ratio); coords = sx3.GetHitCoordinates(result.front_strip_index, result.front_ratio);
if(IsDoubleEqual(point.GetX(), coords.GetX()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.GetY(), coords.GetY()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.GetZ(), coords.GetZ())) { if(IsDoubleEqual(point.X(), coords.X()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.Y(), coords.Y()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.Z(), coords.Z()))
count++; count++;
break; break;
} }
} }
} }
for(auto& point : fqqq_points) { for(auto& point : fqqq_points)
for(auto& qqq : m_forwardQQQs) { {
auto result = qqq.GetTrajectoryRingWedge(point.GetTheta(), point.GetPhi()); for(auto& qqq : m_forwardQQQs)
auto result = qqq.GetTrajectoryRingWedge(point.Theta(), point.Phi());
coords = qqq.GetHitCoordinates(result.first, result.second); coords = qqq.GetHitCoordinates(result.first, result.second);
if(IsDoubleEqual(point.GetX(), coords.GetX()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.GetY(), coords.GetY()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.GetZ(), coords.GetZ())) { if(IsDoubleEqual(point.X(), coords.X()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.Y(), coords.Y()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.Z(), coords.Z()))
count++; count++;
break; break;
} }
} }
} }
for(auto& point : bqqq_points) { for(auto& point : bqqq_points)
for(auto& qqq : m_backwardQQQs) { {
auto result = qqq.GetTrajectoryRingWedge(point.GetTheta(), point.GetPhi()); for(auto& qqq : m_backwardQQQs)
auto result = qqq.GetTrajectoryRingWedge(point.Theta(), point.Phi());
coords = qqq.GetHitCoordinates(result.first, result.second); coords = qqq.GetHitCoordinates(result.first, result.second);
if(IsDoubleEqual(point.GetX(), coords.GetX()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.GetY(), coords.GetY()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.GetZ(), coords.GetZ())) { if(IsDoubleEqual(point.X(), coords.X()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.Y(), coords.Y()) && IsDoubleEqual(point.Z(), coords.Z()))
count++; count++;
break; break;
} }
@ -203,22 +230,23 @@ double AnasenEfficiency::RunConsistencyCheck() {
} }
DetectorResult AnasenEfficiency::IsRing1(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus) { DetectorResult AnasenEfficiency::IsRing1(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus)
DetectorResult observation; DetectorResult observation;
double thetaIncident; double thetaIncident;
for(int i=0; i<n_sx3_per_ring; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nSX3PerBarrel; i++)
auto result = m_Ring1[i].GetChannelRatio(nucleus.GetTheta(), nucleus.GetPhi()); {
auto result = m_Ring1[i].GetChannelRatio(nucleus.vec4.Theta(), nucleus.vec4.Phi());
if(result.front_strip_index != -1 /*&& !dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::Barrel1, i, result.front_strip_index, AnasenDetectorSide::Front)*/ if(result.front_strip_index != -1 /*&& !dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::Barrel1, i, result.front_strip_index, AnasenDetectorSide::Front)*/
&& !dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::Barrel1, i, result.back_strip_index, AnasenDetectorSide::Back)) && !dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::Barrel1, i, result.back_strip_index, AnasenDetectorSide::Back))
{ {
observation.detectFlag = true; observation.detectFlag = true;
observation.direction = m_Ring1[i].GetHitCoordinates(result.front_strip_index, result.front_ratio); observation.direction = m_Ring1[i].GetHitCoordinates(result.front_strip_index, result.front_ratio);
thetaIncident = std::acos(observation.direction.Dot(m_Ring1[i].GetNormRotated())/observation.direction.GetR()); thetaIncident = std::acos(observation.direction.Dot(m_Ring1[i].GetNormRotated())/observation.direction.R());
if(thetaIncident > M_PI/2.0) if(thetaIncident > M_PI/2.0)
thetaIncident = M_PI - thetaIncident; thetaIncident = M_PI - thetaIncident;
observation.energy_deposited = det_silicon.GetEnergyLossTotal(nucleus.GetZ(), nucleus.GetA(), nucleus.GetKE(), thetaIncident); observation.energy_deposited = m_detectorEloss.GetEnergyLossTotal(nucleus.Z, nucleus.A, nucleus.GetKE(), thetaIncident);
observation.det_name = "R1"; observation.det_name = "R1";
return observation; return observation;
} }
@ -227,22 +255,23 @@ DetectorResult AnasenEfficiency::IsRing1(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus) {
return observation; return observation;
} }
DetectorResult AnasenEfficiency::IsRing2(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus) { DetectorResult AnasenEfficiency::IsRing2(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus)
DetectorResult observation; DetectorResult observation;
double thetaIncident; double thetaIncident;
for(int i=0; i<n_sx3_per_ring; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nSX3PerBarrel; i++)
auto result = m_Ring2[i].GetChannelRatio(nucleus.GetTheta(), nucleus.GetPhi()); {
auto result = m_Ring2[i].GetChannelRatio(nucleus.vec4.Theta(), nucleus.vec4.Phi());
if(result.front_strip_index != -1 /*&& !dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::Barrel2, i, result.front_strip_index, AnasenDetectorSide::Front)*/ if(result.front_strip_index != -1 /*&& !dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::Barrel2, i, result.front_strip_index, AnasenDetectorSide::Front)*/
&& !dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::Barrel2, i, result.back_strip_index, AnasenDetectorSide::Back)) && !dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::Barrel2, i, result.back_strip_index, AnasenDetectorSide::Back))
{ {
observation.detectFlag = true; observation.detectFlag = true;
observation.direction = m_Ring2[i].GetHitCoordinates(result.front_strip_index, result.front_ratio); observation.direction = m_Ring2[i].GetHitCoordinates(result.front_strip_index, result.front_ratio);
thetaIncident = std::acos(observation.direction.Dot(m_Ring2[i].GetNormRotated())/observation.direction.GetR()); thetaIncident = std::acos(observation.direction.Dot(m_Ring2[i].GetNormRotated())/observation.direction.R());
if(thetaIncident > M_PI/2.0) if(thetaIncident > M_PI/2.0)
thetaIncident = M_PI - thetaIncident; thetaIncident = M_PI - thetaIncident;
observation.energy_deposited = det_silicon.GetEnergyLossTotal(nucleus.GetZ(), nucleus.GetA(), nucleus.GetKE(), thetaIncident); observation.energy_deposited = m_detectorEloss.GetEnergyLossTotal(nucleus.Z, nucleus.A, nucleus.GetKE(), thetaIncident);
observation.det_name = "R2"; observation.det_name = "R2";
return observation; return observation;
} }
@ -251,40 +280,42 @@ DetectorResult AnasenEfficiency::IsRing2(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus) {
return observation; return observation;
} }
DetectorResult AnasenEfficiency::IsQQQ(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus) { DetectorResult AnasenEfficiency::IsQQQ(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus)
DetectorResult observation; DetectorResult observation;
double thetaIncident; double thetaIncident;
for(int i=0; i<n_qqq; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nQQQ; i++)
auto result = m_forwardQQQs[i].GetTrajectoryRingWedge(nucleus.GetTheta(), nucleus.GetPhi()); {
auto result = m_forwardQQQs[i].GetTrajectoryRingWedge(nucleus.vec4.Theta(), nucleus.vec4.Phi());
if(result.first != -1 /*&& !dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::FQQQ, i, result.first, AnasenDetectorSide::Front)*/ && if(result.first != -1 /*&& !dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::FQQQ, i, result.first, AnasenDetectorSide::Front)*/ &&
!dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::FQQQ, i, result.second, AnasenDetectorSide::Back)) !dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::FQQQ, i, result.second, AnasenDetectorSide::Back))
{ {
observation.detectFlag = true; observation.detectFlag = true;
observation.direction = m_forwardQQQs[i].GetHitCoordinates(result.first, result.second); observation.direction = m_forwardQQQs[i].GetHitCoordinates(result.first, result.second);
thetaIncident = std::acos(observation.direction.Dot(m_forwardQQQs[i].GetNorm())/observation.direction.GetR()); thetaIncident = std::acos(observation.direction.Dot(m_forwardQQQs[i].GetNorm())/observation.direction.R());
if(thetaIncident > M_PI/2.0) if(thetaIncident > M_PI/2.0)
thetaIncident = M_PI - thetaIncident; thetaIncident = M_PI - thetaIncident;
observation.energy_deposited = det_silicon.GetEnergyLossTotal(nucleus.GetZ(), nucleus.GetA(), nucleus.GetKE(), thetaIncident); observation.energy_deposited = m_detectorEloss.GetEnergyLossTotal(nucleus.Z, nucleus.A, nucleus.GetKE(), thetaIncident);
observation.det_name = "FQQQ"; observation.det_name = "FQQQ";
return observation; return observation;
} }
} }
for(int i=0; i<n_qqq; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nQQQ; i++)
auto result = m_backwardQQQs[i].GetTrajectoryRingWedge(nucleus.GetTheta(), nucleus.GetPhi()); {
auto result = m_backwardQQQs[i].GetTrajectoryRingWedge(nucleus.vec4.Theta(), nucleus.vec4.Phi());
if(result.first != -1 /*&& !dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::BQQQ, i, result.first, AnasenDetectorSide::Front)*/ && if(result.first != -1 /*&& !dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::BQQQ, i, result.first, AnasenDetectorSide::Front)*/ &&
!dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::BQQQ, i, result.second, AnasenDetectorSide::Back)) !dmap.IsDead(AnasenDetectorType::BQQQ, i, result.second, AnasenDetectorSide::Back))
{ {
observation.detectFlag = true; observation.detectFlag = true;
observation.direction = m_backwardQQQs[i].GetHitCoordinates(result.first, result.second); observation.direction = m_backwardQQQs[i].GetHitCoordinates(result.first, result.second);
thetaIncident = std::acos(observation.direction.Dot(m_backwardQQQs[i].GetNorm())/observation.direction.GetR()); thetaIncident = std::acos(observation.direction.Dot(m_backwardQQQs[i].GetNorm())/observation.direction.R());
if(thetaIncident > M_PI/2.0) if(thetaIncident > M_PI/2.0)
thetaIncident = M_PI - thetaIncident; thetaIncident = M_PI - thetaIncident;
observation.energy_deposited = det_silicon.GetEnergyLossTotal(nucleus.GetZ(), nucleus.GetA(), nucleus.GetKE(), thetaIncident); observation.energy_deposited = m_detectorEloss.GetEnergyLossTotal(nucleus.Z, nucleus.A, nucleus.GetKE(), thetaIncident);
observation.det_name = "BQQQ"; observation.det_name = "BQQQ";
return observation; return observation;
} }
@ -293,95 +324,93 @@ DetectorResult AnasenEfficiency::IsQQQ(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus) {
return observation; return observation;
} }
DetectorResult AnasenEfficiency::IsAnasen(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus) { DetectorResult AnasenEfficiency::IsAnasen(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus)
DetectorResult result; DetectorResult result;
if(nucleus.GetKE() <= threshold) if(nucleus.GetKE() <= s_energyThreshold)
return result; return result;
if(!result.detectFlag) { if(!result.detectFlag)
result = IsRing1(nucleus); result = IsRing1(nucleus);
} if(!result.detectFlag)
if(!result.detectFlag) {
result = IsRing2(nucleus); result = IsRing2(nucleus);
} if(!result.detectFlag)
if(!result.detectFlag) {
result = IsQQQ(nucleus); result = IsQQQ(nucleus);
return result; return result;
} }
void AnasenEfficiency::CountCoincidences(const Mask::MaskFileData& data, std::vector<int>& counts, Mask::RxnType rxn_type) { void AnasenEfficiency::CountCoincidences(const std::vector<Mask::Nucleus>& data, std::vector<int>& counts)
if (rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::PureDecay && data.detect_flag[1] && data.detect_flag[2]) {
if (data.size() == 3 && data[1].isDetected && data[2].isDetected)
{ {
counts[0]++; counts[0]++;
} }
else if (rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::OneStepRxn && data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[3]) else if (data.size() == 4 && data[2].isDetected && data[3].isDetected)
{ {
counts[0]++; counts[0]++;
} }
else if(rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::TwoStepRxn) else if(data.size() == 6)
{ {
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[4]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[4].isDetected)
{ {
counts[0]++; counts[0]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[5]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[5].isDetected)
{ {
counts[1]++; counts[1]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[5]) if(data[4].isDetected && data[5].isDetected)
{ {
counts[2]++; counts[2]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[5]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[4].isDetected && data[5].isDetected)
{ {
counts[3]++; counts[3]++;
} }
} }
else if(rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::ThreeStepRxn) else if(data.size() == 8)
{ {
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[4]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[4].isDetected)
{ {
counts[0]++; counts[0]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[6]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[6].isDetected)
{ {
counts[1]++; counts[1]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[7]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[7].isDetected)
{ {
counts[2]++; counts[2]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[6]) if(data[4].isDetected && data[6].isDetected)
{ {
counts[3]++; counts[3]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[7]) if(data[4].isDetected && data[7].isDetected)
{ {
counts[4]++; counts[4]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[6] && data.detect_flag[7]) if(data[6].isDetected && data[7].isDetected)
{ {
counts[5]++; counts[5]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[6]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[4].isDetected && data[6].isDetected)
{ {
counts[6]++; counts[6]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[7]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[4].isDetected && data[7].isDetected)
{ {
counts[7]++; counts[7]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[6] && data.detect_flag[7]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[6].isDetected && data[7].isDetected)
{ {
counts[8]++; counts[8]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[6] && data.detect_flag[7]) if(data[4].isDetected && data[6].isDetected && data[7].isDetected)
{ {
counts[9]++; counts[9]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[6] && data.detect_flag[7]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[4].isDetected && data[6].isDetected && data[7].isDetected)
{ {
counts[10]++; counts[10]++;
} }
@ -401,141 +430,138 @@ void AnasenEfficiency::CalculateEfficiency(const std::string& inputname, const s
std::cout<<"Loading in output from kinematics simulation: "<<inputname<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Loading in output from kinematics simulation: "<<inputname<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Running efficiency calculation..."<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Running efficiency calculation..."<<std::endl;
Mask::MaskFile input(inputname, Mask::MaskFile::FileType::read); TFile* input = TFile::Open(inputname.c_str(), "READ");
Mask::MaskFile output(outputname, Mask::MaskFile::FileType::write); TFile* output = TFile::Open(outputname.c_str(), "RECREATE");
std::ofstream stats(statsname); std::ofstream stats(statsname);
stats<<std::setprecision(5); stats<<std::setprecision(5);
Mask::MaskFileHeader header = input.ReadHeader(); TTree* intree = (TTree*) input->Get("SimTree");
output.WriteHeader(header.rxn_type, header.nsamples); std::vector<Mask::Nucleus>* dataHandle = new std::vector<Mask::Nucleus>();
intree->SetBranchAddress("nuclei", &dataHandle);
TTree* outtree = new TTree("SimTree", "SimTree");
outtree->Branch("nuclei", dataHandle);
stats<<"Efficiency statistics for data from "<<inputname<<" using the ANASEN geometry"<<std::endl; stats<<"Efficiency statistics for data from "<<inputname<<" using the ANASEN geometry"<<std::endl;
stats<<"Given in order of target=0, projectile=1, ejectile=2, residual=3, .... etc."<<std::endl; stats<<"Given in order of target=0, projectile=1, ejectile=2, residual=3, .... etc."<<std::endl;
Mask::MaskFileData data; intree->GetEntry(1);
std::vector<int> counts; std::vector<int> counts;
std::vector<int> coinc_counts; std::vector<int> coinc_counts;
switch(header.rxn_type) { counts.resize(dataHandle->size());
case Mask::RxnType::PureDecay: switch(counts.size())
counts.resize(3, 0); {
coinc_counts.resize(1, 0); case 3: coinc_counts.resize(1, 0); break;
break; case 4: coinc_counts.resize(1, 0); break;
case Mask::RxnType::OneStepRxn: case 6: coinc_counts.resize(4, 0); break;
counts.resize(4, 0); case 8: coinc_counts.resize(11, 0); break;
coinc_counts.resize(1, 0);
case Mask::RxnType::TwoStepRxn:
counts.resize(6, 0);
coinc_counts.resize(4, 0);
case Mask::RxnType::ThreeStepRxn:
counts.resize(8, 0);
coinc_counts.resize(11, 0);
default: default:
{ {
std::cerr<<"Bad reaction type at AnasenEfficiency::CalculateEfficiency (given value: "<<GetStringFromRxnType(header.rxn_type)<<"). Quiting..."<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Bad reaction type at AnasenEfficiency::CalculateEfficiency (given value: "<<counts.size()<<"). Quiting..."<<std::endl;
input.Close(); input->Close();
output.Close(); output->Close();
stats.close(); stats.close();
return; return;
} }
} }
int percent5 = header.nsamples*0.05; uint64_t nentries = intree->GetEntries();
int count = 0; uint64_t percent5 = nentries*0.05;
int npercent = 0; uint64_t count = 0;
uint64_t npercent = 0;
Mask::Nucleus nucleus; Mask::Nucleus nucleus;
int index=0; for(uint64_t i=0; i<nentries; i++)
while(true) { {
if(++count == percent5) {//Show progress every 5% intree->GetEntry(i);
if(++count == percent5)
{//Show progress every 5%
npercent++; npercent++;
count = 0; count = 0;
std::cout<<"\rPercent completed: "<<npercent*5<<"%"<<std::flush; std::cout<<"\rPercent completed: "<<npercent*5<<"%"<<std::flush;
} }
data = input.ReadData(); for(std::size_t j=0; j<dataHandle->size(); j++)
if(data.eof) {
break; Mask::Nucleus& nucleus = (*dataHandle)[j];
DetectorResult result = IsAnasen(nucleus);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<data.Z.size(); i++) { if(result.detectFlag)
nucleus.SetIsotope(data.Z[i], data.A[i]); {
nucleus.SetVectorSpherical(data.theta[i], data.phi[i], data.p[i], data.E[i]); nucleus.isDetected = true;
auto result = IsAnasen(nucleus); nucleus.detectedKE = result.energy_deposited;
if(result.detectFlag) { nucleus.detectedTheta = result.direction.Theta();
data.detect_flag[i] = true; nucleus.detectedPhi = result.direction.Phi();
data.KE[i] = result.energy_deposited; counts[j]++;
data.theta[i] = result.direction.GetTheta();
data.phi[i] = result.direction.GetPhi();
} else if(data.detect_flag[i] == true) {
data.detect_flag[i] = false;
} }
} }
CountCoincidences(data, coinc_counts, header.rxn_type); CountCoincidences(*dataHandle, coinc_counts);
output.WriteData(data); outtree->Fill();
} }
outtree->Write(outtree->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
input.Close(); delete dataHandle;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"Index"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<"Efficiency"<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"Index"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<"Efficiency"<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<counts.size(); i++) { for(unsigned int i=0; i<counts.size(); i++)
stats<<std::setw(10)<<i<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)counts[i]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; {
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
} }
stats<<"Coincidence Efficiency"<<std::endl; stats<<"Coincidence Efficiency"<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
if(header.rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::PureDecay) if(dataHandle->size() == 3)
{ {
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"1 + 2"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"1 + 2"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
} }
else if(header.rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::OneStepRxn) else if(dataHandle->size() == 4)
{ {
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 3"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 3"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
} }
else if(header.rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::TwoStepRxn) else if(dataHandle->size() == 6)
{ {
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 5"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[1]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 5"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[1]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 5"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[2]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 5"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[2]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 5"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[3]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 5"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[3]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
} }
else if(header.rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::ThreeStepRxn) else if(dataHandle->size() == 8)
{ {
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 6"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[1]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 6"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[1]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[2]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[2]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 6"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[3]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 6"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[3]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[4]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[4]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[5]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[5]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 6"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[6]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 6"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[6]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[7]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[7]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[8]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[8]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[9]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[9]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[10]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[10]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
} }
stats.close(); stats.close();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
#include <string>
#include "DetectorEfficiency.h"
#include "StripDetector.h"
#include "QQQDetector.h"
#include "Target.h"
#include "Nucleus.h"
#include "AnasenDeadChannelMap.h"
class AnasenEfficiency : public DetectorEfficiency
void CalculateEfficiency(const std::string& inputname, const std::string& outputname, const std::string& statsname) override;
void DrawDetectorSystem(const std::string& filename) override;
double RunConsistencyCheck() override;
inline void SetDeadChannelMap(const std::string& filename) { dmap.LoadMapfile(filename); }
DetectorResult IsRing1(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus);
DetectorResult IsRing2(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus);
DetectorResult IsQQQ(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus);
DetectorResult IsAnasen(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus);
void CountCoincidences(const std::vector<Mask::Nucleus>& data, std::vector<int>& counts);
std::vector<StripDetector> m_Ring1, m_Ring2;
std::vector<QQQDetector> m_forwardQQQs;
std::vector<QQQDetector> m_backwardQQQs;
Mask::Target m_detectorEloss;
AnasenDeadChannelMap dmap;
/**** ANASEN geometry constants *****/
static constexpr int s_nSX3PerBarrel = 12;
static constexpr int s_nQQQ = 4;
static constexpr double s_sx3Length = 0.075;
static constexpr double s_sx3Width = 0.04;
static constexpr double s_barrelGap = 0.0254;
static constexpr double s_sx3FrameGap = 0.049; //0.049 is base gap due to frames
static constexpr double s_barrel1Z = s_sx3Length/2.0 + s_sx3FrameGap + s_barrelGap/2.0;
static constexpr double s_barrel2Z = (-1.0)*(s_barrelGap/2.0 + s_sx3Length/2.0);
static constexpr double s_qqqZ = 0.0125 + s_sx3Length + s_sx3FrameGap + s_barrelGap/2.0;
static constexpr double s_qqqInnerR = 0.0501;
static constexpr double s_qqqOuterR = 0.0990;
static constexpr double s_qqqDeltaPhi = 1.52119;
static constexpr double s_qqqZList[4] = {s_qqqZ, s_qqqZ, s_qqqZ, s_qqqZ};
static constexpr double s_qqqPhiList[4] = {5.49779, 0.785398, 2.35619, 3.92699};
static constexpr double s_barrelRhoList[12] = {0.0890601, 0.0889871, 0.0890354, 0.0890247, 0.0890354, 0.0890354, 0.0890247,
0.0890354, 0.0890354, 0.0890247, 0.0890354, 0.0890354};
static constexpr double s_barrelPhiList[12] = {4.97426, 5.49739, 6.02132, 0.261868, 0.785398, 1.30893, 1.83266, 2.35619, 2.87972,
3.40346, 3.92699, 4.45052};
static constexpr double s_energyThreshold = 0.6; //MeV
static constexpr double s_deg2rad = M_PI/180.0;
static constexpr double s_detectorThickness = 1000 * 1e-4 * 2.3926 * 1e6; //thickness in um -> eff thickness in ug/cm^2 for detector

View File

@ -1,18 +1,27 @@
add_executable(DetectEff) add_executable(DetectEff)
target_include_directories(DetectEff PUBLIC ${MASK_INCLUDE_DIR}) target_include_directories(DetectEff PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/..)
target_sources(DetectEff PUBLIC target_sources(DetectEff PUBLIC
AnasenDeadChannelMap.cpp AnasenDeadChannelMap.cpp
AnasenEfficiency.cpp AnasenEfficiency.cpp
DetectorEfficiency.cpp AnasenEfficiency.h
QQQDetector.cpp QQQDetector.cpp
SabreDeadChannelMap.cpp SabreDeadChannelMap.cpp
SabreDetector.cpp SabreDetector.cpp
SabreEfficiency.cpp SabreEfficiency.cpp
StripDetector.cpp StripDetector.cpp
) )
target_link_libraries(DetectEff target_link_libraries(DetectEff
Mask Mask
catima catima
) )

View File

@ -4,7 +4,18 @@
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <cmath> #include <cmath>
class DetectorEfficiency { #include "Math/Point3D.h"
struct DetectorResult
bool detectFlag = false;
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint direction;
double energy_deposited = 0.0;
std::string det_name = "";
class DetectorEfficiency
public: public:
DetectorEfficiency() {}; DetectorEfficiency() {};
virtual ~DetectorEfficiency() {}; virtual ~DetectorEfficiency() {};
@ -14,9 +25,9 @@ public:
virtual double RunConsistencyCheck() = 0; virtual double RunConsistencyCheck() = 0;
protected: protected:
inline bool IsDoubleEqual(double x, double y) { return std::fabs(x-y) < epsilon ? true : false; }; inline bool IsDoubleEqual(double x, double y) { return std::fabs(x-y) < s_epsilon ? true : false; };
static constexpr double epsilon = 1.0e-6; static constexpr double s_epsilon = 1.0e-6;
}; };
#endif #endif

View File

@ -1,107 +1,116 @@
#include "QQQDetector.h" #include "QQQDetector.h"
QQQDetector::QQQDetector(double R_in, double R_out, double deltaPhi, double phiCentral, double z, double x, double y) : QQQDetector::QQQDetector(double R_in, double R_out, double deltaPhi, double phiCentral, double z, double x, double y) :
m_Rinner(R_in), m_Router(R_out), m_deltaPhi(deltaPhi), m_phiCentral(phiCentral), m_translation(x,y,z), m_norm(0.0,0.0,1.0), m_uniform_fraction(0.0, 1.0), rndmFlag(false) m_innerR(R_in), m_outerR(R_out), m_deltaPhi(deltaPhi), m_centralPhi(phiCentral), m_translation(x,y,z), m_norm(0.0,0.0,1.0),
m_uniformFraction(0.0, 1.0), m_isSmearing(false)
{ {
m_deltaR = (m_Router - m_Rinner)/nrings; m_deltaR = (m_outerR - m_innerR)/s_nRings;
m_deltaPhi_per_wedge = m_deltaPhi/nwedges; m_deltaPhiWedge = m_deltaPhi/s_nWedges;
m_ZRot.SetAngle(m_phiCentral); m_zRotation.SetAngle(m_centralPhi);
m_ringCoords.resize(nrings); m_ringCoords.resize(s_nRings);
m_wedgeCoords.resize(nwedges); m_wedgeCoords.resize(s_nWedges);
for(auto& ring : m_ringCoords) { for(auto& ring : m_ringCoords)
ring.resize(4); ring.resize(4);
} for(auto& wedge : m_wedgeCoords)
for(auto& wedge : m_wedgeCoords) {
wedge.resize(4); wedge.resize(4);
CalculateCorners(); CalculateCorners();
} }
QQQDetector::~QQQDetector() {} QQQDetector::~QQQDetector() {}
void QQQDetector::CalculateCorners() { void QQQDetector::CalculateCorners()
double x0, x1, x2, x3; double x0, x1, x2, x3;
double y0, y1, y2, y3; double y0, y1, y2, y3;
double z0, z1, z2, z3; double z0, z1, z2, z3;
//Generate flat ring corner coordinates //Generate flat ring corner coordinates
for(int i=0; i<nrings; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nRings; i++)
x0 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR*(i+1))*std::cos(-m_deltaPhi/2.0); {
y0 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR*(i+1))*std::sin(-m_deltaPhi/2.0); x0 = (m_innerR + m_deltaR*(i+1))*std::cos(-m_deltaPhi/2.0);
y0 = (m_innerR + m_deltaR*(i+1))*std::sin(-m_deltaPhi/2.0);
z0 = 0.0; z0 = 0.0;
m_ringCoords[i][0].SetVectorCartesian(x0, y0, z0); m_ringCoords[i][0].SetXYZ(x0, y0, z0);
x1 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR*(i))*std::cos(-m_deltaPhi/2.0); x1 = (m_innerR + m_deltaR*(i))*std::cos(-m_deltaPhi/2.0);
y1 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR*(i))*std::sin(-m_deltaPhi/2.0); y1 = (m_innerR + m_deltaR*(i))*std::sin(-m_deltaPhi/2.0);
z1 = 0.0; z1 = 0.0;
m_ringCoords[i][1].SetVectorCartesian(x1, y1, z1); m_ringCoords[i][1].SetXYZ(x1, y1, z1);
x2 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR*(i))*std::cos(m_deltaPhi/2.0); x2 = (m_innerR + m_deltaR*(i))*std::cos(m_deltaPhi/2.0);
y2 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR*(i))*std::sin(m_deltaPhi/2.0); y2 = (m_innerR + m_deltaR*(i))*std::sin(m_deltaPhi/2.0);
z2 = 0.0; z2 = 0.0;
m_ringCoords[i][2].SetVectorCartesian(x2, y2, z2); m_ringCoords[i][2].SetXYZ(x2, y2, z2);
x3 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR*(i+1))*std::cos(m_deltaPhi/2.0); x3 = (m_innerR + m_deltaR*(i+1))*std::cos(m_deltaPhi/2.0);
y3 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR*(i+1))*std::sin(m_deltaPhi/2.0); y3 = (m_innerR + m_deltaR*(i+1))*std::sin(m_deltaPhi/2.0);
z3 = 0.0; z3 = 0.0;
m_ringCoords[i][3].SetVectorCartesian(x3, y3, z3); m_ringCoords[i][3].SetXYZ(x3, y3, z3);
} }
//Generate flat wedge corner coordinates //Generate flat wedge corner coordinates
for(int i=0; i<nwedges; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nWedges; i++)
x0 = m_Router * std::cos(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhi_per_wedge); {
y0 = m_Router * std::sin(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhi_per_wedge); x0 = m_outerR * std::cos(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhiWedge);
y0 = m_outerR * std::sin(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhiWedge);
z0 = 0.0; z0 = 0.0;
m_wedgeCoords[i][0].SetVectorCartesian(x0, y0, z0); m_wedgeCoords[i][0].SetXYZ(x0, y0, z0);
x1 = m_Rinner * std::cos(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhi_per_wedge); x1 = m_innerR * std::cos(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhiWedge);
y1 = m_Rinner * std::sin(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhi_per_wedge); y1 = m_innerR * std::sin(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhiWedge);
z1 = 0.0; z1 = 0.0;
m_wedgeCoords[i][1].SetVectorCartesian(x1, y1, z1); m_wedgeCoords[i][1].SetXYZ(x1, y1, z1);
x2 = m_Rinner * std::cos(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhi_per_wedge); x2 = m_innerR * std::cos(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhiWedge);
y2 = m_Rinner * std::sin(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhi_per_wedge); y2 = m_innerR * std::sin(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhiWedge);
z2 = 0.0; z2 = 0.0;
m_wedgeCoords[i][2].SetVectorCartesian(x2, y2, z2); m_wedgeCoords[i][2].SetXYZ(x2, y2, z2);
x3 = m_Router * std::cos(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhi_per_wedge); x3 = m_outerR * std::cos(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhiWedge);
y3 = m_Router * std::sin(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhi_per_wedge); y3 = m_outerR * std::sin(-m_deltaPhi/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhiWedge);
z3 = 0.0; z3 = 0.0;
m_wedgeCoords[i][3].SetVectorCartesian(x3, y3, z3); m_wedgeCoords[i][3].SetXYZ(x3, y3, z3);
} }
for(int i=0; i<nrings; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nRings; i++)
for(int j=0; j<4; j++) { {
for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
m_ringCoords[i][j] = TransformCoordinates(m_ringCoords[i][j]); m_ringCoords[i][j] = TransformCoordinates(m_ringCoords[i][j]);
} }
for(int i=0; i<nwedges; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nWedges; i++)
for(int j=0; j<4; j++) { {
for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
m_wedgeCoords[i][j] = TransformCoordinates(m_wedgeCoords[i][j]); m_wedgeCoords[i][j] = TransformCoordinates(m_wedgeCoords[i][j]);
} }
} }
Mask::Vec3 QQQDetector::GetTrajectoryCoordinates(double theta, double phi) { ROOT::Math::XYZPoint QQQDetector::GetTrajectoryCoordinates(double theta, double phi)
double z_to_detector = m_translation.GetZ(); {
double z_to_detector = m_translation.Vect().Z();
double rho_traj = z_to_detector*std::tan(theta); double rho_traj = z_to_detector*std::tan(theta);
double r_traj = std::sqrt(rho_traj*rho_traj + z_to_detector*z_to_detector); double r_traj = std::sqrt(rho_traj*rho_traj + z_to_detector*z_to_detector);
double min_rho, max_rho, min_phi, max_phi; double min_rho, max_rho, min_phi, max_phi;
Mask::Vec3 result; ROOT::Math::XYZPoint result;
for(auto& ring : m_ringCoords) { for(auto& ring : m_ringCoords)
min_rho = ring[1].GetRho(); {
max_rho = ring[0].GetRho(); min_rho = ring[1].Rho();
if(rho_traj < max_rho && rho_traj > min_rho) { max_rho = ring[0].Rho();
for(auto& wedge : m_wedgeCoords) { if(rho_traj < max_rho && rho_traj > min_rho)
min_phi = wedge[0].GetPhi(); {
max_phi = wedge[3].GetPhi(); for(auto& wedge : m_wedgeCoords)
if(phi < min_phi && phi < max_phi) { {
result.SetVectorSpherical(r_traj, theta, phi); min_phi = wedge[0].Phi();
max_phi = wedge[3].Phi();
if(phi < min_phi && phi < max_phi)
break; break;
} }
} }
@ -109,55 +118,57 @@ Mask::Vec3 QQQDetector::GetTrajectoryCoordinates(double theta, double phi) {
} }
return result; return result;
} }
std::pair<int,int> QQQDetector::GetTrajectoryRingWedge(double theta, double phi) { std::pair<int,int> QQQDetector::GetTrajectoryRingWedge(double theta, double phi)
double z_to_detector = m_translation.GetZ(); {
double z_to_detector = m_translation.Vect().Z();
double rho_traj = z_to_detector*std::tan(theta); double rho_traj = z_to_detector*std::tan(theta);
double min_rho, max_rho, min_phi, max_phi; double min_rho, max_rho, min_phi, max_phi;
for(int r=0; r<nrings; r++) { for(int r=0; r<s_nRings; r++)
auto& ring = m_ringCoords[r]; auto& ring = m_ringCoords[r];
min_rho = ring[1].GetRho(); min_rho = ring[1].Rho();
max_rho = ring[0].GetRho(); max_rho = ring[0].Rho();
if(rho_traj < max_rho && rho_traj > min_rho) { if(rho_traj < max_rho && rho_traj > min_rho)
for(int w=0; w<nwedges; w++) { {
for(int w=0; w<s_nWedges; w++)
auto& wedge = m_wedgeCoords[w]; auto& wedge = m_wedgeCoords[w];
min_phi = wedge[0].GetPhi(); min_phi = wedge[0].Phi();
max_phi = wedge[3].GetPhi(); max_phi = wedge[3].Phi();
if(phi > min_phi && phi < max_phi) { if(phi > min_phi && phi < max_phi)
return std::make_pair(r, w); return std::make_pair(r, w);
} }
} }
} }
return std::make_pair(-1, -1); return std::make_pair(-1, -1);
} }
Mask::Vec3 QQQDetector::GetHitCoordinates(int ringch, int wedgech) { ROOT::Math::XYZPoint QQQDetector::GetHitCoordinates(int ringch, int wedgech)
if(!CheckChannel(ringch) || !CheckChannel(wedgech)) if(!CheckChannel(ringch) || !CheckChannel(wedgech))
return Mask::Vec3(); return ROOT::Math::XYZPoint();
double r_center, phi_center; double r_center, phi_center;
if(rndmFlag) if(m_isSmearing)
{ {
r_center = m_Rinner + (m_uniform_fraction(Mask::RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator())+ringch)*m_deltaR; r_center = m_innerR + (m_uniformFraction(Mask::RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator())+ringch)*m_deltaR;
phi_center = -m_deltaPhi/2.0 + (m_uniform_fraction(Mask::RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator())+wedgech)*m_deltaPhi_per_wedge; phi_center = -m_deltaPhi/2.0 + (m_uniformFraction(Mask::RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator())+wedgech)*m_deltaPhiWedge;
} }
else else
{ {
r_center = m_Rinner + (0.5+ringch)*m_deltaR; r_center = m_innerR + (0.5+ringch)*m_deltaR;
phi_center = -m_deltaPhi/2.0 + (0.5+wedgech)*m_deltaPhi_per_wedge; phi_center = -m_deltaPhi/2.0 + (0.5+wedgech)*m_deltaPhiWedge;
} }
double x = r_center*std::cos(phi_center); double x = r_center*std::cos(phi_center);
double y = r_center*std::sin(phi_center); double y = r_center*std::sin(phi_center);
double z = 0; double z = 0;
Mask::Vec3 hit(x, y, z); ROOT::Math::XYZPoint hit(x, y, z);
return TransformCoordinates(hit); return TransformCoordinates(hit);
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Class implementing geometry for QQQDetector where the detector is perpendicular to the beam axis.
Detector is first generated centered on the x-axis (phi=0)
Coordinate convention : +z is downstream, -z is upstream. +y is vertically down in the lab.
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include "RandomGenerator.h"
#include "Math/Point3D.h"
#include "Math/Vector3D.h"
#include "Math/RotationZ.h"
#include "Math/Translation3D.h"
class QQQDetector
QQQDetector(double R_in, double R_out, double deltaPhi, double phiCentral, double z, double x=0, double y=0);
const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& GetRingCoordinates(int ringch, int corner) { return m_ringCoords[ringch][corner]; }
const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& GetWedgeCoordinates(int wedgech, int corner) { return m_wedgeCoords[wedgech][corner]; }
const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& GetNorm() { return m_norm; }
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint GetTrajectoryCoordinates(double theta, double phi);
std::pair<int, int> GetTrajectoryRingWedge(double theta, double phi);
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint GetHitCoordinates(int ringch, int wedgech);
void SetSmearing(bool isSmearing) { m_isSmearing = isSmearing; }
int GetNumberOfRings() { return s_nRings; }
int GetNumberOfWedges() { return s_nWedges; }
bool CheckChannel(int ch) { return (ch >=0 && ch < s_nRings); }
bool CheckCorner(int corner) { return (corner >=0 && corner < 4); }
void CalculateCorners();
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint TransformCoordinates(ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& vector) { return m_translation * (m_zRotation * vector) ; }
double m_innerR;
double m_outerR;
double m_deltaR;
double m_deltaPhi;
double m_deltaPhiWedge;
double m_centralPhi;
std::vector<std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZPoint>> m_ringCoords, m_wedgeCoords;
ROOT::Math::Translation3D m_translation;
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_norm;
ROOT::Math::RotationZ m_zRotation;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> m_uniformFraction;
bool m_isSmearing;
static constexpr int s_nRings = 16;
static constexpr int s_nWedges = 16;
static constexpr double s_deg2rad = M_PI/180.0;

View File

@ -53,126 +53,133 @@
#include "SabreDetector.h" #include "SabreDetector.h"
SabreDetector::SabreDetector() : SabreDetector::SabreDetector() :
m_Router(0.1351), m_Rinner(0.0326), m_deltaPhi_flat(54.4*deg2rad), m_phiCentral(0.0), m_tilt(0.0), m_translation(0.,0.,0.), m_norm_flat(0,0,1.0), m_outerR(0.1351), m_innerR(0.0326), m_deltaPhiFlat(54.4*s_deg2rad), m_centerPhi(0.0), m_tilt(0.0),
m_detectorID(-1) m_translation(0.,0.,0.), m_norm(0,0,1.0), m_detectorID(-1)
{ {
m_YRot.SetAngle(m_tilt); m_yRotation.SetAngle(m_tilt);
m_ZRot.SetAngle(m_phiCentral); m_zRotation.SetAngle(m_centerPhi);
//Initialize the coordinate arrays //Initialize the coordinate arrays
m_ringCoords_flat.resize(m_nRings); m_flatRingCoords.resize(s_nRings);
m_ringCoords_tilt.resize(m_nRings); m_tiltRingCoords.resize(s_nRings);
m_wedgeCoords_flat.resize(m_nWedges); m_flatWedgeCoords.resize(s_nWedges);
m_wedgeCoords_tilt.resize(m_nWedges); m_tiltWedgeCoords.resize(s_nWedges);
for(int i=0; i<m_nRings; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nRings; i++) {
m_ringCoords_flat[i].resize(4); m_flatRingCoords[i].resize(4);
m_ringCoords_tilt[i].resize(4); m_tiltRingCoords[i].resize(4);
} }
for(int i=0; i<m_nWedges; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nWedges; i++) {
m_wedgeCoords_flat[i].resize(4); m_flatWedgeCoords[i].resize(4);
m_wedgeCoords_tilt[i].resize(4); m_tiltWedgeCoords[i].resize(4);
} }
m_deltaR_flat = m_Router - m_Rinner; m_deltaRFlat = m_outerR - m_innerR;
m_deltaR_flat_ring = m_deltaR_flat/m_nRings; m_deltaRFlatRing = m_deltaRFlat/s_nRings;
m_deltaPhiFlatWedge = m_deltaPhiFlat/s_nWedges;
CalculateCorners(); CalculateCorners();
} }
SabreDetector::SabreDetector(int detID, double Rin, double Rout, double deltaPhi_flat, double phiCentral, double tiltFromVert, double zdist, double xdist, double ydist) : SabreDetector::SabreDetector(int detID, double Rin, double Rout, double deltaPhi_flat, double phiCentral,
m_Router(Rout), m_Rinner(Rin), m_deltaPhi_flat(deltaPhi_flat), m_phiCentral(phiCentral), m_tilt(tiltFromVert), m_translation(xdist, ydist, zdist), m_norm_flat(0,0,1.0), double tiltFromVert, double zdist, double xdist, double ydist) :
m_detectorID(detID) m_outerR(Rout), m_innerR(Rin), m_deltaPhiFlat(deltaPhi_flat), m_centerPhi(phiCentral), m_tilt(tiltFromVert),
m_translation(xdist, ydist, zdist), m_norm(0,0,1.0), m_detectorID(detID)
{ {
m_YRot.SetAngle(m_tilt); m_yRotation.SetAngle(m_tilt);
m_ZRot.SetAngle(m_phiCentral); m_zRotation.SetAngle(m_centerPhi);
//Initialize coordinate arrays //Initialize coordinate arrays
m_ringCoords_flat.resize(m_nRings); m_flatRingCoords.resize(s_nRings);
m_ringCoords_tilt.resize(m_nRings); m_tiltRingCoords.resize(s_nRings);
m_wedgeCoords_flat.resize(m_nWedges); m_flatWedgeCoords.resize(s_nWedges);
m_wedgeCoords_tilt.resize(m_nWedges); m_tiltWedgeCoords.resize(s_nWedges);
for(int i=0; i<m_nRings; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nRings; i++)
m_ringCoords_flat[i].resize(4); {
m_ringCoords_tilt[i].resize(4); m_flatRingCoords[i].resize(4);
} }
for(int i=0; i<m_nWedges; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nWedges; i++)
m_wedgeCoords_flat[i].resize(4); {
m_wedgeCoords_tilt[i].resize(4); m_flatWedgeCoords[i].resize(4);
} }
m_deltaR_flat = m_Router - m_Rinner; m_deltaRFlat = m_outerR - m_innerR;
m_deltaR_flat_ring = m_deltaR_flat/m_nRings; m_deltaRFlatRing = m_deltaRFlat/s_nRings;
m_deltaPhi_flat_wedge = m_deltaPhi_flat/m_nWedges; m_deltaPhiFlatWedge = m_deltaPhiFlat/s_nWedges;
CalculateCorners(); CalculateCorners();
} }
SabreDetector::~SabreDetector() {} SabreDetector::~SabreDetector() {}
void SabreDetector::CalculateCorners() { void SabreDetector::CalculateCorners()
double x0, x1, x2, x3; double x0, x1, x2, x3;
double y0, y1, y2, y3; double y0, y1, y2, y3;
double z0, z1, z2, z3; double z0, z1, z2, z3;
//Generate flat ring corner coordinates //Generate flat ring corner coordinates
for(int i=0; i<m_nRings; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nRings; i++)
x0 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR_flat_ring*(i+1))*std::cos(-m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0); {
y0 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR_flat_ring*(i+1))*std::sin(-m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0); x0 = (m_innerR + m_deltaRFlatRing*(i+1))*std::cos(-m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0);
y0 = (m_innerR + m_deltaRFlatRing*(i+1))*std::sin(-m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0);
z0 = 0.0; z0 = 0.0;
m_ringCoords_flat[i][0].SetVectorCartesian(x0, y0, z0); m_flatRingCoords[i][0].SetXYZ(x0, y0, z0);
x1 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR_flat_ring*(i))*std::cos(-m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0); x1 = (m_innerR + m_deltaRFlatRing*(i))*std::cos(-m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0);
y1 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR_flat_ring*(i))*std::sin(-m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0); y1 = (m_innerR + m_deltaRFlatRing*(i))*std::sin(-m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0);
z1 = 0.0; z1 = 0.0;
m_ringCoords_flat[i][1].SetVectorCartesian(x1, y1, z1); m_flatRingCoords[i][1].SetXYZ(x1, y1, z1);
x2 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR_flat_ring*(i))*std::cos(m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0); x2 = (m_innerR + m_deltaRFlatRing*(i))*std::cos(m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0);
y2 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR_flat_ring*(i))*std::sin(m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0); y2 = (m_innerR + m_deltaRFlatRing*(i))*std::sin(m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0);
z2 = 0.0; z2 = 0.0;
m_ringCoords_flat[i][2].SetVectorCartesian(x2, y2, z2); m_flatRingCoords[i][2].SetXYZ(x2, y2, z2);
x3 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR_flat_ring*(i+1))*std::cos(m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0); x3 = (m_innerR + m_deltaRFlatRing*(i+1))*std::cos(m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0);
y3 = (m_Rinner + m_deltaR_flat_ring*(i+1))*std::sin(m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0); y3 = (m_innerR + m_deltaRFlatRing*(i+1))*std::sin(m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0);
z3 = 0.0; z3 = 0.0;
m_ringCoords_flat[i][3].SetVectorCartesian(x3, y3, z3); m_flatRingCoords[i][3].SetXYZ(x3, y3, z3);
} }
//Generate flat wedge corner coordinates //Generate flat wedge corner coordinates
for(int i=0; i<m_nWedges; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nWedges; i++)
x0 = m_Router * std::cos(-m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhi_flat_wedge); {
y0 = m_Router * std::sin(-m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhi_flat_wedge); x0 = m_outerR * std::cos(-m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhiFlatWedge);
y0 = m_outerR * std::sin(-m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhiFlatWedge);
z0 = 0.0; z0 = 0.0;
m_wedgeCoords_flat[i][0].SetVectorCartesian(x0, y0, z0); m_flatWedgeCoords[i][0].SetXYZ(x0, y0, z0);
x1 = m_Rinner * std::cos(-m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhi_flat_wedge); x1 = m_innerR * std::cos(-m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhiFlatWedge);
y1 = m_Rinner * std::sin(-m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhi_flat_wedge); y1 = m_innerR * std::sin(-m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0 + i*m_deltaPhiFlatWedge);
z1 = 0.0; z1 = 0.0;
m_wedgeCoords_flat[i][1].SetVectorCartesian(x1, y1, z1); m_flatWedgeCoords[i][1].SetXYZ(x1, y1, z1);
x2 = m_Rinner * std::cos(-m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhi_flat_wedge); x2 = m_innerR * std::cos(-m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhiFlatWedge);
y2 = m_Rinner * std::sin(-m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhi_flat_wedge); y2 = m_innerR * std::sin(-m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhiFlatWedge);
z2 = 0.0; z2 = 0.0;
m_wedgeCoords_flat[i][2].SetVectorCartesian(x2, y2, z2); m_flatWedgeCoords[i][2].SetXYZ(x2, y2, z2);
x3 = m_Router * std::cos(-m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhi_flat_wedge); x3 = m_outerR * std::cos(-m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhiFlatWedge);
y3 = m_Router * std::sin(-m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhi_flat_wedge); y3 = m_outerR * std::sin(-m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0 + (i+1)*m_deltaPhiFlatWedge);
z3 = 0.0; z3 = 0.0;
m_wedgeCoords_flat[i][3].SetVectorCartesian(x3, y3, z3); m_flatWedgeCoords[i][3].SetXYZ(x3, y3, z3);
} }
//Generate tilted rings //Generate tilted rings
for(int i=0; i<m_nRings; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nRings; i++)
for(int j=0; j<4; j++) { {
m_ringCoords_tilt[i][j] = TransformToTiltedFrame(m_ringCoords_flat[i][j]); for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
} m_tiltRingCoords[i][j] = Transform(m_flatRingCoords[i][j]);
} }
//Generate tilted wedges //Generate tilted wedges
for(int i=0; i<m_nWedges; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nWedges; i++)
for(int j=0; j<4; j++) { {
m_wedgeCoords_tilt[i][j] = TransformToTiltedFrame(m_wedgeCoords_flat[i][j]); for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
} m_tiltWedgeCoords[i][j] = Transform(m_flatWedgeCoords[i][j]);
} }
} }
@ -193,35 +200,37 @@ void SabreDetector::CalculateCorners() {
!NOTE: This currently only applies to a configuration where there is no translation in x & y. The math becomes significantly messier in these cases. !NOTE: This currently only applies to a configuration where there is no translation in x & y. The math becomes significantly messier in these cases.
Also, don't use tan(). It's behavior near PI/2 makes it basically useless for these. Also, don't use tan(). It's behavior near PI/2 makes it basically useless for these.
*/ */
Mask::Vec3 SabreDetector::GetTrajectoryCoordinates(double theta, double phi) { ROOT::Math::XYZPoint SabreDetector::GetTrajectoryCoordinates(double theta, double phi)
if(m_translation.GetX() != 0.0 || m_translation.GetY() != 0.0) { {
return Mask::Vec3(); if(m_translation.Vect().X() != 0.0 || m_translation.Vect().Y() != 0.0)
} return ROOT::Math::XYZPoint();
//Calculate the *potential* phi in the flat detector //Calculate the *potential* phi in the flat detector
double phi_numerator = std::cos(m_tilt)*(std::sin(phi)*std::cos(m_phiCentral) - std::sin(m_phiCentral)*std::cos(phi)); double phi_numerator = std::cos(m_tilt)*(std::sin(phi)*std::cos(m_centerPhi) - std::sin(m_centerPhi)*std::cos(phi));
double phi_denominator = std::cos(m_phiCentral)*std::cos(phi) + std::sin(m_phiCentral)*std::sin(phi); double phi_denominator = std::cos(m_centerPhi)*std::cos(phi) + std::sin(m_centerPhi)*std::sin(phi);
double phi_flat = std::atan2(phi_numerator, phi_denominator); double phi_flat = std::atan2(phi_numerator, phi_denominator);
if(phi_flat < 0) phi_flat += M_PI*2.0; if(phi_flat < 0)
phi_flat += M_PI*2.0;
//Calculate the *potential* R in the flat detector //Calculate the *potential* R in the flat detector
double r_numerator = m_translation.GetZ()*std::cos(phi)*std::sin(theta); double r_numerator = m_translation.Vect().Z()*std::cos(phi)*std::sin(theta);
double r_denominator = std::cos(phi_flat)*std::cos(m_phiCentral)*std::cos(m_tilt)*std::cos(theta) - std::sin(phi_flat)*std::sin(m_phiCentral)*std::cos(theta) - std::cos(phi_flat)*std::sin(m_tilt)*std::cos(phi)*std::sin(theta); double r_denominator = std::cos(phi_flat)*std::cos(m_centerPhi)*std::cos(m_tilt)*std::cos(theta) -
std::sin(phi_flat)*std::sin(m_centerPhi)*std::cos(theta) -
double r_flat = r_numerator/r_denominator; double r_flat = r_numerator/r_denominator;
//Calculate the distance from the origin to the hit on the detector //Calculate the distance from the origin to the hit on the detector
double R_to_detector = (r_flat*std::cos(phi_flat)*std::sin(m_tilt) + m_translation.GetZ())/std::cos(theta); double R_to_detector = (r_flat*std::cos(phi_flat)*std::sin(m_tilt) + m_translation.Vect().Z())/std::cos(theta);
double xhit = R_to_detector*std::sin(theta)*std::cos(phi); double xhit = R_to_detector*std::sin(theta)*std::cos(phi);
double yhit = R_to_detector*std::sin(theta)*std::sin(phi); double yhit = R_to_detector*std::sin(theta)*std::sin(phi);
double zhit = R_to_detector*std::cos(theta); double zhit = R_to_detector*std::cos(theta);
//Check to see if our flat coords fall inside the flat detector //Check to see if our flat coords fall inside the flat detector
if(IsInside(r_flat, phi_flat)) { if(IsInside(r_flat, phi_flat))
return Mask::Vec3(xhit, yhit, zhit); return ROOT::Math::XYZPoint(xhit, yhit, zhit);
} else { else
return Mask::Vec3(); return ROOT::Math::XYZPoint();
} }
/* /*
@ -241,20 +250,23 @@ Mask::Vec3 SabreDetector::GetTrajectoryCoordinates(double theta, double phi) {
!NOTE: This currently only applies to a configuration where there is no translation in x & y. The math becomes significantly messier in these cases. !NOTE: This currently only applies to a configuration where there is no translation in x & y. The math becomes significantly messier in these cases.
Also, don't use tan(). It's behavior near PI/2 makes it basically useless for these. Also, don't use tan(). It's behavior near PI/2 makes it basically useless for these.
*/ */
std::pair<int, int> SabreDetector::GetTrajectoryRingWedge(double theta, double phi) { std::pair<int, int> SabreDetector::GetTrajectoryRingWedge(double theta, double phi)
if(m_translation.GetX() != 0.0 || m_translation.GetY() != 0.0) { {
if(m_translation.Vect().X() != 0.0 || m_translation.Vect().Y() != 0.0)
return std::make_pair(-1, -1); return std::make_pair(-1, -1);
//Calculate the *potential* phi in the flat detector //Calculate the *potential* phi in the flat detector
double phi_numerator = std::cos(m_tilt)*(std::sin(phi)*std::cos(m_phiCentral) - std::sin(m_phiCentral)*std::cos(phi)); double phi_numerator = std::cos(m_tilt)*(std::sin(phi)*std::cos(m_centerPhi) - std::sin(m_centerPhi)*std::cos(phi));
double phi_denominator = std::cos(m_phiCentral)*std::cos(phi) + std::sin(m_phiCentral)*std::sin(phi); double phi_denominator = std::cos(m_centerPhi)*std::cos(phi) + std::sin(m_centerPhi)*std::sin(phi);
double phi_flat = std::atan2(phi_numerator, phi_denominator); double phi_flat = std::atan2(phi_numerator, phi_denominator);
if(phi_flat < 0) phi_flat += M_PI*2.0; if(phi_flat < 0)
phi_flat += M_PI*2.0;
//Calculate the *potential* R in the flat detector //Calculate the *potential* R in the flat detector
double r_numerator = m_translation.GetZ()*std::cos(phi)*std::sin(theta); double r_numerator = m_translation.Vect().Z()*std::cos(phi)*std::sin(theta);
double r_denominator = std::cos(phi_flat)*std::cos(m_phiCentral)*std::cos(m_tilt)*std::cos(theta) - std::sin(phi_flat)*std::sin(m_phiCentral)*std::cos(theta) - std::cos(phi_flat)*std::sin(m_tilt)*std::cos(phi)*std::sin(theta); double r_denominator = std::cos(phi_flat)*std::cos(m_centerPhi)*std::cos(m_tilt)*std::cos(theta) -
std::sin(phi_flat)*std::sin(m_centerPhi)*std::cos(theta) -
double r_flat = r_numerator/r_denominator; double r_flat = r_numerator/r_denominator;
//Calculate the distance from the origin to the hit on the detector //Calculate the distance from the origin to the hit on the detector
@ -262,31 +274,41 @@ std::pair<int, int> SabreDetector::GetTrajectoryRingWedge(double theta, double p
//Check to see if our flat coords fall inside the flat detector //Check to see if our flat coords fall inside the flat detector
if(IsInside(r_flat, phi_flat)) { if(IsInside(r_flat, phi_flat))
int ringch, wedgech; int ringch, wedgech;
if(phi_flat > M_PI) phi_flat -= 2.0*M_PI; //Need phi in terms of [-deltaPhi_flat/2, deltaPhi_flat/2] if(phi_flat > M_PI)
for(int i=0; i<m_nRings; i++) { phi_flat -= 2.0*M_PI; //Need phi in terms of [-deltaPhi_flat/2, deltaPhi_flat/2]
if(IsRingTopEdge(r_flat, i) || IsRingBottomEdge(r_flat, i)) { //If it falls in the interstrip spacing, kill it for(int i=0; i<s_nRings; i++)
if(IsRingTopEdge(r_flat, i) || IsRingBottomEdge(r_flat, i))
{ //If it falls in the interstrip spacing, kill it
ringch = -1; ringch = -1;
break; break;
} else if(IsRing(r_flat, i)) { }
else if(IsRing(r_flat, i))
ringch = i; ringch = i;
break; break;
} }
} }
for(int i=0; i<m_nWedges; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nWedges; i++)
if(IsWedgeTopEdge(phi_flat, i) || IsWedgeBottomEdge(phi_flat, i)){ //If it falls in the interstrip spacing, kill it {
if(IsWedgeTopEdge(phi_flat, i) || IsWedgeBottomEdge(phi_flat, i))
{ //If it falls in the interstrip spacing, kill it
wedgech = -1; wedgech = -1;
break; break;
} else if(IsWedge(phi_flat, i)) { }
else if(IsWedge(phi_flat, i))
wedgech = i; wedgech = i;
break; break;
} }
} }
return std::make_pair(ringch, wedgech); return std::make_pair(ringch, wedgech);
} else {
return std::make_pair(-1,-1);
} }
return std::make_pair(-1,-1);
} }
/* /*
@ -295,18 +317,18 @@ std::pair<int, int> SabreDetector::GetTrajectoryRingWedge(double theta, double p
randomly wiggle the point within the pixel. Method intended for use with data, or randomly wiggle the point within the pixel. Method intended for use with data, or
to smear out simulated data to mimic real data. to smear out simulated data to mimic real data.
*/ */
Mask::Vec3 SabreDetector::GetHitCoordinates(int ringch, int wedgech) { ROOT::Math::XYZPoint SabreDetector::GetHitCoordinates(int ringch, int wedgech)
if(!CheckRingChannel(ringch) || !CheckWedgeChannel(wedgech)) { {
return Mask::Vec3(); if(!CheckRingChannel(ringch) || !CheckWedgeChannel(wedgech))
} return ROOT::Math::XYZPoint();
double r_center = m_Rinner + (0.5+ringch)*m_deltaR_flat_ring; double r_center = m_innerR + (0.5+ringch)*m_deltaRFlatRing;
double phi_center = -m_deltaPhi_flat/2.0 + (0.5+wedgech)*m_deltaPhi_flat_wedge; double phi_center = -m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0 + (0.5+wedgech)*m_deltaPhiFlatWedge;
double x = r_center*std::cos(phi_center); double x = r_center*std::cos(phi_center);
double y = r_center*std::sin(phi_center); double y = r_center*std::sin(phi_center);
double z = 0; double z = 0;
Mask::Vec3 hit(x, y, z); ROOT::Math::XYZPoint hit(x, y, z);
return TransformToTiltedFrame(hit); return Transform(hit);
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
Class which represents a single MMM detector in the SABRE array at FSU. Origial code by KGH, re-written by
Distances in meters, angles in radians.
The channel arrays have four points, one for each corner. The corners are
as follows, as if looking BACK along beam (i.e. from the target's pov):
| |
| | x
| | <-----
| | |
| | |
3---------------------2 y
(z is hence positive along beam direction)
The channel numbers, also as looking back from target pov, are:
>> rings are 0 -- 15 from inner to outer:
15 -------------------
14 -------------------
13 -------------------
2 -------------------
1 -------------------
0 -------------------
>> wedges are 0 -- 7 moving counterclockwise:
7 6 ... 1 0
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
>> Note that the detector starts centered on the x-axis (central phi = 0) untilted, and then is rotated to wherever the frick
it is supposed to go; phi = 90 is centered on y axis, pointing down towards the bottom of the scattering chamber
-- GWM, Dec 2020; based on the og code from kgh
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include "Math/Point3D.h"
#include "Math/Vector3D.h"
#include "Math/RotationZ.h"
#include "Math/RotationY.h"
#include "Math/Translation3D.h"
class SabreDetector {
SabreDetector(int detID, double Rin, double Rout, double deltaPhi_flat, double phiCentral, double tiltFromVert, double zdist, double xdist=0, double ydist=0);
/*Return coordinates of the corners of each ring/wedge in SABRE*/
const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& GetRingFlatCoords(int ch, int corner) const { return m_flatRingCoords[ch][corner]; }
const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& GetWedgeFlatCoords(int ch, int corner) const { return m_flatWedgeCoords[ch][corner]; }
const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& GetRingTiltCoords(int ch, int corner) const { return m_tiltRingCoords[ch][corner]; }
const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& GetWedgeTiltCoords(int ch, int corner) const { return m_tiltWedgeCoords[ch][corner]; }
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint GetTrajectoryCoordinates(double theta, double phi);
std::pair<int, int> GetTrajectoryRingWedge(double theta, double phi);
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint GetHitCoordinates(int ringch, int wedgech);
int GetNumberOfWedges() { return s_nWedges; }
int GetNumberOfRings() { return s_nRings; }
ROOT::Math::XYZVector GetNormTilted() { return m_zRotation*(m_yRotation*m_norm); }
int GetDetectorID() { return m_detectorID; }
void CalculateCorners();
/*Performs the transformation to the tilted,rotated,translated frame of the SABRE detector*/
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint Transform(const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& vector) { return m_translation*(m_zRotation*(m_yRotation*vector)); };
/*Determine if a given channel/corner combo is valid*/
bool CheckRingChannel(int ch) { return (ch<s_nRings && ch>=0) ? true : false; };
bool CheckWedgeChannel(int ch) { return (ch<s_nWedges && ch >=0) ? true : false; };
bool CheckCorner(int corner) { return (corner < 4 && corner >=0) ? true : false; };
bool CheckRingLocation(int ch, int corner) { return CheckRingChannel(ch) && CheckCorner(corner); };
bool CheckWedgeLocation(int ch, int corner) { return CheckWedgeChannel(ch) && CheckCorner(corner); };
For all of the calculations, need a limit precision to determine if values are actually equal or not
Here the approx. size of the strip spacing is used as the precision.
bool CheckPositionEqual(double val1,double val2) { return fabs(val1-val2) > s_positionTol ? false : true; };
bool CheckAngleEqual(double val1,double val2) { return fabs(val1-val2) > s_angularTol ? false : true; };
/*Determine if a hit is within the bulk detector*/
bool IsInside(double r, double phi)
double phi_1 = m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0;
double phi_2 = M_PI*2.0 - m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0;
return (((r > m_innerR && r < m_outerR) || CheckPositionEqual(r, m_innerR) || CheckPositionEqual(r, m_outerR))
&& (phi > phi_2 || phi < phi_1 || CheckAngleEqual(phi, phi_1) || CheckAngleEqual(phi, phi_2)));
For a given radius/phi are you inside of a given ring/wedge channel,
or are you on the spacing between these channels
bool IsRing(double r, int ringch)
double ringtop = m_innerR + m_deltaRFlatRing*(ringch + 1);
double ringbottom = m_innerR + m_deltaRFlatRing*(ringch);
return (r>ringbottom && r<ringtop);
inline bool IsRingTopEdge(double r, int ringch)
double ringtop = m_innerR + m_deltaRFlatRing*(ringch + 1);
return CheckPositionEqual(r, ringtop);
inline bool IsRingBottomEdge(double r, int ringch)
double ringbottom = m_innerR + m_deltaRFlatRing*(ringch);
return CheckPositionEqual(r, ringbottom);
inline bool IsWedge(double phi, int wedgech)
double wedgetop = -m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0 + m_deltaPhiFlatWedge*(wedgech+1);
double wedgebottom = -m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0 + m_deltaPhiFlatWedge*(wedgech);
return ((phi>wedgebottom && phi<wedgetop));
inline bool IsWedgeTopEdge(double phi, int wedgech)
double wedgetop = -m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0 + m_deltaPhiFlatWedge*(wedgech+1);
return CheckAngleEqual(phi, wedgetop);
inline bool IsWedgeBottomEdge(double phi, int wedgech)
double wedgebottom = -m_deltaPhiFlat/2.0 + m_deltaPhiFlatWedge*(wedgech);
return CheckAngleEqual(phi, wedgebottom);
/*Class constants*/
static constexpr int s_nRings = 16;
static constexpr int s_nWedges = 8;
static constexpr double s_deg2rad = M_PI/180.0;
/*These are implicitly the width of the spacing between detector active strips*/
static constexpr double s_positionTol = 0.0001; //0.1 mm position tolerance
static constexpr double s_angularTol = 0.1*M_PI/180.0; // 0.1 degree angular tolerance
/*Class data*/
double m_outerR;
double m_innerR;
double m_deltaRFlat;
double m_deltaRFlatRing;
double m_deltaPhiFlat;
double m_deltaPhiFlatWedge;
double m_centerPhi;
double m_tilt;
ROOT::Math::Translation3D m_translation;
ROOT::Math::RotationY m_yRotation;
ROOT::Math::RotationZ m_zRotation;
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_norm;
int m_detectorID;
std::vector<std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZPoint>> m_flatRingCoords, m_flatWedgeCoords;
std::vector<std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZPoint>> m_tiltRingCoords, m_tiltWedgeCoords;

View File

@ -1,40 +1,44 @@
#include "SabreEfficiency.h" #include "SabreEfficiency.h"
#include "MaskFile.h"
#include <fstream> #include <fstream>
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> #include <iomanip>
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
SabreEfficiency::SabreEfficiency() : SabreEfficiency::SabreEfficiency() :
DetectorEfficiency(), deadlayer(DEADLAYER_THIN), sabre_eloss(SABRE_THICKNESS), degrader(DEGRADER_THICKNESS) DetectorEfficiency(), m_deadlayerEloss({14}, {28}, {1}, s_deadlayerThickness),
m_detectorEloss({14}, {28}, {1}, s_detectorThickness), m_degraderEloss({73}, {181}, {1}, s_degraderThickness)
{ {
for(int i=0; i<s_nDets; i++)
m_detectors.emplace_back(i, s_innerR, s_outerR, s_deltaPhi*s_deg2rad, s_centerPhiList[i]*s_deg2rad, s_tilt*s_deg2rad, s_zOffset);
//Only 0, 1, 4 valid in degrader land //Only 0, 1, 4 valid in degrader land
//detectors.emplace_back(0, INNER_R,OUTER_R,PHI_COVERAGE*DEG2RAD,PHI0*DEG2RAD,TILT*DEG2RAD,DIST_2_TARG); m_degradedDetectors[0] = true;
//detectors.emplace_back(1, INNER_R,OUTER_R,PHI_COVERAGE*DEG2RAD,PHI1*DEG2RAD,TILT*DEG2RAD,DIST_2_TARG); m_degradedDetectors[1] = true;
detectors.emplace_back(2, INNER_R,OUTER_R,PHI_COVERAGE*DEG2RAD,PHI2*DEG2RAD,TILT*DEG2RAD,DIST_2_TARG); m_degradedDetectors[2] = false;
detectors.emplace_back(3, INNER_R,OUTER_R,PHI_COVERAGE*DEG2RAD,PHI3*DEG2RAD,TILT*DEG2RAD,DIST_2_TARG); m_degradedDetectors[3] = false;
//detectors.emplace_back(4, INNER_R,OUTER_R,PHI_COVERAGE*DEG2RAD,PHI4*DEG2RAD,TILT*DEG2RAD,DIST_2_TARG); m_degradedDetectors[4] = true;
//Choose who to look at right now. Usually switch on or off degraded/non-degraded.
std::vector<int> dead_z = {14}; m_activeDetectors[0] = false;
std::vector<int> dead_a = {28}; m_activeDetectors[1] = false;
std::vector<int> dead_stoich = {1}; m_activeDetectors[2] = true;
deadlayer.SetElements(dead_z, dead_a, dead_stoich); m_activeDetectors[3] = true;
sabre_eloss.SetElements(dead_z, dead_a, dead_stoich); m_activeDetectors[4] = false;
std::vector<int> deg_z = {73};
std::vector<int> deg_a = {181};
std::vector<int> deg_s = {1};
degrader.SetElements(deg_z, deg_a, deg_s);
} }
SabreEfficiency::~SabreEfficiency() {} SabreEfficiency::~SabreEfficiency() {}
void SabreEfficiency::CalculateEfficiency(const std::string& inputname, const std::string& outputname, const std::string& statsname) { void SabreEfficiency::CalculateEfficiency(const std::string& inputname, const std::string& outputname, const std::string& statsname)
std::cout<<"----------SABRE Efficiency Calculation----------"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"----------SABRE Efficiency Calculation----------"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Loading in output from kinematics simulation: "<<inputname<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Loading in output from kinematics simulation: "<<inputname<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Running efficiency calculation..."<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Running efficiency calculation..."<<std::endl;
if(!dmap.IsValid()) { if(!m_deadMap.IsValid())
std::cerr<<"Unable to run SABRE Efficiency without a dead channel map."<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Unable to run SABRE Efficiency without a dead channel map."<<std::endl;
std::cerr<<"If you have no dead channels, simply make a file that's empty"<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"If you have no dead channels, simply make a file that's empty"<<std::endl;
std::cerr<<"Exiting."<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Exiting."<<std::endl;
@ -42,137 +46,137 @@ void SabreEfficiency::CalculateEfficiency(const std::string& inputname, const st
} }
Mask::MaskFile input(inputname, Mask::MaskFile::FileType::read); TFile* input = TFile::Open(inputname.c_str(), "READ");
Mask::MaskFile output(outputname, Mask::MaskFile::FileType::write); TFile* output = TFile::Open(outputname.c_str(), "RECREATE");
std::ofstream stats(statsname); std::ofstream stats(statsname);
stats<<std::setprecision(5); stats<<std::setprecision(5);
Mask::MaskFileHeader header = input.ReadHeader(); TTree* intree = (TTree*) input->Get("SimTree");
output.WriteHeader(header.rxn_type, header.nsamples); std::vector<Mask::Nucleus>* dataHandle = new std::vector<Mask::Nucleus>();
stats<<"Efficiency statistics for data from "<<inputname<<" using the SPS-SABRE geometry"<<std::endl; intree->SetBranchAddress("nuclei", &dataHandle);
TTree* outtree = new TTree("SimTree", "SimTree");
outtree->Branch("nuclei", dataHandle);
stats<<"Efficiency statistics for data from "<<inputname<<" using the ANASEN geometry"<<std::endl;
stats<<"Given in order of target=0, projectile=1, ejectile=2, residual=3, .... etc."<<std::endl; stats<<"Given in order of target=0, projectile=1, ejectile=2, residual=3, .... etc."<<std::endl;
Mask::MaskFileData data; intree->GetEntry(1);
Mask::Nucleus nucleus;
std::vector<int> counts; std::vector<int> counts;
std::vector<int> coinc_counts; std::vector<int> coinc_counts;
switch(header.rxn_type) { counts.resize(dataHandle->size());
case Mask::RxnType::PureDecay: switch(counts.size())
counts.resize(3, 0); {
coinc_counts.resize(1, 0); case 3: coinc_counts.resize(1, 0); break;
break; case 4: coinc_counts.resize(1, 0); break;
case Mask::RxnType::OneStepRxn: case 6: coinc_counts.resize(4, 0); break;
counts.resize(4, 0); case 8: coinc_counts.resize(11, 0); break;
coinc_counts.resize(1, 0);
case Mask::RxnType::TwoStepRxn:
counts.resize(6, 0);
coinc_counts.resize(4, 0);
case Mask::RxnType::ThreeStepRxn:
counts.resize(8, 0);
coinc_counts.resize(11, 0);
default: default:
{ {
std::cerr<<"Bad reaction type at AnasenEfficiency::CalculateEfficiency (given value: "<<GetStringFromRxnType(header.rxn_type)<<"). Quiting..."<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Bad reaction type at AnasenEfficiency::CalculateEfficiency (given value: "<<counts.size()<<"). Quiting..."<<std::endl;
input.Close(); input->Close();
output.Close(); output->Close();
stats.close(); stats.close();
return; return;
} }
} }
int percent5 = header.nsamples*0.05; uint64_t nentries = intree->GetEntries();
int count = 0; uint64_t percent5 = nentries*0.05;
int npercent = 0; uint64_t count = 0;
uint64_t npercent = 0;
while(true) { Mask::Nucleus nucleus;
if(++count == percent5) {//Show progress every 5% for(uint64_t i=0; i<nentries; i++)
if(++count == percent5)
{//Show progress every 5%
npercent++; npercent++;
count = 0; count = 0;
std::cout<<"\rPercent completed: "<<npercent*5<<"%"<<std::flush; std::cout<<"\rPercent completed: "<<npercent*5<<"%"<<std::flush;
} }
data = input.ReadData(); for(std::size_t j=0; j<dataHandle->size(); j++)
if(data.eof) {
break; Mask::Nucleus& nucleus = (*dataHandle)[j];
DetectorResult result = IsSabre(nucleus);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<data.Z.size(); i++) { if(result.detectFlag)
nucleus.SetIsotope(data.Z[i], data.A[i]); {
nucleus.SetVectorSpherical(data.theta[i], data.phi[i], data.p[i], data.E[i]); nucleus.isDetected = true;
nucleus.detectedKE = result.energy_deposited;
auto result = IsSabre(nucleus); nucleus.detectedTheta = result.direction.Theta();
if(result.first) { nucleus.detectedPhi = result.direction.Phi();
data.detect_flag[i] = true; counts[j]++;
data.KE[i] = result.second;
} else if(data.detect_flag[i] == true) {
data.detect_flag[i] = false;
} }
} }
CountCoincidences(data, coinc_counts, header.rxn_type); CountCoincidences(*dataHandle, coinc_counts);
output.WriteData(data); outtree->Fill();
} }
outtree->Write(outtree->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
input.Close(); delete dataHandle;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"Index"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<"Efficiency"<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"Index"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<"Efficiency"<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<counts.size(); i++) { for(unsigned int i=0; i<counts.size(); i++) {
stats<<std::setw(10)<<i<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)counts[i]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<i<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)counts[i]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
} }
stats<<"Coincidence Efficiency"<<std::endl; stats<<"Coincidence Efficiency"<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
if(header.rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::PureDecay) if(counts.size() == 3)
{ {
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"1 + 2"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"1 + 2"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
} }
else if(header.rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::OneStepRxn) else if(counts.size() == 4)
{ {
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 3"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 3"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
} }
else if(header.rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::TwoStepRxn) else if(counts.size() == 6)
{ {
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 5"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[1]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 5"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[1]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 5"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[2]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 5"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[2]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 5"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[3]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 5"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[3]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
} }
else if(header.rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::ThreeStepRxn) else if(counts.size() == 8)
{ {
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[0]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 6"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[1]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 6"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[1]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[2]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[2]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 6"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[3]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 6"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[3]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[4]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[4]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[5]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[5]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 6"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[6]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 6"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[6]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[7]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[7]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[8]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[8]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[9]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"4 + 6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[9]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[10]/header.nsamples)<<std::endl; stats<<std::setw(10)<<"2 + 4 + 6 + 7"<<"|"<<std::setw(10)<<((double)coinc_counts[10]/nentries)<<std::endl;
stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl; stats<<"---------------------"<<std::endl;
} }
stats.close(); stats.close();
@ -182,58 +186,69 @@ void SabreEfficiency::CalculateEfficiency(const std::string& inputname, const st
std::cout<<"---------------------------------------------"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"---------------------------------------------"<<std::endl;
} }
void SabreEfficiency::DrawDetectorSystem(const std::string& filename) { void SabreEfficiency::DrawDetectorSystem(const std::string& filename)
std::ofstream output(filename); std::ofstream output(filename);
std::vector<double> ringxs, ringys, ringzs; std::vector<double> ringxs, ringys, ringzs;
std::vector<double> wedgexs, wedgeys, wedgezs; std::vector<double> wedgexs, wedgeys, wedgezs;
Mask::Vec3 coords; ROOT::Math::XYZPoint coords;
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nDets; i++)
for(int j=0; j<detectors[i].GetNumberOfRings(); j++) { {
for(int k=0; k<4; k++) { for(int j=0; j<m_detectors[i].GetNumberOfRings(); j++)
coords = detectors[i].GetRingTiltCoords(j, k); {
ringxs.push_back(coords.GetX()); for(int k=0; k<4; k++)
ringys.push_back(coords.GetY()); {
ringzs.push_back(coords.GetZ()); coords = m_detectors[i].GetRingTiltCoords(j, k);
} }
} }
} }
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { for(int i=0; i<s_nDets; i++)
for(int j=0; j<detectors[i].GetNumberOfWedges(); j++) { {
for(int k=0; k<4; k++) { for(int j=0; j<m_detectors[i].GetNumberOfWedges(); j++)
coords = detectors[i].GetWedgeTiltCoords(j, k); {
wedgexs.push_back(coords.GetX()); for(int k=0; k<4; k++)
wedgeys.push_back(coords.GetY()); {
wedgezs.push_back(coords.GetZ()); coords = m_detectors[i].GetWedgeTiltCoords(j, k);
} }
} }
} }
output<<"SABRE Geometry File -- Coordinates for Detectors"<<std::endl; output<<"SABRE Geometry File -- Coordinates for Detectors"<<std::endl;
output<<"Edges: x y z"<<std::endl; output<<"Edges: x y z"<<std::endl;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<ringxs.size(); i++) { for(unsigned int i=0; i<ringxs.size(); i++)
output<<ringxs[i]<<" "<<ringys[i]<<" "<<ringzs[i]<<std::endl; output<<ringxs[i]<<" "<<ringys[i]<<" "<<ringzs[i]<<std::endl;
} for(unsigned int i=0; i<wedgexs.size(); i++)
for(unsigned int i=0; i<wedgexs.size(); i++) {
output<<wedgexs[i]<<" "<<wedgeys[i]<<" "<<wedgezs[i]<<std::endl; output<<wedgexs[i]<<" "<<wedgeys[i]<<" "<<wedgezs[i]<<std::endl;
output.close(); output.close();
} }
double SabreEfficiency::RunConsistencyCheck() { double SabreEfficiency::RunConsistencyCheck()
double theta, phi; double theta, phi;
double npoints = 5.0*16.0*4.0; double npoints = 5.0*16.0*4.0;
int count=0; int count=0;
for(int h=0; h<5; h++) { ROOT::Math::XYZPoint corner;
for(int j=0; j<16; j++) { for(auto& detector : m_detectors)
for(int k=0; k<4; k ++) { {
theta = detectors[h].GetRingTiltCoords(j, k).GetTheta(); for(int j=0; j<detector.GetNumberOfRings(); j++)
phi = detectors[h].GetRingTiltCoords(j, k).GetPhi(); {
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { for(int k=0; k<4; k ++) //Check corners
auto channels = detectors[i].GetTrajectoryRingWedge(theta, phi); {
if(channels.first != -1) { corner = detector.GetRingTiltCoords(j, k);
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
auto channels = m_detectors[i].GetTrajectoryRingWedge(corner.Theta(), corner.Phi());
if(channels.first != -1)
count++; count++;
} }
} }
@ -245,105 +260,118 @@ double SabreEfficiency::RunConsistencyCheck() {
} }
/*Returns if detected, as well as total energy deposited in SABRE*/ /*Returns if detected, as well as total energy deposited in SABRE*/
std::pair<bool,double> SabreEfficiency::IsSabre(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus) { DetectorResult SabreEfficiency::IsSabre(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus)
if(nucleus.GetKE() <= ENERGY_THRESHOLD) { {
return std::make_pair(false, 0.0); DetectorResult observation;
} if(nucleus.GetKE() <= s_energyThreshold)
return observation;
Mask::Vec3 coords; double thetaIncident;
double thetaIncident, eloss, e_deposited;
double ke = 0.0; double ke = 0.0;
for(auto& detector : detectors) { for(auto& detector : m_detectors)
auto chan = detector.GetTrajectoryRingWedge(nucleus.GetTheta(), nucleus.GetPhi()); {
if(chan.first != -1 && chan.second != -1) { if(!m_activeDetectors[detector.GetDetectorID()])
if(dmap.IsDead(detector.GetDetectorID(), chan.first, 0) || dmap.IsDead(detector.GetDetectorID(), chan.second, 1)) break; //dead channel check continue;
coords = detector.GetTrajectoryCoordinates(nucleus.GetTheta(), nucleus.GetPhi());
thetaIncident = std::acos(coords.Dot(detector.GetNormTilted())/(coords.GetR())); auto channel = detector.GetTrajectoryRingWedge(nucleus.vec4.Theta(), nucleus.vec4.Phi());
//eloss = degrader.GetEnergyLossTotal(nucleus.GetZ(), nucleus.GetA(), nucleus.GetKE(), thetaIncident); if(channel.first == -1 || channel.second == -1)
//ke = nucleus.GetKE() - eloss; continue;
eloss = deadlayer.GetEnergyLossTotal(nucleus.GetZ(), nucleus.GetA(), ke, M_PI - thetaIncident); if(m_deadMap.IsDead(detector.GetDetectorID(), channel.first, 0) || m_deadMap.IsDead(detector.GetDetectorID(), channel.second, 1))
ke = nucleus.GetKE() - eloss; break; //dead channel check
//ke -= eloss;
if(ke <= ENERGY_THRESHOLD) break; //deadlayer check observation.detectFlag = true;
e_deposited = sabre_eloss.GetEnergyLossTotal(nucleus.GetZ(), nucleus.GetA(), ke, M_PI - thetaIncident); observation.direction = detector.GetTrajectoryCoordinates(nucleus.vec4.Theta(), nucleus.vec4.Phi());
return std::make_pair(true, e_deposited); thetaIncident = std::acos(observation.direction.Dot(detector.GetNormTilted())/(observation.direction.R()));
//Energy loss
ke = nucleus.GetKE();
ke -= m_degraderEloss.GetEnergyLossTotal(nucleus.Z, nucleus.A, ke, M_PI - thetaIncident);
ke -= m_deadlayerEloss.GetEnergyLossTotal(nucleus.Z, nucleus.A, ke, M_PI - thetaIncident);
if(ke <= s_energyThreshold)
observation.det_name = "SABRE"+std::to_string(detector.GetDetectorID());
observation.energy_deposited = m_detectorEloss.GetEnergyLossTotal(nucleus.Z, nucleus.A, ke, M_PI - thetaIncident);
return observation;
} }
return std::make_pair(false,0.0); observation.detectFlag = false;
return observation;
} }
void SabreEfficiency::CountCoincidences(const Mask::MaskFileData& data, std::vector<int>& counts, Mask::RxnType rxn_type) { void SabreEfficiency::CountCoincidences(const std::vector<Mask::Nucleus>& data, std::vector<int>& counts)
if (rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::PureDecay && data.detect_flag[1] && data.detect_flag[2]) {
if (data.size() == 3 && data[1].isDetected && data[2].isDetected)
{ {
counts[0]++; counts[0]++;
} }
else if (rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::OneStepRxn && data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[3]) else if (data.size() == 4 && data[2].isDetected && data[3].isDetected)
{ {
counts[0]++; counts[0]++;
} }
else if(rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::TwoStepRxn) else if(data.size() == 6)
{ {
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[4]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[4].isDetected)
{ {
counts[0]++; counts[0]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[5]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[5].isDetected)
{ {
counts[1]++; counts[1]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[5]) if(data[4].isDetected && data[5].isDetected)
{ {
counts[2]++; counts[2]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[5]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[4].isDetected && data[5].isDetected)
{ {
counts[3]++; counts[3]++;
} }
} }
else if(rxn_type == Mask::RxnType::ThreeStepRxn) else if(data.size() == 8)
{ {
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[4]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[4].isDetected)
{ {
counts[0]++; counts[0]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[6]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[6].isDetected)
{ {
counts[1]++; counts[1]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[7]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[7].isDetected)
{ {
counts[2]++; counts[2]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[6]) if(data[4].isDetected && data[6].isDetected)
{ {
counts[3]++; counts[3]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[7]) if(data[4].isDetected && data[7].isDetected)
{ {
counts[4]++; counts[4]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[6] && data.detect_flag[7]) if(data[6].isDetected && data[7].isDetected)
{ {
counts[5]++; counts[5]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[6]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[4].isDetected && data[6].isDetected)
{ {
counts[6]++; counts[6]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[7]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[4].isDetected && data[7].isDetected)
{ {
counts[7]++; counts[7]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[6] && data.detect_flag[7]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[6].isDetected && data[7].isDetected)
{ {
counts[8]++; counts[8]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[6] && data.detect_flag[7]) if(data[4].isDetected && data[6].isDetected && data[7].isDetected)
{ {
counts[9]++; counts[9]++;
} }
if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[6] && data.detect_flag[7]) if(data[2].isDetected && data[4].isDetected && data[6].isDetected && data[7].isDetected)
{ {
counts[10]++; counts[10]++;
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
#include "DetectorEfficiency.h"
#include "SabreDetector.h"
#include "Target.h"
#include "SabreDeadChannelMap.h"
#include "Mask/Nucleus.h"
class SabreEfficiency : public DetectorEfficiency
void SetDeadChannelMap(const std::string& filename) { m_deadMap.LoadMapfile(filename); };
void CalculateEfficiency(const std::string& inputname, const std::string& outputname, const std::string& statsname) override;
void DrawDetectorSystem(const std::string& filename) override;
double RunConsistencyCheck() override;
DetectorResult IsSabre(Mask::Nucleus& nucleus);
void CountCoincidences(const std::vector<Mask::Nucleus>& data, std::vector<int>& counts);
std::vector<SabreDetector> m_detectors;
Mask::Target m_deadlayerEloss;
Mask::Target m_detectorEloss;
Mask::Target m_degraderEloss;
SabreDeadChannelMap m_deadMap;
bool m_activeDetectors[5];
bool m_degradedDetectors[5];
//Sabre constants
static constexpr double s_innerR = 0.0326;
static constexpr double s_outerR = 0.1351;
static constexpr double s_tilt = 40.0;
static constexpr double s_zOffset = -0.1245;
static constexpr double s_deltaPhi = 54.4; //delta phi for each det
static constexpr int s_nDets = 5;
static constexpr double s_centerPhiList[s_nDets] = {306.0, 18.0, 234.0, 162.0, 90.0};
static constexpr double s_deg2rad = M_PI/180.0;
static constexpr double s_deadlayerThickness = 50 * 1e-7 * 2.3296 * 1e6; // ug/cm^2 (50 nm thick * density)
static constexpr double s_detectorThickness = 500 * 1e-4 * 2.3926 * 1e6; // ug/cm^2 (500 um thick * density)
static constexpr double s_degraderThickness = 70.0 * 1.0e-4 * 16.69 * 1e6; //tantalum degrader (70 um thick)
static constexpr double s_energyThreshold = 0.25; //in MeV

View File

@ -17,32 +17,34 @@
*/ */
StripDetector::StripDetector(int ns, double len, double wid, double cphi, double cz, double crho) : StripDetector::StripDetector(int ns, double len, double wid, double cphi, double cz, double crho) :
m_norm_unrot(1.0,0.0,0.0), m_uniform_fraction(0.0, 1.0), rndmFlag(false) m_norm(1.0,0.0,0.0), m_uniformFraction(0.0, 1.0), m_isSmearing(false)
{ {
num_strips = ns; m_nStrips = ns;
length = std::fabs(len); m_stripLength = std::fabs(len);
total_width = std::fabs(wid); m_totalWidth = std::fabs(wid);
front_strip_width = total_width/num_strips; m_frontStripWidth = m_totalWidth/m_nStrips;
back_strip_length = length/num_strips; m_backStripLength = m_stripLength/m_nStrips;
while (cphi < 0) cphi += 2*M_PI; while (cphi < 0)
center_phi = cphi; cphi += 2*M_PI;
center_z = cz; m_centerPhi = cphi;
center_rho = std::fabs(crho); m_centerZ = cz;
m_centerRho = std::fabs(crho);
zRot.SetAngle(center_phi); m_zRotation.SetAngle(m_centerPhi);
front_strip_coords.resize(num_strips); m_frontStripCoords.resize(m_nStrips);
back_strip_coords.resize(num_strips); m_backStripCoords.resize(m_nStrips);
rotated_front_strip_coords.resize(num_strips); m_rotFrontStripCoords.resize(m_nStrips);
rotated_back_strip_coords.resize(num_strips); m_rotBackStripCoords.resize(m_nStrips);
for(int i=0; i<num_strips; i++) { for(int i=0; i<m_nStrips; i++)
front_strip_coords[i].resize(num_corners); {
back_strip_coords[i].resize(num_corners); m_frontStripCoords[i].resize(s_nCorners);
rotated_front_strip_coords[i].resize(num_corners); m_backStripCoords[i].resize(s_nCorners);
rotated_back_strip_coords[i].resize(num_corners); m_rotFrontStripCoords[i].resize(s_nCorners);
} }
CalculateCorners(); CalculateCorners();
@ -50,99 +52,107 @@ StripDetector::StripDetector(int ns, double len, double wid, double cphi, double
StripDetector::~StripDetector() {} StripDetector::~StripDetector() {}
void StripDetector::CalculateCorners() { void StripDetector::CalculateCorners()
double y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max; double y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max;
for (int s=0; s<num_strips; s++) { for (int s=0; s<m_nStrips; s++)
y_max = total_width/2.0 - front_strip_width*s; {
y_min = total_width/2.0 - front_strip_width*(s+1); y_max = m_totalWidth/2.0 - m_frontStripWidth*s;
z_max = center_z + length/2.0; y_min = m_totalWidth/2.0 - m_frontStripWidth*(s+1);
z_min = center_z - length/2.0; z_max = m_centerZ + m_stripLength/2.0;
front_strip_coords[s][2] = Mask::Vec3(center_rho, y_max, z_max); z_min = m_centerZ - m_stripLength/2.0;
front_strip_coords[s][3] = Mask::Vec3(center_rho, y_max, z_min); m_frontStripCoords[s][2].SetXYZ(m_centerRho, y_max, z_max);
front_strip_coords[s][0] = Mask::Vec3(center_rho, y_min, z_max); m_frontStripCoords[s][3].SetXYZ(m_centerRho, y_max, z_min);
front_strip_coords[s][1] = Mask::Vec3(center_rho, y_min, z_min); m_frontStripCoords[s][0].SetXYZ(m_centerRho, y_min, z_max);
m_frontStripCoords[s][1].SetXYZ(m_centerRho, y_min, z_min);
z_max = (center_z - length/2.0) + (s+1)*back_strip_length; z_max = (m_centerZ - m_stripLength/2.0) + (s+1)*m_backStripLength;
z_min = (center_z - length/2.0) + (s)*back_strip_length; z_min = (m_centerZ - m_stripLength/2.0) + (s)*m_backStripLength;
y_max = total_width/2.0; y_max = m_totalWidth/2.0;
y_min = -total_width/2.0; y_min = -m_totalWidth/2.0;
back_strip_coords[s][2] = Mask::Vec3(center_rho, y_max, z_max); m_backStripCoords[s][2].SetXYZ(m_centerRho, y_max, z_max);
back_strip_coords[s][3] = Mask::Vec3(center_rho, y_max, z_min); m_backStripCoords[s][3].SetXYZ(m_centerRho, y_max, z_min);
back_strip_coords[s][0] = Mask::Vec3(center_rho, y_min, z_max); m_backStripCoords[s][0].SetXYZ(m_centerRho, y_min, z_max);
back_strip_coords[s][1] = Mask::Vec3(center_rho, y_min, z_min); m_backStripCoords[s][1].SetXYZ(m_centerRho, y_min, z_min);
} }
for(int s=0; s<num_strips; s++) { for(int s=0; s<m_nStrips; s++)
rotated_front_strip_coords[s][0] = zRot*front_strip_coords[s][0]; {
rotated_front_strip_coords[s][1] = zRot*front_strip_coords[s][1]; m_rotFrontStripCoords[s][0] = m_zRotation*m_frontStripCoords[s][0];
rotated_front_strip_coords[s][2] = zRot*front_strip_coords[s][2]; m_rotFrontStripCoords[s][1] = m_zRotation*m_frontStripCoords[s][1];
rotated_front_strip_coords[s][3] = zRot*front_strip_coords[s][3]; m_rotFrontStripCoords[s][2] = m_zRotation*m_frontStripCoords[s][2];
m_rotFrontStripCoords[s][3] = m_zRotation*m_frontStripCoords[s][3];
rotated_back_strip_coords[s][0] = zRot*back_strip_coords[s][0]; m_rotBackStripCoords[s][0] = m_zRotation*m_backStripCoords[s][0];
rotated_back_strip_coords[s][1] = zRot*back_strip_coords[s][1]; m_rotBackStripCoords[s][1] = m_zRotation*m_backStripCoords[s][1];
rotated_back_strip_coords[s][2] = zRot*back_strip_coords[s][2]; m_rotBackStripCoords[s][2] = m_zRotation*m_backStripCoords[s][2];
rotated_back_strip_coords[s][3] = zRot*back_strip_coords[s][3]; m_rotBackStripCoords[s][3] = m_zRotation*m_backStripCoords[s][3];
} }
} }
Mask::Vec3 StripDetector::GetHitCoordinates(int front_stripch, double front_strip_ratio) { ROOT::Math::XYZPoint StripDetector::GetHitCoordinates(int front_stripch, double front_strip_ratio)
if (!ValidChannel(front_stripch) || !ValidRatio(front_strip_ratio)) return Mask::Vec3(0,0,0); if (!ValidChannel(front_stripch) || !ValidRatio(front_strip_ratio))
return ROOT::Math::XYZPoint(0,0,0);
double y; double y;
if(rndmFlag) { if(m_isSmearing)
y = -total_width/2.0 + (front_stripch + m_uniform_fraction(Mask::RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()))*front_strip_width; y = -m_totalWidth/2.0 + (front_stripch + m_uniformFraction(Mask::RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()))*m_frontStripWidth;
} else { else
y = -total_width/2.0 + (front_stripch+0.5)*front_strip_width; y = -m_totalWidth/2.0 + (front_stripch+0.5)*m_frontStripWidth;
//recall we're still assuming phi=0 det: //recall we're still assuming phi=0 det:
Mask::Vec3 coords(center_rho, y, front_strip_ratio*(length/2) + center_z); ROOT::Math::XYZPoint coords(m_centerRho, y, front_strip_ratio*(m_stripLength/2) + m_centerZ);
//NOW rotate by appropriate phi //NOW rotate by appropriate phi
return zRot*coords; return m_zRotation*coords;
} }
StripHit StripDetector::GetChannelRatio(double theta, double phi) { StripHit StripDetector::GetChannelRatio(double theta, double phi)
StripHit hit; StripHit hit;
while (phi < 0) phi += 2*M_PI; while (phi < 0)
phi += 2*M_PI;
//to make the math easier (and the same for each det), rotate the input phi //to make the math easier (and the same for each det), rotate the input phi
//BACKWARD by the phi of the det, s.t. we are looking along x-axis //BACKWARD by the phi of the det, s.t. we are looking along x-axis
phi -= center_phi; phi -= m_centerPhi;
if (phi > M_PI) phi -= 2*M_PI; if (phi > M_PI)
phi -= 2*M_PI;
//then we can check easily whether it even hit the detector in phi //then we can check easily whether it even hit the detector in phi
double det_max_phi = atan2(total_width/2,center_rho); double det_max_phi = std::atan2(m_totalWidth/2,m_centerRho);
double det_min_phi = -det_max_phi; double det_min_phi = -det_max_phi;
if (phi < det_min_phi || phi > det_max_phi) return hit; if (phi < det_min_phi || phi > det_max_phi)
return hit;
//for theta it's not so simple, so we have to go through the typical plane-intersect method //for theta it's not so simple, so we have to go through the typical plane-intersect method
//first thing's first: we have a fixed x for the entire detector plane: //first thing's first: we have a fixed x for the entire detector plane:
double xhit = center_rho; double xhit = m_centerRho;
//thus we find the corresponding y and z for that fixed x, given the input theta and phi: //thus we find the corresponding y and z for that fixed x, given the input theta and phi:
double yhit = xhit*tan(phi); double yhit = xhit*tan(phi);
double zhit = sqrt(xhit*xhit+yhit*yhit)/tan(theta); double zhit = sqrt(xhit*xhit+yhit*yhit)/tan(theta);
for (int s=0; s<num_strips; s++) { for (int s=0; s<m_nStrips; s++) {
if (xhit >= front_strip_coords[s][0].GetX() && xhit <= front_strip_coords[s][0].GetX() && //Check min and max x (constant in flat) if (xhit >=m_frontStripCoords[s][0].X() && xhit <=m_frontStripCoords[s][0].X() && //Check min and max x (constant in flat)
yhit >= front_strip_coords[s][1].GetY() && yhit <= front_strip_coords[s][2].GetY() && //Check min and max y yhit >=m_frontStripCoords[s][1].Y() && yhit <=m_frontStripCoords[s][2].Y() && //Check min and max y
zhit >= front_strip_coords[s][1].GetZ() && zhit <= front_strip_coords[s][0].GetZ()) //Check min and max z zhit >=m_frontStripCoords[s][1].Z() && zhit <=m_frontStripCoords[s][0].Z()) //Check min and max z
{ {
hit.front_strip_index = s; hit.front_strip_index = s;
hit.front_ratio = (zhit-center_z)/(length/2); hit.front_ratio = (zhit-m_centerZ)/(m_stripLength/2);
break; break;
} }
} }
for (int s=0; s<num_strips; s++) { for (int s=0; s<m_nStrips; s++) {
if (xhit >= back_strip_coords[s][0].GetX() && xhit <= back_strip_coords[s][0].GetX() && //Check min and max x (constant in flat) if (xhit >= m_backStripCoords[s][0].X() && xhit <= m_backStripCoords[s][0].X() && //Check min and max x (constant in flat)
yhit >= back_strip_coords[s][1].GetY() && yhit <= back_strip_coords[s][2].GetY() && //Check min and max y yhit >= m_backStripCoords[s][1].Y() && yhit <= m_backStripCoords[s][2].Y() && //Check min and max y
zhit >= back_strip_coords[s][1].GetZ() && zhit <= back_strip_coords[s][0].GetZ()) //Check min and max z zhit >= m_backStripCoords[s][1].Z() && zhit <= m_backStripCoords[s][0].Z()) //Check min and max z
{ {
hit.back_strip_index = s; hit.back_strip_index = s;
break; break;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
// +z is along beam axis
// +y is vertically "downward" in the lab frame
//angles must be in radians, but distances can be whatever
//PROVIDED all input distances are the same
//Front strips from largest y to smallest y
//Back strips from lowest z to highest z
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include "Math/Point3D.h"
#include "Math/Vector3D.h"
#include "Math/RotationZ.h"
#include "Mask/RandomGenerator.h"
struct StripHit
int front_strip_index=-1;
int back_strip_index=-1;
double front_ratio=0.0;
class StripDetector
StripDetector(int ns, double len, double wid, double cphi, double cz, double crho);
const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& GetFrontStripCoordinates(int stripch, int corner) const { return m_frontStripCoords[stripch][corner]; }
const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& GetBackStripCoordinates(int stripch, int corner) const { return m_backStripCoords[stripch][corner]; }
const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& GetRotatedFrontStripCoordinates(int stripch, int corner) const
return m_rotFrontStripCoords[stripch][corner];
const ROOT::Math::XYZPoint& GetRotatedBackStripCoordinates(int stripch, int corner) const
return m_rotBackStripCoords[stripch][corner];
ROOT::Math::XYZVector GetNormRotated() const { return m_zRotation * m_norm; }
void SetPixelSmearing(bool isSmearing) { m_isSmearing = isSmearing; }
ROOT::Math::XYZPoint GetHitCoordinates(int front_stripch, double front_strip_ratio);
StripHit GetChannelRatio(double theta, double phi);
bool ValidChannel(int f) { return ((f >= 0 && f < m_nStrips) ? true : false); };
bool ValidRatio(double r) { return ((r >= -1 && r <= 1) ? true : false); };
void CalculateCorners();
int m_nStrips;
static constexpr int s_nCorners = 4;
double m_stripLength; //common to all strips, hence total
double m_totalWidth;
double m_frontStripWidth; //assuming equal widths
double m_backStripLength; //assuming equal widths
double m_centerPhi; //assuming det centered above x-axis (corresponds to zero phi)
double m_centerZ;
double m_centerRho; //perpendicular radius from axis
std::vector<std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZPoint>> m_frontStripCoords, m_backStripCoords;
std::vector<std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZPoint>> m_rotFrontStripCoords, m_rotBackStripCoords;
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_norm;
ROOT::Math::RotationZ m_zRotation;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> m_uniformFraction;
bool m_isSmearing;

View File

@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <string> #include <string>
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int main(int argc, char** argv)
if(argc != 4) { if(argc != 4)
std::cerr<<"Incorrect number of commandline arguments! Returning."<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Incorrect number of commandline arguments! Returning."<<std::endl;
return 1; return 1;
} }
@ -25,18 +27,12 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
/* /*
try { AnasenEfficiency anasen;
AnasenEfficiency anasen; std::string mapfile = "./etc/AnasenDeadChannels.txt";
std::string mapfile = "./etc/AnasenDeadChannels.txt"; anasen.SetDeadChannelMap(mapfile);
anasen.SetDeadChannelMap(mapfile); anasen.CalculateEfficiency(inputname, outputname, statsname);
anasen.CalculateEfficiency(inputname, outputname, statsname);
//std::cout<<"Running consistency check(1=success): "<<anasen.RunConsistencyCheck()<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"Running consistency check(1=success): "<<anasen.RunConsistencyCheck()<<std::endl;
//anasen.DrawDetectorSystem("/data1/gwm17/TRIUMF_7Bed/simulation/ANASENGeo_centered_target_targetGap_BackQQQ_fixedZ.txt"); //anasen.DrawDetectorSystem("/data1/gwm17/TRIUMF_7Bed/simulation/ANASENGeo_centered_target_targetGap_BackQQQ_fixedZ.txt");
} catch(const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr<<"Error: "<<e.what()<<std::endl;
return 1;
*/ */
return 0; return 0;
} }

View File

@ -8,26 +8,28 @@
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
AngularDistribution::AngularDistribution() : AngularDistribution::AngularDistribution() :
uniform_cosine_dist(-1.0, 1.0), uniform_prob_dist(0.0, 1.0), branchingRatio(1.0), L(0), isoFlag(true) m_uniformCosineDist(-1.0, 1.0), m_uniformProbDist(0.0, 1.0), m_branchingRatio(1.0), m_L(0), m_isIsotropic(true)
{ {
} }
AngularDistribution::AngularDistribution(const std::string& file) : AngularDistribution::AngularDistribution(const std::string& file) :
branchingRatio(1.0), L(0), isoFlag(true) m_branchingRatio(1.0), m_L(0), m_isIsotropic(true)
{ {
ReadDistributionFile(file); ReadDistributionFile(file);
} }
AngularDistribution::~AngularDistribution() {} AngularDistribution::~AngularDistribution() {}
void AngularDistribution::ReadDistributionFile(const std::string& file) { void AngularDistribution::ReadDistributionFile(const std::string& file)
if(file == "none" || file == "") { if(file == "none" || file == "")
L=0; {
branchingRatio=1.0; m_L=0;
constants.clear(); m_branchingRatio=1.0;
constants.push_back(0.5); m_constants.clear();
isoFlag = true; m_constants.push_back(0.5);
m_isIsotropic = true;
return; return;
} }
@ -36,67 +38,76 @@ namespace Mask {
int l; int l;
double par; double par;
if(!input.is_open()) { if(!input.is_open())
std::cerr<<"Unable to open distribution file. All values reset to default."<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Unable to open distribution file. All values reset to default."<<std::endl;
L=0; m_L=0;
branchingRatio=1.0; m_branchingRatio=1.0;
constants.clear(); m_constants.clear();
constants.push_back(0.5); m_constants.push_back(0.5);
isoFlag = true; m_isIsotropic = true;
return; return;
} }
input>>junk>>l; input>>junk>>l;
while(input>>junk) { while(input>>junk)
input>>par; input>>par;
constants.push_back(par); m_constants.push_back(par);
} }
input.close(); input.close();
if(constants.size() != ((unsigned int) l+1)) { if(m_constants.size() != ((std::size_t) l+1))
std::cerr<<"Unexpected number of constants for given angular momentum! Expected "<<l+1<<" and given "<<constants.size()<<std::endl; {
std::cerr<<"Unexpected number of constants for given angular momentum! Expected "<<l+1<<" and given "<<m_constants.size()<<std::endl;
std::cerr<<"Setting all values to default."<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Setting all values to default."<<std::endl;
branchingRatio=1.0; m_L=0;
constants.clear(); m_branchingRatio=1.0;
constants.push_back(0.5); m_constants.clear();
isoFlag = true; m_constants.push_back(0.5);
m_isIsotropic = true;
return; return;
} }
//Total branching ratio //Total branching ratio
branchingRatio = constants[0]*2.0; m_branchingRatio = m_constants[0]*2.0;
L = l; m_L = l;
//Renormalize distribution such that total prob is 1.0. //Renormalize distribution such that total prob is 1.0.
//Test branching ratio to see if we "make" a decay particle, //Test branching ratio to see if we "make" a decay particle,
//then use re-normalized distribution to pick an angle. //then use re-normalized distribution to pick an angle.
if(constants[0] < 0.5) { if(m_constants[0] < 0.5)
double norm = 0.5/constants[0]; {
for(auto& value : constants) double norm = 0.5/m_constants[0];
for(auto& value : m_constants)
value *= norm; value *= norm;
} }
isoFlag = false; m_isIsotropic = false;
} }
double AngularDistribution::GetRandomCosTheta() { double AngularDistribution::GetRandomCosTheta()
if(isoFlag) {
return uniform_cosine_dist(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); if(m_isIsotropic)
return m_uniformCosineDist(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
double test, probability; double test, probability;
double costheta; double costheta;
test = uniform_prob_dist(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); test = m_uniformProbDist(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
if(test > branchingRatio) return -10; if(test > m_branchingRatio)
return -10;
do { do
probability = 0.0; probability = 0.0;
costheta = uniform_cosine_dist(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); costheta = m_uniformCosineDist(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
test = uniform_prob_dist(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); test = m_uniformProbDist(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
for(unsigned int i=0; i<constants.size(); i++) for(std::size_t i=0; i<m_constants.size(); i++)
probability += constants[i]*P_l(i*2, costheta); probability += m_constants[i]*P_l(i*2, costheta);
} while(test > probability); }
while(test > probability);
return costheta; return costheta;
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
namespace Mask {
class AngularDistribution
AngularDistribution(const std::string& file);
void ReadDistributionFile(const std::string& file);
double GetRandomCosTheta();
int GetL() { return m_L; }
double GetBranchingRatio() { return m_branchingRatio; }
bool IsIsotropic() { return m_isIsotropic; }
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> m_uniformCosineDist;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> m_uniformProbDist;
double m_branchingRatio;
int m_L;
std::vector<double> m_constants;
bool m_isIsotropic;

View File

@ -1,30 +1,56 @@
add_library(MaskDict SHARED)
ROOT_GENERATE_DICTIONARY(mask_dict Nucleus.h LINKDEF LinkDef_Nucleus.h MODULE MaskDict)
target_sources(MaskDict PRIVATE Nucleus.h Nucleus.cpp MassLookup.h MassLookup.cpp)
target_link_libraries(MaskDict ${ROOT_LIBRARIES})
add_custom_command(TARGET MaskDict POST_BUILD
add_library(Mask STATIC) add_library(Mask STATIC)
target_include_directories(Mask target_include_directories(Mask
) )
target_sources(Mask PRIVATE target_sources(Mask PRIVATE
AngularDistribution.cpp AngularDistribution.cpp
DecaySystem.cpp DecaySystem.cpp
EnergyLoss.cpp DecaySystem.h
LayeredTarget.cpp LayeredTarget.cpp
LegendrePoly.cpp LegendrePoly.cpp
MaskApp.cpp MaskApp.cpp
MaskFile.cpp MaskApp.h
MassLookup.cpp MassLookup.cpp
Nucleus.cpp MassLookup.h
OneStepSystem.cpp OneStepSystem.cpp
RandomGenerator.cpp RandomGenerator.cpp
Reaction.cpp Reaction.cpp
ReactionSystem.cpp ReactionSystem.cpp
Rotation.cpp ReactionSystem.h
Stopwatch.cpp Stopwatch.cpp
Target.cpp Target.cpp
ThreeStepSystem.cpp ThreeStepSystem.cpp
TwoStepSystem.cpp TwoStepSystem.cpp
Vec3.cpp TwoStepSystem.h
) )
target_link_libraries(Mask catima) target_link_libraries(Mask catima MaskDict ${ROOT_LIBRARIES})

View File

@ -1,76 +1,81 @@
#include "DecaySystem.h" #include "DecaySystem.h"
#include "RandomGenerator.h" #include "RandomGenerator.h"
#include <sstream>
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
DecaySystem::DecaySystem() : DecaySystem::DecaySystem() :
ReactionSystem() ReactionSystem()
{ {
nuclei.resize(3); m_nuclei.resize(3);
} }
DecaySystem::DecaySystem(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a) : DecaySystem::DecaySystem(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a) :
ReactionSystem() ReactionSystem()
{ {
nuclei.resize(3); m_nuclei.resize(3);
SetNuclei(z, a); SetNuclei(z, a);
} }
DecaySystem::~DecaySystem() {} DecaySystem::~DecaySystem() {}
bool DecaySystem::SetNuclei(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a) { bool DecaySystem::SetNuclei(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a)
if(z.size() != a.size() || z.size() != 2) { {
if(z.size() != a.size() || z.size() != 2)
return false; return false;
step1.SetNuclei(z[0], a[0], 0, 0, z[1], a[1]); int zr = z[0] - z[1];
int ar = a[0] - a[1];
m_nuclei[0] = CreateNucleus(z[0], a[0]); //target
m_nuclei[1] = CreateNucleus(z[1], a[1]); //breakup1
m_nuclei[2] = CreateNucleus(zr, ar); //breakup2
m_step1.BindNuclei(&(m_nuclei[0]), nullptr, &(m_nuclei[1]), &(m_nuclei[2]));
SetSystemEquation(); SetSystemEquation();
return true; return true;
} }
const std::vector<Nucleus>& DecaySystem::GetNuclei() std::vector<Nucleus>* DecaySystem::GetNuclei()
{ {
nuclei[0] = step1.GetTarget(); return &m_nuclei;
nuclei[1] = step1.GetEjectile();
nuclei[2] = step1.GetResidual();
return nuclei;
} }
void DecaySystem::LinkTarget() { void DecaySystem::LinkTarget() {
step1.SetLayeredTarget(&target); m_step1.SetLayeredTarget(&m_target);
rxnLayer = target.FindLayerContaining(step1.GetTarget().GetZ(), step1.GetTarget().GetA()); m_rxnLayer = m_target.FindLayerContaining(m_nuclei[0].Z, m_nuclei[0].A);
if(rxnLayer != -1) { if(m_rxnLayer != m_target.GetNumberOfLayers())
step1.SetRxnLayer(rxnLayer); {
target_set_flag = true; m_step1.SetRxnLayer(m_rxnLayer);
} else { m_isTargetSet = true;
throw ReactionLayerException(); throw ReactionLayerException();
} }
void DecaySystem::SetSystemEquation() { void DecaySystem::SetSystemEquation()
m_sys_equation = step1.GetTarget().GetIsotopicSymbol(); {
m_sys_equation += "-> "; std::stringstream stream;
m_sys_equation += step1.GetEjectile().GetIsotopicSymbol(); stream << m_nuclei[0].isotopicSymbol << "->"
m_sys_equation += "+"; << m_nuclei[1].isotopicSymbol << "+"
m_sys_equation += step1.GetResidual().GetIsotopicSymbol(); << m_nuclei[2].isotopicSymbol;
m_sysEquation = stream.str();
} }
void DecaySystem::RunSystem() { void DecaySystem::RunSystem()
//Link up the target if it hasn't been done yet //Link up the target if it hasn't been done yet
if(!target_set_flag) { if(!m_isTargetSet)
LinkTarget(); LinkTarget();
double rxnTheta = std::acos(decay1dist.GetRandomCosTheta()); double rxnTheta = std::acos(m_step1Distribution.GetRandomCosTheta());
double rxnPhi = (*m_phi1Range)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); double rxnPhi = (*m_phi1Range)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
step1.SetPolarRxnAngle(rxnTheta); m_step1.SetPolarRxnAngle(rxnTheta);
step1.SetAzimRxnAngle(rxnPhi); m_step1.SetAzimRxnAngle(rxnPhi);
step1.TurnOnResidualEloss(); m_step1.Calculate();
} }
} }

src/Mask/DecaySystem.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#include "ReactionSystem.h"
#include "AngularDistribution.h"
namespace Mask {
class DecaySystem: public ReactionSystem {
DecaySystem(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a);
bool SetNuclei(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a) override;
void RunSystem() override;
std::vector<Nucleus>*GetNuclei() override;
void SetDecay1Distribution(const std::string& filename) { m_step1Distribution.ReadDistributionFile(filename); }
int GetDecay1AngularMomentum() { return m_step1Distribution.GetL(); }
double GetDecay1BranchingRatio() { return m_step1Distribution.GetBranchingRatio(); }
void LinkTarget() override;
void SetSystemEquation() override;
Reaction m_step1;
AngularDistribution m_step1Distribution;

View File

@ -16,17 +16,16 @@ Written by G.W. McCann Aug. 2020
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
LayeredTarget::LayeredTarget() : LayeredTarget::LayeredTarget() :
name(""), m_fractional_depth_dist(0.0, 1.0) m_name(""), m_fractionalDepthDistribution(0.0, 1.0)
{ {
} }
LayeredTarget::~LayeredTarget() {} LayeredTarget::~LayeredTarget() {}
/*Add in a Target made of a compound defined by a set of Zs, As, Ss, and a thickness*/ /*Add in a Target made of a compound defined by a set of Zs, As, Ss, and a thickness*/
void LayeredTarget::AddLayer(std::vector<int>& Z, std::vector<int>& A, std::vector<int>& stoich, double thickness) { void LayeredTarget::AddLayer(const std::vector<int>& Z, const std::vector<int>& A, const std::vector<int>& stoich, double thickness)
Target t(thickness); {
t.SetElements(Z, A, stoich); m_layers.emplace_back(Z, A, stoich, thickness);
} }
/* /*
@ -34,9 +33,10 @@ namespace Mask {
Calculates energy loss assuming that the reaction occurs in the middle of the target layer Calculates energy loss assuming that the reaction occurs in the middle of the target layer
Note that the layer order can matter! Note that the layer order can matter!
*/ */
double LayeredTarget::GetProjectileEnergyLoss(int zp, int ap, double startEnergy, int rxnLayer, double angle) { double LayeredTarget::GetProjectileEnergyLoss(int zp, int ap, double startEnergy, std::size_t rxnLayer, double angle)
if(rxnLayer < 0 || ((unsigned int) rxnLayer) > layers.size()) { if(rxnLayer > m_layers.size())
std::cerr<<"Reaction layer in eloss calculation is not in range! Returning 0"<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Reaction layer in eloss calculation is not in range! Returning 0"<<std::endl;
return 0.0; return 0.0;
} }
@ -44,13 +44,17 @@ namespace Mask {
double eloss = 0.0; double eloss = 0.0;
double newEnergy = startEnergy; double newEnergy = startEnergy;
double frac; double frac;
for(int i=0; i<=rxnLayer; i++) { for(std::size_t i=0; i<=rxnLayer; i++)
if(i == rxnLayer) { {
frac = m_fractional_depth_dist(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); if(i == rxnLayer)
eloss += layers[i].GetEnergyLossFractionalDepth(zp, ap, newEnergy, angle, frac); {
frac = m_fractionalDepthDistribution(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
eloss += m_layers[i].GetEnergyLossFractionalDepth(zp, ap, newEnergy, angle, frac);
newEnergy = startEnergy - eloss; newEnergy = startEnergy - eloss;
} else { }
eloss += layers[i].GetEnergyLossTotal(zp, ap, newEnergy, angle); else
eloss += m_layers[i].GetEnergyLossTotal(zp, ap, newEnergy, angle);
newEnergy = startEnergy-eloss; newEnergy = startEnergy-eloss;
} }
} }
@ -63,83 +67,96 @@ namespace Mask {
Calculates energy loss assuming that the reaction occurs in the middle of the target Calculates energy loss assuming that the reaction occurs in the middle of the target
Note that the layer order can matter! Note that the layer order can matter!
*/ */
double LayeredTarget::GetEjectileEnergyLoss(int ze, int ae, double startEnergy, int rxnLayer, double angle) { double LayeredTarget::GetEjectileEnergyLoss(int ze, int ae, double startEnergy, std::size_t rxnLayer, double angle) {
if(rxnLayer < 0 || ((unsigned int) rxnLayer) > layers.size()) { if(rxnLayer > m_layers.size())
std::cerr<<"Reaction layer in eloss calculation is not in range! Returning 0"<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Reaction layer in eloss calculation is not in range! Returning 0"<<std::endl;
return 0.0; return 0.0;
} }
double eloss = 0.0; double eloss = 0.0;
if(angle < M_PI/2.0) { RandomGenerator& gen = RandomGenerator::GetInstance();
if(angle < M_PI/2.0)
double newEnergy = startEnergy; double newEnergy = startEnergy;
for(unsigned int i=rxnLayer; i<layers.size(); i++) { eloss += m_layers[rxnLayer].GetEnergyLossFractionalDepth(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle, m_fractionalDepthDistribution(gen.GetGenerator()));
if(i == ((unsigned int)rxnLayer)) { newEnergy = startEnergy - eloss;
eloss += layers[i].GetEnergyLossFractionalDepth(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle, m_fractional_depth_dist(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator())); if(rxnLayer == m_layers.size())
newEnergy = startEnergy - eloss; return eloss;
} else {
eloss += layers[i].GetEnergyLossTotal(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle); for(std::size_t i=rxnLayer; i<m_layers.size(); i++)
newEnergy = startEnergy - eloss; {
} eloss += m_layers[i].GetEnergyLossTotal(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle);
newEnergy = startEnergy - eloss;
} }
} else { //Travelling backwards through target }
{ //Travelling backwards through target
double newEnergy = startEnergy; double newEnergy = startEnergy;
for(int i=rxnLayer; i>=0; i--) { eloss += m_layers[rxnLayer].GetEnergyLossFractionalDepth(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle, m_fractionalDepthDistribution(gen.GetGenerator()));
if(i == ((unsigned int)rxnLayer)) { newEnergy = startEnergy - eloss;
eloss += layers[i].GetEnergyLossFractionalDepth(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle, m_fractional_depth_dist(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator())); if(rxnLayer == 0)
newEnergy = startEnergy - eloss; return eloss;
} else {
eloss += layers[i].GetEnergyLossTotal(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle); for(std::size_t i=rxnLayer-1; i>0; i--) //unsigned ints cant be less than 0
newEnergy = startEnergy - eloss; {
} eloss += m_layers[i].GetEnergyLossTotal(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle);
newEnergy = startEnergy - eloss;
} }
eloss += m_layers[0].GetEnergyLossTotal(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle);
newEnergy = startEnergy - eloss;
} }
return eloss; return eloss;
} }
/*ReverseEnergyLoss version of GetEjectileEnergyLoss*/ /*ReverseEnergyLoss version of GetEjectileEnergyLoss*/
double LayeredTarget::GetEjectileReverseEnergyLoss(int ze, int ae, double startEnergy, int rxnLayer, double angle) { double LayeredTarget::GetEjectileReverseEnergyLoss(int ze, int ae, double startEnergy, std::size_t rxnLayer, double angle)
if(rxnLayer < 0 || ((unsigned int) rxnLayer) > layers.size()) { if(rxnLayer > m_layers.size())
std::cerr<<"Reaction layer in eloss calculation is not in range! Returning 0"<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Reaction layer in eloss calculation is not in range! Returning 0"<<std::endl;
return 0.0; return 0.0;
} }
double eloss = 0.0; double eloss = 0.0;
if(angle < M_PI/2.0) { RandomGenerator& gen = RandomGenerator::GetInstance();
if(angle < M_PI/2.0)
double newEnergy = startEnergy; double newEnergy = startEnergy;
for(int i=(layers.size()-1); i>=rxnLayer; i--) { for(std::size_t i=(m_layers.size()-1); i>rxnLayer; i--)
if(i == rxnLayer) { {
eloss += layers[i].GetReverseEnergyLossFractionalDepth(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle, m_fractional_depth_dist(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator())); eloss += m_layers[i].GetReverseEnergyLossTotal(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle);
newEnergy = startEnergy + eloss; newEnergy = startEnergy + eloss;
} else {
eloss += layers[i].GetReverseEnergyLossTotal(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle);
newEnergy = startEnergy + eloss;
} }
} else { eloss += m_layers[rxnLayer].GetReverseEnergyLossFractionalDepth(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle, m_fractionalDepthDistribution(gen.GetGenerator()));
newEnergy = startEnergy + eloss;
double newEnergy = startEnergy; double newEnergy = startEnergy;
for(int i=0; i <= rxnLayer; i++) { for(std::size_t i=0; i < rxnLayer; i++)
if(i == rxnLayer) { {
eloss += layers[i].GetReverseEnergyLossFractionalDepth(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle, m_fractional_depth_dist(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator())); eloss += m_layers[i].GetReverseEnergyLossTotal(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle);
newEnergy = startEnergy + eloss; newEnergy = startEnergy + eloss;
} else {
eloss += layers[i].GetReverseEnergyLossTotal(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle);
newEnergy = startEnergy + eloss;
} }
eloss += m_layers[rxnLayer].GetReverseEnergyLossFractionalDepth(ze, ae, newEnergy, angle, m_fractionalDepthDistribution(gen.GetGenerator()));
newEnergy = startEnergy + eloss;
} }
return eloss; return eloss;
} }
int LayeredTarget::FindLayerContaining(int Z, int A) { std::size_t LayeredTarget::FindLayerContaining(int Z, int A)
for(unsigned int i=0; i<layers.size(); i++) {
if(layers[i].ContainsElement(Z, A)) for(std::size_t i=0; i<m_layers.size(); i++)
if(m_layers[i].ContainsElement(Z, A))
return i; return i;
return -1; return m_layers.size();
} }

View File

@ -21,25 +21,25 @@ Written by G.W. McCann Aug. 2020
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
class LayeredTarget { class LayeredTarget
public: public:
LayeredTarget(); LayeredTarget();
~LayeredTarget(); ~LayeredTarget();
void AddLayer(std::vector<int>& Z, std::vector<int>& A, std::vector<int>& stoich, double thickness); void AddLayer(const std::vector<int>& Z, const std::vector<int>& A, const std::vector<int>& stoich, double thickness);
double GetProjectileEnergyLoss(int zp, int ap, double startEnergy, int rxnLayer, double angle); double GetProjectileEnergyLoss(int zp, int ap, double startEnergy, std::size_t rxnLayer, double angle);
double GetEjectileEnergyLoss(int ze, int ae, double startEnergy, int rxnLayer, double angle); double GetEjectileEnergyLoss(int ze, int ae, double startEnergy, std::size_t rxnLayer, double angle);
double GetEjectileReverseEnergyLoss(int ze, int ae, double startEnergy, int rxnLayer, double angle); double GetEjectileReverseEnergyLoss(int ze, int ae, double startEnergy, std::size_t rxnLayer, double angle);
int FindLayerContaining(int Z, int A); std::size_t FindLayerContaining(int Z, int A);
inline int GetNumberOfLayers() { return layers.size(); } std::size_t GetNumberOfLayers() { return m_layers.size(); }
inline void SetName(std::string& n) { name = n; } void SetName(std::string& n) { m_name = n; }
inline const Target& GetLayerInfo(int index) { return layers[index]; } const Target& GetLayerInfo(int index) { return m_layers[index]; }
inline const std::string& GetName() { return name; } const std::string& GetName() { return m_name; }
private: private:
std::vector<Target> layers; std::vector<Target> m_layers;
std::string name; std::string m_name;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> m_fractional_depth_dist; std::uniform_real_distribution<double> m_fractionalDepthDistribution;
}; };
} }

View File

@ -3,33 +3,38 @@
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
double P_l(int l, double x) { double P_l(int l, double x)
if(l == 0) { {
if(l == 0)
return 1.0; return 1.0;
} else if (l == 1) { else if (l == 1)
return x; return x;
} else { else
return (2.0*l - 1.0)/l*x*P_l(l-1, x) - (l-1.0)/l*P_l(l-2, x); return (2.0*l - 1.0)/l*x*P_l(l-1, x) - (l-1.0)/l*P_l(l-2, x);
} }
double Normed_P_l_sq(int l, double x) { double Normed_P_l_sq(int l, double x)
return (2.0*l+1.0)/2.0*std::pow(P_l(l, x), 2.0); return (2.0*l+1.0)/2.0*std::pow(P_l(l, x), 2.0);
} }
double P_0(double x) { double P_0(double x)
return 1.0; return 1.0;
} }
double P_1(double x) { double P_1(double x)
return x; return x;
} }
double P_2(double x) { double P_2(double x)
return 0.5*(3.0*x*x -1.0); return 0.5*(3.0*x*x -1.0);
} }
double P_l_ROOT(double* x, double* pars) { double P_l_ROOT(double* x, double* pars)
return P_l(pars[0], x[0]); return P_l(pars[0], x[0]);
} }

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
double P_l(int l, double x); double P_l(int l, double x);
double P_l_ROOT(double* x, double* pars); double P_l_ROOT(double* x, double* pars); //Only for use with ROOT cern in plotting
double Normed_P_l_sq(int l, double x); double Normed_P_l_sq(int l, double x);
double P_0(double x); double P_0(double x);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#ifdef __CLING__
#pragma link C++ struct Mask::Nucleus+;
#pragma link C++ class std::vector<Mask::Nucleus>+;
#pragma link C++ class std::string+;

View File

@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
#include "MaskApp.h" #include "MaskApp.h"
#include "MaskFile.h"
#include <fstream> #include <fstream>
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
MaskApp::MaskApp() : MaskApp::MaskApp() :
m_sys(nullptr) m_system(nullptr)
{ {
std::cout<<"----------GWM Kinematics Simulation----------"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"----------GWM Kinematics Simulation----------"<<std::endl;
} }
MaskApp::~MaskApp() MaskApp::~MaskApp()
{ {
if(m_sys) delete m_sys; delete m_system;
} }
bool MaskApp::LoadConfig(const std::string& filename) bool MaskApp::LoadConfig(const std::string& filename)
@ -28,23 +30,23 @@ namespace Mask {
std::string junk; std::string junk;
getline(input, junk); getline(input, junk);
input>>junk>>m_outfile_name; input>>junk>>m_outputName;
std::vector<int> avec, zvec, svec; std::vector<int> avec, zvec, svec;
int z, a, s; int z, a, s;
getline(input, junk); getline(input, junk);
getline(input, junk); getline(input, junk);
input>>junk>>junk; input>>junk>>junk;
m_rxn_type = GetRxnTypeFromString(junk); m_rxnType = GetRxnTypeFromString(junk);
getline(input, junk); getline(input, junk);
getline(input, junk); getline(input, junk);
switch(m_rxn_type) switch(m_rxnType)
{ {
case RxnType::PureDecay: case RxnType::PureDecay:
{ {
m_sys = new DecaySystem(); m_system = new DecaySystem();
m_rxn_type = RxnType::PureDecay; for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { {
input>>z>>a; input>>z>>a;
avec.push_back(a); avec.push_back(a);
zvec.push_back(z); zvec.push_back(z);
@ -53,20 +55,21 @@ namespace Mask {
} }
case RxnType::OneStepRxn: case RxnType::OneStepRxn:
{ {
m_sys = new OneStepSystem(); m_system = new OneStepSystem();
m_rxn_type = RxnType::OneStepRxn; for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { {
input>>z>>a; input>>z>>a;
avec.push_back(a); avec.push_back(a);
zvec.push_back(z); zvec.push_back(z);
} }
break; break;
} }
case RxnType::TwoStepRxn: case RxnType::TwoStepRxn:
{ {
m_sys = new TwoStepSystem(); m_system = new TwoStepSystem();
m_rxn_type = RxnType::TwoStepRxn; for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { {
input>>z>>a; input>>z>>a;
avec.push_back(a); avec.push_back(a);
zvec.push_back(z); zvec.push_back(z);
@ -75,9 +78,9 @@ namespace Mask {
} }
case RxnType::ThreeStepRxn: case RxnType::ThreeStepRxn:
{ {
m_sys = new ThreeStepSystem(); m_system = new ThreeStepSystem();
m_rxn_type = RxnType::ThreeStepRxn; for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { {
input>>z>>a; input>>z>>a;
avec.push_back(a); avec.push_back(a);
zvec.push_back(z); zvec.push_back(z);
@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ namespace Mask {
default: default:
return false; return false;
} }
m_sys->SetNuclei(zvec, avec); m_system->SetNuclei(zvec, avec);
int nlayers; int nlayers;
double thickness; double thickness;
@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ namespace Mask {
input>>z>>a>>s; input>>z>>a>>s;
zvec.push_back(z); avec.push_back(a); svec.push_back(s); zvec.push_back(z); avec.push_back(a); svec.push_back(s);
} }
m_sys->AddTargetLayer(zvec, avec, svec, thickness); m_system->AddTargetLayer(zvec, avec, svec, thickness);
input>>junk; input>>junk;
} }
std::cout<<"Reaction equation: "<<GetSystemName()<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Reaction equation: "<<GetSystemName()<<std::endl;
@ -122,51 +125,51 @@ namespace Mask {
input>>junk>>m_nsamples; input>>junk>>m_nsamples;
input>>junk>>par1>>junk>>par2; input>>junk>>par1>>junk>>par2;
m_sys->SetBeamDistro(par1, par2); m_system->SetBeamDistro(par1, par2);
input>>junk>>par1; input>>junk>>par1;
switch(m_rxn_type) switch(m_rxnType)
{ {
case RxnType::PureDecay : break; case RxnType::PureDecay : break;
case RxnType::None : break; case RxnType::None : break;
case RxnType::OneStepRxn : case RxnType::OneStepRxn :
{ {
dynamic_cast<OneStepSystem*>(m_sys)->SetReactionThetaType(par1); dynamic_cast<OneStepSystem*>(m_system)->SetReactionThetaType(par1);
break; break;
} }
case RxnType::TwoStepRxn : case RxnType::TwoStepRxn :
{ {
dynamic_cast<TwoStepSystem*>(m_sys)->SetReactionThetaType(par1); dynamic_cast<TwoStepSystem*>(m_system)->SetReactionThetaType(par1);
break; break;
} }
case RxnType::ThreeStepRxn : case RxnType::ThreeStepRxn :
{ {
dynamic_cast<ThreeStepSystem*>(m_sys)->SetReactionThetaType(par1); dynamic_cast<ThreeStepSystem*>(m_system)->SetReactionThetaType(par1);
break; break;
} }
} }
input>>junk>>par1>>junk>>par2; input>>junk>>par1>>junk>>par2;
m_sys->SetTheta1Range(par1, par2); m_system->SetTheta1Range(par1, par2);
input>>junk>>par1>>junk>>par2; input>>junk>>par1>>junk>>par2;
m_sys->SetPhi1Range(par1, par2); m_system->SetPhi1Range(par1, par2);
input>>junk>>par1>>junk>>par2; input>>junk>>par1>>junk>>par2;
m_sys->SetExcitationDistro(par1, par2); m_system->SetExcitationDistro(par1, par2);
input>>junk>>dfile1; input>>junk>>dfile1;
input>>junk>>dfile2; input>>junk>>dfile2;
switch(m_rxn_type) switch(m_rxnType)
{ {
case RxnType::PureDecay : break; case RxnType::PureDecay :
case RxnType::None : break;
case RxnType::OneStepRxn :
{ {
DecaySystem* this_sys = dynamic_cast<DecaySystem*>(m_sys); DecaySystem* this_sys = dynamic_cast<DecaySystem*>(m_system);
this_sys->SetDecay1Distribution(dfile1); this_sys->SetDecay1Distribution(dfile1);
std::cout<<"Decay1 angular momentum: "<<this_sys->GetDecay1AngularMomentum()<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Decay1 angular momentum: "<<this_sys->GetDecay1AngularMomentum()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Decay1 total branching ratio: "<<this_sys->GetDecay1BranchingRatio()<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Decay1 total branching ratio: "<<this_sys->GetDecay1BranchingRatio()<<std::endl;
break; break;
} }
case RxnType::None : break;
case RxnType::OneStepRxn : break;
case RxnType::TwoStepRxn : case RxnType::TwoStepRxn :
{ {
TwoStepSystem* this_sys = dynamic_cast<TwoStepSystem*>(m_sys); TwoStepSystem* this_sys = dynamic_cast<TwoStepSystem*>(m_system);
this_sys->SetDecay1Distribution(dfile1); this_sys->SetDecay1Distribution(dfile1);
std::cout<<"Decay1 angular momentum: "<<this_sys->GetDecay1AngularMomentum()<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Decay1 angular momentum: "<<this_sys->GetDecay1AngularMomentum()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Decay1 total branching ratio: "<<this_sys->GetDecay1BranchingRatio()<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Decay1 total branching ratio: "<<this_sys->GetDecay1BranchingRatio()<<std::endl;
@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ namespace Mask {
} }
case RxnType::ThreeStepRxn : case RxnType::ThreeStepRxn :
{ {
ThreeStepSystem* this_sys = dynamic_cast<ThreeStepSystem*>(m_sys); ThreeStepSystem* this_sys = dynamic_cast<ThreeStepSystem*>(m_system);
this_sys->SetDecay1Distribution(dfile1); this_sys->SetDecay1Distribution(dfile1);
this_sys->SetDecay2Distribution(dfile2); this_sys->SetDecay2Distribution(dfile2);
std::cout<<"Decay1 angular momentum: "<<this_sys->GetDecay1AngularMomentum()<<" Decay2 angular momentum: "<<this_sys->GetDecay2AngularMomentum()<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Decay1 angular momentum: "<<this_sys->GetDecay1AngularMomentum()<<" Decay2 angular momentum: "<<this_sys->GetDecay2AngularMomentum()<<std::endl;
@ -192,13 +195,14 @@ namespace Mask {
void MaskApp::Run() { void MaskApp::Run() {
std::cout<<"Running simulation..."<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Running simulation..."<<std::endl;
if(m_sys == nullptr) if(m_system == nullptr)
{ {
return; return;
} }
MaskFile output(m_outfile_name, MaskFile::FileType::write); TFile* output = TFile::Open(m_outputName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
output.WriteHeader(m_rxn_type, m_nsamples); TTree* tree = new TTree("SimTree", "SimTree");
tree->Branch("nuclei", m_system->GetNuclei());
//For progress tracking //For progress tracking
uint32_t percent5 = 0.05*m_nsamples; uint32_t percent5 = 0.05*m_nsamples;
@ -214,11 +218,12 @@ namespace Mask {
std::cout<<"\rPercent complete: "<<npercent*5<<"%"<<std::flush; std::cout<<"\rPercent complete: "<<npercent*5<<"%"<<std::flush;
} }
m_sys->RunSystem(); m_system->RunSystem();
output.WriteData(m_sys->GetNuclei()); tree->Fill();
} }
output.Close(); tree->Write(tree->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
std::cout<<std::endl; std::cout<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Complete."<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Complete."<<std::endl;

src/Mask/MaskApp.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#ifndef MASKAPP_H
#define MASKAPP_H
#include "ReactionSystem.h"
#include "DecaySystem.h"
#include "OneStepSystem.h"
#include "TwoStepSystem.h"
#include "ThreeStepSystem.h"
#include "RxnType.h"
namespace Mask {
class MaskApp
bool LoadConfig(const std::string& filename);
bool SaveConfig(const std::string& filename);
int GetNumberOfSamples() const { return m_nsamples; }
const std::string GetSystemName() const { return m_system == nullptr ? "Invalid System" : m_system->GetSystemEquation(); }
const std::string GetOutputName() const { return m_outputName; }
const RxnType GetReactionType() const { return m_rxnType; }
void Run();
ReactionSystem* m_system;
std::string m_outputName;
RxnType m_rxnType;
int m_nsamples;

View File

@ -10,38 +10,41 @@ Written by G.W. McCann Aug. 2020
*/ */
#include "MassLookup.h" #include "MassLookup.h"
#include "KinematicsExceptions.h" #include "KinematicsExceptions.h"
#include <sstream>
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
MassLookup* MassLookup::s_instance = new MassLookup();
MassLookup::MassLookup() { MassLookup::MassLookup()
std::ifstream massfile("etc/mass.txt"); std::ifstream massfile("etc/mass.txt");
if(massfile.is_open()) { KeyPair key;
std::string junk, A, element; if(massfile.is_open())
int Z; {
std::string junk, element;
double atomicMassBig, atomicMassSmall, isotopicMass; double atomicMassBig, atomicMassSmall, isotopicMass;
getline(massfile,junk); getline(massfile,junk);
getline(massfile,junk); getline(massfile,junk);
while(massfile>>junk) { while(massfile>>junk)
massfile>>Z>>A>>element>>atomicMassBig>>atomicMassSmall; {
isotopicMass = (atomicMassBig + atomicMassSmall*1e-6 - Z*electron_mass)*u_to_mev; massfile>>key.Z>>key.A>>element>>atomicMassBig>>atomicMassSmall;
std::string key = "("+std::to_string(Z)+","+A+")"; isotopicMass = (atomicMassBig + atomicMassSmall*1e-6 - key.Z*electron_mass)*u_to_mev;
massTable[key] = isotopicMass; massTable[key.GetID()] = isotopicMass;
elementTable[Z] = element; elementTable[key.GetID()] = std::to_string(key.A) + element;
} }
} else {
throw MassFileException();
} }
throw MassFileException();
} }
MassLookup::~MassLookup() { MassLookup::~MassLookup() {}
//Returns nuclear mass in MeV //Returns nuclear mass in MeV
double MassLookup::FindMass(int Z, int A) { double MassLookup::FindMass(int Z, int A)
std::string key = "("+std::to_string(Z)+","+std::to_string(A)+")"; {
auto data = massTable.find(key); KeyPair key({Z, A});
auto data = massTable.find(key.GetID());
if(data == massTable.end()) if(data == massTable.end())
throw MassException(); throw MassException();
@ -49,13 +52,14 @@ namespace Mask {
} }
//returns element symbol //returns element symbol
std::string MassLookup::FindSymbol(int Z, int A) { std::string MassLookup::FindSymbol(int Z, int A)
auto data = elementTable.find(Z); {
KeyPair key({Z, A});
auto data = elementTable.find(key.GetID());
if(data == elementTable.end()) if(data == elementTable.end())
throw MassException(); throw MassException();
std::string fullsymbol = std::to_string(A) + data->second; return data->second;
return fullsymbol;
} }
} }

View File

@ -18,22 +18,35 @@ Converted to true singleton to simplify usage -- Aug. 2021 GWM
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
class MassLookup { class MassLookup
public: public:
struct KeyPair
uint32_t Z;
uint32_t A;
//Use szudzik pairing method to make unqiue key out of two unsigned ints. Use size_t as extra safety.
std::size_t GetID()
return Z >= A ? Z*Z + Z + A : A*A + Z;
~MassLookup(); ~MassLookup();
double FindMass(int Z, int A); double FindMass(int Z, int A);
double FindMassU(int Z, int A) { return FindMass(Z, A)/u_to_mev; } double FindMassU(int Z, int A) { return FindMass(Z, A)/u_to_mev; }
std::string FindSymbol(int Z, int A); std::string FindSymbol(int Z, int A);
static MassLookup& GetInstance() { static MassLookup& GetInstance() { return *s_instance; }
static MassLookup s_instance;
return s_instance;
private: private:
MassLookup(); MassLookup();
std::unordered_map<std::string, double> massTable;
std::unordered_map<int, std::string> elementTable; static MassLookup* s_instance;
std::unordered_map<std::size_t, double> massTable;
std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::string> elementTable;
//constants //constants
static constexpr double u_to_mev = 931.4940954; static constexpr double u_to_mev = 931.4940954;

src/Mask/Nucleus.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#include "Nucleus.h"
namespace Mask {
Nucleus CreateNucleus(int z, int a)
Nucleus nuc;
nuc.Z = z;
nuc.A = a;
nuc.groundStateMass = MassLookup::GetInstance().FindMass(z, a);
nuc.isotopicSymbol = MassLookup::GetInstance().FindSymbol(z, a);
nuc.vec4 = ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector(0., 0., 0., nuc.groundStateMass);
return nuc;
bool EnforceDictionaryLinked() { return true; }

src/Mask/Nucleus.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
Nucleus is a derived class of Vec4. A nucleus is the kinematics is essentially a 4 vector with the
additional properties of the number of total nucleons (A), the number of protons (Z), a ground state mass,
an exctitation energy, and an isotopic symbol.
--GWM Jan 2021
#ifndef NUCLEUS_H
#define NUCLEUS_H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "Math/Vector4D.h"
#include "MassLookup.h"
namespace Mask {
struct Nucleus
void SetVec4Spherical(double theta, double phi, double p, double E)
double GetKE() const
return vec4.E() - vec4.M();
double GetExcitationEnergy() const
return vec4.M() - groundStateMass;
int Z = 0;
int A = 0;
double groundStateMass = 0.0;
std::string isotopicSymbol = "";
double thetaCM = 0.0;
ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector vec4;
bool isDetected = false;
double detectedKE = 0.0;
double detectedTheta = 0.0;
double detectedPhi = 0.0;
Nucleus CreateNucleus(int z, int a);
bool EnforceDictionaryLinked();

View File

@ -1,68 +1,76 @@
#include "OneStepSystem.h" #include "OneStepSystem.h"
#include "RandomGenerator.h" #include "RandomGenerator.h"
#include <sstream>
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
OneStepSystem::OneStepSystem() : OneStepSystem::OneStepSystem() :
ReactionSystem() ReactionSystem()
{ {
nuclei.resize(4); m_nuclei.resize(4);
} }
OneStepSystem::OneStepSystem(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a) : OneStepSystem::OneStepSystem(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a) :
ReactionSystem() ReactionSystem()
{ {
nuclei.resize(4); m_nuclei.resize(4);
SetNuclei(z, a); SetNuclei(z, a);
} }
OneStepSystem::~OneStepSystem() {} OneStepSystem::~OneStepSystem() {}
bool OneStepSystem::SetNuclei(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a) { bool OneStepSystem::SetNuclei(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a)
if(z.size() != a.size() || z.size() != 3) { {
if(z.size() != a.size() || z.size() != 3)
return false; return false;
step1.SetNuclei(z[0], a[0], z[1], a[1], z[2], a[2]); int zr = z[0] + z[1] - z[2];
int ar = a[0] + a[1] - a[2];
m_nuclei[0] = CreateNucleus(z[0], a[0]); //target
m_nuclei[1] = CreateNucleus(z[1], a[1]); //projectile
m_nuclei[2] = CreateNucleus(z[2], a[2]); //ejectile
m_nuclei[3] = CreateNucleus(zr, ar); //residual
m_step1.BindNuclei(&(m_nuclei[0]), &(m_nuclei[1]), &(m_nuclei[2]), &(m_nuclei[3]));
SetSystemEquation(); SetSystemEquation();
return true; return true;
} }
const std::vector<Nucleus>& OneStepSystem::GetNuclei() std::vector<Nucleus>* OneStepSystem::GetNuclei()
{ {
nuclei[0] = step1.GetTarget(); return &m_nuclei;
nuclei[1] = step1.GetProjectile();
nuclei[2] = step1.GetEjectile();
nuclei[3] = step1.GetResidual();
return nuclei;
} }
void OneStepSystem::LinkTarget() { void OneStepSystem::LinkTarget()
step1.SetLayeredTarget(&target); {
rxnLayer = target.FindLayerContaining(step1.GetTarget().GetZ(), step1.GetTarget().GetA()); m_rxnLayer = m_target.FindLayerContaining(m_nuclei[0].Z, m_nuclei[0].A);
if(rxnLayer != -1) { if(m_rxnLayer != m_target.GetNumberOfLayers())
step1.SetRxnLayer(rxnLayer); {
target_set_flag = true; m_step1.SetRxnLayer(m_rxnLayer);
} else { m_isTargetSet = true;
throw ReactionLayerException();
} }
throw ReactionLayerException();
} }
void OneStepSystem::SetSystemEquation() { void OneStepSystem::SetSystemEquation()
m_sys_equation = step1.GetTarget().GetIsotopicSymbol(); {
m_sys_equation += "("; std::stringstream stream;
m_sys_equation += step1.GetProjectile().GetIsotopicSymbol(); stream << m_nuclei[0].isotopicSymbol << "("
m_sys_equation += ", "; << m_nuclei[1].isotopicSymbol << ", "
m_sys_equation += step1.GetEjectile().GetIsotopicSymbol(); << m_nuclei[2].isotopicSymbol << ")"
m_sys_equation += ")"; << m_nuclei[3].isotopicSymbol;
m_sys_equation += step1.GetResidual().GetIsotopicSymbol(); m_sysEquation = stream.str();
} }
void OneStepSystem::RunSystem() { void OneStepSystem::RunSystem() {
//Link up the target if it hasn't been done yet //Link up the target if it hasn't been done yet
if(!target_set_flag) { if(!m_isTargetSet)
LinkTarget(); LinkTarget();
} }
@ -72,13 +80,13 @@ namespace Mask {
double rxnPhi = (*m_phi1Range)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); double rxnPhi = (*m_phi1Range)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
double residEx = (*m_exDist)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); double residEx = (*m_exDist)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
step1.SetBeamKE(bke); m_step1.SetBeamKE(bke);
step1.SetPolarRxnAngle(rxnTheta); m_step1.SetPolarRxnAngle(rxnTheta);
step1.SetAzimRxnAngle(rxnPhi); m_step1.SetAzimRxnAngle(rxnPhi);
step1.SetExcitation(residEx); m_step1.SetExcitation(residEx);
step1.TurnOnResidualEloss(); m_step1.SetResidualEnergyLoss(true);
step1.Calculate(); m_step1.Calculate();
} }
} }

src/Mask/OneStepSystem.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#include "ReactionSystem.h"
namespace Mask {
class OneStepSystem: public ReactionSystem {
OneStepSystem(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a);
bool SetNuclei(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a) override;
void RunSystem() override;
std::vector<Nucleus>* GetNuclei() override;
void SetReactionThetaType(int type) { m_step1.SetEjectileThetaType(type); };
void LinkTarget() override;
void SetSystemEquation() override;
Reaction m_step1;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
#include "RandomGenerator.h" #include "RandomGenerator.h"
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
RandomGenerator::RandomGenerator() { RandomGenerator* RandomGenerator::s_instance = new RandomGenerator();
std::random_device rd; std::random_device rd;
rng.seed(rd()); rng.seed(rd());
} }
RandomGenerator::~RandomGenerator() { RandomGenerator::~RandomGenerator() {}
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#include <random>
namespace Mask {
class RandomGenerator
std::mt19937& GetGenerator() { return rng; }
static RandomGenerator& GetInstance() { return *s_instance; }
static RandomGenerator* s_instance;
std::mt19937 rng;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* /*ayer
Reaction.cpp Reaction.cpp
Reaction is a class which implements either a decay or scattering reaction. As such it requires either Reaction is a class which implements either a decay or scattering reaction. As such it requires either
3 (decay) or 4 (scattering) nuclei to perform any calcualtions. I also links together the target, which provides 3 (decay) or 4 (scattering) nuclei to perform any calcualtions. I also links together the target, which provides
@ -9,29 +9,33 @@
#include "Reaction.h" #include "Reaction.h"
#include "KinematicsExceptions.h" #include "KinematicsExceptions.h"
#include "Math/Boost.h"
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
Reaction::Reaction() : Reaction::Reaction() :
target(nullptr), m_bke(0), m_theta(0), m_phi(0), m_ex(0), rxnLayer(0), m_eject_theta_type(lab), nuc_initFlag(false), resid_elossFlag(false) m_target(nullptr), m_projectile(nullptr), m_ejectile(nullptr), m_residual(nullptr), m_layeredTarget(nullptr),
m_bke(0), m_theta(0), m_phi(0), m_ex(0), m_rxnLayer(0), m_ejectThetaType(s_lab), m_isInit(false), m_isResidEloss(false)
{ {
} }
Reaction::Reaction(int zt, int at, int zp, int ap, int ze, int ae) : Reaction::Reaction(Nucleus* target, Nucleus* projectile, Nucleus* ejectile, Nucleus* residual) :
target(nullptr), m_bke(0), m_theta(0), m_phi(0), m_ex(0), rxnLayer(0), m_eject_theta_type(lab), resid_elossFlag(false) m_target(nullptr), m_projectile(nullptr), m_ejectile(nullptr), m_residual(nullptr),
m_layeredTarget(nullptr), m_bke(0), m_theta(0), m_phi(0), m_ex(0), m_rxnLayer(0), m_ejectThetaType(s_lab), m_isResidEloss(false)
{ {
SetNuclei(zt, at, zp, ap, ze, ae); BindNuclei(target, projectile, ejectile, residual);
} }
Reaction::~Reaction() Reaction::~Reaction()
{ {
} }
bool Reaction::Calculate() { bool Reaction::Calculate()
if(!nuc_initFlag) if(!m_isInit)
return false; return false;
if(decayFlag) { if(m_isDecay) {
CalculateDecay(); CalculateDecay();
return true; return true;
} else { } else {
@ -40,203 +44,184 @@ namespace Mask {
} }
} }
//Deep copy of nucleus array void Reaction::BindNuclei(Nucleus* target, Nucleus* projectile, Nucleus* ejectile, Nucleus* residual)
void Reaction::SetNuclei(const Nucleus* nucs) { {
reactants[0] = nucs[0]; m_target = target;
reactants[1] = nucs[1]; m_projectile = projectile;
reactants[2] = nucs[2]; m_ejectile = ejectile;
reactants[3] = nucs[3]; m_residual = residual;
nuc_initFlag = true;
if(m_projectile == nullptr)
m_isDecay = true;
m_isDecay = false;
if(m_target == nullptr || m_ejectile == nullptr || m_residual == nullptr)
m_isInit = false;
m_isInit = true;
} }
void Reaction::SetNuclei(int zt, int at, int zp, int ap, int ze, int ae) { void Reaction::SetBeamKE(double bke)
int zr, ar; {
reactants[0] = Nucleus(zt, at); if(!m_isInit || m_isDecay)
reactants[2] = Nucleus(ze, ae);
if(ap == 0) {
decayFlag = true;
zr = zt - ze;
ar = at - ae;
} else {
reactants[1] = Nucleus(zp, ap);
decayFlag = false;
zr = zt + zp - ze;
ar = at + ap - ae;
if(zr < 0 || ar <= 0) {
nuc_initFlag = false;
} else {
reactants[3] = Nucleus(zr, ar);
nuc_initFlag = true;
void Reaction::SetBeamKE(double bke) {
if(!nuc_initFlag || decayFlag)
return; return;
m_bke = bke - target->GetProjectileEnergyLoss(reactants[1].GetZ(), reactants[1].GetA(), bke, rxnLayer, 0); m_bke = bke - m_layeredTarget->GetProjectileEnergyLoss(m_projectile->Z, m_projectile->A, bke, m_rxnLayer, 0);
} }
void Reaction::SetEjectileThetaType(int type) { void Reaction::SetEjectileThetaType(int type)
if(decayFlag) return; {
if(type != center_of_mass && type != lab) return; if(m_isDecay)
if(type != s_centerOfMass && type != s_lab)
m_eject_theta_type = type; m_ejectThetaType = type;
} }
//Methods given by Iliadis in Nuclear Physics of Stars, Appendix C //Methods given by Iliadis in Nuclear Physics of Stars, Appendix C
//For use with lab frame restricted angles. May not give appropriate disribution for ejectile //For use with lab frame restricted angles. May not give appropriate disribution for ejectile
void Reaction::CalculateReactionThetaLab() { void Reaction::CalculateReactionThetaLab()
reactants[0].SetVectorCartesian(0.,0.,0.,reactants[0].GetGroundStateMass()); {
double beam_pz = std::sqrt(m_bke*(m_bke + 2.0 * reactants[1].GetGroundStateMass())); m_target->vec4.SetPxPyPzE(0.,0.,0.,m_target->groundStateMass);
double beam_E = m_bke + reactants[1].GetGroundStateMass(); double beam_pz = std::sqrt(m_bke*(m_bke + 2.0 * m_projectile->groundStateMass));
reactants[1].SetVectorCartesian(0.,0.,beam_pz,beam_E); double beam_E = m_bke + m_projectile->groundStateMass;
double Q = reactants[0].GetGroundStateMass() + reactants[1].GetGroundStateMass() - (reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass() + reactants[3].GetGroundStateMass() + m_ex); double Q = m_target->groundStateMass + m_projectile->groundStateMass - (m_ejectile->groundStateMass + m_residual->groundStateMass + m_ex);
double Ethresh = -Q*(reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass()+reactants[3].GetGroundStateMass())/(reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass() + reactants[3].GetGroundStateMass() - reactants[1].GetGroundStateMass()); double Ethresh = -Q*(m_ejectile->groundStateMass+m_residual->groundStateMass) /
if(m_bke < Ethresh) { (m_ejectile->groundStateMass + m_residual->groundStateMass - m_projectile->groundStateMass);
if(m_bke < Ethresh)
throw EnergyThresholdException(); throw EnergyThresholdException();
double term1 = sqrt(reactants[1].GetGroundStateMass()*reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass()*m_bke)/(reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass()+reactants[3].GetGroundStateMass())*cos(m_theta); double term1 = std::sqrt(m_projectile->groundStateMass * m_ejectile->groundStateMass * m_bke)/
double term2 = (m_bke*(reactants[3].GetGroundStateMass() - reactants[1].GetGroundStateMass()) + reactants[3].GetGroundStateMass()*Q)/(reactants[3].GetGroundStateMass() + reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass()); (m_ejectile->groundStateMass + m_residual->groundStateMass) * std::cos(m_theta);
double sqrt_pos_ejectKE = term1 + sqrt(term1*term1 + term2); double term2 = (m_bke * (m_residual->groundStateMass - m_projectile->groundStateMass) + m_residual->groundStateMass*Q) /
double sqrt_neg_ejectKE = term1 - sqrt(term1*term1 + term2); (m_residual->groundStateMass + m_ejectile->groundStateMass);
double sqrt_pos_ejectKE = term1 + std::sqrt(term1*term1 + term2);
double sqrt_neg_ejectKE = term1 - std::sqrt(term1*term1 + term2);
double ejectKE; double ejectKE;
if(sqrt_pos_ejectKE > 0) { if(sqrt_pos_ejectKE > 0)
ejectKE = sqrt_pos_ejectKE*sqrt_pos_ejectKE; ejectKE = sqrt_pos_ejectKE*sqrt_pos_ejectKE;
} else { else
ejectKE = sqrt_neg_ejectKE*sqrt_neg_ejectKE; ejectKE = sqrt_neg_ejectKE*sqrt_neg_ejectKE;
double ejectP = std::sqrt(ejectKE*(ejectKE + 2.0 * reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass()));
double ejectE = ejectKE + reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass();
reactants[2].SetVectorSpherical(m_theta, m_phi, ejectP, ejectE); double ejectP = std::sqrt(ejectKE * (ejectKE + 2.0 * m_ejectile->groundStateMass));
double ejectE = ejectKE + m_ejectile->groundStateMass;
reactants[3] = reactants[0] + reactants[1] - reactants[2]; m_ejectile->SetVec4Spherical(m_theta, m_phi, ejectP, ejectE);
ejectKE -= target->GetEjectileEnergyLoss(reactants[2].GetZ(), reactants[2].GetA(), ejectKE, rxnLayer, m_theta); m_residual->vec4 = m_target->vec4 + m_projectile->vec4 - m_ejectile->vec4;
ejectP = std::sqrt(ejectKE*(ejectKE + 2.0 * reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass()));
ejectE = ejectKE + reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass();
reactants[2].SetVectorSpherical(m_theta, m_phi, ejectP, ejectE);
if(resid_elossFlag) { ejectKE -= m_layeredTarget->GetEjectileEnergyLoss(m_ejectile->Z, m_ejectile->A, ejectKE, m_rxnLayer, m_theta);
double residKE = reactants[3].GetKE() - target->GetEjectileEnergyLoss(reactants[3].GetZ(), reactants[3].GetA(), reactants[3].GetKE(), rxnLayer, reactants[3].GetTheta()); ejectP = std::sqrt(ejectKE*(ejectKE + 2.0 * m_ejectile->groundStateMass));
double residP = std::sqrt(residKE*(residKE + 2.0*reactants[3].GetInvMass())); ejectE = ejectKE + m_ejectile->groundStateMass;
double residE = residKE + reactants[3].GetInvMass(); m_ejectile->SetVec4Spherical(m_theta, m_phi, ejectP, ejectE);
reactants[3].SetVectorSpherical(reactants[3].GetTheta(), reactants[3].GetPhi(), residP, residE);
if(m_isResidEloss) {
double residKE = m_residual->GetKE() - m_layeredTarget->GetEjectileEnergyLoss(m_residual->Z, m_residual->A, m_residual->GetKE(),
m_rxnLayer, m_residual->vec4.Theta());
double residP = std::sqrt(residKE*(residKE + 2.0*m_residual->vec4.M()));
double residE = residKE + m_residual->vec4.M();
m_residual->SetVec4Spherical(m_residual->vec4.Theta(), m_residual->vec4.Phi(), residP, residE);
} }
} }
//Methods from original ANASEN. Gives proper distribution for inverse kinematics. //Methods from original ANASEN. Gives proper distribution for inverse kinematics.
void Reaction::CalculateReactionThetaCM() { void Reaction::CalculateReactionThetaCM()
//Target assumed at rest, with 0 excitation energy //Target assumed at rest, with 0 excitation energy
reactants[0].SetVectorCartesian(0.,0.,0.,reactants[0].GetGroundStateMass()); m_target->vec4.SetPxPyPzE(0.,0.,0.,m_target->groundStateMass);
double beam_pz = std::sqrt(m_bke*(m_bke + 2.0 * reactants[1].GetGroundStateMass())); double beam_pz = std::sqrt(m_bke*(m_bke + 2.0 * m_projectile->groundStateMass));
double beam_E = m_bke + reactants[1].GetGroundStateMass(); double beam_E = m_bke + m_projectile->groundStateMass;
reactants[1].SetVectorCartesian(0.,0.,beam_pz,beam_E); m_projectile->vec4.SetPxPyPzE(0.,0.,beam_pz,beam_E);
double Q = m_target->groundStateMass + m_projectile->groundStateMass - (m_ejectile->groundStateMass + m_residual->groundStateMass + m_ex);
double Q = reactants[0].GetGroundStateMass() + reactants[1].GetGroundStateMass() - (reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass() + reactants[3].GetGroundStateMass() + m_ex); double Ethresh = -Q*(m_ejectile->groundStateMass + m_residual->groundStateMass) /
(m_ejectile->groundStateMass + m_residual->groundStateMass - m_projectile->groundStateMass);
double Ethresh = -Q*(reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass()+reactants[3].GetGroundStateMass())/(reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass() + reactants[3].GetGroundStateMass() - reactants[1].GetGroundStateMass()); if(m_bke < Ethresh)
if(m_bke < Ethresh) {
throw EnergyThresholdException(); throw EnergyThresholdException();
auto parent = reactants[0] + reactants[1]; ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector parent = m_target->vec4 + m_projectile->vec4;
double boost2lab[3]; ROOT::Math::Boost boost(parent.BoostToCM());
double boost2cm[3]; parent = boost*parent;
const double* boost = parent.GetBoost(); double ejectE_cm = (std::pow(m_ejectile->groundStateMass, 2.0) -
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { std::pow(m_residual->groundStateMass + m_ex, 2.0) + std::pow(parent.E(),2.0))/
boost2lab[i] = boost[i]; (2.0*parent.E());
boost2cm[i] = boost[i]*(-1.0); double ejectP_cm = std::sqrt(ejectE_cm*ejectE_cm - std::pow(m_ejectile->groundStateMass, 2.0));
} m_ejectile->SetVec4Spherical(m_theta, m_phi, ejectP_cm, ejectE_cm);
parent.ApplyBoost(boost2cm); m_ejectile->vec4 = boost.Inverse() * m_ejectile->vec4;
double ejectE_cm = (std::pow(reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass(), 2.0) - std::pow(reactants[3].GetGroundStateMass() + m_ex, 2.0) + std::pow(parent.GetE(),2.0))/(2.0*parent.GetE()); m_residual->vec4 = m_target->vec4 + m_projectile->vec4 - m_ejectile->vec4;
double ejectP_cm = std::sqrt(ejectE_cm*ejectE_cm - std::pow(reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass(), 2.0));
reactants[2].SetVectorSpherical(m_theta, m_phi, ejectP_cm, ejectE_cm);
reactants[3] = reactants[0] + reactants[1] - reactants[2];
double ejectKE = reactants[2].GetKE(); double ejectKE = m_ejectile->GetKE();
double ejectP = reactants[2].GetP(); double ejectP = m_ejectile->vec4.P();
double ejectE = reactants[2].GetE(); double ejectE = m_ejectile->vec4.E();
//energy loss for ejectile (after reaction!) //energy loss for ejectile (after reaction!)
ejectKE -= target->GetEjectileEnergyLoss(reactants[2].GetZ(), reactants[2].GetA(), ejectKE, rxnLayer, reactants[2].GetTheta()); ejectKE -= m_layeredTarget->GetEjectileEnergyLoss(m_ejectile->Z, m_ejectile->A, ejectKE, m_rxnLayer, m_ejectile->vec4.Theta());
ejectP = std::sqrt(ejectKE*(ejectKE + 2.0 * reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass())); ejectP = std::sqrt(ejectKE*(ejectKE + 2.0 * m_ejectile->groundStateMass));
ejectE = ejectKE + reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass(); ejectE = ejectKE + m_ejectile->groundStateMass;
reactants[2].SetVectorSpherical(reactants[2].GetTheta(), reactants[2].GetPhi(), ejectP, ejectE); m_ejectile->SetVec4Spherical(m_ejectile->vec4.Theta(), m_ejectile->vec4.Phi(), ejectP, ejectE);
//if on, get eloss for residual (after reaction!) //if on, get eloss for residual (after reaction!)
if(resid_elossFlag) { if(m_isResidEloss)
double residKE = reactants[3].GetKE() - target->GetEjectileEnergyLoss(reactants[3].GetZ(), reactants[3].GetA(), reactants[3].GetKE(), rxnLayer, reactants[3].GetTheta()); {
double residP = std::sqrt(residKE*(residKE + 2.0*reactants[3].GetInvMass())); double residKE = m_residual->GetKE() -
double residE = residKE + reactants[3].GetInvMass(); m_layeredTarget->GetEjectileEnergyLoss(m_residual->Z, m_residual->A, m_residual->GetKE(), m_rxnLayer, m_residual->vec4.Theta());
reactants[3].SetVectorSpherical(reactants[3].GetTheta(), reactants[3].GetPhi(), residP, residE); double residP = std::sqrt(residKE*(residKE + 2.0*m_residual->vec4.M()));
double residE = residKE + m_residual->vec4.M();
m_residual->SetVec4Spherical(m_residual->vec4.Theta(), m_residual->vec4.Phi(), residP, residE);
} }
} }
void Reaction::CalculateReaction() { void Reaction::CalculateReaction()
switch(m_eject_theta_type) { {
case center_of_mass: switch(m_ejectThetaType)
{ {
CalculateReactionThetaCM(); case s_centerOfMass: CalculateReactionThetaCM(); break;
break; case s_lab: CalculateReactionThetaLab(); break;
case lab:
} }
} }
//Calculate in CM, where decay is isotropic //Calculate in CM, where decay is isotropic
void Reaction::CalculateDecay() { void Reaction::CalculateDecay()
double Q = reactants[0].GetInvMass() - reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass() - reactants[3].GetGroundStateMass(); double Q = m_target->vec4.M() - m_ejectile->groundStateMass - m_residual->groundStateMass;
if(Q < 0) { if(Q < 0)
throw QValueException(); throw QValueException();
const double* boost = reactants[0].GetBoost(); ROOT::Math::Boost boost(m_target->vec4.BoostToCM());
double boost2cm[3]; m_target->vec4 = boost*m_target->vec4;
double boost2lab[3]; double ejectE_cm = (m_ejectile->groundStateMass*m_ejectile->groundStateMass -
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { m_residual->groundStateMass*m_residual->groundStateMass + m_target->vec4.E()*m_target->vec4.E()) /
boost2lab[i] = boost[i]; (2.0*m_target->vec4.E());
boost2cm[i] = boost[i]*(-1.0); double ejectP_cm = std::sqrt(ejectE_cm*ejectE_cm - m_ejectile->groundStateMass*m_ejectile->groundStateMass);
reactants[0].ApplyBoost(&(boost2cm[0])); m_ejectile->SetVec4Spherical(m_theta, m_phi, ejectP_cm, ejectE_cm);
double ejectE_cm = (reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass()*reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass() - reactants[3].GetGroundStateMass()*reactants[3].GetGroundStateMass() + reactants[0].GetE()*reactants[0].GetE())/ m_ejectile->thetaCM = m_theta;
double ejectP_cm = std::sqrt(ejectE_cm*ejectE_cm - reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass()*reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass());
reactants[2].SetVectorSpherical(m_theta, m_phi, ejectP_cm, ejectE_cm); m_target->vec4 = boost.Inverse() * m_target->vec4;
reactants[2].SetThetaCM(m_theta); m_ejectile->vec4 = boost.Inverse() * m_ejectile->vec4;
reactants[0].ApplyBoost(boost2lab); m_residual->vec4 = m_target->vec4 - m_ejectile->vec4;
reactants[3] = reactants[0] - reactants[2];
//energy loss for the *light* break up nucleus //energy loss for the *light* break up nucleus
double ejectKE = reactants[2].GetKE() - target->GetEjectileEnergyLoss(reactants[2].GetZ(), reactants[2].GetA(), reactants[2].GetKE(), rxnLayer, reactants[2].GetTheta()); double ejectKE = m_ejectile->GetKE() -
double ejectP = std::sqrt(ejectKE*(ejectKE + 2.0*reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass())); m_layeredTarget->GetEjectileEnergyLoss(m_ejectile->Z, m_ejectile->A, m_ejectile->GetKE(), m_rxnLayer, m_ejectile->vec4.Theta());
double ejectE = ejectKE + reactants[2].GetGroundStateMass(); double ejectP = std::sqrt(ejectKE*(ejectKE + 2.0*m_ejectile->groundStateMass));
reactants[2].SetVectorSpherical(reactants[2].GetTheta(), reactants[2].GetPhi(), ejectP, ejectE); double ejectE = ejectKE + m_ejectile->groundStateMass;
m_ejectile->SetVec4Spherical(m_ejectile->vec4.Theta(), m_ejectile->vec4.Phi(), ejectP, ejectE);
//if on, get eloss for *heavy* break up nucleus //if on, get eloss for *heavy* break up nucleus
if(resid_elossFlag) { if(m_isResidEloss)
double residKE = reactants[3].GetKE() - target->GetEjectileEnergyLoss(reactants[3].GetZ(), reactants[3].GetA(), reactants[3].GetKE(), rxnLayer, reactants[3].GetTheta()); double residKE = m_residual->GetKE() -
double residP = std::sqrt(residKE*(residKE + 2.0*reactants[3].GetInvMass())); m_layeredTarget->GetEjectileEnergyLoss(m_residual->Z, m_residual->A, m_residual->GetKE(), m_rxnLayer, m_residual->vec4.Theta());
double residE = residKE + reactants[3].GetInvMass(); double residP = std::sqrt(residKE*(residKE + 2.0*m_residual->vec4.M()));
reactants[3].SetVectorSpherical(reactants[3].GetTheta(), reactants[3].GetPhi(), residP, residE); double residE = residKE + m_residual->vec4.M();
m_residual->SetVec4Spherical(m_residual->vec4.Theta(), m_residual->vec4.Phi(), residP, residE);
} }
} }

src/Mask/Reaction.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
Reaction is a class which implements either a decay or scattering reaction. As such it requires either
3 (decay) or 4 (scattering) nuclei to perform any calcualtions. I also links together the target, which provides
energy loss calculations, with the kinematics. Note that Reaction does not own the LayeredTarget.
--GWM Jan. 2021
#ifndef REACTION_H
#define REACTION_H
#include "Nucleus.h"
#include "LayeredTarget.h"
namespace Mask {
class Reaction
Reaction(Nucleus* target, Nucleus* projectile, Nucleus* ejectile, Nucleus* residual);
bool Calculate(); //do sim
void BindNuclei(Nucleus* target, Nucleus* projectile, Nucleus* ejectile, Nucleus* residual);
void SetBeamKE(double bke);
void SetEjectileThetaType(int type);
void SetLayeredTarget(LayeredTarget* targ) { m_layeredTarget = targ; };
void SetPolarRxnAngle(double theta) { m_theta = theta; };
void SetAzimRxnAngle(double phi) { m_phi = phi; };
void SetExcitation(double ex) { m_ex = ex; };
void BindTarget(Nucleus* nuc) { m_target = nuc; };
void BindProjectile(Nucleus* nuc) { m_projectile = nuc; };
void BindEjectile(Nucleus* nuc) { m_ejectile = nuc; };
void BindResidual(Nucleus* nuc) { m_residual = nuc; };
void SetRxnLayer(std::size_t layer) { m_rxnLayer = layer; };
void SetResidualEnergyLoss(bool isEloss) { m_isResidEloss = isEloss; };
bool IsDecay() const { return m_isDecay; };
std::size_t GetRxnLayer() const { return m_rxnLayer; };
void CalculateDecay(); //target -> light_decay (eject) + heavy_decay(resid)
void CalculateReaction(); //target + project -> eject + resid
void CalculateReactionThetaLab();
void CalculateReactionThetaCM();
//Reactants -> NOT OWNED BY RXN
Nucleus* m_target;
Nucleus* m_projectile;
Nucleus* m_ejectile;
Nucleus* m_residual;
LayeredTarget* m_layeredTarget; //not owned by Reaction
double m_bke, m_theta, m_phi, m_ex;
int m_rxnLayer;
int m_ejectThetaType;
bool m_isDecay, m_isInit, m_isResidEloss;
static constexpr int s_lab = 0;
static constexpr int s_centerOfMass = 1;

View File

@ -5,20 +5,22 @@
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
ReactionSystem::ReactionSystem() : ReactionSystem::ReactionSystem() :
m_beamDist(nullptr), m_theta1Range(nullptr), m_phi1Range(nullptr), m_exDist(nullptr), target_set_flag(false), m_beamDist(nullptr), m_theta1Range(nullptr), m_phi1Range(nullptr), m_exDist(nullptr), m_isTargetSet(false),
rxnLayer(0), m_sys_equation("") m_rxnLayer(0), m_sysEquation("")
{ {
} }
ReactionSystem::~ReactionSystem() { ReactionSystem::~ReactionSystem()
delete m_beamDist; delete m_beamDist;
delete m_theta1Range; delete m_theta1Range;
delete m_phi1Range; delete m_phi1Range;
delete m_exDist; delete m_exDist;
} }
void ReactionSystem::AddTargetLayer(std::vector<int>& zt, std::vector<int>& at, std::vector<int>& stoich, double thickness) { void ReactionSystem::AddTargetLayer(const std::vector<int>& zt, const std::vector<int>& at, const std::vector<int>& stoich, double thickness)
target.AddLayer(zt, at, stoich, thickness); {
m_target.AddLayer(zt, at, stoich, thickness);
} }
} }

View File

@ -16,59 +16,64 @@
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
class ReactionSystem { class ReactionSystem
public: public:
ReactionSystem(); ReactionSystem();
virtual ~ReactionSystem(); virtual ~ReactionSystem();
virtual bool SetNuclei(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a) = 0; virtual bool SetNuclei(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a) = 0;
virtual void RunSystem() = 0; virtual void RunSystem() = 0;
virtual const std::vector<Nucleus>& GetNuclei() = 0; virtual std::vector<Nucleus>* GetNuclei() = 0;
void AddTargetLayer(std::vector<int>& zt, std::vector<int>& at, std::vector<int>& stoich, double thickness); void AddTargetLayer(const std::vector<int>& zt, const std::vector<int>& at, const std::vector<int>& stoich, double thickness);
/*Set sampling parameters*/ /*Set sampling parameters*/
inline void SetBeamDistro(double mean, double sigma) { void SetBeamDistro(double mean, double sigma)
if(m_beamDist) if(m_beamDist)
delete m_beamDist; delete m_beamDist;
m_beamDist = new std::normal_distribution<double>(mean, sigma); m_beamDist = new std::normal_distribution<double>(mean, sigma);
} }
inline void SetTheta1Range(double min, double max) { void SetTheta1Range(double min, double max)
if(m_theta1Range) if(m_theta1Range)
delete m_theta1Range; delete m_theta1Range;
m_theta1Range = new std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(std::cos(min*deg2rad), std::cos(max*deg2rad)); m_theta1Range = new std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(std::cos(min*s_deg2rad), std::cos(max*s_deg2rad));
} }
inline void SetPhi1Range(double min, double max) { void SetPhi1Range(double min, double max)
if(m_phi1Range) if(m_phi1Range)
delete m_phi1Range; delete m_phi1Range;
m_phi1Range = new std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(min*deg2rad, max*deg2rad); m_phi1Range = new std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(min*s_deg2rad, max*s_deg2rad);
} }
inline void SetExcitationDistro(double mean, double sigma) { void SetExcitationDistro(double mean, double sigma)
if(m_exDist) if(m_exDist)
delete m_exDist; delete m_exDist;
m_exDist = new std::normal_distribution<double>(mean, sigma); m_exDist = new std::normal_distribution<double>(mean, sigma);
} }
inline const std::string& GetSystemEquation() const { return m_sys_equation; } const std::string& GetSystemEquation() const { return m_sysEquation; }
protected: protected:
virtual void LinkTarget() = 0; virtual void LinkTarget() = 0;
virtual void SetSystemEquation() = 0; virtual void SetSystemEquation() = 0;
LayeredTarget target; LayeredTarget m_target;
//Sampling information //Sampling information
std::normal_distribution<double> *m_beamDist, *m_exDist; std::normal_distribution<double> *m_beamDist, *m_exDist;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> *m_theta1Range, *m_phi1Range; std::uniform_real_distribution<double> *m_theta1Range, *m_phi1Range;
bool target_set_flag, gen_set_flag; bool m_isTargetSet;
int rxnLayer; std::size_t m_rxnLayer;
std::string m_sys_equation; std::string m_sysEquation;
std::vector<Nucleus> nuclei; std::vector<Nucleus> m_nuclei;
static constexpr double deg2rad = M_PI/180.0; static constexpr double s_deg2rad = M_PI/180.0;
}; };
} }

View File

@ -7,25 +7,34 @@
*/ */
#include "Stopwatch.h" #include "Stopwatch.h"
Stopwatch::Stopwatch() { namespace Mask {
start_time = Clock::now();
stop_time = start_time;
Stopwatch::~Stopwatch() {} Stopwatch::Stopwatch()
start_time = Clock::now();
stop_time = start_time;
void Stopwatch::Start() { Stopwatch::~Stopwatch() {}
start_time = Clock::now();
void Stopwatch::Stop() { void Stopwatch::Start()
stop_time = Clock::now(); {
} start_time = Clock::now();
double Stopwatch::GetElapsedSeconds() { void Stopwatch::Stop()
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(stop_time-start_time).count(); {
} stop_time = Clock::now();
double Stopwatch::GetElapsedSeconds()
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(stop_time-start_time).count();
double Stopwatch::GetElapsedMilliseconds()
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(stop_time-start_time).count()*1000.0;
double Stopwatch::GetElapsedMilliseconds() {
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(stop_time-start_time).count()*1000.0;
} }

src/Mask/Stopwatch.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Simple class designed to provide timing info on parts of the process.
Only for use in development.
Written by G.W. McCann Oct. 2020
#include <chrono>
namespace Mask {
class Stopwatch
void Start();
void Stop();
double GetElapsedSeconds();
double GetElapsedMilliseconds();
using Time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point;
using Clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
Time start_time, stop_time;

View File

@ -16,45 +16,50 @@ Written by G.W. McCann Aug. 2020
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
/*Targets must be of known thickness*/ /*Targets must be of known thickness*/
Target::Target(double thick) { Target::Target(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a, const std::vector<int>& stoich, double thick) :
thickness = thick; m_thickness(thick), m_thickness_gcm2(thick*1.0e-6)
thickness_gcm2 = thickness*1.0e-6; {
Init(z, a, stoich);
} }
Target::~Target() {} Target::~Target() {}
/*Set target elements of given Z, A, S*/ /*Set target elements of given Z, A, S*/
void Target::SetElements(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a, std::vector<int>& stoich) { void Target::Init(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a, const std::vector<int>& stoich)
Z = z; {
A = a; m_Z = z;
Stoich = stoich; m_A = a;
m_stoich = stoich;
MassLookup& masses = MassLookup::GetInstance(); MassLookup& masses = MassLookup::GetInstance();
eloss.SetTargetComponents(Z, A, Stoich); for(size_t i=0; i<m_Z.size(); i++)
for(size_t i=0; i<Z.size(); i++)
{ {
target_material.add_element(masses.FindMassU(Z[i], A[i]), Z[i], Stoich[i]); m_material.add_element(masses.FindMassU(m_Z[i], m_A[i]), m_Z[i], m_stoich[i]);
} }
} }
/*Element verification*/ /*Element verification*/
bool Target::ContainsElement(int z, int a) { bool Target::ContainsElement(int z, int a)
for(unsigned int i=0; i<Z.size(); i++) {
if( z == Z[i] && a == A[i]) for(std::size_t i=0; i<m_Z.size(); i++)
if( z == m_Z[i] && a == m_A[i])
return true; return true;
return false; return false;
} }
/*Calculates energy loss for travelling all the way through the target*/ /*Calculates energy loss for travelling all the way through the target*/
double Target::GetEnergyLossTotal(int zp, int ap, double startEnergy, double theta) { double Target::GetEnergyLossTotal(int zp, int ap, double startEnergy, double theta)
if(theta == M_PI/2.) if(theta == M_PI/2.)
return startEnergy; return startEnergy;
else if (theta > M_PI/2.) else if (theta > M_PI/2.)
theta = M_PI - theta; theta = M_PI - theta;
catima::Projectile proj(MassLookup::GetInstance().FindMassU(zp, ap), zp, 0.0, 0.0); catima::Projectile proj(MassLookup::GetInstance().FindMassU(zp, ap), zp, 0.0, 0.0);
proj.T = startEnergy/proj.A; proj.T = startEnergy/proj.A;
target_material.thickness(thickness_gcm2/fabs(cos(theta))); m_material.thickness(m_thickness_gcm2/fabs(cos(theta)));
return catima::integrate_energyloss(proj, target_material); return catima::integrate_energyloss(proj, m_material);
//return eloss.GetEnergyLoss(zp, ap, startEnergy, thickness/fabs(cos(theta)));
} }
/*Calculates the energy loss for traveling some fraction through the target*/ /*Calculates the energy loss for traveling some fraction through the target*/
@ -67,13 +72,13 @@ namespace Mask {
catima::Projectile proj(MassLookup::GetInstance().FindMassU(zp, ap), zp, 0.0, 0.0); catima::Projectile proj(MassLookup::GetInstance().FindMassU(zp, ap), zp, 0.0, 0.0);
proj.T = finalEnergy/proj.A; proj.T = finalEnergy/proj.A;
target_material.thickness(thickness_gcm2*percent_depth/fabs(cos(theta))); m_material.thickness(m_thickness_gcm2*percent_depth/fabs(cos(theta)));
return catima::integrate_energyloss(proj, target_material); return catima::integrate_energyloss(proj, m_material);
//return eloss.GetEnergyLoss(zp, ap, finalEnergy, thickness*percent_depth/(std::fabs(std::cos(theta))));
} }
/*Calculates reverse energy loss for travelling all the way through the target*/ /*Calculates reverse energy loss for travelling all the way through the target*/
double Target::GetReverseEnergyLossTotal(int zp, int ap, double finalEnergy, double theta) { double Target::GetReverseEnergyLossTotal(int zp, int ap, double finalEnergy, double theta)
if(theta == M_PI/2.) if(theta == M_PI/2.)
return finalEnergy; return finalEnergy;
else if (theta > M_PI/2.) else if (theta > M_PI/2.)
@ -81,9 +86,8 @@ namespace Mask {
catima::Projectile proj(MassLookup::GetInstance().FindMassU(zp, ap), zp, 0.0, 0.0); catima::Projectile proj(MassLookup::GetInstance().FindMassU(zp, ap), zp, 0.0, 0.0);
proj.T = finalEnergy/proj.A; proj.T = finalEnergy/proj.A;
target_material.thickness(thickness_gcm2/fabs(cos(theta))); m_material.thickness(m_thickness_gcm2/fabs(cos(theta)));
return catima::reverse_integrate_energyloss(proj, target_material); return catima::reverse_integrate_energyloss(proj, m_material);
//return eloss.GetReverseEnergyLoss(zp, ap, finalEnergy, thickness/fabs(cos(theta)));
} }
/*Calculates the reverse energy loss for traveling some fraction through the target*/ /*Calculates the reverse energy loss for traveling some fraction through the target*/
@ -95,9 +99,8 @@ namespace Mask {
theta = M_PI-theta; theta = M_PI-theta;
catima::Projectile proj(MassLookup::GetInstance().FindMassU(zp, ap), zp, 0.0, 0.0); catima::Projectile proj(MassLookup::GetInstance().FindMassU(zp, ap), zp, 0.0, 0.0);
proj.T = finalEnergy/proj.A; proj.T = finalEnergy/proj.A;
target_material.thickness(thickness_gcm2*percent_depth/fabs(cos(theta))); m_material.thickness(m_thickness_gcm2*percent_depth/fabs(cos(theta)));
return catima::reverse_integrate_energyloss(proj, target_material); return catima::reverse_integrate_energyloss(proj, m_material);
//return eloss.GetReverseEnergyLoss(zp, ap, finalEnergy, thickness*percent_depth/(std::fabs(std::cos(theta))));
} }
} }

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ Written by G.W. McCann Aug. 2020
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include <cmath> #include <cmath>
#include "EnergyLoss.h"
#include "catima/gwm_integrators.h" #include "catima/gwm_integrators.h"
#include "MassLookup.h" #include "MassLookup.h"
@ -25,26 +24,26 @@ namespace Mask {
class Target { class Target {
public: public:
Target(double thick); Target(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a, const std::vector<int>& stoich, double thick);
~Target(); ~Target();
void SetElements(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a, std::vector<int>& stoich);
bool ContainsElement(int z, int a); bool ContainsElement(int z, int a);
double GetEnergyLossTotal(int zp, int ap, double startEnergy, double angle); double GetEnergyLossTotal(int zp, int ap, double startEnergy, double angle);
double GetReverseEnergyLossTotal(int zp, int ap, double finalEnergy, double angle); double GetReverseEnergyLossTotal(int zp, int ap, double finalEnergy, double angle);
double GetEnergyLossFractionalDepth(int zp, int ap, double startEnergy, double angle, double percent_depth); double GetEnergyLossFractionalDepth(int zp, int ap, double startEnergy, double angle, double percent_depth);
double GetReverseEnergyLossFractionalDepth(int zp, int ap, double finalEnergy, double angle, double percent_depth); double GetReverseEnergyLossFractionalDepth(int zp, int ap, double finalEnergy, double angle, double percent_depth);
inline const double& GetThickness() { return thickness; } inline const double& GetThickness() { return m_thickness; }
inline int GetNumberOfElements() { return Z.size(); } inline int GetNumberOfElements() { return m_Z.size(); }
inline int GetElementZ(int index) { return Z[index]; } inline int GetElementZ(int index) { return m_Z[index]; }
inline int GetElementA(int index) { return A[index]; } inline int GetElementA(int index) { return m_A[index]; }
inline int GetElementStoich(int index) { return Stoich[index]; } inline int GetElementStoich(int index) { return m_stoich[index]; }
private: private:
EnergyLoss eloss; void Init(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a, const std::vector<int>& stoich);
catima::Material target_material;
double thickness; catima::Material m_material;
double thickness_gcm2; double m_thickness;
std::vector<int> Z, A, Stoich; double m_thickness_gcm2;
std::vector<int> m_Z, m_A, m_stoich;
}; };

View File

@ -7,133 +7,131 @@ namespace Mask {
ThreeStepSystem::ThreeStepSystem() : ThreeStepSystem::ThreeStepSystem() :
ReactionSystem(), m_phi2Range(0, 2.0*M_PI) ReactionSystem(), m_phi2Range(0, 2.0*M_PI)
{ {
nuclei.resize(8); m_nuclei.resize(8);
} }
ThreeStepSystem::ThreeStepSystem(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a) : ThreeStepSystem::ThreeStepSystem(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a) :
ReactionSystem(), m_phi2Range(0, 2.0*M_PI) ReactionSystem(), m_phi2Range(0, 2.0*M_PI)
{ {
nuclei.resize(8); m_nuclei.resize(8);
SetNuclei(z, a); SetNuclei(z, a);
} }
ThreeStepSystem::~ThreeStepSystem() {} ThreeStepSystem::~ThreeStepSystem() {}
bool ThreeStepSystem::SetNuclei(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a)
bool ThreeStepSystem::SetNuclei(std::vector<int>&z, std::vector<int>& a) { {
if(z.size() != a.size() || z.size() < 5) { if(z.size() != a.size() || z.size() < 5)
return false; return false;
int zr = z[0] + z[1] - z[2]; int zr = z[0] + z[1] - z[2];
int zb2 = zr - z[3]; int zb2 = zr - z[3];
int zb4 = zb2 - z[4];
int ar = a[0] + a[1] - a[2]; int ar = a[0] + a[1] - a[2];
int ab2 = ar - a[3]; int ab2 = ar - a[3];
int ab4 = ab2 - a[4];
m_nuclei[0] = CreateNucleus(z[0], a[0]); //target
m_nuclei[1] = CreateNucleus(z[1], a[1]); //projectile
m_nuclei[2] = CreateNucleus(z[2], a[2]); //ejectile
m_nuclei[3] = CreateNucleus(zr, ar); //residual
m_nuclei[4] = CreateNucleus(z[3], a[3]); //breakup1
m_nuclei[5] = CreateNucleus(zb2, ab2); //breakup2
m_nuclei[5] = CreateNucleus(z[4], a[4]); //breakup3
m_nuclei[5] = CreateNucleus(zb4, ab4); //breakup4
m_step1.BindNuclei(&(m_nuclei[0]), &(m_nuclei[1]), &(m_nuclei[2]), &(m_nuclei[3]));
m_step2.BindNuclei(&(m_nuclei[3]), nullptr, &(m_nuclei[4]), &(m_nuclei[5]));
m_step3.BindNuclei(&(m_nuclei[5]), nullptr, &(m_nuclei[6]), &(m_nuclei[7]));
step1.SetNuclei(z[0], a[0], z[1], a[1], z[2], a[2]);
step2.SetNuclei(zr, ar, 0, 0, z[3], a[3]);
step3.SetNuclei(zb2, ab2, 0, 0, z[4], a[4]);
SetSystemEquation(); SetSystemEquation();
return true; return true;
} }
const std::vector<Nucleus>& ThreeStepSystem::GetNuclei() std::vector<Nucleus>* ThreeStepSystem::GetNuclei()
{ {
nuclei[0] = step1.GetTarget(); return &m_nuclei;
nuclei[1] = step1.GetProjectile();
nuclei[2] = step1.GetEjectile();
nuclei[3] = step1.GetResidual();
nuclei[4] = step2.GetEjectile();
nuclei[5] = step2.GetResidual();
nuclei[6] = step3.GetEjectile();
nuclei[7] = step3.GetResidual();
return nuclei;
} }
void ThreeStepSystem::LinkTarget() { void ThreeStepSystem::LinkTarget()
step1.SetLayeredTarget(&target); {
step2.SetLayeredTarget(&target); m_step1.SetLayeredTarget(&m_target);
step3.SetLayeredTarget(&target); m_step2.SetLayeredTarget(&m_target);
rxnLayer = target.FindLayerContaining(step1.GetTarget().GetZ(), step1.GetTarget().GetA()); m_rxnLayer = m_target.FindLayerContaining(m_nuclei[0].Z, m_nuclei[0].A);
if(rxnLayer != -1) { if(m_rxnLayer != m_target.GetNumberOfLayers())
step1.SetRxnLayer(rxnLayer); {
step2.SetRxnLayer(rxnLayer); m_step1.SetRxnLayer(m_rxnLayer);
step3.SetRxnLayer(rxnLayer); m_step2.SetRxnLayer(m_rxnLayer);
target_set_flag = true; m_step3.SetRxnLayer(m_rxnLayer);
} else { m_isTargetSet = true;
} else
throw ReactionLayerException(); throw ReactionLayerException();
} }
void ThreeStepSystem::SetSystemEquation() { void ThreeStepSystem::SetSystemEquation()
m_sys_equation = step1.GetTarget().GetIsotopicSymbol(); {
m_sys_equation += "("; std::stringstream stream;
m_sys_equation += step1.GetProjectile().GetIsotopicSymbol(); stream << m_nuclei[0].isotopicSymbol << "("
m_sys_equation += ", "; << m_nuclei[1].isotopicSymbol << ", "
m_sys_equation += step1.GetEjectile().GetIsotopicSymbol(); << m_nuclei[2].isotopicSymbol << ")"
m_sys_equation += ")"; << m_nuclei[3].isotopicSymbol << "->"
m_sys_equation += step1.GetResidual().GetIsotopicSymbol(); << m_nuclei[4].isotopicSymbol << "+"
m_sys_equation += "-> "; << m_nuclei[5].isotopicSymbol << "->"
m_sys_equation += step2.GetEjectile().GetIsotopicSymbol(); << m_nuclei[6].isotopicSymbol << "+"
m_sys_equation += " + "; << m_nuclei[7].isotopicSymbol;
m_sys_equation += step2.GetResidual().GetIsotopicSymbol(); m_sysEquation = stream.str();
m_sys_equation += "-> ";
m_sys_equation += step3.GetEjectile().GetIsotopicSymbol();
m_sys_equation += " + ";
m_sys_equation += step3.GetResidual().GetIsotopicSymbol();
} }
void ThreeStepSystem::RunSystem() { void ThreeStepSystem::RunSystem() {
//Link up the target if it hasn't been done yet //Link up the target if it hasn't been done yet
if(!target_set_flag) { if(!m_isTargetSet)
LinkTarget(); LinkTarget();
//Sample parameters //Sample parameters
double bke = (*m_beamDist)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); double bke = (*m_beamDist)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
double rxnTheta = acos((*m_theta1Range)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator())); double rxnTheta = acos((*m_theta1Range)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()));
double rxnPhi = (*m_phi1Range)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); double rxnPhi = (*m_phi1Range)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
double decay1costheta = decay1dist.GetRandomCosTheta(); double decay1costheta = m_step2Distribution.GetRandomCosTheta();
double decay1Theta = std::acos(decay1costheta); double decay1Theta = std::acos(decay1costheta);
double decay1Phi = m_phi2Range(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); double decay1Phi = m_phi2Range(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
double decay2costheta = decay2dist.GetRandomCosTheta(); double decay2costheta = m_step3Distribution.GetRandomCosTheta();
double decay2Theta = std::acos(decay2costheta); double decay2Theta = std::acos(decay2costheta);
double decay2Phi = m_phi2Range(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); double decay2Phi = m_phi2Range(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
double residEx = (*m_exDist)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); double residEx = (*m_exDist)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
step1.SetBeamKE(bke); m_step1.SetBeamKE(bke);
step1.SetPolarRxnAngle(rxnTheta); m_step1.SetPolarRxnAngle(rxnTheta);
step1.SetAzimRxnAngle(rxnPhi); m_step1.SetAzimRxnAngle(rxnPhi);
step1.SetExcitation(residEx); m_step1.SetExcitation(residEx);
step2.SetPolarRxnAngle(decay1Theta); m_step2.SetPolarRxnAngle(decay1Theta);
step2.SetAzimRxnAngle(decay1Phi); m_step2.SetAzimRxnAngle(decay1Phi);
step3.SetPolarRxnAngle(decay2Theta); m_step3.SetPolarRxnAngle(decay2Theta);
step3.SetAzimRxnAngle(decay2Phi); m_step3.SetAzimRxnAngle(decay2Phi);
step1.Calculate(); m_step1.Calculate();
step2.SetTarget(step1.GetResidual()); if(decay1costheta == -10)
if(decay1costheta == -10) { {
step2.ResetEjectile(); m_nuclei[4].vec4.SetPxPyPzE(0., 0., 0., m_nuclei[4].groundStateMass);
step2.ResetResidual(); m_nuclei[5].vec4.SetPxPyPzE(0., 0., 0., m_nuclei[5].groundStateMass);
step3.ResetTarget(); m_nuclei[6].vec4.SetPxPyPzE(0., 0., 0., m_nuclei[6].groundStateMass);
step3.ResetEjectile(); m_nuclei[7].vec4.SetPxPyPzE(0., 0., 0., m_nuclei[7].groundStateMass);
return; return;
} }
step2.Calculate(); m_step2.Calculate();
step3.SetTarget(step2.GetResidual()); if(decay2costheta == -10)
if(decay2costheta == -10) { {
step3.ResetEjectile(); m_nuclei[6].vec4.SetPxPyPzE(0., 0., 0., m_nuclei[6].groundStateMass);
step3.ResetResidual(); m_nuclei[7].vec4.SetPxPyPzE(0., 0., 0., m_nuclei[7].groundStateMass);
return; return;
} }
step3.TurnOnResidualEloss(); m_step3.SetResidualEnergyLoss(true);
step3.Calculate(); m_step3.Calculate();
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#include "ReactionSystem.h"
#include "AngularDistribution.h"
namespace Mask {
class ThreeStepSystem : public ReactionSystem {
ThreeStepSystem(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a);
bool SetNuclei(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a) override;
void RunSystem() override;
std::vector<Nucleus>* GetNuclei() override;
inline void SetDecay1Distribution(const std::string& filename) { m_step2Distribution.ReadDistributionFile(filename); };
inline void SetDecay2Distribution(const std::string& filename) { m_step3Distribution.ReadDistributionFile(filename); };
void SetReactionThetaType(int type) { m_step1.SetEjectileThetaType(type); };
int GetDecay1AngularMomentum() { return m_step2Distribution.GetL(); };
int GetDecay2AngularMomentum(){ return m_step3Distribution.GetL(); };
double GetDecay1BranchingRatio() { return m_step2Distribution.GetBranchingRatio(); };
double GetDecay2BranchingRatio(){ return m_step3Distribution.GetBranchingRatio(); };
void LinkTarget() override;
void SetSystemEquation() override;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> m_phi2Range;
Reaction m_step1, m_step2, m_step3;
AngularDistribution m_step2Distribution, m_step3Distribution;

View File

@ -2,111 +2,114 @@
#include "RandomGenerator.h" #include "RandomGenerator.h"
#include "KinematicsExceptions.h" #include "KinematicsExceptions.h"
#include <sstream>
namespace Mask { namespace Mask {
TwoStepSystem::TwoStepSystem() : TwoStepSystem::TwoStepSystem() :
ReactionSystem(), m_phi2Range(0, 2.0*M_PI) ReactionSystem(), m_phi2Range(0, 2.0*M_PI)
{ {
nuclei.resize(6); m_nuclei.resize(6);
} }
TwoStepSystem::TwoStepSystem(std::vector<int>& z, std::vector<int>& a) : TwoStepSystem::TwoStepSystem(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a) :
ReactionSystem(), m_phi2Range(0, 2.0*M_PI) ReactionSystem(), m_phi2Range(0, 2.0*M_PI)
{ {
nuclei.resize(6); m_nuclei.resize(6);
SetNuclei(z, a); SetNuclei(z, a);
} }
TwoStepSystem::~TwoStepSystem() { TwoStepSystem::~TwoStepSystem() {}
} bool TwoStepSystem::SetNuclei(const std::vector<int>&z, const std::vector<int>& a)
bool TwoStepSystem::SetNuclei(std::vector<int>&z, std::vector<int>& a) { if(z.size() != a.size() || z.size() != 4)
if(z.size() != a.size() || z.size() != 4) {
return false; return false;
int zr = z[0] + z[1] - z[2]; int zr = z[0] + z[1] - z[2];
int ar = a[0] + a[1] - a[2]; int ar = a[0] + a[1] - a[2];
int zb = zr - z[3];
int ab = ar - a[3];
step1.SetNuclei(z[0], a[0], z[1], a[1], z[2], a[2]); m_nuclei[0] = CreateNucleus(z[0], a[0]); //target
step2.SetNuclei(zr, ar, 0, 0, z[3], a[3]); m_nuclei[1] = CreateNucleus(z[1], a[1]); //projectile
m_nuclei[2] = CreateNucleus(z[2], a[2]); //ejectile
m_nuclei[3] = CreateNucleus(zr, ar); //residual
m_nuclei[4] = CreateNucleus(z[3], a[3]); //breakup1
m_nuclei[5] = CreateNucleus(zb, ab); //breakup2
m_step1.BindNuclei(&(m_nuclei[0]), &(m_nuclei[1]), &(m_nuclei[2]), &(m_nuclei[3]));
m_step2.BindNuclei(&(m_nuclei[3]), nullptr, &(m_nuclei[4]), &(m_nuclei[5]));
SetSystemEquation(); SetSystemEquation();
return true; return true;
} }
const std::vector<Nucleus>& TwoStepSystem::GetNuclei() std::vector<Nucleus>* TwoStepSystem::GetNuclei()
{ {
nuclei[0] = step1.GetTarget(); return &m_nuclei;
nuclei[1] = step1.GetProjectile();
nuclei[2] = step1.GetEjectile();
nuclei[3] = step1.GetResidual();
nuclei[4] = step2.GetEjectile();
nuclei[5] = step2.GetResidual();
return nuclei;
} }
void TwoStepSystem::LinkTarget() { void TwoStepSystem::LinkTarget()
step1.SetLayeredTarget(&target); {
step2.SetLayeredTarget(&target); m_step1.SetLayeredTarget(&m_target);
rxnLayer = target.FindLayerContaining(step1.GetTarget().GetZ(), step1.GetTarget().GetA()); m_rxnLayer = m_target.FindLayerContaining(m_nuclei[0].Z, m_nuclei[0].A);
if(rxnLayer != -1) { if(m_rxnLayer != m_target.GetNumberOfLayers())
step1.SetRxnLayer(rxnLayer); {
step2.SetRxnLayer(rxnLayer); m_step1.SetRxnLayer(m_rxnLayer);
target_set_flag = true; m_step2.SetRxnLayer(m_rxnLayer);
} else { m_isTargetSet = true;
throw ReactionLayerException(); throw ReactionLayerException();
} }
void TwoStepSystem::SetSystemEquation() { void TwoStepSystem::SetSystemEquation()
m_sys_equation = step1.GetTarget().GetIsotopicSymbol(); {
m_sys_equation += "("; std::stringstream stream;
m_sys_equation += step1.GetProjectile().GetIsotopicSymbol(); stream << m_nuclei[0].isotopicSymbol << "("
m_sys_equation += ", "; << m_nuclei[1].isotopicSymbol << ", "
m_sys_equation += step1.GetEjectile().GetIsotopicSymbol(); << m_nuclei[2].isotopicSymbol << ")"
m_sys_equation += ")"; << m_nuclei[3].isotopicSymbol << "->"
m_sys_equation += step1.GetResidual().GetIsotopicSymbol(); << m_nuclei[4].isotopicSymbol << "+"
m_sys_equation += "-> "; << m_nuclei[5].isotopicSymbol;
m_sys_equation += step2.GetEjectile().GetIsotopicSymbol(); m_sysEquation = stream.str();
m_sys_equation += "+";
m_sys_equation += step2.GetResidual().GetIsotopicSymbol();
} }
void TwoStepSystem::RunSystem() { void TwoStepSystem::RunSystem()
//Link up the target if it hasn't been done yet //Link up the target if it hasn't been done yet
if(!target_set_flag) { if(!m_isTargetSet)
LinkTarget(); LinkTarget();
//Sample parameters //Sample parameters
double bke = (*m_beamDist)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); double bke = (*m_beamDist)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
double rxnTheta = acos((*m_theta1Range)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator())); double rxnTheta = acos((*m_theta1Range)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()));
double rxnPhi = (*m_phi1Range)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); double rxnPhi = (*m_phi1Range)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
double decay1costheta = decay1dist.GetRandomCosTheta(); double decay1costheta = m_step2Distribution.GetRandomCosTheta();
double decay1Theta = std::acos(decay1costheta); double decay1Theta = std::acos(decay1costheta);
double decay1Phi = m_phi2Range(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); double decay1Phi = m_phi2Range(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
double residEx = (*m_exDist)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator()); double residEx = (*m_exDist)(RandomGenerator::GetInstance().GetGenerator());
step1.SetBeamKE(bke); m_step1.SetBeamKE(bke);
step1.SetPolarRxnAngle(rxnTheta); m_step1.SetPolarRxnAngle(rxnTheta);
step1.SetAzimRxnAngle(rxnPhi); m_step1.SetAzimRxnAngle(rxnPhi);
step1.SetExcitation(residEx); m_step1.SetExcitation(residEx);
step2.SetPolarRxnAngle(decay1Theta); m_step2.SetPolarRxnAngle(decay1Theta);
step2.SetAzimRxnAngle(decay1Phi); m_step2.SetAzimRxnAngle(decay1Phi);
step1.Calculate(); m_step1.Calculate();
step2.SetTarget(step1.GetResidual()); if(decay1costheta == -10)
if(decay1costheta == -10) { {
step2.ResetEjectile(); m_nuclei[4].vec4.SetPxPyPzE(0., 0., 0., m_nuclei[4].groundStateMass);
step2.ResetResidual(); m_nuclei[5].vec4.SetPxPyPzE(0., 0., 0., m_nuclei[5].groundStateMass);
return; return;
} }
step2.TurnOnResidualEloss(); m_step2.SetResidualEnergyLoss(true);
step2.Calculate(); m_step2.Calculate();
} }

src/Mask/TwoStepSystem.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#include "ReactionSystem.h"
#include "AngularDistribution.h"
namespace Mask {
class TwoStepSystem : public ReactionSystem
TwoStepSystem(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a);
bool SetNuclei(const std::vector<int>& z, const std::vector<int>& a) override;
void RunSystem() override;
std::vector<Nucleus>* GetNuclei() override;
void SetDecay1Distribution(const std::string& filename) { m_step2Distribution.ReadDistributionFile(filename); };
void SetReactionThetaType(int type) { m_step1.SetEjectileThetaType(type); };
int GetDecay1AngularMomentum() { return m_step2Distribution.GetL(); };
double GetDecay1BranchingRatio() { return m_step2Distribution.GetBranchingRatio(); };
void LinkTarget() override;
void SetSystemEquation() override;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> m_phi2Range;
Reaction m_step1, m_step2;
AngularDistribution m_step2Distribution;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
add_executable(MaskApp) add_executable(MaskApp)
target_include_directories(MaskApp PUBLIC ${MASK_INCLUDE_DIR}) target_include_directories(MaskApp PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/..)
target_sources(MaskApp PUBLIC target_sources(MaskApp PUBLIC
main.cpp main.cpp

View File

@ -1,27 +1,32 @@
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <string> #include <string>
#include "Stopwatch.h" #include "Mask/Stopwatch.h"
#include "MaskFile.h" #include "Mask/MaskApp.h"
#include "MaskApp.h" #include "Mask/KinematicsExceptions.h"
#include "KinematicsExceptions.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int main(int argc, char** argv)
if(argc<2) { {
std::cerr<<"Incorrect number of arguments!"<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Incorrect number of arguments!"<<std::endl;
return 1; return 1;
} }
Stopwatch sw; Mask::Stopwatch sw;
Mask::MaskApp calculator; Mask::MaskApp calculator;
sw.Start(); sw.Start();
try { try
if(!calculator.LoadConfig(argv[1])) { {
std::cerr<<"Unable to read input file!"<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Unable to read input file!"<<std::endl;
return 1; return 1;
} }
calculator.Run(); calculator.Run();
} catch(const std::exception& e) { }
catch(const std::exception& e)
std::cerr<<"Exception caught! Information: "<<e.what()<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Exception caught! Information: "<<e.what()<<std::endl;
std::cerr<<"Terminating process."<<std::endl; std::cerr<<"Terminating process."<<std::endl;
return 1; return 1;

View File

@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
find_package(ROOT REQUIRED)
add_executable(RootPlot) add_executable(RootPlot)
target_include_directories(RootPlot target_include_directories(RootPlot
) )
target_sources(RootPlot PUBLIC target_sources(RootPlot PUBLIC
RootPlotter.cpp RootPlotter.cpp
) )
target_link_libraries(RootPlot target_link_libraries(RootPlot
Mask Mask
) )

View File

@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
#include "RootPlotter.h"
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TVector3.h>
#include <iostream>
RootPlotter::RootPlotter() :
table(new THashTable())
RootPlotter::~RootPlotter() {}
void RootPlotter::FillData(const Mask::Nucleus& nuc, double detKE, const std::string& modifier) {
std::string sym = nuc.GetIsotopicSymbol();
std::string ke_vs_th_name = sym + modifier + "_ke_vs_theta";
std::string ke_vs_th_title = ke_vs_th_name + ";#theta_{lab} (degrees);Kinetic Energy (MeV)";
std::string ke_vs_ph_name = sym + modifier + "_ke_vs_phi";
std::string ke_vs_ph_title = ke_vs_ph_name + ";#phi_{lab} (degrees);Kinetic Energy (MeV)";
std::string th_vs_ph_name = sym + modifier + "_theta_vs_phi";
std::string th_vs_ph_title = th_vs_ph_name + ";#theta_{lab};#phi_{lab}";
std::string ex_name = sym + modifier + "_ex";
std::string ex_title = ex_name + ";E_{ex} (MeV);counts";
std::string angdist_name = sym + modifier +"_angDist";
std::string angdist_title = angdist_name+";cos#right(#theta_{CM}#left);counts";
if(detKE == 0.0)
MyFill(ke_vs_th_name.c_str(), ke_vs_th_title.c_str(), nuc.GetTheta()*rad2deg, nuc.GetKE(), 2);
MyFill(ke_vs_ph_name.c_str(), ke_vs_ph_title.c_str(), nuc.GetPhi()*rad2deg, nuc.GetKE(), 4);
MyFill(th_vs_ph_name.c_str(), th_vs_ph_title.c_str(), nuc.GetTheta()*rad2deg, nuc.GetPhi()*rad2deg, 2);
MyFill(angdist_name.c_str(), angdist_title.c_str(),20,-1.0,1.0,std::cos(nuc.GetThetaCM()));
MyFill(ke_vs_th_name.c_str(), ke_vs_th_title.c_str(), nuc.GetTheta()*rad2deg, detKE, 2);
MyFill(ke_vs_ph_name.c_str(), ke_vs_ph_title.c_str(), nuc.GetPhi()*rad2deg, detKE, 4);
MyFill(th_vs_ph_name.c_str(), th_vs_ph_title.c_str(), nuc.GetTheta()*rad2deg, nuc.GetPhi()*rad2deg, 2);
MyFill(angdist_name.c_str(), angdist_title.c_str(),20,-1.0,1.0,std::cos(nuc.GetThetaCM()));
void RootPlotter::FillCorrelations(const Mask::MaskFileData& data, Mask::RxnType type)
std::string theta_eject_theta_resid_name = "theta_eject_theta_resid_cor";
std::string theta_eject_theta_resid_title = theta_eject_theta_resid_name + ";#theta_{lab} Ejectile (deg);#theta_{lab} Residual";
if(type == Mask::RxnType::PureDecay)
MyFill(theta_eject_theta_resid_name, theta_eject_theta_resid_title, data.theta[1]*rad2deg, data.theta[2]*rad2deg, 4);
MyFill(theta_eject_theta_resid_name, theta_eject_theta_resid_title, data.theta[2]*rad2deg, data.theta[3]*rad2deg, 4);
if(type == Mask::RxnType::TwoStepRxn || type == Mask::RxnType::ThreeStepRxn)
TVector3 p1, p2;
p1.SetMagThetaPhi(1.0, data.theta[3], data.phi[3]);
p2.SetMagThetaPhi(1.0, data.theta[4], data.phi[4]);
double theta_resid_break1 = std::acos(p1.Dot(p2));
std::string theta_break1_theta_break2_name = "theta_break1_theta_break2_cor";
std::string theta_break1_theta_break2_title = theta_break1_theta_break2_name + ";#theta_{lab} Breakup1 (deg);#theta_{lab} Breakup2 (deg)";
MyFill(theta_break1_theta_break2_name, theta_break1_theta_break2_title, data.theta[4]*rad2deg, data.theta[5]*rad2deg, 4);
std::string theta_resid_theta_break1_name = "theta_resid_theta_break1_cor";
std::string theta_resid_theta_break1_title = theta_resid_theta_break1_name + ";#theta_{lab} Residual (deg);#theta_{lab} Breakup1 (deg)";
MyFill(theta_resid_theta_break1_name, theta_resid_theta_break1_title, data.theta[3]*rad2deg, data.theta[4]*rad2deg, 4);
std::string ke_break1_theta_rel_name = "ke_break1_theta_rel";
std::string ke_break1_theta_rel_title = ke_break1_theta_rel_name + ";#theta_{resid-break1};KE_{break1} (MeV)";
MyFill(ke_break1_theta_rel_name, ke_break1_theta_rel_title, theta_resid_break1*rad2deg, data.KE[4], 4);
if(type == Mask::RxnType::ThreeStepRxn)
std::string theta_break3_theta_break4_name = "theta_break3_theta_break4_cor";
std::string theta_break3_theta_break4_title = theta_break3_theta_break4_name + ";#theta_{lab} Breakup3 (deg);#theta_{lab} Breakup4 (deg)";
MyFill(theta_break3_theta_break4_name, theta_break3_theta_break4_title, data.theta[6]*rad2deg, data.theta[7]*rad2deg, 4);
void RootPlotter::FillCorrelationsDetected(const Mask::MaskFileData& data, Mask::RxnType type)
std::string theta_eject_theta_resid_name = "theta_eject_theta_resid_cor_detected";
std::string theta_eject_theta_resid_title = theta_eject_theta_resid_name + ";#theta_{lab} Ejectile (deg);#theta_{lab} Residual";
if(type == Mask::RxnType::PureDecay && data.detect_flag[1] && data.detect_flag[2])
MyFill(theta_eject_theta_resid_name, theta_eject_theta_resid_title, data.theta[1]*rad2deg, data.theta[2]*rad2deg, 4);
else if(data.detect_flag[2] && data.detect_flag[3])
MyFill(theta_eject_theta_resid_name, theta_eject_theta_resid_title, data.theta[2]*rad2deg, data.theta[3]*rad2deg, 4);
if((type == Mask::RxnType::TwoStepRxn || type == Mask::RxnType::ThreeStepRxn) && data.detect_flag[4])
TVector3 p1, p2;
p1.SetMagThetaPhi(1.0, data.theta[3], data.phi[3]);
p2.SetMagThetaPhi(1.0, data.theta[4], data.phi[4]);
double theta_resid_break1 = std::acos(p1.Dot(p2));
std::string theta_resid_theta_break1_name = "theta_resid_theta_break1_cor_detected";
std::string theta_resid_theta_break1_title = theta_resid_theta_break1_name + ";#theta_{lab} Residual (deg);#theta_{lab} Breakup1 (deg)";
MyFill(theta_resid_theta_break1_name, theta_resid_theta_break1_title, data.theta[3]*rad2deg, data.theta[4]*rad2deg, 4);
std::string ke_break1_theta_rel_name = "ke_break1_theta_rel_detected";
std::string ke_break1_theta_rel_title = ke_break1_theta_rel_name + ";#theta_{resid-break1};KE_{break1} (MeV)";
MyFill(ke_break1_theta_rel_name, ke_break1_theta_rel_title, theta_resid_break1*rad2deg, data.KE[4], 4);
if((type == Mask::RxnType::TwoStepRxn || type == Mask::RxnType::ThreeStepRxn) && data.detect_flag[4] && data.detect_flag[5])
std::string theta_break1_theta_break2_name = "theta_break1_theta_break2_cor_detected";
std::string theta_break1_theta_break2_title = theta_break1_theta_break2_name + ";#theta_{lab} Breakup1 (deg);#theta_{lab} Breakup2 (deg)";
MyFill(theta_break1_theta_break2_name, theta_break1_theta_break2_title, data.theta[4]*rad2deg, data.theta[5]*rad2deg, 4);
if(type == Mask::RxnType::ThreeStepRxn && data.detect_flag[6] && data.detect_flag[7])
std::string theta_break3_theta_break4_name = "theta_break3_theta_break4_cor_detected";
std::string theta_break3_theta_break4_title = theta_break3_theta_break4_name + ";#theta_{lab} Breakup3 (deg);#theta_{lab} Breakup4 (deg)";
MyFill(theta_break3_theta_break4_name, theta_break3_theta_break4_title, data.theta[6]*rad2deg, data.theta[7]*rad2deg, 4);
void RootPlotter::MyFill(const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int bins, float min, float max, double val) {
TH1F* h = (TH1F*) table->FindObject(name.c_str());
if(h) {
} else {
h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), bins, min, max);
void RootPlotter::MyFill(const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int binsx, float minx, float maxx, int binsy, float miny, float maxy, double valx, double valy) {
TH2F* h = (TH2F*) table->FindObject(name.c_str());
if(h) {
h->Fill(valx, valy);
} else {
h = new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), binsx, minx, maxx, binsy, miny, maxy);
h->Fill(valx, valy);
void RootPlotter::MyFill(const std::string& name, const std::string& title, double valx, double valy, int color) {
for(auto& g : graphs) {
if(g.name == name) {
GraphData new_g;
new_g.name = name;
new_g.title = title;
new_g.color = color;
void RootPlotter::GenerateGraphs() {
for(auto& g : graphs) {
TGraph* graph = new TGraph(g.xvec.size(), &(g.xvec[0]), &(g.yvec[0]));
std::vector<Mask::Nucleus> GetParents(const Mask::MaskFileData& data, Mask::RxnType rxn_type)
std::vector<Mask::Nucleus> parents;
Mask::Nucleus temp1, temp2, temp3;
case Mask::RxnType::None : break;
case Mask::RxnType::PureDecay :
temp1.SetIsotope(data.Z[0], data.A[0]);
temp1.SetVectorSpherical(data.theta[0], data.phi[0], data.p[0], data.E[0]);
return parents;
case Mask::RxnType::OneStepRxn :
temp1.SetIsotope(data.Z[0], data.A[0]);
temp1.SetVectorSpherical(data.theta[0], data.phi[0], data.p[0], data.E[0]);
temp2.SetIsotope(data.Z[1], data.A[1]);
temp2.SetVectorSpherical(data.theta[1], data.phi[1], data.p[1], data.E[1]);
temp3 = temp1 + temp2;
return parents;
case Mask::RxnType::TwoStepRxn :
temp1.SetIsotope(data.Z[0], data.A[0]);
temp1.SetVectorSpherical(data.theta[0], data.phi[0], data.p[0], data.E[0]);
temp2.SetIsotope(data.Z[1], data.A[1]);
temp2.SetVectorSpherical(data.theta[1], data.phi[1], data.p[1], data.E[1]);
temp3 = temp1 + temp2;
temp3.SetIsotope(data.Z[3], data.A[3]);
temp3.SetVectorSpherical(data.theta[3], data.phi[3], data.p[3], data.E[3]);
return parents;
case Mask::RxnType::ThreeStepRxn :
temp1.SetIsotope(data.Z[0], data.A[0]);
temp1.SetVectorSpherical(data.theta[0], data.phi[0], data.p[0], data.E[0]);
temp2.SetIsotope(data.Z[1], data.A[1]);
temp2.SetVectorSpherical(data.theta[1], data.phi[1], data.p[1], data.E[1]);
temp3 = temp1 + temp2;
temp3.SetIsotope(data.Z[3], data.A[3]);
temp3.SetVectorSpherical(data.theta[3], data.phi[3], data.p[3], data.E[3]);
temp3.SetIsotope(data.Z[5], data.A[5]);
temp3.SetVectorSpherical(data.theta[5], data.phi[5], data.p[5], data.E[5]);
return parents;
return parents;
void SetThetaCM(Mask::Nucleus& daughter, const Mask::Nucleus& parent)
const double* boost = parent.GetBoost();
double boost2cm[3];
double boost2lab[3];
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
boost2lab[i] = boost[i];
boost2cm[i] = -1.0*boost[i];
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if(argc != 3) {
std::cout<<"Unable to run ROOT plotting tool with incorrect number of arguments! Expected 2 args, given: "<<argc<<" Exiting."<<std::endl;
return 1;
std::string inputname = argv[1];
std::string outputname = argv[2];
Mask::MaskFile input(inputname, Mask::MaskFile::FileType::read);
TFile* root_out = TFile::Open(outputname.c_str(), "RECREATE");
RootPlotter plotter;
Mask::MaskFileHeader header = input.ReadHeader();
std::cout<<"File Header -- rxn type: "<<GetStringFromRxnType(header.rxn_type)<<" nsamples: "<<header.nsamples<<std::endl;
Mask::MaskFileData data;
Mask::Nucleus nucleus;
std::vector<Mask::Nucleus> parents; //for use with CM theta calc
double flush_frac = 0.05;
int count = 0, flush_val = flush_frac*header.nsamples, flush_count = 0;
while(true) {
if(count == flush_val) {
count = 0;
std::cout<<"\rPercent of file processed: "<<flush_frac*flush_count*100<<"%"<<std::flush;
data = input.ReadData();
parents = GetParents(data, header.rxn_type);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<data.Z.size(); i++) {
nucleus.SetIsotope(data.Z[i], data.A[i]);
nucleus.SetVectorSpherical(data.theta[i], data.phi[i], data.p[i], data.E[i]);
Little dirty, but works well. Save theta CM using parent from specific rxn step.
I.e. ejectile calculated from first parent, break1 from second parent, break3 from third...
if(i==1 || i==2 || i==3)
SetThetaCM(nucleus, parents[0]);
else if (i==4 || i==5)
SetThetaCM(nucleus, parents[1]);
else if(i==6 || i==7)
SetThetaCM(nucleus, parents[2]);
if(data.detect_flag[i] == true) {
plotter.FillData(nucleus, data.KE[i], "detected");
plotter.FillCorrelations(data, header.rxn_type);
plotter.FillCorrelationsDetected(data, header.rxn_type);
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
#include "RootPlotter.h"
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TVector3.h>
#include <iostream>
//Enforce dictionary linking
std::cout<<"Dictionary Linked"<<std::endl;
RootPlotter::~RootPlotter() {}
void RootPlotter::Run(const std::string& inputname, const std::string& outputname)
TFile* input = TFile::Open(inputname.c_str(), "READ");
TTree* tree = (TTree*) input->Get("SimTree");
std::vector<Mask::Nucleus>* dataHandle = new std::vector<Mask::Nucleus>();
tree->SetBranchAddress("nuclei", &dataHandle);
TFile* output = TFile::Open(outputname.c_str(), "RECREATE");
double flushFrac = 0.05;
uint64_t nentries = tree->GetEntries();
uint64_t flushVal = flushFrac*nentries;
uint64_t count=0;
uint64_t flushCount = 0;
for(uint64_t i=0; i<nentries; i++)
for(Mask::Nucleus& nuc : *(dataHandle))
delete dataHandle;
for(auto& obj : m_map)
obj.second->Write(obj.second->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite);
void RootPlotter::FillData(const Mask::Nucleus& nuc)
std::string modifier = "";
modifier = "detected";
std::string sym = nuc.isotopicSymbol;
std::string ke_vs_th_name = sym + modifier + "_ke_vs_theta";
std::string ke_vs_th_title = ke_vs_th_name + ";#theta_{lab} (degrees);Kinetic Energy (MeV)";
std::string ke_vs_ph_name = sym + modifier + "_ke_vs_phi";
std::string ke_vs_ph_title = ke_vs_ph_name + ";#phi_{lab} (degrees);Kinetic Energy (MeV)";
std::string th_vs_ph_name = sym + modifier + "_theta_vs_phi";
std::string th_vs_ph_title = th_vs_ph_name + ";#theta_{lab};#phi_{lab}";
std::string ex_name = sym + modifier + "_ex";
std::string ex_title = ex_name + ";E_{ex} (MeV);counts";
std::string angdist_name = sym + modifier +"_angDist";
std::string angdist_title = angdist_name+";cos#right(#theta_{CM}#left);counts";
MyFill(ke_vs_th_name.c_str(), ke_vs_th_title.c_str(), nuc.vec4.Theta()*s_rad2deg, nuc.GetKE(), 2);
MyFill(ke_vs_ph_name.c_str(), ke_vs_ph_title.c_str(), nuc.vec4.Phi()*s_rad2deg, nuc.GetKE(), 4);
MyFill(th_vs_ph_name.c_str(), th_vs_ph_title.c_str(), nuc.vec4.Theta()*s_rad2deg, nuc.vec4.Phi()*s_rad2deg, 2);
MyFill(angdist_name.c_str(), angdist_title.c_str(),20,-1.0,1.0,std::cos(nuc.thetaCM));
MyFill(ke_vs_th_name.c_str(), ke_vs_th_title.c_str(), nuc.vec4.Theta()*s_rad2deg, nuc.detectedKE, 2);
MyFill(ke_vs_ph_name.c_str(), ke_vs_ph_title.c_str(), nuc.vec4.Phi()*s_rad2deg, nuc.detectedKE, 4);
MyFill(th_vs_ph_name.c_str(), th_vs_ph_title.c_str(), nuc.vec4.Theta()*s_rad2deg, nuc.vec4.Phi()*s_rad2deg, 2);
MyFill(angdist_name.c_str(), angdist_title.c_str(),20,-1.0,1.0,std::cos(nuc.thetaCM));
void RootPlotter::MyFill(const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int bins, float min, float max, double val)
auto iter = m_map.find(name);
if(iter != m_map.end())
std::shared_ptr<TH1> h = std::static_pointer_cast<TH1>(iter->second);
std::shared_ptr<TH1F> h = std::make_shared<TH1F>(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), bins, min, max);
m_map[name] = h;
void RootPlotter::MyFill(const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int binsx, float minx, float maxx,
int binsy, float miny, float maxy, double valx, double valy)
auto iter = m_map.find(name);
if(iter != m_map.end())
std::shared_ptr<TH2> h = std::static_pointer_cast<TH2>(iter->second);
h->Fill(valx, valy);
std::shared_ptr<TH2F> h = std::make_shared<TH2F>(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), binsx, minx, maxx, binsy, miny, maxy);
h->Fill(valx, valy);
m_map[name] = h;
void RootPlotter::MyFill(const std::string& name, const std::string& title, double valx, double valy, int color)
auto iter = m_map.find(name);
if(iter != m_map.end())
std::shared_ptr<TGraph> g = std::static_pointer_cast<TGraph>(iter->second);
g->SetPoint(g->GetN(), valx, valy);
std::shared_ptr<TGraph> g = std::make_shared<TGraph>(1, &valx, &valy);
m_map[name] = g;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "Nucleus.h"
#include <TH1.h>
#include <TH2.h>
#include <TGraph.h>
class RootPlotter
void Run(const std::string& inputname, const std::string& outputname);
void FillData(const Mask::Nucleus& nuc);
void MyFill(const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int bins, float min, float max, double val);
void MyFill(const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int binsx, float minx, float maxx, int binsy, float miny, float maxy,
double valx, double valy);
void MyFill(const std::string& name, const std::string& title, double valx, double valy, int color); //TGraph
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<TObject>> m_map;
static constexpr double s_rad2deg = 180.0/M_PI;

src/Plotters/main.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include "RootPlotter.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if(argc != 3)
std::cerr<<"Root plotter requires two commandline arguments: path to input file and path to outputfile"<<std::endl;
return 1;
RootPlotter plotter;
plotter.Run(argv[1], argv[2]);