workspace "Mask" configurations { "Debug", "Release" } project "Mask" kind "ConsoleApp" language "C++" targetdir "bin" objdir "objs" cppdialect "C++11" files { "src/**.cpp", "include/**.h", "src/**.cxx" } prebuildcommands { "rootcint -f src/kinematics_dict.cxx include/Kinematics.h include/LinkDef_Kinematics.h", "{MOVE} src/kinematics_dict_rdict.pcm bin/" } filter "system:windows" systemversion "latest" --ROOT cannot be located using the config tools, so we must query for the ROOTSYS env variable --Have to use an if statement to hide this (@penguin for example doesn't have a ROOTSYS) if == windows then rootpath = os.getenv("ROOTSYS") includedirs { "include", "./", rootpath .. "include" } links { rootpath .. "lib/**.lib" } end filter "system:macosx or linux" includedirs { "include", "./" } buildoptions { "`root-config --cflags`" } linkoptions { "`root-config --glibs`" } filter "configurations:Debug" symbols "On" filter "configurations:Release" optimize "On"