/* Class to represent a 3-space vector in both cartesian and spherical coordinates. Can perform vector addition, subtraction, and dot product. --GWM Dec 2020 */ #ifndef VEC3_H #define VEC3_H #include namespace Mask { class Vec3 { public: Vec3(); Vec3(double x, double y, double z); ~Vec3(); void SetVectorCartesian(double x, double y, double z); void SetVectorSpherical(double r, double theta, double phi); inline double GetX() const { return m_data[0]; } inline double GetY() const { return m_data[1]; } inline double GetZ() const { return m_data[2]; } inline double GetRho() const { return std::sqrt(std::pow(m_data[0], 2.0) + std::pow(m_data[1], 2.0)); } inline double GetR() const { return std::sqrt(std::pow(m_data[0], 2.0) + std::pow(m_data[1], 2.0) + std::pow(m_data[2], 2.0)); } inline double GetTheta() const { return Atan2(GetRho(), GetZ()); } inline double GetPhi() const { double phi = Atan2(GetY(), GetX()); if(phi < 0) phi += M_PI*2.0; return phi; } inline const double operator[](int index) const { return index>2 || index<0 ? 0.0 : m_data[index]; } inline Vec3& operator=(const Vec3& rhs) { SetVectorCartesian(rhs.GetX(), rhs.GetY(), rhs.GetZ()); return *this; } inline Vec3 operator+(const Vec3& rhs) const { return Vec3(this->GetX()+rhs.GetX(), this->GetY()+rhs.GetY(), this->GetZ()+rhs.GetZ()); } inline Vec3 operator-(const Vec3& rhs) const { return Vec3(this->GetX()-rhs.GetX(), this->GetY()-rhs.GetY(), this->GetZ()-rhs.GetZ()); } double Dot(const Vec3& rhs) const; Vec3 Cross(const Vec3& rhs) const; private: //Use instead of std::atan2. Better control over values close to x=0 inline double Atan2(double y, double x) const { if(x != 0.0) return std::atan2(y, x); else if(y > 0.0) return M_PI/2.0; else if(y < 0.0) return -M_PI/2.0; else return 0.0; } double m_data[3]; }; } #endif