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synced 2025-03-03 15:58:50 -05:00
Cleanup kinematics code and mass code. Add in correction for z-offset being taken from central trajectory.
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
double BField = 7.8; //kG
double spsAngle = 15.0; //degrees
double beamEnergy = 16.0; //MeV
double nudge = 0.0; //User FP offset factor, cm
@ -39,68 +39,63 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
//requires (Z,A) for T, P, and E, as well as energy of P,
// spectrograph angle of interest, and field value
double Delta_Z(int ZT, int AT, int ZP, int AP, int ZE, int AE,
double DeltaZ(int ZT, int AT, int ZP, int AP, int ZE, int AE,
double EP, double angle, double B)
const double UTOMEV = 931.4940954; //MeV per u;
const double MEVTOJ = 1.60218E-13; //J per MeV
const double RESTMASS_ELECTRON = 0.000548579909; //amu
const double UNIT_CHARGE = 1.602E-19; //Coulombs
const double C = 2.9979E8; //m/s
static constexpr double s_speedOfLight = 2.9979E8; //m/s
static constexpr double s_qbrho2p = s_speedOfLight * 1.0e-9; //Converts QBrho -> p (kG cm -> MeV)
const double DISP = 1.96; //dispersion (x/rho)
const double MAG = 0.39; //magnification in x
const double DEGTORAD = M_PI/180.;
static constexpr double s_dispersion = 1.96; //dispersion (x/rho)
static constexpr double s_magnification = 0.39; //magnification in x
static constexpr double s_deg2rad = M_PI/180.;
static constexpr double s_centralTrajAngle = 45.0 * s_deg2rad; //Central trajectory angle to detector plane
int ZR = ZT + ZP - ZE, AR = AT + AP - AE;
double EE=0; //ejectile energy
int ZR = ZT + ZP - ZE;
int AR = AT + AP - AE;
double ejectileEnergy = 0.0; //ejectile energy
double MT=0, MP=0, ME=0, MR=0; //masses (MeV)
angle *= s_deg2rad;
B /= 10000; //convert to tesla
angle *= DEGTORAD;
MT = MASS.FindMass(ZT, AT);
MP = MASS.FindMass(ZP, AP);
ME = MASS.FindMass(ZE, AE);
MR = MASS.FindMass(ZR, AR);
//reactant masses
auto masses = MassLookup::GetInstance();
double mt = masses.FindMass(ZT, AT);
double mp = masses.FindMass(ZP, AP);
double me = masses.FindMass(ZE, AE);
double mr = masses.FindMass(ZR, AR);
if (MT*MP*ME*MR == 0)
if (
MassLookup::IsInvalidMass(mt) ||
MassLookup::IsInvalidMass(mp) ||
MassLookup::IsInvalidMass(me) ||
EVB_WARN("Illegal mass at FP_kinematics::Delta_Z! Returning offset of 0.");
return 0;
double Q = MT + MP - ME - MR; //Q-value
double Q = mt + mp - me - mr; //Q-value
//kinematics a la Iliadis p.590
double term1 = sqrt(MP*ME*EP)/(ME + MR)*cos(angle);
double term2 = (EP*(MR - MP) + MR*Q)/(ME + MR);
double term1 = std::sqrt(mp*me*EP)/(me + mr)*std::cos(angle);
double term2 = (EP*(mr - mp) + mr*Q)/(me + mr);
EE = term1 + sqrt(term1*term1 + term2);
EE *= EE;
ejectileEnergy = term1 + std::sqrt(term1*term1 + term2);
ejectileEnergy *= ejectileEnergy;
double PE = sqrt(EE*(EE+2*ME));
double ejectileP = std::sqrt(ejectileEnergy * (ejectileEnergy + 2.0*me));
//calculate rho from B a la B*rho = (proj. momentum)/(proj. charge)
double rho = (PE*MEVTOJ)/(ZE*UNIT_CHARGE*C*B)*100; //in cm
double K;
K = sqrt(MP*ME*EP/EE);
K *= sin(angle);
double denom = ME + MR - sqrt(MP*ME*EP/EE)*cos(angle);
K /= denom;
return -1*rho*DISP*MAG*K; //delta-Z in cm
double rho = ejectileP / (ZE * B * s_qbrho2p ); //in cm
//kinematic factor K
double K = (std::sqrt(mp*me*EP / ejectileEnergy) * std::sin(angle)) /
(me + mr - std::sqrt(mp*me*EP / ejectileEnergy) * std::cos(angle));
return -1.0*rho*s_dispersion*s_magnification*K * std::cos(s_centralTrajAngle); //delta-Z in cm
double Wire_Dist() {return 4.28625;} //cm
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
KGH -- Jul19
B now in kG -- GWM 2023
@ -36,10 +38,10 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
//requires (Z,A) for T, P, and E, as well as energy of P,
// spectrograph angle of interest, and field value
double Delta_Z(int ZT, int AT, int ZP, int AP, int ZE, int AE,
double DeltaZ(int ZT, int AT, int ZP, int AP, int ZE, int AE,
double EP, double angle, double B);
double Wire_Dist();
static constexpr double WireDist() { return 4.28625; } //cm
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ Written by G.W. McCann Aug. 2020
#include "MassLookup.h"
namespace EventBuilder {
MassLookup* MassLookup::s_instance = new MassLookup();
Read in AMDC mass file, preformated to remove excess info. Here assumes that by default
@ -28,18 +31,19 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
std::ifstream massfile(filepath);
int Z,A;
std::string junk, element, key;
double atomicMassBig, atomicMassSmall, isotopicMass;
std::string junk, element;
NuclearData data;
double atomicMassBig, atomicMassSmall;
uint32_t id;
isotopicMass = (atomicMassBig + atomicMassSmall*1e-6 - Z*electron_mass)*u_to_mev;
key = "("+std::to_string(Z)+","+A+")";
massTable[key] = isotopicMass;
elementTable[Z] = element;
massfile >> data.z >> data.a >> element >> atomicMassBig >> atomicMassSmall;
data.isotopicMass = (atomicMassBig + atomicMassSmall*1e-6 - data.z*s_electronMass)*s_u2MeV;
data.isotopicSymbol = fmt::format("{}{}", data.a, element);
id = GetIsotopeID(data.z, data.a);
m_dataMap[id] = data;
@ -49,28 +53,28 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
MassLookup::~MassLookup() {}
//Returns nuclear mass in MeV
double MassLookup::FindMass(int Z, int A)
double MassLookup::FindMass(uint32_t Z, uint32_t A)
std::string key = "("+std::to_string(Z)+","+std::to_string(A)+")";
auto data = massTable.find(key);
if(data == massTable.end())
uint32_t id = GetIsotopeID(Z, A);
auto data = m_dataMap.find(id);
if(data == m_dataMap.end())
EVB_WARN("Invalid nucleus (Z,A) ({0},{1}) at MassLookup::FindMass; returning zero.",Z,A);
return 0;
EVB_WARN("Invalid nucleus (Z,A) ({0},{1}) at MassLookup::FindMass; returning invalid.",Z,A);
return s_invalidMass;
return data->second;
return data->second.isotopicMass;
//returns element symbol
std::string MassLookup::FindSymbol(int Z, int A)
std::string MassLookup::FindSymbol(uint32_t Z, uint32_t A)
auto data = elementTable.find(Z);
if(data == elementTable.end())
uint32_t id = GetIsotopeID(Z, A);
auto data = m_dataMap.find(id);
if(data == m_dataMap.end())
EVB_WARN("Invalid nucleus (Z,A) ({0},{1}) at MassLookup::FindSymbol; returning empty string.",Z,A);
return "";
EVB_WARN("Invalid nucleus (Z,A) ({0},{1}) at MassLookup::FindSymbol; returning Invalid.",Z,A);
return s_invalidSymbol;
std::string fullsymbol = std::to_string(A) + data->second;
return fullsymbol;
return data->second.isotopicSymbol;
@ -7,33 +7,50 @@ of this map (MASS) for use throughout code it is included into.
Written by G.W. McCann Aug. 2020
Updated for better code practices and real singleton usage GWM 2023
namespace EventBuilder {
static constexpr uint32_t GetIsotopeID(uint32_t z, uint32_t a)
return z >= a ? z*z + z + a : a*a + z;
struct NuclearData
std::string isotopicSymbol = "";
double isotopicMass = 0.0;
uint32_t z = 0;
uint32_t a = 0;
class MassLookup
double FindMass(int Z, int A);
std::string FindSymbol(int Z, int A);
double FindMass(uint32_t Z, uint32_t A);
std::string FindSymbol(uint32_t Z, uint32_t A);
static MassLookup& GetInstance() { return *s_instance; }
static bool IsInvalidMass(double mass) { return mass == s_invalidMass; }
static bool IsInvalidSymbol(const std::string& sym) { return sym == s_invalidSymbol; }
std::unordered_map<std::string, double> massTable;
std::unordered_map<int, std::string> elementTable;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, NuclearData> m_dataMap;
static MassLookup* s_instance;
static constexpr double u_to_mev = 931.4940954;
static constexpr double electron_mass = 0.000548579909;
static constexpr double s_u2MeV = 931.4940954; // U to MeV
static constexpr double s_electronMass = 0.000548579909; // electron mass in u
static constexpr double s_invalidMass = -1.0; //Invalid mass in MeV
static constexpr char s_invalidSymbol[] = "Invalid"; //Invalid isotope symbol
//static instance for use throught program
static MassLookup MASS;
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
SFPAnalyzer::SFPAnalyzer(int zt, int at, int zp, int ap, int ze, int ae, double ep,
double angle, double b)
zfp = Delta_Z(zt, at, zp, ap, ze, ae, ep, angle, b*1000.0); //Convert kG to G
zfp = DeltaZ(zt, at, zp, ap, ze, ae, ep, angle, b);
event_address = new CoincEvent();
rootObj = new THashTable();
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
void SFPAnalyzer::GetWeights()
w1 = (Wire_Dist()/2.0-zfp)/Wire_Dist();
w1 = (WireDist()/2.0-zfp)/WireDist();
w2 = 1.0-w1;
EVB_INFO("Calculated X-Avg weights of w1={0} and w2={1}",w1,w2);
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