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synced 2025-03-13 21:08:51 -04:00
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No commits in common. "673b12af9350978c5ba7d7c363519b2acc7601a0" and "ca0a7066dfadbfae0ffdf735e8bbf24e5df27557" have entirely different histories.
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
startIndex = 0;
CoincEvent this_event;
SlowSort coincidizer(m_params.slowCoincidenceWindow, m_params.channelMapFile);
SFPAnalyzer analyzer(m_params);
SFPAnalyzer analyzer(m_params.ZT, m_params.AT, m_params.ZP, m_params.AP, m_params.ZE, m_params.AE, m_params.beamEnergy, m_params.spsAngle, m_params.BField);
std::vector<TParameter<Double_t>> parvec;
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
std::vector<CoincEvent> fast_events;
SlowSort coincidizer(m_params.slowCoincidenceWindow, m_params.channelMapFile);
FastSort speedyCoincidizer(m_params.fastCoincidenceWindowSABRE, m_params.fastCoincidenceWindowIonCh);
SFPAnalyzer analyzer(m_params);
SFPAnalyzer analyzer(m_params.ZT, m_params.AT, m_params.ZP, m_params.AP, m_params.ZE, m_params.AE, m_params.beamEnergy, m_params.spsAngle, m_params.BField);
std::vector<TParameter<Double_t>> parvec;
@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
m_params.BField = data["BField(kG)"].as<double>();
m_params.beamEnergy = data["BeamEnergy(MeV)"].as<double>();
m_params.spsAngle = data["SPSAngle(deg)"].as<double>();
m_params.nudge = data["Nudge(cm)"].as<double>();
m_params.runMin = data["MinRun"].as<int>();
m_params.runMax = data["MaxRun"].as<int>();
@ -117,7 +116,6 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
yamlStream << YAML::Key << "BField(kG)" << YAML::Value << m_params.BField;
yamlStream << YAML::Key << "BeamEnergy(MeV)" << YAML::Value << m_params.beamEnergy;
yamlStream << YAML::Key << "SPSAngle(deg)" << YAML::Value << m_params.spsAngle;
yamlStream << YAML::Key << "Nudge(cm)" << YAML::Value << m_params.nudge;
yamlStream << YAML::Key << "MinRun" << YAML::Value << m_params.runMin;
yamlStream << YAML::Key << "MaxRun" << YAML::Value << m_params.runMax;
yamlStream << YAML::EndMap;
@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
double BField = 7.8; //kG
double spsAngle = 15.0; //degrees
double beamEnergy = 16.0; //MeV
double nudge = 0.0; //User FP offset factor, cm
@ -39,63 +39,68 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
//requires (Z,A) for T, P, and E, as well as energy of P,
// spectrograph angle of interest, and field value
double DeltaZ(int ZT, int AT, int ZP, int AP, int ZE, int AE,
double EP, double angle, double B, double nudge)
double Delta_Z(int ZT, int AT, int ZP, int AP, int ZE, int AE,
double EP, double angle, double B)
static constexpr double s_speedOfLight = 2.9979E8; //m/s
static constexpr double s_qbrho2p = s_speedOfLight * 1.0e-9; //Converts QBrho -> p (kG cm -> MeV)
const double UTOMEV = 931.4940954; //MeV per u;
const double MEVTOJ = 1.60218E-13; //J per MeV
const double RESTMASS_ELECTRON = 0.000548579909; //amu
const double UNIT_CHARGE = 1.602E-19; //Coulombs
const double C = 2.9979E8; //m/s
static constexpr double s_dispersion = 1.96; //dispersion (x/rho)
static constexpr double s_magnification = 0.39; //magnification in x
static constexpr double s_deg2rad = M_PI/180.;
static constexpr double s_centralTrajAngle = 45.0 * s_deg2rad; //Central trajectory angle to detector plane
const double DISP = 1.96; //dispersion (x/rho)
const double MAG = 0.39; //magnification in x
const double DEGTORAD = M_PI/180.;
int ZR = ZT + ZP - ZE;
int AR = AT + AP - AE;
double ejectileEnergy = 0.0; //ejectile energy
int ZR = ZT + ZP - ZE, AR = AT + AP - AE;
double EE=0; //ejectile energy
angle *= s_deg2rad;
double MT=0, MP=0, ME=0, MR=0; //masses (MeV)
//reactant masses
auto masses = MassLookup::GetInstance();
double mt = masses.FindMass(ZT, AT);
double mp = masses.FindMass(ZP, AP);
double me = masses.FindMass(ZE, AE);
double mr = masses.FindMass(ZR, AR);
B /= 10000; //convert to tesla
angle *= DEGTORAD;
if (
MassLookup::IsInvalidMass(mt) ||
MassLookup::IsInvalidMass(mp) ||
MassLookup::IsInvalidMass(me) ||
MT = MASS.FindMass(ZT, AT);
MP = MASS.FindMass(ZP, AP);
ME = MASS.FindMass(ZE, AE);
MR = MASS.FindMass(ZR, AR);
if (MT*MP*ME*MR == 0)
EVB_WARN("Illegal mass at FP_kinematics::Delta_Z! Returning offset of 0.");
return 0;
double Q = mt + mp - me - mr; //Q-value
double Q = MT + MP - ME - MR; //Q-value
//kinematics a la Iliadis p.590
double term1 = std::sqrt(mp*me*EP)/(me + mr)*std::cos(angle);
double term2 = (EP*(mr - mp) + mr*Q)/(me + mr);
double term1 = sqrt(MP*ME*EP)/(ME + MR)*cos(angle);
double term2 = (EP*(MR - MP) + MR*Q)/(ME + MR);
ejectileEnergy = term1 + std::sqrt(term1*term1 + term2);
ejectileEnergy *= ejectileEnergy;
EE = term1 + sqrt(term1*term1 + term2);
EE *= EE;
double ejectileP = std::sqrt(ejectileEnergy * (ejectileEnergy + 2.0*me));
//calculate rho from B a la B*rho = (proj. momentum)/(proj. charge)
double rho = ejectileP / (ZE * B * s_qbrho2p ); //in cm
//kinematic factor K
double K = (std::sqrt(mp*me*EP / ejectileEnergy) * std::sin(angle)) /
(me + mr - std::sqrt(mp*me*EP / ejectileEnergy) * std::cos(angle));
double PE = sqrt(EE*(EE+2*ME));
return -1.0*rho*s_dispersion*s_magnification*K * std::cos(s_centralTrajAngle) + nudge; //delta-Z in cm
//calculate rho from B a la B*rho = (proj. momentum)/(proj. charge)
double rho = (PE*MEVTOJ)/(ZE*UNIT_CHARGE*C*B)*100; //in cm
double K;
K = sqrt(MP*ME*EP/EE);
K *= sin(angle);
double denom = ME + MR - sqrt(MP*ME*EP/EE)*cos(angle);
K /= denom;
return -1*rho*DISP*MAG*K; //delta-Z in cm
double Wire_Dist() {return 4.28625;} //cm
@ -27,8 +27,6 @@
KGH -- Jul19
B now in kG -- GWM 2023
@ -38,10 +36,10 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
//requires (Z,A) for T, P, and E, as well as energy of P,
// spectrograph angle of interest, and field value
double DeltaZ(int ZT, int AT, int ZP, int AP, int ZE, int AE,
double EP, double angle, double B, double nudge = 0);
double Delta_Z(int ZT, int AT, int ZP, int AP, int ZE, int AE,
double EP, double angle, double B);
static constexpr double WireDist() { return 4.28625; } //cm
double Wire_Dist();
@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ Written by G.W. McCann Aug. 2020
namespace EventBuilder {
MassLookup* MassLookup::s_instance = new MassLookup();
Read in AMDC mass file, preformated to remove excess info. Here assumes that by default
the file is in a local directory etc/
@ -31,19 +28,18 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
std::ifstream massfile(filepath);
std::string junk, element;
NuclearData data;
double atomicMassBig, atomicMassSmall;
uint32_t id;
int Z,A;
std::string junk, element, key;
double atomicMassBig, atomicMassSmall, isotopicMass;
massfile >> data.z >> data.a >> element >> atomicMassBig >> atomicMassSmall;
data.isotopicMass = (atomicMassBig + atomicMassSmall*1e-6 - data.z*s_electronMass)*s_u2MeV;
data.isotopicSymbol = fmt::format("{}{}", data.a, element);
id = GetIsotopeID(data.z, data.a);
m_dataMap[id] = data;
isotopicMass = (atomicMassBig + atomicMassSmall*1e-6 - Z*electron_mass)*u_to_mev;
key = "("+std::to_string(Z)+","+A+")";
massTable[key] = isotopicMass;
elementTable[Z] = element;
@ -53,28 +49,28 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
MassLookup::~MassLookup() {}
//Returns nuclear mass in MeV
double MassLookup::FindMass(uint32_t Z, uint32_t A)
double MassLookup::FindMass(int Z, int A)
uint32_t id = GetIsotopeID(Z, A);
auto data = m_dataMap.find(id);
if(data == m_dataMap.end())
std::string key = "("+std::to_string(Z)+","+std::to_string(A)+")";
auto data = massTable.find(key);
if(data == massTable.end())
EVB_WARN("Invalid nucleus (Z,A) ({0},{1}) at MassLookup::FindMass; returning invalid.",Z,A);
return s_invalidMass;
EVB_WARN("Invalid nucleus (Z,A) ({0},{1}) at MassLookup::FindMass; returning zero.",Z,A);
return 0;
return data->second.isotopicMass;
return data->second;
//returns element symbol
std::string MassLookup::FindSymbol(uint32_t Z, uint32_t A)
std::string MassLookup::FindSymbol(int Z, int A)
uint32_t id = GetIsotopeID(Z, A);
auto data = m_dataMap.find(id);
if(data == m_dataMap.end())
auto data = elementTable.find(Z);
if(data == elementTable.end())
EVB_WARN("Invalid nucleus (Z,A) ({0},{1}) at MassLookup::FindSymbol; returning Invalid.",Z,A);
return s_invalidSymbol;
EVB_WARN("Invalid nucleus (Z,A) ({0},{1}) at MassLookup::FindSymbol; returning empty string.",Z,A);
return "";
return data->second.isotopicSymbol;
std::string fullsymbol = std::to_string(A) + data->second;
return fullsymbol;
@ -7,50 +7,33 @@ of this map (MASS) for use throughout code it is included into.
Written by G.W. McCann Aug. 2020
Updated for better code practices and real singleton usage GWM 2023
namespace EventBuilder {
static constexpr uint32_t GetIsotopeID(uint32_t z, uint32_t a)
return z >= a ? z*z + z + a : a*a + z;
struct NuclearData
std::string isotopicSymbol = "";
double isotopicMass = 0.0;
uint32_t z = 0;
uint32_t a = 0;
class MassLookup
double FindMass(uint32_t Z, uint32_t A);
std::string FindSymbol(uint32_t Z, uint32_t A);
static MassLookup& GetInstance() { return *s_instance; }
static bool IsInvalidMass(double mass) { return mass == s_invalidMass; }
static bool IsInvalidSymbol(const std::string& sym) { return sym == s_invalidSymbol; }
double FindMass(int Z, int A);
std::string FindSymbol(int Z, int A);
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, NuclearData> m_dataMap;
static MassLookup* s_instance;
std::unordered_map<std::string, double> massTable;
std::unordered_map<int, std::string> elementTable;
static constexpr double s_u2MeV = 931.4940954; // U to MeV
static constexpr double s_electronMass = 0.000548579909; // electron mass in u
static constexpr double s_invalidMass = -1.0; //Invalid mass in MeV
static constexpr char s_invalidSymbol[] = "Invalid"; //Invalid isotope symbol
static constexpr double u_to_mev = 931.4940954;
static constexpr double electron_mass = 0.000548579909;
//static instance for use throught program
static MassLookup MASS;
@ -14,11 +14,10 @@
namespace EventBuilder {
/*Constructor takes in kinematic parameters for generating focal plane weights*/
SFPAnalyzer::SFPAnalyzer(const EVBParameters& params)
SFPAnalyzer::SFPAnalyzer(int zt, int at, int zp, int ap, int ze, int ae, double ep,
double angle, double b)
zfp = DeltaZ(params.ZT, params.AT, params.ZP, params.AP, params.ZE, params.AE, params.beamEnergy,
params.spsAngle, params.BField, params.nudge);
EVB_INFO("Focal Plane Z-Offset (nudge + kinematics): {}", zfp);
zfp = Delta_Z(zt, at, zp, ap, ze, ae, ep, angle, b*1000.0); //Convert kG to G
event_address = new CoincEvent();
rootObj = new THashTable();
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ namespace EventBuilder {
void SFPAnalyzer::GetWeights()
w1 = (WireDist()/2.0-zfp)/WireDist();
w1 = (Wire_Dist()/2.0-zfp)/Wire_Dist();
w2 = 1.0-w1;
EVB_INFO("Calculated X-Avg weights of w1={0} and w2={1}",w1,w2);
@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
#include "DataStructs.h"
#include "FP_kinematics.h"
#include "EVBParameters.h"
namespace EventBuilder {
class SFPAnalyzer
SFPAnalyzer(const EVBParameters& params);
SFPAnalyzer(int zt, int at, int zp, int ap, int ze, int ae, double ep, double angle,
double b);
ProcessedEvent GetProcessedEvent(CoincEvent& event);
inline void ClearHashTable() { rootObj->Clear(); }
@ -145,15 +145,9 @@ EVBMainFrame::EVBMainFrame(const TGWindow* p, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) :
fThetaField = new TGNumberEntryField(thetaFrame, Theta, 0, TGNumberEntry::kNESRealFour, TGNumberEntry::kNEANonNegative);
thetaFrame->AddFrame(thetalabel, lhints);
thetaFrame->AddFrame(fThetaField, fhints);
TGHorizontalFrame* nudgeFrame = new TGHorizontalFrame(extraFrame, w*0.175, h*0.15);
TGLabel* nudgeLabel = new TGLabel(nudgeFrame, "Nudge (cm):");
fNudgeField = new TGNumberEntryField(nudgeFrame, Nudge, 0, TGNumberEntry::kNESRealFour);
nudgeFrame->AddFrame(nudgeLabel, lhints);
nudgeFrame->AddFrame(fNudgeField, fhints);
extraFrame->AddFrame(beamFrame, fhints);
extraFrame->AddFrame(bfFrame, fhints);
extraFrame->AddFrame(thetaFrame, fhints);
extraFrame->AddFrame(nudgeFrame, fhints);
reactionFrame->AddFrame(targFrame, fhints);
reactionFrame->AddFrame(projFrame, fhints);
@ -405,7 +399,6 @@ bool EVBMainFrame::SetParameters()
m_parameters.BField = fBField->GetNumber();
m_parameters.beamEnergy = fBKEField->GetNumber();
m_parameters.spsAngle = fThetaField->GetNumber();
m_parameters.nudge = fNudgeField->GetNumber();
return true;
@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ public:
@ -86,7 +85,6 @@ private:
TGNumberEntryField *fBField, *fBKEField, *fThetaField;
TGNumberEntryField *fSlowWindowField, *fFastICField, *fFastSABREField;
TGNumberEntryField *fRMinField, *fRMaxField;
TGNumberEntryField *fNudgeField;
TGHProgressBar* fProgressBar;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user