/*SlowSort.cpp *Class designed to first time-order raw data, and then based on a given coincidence window *sort the raw data into coincidence structures. Utilizes dictionary elements DPPChannel and *CoincEvent. Based on work by S. Balak, K. Macon, and E. Good from LSU. * *Gordon M. Oct. 2019 * *Refurbished and updated Jan 2020 GWM */ #include "EventBuilder.h" #include "SlowSort.h" namespace EventBuilder { /*Sort the Sabre Data in order of descending energy*/ bool SabreSort(const DetectorHit& i, const DetectorHit& j) { return (i.Long>j.Long); } /*Constructor takes input of coincidence window size, and fills sabre channel map*/ SlowSort::SlowSort() : m_coincWindow(-1.0), m_eventFlag(false) { event_stats = new TH2F("coinc_event_stats","coinc_events_stats;global channel;number of coincident hits;counts",144,0,144,20,0,20); } SlowSort::SlowSort(double windowSize, const std::string& mapfile) : m_coincWindow(windowSize), m_eventFlag(false), m_event(), cmap(mapfile) { event_stats = new TH2F("coinc_event_stats","coinc_events_stats;global channel;number of coincident hits;counts",144,0,144,20,0,20); InitVariableMaps(); } SlowSort::~SlowSort() {} /**EXPERIMENT MODS go here**/ void SlowSort::InitVariableMaps() { /*For SABRE: Each SABRE det has ring&wedge, so add the detID to the SABRERING/WEDGE attribute to differentiate*/ varMap[DetAttribute::SabreRing0] = &m_event.sabreArray[0].rings; varMap[DetAttribute::SabreRing1] = &m_event.sabreArray[1].rings; varMap[DetAttribute::SabreRing2] = &m_event.sabreArray[2].rings; varMap[DetAttribute::SabreRing3] = &m_event.sabreArray[3].rings; varMap[DetAttribute::SabreRing4] = &m_event.sabreArray[4].rings; varMap[DetAttribute::SabreWedge0] = &m_event.sabreArray[0].wedges; varMap[DetAttribute::SabreWedge1] = &m_event.sabreArray[1].wedges; varMap[DetAttribute::SabreWedge2] = &m_event.sabreArray[2].wedges; varMap[DetAttribute::SabreWedge3] = &m_event.sabreArray[3].wedges; varMap[DetAttribute::SabreWedge4] = &m_event.sabreArray[4].wedges; /*For focal plane: Only one focal plane, so each variable is uniquely identified by its attribute */ varMap[DetAttribute::ScintLeft] = &m_event.focalPlane.scintL; varMap[DetAttribute::ScintRight] = &m_event.focalPlane.scintR; varMap[DetAttribute::Cathode] = &m_event.focalPlane.cathode; varMap[DetAttribute::DelayFR] = &m_event.focalPlane.delayFR; varMap[DetAttribute::DelayFL] = &m_event.focalPlane.delayFL; varMap[DetAttribute::DelayBL] = &m_event.focalPlane.delayBL; varMap[DetAttribute::DelayBR] = &m_event.focalPlane.delayBR; varMap[DetAttribute::AnodeFront] = &m_event.focalPlane.anodeF; varMap[DetAttribute::AnodeBack] = &m_event.focalPlane.anodeB; varMap[DetAttribute::Monitor] = &m_event.focalPlane.monitor; } /*Reset output structure to blank*/ void SlowSort::Reset() { m_event = m_blank; } bool SlowSort::AddHitToEvent(CompassHit& mhit) { DPPChannel curHit; curHit.Timestamp = mhit.timestamp; curHit.Energy = mhit.energy; curHit.EnergyShort = mhit.energyShort; curHit.Channel = mhit.channel; curHit.Board = mhit.board; curHit.Flags = mhit.flags; if(m_hitList.empty()) { startTime = curHit.Timestamp; m_hitList.push_back(curHit); } else if (curHit.Timestamp < previousHitTime) return false; else if ((curHit.Timestamp - startTime) < m_coincWindow) m_hitList.push_back(curHit); else { ProcessEvent(); m_hitList.clear(); startTime = curHit.Timestamp; m_hitList.push_back(curHit); m_eventFlag = true; } return true; } void SlowSort::FlushHitsToEvent() { if(m_hitList.empty()) { m_eventFlag = false; return; } ProcessEvent(); m_hitList.clear(); m_eventFlag = true; } const CoincEvent& SlowSort::GetEvent() { m_eventFlag = false; return m_event; } /*Function called when an event outside the coincidence window is detected *Process all of the hits in the list, and write them to the sorted tree */ void SlowSort::ProcessEvent() { Reset(); DetectorHit dhit; int gchan; int size = m_hitList.size(); for(DPPChannel& curHit: m_hitList) { gchan = curHit.Channel + curHit.Board*16; //global channel event_stats->Fill(gchan, size); dhit.Time = curHit.Timestamp/1.0e3; dhit.Ch = gchan; dhit.Long = curHit.Energy; dhit.Short = curHit.EnergyShort; auto channel_info = cmap.FindChannel(gchan); if(channel_info == cmap.End()) { EVB_WARN("At SlowSort::ProcessEvent() -- Data Assignment Error! Global channel {0} found but not assigned in ChannelMap! Skipping data.",gchan); continue; } if(channel_info->second.type == DetType::FocalPlane) { auto variable = varMap.find(channel_info->second.attribute); if(variable != varMap.end()) variable->second->push_back(dhit); } else if(channel_info->second.type == DetType::Sabre) { auto variable = varMap.find(channel_info->second.attribute); if(variable != varMap.end()) variable->second->push_back(dhit); } else { EVB_WARN("At SlowSort::ProcessEvent() -- Data Assignment Error! Channel ({0}, {1}, {2}) exists in ChannelMap, but does not have an assigned variable! Skipping data.", gchan, channel_info->second.type, channel_info->second.attribute); } } //Organize the SABRE data in descending energy order for(int s=0; s<5; s++) { sort(m_event.sabreArray[s].rings.begin(), m_event.sabreArray[s].rings.end(), SabreSort); sort(m_event.sabreArray[s].wedges.begin(), m_event.sabreArray[s].wedges.end(), SabreSort); } } }