/* CompassRun.h Class designed as abstraction of a collection of binary files that represent the total data in a single Compass data run. It handles the user input (shift maps, file collection etc.) and creates a list of CompassFiles from which to draw data. It then draws data from these files, organizes them in time, and writes to a ROOT file for further processing. Written by G.W. McCann Oct. 2020 */ #ifndef COMPASSRUN_H #define COMPASSRUN_H #include "CompassFile.h" #include "DataStructs.h" #include "ShiftMap.h" #include "ProgressCallback.h" #include "EVBWorkspace.h" #include "EVBParameters.h" #include namespace EventBuilder { class CompassRun { public: CompassRun(const EVBParameters& params, const std::shared_ptr& workspace); ~CompassRun(); inline void SetRunNumber(int n) { m_runNum = n; } void Convert2RawRoot(const std::string& name); void Convert2SortedRoot(const std::string& name); void Convert2FastSortedRoot(const std::string& name); void Convert2SlowAnalyzedRoot(const std::string& name); void Convert2FastAnalyzedRoot(const std::string& name); inline void SetProgressCallbackFunc(const ProgressCallbackFunc& function) { m_progressCallback = function; } inline void SetProgressFraction(double frac) { m_progressFraction = frac; } private: bool GetBinaryFiles(); bool GetHitsFromFiles(); void SetScalers(); void ReadScalerData(const std::string& filename); EVBParameters m_params; std::shared_ptr m_workspace; std::vector m_datafiles; unsigned int startIndex; //this is the file we start looking at; increases as we finish files. ShiftMap m_smap; std::unordered_map> m_scaler_map; //maps scaler files to the TParameter to be saved //Raw hit CompassHit m_hit; //what run is this int m_runNum; unsigned int m_totalHits; //Scaler switch bool m_scaler_flag; ProgressCallbackFunc m_progressCallback; double m_progressFraction; }; } #endif