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mirror of https://github.com/gwm17/Specter.git synced 2025-03-04 00:38:51 -05:00
General purpose nuclear (online) data visualization library and project framework
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2022-06-06 19:54:21 -04:00
Navigator Update spdlog 2022-06-06 19:54:21 -04:00
NavProject Some fixes from recent live testing (expanding default window, better examples of sorting at analysis). Updating CompassOnlineSource and CompassFile and CompassRun in advent of CAEN changes to CoMPASS binary data format. Data size and type now controlled by header (or lack there of). 2022-05-22 20:47:32 -04:00
.gitignore Added in instrumentation classes for generating json files. Will allow for more complete profiling (at least as a start). 2022-05-08 15:51:17 -04:00
.gitmodules Fixed implot submodule 2022-02-22 21:01:24 -05:00
debug_spectra.nav Added intial test classes to NavProject for use with SPS data. After brief testing, obv issue that analysis speed tied to rendering rate. Reverted to multi-threaded case, albeit with layer style 2022-02-05 13:20:45 -05:00
navigator.sublime-project Fixed some semantics to reduce warnings from strings in ImGui widgets. HistogramMap now has a nullResult member 2022-02-03 16:18:24 -05:00
premake5.lua Several big changes. Biggest change: Added in Summary spectra!! Fully integrated into system. Changed spectrum and cut type identification to avoid extra string comps. Cut checking now handled differently, hopefully more efficiently (needs profiling). Renamed Resources to Assets to avoid Xcode weirdness 2022-03-31 15:23:45 -04:00
README.md Fixed README typo on Linux apt commmand 2022-04-11 17:31:47 -04:00
spectra.nav Added asio submodule for socket and created CompassOnlineSource. Needs testing. Some refinement to come for the source classes I think 2022-01-23 13:48:14 -05:00


Navigator is a cross-platform Dear ImGui/ImPlot based data visualization tool designed for online analysis in nuclear physics experiments. It is a C++ library/framework with capability of displaying 1D and 2D spectra, applying cuts and gates graphically to spectra, and has a customizable analysis system. The only external dependencies are OpenGL development headers, as OpenGL is the rendering API, and the C++17 standard library. All other dependencies are included as git submodules in the vendor directory. The current state of the library is such that the only readily developed data source type is for CAEN's CoMPASS DAQ for use with their digitizer modules. There are tentative plans to extend the sources to other DAQ frameworks.

This project would not be possible with out the amazing online tutorials of @TheCherno and in particular his Hazel tutorials, which much of the application model and basically all of the renderer is based off of (Hazel). I highly recommend checking out his work to anyone who is interested in projects like this, or just learning more about C++.

Additonally, the excellent DearImGui and ImPlot libraries are obviously critical to this work, and also deserve a look for anyone who wants to design UI's and plotting tools in C++.

Building Navigator

Navigator should be cloned from github using git clone --recursive https://github.com/gwm17/Navigator.git The recursive flag tells git to clone not only the repository but also all of the submodule dependencies.

Navigator uses premake, a free, cross-platform build tool to generate build files for various platforms. On Windows one should build for a VisualStudio project, on Mac a Xcode project, and on Linux flavors make is the most commonly accepted format. Once project files have been generated, build using whatever tools exist on the platform of choice.

Note: Mac and Windows technichally can be built using tools other than the platform standard VS and Xcode environments, but care will need to be taken to modify the premake script so that the OpenGL and platform related headers can be found.

Note: On Linux distributions, typically Mesa OpenGL and X-window related header files are not installed by default. These can typically be installed using whatever package manager your distribution uses. For example, on Debian family distributions the necessary files can be installed using sudo apt install libgl1 libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa libglu1-mesa-dev xorg-dev mesa-utils which should fill out all of the dependencies. If this doesn't seem to work, check your distribution related documentation for OpenGL dependencies.

Running Navigator

Once Navigator is built it can be run from VS or Xcode IDEs or on Linux move to the appropriate directory in bin and execute the program. Note that the program is NavProject. Navigator is just a library/framework. NavProject is an example showing what a typical implementation might look like, based on the Super-Enge Split-Pole Spectrograph at Florida State University. This can be used as a launching point for a project, or you can link to Navigator your self. Note that if you want to link to Navigator yourself, its important that you copy the fonts directory to your project, as this contains the icons and font used by Navigator. The fonts should be placed wherever your program will be run from (the runtime directory).

Note: As Navigator is still very early in development, the default build configuration is Debug. If you are actually going to use it, you will want to make sure that you switch to building in Release configuration otherwise performance may be poor.