/* * Author: Andrej Prochazka * Copyright(C) 2017 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /// \file calculations.h #ifndef CALCULATIONS_H #define CALCULATIONS_H #include #include "catima/structures.h" #include "catima/config.h" namespace catima{ /** * returns nuclear stopping power for projectile-target combination */ double dedx_n(const Projectile &p, const Target &t); double dedx_n(const Projectile &p, const Material &mat); /** * returns energy loss straggling */ double dedx_variance(const Projectile &p, const Target &t, const Config &c=default_config); /** * returns reduced energy loss unit for projectile-target combination */ double reduced_energy_loss_unit(const Projectile &p, const Target &t); /** * @brief bethek_dedx_e - electronics stopping power * @return stopping power */ double bethek_dedx_e(const Projectile &p,const Target &t, const Config &c=default_config, double I=0.0); double bethek_dedx_e(const Projectile &p,const Material &mat, const Config &c=default_config); /** * calculates barkas effect */ double bethek_barkas(double zp_eff,double eta, double zt); /** * calculates density effect */ double bethek_density_effect(double beta, int zt); /** * calculates lindhard correction for energy loss calculation */ double bethek_lindhard(const Projectile &p); /** * calculates lindhard correction for energy loss straggling calculation */ double bethek_lindhard_X(const Projectile &p); /** * calculates pair production stopping power */ double pair_production(const Projectile &p, const Target &t); /** * calculates bremsstrahlung stopping power */ double bremsstrahlung(const Projectile &p, const Target &t); /** * returns linhard correction (L) calulated from tabulated precalculated data * if energy is less than minimal calculated energy the LS coefficient of at minimal * calculated energy is returned and similar for highest caclulated energy limit */ double precalculated_lindhard(const Projectile &p); /** * returns linhard energy loss straggling correction (X) calulated from tabulated precalculated data * if energy is less than minimal calculated energy the X coefficient of at minimal * calculated energy is returned and similar for highest caclulated energy limit */ double precalculated_lindhard_X(const Projectile &p); /** * this function is not used and is not tested */ double energy_straggling_firsov(double z1,double energy, double z2, double m2); /** * electronic energy loss for low energy, should be like SRIM */ double sezi_dedx_e(const Projectile &p, const Material &mat, const Config &c=default_config); double angular_scattering_variance(const Projectile &p, const Target &t); double angular_scattering_variance(const Projectile &p, const Material &material); /** * returns radiation length of the (M,Z) material * for certain z the radiation length is tabulated, otherwise calculated * @param z - proton number of target * @param m - weight of the target * @return radiation length in g/cm^2 */ double radiation_length(int z, double m); /** * returns radiation length of the Material class * radiation length if calculated if not specified in Material * or return specified radiation length * @param Material - Material class * @return radiation length in g/cm^2 */ double radiation_length(const Material &material); /** returns effective Z of the projectile * @param p - Projectile class * @param t - Target class * @param c - Configuration, the z effective will be calculated according to c.z_effective value * @return - z effective */ double z_effective(const Projectile &p, const Target &t, const Config &c=default_config); /** * calculates effective charge * @param z - proton number of projectile * @param beta - velocity of projectile * @return effective charge */ double z_eff_Pierce_Blann(double z, double beta); /** * calculates effective charge * @param pz - proton number of projectile * @param beta - velocity of projectile * @param tz - proton number of target material * @return effective charge */ double z_eff_Anthony_Landford(double pz, double beta, double tz); /** * calculates effective charge * @param pz - proton number of projectile * @param beta - velocity of projectile * @param tz - proton number of target material * @return effective charge */ double z_eff_Hubert(double pz, double E, double tz); /** * calculates effective charge * @param pz - proton number of projectile * @param beta - velocity of projectile * @param tz - proton number of target material * @return effective charge */ double z_eff_Winger(double pz, double beta, double tz); /** * calculates effective charge * @param pz - proton number of projectile * @param beta - velocity of projectile * @param tz - proton number of target material * @return effective charge */ double z_eff_global(double pz, double E, double tz); /** * calculates effective charge * @param pz - proton number of projectile * @param beta - velocity of projectile * @param tz - proton number of target material * @return effective charge */ double z_eff_Schiwietz(double pz, double beta, double tz); /** * calculates effective charge * @param pz - proton number of projectile * @param beta - velocity of projectile * @param tz - proton number of target material * @return effective charge */ double z_eff_atima14(double pz, double beta, double tz); //helper double gamma_from_T(double T); double beta_from_T(double T); double p_from_T(double T, double M); std::complex lngamma( const std::complex &z ); std::complex hyperg(const std::complex &a, const std::complex &b, const std::complex &z); inline double power(double x, double y){ return exp(log(x)*y); } } #endif