#ifndef CONSTANTS_H #define CONSTANTS_H #include <limits> namespace catima { constexpr double Ezero = 1E-3; // lowest E to calculate, below taken as 0 constexpr double logEmin = -3; // log of minimum energy constexpr double logEmax = 5.0; // log of max energy constexpr int max_datapoints = 500; // how many datapoints between logEmin and logEmax constexpr int max_storage_data = 100; // number of datapoints which can be stored in cache constexpr double numeric_epsilon = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(); /// required integration precision (relative units) /* constexpr double int_eps_range = 0.001; constexpr double int_eps_range_str = 0.001; constexpr double int_eps_ang_str = 0.01; constexpr double int_eps_tof = 0.01; */ constexpr double thin_target_limit = 1 - 1e-3; constexpr double Avogadro = 6.022140857; // 10^23 constexpr double electron_mass = 0.510998928; // MeV/c^2 constexpr double atomic_mass_unit = 931.4940954; // MeV/c^2 constexpr double classical_electron_radius = 2.8179403227; //fm constexpr double fine_structure = 1/137.035999139; constexpr double fine_structure_inverted = 1/fine_structure; constexpr double c_light = 299.792458; //Mm/s constexpr double bohr_velocity = 2.19 / c_light; // in c unit constexpr double dedx_constant = 0.3070749187; //4*pi*Na*me*c^2*r_e^2 //MeV cm^2 constexpr double domega2dx_constant = dedx_constant*electron_mass; //4*pi*Na*me*c^2*r_e^2 //MeV^2 cm^2 // units // namespace units{ constexpr double g = 1.0; constexpr double mg = 1000.0; constexpr double cm3 = 1.0; constexpr double cm = 1.0; constexpr double mm = 10.; constexpr double keV = 1000.0; constexpr double ns = 1.0; } } #endif