//======================================================================== // GLFW - An OpenGL framework // Platform: Cocoa/NSOpenGL // API Version: 2.7 // WWW: http://www.glfw.org/ //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Camilla Berglund // // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied // warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages // arising from the use of this software. // // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it // freely, subject to the following restrictions: // // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would // be appreciated but is not required. // // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not // be misrepresented as being the original software. // // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source // distribution. // //======================================================================== #include "internal.h" //======================================================================== // Delegate for window related notifications // (but also used as an application delegate) //======================================================================== @interface GLFWWindowDelegate : NSObject @end @implementation GLFWWindowDelegate - (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)window { if( _glfwWin.windowCloseCallback ) { if( !_glfwWin.windowCloseCallback() ) { return NO; } } // This is horribly ugly, but it works glfwCloseWindow(); return NO; } - (void)windowDidResize:(NSNotification *)notification { [_glfwWin.context update]; NSRect contentRect = [_glfwWin.window contentRectForFrameRect:[_glfwWin.window frame]]; _glfwWin.width = contentRect.size.width; _glfwWin.height = contentRect.size.height; if( _glfwWin.windowSizeCallback ) { _glfwWin.windowSizeCallback( _glfwWin.width, _glfwWin.height ); } } - (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication *)sender { if( _glfwWin.windowCloseCallback ) { if( !_glfwWin.windowCloseCallback() ) { return NSTerminateCancel; } } // This is horribly ugly, but it works glfwCloseWindow(); return NSTerminateCancel; } @end // TODO: Need to find mappings for F13-F15, volume down/up/mute, and eject. static const unsigned int MAC_TO_GLFW_KEYCODE_MAPPING[128] = { /* 00 */ 'A', /* 01 */ 'S', /* 02 */ 'D', /* 03 */ 'F', /* 04 */ 'H', /* 05 */ 'G', /* 06 */ 'Z', /* 07 */ 'X', /* 08 */ 'C', /* 09 */ 'V', /* 0a */ -1, /* 0b */ 'B', /* 0c */ 'Q', /* 0d */ 'W', /* 0e */ 'E', /* 0f */ 'R', /* 10 */ 'Y', /* 11 */ 'T', /* 12 */ '1', /* 13 */ '2', /* 14 */ '3', /* 15 */ '4', /* 16 */ '6', /* 17 */ '5', /* 18 */ '=', /* 19 */ '9', /* 1a */ '7', /* 1b */ '-', /* 1c */ '8', /* 1d */ '0', /* 1e */ ']', /* 1f */ 'O', /* 20 */ 'U', /* 21 */ '[', /* 22 */ 'I', /* 23 */ 'P', /* 24 */ GLFW_KEY_ENTER, /* 25 */ 'L', /* 26 */ 'J', /* 27 */ '\'', /* 28 */ 'K', /* 29 */ ';', /* 2a */ '\\', /* 2b */ ',', /* 2c */ '/', /* 2d */ 'N', /* 2e */ 'M', /* 2f */ '.', /* 30 */ GLFW_KEY_TAB, /* 31 */ GLFW_KEY_SPACE, /* 32 */ '`', /* 33 */ GLFW_KEY_BACKSPACE, /* 34 */ -1, /* 35 */ GLFW_KEY_ESC, /* 36 */ GLFW_KEY_RSUPER, /* 37 */ GLFW_KEY_LSUPER, /* 38 */ GLFW_KEY_LSHIFT, /* 39 */ GLFW_KEY_CAPS_LOCK, /* 3a */ GLFW_KEY_LALT, /* 3b */ GLFW_KEY_LCTRL, /* 3c */ GLFW_KEY_RSHIFT, /* 3d */ GLFW_KEY_RALT, /* 3e */ GLFW_KEY_RCTRL, /* 3f */ -1, /*Function*/ /* 40 */ GLFW_KEY_F17, /* 41 */ GLFW_KEY_KP_DECIMAL, /* 42 */ -1, /* 43 */ GLFW_KEY_KP_MULTIPLY, /* 44 */ -1, /* 45 */ GLFW_KEY_KP_ADD, /* 46 */ -1, /* 47 */ -1, /*KeypadClear*/ /* 48 */ -1, /*VolumeUp*/ /* 49 */ -1, /*VolumeDown*/ /* 4a */ -1, /*Mute*/ /* 4b */ GLFW_KEY_KP_DIVIDE, /* 4c */ GLFW_KEY_KP_ENTER, /* 4d */ -1, /* 4e */ GLFW_KEY_KP_SUBTRACT, /* 4f */ GLFW_KEY_F18, /* 50 */ GLFW_KEY_F19, /* 51 */ GLFW_KEY_KP_EQUAL, /* 52 */ GLFW_KEY_KP_0, /* 53 */ GLFW_KEY_KP_1, /* 54 */ GLFW_KEY_KP_2, /* 55 */ GLFW_KEY_KP_3, /* 56 */ GLFW_KEY_KP_4, /* 57 */ GLFW_KEY_KP_5, /* 58 */ GLFW_KEY_KP_6, /* 59 */ GLFW_KEY_KP_7, /* 5a */ GLFW_KEY_F20, /* 5b */ GLFW_KEY_KP_8, /* 5c */ GLFW_KEY_KP_9, /* 5d */ -1, /* 5e */ -1, /* 5f */ -1, /* 60 */ GLFW_KEY_F5, /* 61 */ GLFW_KEY_F6, /* 62 */ GLFW_KEY_F7, /* 63 */ GLFW_KEY_F3, /* 64 */ GLFW_KEY_F8, /* 65 */ GLFW_KEY_F9, /* 66 */ -1, /* 67 */ GLFW_KEY_F11, /* 68 */ -1, /* 69 */ GLFW_KEY_F13, /* 6a */ GLFW_KEY_F16, /* 6b */ GLFW_KEY_F14, /* 6c */ -1, /* 6d */ GLFW_KEY_F10, /* 6e */ -1, /* 6f */ GLFW_KEY_F12, /* 70 */ -1, /* 71 */ GLFW_KEY_F15, /* 72 */ GLFW_KEY_INSERT, /*Help*/ /* 73 */ GLFW_KEY_HOME, /* 74 */ GLFW_KEY_PAGEUP, /* 75 */ GLFW_KEY_DEL, /* 76 */ GLFW_KEY_F4, /* 77 */ GLFW_KEY_END, /* 78 */ GLFW_KEY_F2, /* 79 */ GLFW_KEY_PAGEDOWN, /* 7a */ GLFW_KEY_F1, /* 7b */ GLFW_KEY_LEFT, /* 7c */ GLFW_KEY_RIGHT, /* 7d */ GLFW_KEY_DOWN, /* 7e */ GLFW_KEY_UP, /* 7f */ -1, }; //======================================================================== // Converts a Mac OS X keycode to a GLFW keycode //======================================================================== static int convertMacKeyCode( unsigned int macKeyCode ) { if( macKeyCode >= 128 ) { return -1; } // This treats keycodes as *positional*; that is, we'll return 'a' // for the key left of 's', even on an AZERTY keyboard. The charInput // function should still get 'q' though. return MAC_TO_GLFW_KEYCODE_MAPPING[macKeyCode]; } //======================================================================== // Content view class for the GLFW window //======================================================================== @interface GLFWContentView : NSView @end @implementation GLFWContentView - (BOOL)isOpaque { return YES; } - (BOOL)canBecomeKeyView { return YES; } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event { _glfwInputMouseClick( GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, GLFW_PRESS ); } - (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)event { [self mouseMoved:event]; } - (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)event { _glfwInputMouseClick( GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, GLFW_RELEASE ); } - (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)event { if( _glfwWin.mouseLock ) { _glfwInput.MousePosX += [event deltaX]; _glfwInput.MousePosY += [event deltaY]; } else { NSPoint p = [event locationInWindow]; // Cocoa coordinate system has origin at lower left _glfwInput.MousePosX = p.x; _glfwInput.MousePosY = [[_glfwWin.window contentView] bounds].size.height - p.y; } if( _glfwWin.mousePosCallback ) { _glfwWin.mousePosCallback( _glfwInput.MousePosX, _glfwInput.MousePosY ); } } - (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)event { _glfwInputMouseClick( GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT, GLFW_PRESS ); } - (void)rightMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)event { [self mouseMoved:event]; } - (void)rightMouseUp:(NSEvent *)event { _glfwInputMouseClick( GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT, GLFW_RELEASE ); } - (void)otherMouseDown:(NSEvent *)event { _glfwInputMouseClick( [event buttonNumber], GLFW_PRESS ); } - (void)otherMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)event { [self mouseMoved:event]; } - (void)otherMouseUp:(NSEvent *)event { _glfwInputMouseClick( [event buttonNumber], GLFW_RELEASE ); } - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event { NSUInteger length; NSString* characters; int i, code = convertMacKeyCode( [event keyCode] ); if( code != -1 ) { _glfwInputKey( code, GLFW_PRESS ); if( [event modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask ) { if( !_glfwWin.sysKeysDisabled ) { [super keyDown:event]; } } else { characters = [event characters]; length = [characters length]; for( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { _glfwInputChar( [characters characterAtIndex:i], GLFW_PRESS ); } } } } - (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)event { unsigned int newModifierFlags = [event modifierFlags] | NSDeviceIndependentModifierFlagsMask; int mode; if( newModifierFlags > _glfwWin.modifierFlags ) { mode = GLFW_PRESS; } else { mode = GLFW_RELEASE; } _glfwWin.modifierFlags = newModifierFlags; _glfwInputKey( MAC_TO_GLFW_KEYCODE_MAPPING[[event keyCode]], mode ); } - (void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)event { NSUInteger length; NSString* characters; int i, code = convertMacKeyCode( [event keyCode] ); if( code != -1 ) { _glfwInputKey( code, GLFW_RELEASE ); characters = [event characters]; length = [characters length]; for( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { _glfwInputChar( [characters characterAtIndex:i], GLFW_RELEASE ); } } } - (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)event { _glfwInput.WheelPosFloating += [event deltaY]; _glfwInput.WheelPos = lrint(_glfwInput.WheelPosFloating); if( _glfwWin.mouseWheelCallback ) { _glfwWin.mouseWheelCallback( _glfwInput.WheelPos ); } } @end //************************************************************************ //**** Platform implementation functions **** //************************************************************************ //======================================================================== // Here is where the window is created, and the OpenGL rendering context is // created //======================================================================== int _glfwPlatformOpenWindow( int width, int height, const _GLFWwndconfig *wndconfig, const _GLFWfbconfig *fbconfig ) { int colorBits; _glfwWin.pixelFormat = nil; _glfwWin.window = nil; _glfwWin.context = nil; _glfwWin.delegate = nil; // Fail if OpenGL 3.0 or above was requested if( wndconfig->glMajor > 2 ) { _glfwPlatformCloseWindow(); return GL_FALSE; } _glfwWin.delegate = [[GLFWWindowDelegate alloc] init]; if( _glfwWin.delegate == nil ) { _glfwPlatformCloseWindow(); return GL_FALSE; } [NSApp setDelegate:_glfwWin.delegate]; // Mac OS X needs non-zero color size, so set resonable values colorBits = fbconfig->redBits + fbconfig->greenBits + fbconfig->blueBits; if( colorBits == 0 ) { colorBits = 24; } else if( colorBits < 15 ) { colorBits = 15; } // Ignored hints: // OpenGLMajor, OpenGLMinor, OpenGLForward: // pending Mac OS X support for OpenGL 3.x // OpenGLDebug // pending it meaning anything on Mac OS X // Don't use accumulation buffer support; it's not accelerated // Aux buffers probably aren't accelerated either CFDictionaryRef fullscreenMode = NULL; if( wndconfig->mode == GLFW_FULLSCREEN ) { fullscreenMode = // I think it's safe to pass 0 to the refresh rate for this function // rather than conditionalizing the code to call the version which // doesn't specify refresh... CGDisplayBestModeForParametersAndRefreshRateWithProperty( CGMainDisplayID(), colorBits + fbconfig->alphaBits, width, height, wndconfig->refreshRate, // Controversial, see macosx_fullscreen.m for discussion kCGDisplayModeIsSafeForHardware, NULL); width = [[(id)fullscreenMode objectForKey:(id)kCGDisplayWidth] intValue]; height = [[(id)fullscreenMode objectForKey:(id)kCGDisplayHeight] intValue]; } unsigned int styleMask = 0; if( wndconfig->mode == GLFW_WINDOW ) { styleMask = NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask; if( !wndconfig->windowNoResize ) { styleMask |= NSResizableWindowMask; } } else { styleMask = NSBorderlessWindowMask; } _glfwWin.window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, width, height) styleMask:styleMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO]; [_glfwWin.window setContentView:[[GLFWContentView alloc] init]]; [_glfwWin.window setDelegate:_glfwWin.delegate]; [_glfwWin.window setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES]; [_glfwWin.window center]; if( wndconfig->mode == GLFW_FULLSCREEN ) { CGCaptureAllDisplays(); CGDisplaySwitchToMode( CGMainDisplayID(), fullscreenMode ); } unsigned int attribute_count = 0; #define ADD_ATTR(x) attributes[attribute_count++] = x #define ADD_ATTR2(x, y) (void)({ ADD_ATTR(x); ADD_ATTR(y); }) #define MAX_ATTRS 24 // urgh NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attributes[MAX_ATTRS]; ADD_ATTR( NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer ); if( wndconfig->mode == GLFW_FULLSCREEN ) { ADD_ATTR( NSOpenGLPFAFullScreen ); ADD_ATTR( NSOpenGLPFANoRecovery ); ADD_ATTR2( NSOpenGLPFAScreenMask, CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask( CGMainDisplayID() ) ); } ADD_ATTR2( NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, colorBits ); if( fbconfig->alphaBits > 0) { ADD_ATTR2( NSOpenGLPFAAlphaSize, fbconfig->alphaBits ); } if( fbconfig->depthBits > 0) { ADD_ATTR2( NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, fbconfig->depthBits ); } if( fbconfig->stencilBits > 0) { ADD_ATTR2( NSOpenGLPFAStencilSize, fbconfig->stencilBits ); } int accumBits = fbconfig->accumRedBits + fbconfig->accumGreenBits + fbconfig->accumBlueBits + fbconfig->accumAlphaBits; if( accumBits > 0) { ADD_ATTR2( NSOpenGLPFAAccumSize, accumBits ); } if( fbconfig->auxBuffers > 0) { ADD_ATTR2( NSOpenGLPFAAuxBuffers, fbconfig->auxBuffers ); } if( fbconfig->stereo) { ADD_ATTR( NSOpenGLPFAStereo ); } if( fbconfig->samples > 0) { ADD_ATTR2( NSOpenGLPFASampleBuffers, 1 ); ADD_ATTR2( NSOpenGLPFASamples, fbconfig->samples ); } ADD_ATTR(0); _glfwWin.pixelFormat = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attributes]; if( _glfwWin.pixelFormat == nil ) { _glfwPlatformCloseWindow(); return GL_FALSE; } _glfwWin.context = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:_glfwWin.pixelFormat shareContext:nil]; if( _glfwWin.context == nil ) { _glfwPlatformCloseWindow(); return GL_FALSE; } [_glfwWin.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; [_glfwWin.context setView:[_glfwWin.window contentView]]; if( wndconfig->mode == GLFW_FULLSCREEN ) { // TODO: Make this work on pre-Leopard systems [[_glfwWin.window contentView] enterFullScreenMode:[NSScreen mainScreen] withOptions:nil]; } [_glfwWin.context makeCurrentContext]; NSPoint point = [[NSCursor currentCursor] hotSpot]; _glfwInput.MousePosX = point.x; _glfwInput.MousePosY = point.y; return GL_TRUE; } //======================================================================== // Properly kill the window / video display //======================================================================== void _glfwPlatformCloseWindow( void ) { [_glfwWin.window orderOut:nil]; if( _glfwWin.fullscreen ) { [[_glfwWin.window contentView] exitFullScreenModeWithOptions:nil]; CGDisplaySwitchToMode( CGMainDisplayID(), (CFDictionaryRef)_glfwLibrary.DesktopMode ); CGReleaseAllDisplays(); } [_glfwWin.pixelFormat release]; _glfwWin.pixelFormat = nil; [NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext]; [_glfwWin.context release]; _glfwWin.context = nil; [_glfwWin.window setDelegate:nil]; [NSApp setDelegate:nil]; [_glfwWin.delegate release]; _glfwWin.delegate = nil; [_glfwWin.window close]; _glfwWin.window = nil; // TODO: Probably more cleanup } //======================================================================== // Set the window title //======================================================================== void _glfwPlatformSetWindowTitle( const char *title ) { [_glfwWin.window setTitle:[NSString stringWithCString:title encoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding]]; } //======================================================================== // Set the window size //======================================================================== void _glfwPlatformSetWindowSize( int width, int height ) { [_glfwWin.window setContentSize:NSMakeSize(width, height)]; } //======================================================================== // Set the window position //======================================================================== void _glfwPlatformSetWindowPos( int x, int y ) { NSRect contentRect = [_glfwWin.window contentRectForFrameRect:[_glfwWin.window frame]]; // We assume here that the client code wants to position the window within the // screen the window currently occupies NSRect screenRect = [[_glfwWin.window screen] visibleFrame]; contentRect.origin = NSMakePoint(screenRect.origin.x + x, screenRect.origin.y + screenRect.size.height - y - contentRect.size.height); [_glfwWin.window setFrame:[_glfwWin.window frameRectForContentRect:contentRect] display:YES]; } //======================================================================== // Iconify the window //======================================================================== void _glfwPlatformIconifyWindow( void ) { [_glfwWin.window miniaturize:nil]; } //======================================================================== // Restore (un-iconify) the window //======================================================================== void _glfwPlatformRestoreWindow( void ) { [_glfwWin.window deminiaturize:nil]; } //======================================================================== // Swap buffers //======================================================================== void _glfwPlatformSwapBuffers( void ) { // ARP appears to be unnecessary, but this is future-proof [_glfwWin.context flushBuffer]; } //======================================================================== // Set double buffering swap interval //======================================================================== void _glfwPlatformSwapInterval( int interval ) { GLint sync = interval; [_glfwWin.context setValues:&sync forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval]; } //======================================================================== // Write back window parameters into GLFW window structure //======================================================================== void _glfwPlatformRefreshWindowParams( void ) { GLint value; // Since GLFW 2.x doesn't understand screens, we use virtual screen zero [_glfwWin.pixelFormat getValues:&value forAttribute:NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated forVirtualScreen:0]; _glfwWin.accelerated = value; [_glfwWin.pixelFormat getValues:&value forAttribute:NSOpenGLPFAAlphaSize forVirtualScreen:0]; _glfwWin.alphaBits = value; // It seems that the color size includes the size of the alpha channel [_glfwWin.pixelFormat getValues:&value forAttribute:NSOpenGLPFAColorSize forVirtualScreen:0]; value -= _glfwWin.alphaBits; _glfwWin.redBits = value / 3; _glfwWin.greenBits = value / 3; _glfwWin.blueBits = value / 3; [_glfwWin.pixelFormat getValues:&value forAttribute:NSOpenGLPFADepthSize forVirtualScreen:0]; _glfwWin.depthBits = value; [_glfwWin.pixelFormat getValues:&value forAttribute:NSOpenGLPFAStencilSize forVirtualScreen:0]; _glfwWin.stencilBits = value; [_glfwWin.pixelFormat getValues:&value forAttribute:NSOpenGLPFAAccumSize forVirtualScreen:0]; _glfwWin.accumRedBits = value / 3; _glfwWin.accumGreenBits = value / 3; _glfwWin.accumBlueBits = value / 3; // TODO: Figure out what to set this value to _glfwWin.accumAlphaBits = 0; [_glfwWin.pixelFormat getValues:&value forAttribute:NSOpenGLPFAAuxBuffers forVirtualScreen:0]; _glfwWin.auxBuffers = value; [_glfwWin.pixelFormat getValues:&value forAttribute:NSOpenGLPFAStereo forVirtualScreen:0]; _glfwWin.stereo = value; [_glfwWin.pixelFormat getValues:&value forAttribute:NSOpenGLPFASamples forVirtualScreen:0]; _glfwWin.samples = value; // These are forced to false as long as Mac OS X lacks support for OpenGL 3.0+ _glfwWin.glForward = GL_FALSE; _glfwWin.glDebug = GL_FALSE; _glfwWin.glProfile = 0; } //======================================================================== // Poll for new window and input events //======================================================================== void _glfwPlatformPollEvents( void ) { NSEvent *event; do { event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask untilDate:[NSDate distantPast] inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue:YES]; if (event) { [NSApp sendEvent:event]; } } while (event); [_glfwLibrary.AutoreleasePool drain]; _glfwLibrary.AutoreleasePool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; } //======================================================================== // Wait for new window and input events //======================================================================== void _glfwPlatformWaitEvents( void ) { // I wanted to pass NO to dequeue:, and rely on PollEvents to // dequeue and send. For reasons not at all clear to me, passing // NO to dequeue: causes this method never to return. NSEvent *event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask untilDate:[NSDate distantFuture] inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue:YES]; [NSApp sendEvent:event]; _glfwPlatformPollEvents(); } //======================================================================== // Hide mouse cursor (lock it) //======================================================================== void _glfwPlatformHideMouseCursor( void ) { [NSCursor hide]; CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition( false ); } //======================================================================== // Show mouse cursor (unlock it) //======================================================================== void _glfwPlatformShowMouseCursor( void ) { [NSCursor unhide]; CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition( true ); } //======================================================================== // Set physical mouse cursor position //======================================================================== void _glfwPlatformSetMouseCursorPos( int x, int y ) { // The library seems to assume that after calling this the mouse won't move, // but obviously it will, and escape the app's window, and activate other apps, // and other badness in pain. I think the API's just silly, but maybe I'm // misunderstanding it... // Also, (x, y) are window coords... // Also, it doesn't seem possible to write this robustly without // calculating the maximum y coordinate of all screens, since Cocoa's // "global coordinates" are upside down from CG's... // Without this (once per app run, but it's convenient to do it here) // events will be suppressed for a default of 0.25 seconds after we // move the cursor. CGSetLocalEventsSuppressionInterval( 0.0 ); NSPoint localPoint = NSMakePoint( x, y ); NSPoint globalPoint = [_glfwWin.window convertBaseToScreen:localPoint]; CGPoint mainScreenOrigin = CGDisplayBounds( CGMainDisplayID() ).origin; double mainScreenHeight = CGDisplayBounds( CGMainDisplayID() ).size.height; CGPoint targetPoint = CGPointMake( globalPoint.x - mainScreenOrigin.x, mainScreenHeight - globalPoint.y - mainScreenOrigin.y ); CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint( CGMainDisplayID(), targetPoint ); }