/*! @page quick Getting started @section quick_start Introduction In this guide you will learn how to write simple OpenGL applications using GLFW 3. It will introduce you to a few of the most commonly used functions, but there are many others. To see detailed documentation on any GLFW function, just click on its name. @section quick_include Including the GLFW header In the files of your program where you use OpenGL or GLFW, you need to include the GLFW 3 header file. @code #include @endcode This defines all the constants, types and function prototypes of the GLFW API. It also includes the OpenGL header, and defines all the constants and types necessary for it to work on your platform. For example, under Windows you are normally required to include @c windows.h before including @c GL/gl.h. This would make your source file tied to Windows and pollute your code's namespace with the whole Win32 API. Instead, the GLFW header takes care of this for you, not by including @c windows.h, but rather by itself duplicating only the necessary parts of it. It does this only where needed, so if @c windows.h @em is included, the GLFW header does not try to redefine those symbols. In other words: @arg Do @em not include the OpenGL headers yourself, as GLFW does this for you @arg Do @em not include @c windows.h or other platform-specific headers unless you plan on using those APIs directly @arg If you @em do need to include such headers, do it @em before including the GLFW and it will detect this Starting with version 3.0, the GLU header @c glu.h is no longer included by default. If you wish to include it, define @c GLFW_INCLUDE_GLU before the inclusion of the GLFW header. @code #define GLFW_INCLUDE_GLU #include @endcode @section quick_init_term Initializing and terminating GLFW Before you can use most GLFW functions, the library must be initialized. This is done with @ref glfwInit, which returns non-zero if successful, or zero if an error occurred. @code if (!glfwInit()) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); @endcode When you are done using GLFW, typically at the very end of the program, you need to call @ref glfwTerminate. @code glfwTerminate(); @endcode This destroys any remaining windows and releases any other resources allocated by GLFW. After this call, you must call @ref glfwInit again before using any GLFW functions that require it. @section quick_capture_error Setting an error callback Most events are reported through callbacks, whether it's a key being pressed, a GLFW window being moved, or an error occurring. Callbacks are simply C functions (or C++ static methods) that are called by GLFW with arguments describing the event. In case @ref glfwInit or any other GLFW function fails, an error is reported to the GLFW error callback. You can receive these reports by setting the error callback. The callback function itself should match the signature of @ref GLFWerrorfun. Here is a simple error callback that just prints the error description to @c stderr. @code void error_callback(int error, const char* description) { fputs(description, stderr); } @endcode Setting the callback, so GLFW knows to call it, is done with @ref glfwSetErrorCallback. This is one of the few GLFW functions that may be called before @ref glfwInit, which lets you be notified of errors during initialization, so you should set it before you do anything else with GLFW. @code glfwSetErrorCallback(error_callback); @endcode @section quick_create_window Creating a window and context The window (and its context) is created with @ref glfwCreateWindow, which returns a handle to the created window. For example, this creates an 640 by 480 pixels windowed mode window: @code GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "My Title", NULL, NULL); @endcode If window creation fails, @c NULL will be returned, so you need to check whether it did. @code if (!window) { glfwTerminate(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } @endcode This handle is then passed to all window related functions, and is provided to you along with input events, so you know which window received the input. To create a fullscreen window, you need to specify which monitor the window should use. In most cases, the user's primary monitor is a good choice. You can get this with @ref glfwGetPrimaryMonitor. To make the above window fullscreen, just pass along the monitor handle: @code GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "My Title", glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), NULL); @endcode Fullscreen windows cover the entire screen, have no border or decorations, and change the monitor's resolution to the one most closely matching the requested window size. When you are done with the window, destroy it with the @ref glfwDestroyWindow function. @code glfwDestroyWindow(window); @endcode Once this function is called, no more events will be delivered for that window and its handle becomes invalid. @section quick_context_current Making the OpenGL context current Before you can use the OpenGL API, it must have a current OpenGL context. You make a window's context current with @ref glfwMakeContextCurrent. It will then remain as the current context until you make another context current or until the window owning it is destroyed. @code glfwMakeContextCurrent(window); @endcode @section quick_window_params Checking the window close flag Each window has a flag indicating whether the window should be closed. This can be checked with @ref glfwWindowShouldClose. When the user attempts to close the window, either by pressing the close widget in the title bar or using a key combination like Alt+F4, this flag is set to 1. Note that the window isn't actually closed, so you are expected to monitor this flag and either destroy the window or give some kind of feedback to the user. @code while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) { // Keep running } @endcode You can be notified when user is attempting to close the window by setting a close callback with @ref glfwSetWindowCloseCallback. The callback will be called immediately after the close flag has been set. You can also set it yourself with @ref glfwSetWindowShouldClose. This can be useful if you want to interpret other kinds of input as closing the window, like for example pressing the escape key. @section quick_render Rendering with OpenGL Once you have a current OpenGL context, you can use OpenGL normally. In this tutorial, a multi-colored rotating triangle will be rendered. The window size, needed here by @c glViewport and @c glOrtho, is retrieved using @ref glfwGetWindowSize. However, if you only need it for updating the viewport when the window size changes, you can set a window size callback using @ref glfwSetWindowSizeCallback and call @c glViewport from there. @code void window_size_callback(GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height) { glViewport(0, 0, width, height); } @endcode @section quick_timer Reading the timer For the triangle to rotate properly, a time source is needed. GLFW provides @ref glfwGetTime, which returns the number of seconds since @ref glfwInit as a @c double. The time source used is the most accurate on each platform and generally has micro- or nanosecond resolution. @code double time = glfwGetTime(); @endcode @section quick_swap_buffers Swapping buffers GLFW windows always use double-buffering. That means that you have two rendering buffers; a front buffer and a back buffer. The front buffer is the one being displayed and the back buffer the one you render to. When the entire frame has been rendered, it is time to swap the back and the front buffers in order to display the rendered frame, and begin rendering a new frame. This is done with @ref glfwSwapBuffers. @code glfwSwapBuffers(window); @endcode @section quick_process_events Processing events GLFW needs to communicate regularly with the window system both in order to receive events and to show that it hasn't locked up. Event processing must be done regularly and is normally done each frame before rendering but after buffer swap. There are two ways to process pending events. @ref glfwPollEvents processes only those events that have already been received and then returns immediately. This is the best choice when rendering continually, like most games do. @code glfwPollEvents(); @endcode If instead you only need to update your rendering once you have received new input, @ref glfwWaitEvents is a better choice. It waits until at least one event has been received, putting the thread to sleep in the meantime, and then processes all received events just like @ref glfwPollEvents does. This saves a great deal of CPU cycles and is useful for, for example, many kinds of editing tools. @code glfwWaitEvents(); @endcode @section quick_example Putting it together: A small GLFW application Now that you know how to initialize GLFW, create a window and poll for keyboard input, it's possible to create a simple program. @snippet simple.c code This program creates a 640 by 480 pixels window and runs a loop clearing the screen, rendering a triangle and processing events until the user closes the window. */