/*! @page vulkan Vulkan guide @tableofcontents This guide is intended to fill the gaps between the [Vulkan documentation](https://www.khronos.org/vulkan/) and the rest of the GLFW documentation and is not a replacement for either. It assumes some familiarity with Vulkan concepts like loaders, devices, queues and surfaces. To develop for Vulkan you should install an SDK for your platform, for example the [LunarG Vulkan SDK](https://vulkan.lunarg.com/). Apart from the headers and libraries, it also provides the validation layers necessary for development. The GLFW library does not need the Vulkan SDK to enable support for Vulkan. However, any Vulkan-specific test and example programs are built only if the CMake files find a Vulkan SDK. @section vulkan_include Including the Vulkan and GLFW header files To include the Vulkan header, define [GLFW_INCLUDE_VULKAN](@ref build_macros) before including the GLFW header. @code #define GLFW_INCLUDE_VULKAN #include @endcode If you want to include the Vulkan header from a custom location or use your own custom Vulkan header then you need to include them before the GLFW header. @code #include #include @endcode Unless a Vulkan header is included, either by the GLFW header or above it, any GLFW functions that take or return Vulkan types will not be declared. The `VK_USE_PLATFORM_*_KHR` macros do not need to be defined for the Vulkan part of GLFW to work. Define them only if you are using these extensions directly. @section vulkan_support Querying for Vulkan support If you are loading the Vulkan loader dynamically instead of linking directly against it, you can check for the availability of a loader with @ref glfwVulkanSupported. @code if (glfwVulkanSupported()) { // Vulkan is available, at least for compute } @endcode This function returns `GLFW_TRUE` if the Vulkan loader was found. This check is performed by @ref glfwInit. If no loader was found, calling any other Vulkan related GLFW function will generate a @ref GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE error. @subsection vulkan_proc Querying Vulkan function pointers To load any Vulkan core or extension function from the found loader, call @ref glfwGetInstanceProcAddress. @code PFN_vkCreateDevice pfnCreateDevice = (PFN_vkCreateDevice) glfwGetInstanceProcAddress(instance, "vkCreateDevice"); @endcode This is equivalent to calling `vkGetInstanceProcAddr`. If that fails, the function falls back to a platform-specific query of the Vulkan loader (i.e. `dlsym` or `GetProcAddress`). If that also fails, the function returns `NULL`. For more information about `vkGetInstanceProcAddr`, see the Vulkan documentation. Vulkan also provides `vkGetDeviceProcAddr` for loading device-specific versions of Vulkan function. This function can be retrieved from an instance with @ref glfwGetInstanceProcAddress. @code PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr pfnGetDeviceProcAddr = (PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr) glfwGetInstanceProcAddress(instance, "vkGetDeviceProcAddr"); @endcode Device-specific functions may execute a little bit faster, due to not having to dispatch internally based on the device passed to them. For more information about `vkGetDeviceProcAddr`, see the Vulkan documentation. @section vulkan_ext Querying required Vulkan extensions To do anything useful with Vulkan you need to create an instance. If you want to use Vulkan to render to a window, you must enable the instance extensions GLFW requires to create Vulkan surfaces. To query the instance extensions required, call @ref glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions. @code int count; const char** extensions = glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions(&count); @endcode These extensions must all be enabled when creating instances that are going to be passed to @ref glfwGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport and @ref glfwCreateWindowSurface. The set of extensions will vary depending on platform and may also vary depending on graphics drivers and other factors. If it fails it will return `NULL` and GLFW will not be able to create Vulkan window surfaces. You can still use Vulkan for off-screen rendering and compute work. The returned array will always contain `VK_KHR_surface`, so if you don't require any additional extensions you can pass this list directly to the `VkInstanceCreateInfo` struct. @code VkInstanceCreateInfo ici; memset(&ici, 0, sizeof(ici)); ici.enabledExtensionCount = count; ici.ppEnabledExtensionNames = extensions; ... @endcode Additional extensions may be required by future versions of GLFW. You should check whether any extensions you wish to enable are already in the returned array, as it is an error to specify an extension more than once in the `VkInstanceCreateInfo` struct. @section vulkan_present Querying for Vulkan presentation support Not every queue family of every Vulkan device can present images to surfaces. To check whether a specific queue family of a physical device supports image presentation without first having to create a window and surface, call @ref glfwGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport. @code if (glfwGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport(instance, physical_device, queue_family_index)) { // Queue family supports image presentation } @endcode The `VK_KHR_surface` extension additionally provides the `vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR` function, which performs the same test on an existing Vulkan surface. @section vulkan_window Creating the window Unless you will be using OpenGL or OpenGL ES with the same window as Vulkan, there is no need to create a context. You can disable context creation by setting the [GLFW_CLIENT_API](@ref window_hints_ctx) hint to `GLFW_NO_API`. @code glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CLIENT_API, GLFW_NO_API); GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Window Title", NULL, NULL); @endcode See @ref context_less for more information. @section vulkan_surface Creating a Vulkan window surface You can create a Vulkan surface (as defined by the `VK_KHR_surface` extension) for a GLFW window with @ref glfwCreateWindowSurface. @code VkSurfaceKHR surface; VkResult err = glfwCreateWindowSurface(instance, window, NULL, &surface); if (err) { // Window surface creation failed } @endcode It is your responsibility to destroy the surface. GLFW does not destroy it for you. Call `vkDestroySurfaceKHR` function from the same extension to destroy it. */