//======================================================================== // Joystick input test // Copyright (c) Camilla Berglund <elmindreda@glfw.org> // // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied // warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages // arising from the use of this software. // // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it // freely, subject to the following restrictions: // // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would // be appreciated but is not required. // // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not // be misrepresented as being the original software. // // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source // distribution. // //======================================================================== // // This test displays the state of every button and axis of every connected // joystick and/or gamepad // //======================================================================== #include <glad/glad.h> #include <GLFW/glfw3.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef _MSC_VER #define strdup(x) _strdup(x) #endif static int joysticks[GLFW_JOYSTICK_LAST + 1]; static int joystick_count = 0; static void error_callback(int error, const char* description) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", description); } static void framebuffer_size_callback(GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height) { glViewport(0, 0, width, height); } static void draw_joystick(int index, int x, int y, int width, int height) { int i; int axis_count, button_count; const float* axes; const unsigned char* buttons; const int axis_height = 3 * height / 4; const int button_height = height / 4; axes = glfwGetJoystickAxes(joysticks[index], &axis_count); if (axis_count) { const int axis_width = width / axis_count; for (i = 0; i < axis_count; i++) { float value = axes[i] / 2.f + 0.5f; glColor3f(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f); glRecti(x + i * axis_width, y, x + (i + 1) * axis_width, y + axis_height); glColor3f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); glRecti(x + i * axis_width, y + (int) (value * (axis_height - 5)), x + (i + 1) * axis_width, y + 5 + (int) (value * (axis_height - 5))); } } buttons = glfwGetJoystickButtons(joysticks[index], &button_count); if (button_count) { const int button_width = width / button_count; for (i = 0; i < button_count; i++) { if (buttons[i]) glColor3f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); else glColor3f(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f); glRecti(x + i * button_width, y + axis_height, x + (i + 1) * button_width, y + axis_height + button_height); } } } static void draw_joysticks(GLFWwindow* window) { int i, width, height, offset = 0; glfwGetFramebufferSize(window, &width, &height); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0.f, width, height, 0.f, 1.f, -1.f); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); for (i = 0; i < joystick_count; i++) { draw_joystick(i, 0, offset * height / joystick_count, width, height / joystick_count); offset++; } } static void joystick_callback(int joy, int event) { if (event == GLFW_CONNECTED) { int axis_count, button_count; glfwGetJoystickAxes(joy, &axis_count); glfwGetJoystickButtons(joy, &button_count); printf("Found joystick %i named \'%s\' with %i axes, %i buttons\n", joy + 1, glfwGetJoystickName(joy), axis_count, button_count); joysticks[joystick_count++] = joy; } else if (event == GLFW_DISCONNECTED) { int i; for (i = 0; i < joystick_count; i++) { if (joysticks[i] == joy) break; } for (i = i + 1; i < joystick_count; i++) joysticks[i - 1] = joysticks[i]; printf("Lost joystick %i\n", joy + 1); joystick_count--; } } static void find_joysticks(void) { int joy; for (joy = GLFW_JOYSTICK_1; joy <= GLFW_JOYSTICK_LAST; joy++) { if (glfwJoystickPresent(joy)) joystick_callback(joy, GLFW_CONNECTED); } } int main(void) { GLFWwindow* window; memset(joysticks, 0, sizeof(joysticks)); glfwSetErrorCallback(error_callback); if (!glfwInit()) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); find_joysticks(); glfwSetJoystickCallback(joystick_callback); window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Joystick Test", NULL, NULL); if (!window) { glfwTerminate(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(window, framebuffer_size_callback); glfwMakeContextCurrent(window); gladLoadGLLoader((GLADloadproc) glfwGetProcAddress); glfwSwapInterval(1); while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); draw_joysticks(window); glfwSwapBuffers(window); glfwPollEvents(); // Workaround for an issue with msvcrt and mintty fflush(stdout); } glfwTerminate(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }