//======================================================================== // GLFW 3.0 GLX - www.glfw.org //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Marcus Geelnard // Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Camilla Berglund // // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied // warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages // arising from the use of this software. // // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it // freely, subject to the following restrictions: // // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would // be appreciated but is not required. // // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not // be misrepresented as being the original software. // // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source // distribution. // //======================================================================== #include "internal.h" #include #include #include #include // This is the only glXGetProcAddress variant not declared by glxext.h void (*glXGetProcAddressEXT(const GLubyte* procName))(); #ifndef GLXBadProfileARB #define GLXBadProfileARB 13 #endif // Returns the specified attribute of the specified GLXFBConfig // NOTE: Do not call this unless we have found GLX 1.3+ or GLX_SGIX_fbconfig // static int getFBConfigAttrib(GLXFBConfig fbconfig, int attrib) { int value; if (_glfw.glx.SGIX_fbconfig) { _glfw.glx.GetFBConfigAttribSGIX(_glfw.x11.display, fbconfig, attrib, &value); } else glXGetFBConfigAttrib(_glfw.x11.display, fbconfig, attrib, &value); return value; } // Return a list of available and usable framebuffer configs // static GLboolean chooseFBConfig(const _GLFWfbconfig* desired, GLXFBConfig* result) { GLXFBConfig* nativeConfigs; _GLFWfbconfig* usableConfigs; const _GLFWfbconfig* closest; int i, nativeCount, usableCount; const char* vendor; GLboolean trustWindowBit = GL_TRUE; vendor = glXGetClientString(_glfw.x11.display, GLX_VENDOR); if (strcmp(vendor, "Chromium") == 0) { // HACK: This is a (hopefully temporary) workaround for Chromium // (VirtualBox GL) not setting the window bit on any GLXFBConfigs trustWindowBit = GL_FALSE; } if (_glfw.glx.SGIX_fbconfig) { nativeConfigs = _glfw.glx.ChooseFBConfigSGIX(_glfw.x11.display, _glfw.x11.screen, NULL, &nativeCount); } else { nativeConfigs = glXGetFBConfigs(_glfw.x11.display, _glfw.x11.screen, &nativeCount); } if (!nativeCount) { _glfwInputError(GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE, "GLX: No GLXFBConfigs returned"); return GL_FALSE; } usableConfigs = calloc(nativeCount, sizeof(_GLFWfbconfig)); usableCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < nativeCount; i++) { const GLXFBConfig n = nativeConfigs[i]; _GLFWfbconfig* u = usableConfigs + usableCount; if (!getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER) || !getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_VISUAL_ID)) { // Only consider double-buffered GLXFBConfigs with associated visuals continue; } if (!(getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_RENDER_TYPE) & GLX_RGBA_BIT)) { // Only consider RGBA GLXFBConfigs continue; } if (!(getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE) & GLX_WINDOW_BIT)) { if (trustWindowBit) { // Only consider window GLXFBConfigs continue; } } u->redBits = getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_RED_SIZE); u->greenBits = getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_GREEN_SIZE); u->blueBits = getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_BLUE_SIZE); u->alphaBits = getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_ALPHA_SIZE); u->depthBits = getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE); u->stencilBits = getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_STENCIL_SIZE); u->accumRedBits = getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_ACCUM_RED_SIZE); u->accumGreenBits = getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE); u->accumBlueBits = getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE); u->accumAlphaBits = getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE); u->auxBuffers = getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_AUX_BUFFERS); u->stereo = getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_STEREO); if (_glfw.glx.ARB_multisample) u->samples = getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_SAMPLES); if (_glfw.glx.ARB_framebuffer_sRGB) u->sRGB = getFBConfigAttrib(n, GLX_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_CAPABLE_ARB); u->glx = n; usableCount++; } closest = _glfwChooseFBConfig(desired, usableConfigs, usableCount); if (closest) *result = closest->glx; XFree(nativeConfigs); free(usableConfigs); return closest ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; } // Create the OpenGL context using legacy API // static GLXContext createLegacyContext(_GLFWwindow* window, GLXFBConfig fbconfig, GLXContext share) { if (_glfw.glx.SGIX_fbconfig) { return _glfw.glx.CreateContextWithConfigSGIX(_glfw.x11.display, fbconfig, GLX_RGBA_TYPE, share, True); } return glXCreateNewContext(_glfw.x11.display, fbconfig, GLX_RGBA_TYPE, share, True); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// GLFW internal API ////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initialize GLX // int _glfwInitContextAPI(void) { #ifdef _GLFW_DLOPEN_LIBGL int i; char* libGL_names[ ] = { "libGL.so", "libGL.so.1", "/usr/lib/libGL.so", "/usr/lib/libGL.so.1", NULL }; for (i = 0; libGL_names[i] != NULL; i++) { _glfw.glx.libGL = dlopen(libGL_names[i], RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL); if (_glfw.glx.libGL) break; } if (!_glfw.glx.libGL) { _glfwInputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "GLX: Failed to find libGL"); return GL_FALSE; } #endif if (pthread_key_create(&_glfw.glx.current, NULL) != 0) { _glfwInputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "GLX: Failed to create context TLS"); return GL_FALSE; } // Check if GLX is supported on this display if (!glXQueryExtension(_glfw.x11.display, &_glfw.glx.errorBase, &_glfw.glx.eventBase)) { _glfwInputError(GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE, "GLX: GLX support not found"); return GL_FALSE; } if (!glXQueryVersion(_glfw.x11.display, &_glfw.glx.versionMajor, &_glfw.glx.versionMinor)) { _glfwInputError(GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE, "GLX: Failed to query GLX version"); return GL_FALSE; } if (_glfwPlatformExtensionSupported("GLX_EXT_swap_control")) { _glfw.glx.SwapIntervalEXT = (PFNGLXSWAPINTERVALEXTPROC) _glfwPlatformGetProcAddress("glXSwapIntervalEXT"); if (_glfw.glx.SwapIntervalEXT) _glfw.glx.EXT_swap_control = GL_TRUE; } if (_glfwPlatformExtensionSupported("GLX_SGI_swap_control")) { _glfw.glx.SwapIntervalSGI = (PFNGLXSWAPINTERVALSGIPROC) _glfwPlatformGetProcAddress("glXSwapIntervalSGI"); if (_glfw.glx.SwapIntervalSGI) _glfw.glx.SGI_swap_control = GL_TRUE; } if (_glfwPlatformExtensionSupported("GLX_MESA_swap_control")) { _glfw.glx.SwapIntervalMESA = (PFNGLXSWAPINTERVALMESAPROC) _glfwPlatformGetProcAddress("glXSwapIntervalMESA"); if (_glfw.glx.SwapIntervalMESA) _glfw.glx.MESA_swap_control = GL_TRUE; } if (_glfwPlatformExtensionSupported("GLX_SGIX_fbconfig")) { _glfw.glx.GetFBConfigAttribSGIX = (PFNGLXGETFBCONFIGATTRIBSGIXPROC) _glfwPlatformGetProcAddress("glXGetFBConfigAttribSGIX"); _glfw.glx.ChooseFBConfigSGIX = (PFNGLXCHOOSEFBCONFIGSGIXPROC) _glfwPlatformGetProcAddress("glXChooseFBConfigSGIX"); _glfw.glx.CreateContextWithConfigSGIX = (PFNGLXCREATECONTEXTWITHCONFIGSGIXPROC) _glfwPlatformGetProcAddress("glXCreateContextWithConfigSGIX"); _glfw.glx.GetVisualFromFBConfigSGIX = (PFNGLXGETVISUALFROMFBCONFIGSGIXPROC) _glfwPlatformGetProcAddress("glXGetVisualFromFBConfigSGIX"); if (_glfw.glx.GetFBConfigAttribSGIX && _glfw.glx.ChooseFBConfigSGIX && _glfw.glx.CreateContextWithConfigSGIX && _glfw.glx.GetVisualFromFBConfigSGIX) { _glfw.glx.SGIX_fbconfig = GL_TRUE; } } if (_glfwPlatformExtensionSupported("GLX_ARB_multisample")) _glfw.glx.ARB_multisample = GL_TRUE; if (_glfwPlatformExtensionSupported("GLX_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB")) _glfw.glx.ARB_framebuffer_sRGB = GL_TRUE; if (_glfwPlatformExtensionSupported("GLX_ARB_create_context")) { _glfw.glx.CreateContextAttribsARB = (PFNGLXCREATECONTEXTATTRIBSARBPROC) _glfwPlatformGetProcAddress("glXCreateContextAttribsARB"); if (_glfw.glx.CreateContextAttribsARB) _glfw.glx.ARB_create_context = GL_TRUE; } if (_glfwPlatformExtensionSupported("GLX_ARB_create_context_robustness")) _glfw.glx.ARB_create_context_robustness = GL_TRUE; if (_glfwPlatformExtensionSupported("GLX_ARB_create_context_profile")) _glfw.glx.ARB_create_context_profile = GL_TRUE; if (_glfwPlatformExtensionSupported("GLX_EXT_create_context_es2_profile")) _glfw.glx.EXT_create_context_es2_profile = GL_TRUE; return GL_TRUE; } // Terminate GLX // void _glfwTerminateContextAPI(void) { // Unload libGL.so if necessary #ifdef _GLFW_DLOPEN_LIBGL if (_glfw.glx.libGL != NULL) { dlclose(_glfw.glx.libGL); _glfw.glx.libGL = NULL; } #endif pthread_key_delete(_glfw.glx.current); } #define setGLXattrib(attribName, attribValue) \ { \ attribs[index++] = attribName; \ attribs[index++] = attribValue; \ assert((size_t) index < sizeof(attribs) / sizeof(attribs[0])); \ } // Prepare for creation of the OpenGL context // int _glfwCreateContext(_GLFWwindow* window, const _GLFWwndconfig* wndconfig, const _GLFWfbconfig* fbconfig) { int attribs[40]; GLXFBConfig native; GLXContext share = NULL; if (wndconfig->share) share = wndconfig->share->glx.context; if (!chooseFBConfig(fbconfig, &native)) { _glfwInputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "GLX: Failed to find a suitable GLXFBConfig"); return GL_FALSE; } // Retrieve the corresponding visual if (_glfw.glx.SGIX_fbconfig) { window->glx.visual = _glfw.glx.GetVisualFromFBConfigSGIX(_glfw.x11.display, native); } else window->glx.visual = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(_glfw.x11.display, native); if (window->glx.visual == NULL) { _glfwInputError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "GLX: Failed to retrieve visual for GLXFBConfig"); return GL_FALSE; } if (wndconfig->clientAPI == GLFW_OPENGL_ES_API) { if (!_glfw.glx.ARB_create_context || !_glfw.glx.ARB_create_context_profile || !_glfw.glx.EXT_create_context_es2_profile) { _glfwInputError(GLFW_VERSION_UNAVAILABLE, "GLX: OpenGL ES requested but " "GLX_EXT_create_context_es2_profile is unavailable"); return GL_FALSE; } } if (wndconfig->glForward) { if (!_glfw.glx.ARB_create_context) { _glfwInputError(GLFW_VERSION_UNAVAILABLE, "GLX: Forward compatibility requested but " "GLX_ARB_create_context_profile is unavailable"); return GL_FALSE; } } if (wndconfig->glProfile) { if (!_glfw.glx.ARB_create_context || !_glfw.glx.ARB_create_context_profile) { _glfwInputError(GLFW_VERSION_UNAVAILABLE, "GLX: An OpenGL profile requested but " "GLX_ARB_create_context_profile is unavailable"); return GL_FALSE; } } _glfwGrabXErrorHandler(); if (_glfw.glx.ARB_create_context) { int index = 0, mask = 0, flags = 0, strategy = 0; if (wndconfig->clientAPI == GLFW_OPENGL_API) { if (wndconfig->glForward) flags |= GLX_CONTEXT_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT_ARB; if (wndconfig->glDebug) flags |= GLX_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB; if (wndconfig->glProfile) { if (wndconfig->glProfile == GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE) mask |= GLX_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB; else if (wndconfig->glProfile == GLFW_OPENGL_COMPAT_PROFILE) mask |= GLX_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB; } } else mask |= GLX_CONTEXT_ES2_PROFILE_BIT_EXT; if (wndconfig->glRobustness != GLFW_NO_ROBUSTNESS) { if (_glfw.glx.ARB_create_context_robustness) { if (wndconfig->glRobustness == GLFW_NO_RESET_NOTIFICATION) strategy = GLX_NO_RESET_NOTIFICATION_ARB; else if (wndconfig->glRobustness == GLFW_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET) strategy = GLX_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_ARB; flags |= GLX_CONTEXT_ROBUST_ACCESS_BIT_ARB; } } if (wndconfig->glMajor != 1 || wndconfig->glMinor != 0) { // NOTE: Only request an explicitly versioned context when // necessary, as explicitly requesting version 1.0 does not always // return the highest available version setGLXattrib(GLX_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, wndconfig->glMajor); setGLXattrib(GLX_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, wndconfig->glMinor); } if (mask) setGLXattrib(GLX_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB, mask); if (flags) setGLXattrib(GLX_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, flags); if (strategy) setGLXattrib(GLX_CONTEXT_RESET_NOTIFICATION_STRATEGY_ARB, strategy); setGLXattrib(None, None); window->glx.context = _glfw.glx.CreateContextAttribsARB(_glfw.x11.display, native, share, True, attribs); if (window->glx.context == NULL) { // HACK: This is a fallback for the broken Mesa implementation of // GLX_ARB_create_context_profile, which fails default 1.0 context // creation with a GLXBadProfileARB error in violation of the spec if (_glfw.x11.errorCode == _glfw.glx.errorBase + GLXBadProfileARB && wndconfig->clientAPI == GLFW_OPENGL_API && wndconfig->glProfile == GLFW_OPENGL_ANY_PROFILE && wndconfig->glForward == GL_FALSE) { window->glx.context = createLegacyContext(window, native, share); } } } else window->glx.context = createLegacyContext(window, native, share); _glfwReleaseXErrorHandler(); if (window->glx.context == NULL) { _glfwInputXError(GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR, "GLX: Failed to create context"); return GL_FALSE; } return GL_TRUE; } #undef setGLXattrib // Destroy the OpenGL context // void _glfwDestroyContext(_GLFWwindow* window) { if (window->glx.visual) { XFree(window->glx.visual); window->glx.visual = NULL; } if (window->glx.context) { glXDestroyContext(_glfw.x11.display, window->glx.context); window->glx.context = NULL; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// GLFW platform API ////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void _glfwPlatformMakeContextCurrent(_GLFWwindow* window) { if (window) { glXMakeCurrent(_glfw.x11.display, window->x11.handle, window->glx.context); } else glXMakeCurrent(_glfw.x11.display, None, NULL); pthread_setspecific(_glfw.glx.current, window); } _GLFWwindow* _glfwPlatformGetCurrentContext(void) { return (_GLFWwindow*) pthread_getspecific(_glfw.glx.current); } void _glfwPlatformSwapBuffers(_GLFWwindow* window) { glXSwapBuffers(_glfw.x11.display, window->x11.handle); } void _glfwPlatformSwapInterval(int interval) { _GLFWwindow* window = _glfwPlatformGetCurrentContext(); if (_glfw.glx.EXT_swap_control) { _glfw.glx.SwapIntervalEXT(_glfw.x11.display, window->x11.handle, interval); } else if (_glfw.glx.MESA_swap_control) _glfw.glx.SwapIntervalMESA(interval); else if (_glfw.glx.SGI_swap_control) { if (interval > 0) _glfw.glx.SwapIntervalSGI(interval); } } int _glfwPlatformExtensionSupported(const char* extension) { const GLubyte* extensions; // Get list of GLX extensions extensions = (const GLubyte*) glXQueryExtensionsString(_glfw.x11.display, _glfw.x11.screen); if (extensions != NULL) { if (_glfwStringInExtensionString(extension, extensions)) return GL_TRUE; } return GL_FALSE; } GLFWglproc _glfwPlatformGetProcAddress(const char* procname) { return _glfw_glXGetProcAddress((const GLubyte*) procname); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// GLFW native API ////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GLFWAPI GLXContext glfwGetGLXContext(GLFWwindow* handle) { _GLFWwindow* window = (_GLFWwindow*) handle; _GLFW_REQUIRE_INIT_OR_RETURN(NULL); return window->glx.context; }