Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/gwm17/implot.git synced 2024-10-09 15:47:26 -04:00

time-axes almost working!

This commit is contained in:
epezent 2020-09-03 23:27:56 -05:00
parent e5f1cf4bdf
commit 0c76ffe81e
2 changed files with 263 additions and 91 deletions

View File

@ -517,11 +517,11 @@ void LabelTickScientific(ImPlotTick& tick, ImGuiTextBuffer& buffer) {
void LabelTickTime(ImPlotTick& tick, ImGuiTextBuffer& buffer, ImPlotTimeUnit unit) {
char temp[16];
void LabelTickTime(ImPlotTick& tick, ImGuiTextBuffer& buffer, ImPlotTimeFmt fmt) {
char temp[32];
if (tick.ShowLabel) {
tick.BufferOffset = buffer.size();
FormatTime(tick.PlotPos, temp, 16, unit);
FormatTime(tick.PlotPos, temp, 32, fmt);
buffer.append(temp, temp + strlen(temp) + 1);
tick.LabelSize = ImGui::CalcTextSize(buffer.Buf.Data + tick.BufferOffset);
@ -575,19 +575,84 @@ void AddTicksLogarithmic(const ImPlotRange& range, int nMajor, ImPlotTickCollect
void AddTicksTime(const ImPlotRange& range, ImPlotTickCollection& ticks) {
ImPlotTimeUnit unit_range = GetUnitForRange(range.Min, range.Max);
ImPlotTimeUnit unit_ticks = unit_range == 0 ? ImPlotTimeUnit_Us : unit_range - 1;
double t = FloorTime(range.Min, unit_range);
// splits
// mo: 6 3 2
// day:
// hr: 12, 6, 3, 2, 1
// min: 30: 15, 10, 5, 1
void AddTicksTime(const ImPlotRange& range, float plot_width, ImPlotTickCollection& ticks) {
const ImPlotTimeUnit unit0 = GetUnitForRange(range.Size() / (plot_width / 100)); // level = 0 (top)
const ImPlotTimeUnit unit1 = unit0 + 1; // level = 1 (bottom)
// maximum allowable density of labels
const float max_density = 0.5f;
// pixels per major (level 1) division
const float pix_per_major_div = plot_width / (float)(range.Size() / TimeUnitSpans[unit1]);
// nominal pixels taken up by minor (level 0) label
const float minor_label_width = GetTimeLabelWidth(TimeFormatLevel0[unit0]);
// the maximum number of minor (level 0) labels that can fit between major (level 1) divisions
const int minor_per_major = (int)(max_density * pix_per_major_div / minor_label_width);
if (unit1 != ImPlotTimeUnit_COUNT) {
double t = FloorTime(range.Min, unit1);
while (t < range.Max) {
t = AddTime(t, unit_ticks, 1);
ImPlotTick tick(t,false,true);
if (range.Contains(t)) {
ImPlotTick tick_maj(t,true,true);
tick_maj.Level = 1;
ImPlotTick tick_min(t,true,true);
tick_min.Level = 0;
// add minor ticks up until next major
if (minor_per_major > 1) {
double t2 = AddTime(t, unit1, 1);
double inc = (t2 - t) / minor_per_major;
for (int i = 1; i < minor_per_major; ++i) {
double t3 = t + i * inc;
if (range.Contains(t3)) {
ImPlotTick tick(t3,false,true);
tick.Level = 0;
if (unit0 == ImPlotTimeUnit_Us) {
else if (unit0 == ImPlotTimeUnit_Ms) {
else if (unit0 == ImPlotTimeUnit_S) {
else if (unit0 == ImPlotTimeUnit_Min) {
else if (unit0 == ImPlotTimeUnit_Hr) {
else if (unit0 == ImPlotTimeUnit_Day) {
else if (unit0 == ImPlotTimeUnit_Mo) {
t = AddTime(t, unit1, 1);
else {
// printf("%d\n",minor_per_major);
void AddTicksCustom(const double* values, const char** labels, int n, ImPlotTickCollection& ticks) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
ImPlotTick tick(values[i], false, true);
@ -614,6 +679,12 @@ void ConstrainAxis(ImPlotAxis& axis) {
axis.Range.Min = ConstrainLog(axis.Range.Min);
axis.Range.Max = ConstrainLog(axis.Range.Max);
if (ImHasFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_Time)) {
axis.Range.Min = ConstrainTime(axis.Range.Min);
axis.Range.Max = ConstrainTime(axis.Range.Max);
// if (axis.Range.Size() < 0.0001)
// axis.Range.Max = axis.Range.Min + 0.0001; // TBD
if (axis.Range.Max <= axis.Range.Min)
axis.Range.Max = axis.Range.Min + DBL_EPSILON;
@ -743,7 +814,7 @@ bool BeginPlot(const char* title, const char* x_label, const char* y_label, cons
UpdateAxisColors(ImPlotCol_YAxis2, &gp.Col_Y[1]);
UpdateAxisColors(ImPlotCol_YAxis3, &gp.Col_Y[2]);
// BB AND HOVER -----------------------------------------------------------
// BB, PADDING, HOVER -----------------------------------------------------------
// frame
ImVec2 frame_size = ImGui::CalcItemSize(size, IMPLOT_DEFAULT_W, IMPLOT_DEFAULT_H);
@ -767,32 +838,15 @@ bool BeginPlot(const char* title, const char* x_label, const char* y_label, cons
ImHasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_TickMarks) ||
ImHasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_TickLabels));
for (int i = 0; i < IMPLOT_Y_AXES; i++) {
gp.RenderY[i] =
gp.Y[i].Present &&
gp.RenderY[i] = gp.Y[i].Present &&
(ImHasFlag(plot.YAxis[i].Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_GridLines) ||
ImHasFlag(plot.YAxis[i].Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_TickMarks) ||
ImHasFlag(plot.YAxis[i].Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_TickLabels));
// get ticks
if (gp.RenderX && gp.NextPlotData.ShowDefaultTicksX) {
if (ImHasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LogScale))
AddTicksLogarithmic(plot.XAxis.Range, (int)(gp.BB_Canvas.GetWidth() * 0.01f), gp.XTicks);
else if (gp.X.IsTime)
AddTicksTime(plot.XAxis.Range, gp.XTicks);
AddTicksDefault(plot.XAxis.Range, ImMax(2, (int)IM_ROUND(0.003 * gp.BB_Canvas.GetWidth())), IMPLOT_SUB_DIV, gp.XTicks);
for (int i = 0; i < IMPLOT_Y_AXES; i++) {
if (gp.RenderY[i] && gp.NextPlotData.ShowDefaultTicksY[i]) {
if (ImHasFlag(plot.YAxis[i].Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LogScale))
AddTicksLogarithmic(plot.YAxis[i].Range, (int)(gp.BB_Canvas.GetHeight() * 0.02f) ,gp.YTicks[i]);
AddTicksDefault(plot.YAxis[i].Range, ImMax(2, (int)IM_ROUND(0.003 * gp.BB_Canvas.GetHeight())), IMPLOT_SUB_DIV, gp.YTicks[i]);
// plot bb
// (1) calc top/bot padding and plot height
const ImVec2 title_size = ImGui::CalcTextSize(title, NULL, true);
const float txt_height = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
@ -800,13 +854,39 @@ bool BeginPlot(const char* title, const char* x_label, const char* y_label, cons
const float pad_bot = (gp.X.HasLabels ? txt_height + gp.Style.LabelPadding.y : 0)
+ (x_label ? txt_height + gp.Style.LabelPadding.y : 0)
+ (gp.X.IsTime ? txt_height + gp.Style.LabelPadding.y : 0);
const float plot_height = gp.BB_Canvas.GetHeight() - pad_top - pad_bot;
// (2) get y tick labels (needed for left/right pad)
for (int i = 0; i < IMPLOT_Y_AXES; i++) {
if (gp.RenderY[i] && gp.NextPlotData.ShowDefaultTicksY[i]) {
if (ImHasFlag(plot.YAxis[i].Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LogScale))
AddTicksLogarithmic(plot.YAxis[i].Range, ImMax(2, (int)IM_ROUND(plot_height * 0.02f)) ,gp.YTicks[i]);
AddTicksDefault(plot.YAxis[i].Range, ImMax(2, (int)IM_ROUND(0.0025 * plot_height)), IMPLOT_SUB_DIV, gp.YTicks[i]);
// (3) calc left/right pad
const float pad_left = (y_label ? txt_height + gp.Style.LabelPadding.x : 0)
+ (gp.Y[0].HasLabels ? gp.YTicks[0].MaxWidth + gp.Style.LabelPadding.x : 0);
const float pad_right = ((gp.Y[1].Present && gp.Y[1].HasLabels) ? gp.YTicks[1].MaxWidth + gp.Style.LabelPadding.x : 0)
+ ((gp.Y[1].Present && gp.Y[2].Present) ? gp.Style.LabelPadding.x + gp.Style.MinorTickLen.y : 0)
+ ((gp.Y[2].Present && gp.Y[2].HasLabels) ? gp.YTicks[2].MaxWidth + gp.Style.LabelPadding.x : 0);
const float plot_width = gp.BB_Canvas.GetWidth() - pad_left - pad_right;
// (4) get x ticks
if (gp.RenderX && gp.NextPlotData.ShowDefaultTicksX) {
if (ImHasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LogScale))
AddTicksLogarithmic(plot.XAxis.Range, (int)IM_ROUND(plot_width * 0.01f), gp.XTicks);
else if (gp.X.IsTime)
AddTicksTime(plot.XAxis.Range, plot_width, gp.XTicks);
AddTicksDefault(plot.XAxis.Range, ImMax(2, (int)IM_ROUND(0.0025 * plot_width)), IMPLOT_SUB_DIV, gp.XTicks);
// (5) calc plot bb
gp.BB_Plot = ImRect(gp.BB_Canvas.Min + ImVec2(pad_left, pad_top), gp.BB_Canvas.Max - ImVec2(pad_right, pad_bot));
gp.Hov_Plot = gp.BB_Plot.Contains(IO.MousePos);
@ -1132,12 +1212,14 @@ bool BeginPlot(const char* title, const char* x_label, const char* y_label, cons
ImU32 col_min32 = ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(col_min);
for (int t = 0; t < gp.XTicks.Size; t++) {
ImPlotTick& xt = gp.XTicks.Ticks[t];
if (xt.Level == 0) {
if (xt.Major)
DrawList.AddLine(ImVec2(xt.PixelPos, gp.BB_Plot.Min.y), ImVec2(xt.PixelPos, gp.BB_Plot.Max.y), gp.Col_X.Major, gp.Style.MajorGridSize.x);
else if (density < 0.2f)
DrawList.AddLine(ImVec2(xt.PixelPos, gp.BB_Plot.Min.y), ImVec2(xt.PixelPos, gp.BB_Plot.Max.y), col_min32, gp.Style.MinorGridSize.x);
for (int i = 0; i < IMPLOT_Y_AXES; i++) {
if (gp.Y[i].Present && ImHasFlag(plot.YAxis[i].Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_GridLines)) {
@ -1182,7 +1264,8 @@ bool BeginPlot(const char* title, const char* x_label, const char* y_label, cons
for (int t = 0; t < gp.XTicks.Size; t++) {
ImPlotTick *xt = &gp.XTicks.Ticks[t];
if (xt->ShowLabel && xt->PixelPos >= gp.BB_Plot.Min.x - 1 && xt->PixelPos <= gp.BB_Plot.Max.x + 1)
DrawList.AddText(ImVec2(xt->PixelPos - xt->LabelSize.x * 0.5f, gp.BB_Plot.Max.y + gp.Style.LabelPadding.y), xt->Major ? gp.Col_X.MajTxt : gp.Col_X.MinTxt, gp.XTicks.GetLabel(t));
DrawList.AddText(ImVec2(xt->PixelPos - xt->LabelSize.x * 0.5f, gp.BB_Plot.Max.y + gp.Style.LabelPadding.y + xt->Level * (txt_height + gp.Style.LabelPadding.y)),
xt->Major ? gp.Col_X.MajTxt : gp.Col_X.MinTxt, gp.XTicks.GetLabel(t));
for (int i = 0; i < IMPLOT_Y_AXES; i++) {
@ -1241,6 +1324,7 @@ inline void ShowAxisContextMenu(ImPlotAxisState& state) {
bool total_lock = state.HasRange && state.RangeCond == ImGuiCond_Always;
bool logscale = ImHasFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LogScale);
bool timesale = ImHasFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_Time);
bool grid = ImHasFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_GridLines);
bool ticks = ImHasFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_TickMarks);
bool labels = ImHasFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_TickLabels);
@ -1272,6 +1356,8 @@ inline void ShowAxisContextMenu(ImPlotAxisState& state) {
ImFlipFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_Invert);
if (ImGui::Checkbox("Log Scale", &logscale))
ImFlipFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LogScale);
if (ImGui::Checkbox("Time", &timesale))
ImFlipFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_Time);
if (ImGui::Checkbox("Grid Lines", &grid))
ImFlipFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_GridLines);

View File

@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ extern ImPlotContext* GImPlot; // Current implicit context pointer
#define IMPLOT_SUB_DIV 10
// Zoom rate for scroll (e.g. 0.1f = 10% plot range every scroll click)
#define IMPLOT_ZOOM_RATE 0.1f
// Maximum allowable timestamp value 01/01/3000 @ 12:00am (UTC)
#define IMPLOT_MAX_TIME 32503680000
// [SECTION] Generic Helpers
@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ struct ImPlotPointArray {
typedef int ImPlotScale; // -> enum ImPlotScale_
typedef int ImPlotTimeUnit; // -> enum ImPlotTimeUnit_
typedef int ImPlotTimeUnit; // -> enum ImPlotTimeUnit_
typedef int ImPlotTimeFmt; // -> enum ImPlotTimeFmt_
// XY axes scaling combinations
enum ImPlotScale_ {
@ -160,18 +162,6 @@ enum ImPlotScale_ {
ImPlotScale_LogLog // log x, log y
enum ImPlotTimeUnit_ {
ImPlotTimeUnit_Us, // microsecond (:29.428 552)
ImPlotTimeUnit_Ms, // millisecond (:29.428)
ImPlotTimeUnit_S, // second (:29)
ImPlotTimeUnit_Min, // minute (7:21pm)
ImPlotTimeUnit_Hr, // hour (7pm)
ImPlotTimeUnit_Day, // day (10/3)
ImPlotTimeUnit_Mo, // month (Oct)
ImPlotTimeUnit_Yr, // year (1991)
// [SECTION] ImPlot Structs
@ -205,12 +195,14 @@ struct ImPlotTick
int BufferOffset;
bool Major;
bool ShowLabel;
int Level;
ImPlotTick(double value, bool major, bool show_label) {
PlotPos = value;
Major = major;
ShowLabel = show_label;
BufferOffset = -1;
Level = 0;
@ -585,7 +577,7 @@ void LabelTickDefault(ImPlotTick& tick, ImGuiTextBuffer& buffer);
// Label a tick with scientific formating.
void LabelTickScientific(ImPlotTick& tick, ImGuiTextBuffer& buffer);
// Label a tick with time formatting.
void LabelTickTime(ImPlotTick& tick, ImGuiTextBuffer& buffer, ImPlotTimeUnit fmt);
void LabelTickTime(ImPlotTick& tick, ImGuiTextBuffer& buffer, ImPlotTimeFmt fmt);
// Populates a list of ImPlotTicks with normal spaced and formatted ticks
void AddTicksDefault(const ImPlotRange& range, int nMajor, int nMinor, ImPlotTickCollection& ticks);
@ -642,6 +634,8 @@ inline double ConstrainNan(double val) { return isnan(val) ? 0 : val; }
inline double ConstrainInf(double val) { return val == HUGE_VAL ? DBL_MAX : val == -HUGE_VAL ? - DBL_MAX : val; }
// Turns numbers less than or equal to 0 to 0.001 (sort of arbitrary, is there a better way?)
inline double ConstrainLog(double val) { return val <= 0 ? 0.001f : val; }
// Turns numbers less than 0 to zero
inline double ConstrainTime(double val) { return val < 0 ? 0 : (val > IMPLOT_MAX_TIME ? IMPLOT_MAX_TIME : val); }
// Computes order of magnitude of double.
inline int OrderOfMagnitude(double val) { return val == 0 ? 0 : (int)(floor(log10(fabs(val)))); }
// Returns the precision required for a order of magnitude.
@ -677,18 +671,67 @@ inline T OffsetAndStride(const T* data, int idx, int count, int offset, int stri
// [SECTION] Time Utils
static const int DaysInMonth[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
static const double ImPlotTimeUnitSpans[ImPlotTimeUnit_COUNT] = {0.000001, 0.001, 1, 60, 3600, 86400, 2629800, 31557600};
enum ImPlotTimeUnit_ { // primary
ImPlotTimeUnit_Us, // microsecond :29.428552
ImPlotTimeUnit_Ms, // millisecond :29.428
ImPlotTimeUnit_S, // second :29
ImPlotTimeUnit_Min, // minute 7:21pm
ImPlotTimeUnit_Hr, // hour 7pm
ImPlotTimeUnit_Day, // day 10/3
ImPlotTimeUnit_Mo, // month Oct
ImPlotTimeUnit_Yr, // year 1991
inline ImPlotTimeUnit GetUnitForRange(double smin, double smax) {
double range = smax - smin;
enum ImPlotTimeFmt_ {
ImPlotTimeFmt_SUs, // :29.428552
ImPlotTimeFmt_SMs, // :29.428
ImPlotTimeFmt_S, // :29
ImPlotTimeFmt_HrMin, // 7:21pm
ImPlotTimeFmt_Hr, // 7pm
ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMo, // 10/3
ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoHrMin, // 10/3 7:21pm
ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYrHrMin, // 10/3/1991 7:21pm
ImPlotTimeFmt_Mo, // Oct
ImPlotTimeFmt_Yr // 1991
static const int DaysInMonth[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
static const double TimeUnitSpans[ImPlotTimeUnit_COUNT] = {0.000001, 0.001, 1, 60, 3600, 86400, 2629800, 31557600};
static const ImPlotTimeFmt TimeFormatLevel0[ImPlotTimeUnit_COUNT] =
static const ImPlotTimeFmt TimeFormatLevel1[ImPlotTimeUnit_COUNT] =
inline ImPlotTimeUnit GetUnitForRange(double range) {
static double cutoffs[ImPlotTimeUnit_COUNT] = {0.001, 1, 60, 3600, 86400, 2629800, 31557600, IMPLOT_MAX_TIME};
for (int i = 0; i < ImPlotTimeUnit_COUNT; ++i) {
if (range <= ImPlotTimeUnitSpans[i])
if (range <= cutoffs[i])
return (ImPlotTimeUnit)i;
return ImPlotTimeUnit_Yr;
// Returns true if year is leap year (366 days long)
inline bool IsLeapYear(int year) {
if (year % 4 != 0) return false;
@ -774,17 +817,37 @@ inline double CeilTime(double t, ImPlotTimeUnit unit) {
return AddTime(FloorTime(t, unit), unit, 1);
inline void FormatTime(double t, char* buffer, int size, ImPlotTimeUnit unit) {
inline void FormatTime(double t, char* buffer, int size, ImPlotTimeFmt fmt) {
time_t s = (time_t)t;
int ms = (int)(t * 1000 - floor(t) * 1000);
int us = (int)(t * 1000000 - floor(t) * 1000000);
tm& Tm = GImPlot->Tm;
GmTime(&s, &Tm);
switch(unit) {
case ImPlotTimeUnit_Yr: strftime(buffer, size, "%Y", &Tm); break;
case ImPlotTimeUnit_Mo: strftime(buffer, size, "%b", &Tm); break;
case ImPlotTimeUnit_Day: strftime(buffer, size, "%m/%d", &Tm); break;
case ImPlotTimeUnit_Hr:
IM_ASSERT(GmTime(&s, &Tm) != NULL);
switch(fmt) {
case ImPlotTimeFmt_Yr: strftime(buffer, size, "%Y", &Tm); break;
case ImPlotTimeFmt_Mo: strftime(buffer, size, "%b", &Tm); break;
case ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMo: snprintf(buffer, size, "%d/%d", Tm.tm_mon + 1, Tm.tm_mday); break;
case ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoHrMin:
if (Tm.tm_hour == 0)
snprintf(buffer, size, "%d/%d 12:%02dam", Tm.tm_mon + 1, Tm.tm_mday, Tm.tm_min);
else if (Tm.tm_hour == 12)
snprintf(buffer, size, "%d/%d 12%02dpm", Tm.tm_mon + 1, Tm.tm_mday, Tm.tm_min);
else if (Tm.tm_hour < 12)
snprintf(buffer, size, "%d/%d %u:%02dam", Tm.tm_mon + 1, Tm.tm_mday, Tm.tm_hour, Tm.tm_min);
else if (Tm.tm_hour > 12)
snprintf(buffer, size, "%d/%d %u:%02dpm", Tm.tm_mon + 1, Tm.tm_mday, Tm.tm_hour - 12, Tm.tm_min);
case ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYrHrMin:
if (Tm.tm_hour == 0)
snprintf(buffer, size, "%d/%d/%d 12:%02dam", Tm.tm_mon + 1, Tm.tm_mday, Tm.tm_year + 1900, Tm.tm_min);
else if (Tm.tm_hour == 12)
snprintf(buffer, size, "%d/%d/%d 12:%02dpm", Tm.tm_mon + 1, Tm.tm_mday, Tm.tm_year + 1900, Tm.tm_min);
else if (Tm.tm_hour < 12)
snprintf(buffer, size, "%d/%d/%d %u:%02dam", Tm.tm_mon + 1, Tm.tm_mday, Tm.tm_year + 1900, Tm.tm_hour, Tm.tm_min);
else if (Tm.tm_hour > 12)
snprintf(buffer, size, "%d/%d/%d %u:%02dpm", Tm.tm_mon + 1, Tm.tm_mday, Tm.tm_year + 1900, Tm.tm_hour - 12, Tm.tm_min);
case ImPlotTimeFmt_Hr:
if (Tm.tm_hour == 0)
snprintf(buffer, size, "12am");
else if (Tm.tm_hour == 12)
@ -794,23 +857,46 @@ inline void FormatTime(double t, char* buffer, int size, ImPlotTimeUnit unit) {
else if (Tm.tm_hour > 12)
snprintf(buffer, size, "%upm", Tm.tm_hour - 12);
case ImPlotTimeUnit_Min:
case ImPlotTimeFmt_HrMin:
if (Tm.tm_hour == 0)
snprintf(buffer, size, "12:%02dam", Tm.tm_min);
else if (Tm.tm_hour == 12)
snprintf(buffer, size, "12%02dpm", Tm.tm_min);
snprintf(buffer, size, "12:%02dpm", Tm.tm_min);
else if (Tm.tm_hour < 12)
snprintf(buffer, size, "%u:%02dam", Tm.tm_hour, Tm.tm_min);
snprintf(buffer, size, "%d:%02dam", Tm.tm_hour, Tm.tm_min);
else if (Tm.tm_hour > 12)
snprintf(buffer, size, "%u:%02dpm", Tm.tm_hour - 12, Tm.tm_min);
snprintf(buffer, size, "%d:%02dpm", Tm.tm_hour - 12, Tm.tm_min);
case ImPlotTimeUnit_S: snprintf(buffer, size, ":%02d", Tm.tm_sec); break;
case ImPlotTimeUnit_Ms: snprintf(buffer, size, ":%02d.%03d", Tm.tm_sec, ms); break;
case ImPlotTimeUnit_Us: snprintf(buffer, size, ":%02d.%06d", Tm.tm_sec, us); break;
case ImPlotTimeFmt_S: snprintf(buffer, size, ":%02d", Tm.tm_sec); break;
case ImPlotTimeFmt_SMs: snprintf(buffer, size, ":%02d.%03d", Tm.tm_sec, ms); break;
case ImPlotTimeFmt_SUs: snprintf(buffer, size, ":%02d.%06d", Tm.tm_sec, us); break;
default: break;
inline void PrintTime(double t, ImPlotTimeFmt fmt) {
char buff[32];
FormatTime(t, buff, 32, fmt);
// Returns the nominally largest possible width for a time format
inline float GetTimeLabelWidth(ImPlotTimeFmt fmt) {
switch (fmt) {
case ImPlotTimeFmt_SUs: return ImGui::CalcTextSize(":88.888888").x; // :29.428552
case ImPlotTimeFmt_SMs: return ImGui::CalcTextSize(":88.888").x; // :29.428
case ImPlotTimeFmt_S: return ImGui::CalcTextSize(":88").x; // :29
case ImPlotTimeFmt_HrMin: return ImGui::CalcTextSize("88:88pm").x; // 7:21pm
case ImPlotTimeFmt_Hr: return ImGui::CalcTextSize("8pm").x; // 7pm
case ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMo: return ImGui::CalcTextSize("88/88").x; // 10/3
case ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoHrMin: return ImGui::CalcTextSize("88/88 88:88pm").x; // 10/3 7:21pm
case ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYrHrMin: return ImGui::CalcTextSize("88/88/8888 88:88pm").x; // 10/3/1991 7:21pm
case ImPlotTimeFmt_Mo: return ImGui::CalcTextSize("MMM").x; // Oct
case ImPlotTimeFmt_Yr: return ImGui::CalcTextSize("8888").x; // 1991
default: return 0;
// [SECTION] Internal / Experimental Plotters
// No guarantee of forward compatibility here!