mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 15:18:50 -04:00
Merge branch 'date-picker'
This commit is contained in:
@ -659,17 +659,15 @@ inline int GetTimeStep(int max_divs, ImPlotTimeUnit unit) {
ImPlotTime MkGmtTime(struct tm *ptm) {
time_t secs = 0;
int year = ptm->tm_year + 1900;
for (int y = 1970; y < year; ++y)
secs += (IsLeapYear(y)? 366: 365) * 86400;
for (int m = 0; m < ptm->tm_mon; ++m)
secs += GetDaysInMonth(year, m) * 86400;
secs += (ptm->tm_mday - 1) * 86400;
secs += ptm->tm_hour * 3600;
secs += ptm->tm_min * 60;
secs += ptm->tm_sec;
return ImPlotTime(secs,0);
ImPlotTime t;
#ifdef _WIN32
t.S = _mkgmtime(ptm);
t.S = timegm(ptm);
if (t.S < 0)
t.S = 0;
return t;
tm* GetGmtTime(const ImPlotTime& t, tm* ptm)
@ -687,6 +685,8 @@ tm* GetGmtTime(const ImPlotTime& t, tm* ptm)
ImPlotTime MkLocTime(struct tm *ptm) {
ImPlotTime t;
t.S = mktime(ptm);
if (t.S < 0)
t.S = 0;
return t;
@ -715,6 +715,35 @@ inline tm* GetTime(const ImPlotTime& t, tm* ptm) {
return GetGmtTime(t,ptm);
ImPlotTime MakeTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, int sec, int us) {
tm& Tm = GImPlot->Tm;
int yr = year - 1900;
if (yr < 0)
yr = 0;
sec = sec + us / 1000000;
us = us % 1000000;
Tm.tm_sec = sec;
Tm.tm_min = min;
Tm.tm_hour = hour;
Tm.tm_mday = day;
Tm.tm_mon = month;
Tm.tm_year = yr;
ImPlotTime t = MkTime(&Tm);
t.Us = us;
return t;
int GetYear(const ImPlotTime& t) {
tm& Tm = GImPlot->Tm;
GetTime(t, &Tm);
return Tm.tm_year + 1900;
ImPlotTime AddTime(const ImPlotTime& t, ImPlotTimeUnit unit, int count) {
tm& Tm = GImPlot->Tm;
ImPlotTime t_out = t;
@ -725,16 +754,20 @@ ImPlotTime AddTime(const ImPlotTime& t, ImPlotTimeUnit unit, int count) {
case ImPlotTimeUnit_Min: t_out.S += count * 60; break;
case ImPlotTimeUnit_Hr: t_out.S += count * 3600; break;
case ImPlotTimeUnit_Day: t_out.S += count * 86400; break;
case ImPlotTimeUnit_Mo: for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { // this might have a bug
case ImPlotTimeUnit_Mo: for (int i = 0; i < abs(count); ++i) {
GetTime(t_out, &Tm);
if (count > 0)
t_out.S += 86400 * GetDaysInMonth(Tm.tm_year + 1900, Tm.tm_mon);
else if (count < 0)
t_out.S -= 86400 * GetDaysInMonth(Tm.tm_year + 1900 - (Tm.tm_mon == 0 ? 1 : 0), Tm.tm_mon == 0 ? 11 : Tm.tm_mon - 1); // NOT WORKING
case ImPlotTimeUnit_Yr: for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (IsLeapYear(GetYear(t_out)))
t_out.S += 366 * 86400;
t_out.S += 365 * 86400;
case ImPlotTimeUnit_Yr: for (int i = 0; i < abs(count); ++i) {
if (count > 0)
t_out.S += 86400 * (365 + (int)IsLeapYear(GetYear(t_out)));
else if (count < 0)
t_out.S -= 86400 * (365 + (int)IsLeapYear(GetYear(t_out) - 1));
// this is incorrect if leap year and we are past Feb 28
default: break;
@ -771,25 +804,19 @@ ImPlotTime RoundTime(const ImPlotTime& t, ImPlotTimeUnit unit) {
return t.S - t1.S < t2.S - t.S ? t1 : t2;
int GetYear(const ImPlotTime& t) {
ImPlotTime CombineDateTime(const ImPlotTime& date_part, const ImPlotTime& tod_part) {
tm& Tm = GImPlot->Tm;
GetTime(t, &Tm);
return Tm.tm_year + 1900;
ImPlotTime MakeYear(int year) {
int yr = year - 1900;
if (yr < 0)
yr = 0;
tm& Tm = GImPlot->Tm;
Tm.tm_sec = 0;
Tm.tm_min = 0;
Tm.tm_hour = 0;
Tm.tm_mday = 1;
Tm.tm_mon = 0;
Tm.tm_year = yr;
Tm.tm_sec = 0;
return MkTime(&Tm);
GetTime(date_part, &GImPlot->Tm);
int y = Tm.tm_year;
int m = Tm.tm_mon;
int d = Tm.tm_mday;
GetTime(tod_part, &GImPlot->Tm);
Tm.tm_year = y;
Tm.tm_mon = m;
Tm.tm_mday = d;
ImPlotTime t = MkTime(&Tm);
t.Us = tod_part.Us;
return t;
int FormatTime(const ImPlotTime& t, char* buffer, int size, ImPlotTimeFmt fmt) {
@ -823,6 +850,7 @@ int FormatTime(const ImPlotTime& t, char* buffer, int size, ImPlotTimeFmt fmt) {
case ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYr: return snprintf(buffer, size, "%d/%d/%02d", mon, day, yr);
case ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYrHrMin: return snprintf(buffer, size, "%d/%d/%02d %d:%02d%s", mon, day, yr, hr, min, ap);
case ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYrHrMinS: return snprintf(buffer, size, "%d/%d/%02d %d:%02d:%02d%s", mon, day, yr, hr, min, sec, ap);
case ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYrHrMinSUs: return snprintf(buffer, size, "%d/%d/%d %d:%02d:%02d.%03d%03d%s", mon, day, year, hr, min, sec, ms, us, ap);
case ImPlotTimeFmt_MoYr: return snprintf(buffer, size, "%s %d", mnames[Tm.tm_mon], year);
case ImPlotTimeFmt_Mo: return snprintf(buffer, size, "%s", mnames[Tm.tm_mon]);
case ImPlotTimeFmt_Yr: return snprintf(buffer, size, "%d", year);
@ -852,6 +880,7 @@ inline float GetTimeLabelWidth(ImPlotTimeFmt fmt) {
case ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYr: return ImGui::CalcTextSize("88/88/88").x; // 10/3/1991
case ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYrHrMin: return ImGui::CalcTextSize("88/88/88 88:88pm").x; // 10/3/91 7:21pm
case ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYrHrMinS: return ImGui::CalcTextSize("88/88/88 88:88:88pm").x; // 10/3/91 7:21:29pm
case ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYrHrMinSUs: return ImGui::CalcTextSize("88/88/8888 88:88:88.888888pm").x; // 10/3/1991 7:21:29.123456pm
case ImPlotTimeFmt_MoYr: return ImGui::CalcTextSize("MMM 8888").x; // Oct 1991
case ImPlotTimeFmt_Mo: return ImGui::CalcTextSize("MMM").x; // Oct
case ImPlotTimeFmt_Yr: return ImGui::CalcTextSize("8888").x; // 1991
@ -1004,7 +1033,7 @@ void AddTicksTime(const ImPlotRange& range, float plot_width, ImPlotTickCollecti
const int step = (int)interval <= 0 ? 1 : (int)interval;
for (int y = graphmin; y < graphmax; y += step) {
ImPlotTime t = MakeYear(y);
ImPlotTime t = MakeTime(y);
if (t >= t_min && t <= t_max) {
ImPlotTick tick(t.ToDouble(), true, true);
tick.Level = 0;
@ -1661,63 +1690,115 @@ inline void EndDisabledControls(bool cond) {
inline void ShowAxisContextMenu(ImPlotAxisState& state, bool time_allowed) {
void ShowAxisContextMenu(ImPlotAxisState& state, bool time_allowed) {
ImPlotAxis& axis = *state.Axis;
bool total_lock = state.HasRange && state.RangeCond == ImGuiCond_Always;
bool logscale = ImHasFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LogScale);
bool timescale = ImHasFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_Time);
bool grid = !ImHasFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoGridLines);
bool ticks = !ImHasFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoTickMarks);
bool labels = !ImHasFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoTickLabels);
double drag_speed = (state.Axis->Range.Size() <= DBL_EPSILON) ? DBL_EPSILON * 1.0e+13 : 0.01 * state.Axis->Range.Size(); // recover from almost equal axis limits.
bool logscale = ImHasFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LogScale);
bool timescale = ImHasFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_Time);
bool grid = !ImHasFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoGridLines);
bool ticks = !ImHasFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoTickMarks);
bool labels = !ImHasFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoTickLabels);
double drag_speed = (axis.Range.Size() <= DBL_EPSILON) ? DBL_EPSILON * 1.0e+13 : 0.01 * axis.Range.Size(); // recover from almost equal axis limits.
if (timescale) {
ImPlotTime tmin = ImPlotTime::FromDouble(axis.Range.Min);
ImPlotTime tmax = ImPlotTime::FromDouble(axis.Range.Max);
if (ImGui::Checkbox("##LockMin", &state.LockMin))
ImFlipFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LockMin);
ImFlipFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LockMin);
double temp_min = state.Axis->Range.Min;
if (DragFloat("Min", &temp_min, (float)drag_speed, -HUGE_VAL, state.Axis->Range.Max - DBL_EPSILON))
if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Min Time")) {
if (ShowTimePicker("mintime", &tmin)) {
if (tmin >= tmax)
tmax = AddTime(tmin, ImPlotTimeUnit_S, 1);
if (ShowDatePicker("mindate",&axis.PickerLevel,&axis.PickerTimeMin,&tmin,&tmax)) {
tmin = CombineDateTime(axis.PickerTimeMin, tmin);
if (tmin >= tmax)
tmax = AddTime(tmin, ImPlotTimeUnit_S, 1);
axis.SetRange(tmin.ToDouble(), tmax.ToDouble());
if (ImGui::Checkbox("##LockMax", &state.LockMax))
ImFlipFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LockMax);
ImFlipFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LockMax);
double temp_max = state.Axis->Range.Max;
if (DragFloat("Max", &temp_max, (float)drag_speed, state.Axis->Range.Min + DBL_EPSILON, HUGE_VAL))
if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Max Time")) {
if (ShowTimePicker("maxtime", &tmax)) {
if (tmax <= tmin)
tmin = AddTime(tmax, ImPlotTimeUnit_S, -1);
if (ShowDatePicker("maxdate",&axis.PickerLevel,&axis.PickerTimeMax,&tmin,&tmax)) {
tmax = CombineDateTime(axis.PickerTimeMax, tmax);
if (tmax <= tmin)
tmin = AddTime(tmax, ImPlotTimeUnit_S, -1);
axis.SetRange(tmin.ToDouble(), tmax.ToDouble());
else {
if (ImGui::Checkbox("##LockMin", &state.LockMin))
ImFlipFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LockMin);
double temp_min = axis.Range.Min;
if (DragFloat("Min", &temp_min, (float)drag_speed, -HUGE_VAL, axis.Range.Max - DBL_EPSILON))
if (ImGui::Checkbox("##LockMax", &state.LockMax))
ImFlipFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LockMax);
double temp_max = axis.Range.Max;
if (DragFloat("Max", &temp_max, (float)drag_speed, axis.Range.Min + DBL_EPSILON, HUGE_VAL))
if (ImGui::Checkbox("Invert", &state.Invert))
ImFlipFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_Invert);
ImFlipFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_Invert);
BeginDisabledControls(timescale && time_allowed);
if (ImGui::Checkbox("Log Scale", &logscale))
ImFlipFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LogScale);
ImFlipFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_LogScale);
EndDisabledControls(timescale && time_allowed);
if (time_allowed) {
if (ImGui::Checkbox("Time", ×cale))
ImFlipFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_Time);
ImFlipFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_Time);
if (ImGui::Checkbox("Grid Lines", &grid))
ImFlipFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoGridLines);
ImFlipFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoGridLines);
if (ImGui::Checkbox("Tick Marks", &ticks))
ImFlipFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoTickMarks);
ImFlipFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoTickMarks);
if (ImGui::Checkbox("Labels", &labels))
ImFlipFlag(state.Axis->Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoTickLabels);
ImFlipFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlotAxisFlags_NoTickLabels);
@ -3109,6 +3190,306 @@ void ShowUserGuide() {
ImGui::BulletText("Click legend label icons to show/hide plot items.");
bool ShowDatePicker(const char* id, int* level, ImPlotTime* t, const ImPlotTime* t1, const ImPlotTime* t2) {
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, ImVec4(0,0,0,0));
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(0,0));
static const char* names_mo[] = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"};
static const char* abrvs_mo[] = {"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"};
static const char* abrvs_wd[] = {"Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"};
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
ImVec4 col_txt = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text];
ImVec4 col_dis = style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled];
const float ht = ImGui::GetFrameHeight();
ImVec2 cell_size(ht*1.25f,ht);
char buff[32];
bool clk = false;
tm& Tm = GImPlot->Tm;
const int min_yr = 1970;
const int max_yr = 2999;
// t1 parts
int t1_mo = 0; int t1_md = 0; int t1_yr = 0;
if (t1 != NULL) {
t1_mo = Tm.tm_mon;
t1_md = Tm.tm_mday;
t1_yr = Tm.tm_year + 1900;
// t2 parts
int t2_mo = 0; int t2_md = 0; int t2_yr = 0;
if (t2 != NULL) {
t2_mo = Tm.tm_mon;
t2_md = Tm.tm_mday;
t2_yr = Tm.tm_year + 1900;
// day widget
if (*level == 0) {
*t = FloorTime(*t, ImPlotTimeUnit_Day);
GetTime(*t, &Tm);
const int this_year = Tm.tm_year + 1900;
const int last_year = this_year - 1;
const int next_year = this_year + 1;
const int this_mon = Tm.tm_mon;
const int last_mon = this_mon == 0 ? 11 : this_mon - 1;
const int next_mon = this_mon == 11 ? 0 : this_mon + 1;
const int days_this_mo = GetDaysInMonth(this_year, this_mon);
const int days_last_mo = GetDaysInMonth(this_mon == 0 ? last_year : this_year, last_mon);
ImPlotTime t_first_mo = FloorTime(*t,ImPlotTimeUnit_Mo);
const int first_wd = Tm.tm_wday;
// month year
snprintf(buff, 32, "%s %d", names_mo[this_mon], this_year);
if (ImGui::Button(buff))
*level = 1;
BeginDisabledControls(this_year <= min_yr && this_mon == 0);
if (ImGui::ArrowButtonEx("##Up",ImGuiDir_Up,cell_size))
*t = AddTime(*t, ImPlotTimeUnit_Mo, -1);
EndDisabledControls(this_year <= min_yr && this_mon == 0);
BeginDisabledControls(this_year >= max_yr && this_mon == 11);
if (ImGui::ArrowButtonEx("##Down",ImGuiDir_Down,cell_size))
*t = AddTime(*t, ImPlotTimeUnit_Mo, 1);
EndDisabledControls(this_year >= max_yr && this_mon == 11);
// render weekday abbreviations
ImGui::PushItemFlag(ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled, true);
for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
if (i != 6) { ImGui::SameLine(); }
// 0 = last mo, 1 = this mo, 2 = next mo
int mo = first_wd > 0 ? 0 : 1;
int day = mo == 1 ? 1 : days_last_mo - first_wd + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 7; ++j) {
if (mo == 0 && day > days_last_mo) {
mo = 1; day = 1;
else if (mo == 1 && day > days_this_mo) {
mo = 2; day = 1;
const int now_yr = (mo == 0 && this_mon == 0) ? last_year : ((mo == 2 && this_mon == 11) ? next_year : this_year);
const int now_mo = mo == 0 ? last_mon : (mo == 1 ? this_mon : next_mon);
const int now_md = day;
const bool off_mo = mo == 0 || mo == 2;
const bool t1_or_t2 = (t1 != NULL && t1_mo == now_mo && t1_yr == now_yr && t1_md == now_md) ||
(t2 != NULL && t2_mo == now_mo && t2_yr == now_yr && t2_md == now_md);
if (off_mo)
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, col_dis);
if (t1_or_t2) {
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, col_dis);
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, col_txt);
if (now_yr == min_yr-1 || now_yr == max_yr+1) {
else if (ImGui::Button(buff,cell_size) && !clk) {
*t = MakeTime(now_yr, now_mo, now_md);
clk = true;
if (t1_or_t2)
if (off_mo)
if (j != 6)
// month widget
else if (*level == 1) {
*t = FloorTime(*t, ImPlotTimeUnit_Mo);
GetTime(*t, &Tm);
int this_yr = Tm.tm_year + 1900;
snprintf(buff, 32, "%d", this_yr);
if (ImGui::Button(buff))
*level = 2;
BeginDisabledControls(this_yr <= min_yr);
if (ImGui::ArrowButtonEx("##Up",ImGuiDir_Up,cell_size))
*t = AddTime(*t, ImPlotTimeUnit_Yr, -1);
EndDisabledControls(this_yr <= min_yr);
BeginDisabledControls(this_yr >= max_yr);
if (ImGui::ArrowButtonEx("##Down",ImGuiDir_Down,cell_size))
*t = AddTime(*t, ImPlotTimeUnit_Yr, 1);
EndDisabledControls(this_yr >= max_yr);
// ImGui::Dummy(cell_size);
cell_size.x *= 7.0f/4.0f;
cell_size.y *= 7.0f/3.0f;
int mo = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
const bool t1_or_t2 = (t1 != NULL && t1_yr == this_yr && t1_mo == mo) ||
(t2 != NULL && t2_yr == this_yr && t2_mo == mo);
if (t1_or_t2)
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, col_dis);
if (ImGui::Button(abrvs_mo[mo],cell_size) && !clk) {
*t = MakeTime(this_yr, mo);
*level = 0;
if (t1_or_t2)
if (j != 3)
else if (*level == 2) {
*t = FloorTime(*t, ImPlotTimeUnit_Yr);
int this_yr = GetYear(*t);
int yr = this_yr - this_yr % 20;
ImGui::PushItemFlag(ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled, true);
BeginDisabledControls(yr <= min_yr);
if (ImGui::ArrowButtonEx("##Up",ImGuiDir_Up,cell_size))
*t = MakeTime(yr-20);
EndDisabledControls(yr <= min_yr);
BeginDisabledControls(yr + 20 >= max_yr);
if (ImGui::ArrowButtonEx("##Down",ImGuiDir_Down,cell_size))
*t = MakeTime(yr+20);
EndDisabledControls(yr+ 20 >= max_yr);
// ImGui::Dummy(cell_size);
cell_size.x *= 7.0f/4.0f;
cell_size.y *= 7.0f/5.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
const bool t1_or_t2 = (t1 != NULL && t1_yr == yr) || (t2 != NULL && t2_yr == yr);
if (t1_or_t2)
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, col_dis);
if (yr<1970||yr>3000) {
else if (ImGui::Button(buff,cell_size)) {
*t = MakeTime(yr);
*level = 1;
if (t1_or_t2)
if (j != 3)
return clk;
bool ShowTimePicker(const char* id, ImPlotTime* t) {
tm& Tm = GImPlot->Tm;
static const char* nums[] = { "00","01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09",
static const char* am_pm[] = {"am","pm"};
int hr = (Tm.tm_hour == 0 || Tm.tm_hour == 12) ? 12 : Tm.tm_hour % 12;
int min = Tm.tm_min;
int sec = Tm.tm_sec;
int ap = Tm.tm_hour < 12 ? 0 : 1;
bool changed = false;
ImVec2 spacing = ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing;
spacing.x = 0;
float width = ImGui::CalcTextSize("888").x;
float height = ImGui::GetFrameHeight();
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, spacing);
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_FrameBg, ImVec4(0,0,0,0));
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, ImVec4(0,0,0,0));
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered, ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered));
if (ImGui::BeginCombo("##hr",nums[hr],ImGuiComboFlags_NoArrowButton)) {
for (int i = 1; i < 13; ++i) {
if (ImGui::Selectable(nums[i],i==hr)) {
hr = i;
changed = true;
if (ImGui::BeginCombo("##min",nums[min],ImGuiComboFlags_NoArrowButton)) {
for (int i = 0; i < 60; ++i) {
if (ImGui::Selectable(nums[i],i==min)) {
min = i;
changed = true;
if (ImGui::BeginCombo("##sec",nums[sec],ImGuiComboFlags_NoArrowButton)) {
for (int i = 0; i < 60; ++i) {
if (ImGui::Selectable(nums[i],i==sec)) {
sec = i;
changed = true;
if (ImGui::Button(am_pm[ap],ImVec2(height,height))) {
ap = 1 - ap;
changed = true;
if (changed) {
hr = hr % 12 + ap * 12;
Tm.tm_hour = hr;
Tm.tm_min = min;
Tm.tm_sec = sec;
*t = MkTime(&Tm);
return changed;
void StyleColorsAuto(ImPlotStyle* dst) {
ImPlotStyle* style = dst ? dst : &ImPlot::GetStyle();
ImVec4* colors = style->Colors;
@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ void ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open) {
if (ImPlot::BeginPlot("##Time", "Time", "Value", ImVec2(-1,0), 0, ImPlotAxisFlags_Time)) {
if (ImPlot::BeginPlot("##Time", NULL, NULL, ImVec2(-1,0), 0, ImPlotAxisFlags_Time)) {
if (data != NULL) {
// downsample our data
int downsample = (int)ImPlot::GetPlotLimits().X.Size() / 1000 + 1;
@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@ void ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open) {
ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ColorEdit4("##Bear", &bearCol.x, ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoInputs);
ImPlot::GetStyle().UseLocalTime = false;
ImPlot::SetNextPlotLimits(1546300800, 1571961600, 1250, 1600);
if (ImPlot::BeginPlot("Candlestick Chart","Day","USD",ImVec2(-1,0),0,ImPlotAxisFlags_Time)) {
if (ImPlot::BeginPlot("Candlestick Chart","Day","USD",ImVec2(-1,-1),0,ImPlotAxisFlags_Time)) {
MyImPlot::PlotCandlestick("GOOGL",dates, opens, closes, lows, highs, 218, tooltip, 0.25f, bullCol, bearCol);
@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ enum ImPlotTimeFmt_ {
ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYr, // 10/3/91
ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYrHrMin, // 10/3/91 7:21pm
ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYrHrMinS, // 10/3/91 7:21:29pm
ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYrHrMinSUs, // 10/3/1991 7:21:29.123456pm
ImPlotTimeFmt_MoYr, // Oct 1991
ImPlotTimeFmt_Mo, // Oct
ImPlotTimeFmt_Yr // 1991
@ -205,6 +206,32 @@ enum ImPlotTimeFmt_ {
// [SECTION] ImPlot Structs
/// Two part timestamp struct.
struct ImPlotTime {
time_t S; // second part
int Us; // microsecond part
ImPlotTime() { S = 0; Us = 0; }
ImPlotTime(time_t s, int us = 0) { S = s + us / 1000000; Us = us % 1000000; }
void RollOver() { S = S + Us / 1000000; Us = Us % 1000000; }
double ToDouble() const { return (double)S + (double)Us / 1000000.0; }
static ImPlotTime FromDouble(double t) { return ImPlotTime((time_t)t, (int)(t * 1000000 - floor(t) * 1000000)); }
static inline ImPlotTime operator+(const ImPlotTime& lhs, const ImPlotTime& rhs)
{ return ImPlotTime(lhs.S + rhs.S, lhs.Us + rhs.Us); }
static inline ImPlotTime operator-(const ImPlotTime& lhs, const ImPlotTime& rhs)
{ return ImPlotTime(lhs.S - rhs.S, lhs.Us - rhs.Us); }
static inline bool operator==(const ImPlotTime& lhs, const ImPlotTime& rhs)
{ return lhs.S == rhs.S && lhs.Us == rhs.Us; }
static inline bool operator<(const ImPlotTime& lhs, const ImPlotTime& rhs)
{ return lhs.S == rhs.S ? lhs.Us < rhs.Us : lhs.S < rhs.S; }
static inline bool operator>(const ImPlotTime& lhs, const ImPlotTime& rhs)
{ return rhs < lhs; }
static inline bool operator<=(const ImPlotTime& lhs, const ImPlotTime& rhs)
{ return lhs < rhs || lhs == rhs; }
static inline bool operator>=(const ImPlotTime& lhs, const ImPlotTime& rhs)
{ return lhs > rhs || lhs == rhs; }
// Storage for colormap modifiers
struct ImPlotColormapMod {
ImPlotColormapMod(const ImVec4* colormap, int colormap_size) {
@ -297,6 +324,8 @@ struct ImPlotAxis
bool HoveredTot;
double* LinkedMin;
double* LinkedMax;
ImPlotTime PickerTimeMin, PickerTimeMax;
int PickerLevel;
ImPlotAxis() {
Flags = PreviousFlags = ImPlotAxisFlags_None;
@ -306,6 +335,7 @@ struct ImPlotAxis
HoveredExt = false;
HoveredTot = false;
LinkedMin = LinkedMax = NULL;
PickerLevel = 0;
bool SetMin(double _min) {
@ -317,6 +347,7 @@ struct ImPlotAxis
if (_min >= Range.Max)
return false;
Range.Min = _min;
PickerTimeMin = ImPlotTime::FromDouble(Range.Min);
return true;
@ -329,6 +360,7 @@ struct ImPlotAxis
if (_max <= Range.Min)
return false;
Range.Max = _max;
PickerTimeMax = ImPlotTime::FromDouble(Range.Max);
return true;
@ -336,6 +368,8 @@ struct ImPlotAxis
Range.Min = _min;
Range.Max = _max;
PickerTimeMin = ImPlotTime::FromDouble(Range.Min);
PickerTimeMax = ImPlotTime::FromDouble(Range.Max);
void SetRange(const ImPlotRange& range) {
@ -585,32 +619,6 @@ struct ImPlotAxisScale
/// Two part timestamp struct.
struct ImPlotTime {
time_t S; // second part
int Us; // microsecond part
ImPlotTime() { S = 0; Us = 0; }
ImPlotTime(time_t s, int us = 0) { S = s + us / 1000000; Us = us % 1000000; }
void RollOver() { S = S + Us / 1000000; Us = Us % 1000000; }
double ToDouble() const { return (double)S + (double)Us / 1000000.0; }
static ImPlotTime FromDouble(double t) { return ImPlotTime((time_t)t, (int)(t * 1000000 - floor(t) * 1000000)); }
static inline ImPlotTime operator+(const ImPlotTime& lhs, const ImPlotTime& rhs)
{ return ImPlotTime(lhs.S + rhs.S, lhs.Us + rhs.Us); }
static inline ImPlotTime operator-(const ImPlotTime& lhs, const ImPlotTime& rhs)
{ return ImPlotTime(lhs.S - rhs.S, lhs.Us - rhs.Us); }
static inline bool operator==(const ImPlotTime& lhs, const ImPlotTime& rhs)
{ return lhs.S == rhs.S && lhs.Us == rhs.Us; }
static inline bool operator<(const ImPlotTime& lhs, const ImPlotTime& rhs)
{ return lhs.S == rhs.S ? lhs.Us < rhs.Us : lhs.S < rhs.S; }
static inline bool operator>(const ImPlotTime& lhs, const ImPlotTime& rhs)
{ return rhs < lhs; }
static inline bool operator<=(const ImPlotTime& lhs, const ImPlotTime& rhs)
{ return lhs < rhs || lhs == rhs; }
static inline bool operator>=(const ImPlotTime& lhs, const ImPlotTime& rhs)
{ return lhs > rhs || lhs == rhs; }
// [SECTION] Internal API
// No guarantee of forward compatibility here!
@ -638,6 +646,9 @@ IMPLOT_API ImPlotState* GetCurrentPlot();
// Busts the cache for every plot in the current context
IMPLOT_API void BustPlotCache();
// Shows a plot's context menu.
IMPLOT_API void ShowPlotContextMenu(ImPlotState& plot);
// [SECTION] Item Utils
@ -688,6 +699,9 @@ IMPLOT_API void PushLinkedAxis(ImPlotAxis& axis);
// Updates axis internal range from points for linked axes.
IMPLOT_API void PullLinkedAxis(ImPlotAxis& axis);
// Shows an axis's context menu.
IMPLOT_API void ShowAxisContextMenu(ImPlotAxisState& state, bool time_allowed = false);
// [SECTION] Legend Utils
@ -792,10 +806,7 @@ inline T OffsetAndStride(const T* data, int idx, int count, int offset, int stri
// Returns true if year is leap year (366 days long)
inline bool IsLeapYear(int year) {
if (year % 4 != 0) return false;
if (year % 400 == 0) return true;
if (year % 100 == 0) return false;
return true;
return year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0);
// Returns the number of days in a month, accounting for Feb. leap years. #month is zero indexed.
inline int GetDaysInMonth(int year, int month) {
@ -803,37 +814,49 @@ inline int GetDaysInMonth(int year, int month) {
return days[month] + (int)(month == 1 && IsLeapYear(year));
// Make a timestamp from a tm struct expressed as a UTC time (i.e. GMT timezone).
// Make a UNIX timestamp from a tm struct expressed in UTC time (i.e. GMT timezone).
IMPLOT_API ImPlotTime MkGmtTime(struct tm *ptm);
// Make a tm struct from a timestamp expressed as a UTC time (i.e. GMT timezone).
// Make a tm struct expressed in UTC time (i.e. GMT timezone) from a UNIX timestamp.
IMPLOT_API tm* GetGmtTime(const ImPlotTime& t, tm* ptm);
// Make a timestamp from a tm struct expressed as a local time.
// Make a UNIX timestamp from a tm struct expressed in local time.
IMPLOT_API ImPlotTime MkLocTime(struct tm *ptm);
// Make a tm struct from a timestamp expressed as a local time.
// Make a tm struct expressed in local time from a UNIX timestamp.
IMPLOT_API tm* GetLocTime(const ImPlotTime& t, tm* ptm);
// NB: These functions only work if there is a current ImPlotContext because the
// internal tm struct is owned by the context!
// NB: The following functions only work if there is a current ImPlotContext because the
// internal tm struct is owned by the context! They are aware of ImPlotStyle.UseLocalTime.
// Adds time to a timestamp. #count must be positive!
// Make a timestamp from time components.
// year[1970-3000], month[0-11], day[1-31], hour[0-23], min[0-59], sec[0-59], us[0,999999]
IMPLOT_API ImPlotTime MakeTime(int year, int month = 0, int day = 1, int hour = 0, int min = 0, int sec = 0, int us = 0);
// Get year component from timestamp [1970-3000]
IMPLOT_API int GetYear(const ImPlotTime& t);
// Adds or subtracts time from a timestamp. #count > 0 to add, < 0 to subtract.
IMPLOT_API ImPlotTime AddTime(const ImPlotTime& t, ImPlotTimeUnit unit, int count);
// Rounds a timestamp down to nearest.
// Rounds a timestamp down to nearest unit.
IMPLOT_API ImPlotTime FloorTime(const ImPlotTime& t, ImPlotTimeUnit unit);
// Rounds a timestamp up to the nearest unit.
IMPLOT_API ImPlotTime CeilTime(const ImPlotTime& t, ImPlotTimeUnit unit);
// Rounds a timestamp up or down to the nearest unit.
IMPLOT_API ImPlotTime RoundTime(const ImPlotTime& t, ImPlotTimeUnit unit);
// Combines the date of one timestamp with the time-of-day of another timestamp.
IMPLOT_API ImPlotTime CombineDateTime(const ImPlotTime& date_part, const ImPlotTime& time_part);
// Get year from timestamp
IMPLOT_API int GetYear(const ImPlotTime& t);
// Make a timestamp starting at the first day of a year
IMPLOT_API ImPlotTime MakeYear(int year);
// Formates a timestamp t into a buffer according to fmt.
// Formulates a timestamp t into a buffer according to fmt.
IMPLOT_API int FormatTime(const ImPlotTime& t, char* buffer, int size, ImPlotTimeFmt fmt);
// Prints a timestamp to console
IMPLOT_API void PrintTime(const ImPlotTime& t, ImPlotTimeFmt fmt);
IMPLOT_API void PrintTime(const ImPlotTime& t, ImPlotTimeFmt fmt = ImPlotTimeFmt_DayMoYrHrMinSUs);
// Shows a date picker widget block (year/month/day).
// #level = 0 for day, 1 for month, 2 for year. Modified by user interaction.
// #t will be set when a day is clicked and the function will return true.
// #t1 and #t2 are optional dates to highlight.
IMPLOT_API bool ShowDatePicker(const char* id, int* level, ImPlotTime* t, const ImPlotTime* t1 = NULL, const ImPlotTime* t2 = NULL);
// Shows a time picker widget block (hour/min/sec).
// #t will be set when a new hour, minute, or sec is selected or am/pm is toggled, and the function will return true.
IMPLOT_API bool ShowTimePicker(const char* id, ImPlotTime* t);
// [SECTION] Internal / Experimental Plotters
Reference in New Issue
Block a user