// MIT License // Copyright (c) 2020 Evan Pezent // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // ImPlot v0.6 WIP #include "implot.h" #include "implot_internal.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #define sprintf sprintf_s #endif #define SQRT_1_2 0.70710678118f #define SQRT_3_2 0.86602540378f #define IM_NORMALIZE2F_OVER_ZERO(VX, VY) \ { \ float d2 = VX * VX + VY * VY; \ if (d2 > 0.0f) { \ float inv_len = 1.0f / ImSqrt(d2); \ VX *= inv_len; \ VY *= inv_len; \ } \ } namespace ImPlot { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Item Utils //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImPlotItem* RegisterOrGetItem(const char* label_id) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; ImGuiID id = ImGui::GetID(label_id); ImPlotItem* item = gp.CurrentPlot->Items.GetOrAddByKey(id); if (item->SeenThisFrame) return item; item->SeenThisFrame = true; int idx = gp.CurrentPlot->Items.GetIndex(item); item->ID = id; if (ImGui::FindRenderedTextEnd(label_id, NULL) != label_id) { gp.LegendIndices.push_back(idx); item->NameOffset = gp.LegendLabels.size(); gp.LegendLabels.append(label_id, label_id + strlen(label_id) + 1); } else { item->Show = true; } if (item->Show) gp.VisibleItemCount++; return item; } ImPlotItem* GetItem(int i) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; return gp.CurrentPlot->Items.GetByIndex(gp.LegendIndices[i]); } ImPlotItem* GetItem(const char* label_id) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; ImGuiID id = ImGui::GetID(label_id); return gp.CurrentPlot->Items.GetByKey(id); } ImPlotItem* GetItem(const char* plot_title, const char* item_label_id) { ImPlotState* plot = GetPlot(plot_title); if (plot) { ImGuiID id = ImGui::GetID(item_label_id); return plot->Items.GetByKey(id); } return NULL; } ImPlotItem* GetCurrentItem() { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; return gp.CurrentItem; } void BustItemCache() { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; for (int p = 0; p < gp.Plots.GetSize(); ++p) { ImPlotState& plot = *gp.Plots.GetByIndex(p); plot.ColormapIdx = 0; plot.Items.Clear(); } } // Begins a new item. Returns false if the item should not be plotted. bool BeginItem(const char* label_id, ImPlotCol recolor_from) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "PlotX() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImPlotItem* item = RegisterOrGetItem(label_id); if (!item->Show) { // reset next item data gp.NextItemStyle = ImPlotItemStyle(); return false; } else { // set current item gp.CurrentItem = item; ImPlotItemStyle& s = gp.NextItemStyle; // override item color if (recolor_from != -1) { if (!IsColorAuto(s.Colors[recolor_from])) item->Color = s.Colors[recolor_from]; else if (!IsColorAuto(gp.Style.Colors[recolor_from])) item->Color = gp.Style.Colors[recolor_from]; } // stage next item colors s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line] = IsColorAuto(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line]) ? ( IsColorAuto(ImPlotCol_Line) ? item->Color : gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line] ) : s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line]; s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill] = IsColorAuto(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill]) ? ( IsColorAuto(ImPlotCol_Fill) ? item->Color : gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill] ) : s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill]; s.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline] = IsColorAuto(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline]) ? ( IsColorAuto(ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline) ? s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line] : gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline] ) : s.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline]; s.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerFill] = IsColorAuto(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerFill]) ? ( IsColorAuto(ImPlotCol_MarkerFill) ? s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line] : gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerFill] ) : s.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerFill]; s.Colors[ImPlotCol_ErrorBar] = IsColorAuto(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_ErrorBar]) ? ( GetStyleColorVec4(ImPlotCol_ErrorBar) ) : s.Colors[ImPlotCol_ErrorBar]; // stage next item style vars s.LineWeight = s.LineWeight < 0 ? gp.Style.LineWeight : s.LineWeight; s.Marker = s.Marker < 0 ? gp.Style.Marker : s.Marker; s.MarkerSize = s.MarkerSize < 0 ? gp.Style.MarkerSize : s.MarkerSize; s.MarkerWeight = s.MarkerWeight < 0 ? gp.Style.MarkerWeight : s.MarkerWeight; s.FillAlpha = s.FillAlpha < 0 ? gp.Style.FillAlpha : s.FillAlpha; s.ErrorBarSize = s.ErrorBarSize < 0 ? gp.Style.ErrorBarSize : s.ErrorBarSize; s.ErrorBarWeight = s.ErrorBarWeight < 0 ? gp.Style.ErrorBarWeight : s.ErrorBarWeight; s.DigitalBitHeight = s.DigitalBitHeight < 0 ? gp.Style.DigitalBitHeight : s.DigitalBitHeight; s.DigitalBitGap = s.DigitalBitGap < 0 ? gp.Style.DigitalBitGap : s.DigitalBitGap; // apply alpha modifier(s) s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill].w *= s.FillAlpha; // s.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerFill].w *= s.FillAlpha; // TODO: this should be separate, if it at all // apply highlight mods if (item->LegendHovered && ImHasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->Flags, ImPlotFlags_Highlight)) { s.LineWeight *= 2; s.MarkerWeight *= 2; // TODO: highlight fills? } // set render flags s.RenderLine = s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line].w > 0 && s.LineWeight > 0; s.RenderFill = s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill].w > 0; s.RenderMarkerLine = s.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline].w > 0 && s.MarkerWeight > 0; s.RenderMarkerFill = s.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerFill].w > 0; // push rendering clip rect PushPlotClipRect(); return true; } } // Ends an item (call only if BeginItem returns true) void EndItem() { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; // pop rendering clip rect PopPlotClipRect(); // reset next item data gp.NextItemStyle = ImPlotItemStyle(); // set current item gp.CurrentItem = NULL; } void SetNextLineStyle(const ImVec4& col, float weight) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; gp.NextItemStyle.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line] = col; gp.NextItemStyle.LineWeight = weight; } void SetNextFillStyle(const ImVec4& col, float alpha) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; gp.NextItemStyle.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill] = col; gp.NextItemStyle.FillAlpha = alpha; } void SetNextMarkerStyle(ImPlotMarker marker, float size, const ImVec4& fill, float weight, const ImVec4& outline) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; gp.NextItemStyle.Marker = marker; gp.NextItemStyle.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerFill] = fill; gp.NextItemStyle.MarkerSize = size; gp.NextItemStyle.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline] = outline; gp.NextItemStyle.MarkerWeight = weight; } void SetNextErrorBarStyle(const ImVec4& col, float size, float weight) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; gp.NextItemStyle.Colors[ImPlotCol_ErrorBar] = col; gp.NextItemStyle.ErrorBarSize = size; gp.NextItemStyle.ErrorBarWeight = weight; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GETTERS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Getters can be thought of as iterators that convert user data (e.g. raw arrays) // to ImPlotPoints // Interprets an array of Y points as ImPlotPoints where the X value is the index template struct GetterYs { GetterYs(const T* ys, int count, int offset, int stride) { Ys = ys; Count = count; Offset = count ? ImPosMod(offset, count) : 0; Stride = stride; } const T* Ys; int Count; int Offset; int Stride; inline ImPlotPoint operator()(int idx) { return ImPlotPoint((double)idx, (double)OffsetAndStride(Ys, idx, Count, Offset, Stride)); } }; // Interprets separate arrays for X and Y points as ImPlotPoints template struct GetterXsYs { GetterXsYs(const T* xs, const T* ys, int count, int offset, int stride) { Xs = xs; Ys = ys; Count = count; Offset = count ? ImPosMod(offset, count) : 0; Stride = stride; } const T* Xs; const T* Ys; int Count; int Offset; int Stride; inline ImPlotPoint operator()(int idx) { return ImPlotPoint((double)OffsetAndStride(Xs, idx, Count, Offset, Stride), (double)OffsetAndStride(Ys, idx, Count, Offset, Stride)); } }; // Always returns a constant Y reference value where the X value is the index template struct GetterYRef { GetterYRef(T y_ref, int count) { YRef = y_ref; Count = count; } inline ImPlotPoint operator()(int idx) { return ImPlotPoint((double)idx, (double)YRef); } T YRef; int Count; }; // Interprets an array of X points as ImPlotPoints where the Y value is a constant reference value template struct GetterXsYRef { GetterXsYRef(const T* xs, T y_ref, int count, int offset, int stride) { Xs = xs; YRef = y_ref; Count = count; Offset = count ? ImPosMod(offset, count) : 0; Stride = stride; } const T* Xs; T YRef; int Count; int Offset; int Stride; inline ImPlotPoint operator()(int idx) { return ImPlotPoint((double)OffsetAndStride(Xs, idx, Count, Offset, Stride), (double)YRef); } }; // Interprets an array of ImVec2 points as ImPlotPoints struct GetterImVec2 { GetterImVec2(const ImVec2* data, int count, int offset) { Data = data; Count = count; Offset = count ? ImPosMod(offset, count) : 0; } inline ImPlotPoint operator()(int idx) { idx = ImPosMod(Offset + idx, Count); return ImPlotPoint((double)Data[idx].x, (double)Data[idx].y); } const ImVec2* Data; int Count; int Offset; }; // Interprets an array of ImPlotPoints as ImPlotPoints (essentially a pass through) struct GetterImPlotPoint { GetterImPlotPoint(const ImPlotPoint* data, int count, int offset) { Data = data; Count = count; Offset = count ? ImPosMod(offset, count) : 0; } inline ImPlotPoint operator()(int idx) { idx = ImPosMod(Offset + idx, Count); return Data[idx]; } const ImPlotPoint* Data; int Count; int Offset; }; /// Interprets a user's function pointer as ImPlotPoints struct GetterFuncPtrImPlotPoint { GetterFuncPtrImPlotPoint(ImPlotPoint (*g)(void* data, int idx), void* d, int count, int offset) { getter = g; Data = d; Count = count; Offset = count ? ImPosMod(offset, count) : 0; } inline ImPlotPoint operator()(int idx) { idx = ImPosMod(Offset + idx, Count); return getter(Data, idx); } ImPlotPoint (*getter)(void* data, int idx); void* Data; int Count; int Offset; }; template struct GetterBarV { const T* Ys; T XShift; int Count; int Offset; int Stride; GetterBarV(const T* ys, T xshift, int count, int offset, int stride) { Ys = ys; XShift = xshift; Count = count; Offset = offset; Stride = stride; } inline ImPlotPoint operator()(int idx) { return ImPlotPoint((double)idx + (double)XShift, (double)OffsetAndStride(Ys, idx, Count, Offset, Stride)); } }; template struct GetterBarH { const T* Xs; T YShift; int Count; int Offset; int Stride; GetterBarH(const T* xs, T yshift, int count, int offset, int stride) { Xs = xs; YShift = yshift; Count = count; Offset = offset; Stride = stride; } inline ImPlotPoint operator()(int idx) { return ImPlotPoint((double)OffsetAndStride(Xs, idx, Count, Offset, Stride), (double)idx + (double)YShift); } }; template struct GetterError { const T* Xs; const T* Ys; const T* Neg; const T* Pos; int Count; int Offset; int Stride; GetterError(const T* xs, const T* ys, const T* neg, const T* pos, int count, int offset, int stride) { Xs = xs; Ys = ys; Neg = neg; Pos = pos; Count = count; Offset = offset; Stride = stride; } ImPlotPointError operator()(int idx) { return ImPlotPointError((double)OffsetAndStride(Xs, idx, Count, Offset, Stride), (double)OffsetAndStride(Ys, idx, Count, Offset, Stride), (double)OffsetAndStride(Neg, idx, Count, Offset, Stride), (double)OffsetAndStride(Pos, idx, Count, Offset, Stride)); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TRANSFORMERS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Transforms convert points in plot space (i.e. ImPlotPoint) to pixel space (i.e. ImVec2) // TODO: Cache transformation variables // Transforms points for linear x and linear y space struct TransformerLinLin { TransformerLinLin() : YAxis(GetCurrentYAxis()) {} inline ImVec2 operator()(const ImPlotPoint& plt) { return (*this)(plt.x, plt.y); } inline ImVec2 operator()(double x, double y) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; return ImVec2( (float)(gp.PixelRange[YAxis].Min.x + gp.Mx * (x - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Range.Min)), (float)(gp.PixelRange[YAxis].Min.y + gp.My[YAxis] * (y - gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis[YAxis].Range.Min)) ); } int YAxis; }; // Transforms points for log x and linear y space struct TransformerLogLin { TransformerLogLin() : YAxis(GetCurrentYAxis()) {} inline ImVec2 operator()(const ImPlotPoint& plt) { return (*this)(plt.x, plt.y); } inline ImVec2 operator()(double x, double y) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; double t = ImLog10(x / gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Range.Min) / gp.LogDenX; x = ImLerp(gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Range.Min, gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Range.Max, (float)t); return ImVec2( (float)(gp.PixelRange[YAxis].Min.x + gp.Mx * (x - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Range.Min)), (float)(gp.PixelRange[YAxis].Min.y + gp.My[YAxis] * (y - gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis[YAxis].Range.Min)) ); } int YAxis; }; // Transforms points for linear x and log y space struct TransformerLinLog { TransformerLinLog() : YAxis(GetCurrentYAxis()) {} inline ImVec2 operator()(const ImPlotPoint& plt) { return (*this)(plt.x, plt.y); } inline ImVec2 operator()(double x, double y) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; double t = ImLog10(y / gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis[YAxis].Range.Min) / gp.LogDenY[YAxis]; y = ImLerp(gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis[YAxis].Range.Min, gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis[YAxis].Range.Max, (float)t); return ImVec2( (float)(gp.PixelRange[YAxis].Min.x + gp.Mx * (x - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Range.Min)), (float)(gp.PixelRange[YAxis].Min.y + gp.My[YAxis] * (y - gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis[YAxis].Range.Min)) ); } int YAxis; }; // Transforms points for log x and log y space struct TransformerLogLog { TransformerLogLog() : YAxis(GetCurrentYAxis()) {} inline ImVec2 operator()(const ImPlotPoint& plt) { return (*this)(plt.x, plt.y); } inline ImVec2 operator()(double x, double y) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; double t = ImLog10(x / gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Range.Min) / gp.LogDenX; x = ImLerp(gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Range.Min, gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Range.Max, (float)t); t = ImLog10(y / gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis[YAxis].Range.Min) / gp.LogDenY[YAxis]; y = ImLerp(gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis[YAxis].Range.Min, gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis[YAxis].Range.Max, (float)t); return ImVec2( (float)(gp.PixelRange[YAxis].Min.x + gp.Mx * (x - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Range.Min)), (float)(gp.PixelRange[YAxis].Min.y + gp.My[YAxis] * (y - gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis[YAxis].Range.Min)) ); } int YAxis; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PRIMITIVE RENDERERS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void AddLine(const ImVec2& P1, const ImVec2& P2, float weight, ImU32 col, ImDrawList& DrawList, ImVec2 uv) { float dx = P2.x - P1.x; float dy = P2.y - P1.y; IM_NORMALIZE2F_OVER_ZERO(dx, dy); dx *= (weight * 0.5f); dy *= (weight * 0.5f); DrawList._VtxWritePtr[0].pos.x = P1.x + dy; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[0].pos.y = P1.y - dx; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[0].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[0].col = col; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[1].pos.x = P2.x + dy; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[1].pos.y = P2.y - dx; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[1].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[1].col = col; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[2].pos.x = P2.x - dy; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[2].pos.y = P2.y + dx; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[2].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[2].col = col; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[3].pos.x = P1.x - dy; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[3].pos.y = P1.y + dx; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[3].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[3].col = col; DrawList._VtxWritePtr += 4; DrawList._IdxWritePtr[0] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[1] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 1); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[2] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 2); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[3] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[4] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 2); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[5] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 3); DrawList._IdxWritePtr += 6; DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx += 4; } template struct LineStripRenderer { inline LineStripRenderer(TGetter getter, TTransformer transformer, ImU32 col, float weight) : Getter(getter), Transformer(transformer) { Prims = Getter.Count - 1; Col = col; Weight = weight; P1 = Transformer(Getter(0)); } inline bool operator()(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImRect& cull_rect, const ImVec2& uv, int prim) { ImVec2 P2 = Transformer(Getter(prim + 1)); if (!cull_rect.Overlaps(ImRect(ImMin(P1, P2), ImMax(P1, P2)))) { P1 = P2; return false; } AddLine(P1,P2,Weight,Col,DrawList,uv); P1 = P2; return true; } TGetter Getter; TTransformer Transformer; int Prims; ImU32 Col; float Weight; ImVec2 P1; static const int IdxConsumed = 6; static const int VtxConsumed = 4; }; template struct LineSegmentsRenderer { inline LineSegmentsRenderer(TGetter1 getter1, TGetter2 getter2, TTransformer transformer, ImU32 col, float weight) : Getter1(getter1), Getter2(getter2), Transformer(transformer) { Prims = ImMin(Getter1.Count, Getter2.Count); Col = col; Weight = weight; } inline bool operator()(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImRect& cull_rect, const ImVec2& uv, int prim) { ImVec2 P1 = Transformer(Getter1(prim)); ImVec2 P2 = Transformer(Getter2(prim)); if (!cull_rect.Overlaps(ImRect(ImMin(P1, P2), ImMax(P1, P2)))) return false; AddLine(P1,P2,Weight,Col,DrawList,uv); return true; } TGetter1 Getter1; TGetter2 Getter2; TTransformer Transformer; int Prims; ImU32 Col; float Weight; static const int IdxConsumed = 6; static const int VtxConsumed = 4; }; template struct ShadedRenderer { ShadedRenderer(TGetter1 getter1, TGetter2 getter2, TTransformer transformer, ImU32 col) : Getter1(getter1), Getter2(getter2), Transformer(transformer), Col(col) { Prims = ImMin(Getter1.Count, Getter2.Count) - 1; P11 = Transformer(Getter1(0)); P12 = Transformer(Getter2(0)); } inline bool operator()(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImRect& /*cull_rect*/, const ImVec2& uv, int prim) { // TODO: Culling ImVec2 P21 = Transformer(Getter1(prim+1)); ImVec2 P22 = Transformer(Getter2(prim+1)); const int intersect = (P11.y > P12.y && P22.y > P21.y) || (P12.y > P11.y && P21.y > P22.y); ImVec2 intersection = Intersection(P11,P21,P12,P22); DrawList._VtxWritePtr[0].pos = P11; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[0].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[0].col = Col; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[1].pos = P21; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[1].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[1].col = Col; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[2].pos = intersection; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[2].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[2].col = Col; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[3].pos = P12; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[3].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[3].col = Col; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[4].pos = P22; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[4].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[4].col = Col; DrawList._VtxWritePtr += 5; DrawList._IdxWritePtr[0] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[1] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 1 + intersect); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[2] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 3); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[3] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 1); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[4] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 3 - intersect); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[5] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 4); DrawList._IdxWritePtr += 6; DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx += 5; P11 = P21; P12 = P22; return true; } TGetter1 Getter1; TGetter2 Getter2; TTransformer Transformer; int Prims; ImU32 Col; ImVec2 P11, P12; static const int IdxConsumed = 6; static const int VtxConsumed = 5; }; template struct RectRenderer { inline RectRenderer(TGetter getter, TTransformer transformer, ImU32 col) : Getter(getter), Transformer(transformer) { Prims = Getter.Count / 2; Col = col; } inline bool operator()(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImRect& /*cull_rect*/, const ImVec2& uv, int prim) { // TODO: Culling ImVec2 P1 = Transformer(Getter(2*prim)); ImVec2 P2 = Transformer(Getter(2*prim+1)); DrawList._VtxWritePtr[0].pos = P1; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[0].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[0].col = Col; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[1].pos.x = P1.x; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[1].pos.y = P2.y; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[1].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[1].col = Col; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[2].pos = P2; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[2].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[2].col = Col; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[3].pos.x = P2.x; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[3].pos.y = P1.y; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[3].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[3].col = Col; DrawList._VtxWritePtr += 4; DrawList._IdxWritePtr[0] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[1] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 1); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[2] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 3); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[3] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 1); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[4] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 2); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[5] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 3); DrawList._IdxWritePtr += 6; DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx += 4; return true; } TGetter Getter; TTransformer Transformer; int Prims; ImU32 Col; static const int IdxConsumed = 6; static const int VtxConsumed = 4; }; // Stupid way of calculating maximum index size of ImDrawIdx without integer overflow issues template struct MaxIdx { static const unsigned int Value; }; template <> const unsigned int MaxIdx::Value = 65535; template <> const unsigned int MaxIdx::Value = 4294967295; /// Renders primitive shapes in bulk as efficiently as possible. template inline void RenderPrimitives(Renderer renderer, ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImRect& cull_rect) { unsigned int prims = renderer.Prims; unsigned int prims_culled = 0; unsigned int idx = 0; const ImVec2 uv = DrawList._Data->TexUvWhitePixel; while (prims) { // find how many can be reserved up to end of current draw command's limit unsigned int cnt = ImMin(prims, (MaxIdx::Value - DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx) / Renderer::VtxConsumed); // make sure at least this many elements can be rendered to avoid situations where at the end of buffer this slow path is not taken all the time if (cnt >= ImMin(64u, prims)) { if (prims_culled >= cnt) prims_culled -= cnt; // reuse previous reservation else { DrawList.PrimReserve((cnt - prims_culled) * Renderer::IdxConsumed, (cnt - prims_culled) * Renderer::VtxConsumed); // add more elements to previous reservation prims_culled = 0; } } else { if (prims_culled > 0) { DrawList.PrimUnreserve(prims_culled * Renderer::IdxConsumed, prims_culled * Renderer::VtxConsumed); prims_culled = 0; } cnt = ImMin(prims, (MaxIdx::Value - 0/*DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx*/) / Renderer::VtxConsumed); DrawList.PrimReserve(cnt * Renderer::IdxConsumed, cnt * Renderer::VtxConsumed); // reserve new draw command } prims -= cnt; for (unsigned int ie = idx + cnt; idx != ie; ++idx) { if (!renderer(DrawList, cull_rect, uv, idx)) prims_culled++; } } if (prims_culled > 0) DrawList.PrimUnreserve(prims_culled * Renderer::IdxConsumed, prims_culled * Renderer::VtxConsumed); } template inline void RenderLineStrip(Getter getter, Transformer transformer, ImDrawList& DrawList, float line_weight, ImU32 col) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; if (ImHasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->Flags, ImPlotFlags_AntiAliased) || gp.Style.AntiAliasedLines) { ImVec2 p1 = transformer(getter(0)); for (int i = 1; i < getter.Count; ++i) { ImVec2 p2 = transformer(getter(i)); if (gp.BB_Plot.Overlaps(ImRect(ImMin(p1, p2), ImMax(p1, p2)))) DrawList.AddLine(p1, p2, col, line_weight); p1 = p2; } } else { RenderPrimitives(LineStripRenderer(getter, transformer, col, line_weight), DrawList, gp.BB_Plot); } } template inline void RenderLineSegments(Getter1 getter1, Getter2 getter2, Transformer transformer, ImDrawList& DrawList, float line_weight, ImU32 col) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; if (ImHasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->Flags, ImPlotFlags_AntiAliased) || gp.Style.AntiAliasedLines) { int I = ImMin(getter1.Count, getter2.Count); for (int i = 0; i < I; ++i) { ImVec2 p1 = transformer(getter1(i)); ImVec2 p2 = transformer(getter2(i)); if (gp.BB_Plot.Overlaps(ImRect(ImMin(p1, p2), ImMax(p1, p2)))) DrawList.AddLine(p1, p2, col, line_weight); } } else { RenderPrimitives(LineSegmentsRenderer(getter1, getter2, transformer, col, line_weight), DrawList, gp.BB_Plot); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MARKER RENDERERS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void TransformMarker(ImVec2* points, int n, const ImVec2& c, float s) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { points[i].x = c.x + points[i].x * s; points[i].y = c.y + points[i].y * s; } } inline void RenderMarkerGeneral(ImDrawList& DrawList, ImVec2* points, int n, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { TransformMarker(points, n, c, s); if (fill) DrawList.AddConvexPolyFilled(points, n, col_fill); if (outline && !(fill && col_outline == col_fill)) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) DrawList.AddLine(points[i], points[(i+1)%n], col_outline, weight); } } inline void RenderMarkerCircle(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[10] = {ImVec2(1.0f, 0.0f), ImVec2(0.809017f, 0.58778524f), ImVec2(0.30901697f, 0.95105654f), ImVec2(-0.30901703f, 0.9510565f), ImVec2(-0.80901706f, 0.5877852f), ImVec2(-1.0f, 0.0f), ImVec2(-0.80901694f, -0.58778536f), ImVec2(-0.3090171f, -0.9510565f), ImVec2(0.30901712f, -0.9510565f), ImVec2(0.80901694f, -0.5877853f)}; RenderMarkerGeneral(DrawList, marker, 10, c, s, outline, col_outline, fill, col_fill, weight); } inline void RenderMarkerDiamond(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[4] = {ImVec2(1, 0), ImVec2(0, -1), ImVec2(-1, 0), ImVec2(0, 1)}; RenderMarkerGeneral(DrawList, marker, 4, c, s, outline, col_outline, fill, col_fill, weight); } inline void RenderMarkerSquare(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[4] = {ImVec2(SQRT_1_2,SQRT_1_2),ImVec2(SQRT_1_2,-SQRT_1_2),ImVec2(-SQRT_1_2,-SQRT_1_2),ImVec2(-SQRT_1_2,SQRT_1_2)}; RenderMarkerGeneral(DrawList, marker, 4, c, s, outline, col_outline, fill, col_fill, weight); } inline void RenderMarkerUp(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[3] = {ImVec2(SQRT_3_2,0.5f),ImVec2(0,-1),ImVec2(-SQRT_3_2,0.5f)}; RenderMarkerGeneral(DrawList, marker, 3, c, s, outline, col_outline, fill, col_fill, weight); } inline void RenderMarkerDown(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[3] = {ImVec2(SQRT_3_2,-0.5f),ImVec2(0,1),ImVec2(-SQRT_3_2,-0.5f)}; RenderMarkerGeneral(DrawList, marker, 3, c, s, outline, col_outline, fill, col_fill, weight); } inline void RenderMarkerLeft(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[3] = {ImVec2(-1,0), ImVec2(0.5, SQRT_3_2), ImVec2(0.5, -SQRT_3_2)}; RenderMarkerGeneral(DrawList, marker, 3, c, s, outline, col_outline, fill, col_fill, weight); } inline void RenderMarkerRight(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[3] = {ImVec2(1,0), ImVec2(-0.5, SQRT_3_2), ImVec2(-0.5, -SQRT_3_2)}; RenderMarkerGeneral(DrawList, marker, 3, c, s, outline, col_outline, fill, col_fill, weight); } inline void RenderMarkerAsterisk(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool /*outline*/, ImU32 col_outline, bool /*fill*/, ImU32 /*col_fill*/, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[6] = {ImVec2(SQRT_3_2, 0.5f), ImVec2(0, -1), ImVec2(-SQRT_3_2, 0.5f), ImVec2(SQRT_3_2, -0.5f), ImVec2(0, 1), ImVec2(-SQRT_3_2, -0.5f)}; TransformMarker(marker, 6, c, s); DrawList.AddLine(marker[0], marker[5], col_outline, weight); DrawList.AddLine(marker[1], marker[4], col_outline, weight); DrawList.AddLine(marker[2], marker[3], col_outline, weight); } inline void RenderMarkerPlus(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool /*outline*/, ImU32 col_outline, bool /*fill*/, ImU32 /*col_fill*/, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[4] = {ImVec2(1, 0), ImVec2(0, -1), ImVec2(-1, 0), ImVec2(0, 1)}; TransformMarker(marker, 4, c, s); DrawList.AddLine(marker[0], marker[2], col_outline, weight); DrawList.AddLine(marker[1], marker[3], col_outline, weight); } inline void RenderMarkerCross(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool /*outline*/, ImU32 col_outline, bool /*fill*/, ImU32 /*col_fill*/, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[4] = {ImVec2(SQRT_1_2,SQRT_1_2),ImVec2(SQRT_1_2,-SQRT_1_2),ImVec2(-SQRT_1_2,-SQRT_1_2),ImVec2(-SQRT_1_2,SQRT_1_2)}; TransformMarker(marker, 4, c, s); DrawList.AddLine(marker[0], marker[2], col_outline, weight); DrawList.AddLine(marker[1], marker[3], col_outline, weight); } template inline void RenderMarkers(Getter getter, Transformer transformer, ImDrawList& DrawList, ImPlotMarker marker, float size, bool rend_mk_line, ImU32 col_mk_line, float weight, bool rend_mk_fill, ImU32 col_mk_fill) { static void (*marker_table[ImPlotMarker_COUNT])(ImDrawList&, const ImVec2&, float s, bool, ImU32, bool, ImU32, float) = { RenderMarkerCircle, RenderMarkerSquare, RenderMarkerDiamond , RenderMarkerUp , RenderMarkerDown , RenderMarkerLeft, RenderMarkerRight, RenderMarkerCross, RenderMarkerPlus, RenderMarkerAsterisk }; ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; for (int i = 0; i < getter.Count; ++i) { ImVec2 c = transformer(getter(i)); if (gp.BB_Plot.Contains(c)) marker_table[marker](DrawList, c, size, rend_mk_line, col_mk_line, rend_mk_fill, col_mk_fill, weight); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT LINES / MARKERS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void PlotLineEx(const char* label_id, Getter getter) { if (BeginItem(label_id, ImPlotCol_Line)) { if (FitThisFrame()) { for (int i = 0; i < getter.Count; ++i) { ImPlotPoint p = getter(i); FitPoint(p); } } const ImPlotItemStyle& s = GetItemStyle(); ImDrawList& DrawList = *GetPlotDrawList(); if (getter.Count > 1 && s.RenderLine) { const ImU32 col_line = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line]); switch (GetCurrentScale()) { case ImPlotScale_LinLin: RenderLineStrip(getter, TransformerLinLin(), DrawList, s.LineWeight, col_line); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLin: RenderLineStrip(getter, TransformerLogLin(), DrawList, s.LineWeight, col_line); break; case ImPlotScale_LinLog: RenderLineStrip(getter, TransformerLinLog(), DrawList, s.LineWeight, col_line); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLog: RenderLineStrip(getter, TransformerLogLog(), DrawList, s.LineWeight, col_line); break; } } // render markers if (s.Marker != ImPlotMarker_None) { const ImU32 col_line = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline]); const ImU32 col_fill = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerFill]); switch (GetCurrentScale()) { case ImPlotScale_LinLin: RenderMarkers(getter, TransformerLinLin(), DrawList, s.Marker, s.MarkerSize, s.RenderMarkerLine, col_line, s.MarkerWeight, s.RenderMarkerFill, col_fill); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLin: RenderMarkers(getter, TransformerLogLin(), DrawList, s.Marker, s.MarkerSize, s.RenderMarkerLine, col_line, s.MarkerWeight, s.RenderMarkerFill, col_fill); break; case ImPlotScale_LinLog: RenderMarkers(getter, TransformerLinLog(), DrawList, s.Marker, s.MarkerSize, s.RenderMarkerLine, col_line, s.MarkerWeight, s.RenderMarkerFill, col_fill); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLog: RenderMarkers(getter, TransformerLogLog(), DrawList, s.Marker, s.MarkerSize, s.RenderMarkerLine, col_line, s.MarkerWeight, s.RenderMarkerFill, col_fill); break; } } EndItem(); } } // float void PlotLine(const char* label_id, const float* values, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterYs getter(values,count,offset,stride); PlotLineEx(label_id, getter); } void PlotLine(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter(xs,ys,count,offset,stride); return PlotLineEx(label_id, getter); } void PlotLine(const char* label_id, const ImVec2* data, int count, int offset) { GetterImVec2 getter(data, count, offset); return PlotLineEx(label_id, getter); } // double void PlotLine(const char* label_id, const double* values, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterYs getter(values,count,offset,stride); PlotLineEx(label_id, getter); } void PlotLine(const char* label_id, const double* xs, const double* ys, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter(xs,ys,count,offset,stride); return PlotLineEx(label_id, getter); } void PlotLine(const char* label_id, const ImPlotPoint* data, int count, int offset) { GetterImPlotPoint getter(data, count, offset); return PlotLineEx(label_id, getter); } // custom void PlotLine(const char* label_id, ImPlotPoint (*getter_func)(void* data, int idx), void* data, int count, int offset) { GetterFuncPtrImPlotPoint getter(getter_func,data, count, offset); return PlotLineEx(label_id, getter); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT SCATTER //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void PlotScatterEx(const char* label_id, Getter getter) { if (BeginItem(label_id, ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline)) { if (FitThisFrame()) { for (int i = 0; i < getter.Count; ++i) { ImPlotPoint p = getter(i); FitPoint(p); } } const ImPlotItemStyle& s = GetItemStyle(); ImDrawList& DrawList = *GetPlotDrawList(); // render markers ImPlotMarker marker = s.Marker == ImPlotMarker_None ? ImPlotMarker_Circle : s.Marker; if (marker != ImPlotMarker_None) { const ImU32 col_line = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline]); const ImU32 col_fill = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerFill]); switch (GetCurrentScale()) { case ImPlotScale_LinLin: RenderMarkers(getter, TransformerLinLin(), DrawList, marker, s.MarkerSize, s.RenderMarkerLine, col_line, s.MarkerWeight, s.RenderMarkerFill, col_fill); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLin: RenderMarkers(getter, TransformerLogLin(), DrawList, marker, s.MarkerSize, s.RenderMarkerLine, col_line, s.MarkerWeight, s.RenderMarkerFill, col_fill); break; case ImPlotScale_LinLog: RenderMarkers(getter, TransformerLinLog(), DrawList, marker, s.MarkerSize, s.RenderMarkerLine, col_line, s.MarkerWeight, s.RenderMarkerFill, col_fill); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLog: RenderMarkers(getter, TransformerLogLog(), DrawList, marker, s.MarkerSize, s.RenderMarkerLine, col_line, s.MarkerWeight, s.RenderMarkerFill, col_fill); break; } } EndItem(); } } // float void PlotScatter(const char* label_id, const float* values, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterYs getter(values,count,offset,stride); PlotScatterEx(label_id, getter); } void PlotScatter(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter(xs,ys,count,offset,stride); return PlotScatterEx(label_id, getter); } void PlotScatter(const char* label_id, const ImVec2* data, int count, int offset) { GetterImVec2 getter(data, count, offset); return PlotScatterEx(label_id, getter); } // double void PlotScatter(const char* label_id, const double* values, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterYs getter(values,count,offset,stride); PlotScatterEx(label_id, getter); } void PlotScatter(const char* label_id, const double* xs, const double* ys, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter(xs,ys,count,offset,stride); return PlotScatterEx(label_id, getter); } void PlotScatter(const char* label_id, const ImPlotPoint* data, int count, int offset) { GetterImPlotPoint getter(data, count, offset); return PlotScatterEx(label_id, getter); } // custom void PlotScatter(const char* label_id, ImPlotPoint (*getter_func)(void* data, int idx), void* data, int count, int offset) { GetterFuncPtrImPlotPoint getter(getter_func,data, count, offset); return PlotScatterEx(label_id, getter); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT SHADED //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void PlotShadedEx(const char* label_id, Getter1 getter1, Getter2 getter2) { if (BeginItem(label_id, ImPlotCol_Fill)) { if (FitThisFrame()) { for (int i = 0; i < ImMin(getter1.Count, getter2.Count); ++i) { ImPlotPoint p1 = getter1(i); ImPlotPoint p2 = getter2(i); FitPoint(p1); FitPoint(p2); } } const ImPlotItemStyle& s = GetItemStyle(); ImDrawList & DrawList = *GetPlotDrawList(); if (s.RenderFill) { ImU32 col = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill]); switch (GetCurrentScale()) { case ImPlotScale_LinLin: RenderPrimitives(ShadedRenderer(getter1,getter2,TransformerLinLin(), col), DrawList, GImPlot->BB_Plot); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLin: RenderPrimitives(ShadedRenderer(getter1,getter2,TransformerLogLin(), col), DrawList, GImPlot->BB_Plot); break; case ImPlotScale_LinLog: RenderPrimitives(ShadedRenderer(getter1,getter2,TransformerLinLog(), col), DrawList, GImPlot->BB_Plot); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLog: RenderPrimitives(ShadedRenderer(getter1,getter2,TransformerLogLog(), col), DrawList, GImPlot->BB_Plot); break; } } EndItem(); } } // float void PlotShaded(const char* label_id, const float* values, int count, float y_ref, int offset, int stride) { GetterYs getter1(values,count,offset,stride); GetterYRef getter2(y_ref, count); PlotShadedEx(label_id, getter1, getter2);} void PlotShaded(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys1, const float* ys2, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter1(xs, ys1, count, offset, stride); GetterXsYs getter2(xs, ys2, count, offset, stride); PlotShadedEx(label_id, getter1, getter2); } void PlotShaded(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, int count, float y_ref, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter1(xs, ys, count, offset, stride); GetterXsYRef getter2(xs, y_ref, count, offset, stride); PlotShadedEx(label_id, getter1, getter2); } // double void PlotShaded(const char* label_id, const double* values, int count, double y_ref, int offset, int stride) { GetterYs getter1(values,count,offset,stride); GetterYRef getter2(y_ref, count); PlotShadedEx(label_id, getter1, getter2); } void PlotShaded(const char* label_id, const double* xs, const double* ys1, const double* ys2, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter1(xs, ys1, count, offset, stride); GetterXsYs getter2(xs, ys2, count, offset, stride); PlotShadedEx(label_id, getter1, getter2); } void PlotShaded(const char* label_id, const double* xs, const double* ys, int count, double y_ref, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter1(xs, ys, count, offset, stride); GetterXsYRef getter2(xs, y_ref, count, offset, stride); PlotShadedEx(label_id, getter1, getter2); } // custom void PlotShaded(const char* label_id, ImPlotPoint (*g1)(void* data, int idx), void* data1, ImPlotPoint (*g2)(void* data, int idx), void* data2, int count, int offset) { GetterFuncPtrImPlotPoint getter1(g1, data1, count, offset); GetterFuncPtrImPlotPoint getter2(g2, data2, count, offset); PlotShadedEx(label_id, getter1, getter2); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT BAR V //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: Migrate to RenderPrimitives template void PlotBarsEx(const char* label_id, Getter getter, TWidth width) { if (BeginItem(label_id, ImPlotCol_Fill)) { const TWidth half_width = width / 2; if (FitThisFrame()) { for (int i = 0; i < getter.Count; ++i) { ImPlotPoint p = getter(i); FitPoint(ImPlotPoint(p.x - half_width, p.y)); FitPoint(ImPlotPoint(p.x + half_width, 0)); } } const ImPlotItemStyle& s = GetItemStyle(); ImDrawList& DrawList = *GetPlotDrawList(); ImU32 col_line = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line]); ImU32 col_fill = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill]); bool rend_line = s.RenderLine; if (s.RenderFill && col_line == col_fill) rend_line = false; for (int i = 0; i < getter.Count; ++i) { ImPlotPoint p = getter(i); if (p.y == 0) continue; ImVec2 a = PlotToPixels(p.x - half_width, p.y); ImVec2 b = PlotToPixels(p.x + half_width, 0); if (s.RenderFill) DrawList.AddRectFilled(a, b, col_fill); if (rend_line) DrawList.AddRect(a, b, col_line, 0, ImDrawCornerFlags_All, s.LineWeight); } EndItem(); } } // float void PlotBars(const char* label_id, const float* values, int count, float width, float shift, int offset, int stride) { GetterBarV getter(values,shift,count,offset,stride); PlotBarsEx(label_id, getter, width); } void PlotBars(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, int count, float width, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter(xs,ys,count,offset,stride); PlotBarsEx(label_id, getter, width); } // double void PlotBars(const char* label_id, const double* values, int count, double width, double shift, int offset, int stride) { GetterBarV getter(values,shift,count,offset,stride); PlotBarsEx(label_id, getter, width); } void PlotBars(const char* label_id, const double* xs, const double* ys, int count, double width, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter(xs,ys,count,offset,stride); PlotBarsEx(label_id, getter, width); } // custom void PlotBars(const char* label_id, ImPlotPoint (*getter_func)(void* data, int idx), void* data, int count, double width, int offset) { GetterFuncPtrImPlotPoint getter(getter_func, data, count, offset); PlotBarsEx(label_id, getter, width); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT BAR H //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: Migrate to RenderPrimitives template void PlotBarsHEx(const char* label_id, Getter getter, THeight height) { if (BeginItem(label_id, ImPlotCol_Fill)) { const THeight half_height = height / 2; if (FitThisFrame()) { for (int i = 0; i < getter.Count; ++i) { ImPlotPoint p = getter(i); FitPoint(ImPlotPoint(0, p.y - half_height)); FitPoint(ImPlotPoint(p.x, p.y + half_height)); } } const ImPlotItemStyle& s = GetItemStyle(); ImDrawList& DrawList = *GetPlotDrawList(); ImU32 col_line = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line]); ImU32 col_fill = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill]); bool rend_line = s.RenderLine; if (s.RenderFill && col_line == col_fill) rend_line = false; for (int i = 0; i < getter.Count; ++i) { ImPlotPoint p = getter(i); if (p.x == 0) continue; ImVec2 a = PlotToPixels(0, p.y - half_height); ImVec2 b = PlotToPixels(p.x, p.y + half_height); if (s.RenderFill) DrawList.AddRectFilled(a, b, col_fill); if (rend_line) DrawList.AddRect(a, b, col_line, 0, ImDrawCornerFlags_All, s.LineWeight); } EndItem(); } } // float void PlotBarsH(const char* label_id, const float* values, int count, float height, float shift, int offset, int stride) { GetterBarH getter(values,shift,count,offset,stride); PlotBarsHEx(label_id, getter, height); } void PlotBarsH(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, int count, float height, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter(xs,ys,count,offset,stride); PlotBarsHEx(label_id, getter, height); } // double void PlotBarsH(const char* label_id, const double* values, int count, double height, double shift, int offset, int stride) { GetterBarH getter(values,shift,count,offset,stride); PlotBarsHEx(label_id, getter, height); } void PlotBarsH(const char* label_id, const double* xs, const double* ys, int count, double height, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter(xs,ys,count,offset,stride); PlotBarsHEx(label_id, getter, height); } // custom void PlotBarsH(const char* label_id, ImPlotPoint (*getter_func)(void* data, int idx), void* data, int count, double height, int offset) { GetterFuncPtrImPlotPoint getter(getter_func, data, count, offset); PlotBarsHEx(label_id, getter, height); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT ERROR BARS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void PlotErrorBarsEx(const char* label_id, Getter getter) { if (BeginItem(label_id)) { if (FitThisFrame()) { for (int i = 0; i < getter.Count; ++i) { ImPlotPointError e = getter(i); FitPoint(ImPlotPoint(e.X , e.Y - e.Neg)); FitPoint(ImPlotPoint(e.X , e.Y + e.Pos )); } } const ImPlotItemStyle& s = GetItemStyle(); ImDrawList& DrawList = *GetPlotDrawList(); const ImU32 col = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_ErrorBar]); const bool rend_whisker = s.ErrorBarSize > 0; const float half_whisker = s.ErrorBarSize * 0.5f; for (int i = 0; i < getter.Count; ++i) { ImPlotPointError e = getter(i); ImVec2 p1 = PlotToPixels(e.X, e.Y - e.Neg); ImVec2 p2 = PlotToPixels(e.X, e.Y + e.Pos); DrawList.AddLine(p1,p2,col, s.ErrorBarWeight); if (rend_whisker) { DrawList.AddLine(p1 - ImVec2(half_whisker, 0), p1 + ImVec2(half_whisker, 0), col, s.ErrorBarWeight); DrawList.AddLine(p2 - ImVec2(half_whisker, 0), p2 + ImVec2(half_whisker, 0), col, s.ErrorBarWeight); } } EndItem(); } } // float void PlotErrorBars(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, const float* err, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterError getter(xs, ys, err, err, count, offset, stride); PlotErrorBarsEx(label_id, getter); } void PlotErrorBars(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, const float* neg, const float* pos, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterError getter(xs, ys, neg, pos, count, offset, stride); PlotErrorBarsEx(label_id, getter); } // double void PlotErrorBars(const char* label_id, const double* xs, const double* ys, const double* err, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterError getter(xs, ys, err, err, count, offset, stride); PlotErrorBarsEx(label_id, getter); } void PlotErrorBars(const char* label_id, const double* xs, const double* ys, const double* neg, const double* pos, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterError getter(xs, ys, neg, pos, count, offset, stride); PlotErrorBarsEx(label_id, getter); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT ERROR BARS H //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void PlotErrorBarsHEx(const char* label_id, Getter getter) { if (BeginItem(label_id)) { if (FitThisFrame()) { for (int i = 0; i < getter.Count; ++i) { ImPlotPointError e = getter(i); FitPoint(ImPlotPoint(e.X - e.Neg, e.Y)); FitPoint(ImPlotPoint(e.X + e.Pos, e.Y)); } } const ImPlotItemStyle& s = GetItemStyle(); ImDrawList& DrawList = *GetPlotDrawList(); const ImU32 col = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_ErrorBar]); const bool rend_whisker = s.ErrorBarSize > 0; const float half_whisker = s.ErrorBarSize * 0.5f; for (int i = 0; i < getter.Count; ++i) { ImPlotPointError e = getter(i); ImVec2 p1 = PlotToPixels(e.X - e.Neg, e.Y); ImVec2 p2 = PlotToPixels(e.X + e.Pos, e.Y); DrawList.AddLine(p1, p2, col, s.ErrorBarWeight); if (rend_whisker) { DrawList.AddLine(p1 - ImVec2(0, half_whisker), p1 + ImVec2(0, half_whisker), col, s.ErrorBarWeight); DrawList.AddLine(p2 - ImVec2(0, half_whisker), p2 + ImVec2(0, half_whisker), col, s.ErrorBarWeight); } } EndItem(); } } // float void PlotErrorBarsH(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, const float* err, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterError getter(xs, ys, err, err, count, offset, stride); PlotErrorBarsHEx(label_id, getter); } void PlotErrorBarsH(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, const float* neg, const float* pos, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterError getter(xs, ys, neg, pos, count, offset, stride); PlotErrorBarsHEx(label_id, getter); } // double void PlotErrorBarsH(const char* label_id, const double* xs, const double* ys, const double* err, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterError getter(xs, ys, err, err, count, offset, stride); PlotErrorBarsHEx(label_id, getter); } void PlotErrorBarsH(const char* label_id, const double* xs, const double* ys, const double* neg, const double* pos, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterError getter(xs, ys, neg, pos, count, offset, stride); PlotErrorBarsHEx(label_id, getter); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT STEMS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void PlotStemsEx(const char* label_id, GetterM get_mark, GetterB get_base) { if (BeginItem(label_id, ImPlotCol_Line)) { if (FitThisFrame()) { for (int i = 0; i < get_base.Count; ++i) { FitPoint(get_mark(i)); FitPoint(get_base(i)); } } const ImPlotItemStyle& s = GetItemStyle(); ImDrawList& DrawList = *GetPlotDrawList(); // render stems if (s.RenderLine) { const ImU32 col_line = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line]); switch (GetCurrentScale()) { case ImPlotScale_LinLin: RenderLineSegments(get_mark, get_base, TransformerLinLin(), DrawList, s.LineWeight, col_line); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLin: RenderLineSegments(get_mark, get_base, TransformerLogLin(), DrawList, s.LineWeight, col_line); break; case ImPlotScale_LinLog: RenderLineSegments(get_mark, get_base, TransformerLinLog(), DrawList, s.LineWeight, col_line); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLog: RenderLineSegments(get_mark, get_base, TransformerLogLog(), DrawList, s.LineWeight, col_line); break; } } // render markers ImPlotMarker marker = s.Marker == ImPlotMarker_None ? ImPlotMarker_Circle : s.Marker; if (marker != ImPlotMarker_None) { const ImU32 col_line = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline]); const ImU32 col_fill = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerFill]); switch (GetCurrentScale()) { case ImPlotScale_LinLin: RenderMarkers(get_mark, TransformerLinLin(), DrawList, marker, s.MarkerSize, s.RenderMarkerLine, col_line, s.MarkerWeight, s.RenderMarkerFill, col_fill); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLin: RenderMarkers(get_mark, TransformerLogLin(), DrawList, marker, s.MarkerSize, s.RenderMarkerLine, col_line, s.MarkerWeight, s.RenderMarkerFill, col_fill); break; case ImPlotScale_LinLog: RenderMarkers(get_mark, TransformerLinLog(), DrawList, marker, s.MarkerSize, s.RenderMarkerLine, col_line, s.MarkerWeight, s.RenderMarkerFill, col_fill); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLog: RenderMarkers(get_mark, TransformerLogLog(), DrawList, marker, s.MarkerSize, s.RenderMarkerLine, col_line, s.MarkerWeight, s.RenderMarkerFill, col_fill); break; } } EndItem(); } } void PlotStems(const char* label_id, const float* values, int count, float y_ref, int offset, int stride) { GetterYs get_mark(values,count,offset,stride); GetterYRef get_base(y_ref,count); PlotStemsEx(label_id, get_mark, get_base); } void PlotStems(const char* label_id, const double* values, int count, double y_ref, int offset, int stride) { GetterYs get_mark(values,count,offset,stride); GetterYRef get_base(y_ref,count); PlotStemsEx(label_id, get_mark, get_base); } void PlotStems(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, int count, float y_ref, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs get_mark(xs,ys,count,offset,stride); GetterXsYRef get_base(xs,y_ref,count,offset,stride); PlotStemsEx(label_id, get_mark, get_base); } void PlotStems(const char* label_id, const double* xs, const double* ys, int count, double y_ref, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs get_mark(xs,ys,count,offset,stride); GetterXsYRef get_base(xs,y_ref,count,offset,stride); PlotStemsEx(label_id, get_mark, get_base); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT PIE CHART //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void RenderPieSlice(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImPlotPoint& center, double radius, double a0, double a1, ImU32 col) { static const float resolution = 50 / (2 * IM_PI); static ImVec2 buffer[50]; buffer[0] = PlotToPixels(center); int n = ImMax(3, (int)((a1 - a0) * resolution)); double da = (a1 - a0) / (n - 1); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double a = a0 + i * da; buffer[i + 1] = PlotToPixels(center.x + radius * cos(a), center.y + radius * sin(a)); } DrawList.AddConvexPolyFilled(buffer, n + 1, col); } template void PlotPieChartEx(const char** label_ids, const T* values, int count, T x, T y, T radius, bool normalize, const char* fmt, T angle0) { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(GImPlot->CurrentPlot != NULL, "PlotPieChart() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImDrawList & DrawList = *GetPlotDrawList(); T sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) sum += values[i]; normalize = normalize || sum > 1.0f; ImPlotPoint center(x,y); PushPlotClipRect(); T a0 = angle0 * 2 * IM_PI / 360.0f; T a1 = angle0 * 2 * IM_PI / 360.0f; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { T percent = normalize ? values[i] / sum : values[i]; a1 = a0 + 2 * IM_PI * percent; if (BeginItem(label_ids[i])) { ImU32 col = ImGui::GetColorU32(GetCurrentItem()->Color); if (percent < 0.5) { RenderPieSlice(DrawList, center, radius, a0, a1, col); } else { RenderPieSlice(DrawList, center, radius, a0, a0 + (a1 - a0) * 0.5f, col); RenderPieSlice(DrawList, center, radius, a0 + (a1 - a0) * 0.5f, a1, col); } EndItem(); } a0 = a1; } if (fmt != NULL) { a0 = angle0 * 2 * IM_PI / 360.0f; a1 = angle0 * 2 * IM_PI / 360.0f; char buffer[32]; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ImPlotItem* item = GetItem(label_ids[i]); T percent = normalize ? values[i] / sum : values[i]; a1 = a0 + 2 * IM_PI * percent; if (item->Show) { sprintf(buffer, fmt, values[i]); ImVec2 size = ImGui::CalcTextSize(buffer); T angle = a0 + (a1 - a0) * 0.5f; ImVec2 pos = PlotToPixels(center.x + 0.5f * radius * cos(angle), center.y + 0.5f * radius * sin(angle)); ImU32 col = CalcTextColor(item->Color); DrawList.AddText(pos - size * 0.5f, col, buffer); } a0 = a1; } } PopPlotClipRect(); } // float void PlotPieChart(const char** label_ids, const float* values, int count, float x, float y, float radius, bool normalize, const char* fmt, float angle0) { return PlotPieChartEx(label_ids, values, count, x, y, radius, normalize, fmt, angle0); } // double void PlotPieChart(const char** label_ids, const double* values, int count, double x, double y, double radius, bool normalize, const char* fmt, double angle0) { return PlotPieChartEx(label_ids, values, count, x, y, radius, normalize, fmt, angle0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT HEATMAP //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void RenderHeatmap(Transformer transformer, ImDrawList& DrawList, const T* values, int rows, int cols, T scale_min, T scale_max, const char* fmt, const ImPlotPoint& bounds_min, const ImPlotPoint& bounds_max) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; const double w = (bounds_max.x - bounds_min.x) / cols; const double h = (bounds_max.y - bounds_min.y) / rows; const ImPlotPoint half_size(w*0.5,h*0.5); int i = 0; for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c) { ImPlotPoint p; p.x = bounds_min.x + 0.5*w + c*w; p.y = bounds_max.y - (0.5*h + r*h); ImVec2 a = transformer(p.x - half_size.x, p.y - half_size.y); ImVec2 b = transformer(p.x + half_size.x, p.y + half_size.y); float t = (float)ImRemap(values[i], scale_min, scale_max, T(0), T(1)); ImVec4 color = LerpColormap(t); color.w *= gp.Style.FillAlpha; ImU32 col = ImGui::GetColorU32(color); DrawList.AddRectFilled(a, b, col); i++; } } if (fmt != NULL) { i = 0; for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c) { ImPlotPoint p; p.x = bounds_min.x + 0.5*w + c*w; p.y = bounds_min.y + 1 - (0.5*h + r*h); ImVec2 px = transformer(p); char buff[32]; sprintf(buff, fmt, values[i]); ImVec2 size = ImGui::CalcTextSize(buff); float t = (float)ImRemap(values[i], scale_min, scale_max, T(0), T(1)); ImVec4 color = LerpColormap(t); ImU32 col = CalcTextColor(color); DrawList.AddText(px - size * 0.5f, col, buff); i++; } } } } template void PlotHeatmapEx(const char* label_id, const T* values, int rows, int cols, T scale_min, T scale_max, const char* fmt, const ImPlotPoint& bounds_min, const ImPlotPoint& bounds_max) { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(scale_min != scale_max, "Scale values must be different!"); if (BeginItem(label_id)) { if (FitThisFrame()) { FitPoint(bounds_min); FitPoint(bounds_max); } ImDrawList& DrawList = *GetPlotDrawList(); switch (GetCurrentScale()) { case ImPlotScale_LinLin: RenderHeatmap(TransformerLinLin(), DrawList, values, rows, cols, scale_min, scale_max, fmt, bounds_min, bounds_max); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLin: RenderHeatmap(TransformerLogLin(), DrawList, values, rows, cols, scale_min, scale_max, fmt, bounds_min, bounds_max); break; case ImPlotScale_LinLog: RenderHeatmap(TransformerLinLog(), DrawList, values, rows, cols, scale_min, scale_max, fmt, bounds_min, bounds_max); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLog: RenderHeatmap(TransformerLogLog(), DrawList, values, rows, cols, scale_min, scale_max, fmt, bounds_min, bounds_max); break; } EndItem(); } } // float void PlotHeatmap(const char* label_id, const float* values, int rows, int cols, float scale_min, float scale_max, const char* fmt, const ImPlotPoint& bounds_min, const ImPlotPoint& bounds_max) { return PlotHeatmapEx(label_id, values, rows, cols, scale_min, scale_max, fmt, bounds_min, bounds_max); } // double void PlotHeatmap(const char* label_id, const double* values, int rows, int cols, double scale_min, double scale_max, const char* fmt, const ImPlotPoint& bounds_min, const ImPlotPoint& bounds_max) { return PlotHeatmapEx(label_id, values, rows, cols, scale_min, scale_max, fmt, bounds_min, bounds_max); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT DIGITAL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: Make this behave like all the other plot types template inline void PlotDigitalEx(const char* label_id, Getter getter) { if (BeginItem(label_id, ImPlotCol_Fill)) { ImPlotContext& gp = *GImPlot; ImDrawList& DrawList = *GetPlotDrawList(); const ImPlotItemStyle& s = GetItemStyle(); if (getter.Count > 1 && s.RenderFill) { const int y_axis = GetCurrentYAxis(); int pixYMax = 0; ImPlotPoint itemData1 = getter(0); for (int i = 0; i < getter.Count; ++i) { ImPlotPoint itemData2 = getter(i); if (NanOrInf(itemData1.y)) { itemData1 = itemData2; continue; } if (NanOrInf(itemData2.y)) itemData2.y = ConstrainNan(ConstrainInf(itemData2.y)); int pixY_0 = (int)(s.LineWeight); itemData1.y = ImMax(0.0, itemData1.y); float pixY_1_float = s.DigitalBitHeight * (float)itemData1.y; int pixY_1 = (int)(pixY_1_float); //allow only positive values int pixY_chPosOffset = (int)(ImMax(s.DigitalBitHeight, pixY_1_float) + s.DigitalBitGap); pixYMax = ImMax(pixYMax, pixY_chPosOffset); ImVec2 pMin = PlotToPixels(itemData1); ImVec2 pMax = PlotToPixels(itemData2); int pixY_Offset = 20; //20 pixel from bottom due to mouse cursor label pMin.y = (gp.PixelRange[y_axis].Min.y) + ((-gp.DigitalPlotOffset) - pixY_Offset); pMax.y = (gp.PixelRange[y_axis].Min.y) + ((-gp.DigitalPlotOffset) - pixY_0 - pixY_1 - pixY_Offset); //plot only one rectangle for same digital state while (((i+2) < getter.Count) && (itemData1.y == itemData2.y)) { const int in = (i + 1); itemData2 = getter(in); if (NanOrInf(itemData2.y)) break; pMax.x = PlotToPixels(itemData2).x; i++; } //do not extend plot outside plot range if (pMin.x < gp.PixelRange[y_axis].Min.x) pMin.x = gp.PixelRange[y_axis].Min.x; if (pMax.x < gp.PixelRange[y_axis].Min.x) pMax.x = gp.PixelRange[y_axis].Min.x; if (pMin.x > gp.PixelRange[y_axis].Max.x) pMin.x = gp.PixelRange[y_axis].Max.x; if (pMax.x > gp.PixelRange[y_axis].Max.x) pMax.x = gp.PixelRange[y_axis].Max.x; //plot a rectangle that extends up to x2 with y1 height if ((pMax.x > pMin.x) && (gp.BB_Plot.Contains(pMin) || gp.BB_Plot.Contains(pMax))) { // ImVec4 colAlpha = item->Color; // colAlpha.w = item->Highlight ? 1.0f : 0.9f; DrawList.AddRectFilled(pMin, pMax, ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill])); } itemData1 = itemData2; } gp.DigitalPlotItemCnt++; gp.DigitalPlotOffset += pixYMax; } EndItem(); } } // float void PlotDigital(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter(xs,ys,count,offset,stride); return PlotDigitalEx(label_id, getter); } // double void PlotDigital(const char* label_id, const double* xs, const double* ys, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter(xs,ys,count,offset,stride); return PlotDigitalEx(label_id, getter); } // custom void PlotDigital(const char* label_id, ImPlotPoint (*getter_func)(void* data, int idx), void* data, int count, int offset) { GetterFuncPtrImPlotPoint getter(getter_func,data,count,offset); return PlotDigitalEx(label_id, getter); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT RECTS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void PlotRectsEx(const char* label_id, Getter getter) { if (BeginItem(label_id, ImPlotCol_Fill)) { if (FitThisFrame()) { for (int i = 0; i < getter.Count; ++i) { ImPlotPoint p = getter(i); FitPoint(p); } } const ImPlotItemStyle& s = GetItemStyle(); if (s.RenderFill) { ImDrawList& DrawList = *GetPlotDrawList(); ImU32 col = ImGui::GetColorU32(s.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill]); switch (GetCurrentScale()) { case ImPlotScale_LinLin: RenderPrimitives(RectRenderer(getter, TransformerLinLin(), col), DrawList, GImPlot->BB_Plot); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLin: RenderPrimitives(RectRenderer(getter, TransformerLogLin(), col), DrawList, GImPlot->BB_Plot); break; case ImPlotScale_LinLog: RenderPrimitives(RectRenderer(getter, TransformerLinLog(), col), DrawList, GImPlot->BB_Plot); break; case ImPlotScale_LogLog: RenderPrimitives(RectRenderer(getter, TransformerLogLog(), col), DrawList, GImPlot->BB_Plot); break; } } EndItem(); } } // float void PlotRects(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter(xs,ys,count,offset,stride); PlotRectsEx(label_id, getter); } // double void PlotRects(const char* label_id, const double* xs, const double* ys, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterXsYs getter(xs,ys,count,offset,stride); PlotRectsEx(label_id, getter); } // custom void PlotRects(const char* label_id, ImPlotPoint (*getter_func)(void* data, int idx), void* data, int count, int offset) { GetterFuncPtrImPlotPoint getter(getter_func,data,count,offset); return PlotRectsEx(label_id, getter); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT TEXT //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // float void PlotText(const char* text, float x, float y, bool vertical, const ImVec2& pixel_offset) { return PlotText(text, (double)x, (double)y, vertical, pixel_offset); } // double void PlotText(const char* text, double x, double y, bool vertical, const ImVec2& pixel_offset) { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(GImPlot->CurrentPlot != NULL, "PlotText() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImDrawList & DrawList = *GetPlotDrawList(); PushPlotClipRect(); ImU32 colTxt = GetStyleColorU32(ImPlotCol_InlayText); if (vertical) { ImVec2 ctr = CalcTextSizeVertical(text) * 0.5f; ImVec2 pos = PlotToPixels(ImPlotPoint(x,y)) + ImVec2(-ctr.x, ctr.y) + pixel_offset; AddTextVertical(&DrawList, pos, colTxt, text); } else { ImVec2 pos = PlotToPixels(ImPlotPoint(x,y)) - ImGui::CalcTextSize(text) * 0.5f + pixel_offset; DrawList.AddText(pos, colTxt, text); } PopPlotClipRect(); } } // namespace ImPlot