#ifdef IMPLOT_BACKEND_ENABLE_OPENGL3 #include "../implot.h" #include "../implot_internal.h" #include "implot_backend.h" #if defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES2) #include // About Desktop OpenGL function loaders: // Modern desktop OpenGL doesn't have a standard portable header file to load OpenGL function pointers. // Helper libraries are often used for this purpose! Here we are supporting a few common ones (gl3w, glew, glad). // You may use another loader/header of your choice (glext, glLoadGen, etc.), or chose to manually implement your own. #elif defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_GL3W) #include // Initialize with gl3wInit() #elif defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_GLEW) #include // Initialize with glewInit() #elif defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_GLAD) #include // Initialize with gladLoadGL() #elif defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_GLAD2) #include // Initialize with gladLoadGL(...) or gladLoaderLoadGL() #elif defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_GLBINDING2) #define GLFW_INCLUDE_NONE // GLFW including OpenGL headers causes ambiguity or multiple definition errors. #include // Initialize with glbinding::Binding::initialize() #include using namespace gl; #elif defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_GLBINDING3) #define GLFW_INCLUDE_NONE // GLFW including OpenGL headers causes ambiguity or multiple definition errors. #include // Initialize with glbinding::initialize() #include using namespace gl; #else #include IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_CUSTOM #endif namespace ImPlot { namespace Backend { struct HeatmapShader { GLuint ID = 0; ///< Shader ID for the heatmap shader GLuint AttribLocationProjection = 0; ///< Attribute location for the projection matrix uniform GLuint AttribLocationMinValue = 0; ///< Attribute location for the minimum value uniform GLuint AttribLocationMaxValue = 0; ///< Attribute location for the maximum value uniform }; struct HeatmapData { HeatmapShader* ShaderProgram; ///< Shader to be used by this heatmap (either ShaderInt or ShaderFloat) GLuint HeatmapTexID; ///< Texture ID of the heatmap 2D texture GLuint ColormapTexID; ///< Texture ID of the colormap 1D texture float MinValue; ///< Minimum value of the colormap float MaxValue; ///< Maximum value of the colormap }; struct ContextData { HeatmapShader ShaderInt; ///< Shader for integer heatmaps HeatmapShader ShaderFloat; ///< Shader for floating-point heatmaps GLuint AttribLocationImGuiProjection = 0; ///< Attribute location for the projection matrix uniform (ImGui default shader) GLuint ImGuiShader = 0; ///< Shader ID of ImGui's default shader ImVector HeatmapDataList; ///< Array of heatmap data ImVector ColormapIDs; ///< Texture IDs of the colormap textures ImGuiStorage PlotIDs; ///< PlotID <-> Heatmap array index table ImVector temp1; ///< Temporary data ImVector temp2; ///< Temporary data ImVector temp3; ///< Temporary data }; void* CreateContext() { return new ContextData; } void DestroyContext() { ContextData& Context = *((ContextData*)GImPlot->backendCtx); for(const HeatmapData& data : Context.HeatmapDataList) glDeleteTextures(1, &data.HeatmapTexID); for(GLuint texID : Context.ColormapIDs) glDeleteTextures(1, &texID); glDeleteProgram(Context.ShaderInt.ID); glDeleteProgram(Context.ShaderFloat.ID); Context.HeatmapDataList.clear(); Context.PlotIDs.Clear(); } #define HEATMAP_VERTEX_SHADER_CODE \ "#version 330 core\n" \ "precision mediump float;\n" \ "layout (location = %d) in vec2 Position;\n" \ "layout (location = %d) in vec2 UV;\n" \ "\n" \ "uniform mat4 ProjMtx;\n" \ "out vec2 Frag_UV;\n" \ "\n" \ "void main()\n" \ "{\n" \ " Frag_UV = UV;\n" \ " gl_Position = ProjMtx * vec4(Position.xy, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n" \ "}\n" #define HEATMAP_FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE \ "#version 330 core\n" \ "precision mediump float;\n" \ "\n" \ "in vec2 Frag_UV;\n" \ "out vec4 Out_Color;\n" \ "\n" \ "uniform sampler1D colormap;\n" \ "uniform %csampler2D heatmap;\n" \ "uniform float min_val;\n" \ "uniform float max_val;\n" \ "\n" \ "void main()\n" \ "{\n" \ " float value = float(texture(heatmap, Frag_UV).r);\n" \ " float offset = (value - min_val) / (max_val - min_val);\n" \ " Out_Color = texture(colormap, clamp(offset, 0.0f, 1.0f));\n" \ "}\n" static void CompileShader(HeatmapShader& ShaderProgram, GLchar* VertexShaderCode, GLchar* FragmentShaderCode) { GLuint VertexShader = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER); glShaderSource(VertexShader, 1, &VertexShaderCode, nullptr); glCompileShader(VertexShader); GLuint FragmentShader = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); glShaderSource(FragmentShader, 1, &FragmentShaderCode, nullptr); glCompileShader(FragmentShader); ShaderProgram.ID = glCreateProgram(); glAttachShader(ShaderProgram.ID, VertexShader); glAttachShader(ShaderProgram.ID, FragmentShader); glLinkProgram(ShaderProgram.ID); glDetachShader(ShaderProgram.ID, VertexShader); glDetachShader(ShaderProgram.ID, FragmentShader); glDeleteShader(VertexShader); glDeleteShader(FragmentShader); ShaderProgram.AttribLocationProjection = glGetUniformLocation(ShaderProgram.ID, "ProjMtx"); ShaderProgram.AttribLocationMinValue = glGetUniformLocation(ShaderProgram.ID, "min_val"); ShaderProgram.AttribLocationMaxValue = glGetUniformLocation(ShaderProgram.ID, "max_val"); glUseProgram(ShaderProgram.ID); glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(ShaderProgram.ID, "heatmap"), 0); // Set texture slot of heatmap texture glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(ShaderProgram.ID, "colormap"), 1); // Set texture slot of colormap texture } static void CreateHeatmapShader(const ImDrawList*, const ImDrawCmd*) { ContextData& Context = *((ContextData*)GImPlot->backendCtx); glGetIntegerv(GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM, (GLint*)&Context.ImGuiShader); Context.AttribLocationImGuiProjection = glGetUniformLocation(Context.ImGuiShader, "ProjMtx"); GLuint AttribLocationVtxPos = (GLuint)glGetAttribLocation(Context.ImGuiShader, "Position"); GLuint AttribLocationVtxUV = (GLuint)glGetAttribLocation(Context.ImGuiShader, "UV"); GLchar* VertexShaderCode = new GLchar[512]; GLchar* FragmentShaderCode = new GLchar[512]; snprintf(VertexShaderCode, 512, HEATMAP_VERTEX_SHADER_CODE, AttribLocationVtxPos, AttribLocationVtxUV); snprintf(FragmentShaderCode, 512, HEATMAP_FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE, ' '); CompileShader(Context.ShaderFloat, VertexShaderCode, FragmentShaderCode); snprintf(VertexShaderCode, 512, HEATMAP_VERTEX_SHADER_CODE, AttribLocationVtxPos, AttribLocationVtxUV); snprintf(FragmentShaderCode, 512, HEATMAP_FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE, 'i'); CompileShader(Context.ShaderInt, VertexShaderCode, FragmentShaderCode); glUseProgram(0); delete[] VertexShaderCode; delete[] FragmentShaderCode; } static void RenderCallback(const ImDrawList*, const ImDrawCmd* cmd) { ContextData& Context = *((ContextData*)GImPlot->backendCtx); int plotID = (int)(intptr_t)cmd->UserCallbackData; int plotIdx = Context.PlotIDs.GetInt(plotID, -1); HeatmapData& data = Context.HeatmapDataList[plotIdx]; // Get projection matrix of current shader float OrthoProjection[4][4]; glGetUniformfv(Context.ImGuiShader, Context.AttribLocationImGuiProjection, &OrthoProjection[0][0]); // Enable our shader glUseProgram(data.ShaderProgram->ID); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, data.HeatmapTexID); // Set texture ID of data glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, data.ColormapTexID); // Set texture ID of colormap glUniformMatrix4fv(data.ShaderProgram->AttribLocationProjection, 1, GL_FALSE, &OrthoProjection[0][0]); glUniform1f(data.ShaderProgram->AttribLocationMinValue, data.MinValue); // Set minimum range glUniform1f(data.ShaderProgram->AttribLocationMaxValue, data.MaxValue); // Set maximum range } static void ResetState(const ImDrawList*, const ImDrawCmd*) { glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); ContextData& Context = *((ContextData*)GImPlot->backendCtx); glUseProgram(Context.ImGuiShader); } static void SetTextureData(int plotID, const void* data, GLsizei rows, GLsizei cols, GLint internalFormat, GLenum format, GLenum type) { ContextData& Context = *((ContextData*)GImPlot->backendCtx); int idx = Context.PlotIDs.GetInt(plotID, -1); GLuint texID = Context.HeatmapDataList[idx].HeatmapTexID; Context.HeatmapDataList[idx].ShaderProgram = (type == GL_FLOAT ? &Context.ShaderFloat : &Context.ShaderInt); // Set heatmap data glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texID); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, internalFormat, cols, rows, 0, format, type, data); } void AddColormap(const ImU32* keys, int count, bool qual) { GLuint textureID; glGenTextures(1, &textureID); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, textureID); glTexImage1D(GL_TEXTURE_1D, 0, GL_RGBA, count, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, keys); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, qual ? GL_NEAREST : GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, qual ? GL_NEAREST : GL_LINEAR); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, 0); ContextData& Context = *((ContextData*)GImPlot->backendCtx); Context.ColormapIDs.push_back(textureID); } static GLuint CreateHeatmapTexture() { GLuint textureID; glGenTextures(1, &textureID); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); return textureID; } void SetHeatmapData(int plotID, const ImS8* values, int rows, int cols) { SetTextureData(plotID, values, rows, cols, GL_R8I, GL_RED_INTEGER, GL_BYTE); } void SetHeatmapData(int plotID, const ImU8* values, int rows, int cols) { SetTextureData(plotID, values, rows, cols, GL_R8UI, GL_RED_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE); } void SetHeatmapData(int plotID, const ImS16* values, int rows, int cols) { SetTextureData(plotID, values, rows, cols, GL_R16I, GL_RED_INTEGER, GL_SHORT); } void SetHeatmapData(int plotID, const ImU16* values, int rows, int cols) { SetTextureData(plotID, values, rows, cols, GL_R16UI, GL_RED_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT); } void SetHeatmapData(int plotID, const ImS32* values, int rows, int cols) { SetTextureData(plotID, values, rows, cols, GL_R32I, GL_RED_INTEGER, GL_INT); } void SetHeatmapData(int plotID, const ImU32* values, int rows, int cols) { SetTextureData(plotID, values, rows, cols, GL_R32UI, GL_RED_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_INT); } void SetHeatmapData(int plotID, const float* values, int rows, int cols) { SetTextureData(plotID, values, rows, cols, GL_R32F, GL_RED, GL_FLOAT); } void SetHeatmapData(int plotID, const double* values, int rows, int cols) { ContextData& Context = *((ContextData*)GImPlot->backendCtx); if(Context.temp1.Size < rows * cols) Context.temp1.resize(rows * cols); for(int i = 0; i < rows*cols; i++) Context.temp1[i] = (float)values[i]; SetTextureData(plotID, Context.temp1.Data, rows, cols, GL_R32F, GL_RED, GL_FLOAT); } void SetHeatmapData(int plotID, const ImS64* values, int rows, int cols) { ContextData& Context = *((ContextData*)GImPlot->backendCtx); if(Context.temp2.Size < rows * cols) Context.temp2.resize(rows * cols); for(int i = 0; i < rows*cols; i++) Context.temp2[i] = (ImS32)values[i]; SetTextureData(plotID, Context.temp2.Data, rows, cols, GL_R32I, GL_RED_INTEGER, GL_INT); } void SetHeatmapData(int plotID, const ImU64* values, int rows, int cols) { ContextData& Context = *((ContextData*)GImPlot->backendCtx); if(Context.temp3.Size < rows * cols) Context.temp3.resize(rows * cols); for(int i = 0; i < rows*cols; i++) Context.temp3[i] = (ImU32)values[i]; SetTextureData(plotID, Context.temp3.Data, rows, cols, GL_R32UI, GL_RED_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_INT); } void RenderHeatmap(int plotID, ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& bounds_min, const ImVec2& bounds_max, float scale_min, float scale_max, ImPlotColormap colormap) { ContextData& Context = *((ContextData*)GImPlot->backendCtx); int idx = Context.PlotIDs.GetInt(plotID, Context.HeatmapDataList.Size); if(idx == Context.HeatmapDataList.Size) { // New entry Context.PlotIDs.SetInt(plotID, Context.HeatmapDataList.Size); Context.HeatmapDataList.push_back(HeatmapData()); Context.HeatmapDataList[idx].HeatmapTexID = CreateHeatmapTexture(); } HeatmapData& data = Context.HeatmapDataList[idx]; data.ColormapTexID = Context.ColormapIDs[colormap]; data.MinValue = scale_min; data.MaxValue = scale_max; if(Context.ShaderInt.ID == 0 || Context.ShaderFloat.ID == 0) DrawList.AddCallback(CreateHeatmapShader, nullptr); DrawList.AddCallback(RenderCallback, (void*)(intptr_t)plotID); DrawList.PrimReserve(6, 4); DrawList.PrimRectUV(bounds_min, bounds_max, ImVec2(0.0f, 1.0f), ImVec2(1.0f, 0.0f), 0); DrawList.AddCallback(ResetState, nullptr); } void BustPlotCache() { ContextData& Context = *((ContextData*)GImPlot->backendCtx); for(const HeatmapData& data : Context.HeatmapDataList) glDeleteTextures(1, &data.HeatmapTexID); Context.HeatmapDataList.clear(); Context.PlotIDs.Clear(); } void BustItemCache() {} } } #endif