// MIT License // Copyright (c) 2020 Evan Pezent // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // ImPlot v0.1 WIP #include #include #include namespace { struct ScrollingData { int MaxSize = 1000; int Offset = 0; ImVector Data; ScrollingData() { Data.reserve(MaxSize); } void AddPoint(float x, float y) { if (Data.size() < MaxSize) Data.push_back(ImVec2(x,y)); else { Data[Offset] = ImVec2(x,y); Offset = (Offset + 1) % MaxSize; } } }; struct RollingData { float Span = 10.0f; ImVector Data; RollingData() { Data.reserve(1000); } void AddPoint(float x, float y) { float xmod = ImFmod(x, Span); if (!Data.empty() && xmod < Data.back().x) Data.shrink(0); Data.push_back(ImVec2(xmod, y)); } }; } namespace ImGui { void ShowImPlotDemoWindow(bool* p_open) { ImVec2 main_viewport_pos = ImGui::GetMainViewport()->Pos; ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(main_viewport_pos.x + 650, main_viewport_pos.y + 20), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(550, 680), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); ImGui::Begin("ImPlot Demo", p_open); ImGui::Text("ImPlot says hello. (0.1 WIP)"); if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Help")) { ImGui::Text("USER GUIDE:"); ImGui::BulletText("Left click and drag within the plot area to pan X and Y axes."); ImGui::BulletText("Left click and drag on an axis to pan an individual axis."); ImGui::BulletText("Scroll in the plot area to zoom both X any Y axes."); ImGui::BulletText("Scroll on an axis to zoom an individual axis."); ImGui::BulletText("Right click and drag to box select data."); ImGui::Indent(); ImGui::BulletText("Hold Alt to expand box selection horizontally."); ImGui::BulletText("Hold Shift to expand box selection vertically."); ImGui::BulletText("Left click while box selecting to cancel the selection."); ImGui::Unindent(); ImGui::BulletText("Middle click (or Ctrl + right click) and drag to create a query range."); ImGui::Indent(); ImGui::BulletText("Hold Alt to expand query horizontally."); ImGui::BulletText("Hold Shift to expand query vertically."); ImGui::Unindent(); ImGui::BulletText("Double left click to fit all visible data."); ImGui::BulletText("Double right click to open the plot context menu."); ImGui::BulletText("Click legend label icons to show/hide plot items."); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Line Plots")) { static float xs1[1001], ys1[1001]; for (int i = 0; i < 1001; ++i) { xs1[i] = i * 0.001f; ys1[i] = 0.5f + 0.5f * sin(50 * xs1[i]); } static float xs2[11], ys2[11]; for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i) { xs2[i] = i * 0.1f; ys2[i] = xs2[i] * xs2[i]; } if (ImGui::BeginPlot("Line Plot", "x", "f(x)", {-1,300})) { ImGui::Plot("sin(50*x)", xs1, ys1, 1001); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Circle); ImGui::Plot("x^2", xs2, ys2, 11); ImGui::PopPlotStyleVar(); ImGui::EndPlot(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Scatter Plots")) { srand(0); static float xs1[100], ys1[100]; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { xs1[i] = i * 0.01f; ys1[i] = xs1[i] + 0.1f * ((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX); } static float xs2[50], ys2[50]; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { xs2[i] = 0.25f + 0.2f * ((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX); ys2[i] = 0.75f + 0.2f * ((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX); } if (ImGui::BeginPlot("Scatter Plot", NULL, NULL, {-1,300})) { ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_LineWeight, 0); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Cross); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_MarkerSize, 3); ImGui::Plot("Data 1", xs1, ys1, 100); ImGui::PopPlotStyleVar(2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Circle); ImGui::PushPlotColor(ImPlotCol_MarkerFill, ImVec4{1,0,0,0.25f}); ImGui::Plot("Data 2", xs2, ys2, 50); ImGui::PopPlotColor(); ImGui::PopPlotStyleVar(2); ImGui::EndPlot(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Bar Plots")) { static bool horz = false; ImGui::Checkbox("Horizontal",&horz); if (horz) ImGui::SetNextPlotRange(0, 110, -0.5f, 9.5f, ImGuiCond_Always); else ImGui::SetNextPlotRange(-0.5f, 9.5f, 0, 110, ImGuiCond_Always); if (ImGui::BeginPlot("Bar Plot", horz ? "Score": "Student", horz ? "Student" : "Score", {-1, 300})) { static float midtm[10] = {83, 67, 23, 89, 83, 78, 91, 82, 85, 90}; static float final[10] = {80, 62, 56, 99, 55, 78, 88, 78, 90, 100}; static float grade[10] = {80, 69, 52, 92, 72, 78, 75, 76, 89, 95}; if (horz) { ImGui::PlotBarH("Midterm Exam", midtm, 10, 0.2f, -0.2f); ImGui::PlotBarH("Final Exam", final, 10, 0.2f, 0); ImGui::PlotBarH("Course Grade", grade, 10, 0.2f, 0.2f); } else { ImGui::PlotBar("Midterm Exam", midtm, 10, 0.2f, -0.2f); ImGui::PlotBar("Final Exam", final, 10, 0.2f, 0); ImGui::PlotBar("Course Grade", grade, 10, 0.2f, 0.2f); } ImGui::EndPlot(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Error Bars")) { float xs[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; float lin[5] = {8,8,9,7,8}; float bar[5] = {1,2,5,3,4}; float err1[5] = {0.2, 0.4, 0.2, 0.6, 0.4}; float err2[5] = {0.4, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 0.6}; ImGui::SetNextPlotRange(0, 6, 0, 10); if (ImGui::BeginPlot("##ErrorBars",NULL,NULL,ImVec2(-1,300))) { ImGui::PlotBar("Bar", xs, bar, 5, 0.5f); ImGui::PlotErrorBars("Bar", xs, bar, err1, 5); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Circle); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_MarkerSize, 3); ImGui::PushPlotColor(ImPlotCol_ErrorBar, ImVec4(1,0,0,1)); ImGui::PlotErrorBars("Line", xs, lin, err1, err2, 5); ImGui::Plot("Line", xs, lin, 5); ImGui::PopPlotStyleVar(2); ImGui::PopPlotColor(); ImGui::EndPlot(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Realtime Plots")) { ImGui::BulletText("Move your mouse to change the data!"); static bool paused = false; static ScrollingData sdata1, sdata2; static RollingData rdata1, rdata2; ImVec2 mouse = ImGui::GetMousePos(); static float t = 0; if (!paused) { t += ImGui::GetIO().DeltaTime; sdata1.AddPoint(t, mouse.x * 0.0005f); rdata1.AddPoint(t, mouse.x * 0.0005f); sdata2.AddPoint(t, mouse.y * 0.0005f); rdata2.AddPoint(t, mouse.y * 0.0005f); } ImGui::SetNextPlotRangeX(t - 10, t, paused ? ImGuiCond_Once : ImGuiCond_Always); static int rt_axis = ImAxisFlags_Default & ~ImAxisFlags_TickLabels; if (ImGui::BeginPlot("##Scrolling", NULL, NULL, {-1,150}, ImPlotFlags_Default, rt_axis, rt_axis)) { ImGui::Plot("Data 1", &sdata1.Data[0].x, &sdata1.Data[0].y, sdata1.Data.size(), sdata1.Offset, 2 * sizeof(float)); ImGui::Plot("Data 2", &sdata2.Data[0].x, &sdata2.Data[0].y, sdata2.Data.size(), sdata2.Offset, 2 * sizeof(float)); ImGui::EndPlot(); } ImGui::SetNextPlotRangeX(0, 10, ImGuiCond_Always); if (ImGui::BeginPlot("##Rolling", NULL, NULL, {-1,150}, ImPlotFlags_Default, rt_axis, rt_axis)) { ImGui::Plot("Data 1", &rdata1.Data[0].x, &rdata1.Data[0].y, rdata1.Data.size(), 0, 2 * sizeof(float)); ImGui::Plot("Data 2", &rdata2.Data[0].x, &rdata2.Data[0].y, rdata2.Data.size(), 0, 2 * sizeof(float)); ImGui::EndPlot(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Markers and Labels")) { ImGui::SetNextPlotRange(0, 10, 0, 12); if (ImGui::BeginPlot("##MarkerStyles", NULL, NULL, ImVec2(-1,300), 0, 0, 0)) { float xs[2] = {1,4}; float ys[2] = {10,11}; // filled ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Circle); ImGui::Plot("Circle##Fill", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Square); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Square##Fill", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Diamond); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Diamond##Fill", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Up); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Up##Fill", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Down); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Down##Fill", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Left); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Left##Fill", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Right); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Right##Fill", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Cross); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Cross##Fill", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Plus); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Plus##Fill", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Asterisk); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Asterisk##Fill", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PopPlotStyleVar(10); xs[0] = 6; xs[1] = 9; ys[0] = 10; ys[1] = 11; ImGui::PushPlotColor(ImPlotCol_MarkerFill, ImVec4(0,0,0,0)); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Circle); ImGui::Plot("Circle", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Square); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Square", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Diamond); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Diamond", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Up); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Up", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Down); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Down", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Left); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Left", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Right); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Right", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Cross); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Cross", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Plus); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Plus", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Asterisk); ys[0]--; ys[1]--; ImGui::Plot("Asterisk", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PopPlotColor(); ImGui::PopPlotStyleVar(10); xs[0] = 5; xs[1] = 5; ys[0] = 1; ys[1] = 11; ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_LineWeight, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_MarkerSize, 8); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_MarkerWeight, 2); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Circle | ImMarker_Cross); ImGui::PushPlotColor(ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline, ImVec4(0,0,0,1)); ImGui::PushPlotColor(ImPlotCol_MarkerFill, ImVec4(1,1,1,1)); ImGui::PushPlotColor(ImPlotCol_Line, ImVec4(0,0,0,1)); ImGui::Plot("Circle|Cross", xs, ys, 2); ImGui::PopPlotStyleVar(4); ImGui::PopPlotColor(3); ImGui::PlotLabel("Filled Markers", 1.5, 11.75); ImGui::PlotLabel("Open Markers", 6.75, 11.75); ImGui::PlotLabel("Fancy Markers", 4.5, 4.25, true); ImGui::EndPlot(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Log Scale")) { ImGui::BulletText("Open the plot context menu (double right click) to change scales."); static float xs[1001], ys1[1001], ys2[1001], ys3[1001]; for (int i = 0; i < 1001; ++i) { xs[i] = (float)(i*0.1f); ys1[i] = sin(xs[i]) + 1; ys2[i] = log(xs[i]); ys3[i] = pow(10.0f, xs[i]); } ImGui::SetNextPlotRange(0.1f, 100, 0, 10); if (ImGui::BeginPlot("Log Plot", NULL, NULL, ImVec2(-1,300), ImPlotFlags_Default, ImAxisFlags_Default | ImAxisFlags_LogScale )) { ImGui::Plot("f(x) = x", xs, xs, 1001); ImGui::Plot("f(x) = sin(x)+1", xs, ys1, 1001); ImGui::Plot("f(x) = log(x)", xs, ys2, 1001); ImGui::Plot("f(x) = 10^x", xs, ys3, 21); ImGui::EndPlot(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Querying")) { ImGui::BulletText("Ctrl + click in the plot area to draw points."); ImGui::BulletText("Middle click (or Ctrl + right click) and drag to query points."); ImGui::BulletText("Hold the Alt and/or Shift keys to expand the query range."); static ImVector data; ImPlotRange range, query; if (ImGui::BeginPlot("##Drawing", NULL, NULL, ImVec2(-1,300), ImPlotFlags_Default, ImAxisFlags_GridLines, ImAxisFlags_GridLines)) { if (ImGui::IsPlotHovered() && ImGui::IsMouseClicked(0) && ImGui::GetIO().KeyCtrl) data.push_back(ImGui::GetPlotMousePos()); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_LineWeight, 0); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Diamond); if (data.size() > 0) ImGui::Plot("Points", &data[0].x, &data[0].y, data.size(), 0, 2 * sizeof(float)); if (ImGui::IsPlotQueried() && data.size() > 0) { ImPlotRange range = ImGui::GetPlotQuery(); int cnt = 0; ImVec2 avg; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { if (range.Contains(data[i])) { avg.x += data[i].x; avg.y += data[i].y; cnt++; } } if (cnt > 0) { avg.x = avg.x / cnt; avg.y = avg.y / cnt; ImGui::Plot("Average", &avg.x, &avg.y, 1); } } ImGui::PopPlotStyleVar(2); range = ImGui::GetPlotRange(); query = ImGui::GetPlotQuery(); ImGui::EndPlot(); } ImGui::Text("The current plot range is: [%g,%g,%g,%g]", range.XMin, range.XMax, range.YMin, range.YMax); ImGui::Text("The current query range is: [%g,%g,%g,%g]", query.XMin, query.XMax, query.YMin, query.YMax); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Views")) { // mimic's soulthread's imgui_plot demo static float x_data[512]; static float y_data1[512]; static float y_data2[512]; static float y_data3[512]; static float sampling_freq = 44100; static float freq = 500; for (size_t i = 0; i < 512; ++i) { const float t = i / sampling_freq; x_data[i] = t; const float arg = 2 * 3.14 * freq * t; y_data1[i] = sin(arg); y_data2[i] = y_data1[i] * -0.6 + sin(2 * arg) * 0.4; y_data3[i] = y_data2[i] * -0.6 + sin(3 * arg) * 0.4; } ImGui::BulletText("Query the first plot to render a subview in the second plot."); ImGui::BulletText("Toggle \"Pixel Query\" in the context menu and then pan the plot."); ImGui::SetNextPlotRange(0,0.01f,-1,1); ImAxisFlags flgs = ImAxisFlags_Default & ~ImAxisFlags_TickLabels; ImPlotRange query; if (ImGui::BeginPlot("##View1",NULL,NULL,ImVec2(-1,150), ImPlotFlags_Default, flgs, flgs)) { ImGui::Plot("Signal 1", x_data, y_data1, 512); ImGui::Plot("Signal 2", x_data, y_data2, 512); ImGui::Plot("Signal 3", x_data, y_data3, 512); query = ImGui::GetPlotQuery(); ImGui::EndPlot(); } ImGui::SetNextPlotRange(query.XMin, query.XMax, query.YMin, query.YMax, ImGuiCond_Always); if (ImGui::BeginPlot("##View2",NULL,NULL,ImVec2(-1,150), 0, 0, 0)) { ImGui::Plot("Signal 1", x_data, y_data1, 512); ImGui::Plot("Signal 2", x_data, y_data2, 512); ImGui::Plot("Signal 3", x_data, y_data3, 512); ImGui::EndPlot(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Drag and Drop")) { static bool paused = false; static bool init = true; #define K_PLOT_ANALOG_CH_COUNT 4 #define K_PLOT_DIGITAL_CH_COUNT 8 static ScrollingData dataAnalog[K_PLOT_ANALOG_CH_COUNT]; static ScrollingData dataDigital[K_PLOT_DIGITAL_CH_COUNT]; static bool showAnalog[K_PLOT_ANALOG_CH_COUNT]; static bool showDigital[K_PLOT_DIGITAL_CH_COUNT]; if (init) { for (int i = 0; i < K_PLOT_ANALOG_CH_COUNT; ++i) { showAnalog[i] = false; dataAnalog[i].AddPoint(0, 0.25f + 0.5f * (float)rand() / float(RAND_MAX)); } for (int i = 0; i < K_PLOT_DIGITAL_CH_COUNT; ++i) { showDigital[i] = false; dataDigital[i].AddPoint(0, false); } init = false; } ImGui::BulletText("Drag data items from the left column onto the plot."); static int bitHeight = 7; ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(100); ImGui::DragInt("Customize Bit Hieght", &bitHeight, 0.2, 5, 50); ImGui::BeginGroup(); if (ImGui::Button("Clear", {100, 0})) { for (int i = 0; i < K_PLOT_ANALOG_CH_COUNT; ++i) showAnalog[i] = false; for (int i = 0; i < K_PLOT_DIGITAL_CH_COUNT; ++i) showDigital[i] = false; } if (ImGui::Button(paused ? "Resume" : "Pause", {100,0})) paused = !paused; ImGui::Separator(); for (int i = 0; i < K_PLOT_ANALOG_CH_COUNT; ++i) { char label[32]; sprintf(label, "analog_data_%d", i); ImGui::Selectable(label, false, 0, {100, 0}); if (ImGui::BeginDragDropSource(ImGuiDragDropFlags_None)) { ImGui::SetDragDropPayload("DND_ANALOG_PLOT", &i, sizeof(int)); ImGui::TextUnformatted(label); ImGui::EndDragDropSource(); } } for (int i = 0; i < K_PLOT_DIGITAL_CH_COUNT; ++i) { char label[32]; sprintf(label, "digital_data_%d", i); ImGui::Selectable(label, false, 0, {100, 0}); if (ImGui::BeginDragDropSource(ImGuiDragDropFlags_None)) { ImGui::SetDragDropPayload("DND_DIGITAL_PLOT", &i, sizeof(int)); ImGui::TextUnformatted(label); ImGui::EndDragDropSource(); } } ImGui::EndGroup(); ImGui::SameLine(); static float t = 0; if (!paused) { t += ImGui::GetIO().DeltaTime; for (int i = 0; i < K_PLOT_ANALOG_CH_COUNT; ++i) { dataAnalog[i].AddPoint(t, dataAnalog[i].Data.back().y + (0.005f + 0.0002f * (float)rand() / float(RAND_MAX)) * (-1 + 2 * (float)rand() / float(RAND_MAX))); } int i = 0; dataDigital[i++].AddPoint(t, sin(t) > 0.45); dataDigital[i++].AddPoint(t, sin(t) < 0.45); dataDigital[i++].AddPoint(t, sin(t) > 0.83); dataDigital[i++].AddPoint(t, sin(t) < 0.17); } ImGui::SetNextPlotRangeX(t - 10.0f, t, paused ? ImGuiCond_Once : ImGuiCond_Always); if (ImGui::BeginPlot("##DND", NULL, NULL, ImVec2(-1,300), ImPlotFlags_Default)) { for (int i = 0; i < K_PLOT_DIGITAL_CH_COUNT; ++i) { if (showDigital[i]) { char label[32]; sprintf(label, "digital_data_%d", i); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_DigitalBitHeight, bitHeight); ImGui::PlotDigital(label, &dataDigital[i].Data[0].x, &dataDigital[i].Data[0].y, dataDigital[i].Data.size(), dataDigital[i].Offset, 2 * sizeof(float)); ImGui::PopPlotStyleVar(); } } for (int i = 0; i < K_PLOT_ANALOG_CH_COUNT; ++i) { if (showAnalog[i]) { char label[32]; sprintf(label, "digital_data_%d", i); ImGui::Plot(label, &dataAnalog[i].Data[0].x, &dataAnalog[i].Data[0].y, dataAnalog[i].Data.size(), dataAnalog[i].Offset, 2 * sizeof(float)); } } ImGui::EndPlot(); } if (ImGui::BeginDragDropTarget()) { if (const ImGuiPayload* payload = ImGui::AcceptDragDropPayload("DND_ANALOG_PLOT")) { int i = *(int*)payload->Data; showAnalog[i] = true; } else if (const ImGuiPayload* payload = ImGui::AcceptDragDropPayload("DND_DIGITAL_PLOT")) { int i = *(int*)payload->Data; showDigital[i] = true; } ImGui::EndDragDropTarget(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Custom Styles")) { static ImVec4 my_palette[3] = { {0.000f, 0.980f, 0.604f, 1.0f}, {0.996f, 0.278f, 0.380f, 1.0f}, {(0.1176470593F), (0.5647059083F), (1.0F), (1.0F)}, }; ImGui::SetPlotPalette(my_palette, 3); ImGui::PushPlotColor(ImPlotCol_FrameBg, IM_COL32(32,51,77,255)); ImGui::PushPlotColor(ImPlotCol_PlotBg, {0,0,0,0}); ImGui::PushPlotColor(ImPlotCol_PlotBorder, {0,0,0,0}); ImGui::PushPlotColor(ImPlotCol_XAxis, IM_COL32(192, 192, 192, 192)); ImGui::PushPlotColor(ImPlotCol_YAxis, IM_COL32(192, 192, 192, 192)); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_LineWeight, 2); ImGui::SetNextPlotRange(-0.5f, 9.5f, -0.5f, 9.5f); if (ImGui::BeginPlot("##Custom", NULL, NULL, {-1,300}, ImPlotFlags_Default & ~ImPlotFlags_Legend, 0)) { float lin[10] = {8,8,9,7,8,8,8,9,7,8}; float bar[10] = {1,2,5,3,4,1,2,5,3,4}; float dot[10] = {7,6,6,7,8,5,6,5,8,7}; ImGui::PlotBar("Bar", bar, 10, 0.5f); ImGui::Plot("Line", lin, 10); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_LineWeight, 0); ImGui::PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar_Marker, ImMarker_Square); ImGui::Plot("Dot", dot, 10); ImGui::PopPlotStyleVar(2); ImGui::EndPlot(); } ImGui::PopPlotColor(5); ImGui::PopPlotStyleVar(); ImGui::RestorePlotPalette(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImGui::End(); } } // namespace ImGui