// MIT License // Copyright (c) 2020 Evan Pezent // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // ImPlot v0.1 WIP #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning (disable: 4996) // 'This function or variable may be unsafe': strcpy, strdup, sprintf, vsnprintf, sscanf, fopen #endif #ifndef IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS #define IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS #endif #include #include #define IM_NORMALIZE2F_OVER_ZERO(VX, VY) \ { \ float d2 = VX * VX + VY * VY; \ if (d2 > 0.0f) { \ float inv_len = 1.0f / ImSqrt(d2); \ VX *= inv_len; \ VY *= inv_len; \ } \ } // Special Color used to specific that a plot item color should set determined automatically. #define IM_COL_AUTO ImVec4(0,0,0,-1) ImPlotStyle::ImPlotStyle() { LineWeight = 1; Marker = ImMarker_None; MarkerSize = 5; MarkerWeight = 1; ErrorBarSize = 5; ErrorBarWeight = 1.5; DigitalBitHeight = 8; Colors[ImPlotCol_Line] = IM_COL_AUTO; Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill] = IM_COL_AUTO; Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline] = IM_COL_AUTO; Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerFill] = IM_COL_AUTO; Colors[ImPlotCol_ErrorBar] = IM_COL_AUTO; Colors[ImPlotCol_FrameBg] = IM_COL_AUTO; Colors[ImPlotCol_PlotBg] = IM_COL_AUTO; Colors[ImPlotCol_PlotBorder] = IM_COL_AUTO; Colors[ImPlotCol_XAxis] = IM_COL_AUTO; Colors[ImPlotCol_YAxis] = IM_COL_AUTO; Colors[ImPlotCol_Selection] = ImVec4(1,1,0,1); Colors[ImPlotCol_Query] = ImVec4(0,1,0,1); } ImPlotRange::ImPlotRange() { XMin = XMax = YMin = YMax = NAN; } bool ImPlotRange::Contains(const ImVec2& p) { return p.x >= XMin && p.x <= XMax && p.y >= YMin && p.y <= YMax; } namespace ImGui { namespace { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private Utils //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Returns true if a flag is set template inline bool HasFlag(TSet set, TFlag flag) { return (set & flag) == flag; } /// Flips a flag in a flagset template inline void FlipFlag(TSet& set, TFlag flag) { HasFlag(set, flag) ? set &= ~flag : set |= flag; } /// Linearly remaps float x from [x0 x1] to [y0 y1]. inline float Remap(float x, float x0, float x1, float y0, float y1) { return y0 + (x - x0) * (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0); } /// Turns NANs to 0s inline float ConstrainNan(float val) { return val == NAN || val == -NAN ? 0 : val; } /// Turns INFINITYs to FLT_MAXs inline float ConstrainInf(float val) { return val == INFINITY ? FLT_MAX : val == -INFINITY ? -FLT_MAX : val; } /// Turns numbers less than or equal to 0 to 0.001 (sort of arbitrary, is there a better way?) inline float ConstrainLog(float val) { return val <= 0 ? 0.001f : val; } /// Returns true if val is NAN or INFINITY inline bool NanOrInf(float val) { return val == INFINITY || val == NAN || val == -INFINITY || val == -NAN; } /// Utility function to that rounds x to powers of 2,5 and 10 for generating axis labels /// Taken from Graphics Gems 1 Chapter 11.2, "Nice Numbers for Graph Labels" inline double NiceNum(double x, bool round) { double f; /* fractional part of x */ double nf; /* nice, rounded fraction */ int expv = (int)floor(log10(x)); f = x / ImPow(10.0, (double)expv); /* between 1 and 10 */ if (round) if (f < 1.5) nf = 1; else if (f < 3) nf = 2; else if (f < 7) nf = 5; else nf = 10; else if (f <= 1) nf = 1; else if (f <= 2) nf = 2; else if (f <= 5) nf = 5; else nf = 10; return nf * ImPow(10.0, expv); } /// Draws vertical text. The position is the bottom left of the text rect. inline void AddTextVertical(ImDrawList *DrawList, const char *text, ImVec2 pos, ImU32 text_color) { pos.x = IM_ROUND(pos.x); pos.y = IM_ROUND(pos.y); ImFont * font = GImGui->Font; const ImFontGlyph *glyph; char c; while ((c = *text++)) { glyph = font->FindGlyph(c); if (!glyph) continue; DrawList->PrimReserve(6, 4); DrawList->PrimQuadUV( pos + ImVec2(glyph->Y0, -glyph->X0), pos + ImVec2(glyph->Y0, -glyph->X1), pos + ImVec2(glyph->Y1, -glyph->X1), pos + ImVec2(glyph->Y1, -glyph->X0), ImVec2(glyph->U0, glyph->V0), ImVec2(glyph->U1, glyph->V0), ImVec2(glyph->U1, glyph->V1), ImVec2(glyph->U0, glyph->V1), text_color); pos.y -= glyph->AdvanceX; } } /// Calculates the size of vertical text inline ImVec2 CalcTextSizeVertical(const char *text) { ImVec2 sz = CalcTextSize(text); return ImVec2(sz.y, sz.x); } } // private namespace //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forwards //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImVec4 NextColor(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Structs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Tick mark info struct ImTick { ImTick(double value, bool major, bool render_label = true) { PlotPos = value; Major = major; RenderLabel = render_label; } double PlotPos; float PixelPos; bool Major; ImVec2 Size; int TextOffset; bool RenderLabel; }; struct ImPlotItem { ImPlotItem() { Show = true; Highlight = false; Color = NextColor(); NameOffset = -1; ID = 0; } ~ImPlotItem() { ID = 0; } bool Show; bool Highlight; ImVec4 Color; int NameOffset; ImGuiID ID; }; /// Plot axis structure. You shouldn't need to construct this! struct ImPlotAxis { ImPlotAxis() { Dragging = false; Min = 0; Max = 1; Divisions = 3; Subdivisions = 10; Flags = ImAxisFlags_Default; } float Range() { return Max - Min; } bool Dragging; float Min; float Max; int Divisions; int Subdivisions; ImAxisFlags Flags; }; /// Holds Plot state information that must persist between frames struct ImPlot { ImPlot() { Selecting = Querying = Queried = DraggingQuery = false; SelectStart = QueryStart = ImVec2(0,0); Flags = ImPlotFlags_Default; ColorIdx = 0; } ImPool Items; ImRect BB_Legend; bool Selecting; ImVec2 SelectStart; bool Querying; bool Queried; ImVec2 QueryStart; ImRect QueryRect; // relative to BB_grid!! bool DraggingQuery; ImPlotRange QueryRange; ImPlotAxis XAxis; ImPlotAxis YAxis; inline ImPlotAxis& Axis(int idx) { return (&XAxis)[idx]; } ImPlotFlags Flags; int ColorIdx; }; struct ImNextPlotData { ImNextPlotData() { HasXRange = false; HasYRange = false; } ImGuiCond XRangeCond; ImGuiCond YRangeCond; bool HasXRange; bool HasYRange; float XMin, XMax, YMin, YMax; }; /// Holds Plot state information that must persist only between calls to BeginPlot()/EndPlot() struct ImPlotContext { ImPlotContext() { CurrentPlot = NULL; FitThisFrame = FitX = FitY = false; RestorePlotPalette(); } /// ALl Plots ImPool Plots; /// Current Plot ImPlot* CurrentPlot; // Legend ImVector LegendIndices; ImGuiTextBuffer LegendLabels; // Bounding regions ImRect BB_Frame; ImRect BB_Canvas; ImRect BB_Grid; // Hover states bool Hov_Frame; bool Hov_Grid; // Cached Colors ImU32 Col_Frame, Col_Bg, Col_Border, Col_Txt, Col_TxtDis, Col_SlctBg, Col_SlctBd, Col_QryBg, Col_QryBd, Col_XMajor, Col_XMinor, Col_XTxt, Col_YMajor, Col_YMinor, Col_YTxt; // Tick marks ImVector XTicks, YTicks; ImGuiTextBuffer XTickLabels, YTickLabels; // Transformation cache ImRect PixelRange; ImVec2 M; // linear scale (slope) ImVec2 LogDen; // log scale denominator // Data extents ImRect Extents; bool FitThisFrame; bool FitX; bool FitY; int VisibleItemCount; // Render flags bool RenderX, RenderY; // Mouse pos ImVec2 LastMousePos; // Style ImVector ColorMap; ImPlotStyle Style; ImVector ColorModifiers; // Stack for PushStyleColor()/PopStyleColor() ImVector StyleModifiers; // Stack for PushStyleVar()/PopStyleVar() ImNextPlotData NextPlotData; // Digital plot item count int DigitalPlotItemCnt; }; /// Global plot context static ImPlotContext gp; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utils //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Returns the next unused default plot color ImVec4 NextColor() { auto col = gp.ColorMap[gp.CurrentPlot->ColorIdx % gp.ColorMap.size()]; gp.CurrentPlot->ColorIdx++; return col; } inline void FitPoint(const ImVec2& p) { if (!NanOrInf(p.x)) { gp.Extents.Min.x = p.x < gp.Extents.Min.x ? p.x : gp.Extents.Min.x; gp.Extents.Max.x = p.x > gp.Extents.Max.x ? p.x : gp.Extents.Max.x; } if (!NanOrInf(p.y)) { gp.Extents.Min.y = p.y < gp.Extents.Min.y ? p.y : gp.Extents.Min.y; gp.Extents.Max.y = p.y > gp.Extents.Max.y ? p.y : gp.Extents.Max.y; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Coordinate Transforms //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void UpdateTransformCache() { // get pixels for transforms gp.PixelRange = ImRect(HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_Invert) ? gp.BB_Grid.Max.x : gp.BB_Grid.Min.x, HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_Invert) ? gp.BB_Grid.Min.y : gp.BB_Grid.Max.y, HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_Invert) ? gp.BB_Grid.Min.x : gp.BB_Grid.Max.x, HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_Invert) ? gp.BB_Grid.Max.y : gp.BB_Grid.Min.y); gp.M.x = (gp.PixelRange.Max.x - gp.PixelRange.Min.x) / (gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Max - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min); gp.M.y = (gp.PixelRange.Max.y - gp.PixelRange.Min.y) / (gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Max - gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min); gp.LogDen.x = log10(gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Max / gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min); gp.LogDen.y = log10(gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Max / gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min); } inline ImVec2 PixelsToPlot(float x, float y) { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "PixelsToPlot() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImVec2 plt; plt.x = (x - gp.PixelRange.Min.x) / gp.M.x + gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min; plt.y = (y - gp.PixelRange.Min.y) / gp.M.y + gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min; if (HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale)) { float t = (plt.x - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min) / (gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Max - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min); plt.x = pow(10.0f, t * gp.LogDen.x) * gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min; } if (HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale)) { float t = (plt.y - gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min) / (gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Max - gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min); plt.y = pow(10.0f, t * gp.LogDen.y) * gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min; } return plt; } inline ImVec2 PlotToPixels(float x, float y) { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "PlotToPixels() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImVec2 pix; if (HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale)) { float t = log10(x / gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min) / gp.LogDen.x; x = ImLerp(gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min, gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Max, t); } if (HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale)) { float t = log10(y / gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min) / gp.LogDen.y; y = ImLerp(gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min, gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Max, t); } pix.x = gp.PixelRange.Min.x + gp.M.x * (x - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min); pix.y = gp.PixelRange.Min.y + gp.M.y * (y - gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min); return pix; } ImVec2 PixelsToPlot(const ImVec2& pix) { return PixelsToPlot(pix.x, pix.y); } ImVec2 PlotToPixels(const ImVec2& plt) { return PlotToPixels(plt.x, plt.y); } struct Plt2PixLinLin { static inline ImVec2 Transform(const ImVec2& plt) { return Transform(plt.x, plt.y); } static inline ImVec2 Transform(float x, float y) { return { gp.PixelRange.Min.x + gp.M.x * (x - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min), gp.PixelRange.Min.y + gp.M.y * (y - gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min) }; } }; struct Plt2PixLinLinObj { Plt2PixLinLinObj() { a = gp.PixelRange.Min.x; b = gp.M.x; c = gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min; d = gp.PixelRange.Min.y; e = gp.M.y; f = gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min; } inline ImVec2 Transform(const ImVec2& plt) { return Transform(plt.x, plt.y); } inline ImVec2 Transform(float x, float y) { return { a + b * (x - c), d + e * (y - f) }; } float a, b, c, d, e, f; }; struct Plt2PixLogLin { static inline ImVec2 Transform(const ImVec2& plt) { return Transform(plt.x, plt.y); } static inline ImVec2 Transform(float x, float y) { float t = log10(x / gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min) / gp.LogDen.x; x = ImLerp(gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min, gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Max, t); return { gp.PixelRange.Min.x + gp.M.x * (x - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min), gp.PixelRange.Min.y + gp.M.y * (y - gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min) }; } }; struct Plt2PixLinLog { static inline ImVec2 Transform(const ImVec2& plt) { return Transform(plt.x, plt.y); } static inline ImVec2 Transform(float x, float y) { float t = log10(y / gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min) / gp.LogDen.y; y = ImLerp(gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min, gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Max, t); return { gp.PixelRange.Min.x + gp.M.x * (x - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min), gp.PixelRange.Min.y + gp.M.y * (y - gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min) }; } }; struct Plt2PixLogLog { static inline ImVec2 Transform(const ImVec2& plt) { return Transform(plt.x, plt.y); } static inline ImVec2 Transform(float x, float y) { float t = log10(x / gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min) / gp.LogDen.x; x = ImLerp(gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min, gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Max, t); t = log10(y / gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min) / gp.LogDen.y; y = ImLerp(gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min, gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Max, t); return { gp.PixelRange.Min.x + gp.M.x * (x - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min), gp.PixelRange.Min.y + gp.M.y * (y - gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Min) }; } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Legend Utils //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImPlotItem* RegisterItem(const char* label_id) { ImGuiID id = ImGui::GetID(label_id); ImPlotItem* item = gp.CurrentPlot->Items.GetOrAddByKey(id); int idx = gp.CurrentPlot->Items.GetIndex(item); item->ID = id; gp.LegendIndices.push_back(idx); item->NameOffset = gp.LegendLabels.size(); gp.LegendLabels.append(label_id, label_id + strlen(label_id) + 1); if (item->Show) gp.VisibleItemCount++; return item; } int GetLegendCount() { return gp.LegendIndices.size(); } ImPlotItem* GetLegendItem(int i) { return gp.CurrentPlot->Items.GetByIndex(gp.LegendIndices[i]); } const char* GetLegendLabel(int i) { ImPlotItem* item = gp.CurrentPlot->Items.GetByIndex(gp.LegendIndices[i]); IM_ASSERT(item->NameOffset != -1 && item->NameOffset < gp.LegendLabels.Buf.Size); return gp.LegendLabels.Buf.Data + item->NameOffset; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tick Utils //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void GetTicks(float tMin, float tMax, int nMajor, int nMinor, bool logscale, ImVector &out) { out.shrink(0); if (logscale) { if (tMin <= 0 || tMax <= 0) return; int exp_min = (int)(ImFloor(log10(tMin))); int exp_max = (int)(ImCeil(log10(tMax))); for (int e = exp_min - 1; e < exp_max + 1; ++e) { double major1 = ImPow(10, (double)(e)); double major2 = ImPow(10, (double)(e + 1)); double interval = (major2 - major1) / 9; if (major1 >= (tMin - FLT_EPSILON) && major1 <= (tMax + FLT_EPSILON)) out.push_back(ImTick(major1, true)); for (int i = 1; i < 9; ++i) { double minor = major1 + i * interval; if (minor >= (tMin - FLT_EPSILON) && minor <= (tMax + FLT_EPSILON)) out.push_back(ImTick(minor, false, false)); } } } else { const double range = NiceNum(tMax - tMin, 0); const double interval = NiceNum(range / (nMajor - 1), 1); const double graphmin = floor(tMin / interval) * interval; const double graphmax = ceil(tMax / interval) * interval; for (double major = graphmin; major < graphmax + 0.5 * interval; major += interval) { if (major >= tMin && major <= tMax) out.push_back(ImTick(major, true)); for (int i = 1; i < nMinor; ++i) { double minor = major + i * interval / nMinor; if (minor >= tMin && minor <= tMax) out.push_back(ImTick(minor, false)); } } } } inline void LabelTicks(ImVector &ticks, bool scientific, ImGuiTextBuffer& buffer) { buffer.Buf.resize(0); char temp[32]; for (auto &tk : ticks) { if (tk.RenderLabel) { tk.TextOffset = buffer.size(); if (scientific) sprintf(temp, "%.0e", tk.PlotPos); else sprintf(temp, "%g", tk.PlotPos); buffer.append(temp, temp + strlen(temp) + 1); tk.Size = CalcTextSize(buffer.Buf.Data + tk.TextOffset); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BeginPlot() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool BeginPlot(const char* title, const char* x_label, const char* y_label, const ImVec2& size, ImPlotFlags flags, ImAxisFlags x_flags, ImAxisFlags y_flags) { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot == NULL, "Mismatched BeginPlot()/EndPlot()!"); // FRONT MATTER ----------------------------------------------------------- ImGuiContext &G = *GImGui; ImGuiWindow * Window = G.CurrentWindow; if (Window->SkipItems) { gp.NextPlotData = ImNextPlotData(); return false; } const ImGuiID ID = Window->GetID(title); const ImGuiStyle &Style = G.Style; const ImGuiIO & IO = GetIO(); bool just_created = gp.Plots.GetByKey(ID) == NULL; gp.CurrentPlot = gp.Plots.GetOrAddByKey(ID); ImPlot &plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; if (just_created) { plot.Flags = flags; plot.XAxis.Flags = x_flags; plot.YAxis.Flags = y_flags; } // capture scroll with a child region if (!HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_NoChild)) { ImGui::BeginChild(title, size); Window = ImGui::GetCurrentWindow(); Window->ScrollMax.y = 1.0f; } ImDrawList &DrawList = *Window->DrawList; // NextPlotData ----------------------------------------------------------- if (gp.NextPlotData.HasXRange) { if (just_created || gp.NextPlotData.XRangeCond == ImGuiCond_Always) { plot.XAxis.Min = gp.NextPlotData.XMin; plot.XAxis.Max = gp.NextPlotData.XMax; } } if (gp.NextPlotData.HasYRange) { if (just_created || gp.NextPlotData.YRangeCond == ImGuiCond_Always) { plot.YAxis.Min = gp.NextPlotData.YMin; plot.YAxis.Max = gp.NextPlotData.YMax; } } // AXIS STATES ------------------------------------------------------------ const bool flip_x = HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_Invert); const bool lock_x_min = HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMin); const bool lock_x_max = HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMax); const bool lock_x = (lock_x_min && lock_x_max) || (gp.NextPlotData.HasXRange && gp.NextPlotData.XRangeCond == ImGuiCond_Always); const bool flip_y = HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_Invert); const bool lock_y_min = HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMin); const bool lock_y_max = HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMax); const bool lock_y = (lock_y_min && lock_y_max) || (gp.NextPlotData.HasYRange && gp.NextPlotData.YRangeCond == ImGuiCond_Always); const bool lock_plot = lock_x && lock_y; // CONSTRAINTS ------------------------------------------------------------ plot.XAxis.Min = ConstrainNan(ConstrainInf(plot.XAxis.Min)); plot.XAxis.Max = ConstrainNan(ConstrainInf(plot.XAxis.Max)); plot.YAxis.Min = ConstrainNan(ConstrainInf(plot.YAxis.Min)); plot.YAxis.Max = ConstrainNan(ConstrainInf(plot.YAxis.Max)); if (HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale)) plot.XAxis.Min = ConstrainLog(plot.XAxis.Min); if (HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale)) plot.XAxis.Max = ConstrainLog(plot.XAxis.Max); if (HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale)) plot.YAxis.Min = ConstrainLog(plot.YAxis.Min); if (HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale)) plot.YAxis.Max = ConstrainLog(plot.YAxis.Max); if (plot.XAxis.Max <= plot.XAxis.Min) plot.XAxis.Max = plot.XAxis.Min + FLT_EPSILON; if (plot.YAxis.Max <= plot.YAxis.Min) plot.YAxis.Max = plot.YAxis.Min + FLT_EPSILON; // adaptive divisions if (HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_Adaptive)) { plot.XAxis.Divisions = (int)IM_ROUND(0.003 * gp.BB_Canvas.GetWidth()); if (plot.XAxis.Divisions < 2) plot.XAxis.Divisions = 2; } if (HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_Adaptive)) { plot.YAxis.Divisions = (int)IM_ROUND(0.003 * gp.BB_Canvas.GetHeight()); if (plot.YAxis.Divisions < 2) plot.YAxis.Divisions = 2; } // COLORS ----------------------------------------------------------------- gp.Col_Frame = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_FrameBg].w == -1 ? GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_FrameBg) : GetColorU32(gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_FrameBg]); gp.Col_Bg = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_PlotBg].w == -1 ? GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_WindowBg) : GetColorU32(gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_PlotBg]); gp.Col_Border = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_PlotBorder].w == -1 ? GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Text, 0.5f) : GetColorU32(gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_PlotBorder]); const ImVec4 col_xAxis = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_XAxis].w == -1 ? ImGui::GetStyle().Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] * ImVec4(1, 1, 1, 0.25f) : gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_XAxis]; gp.Col_XMajor = GetColorU32(col_xAxis); gp.Col_XMinor = GetColorU32(col_xAxis * ImVec4(1, 1, 1, 0.25f)); gp.Col_XTxt = GetColorU32({col_xAxis.x, col_xAxis.y, col_xAxis.z, 1}); const ImVec4 col_yAxis = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_YAxis].w == -1 ? ImGui::GetStyle().Colors[ImGuiCol_Text] * ImVec4(1, 1, 1, 0.25f) : gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_YAxis]; gp.Col_YMajor = GetColorU32(col_yAxis); gp.Col_YMinor = GetColorU32(col_yAxis * ImVec4(1, 1, 1, 0.25f)); gp.Col_YTxt = GetColorU32({col_yAxis.x, col_yAxis.y, col_yAxis.z, 1}); gp.Col_Txt = GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Text); gp.Col_TxtDis = GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_TextDisabled); gp.Col_SlctBg = GetColorU32(gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Selection] * ImVec4(1,1,1,0.25f)); gp.Col_SlctBd = GetColorU32(gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Selection]); gp.Col_QryBg = GetColorU32(gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Query] * ImVec4(1,1,1,0.25f)); gp.Col_QryBd = GetColorU32(gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Query]); // BB AND HOVER ----------------------------------------------------------- // frame const ImVec2 frame_size = CalcItemSize(size, 100, 100); gp.BB_Frame = ImRect(Window->DC.CursorPos, Window->DC.CursorPos + frame_size); ItemSize(gp.BB_Frame); if (!ItemAdd(gp.BB_Frame, 0, &gp.BB_Frame)) { gp.NextPlotData = ImNextPlotData(); gp.CurrentPlot = NULL; if (!HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_NoChild)) ImGui::EndChild(); return false; } gp.Hov_Frame = ItemHoverable(gp.BB_Frame, ID); RenderFrame(gp.BB_Frame.Min, gp.BB_Frame.Max, gp.Col_Frame, true, Style.FrameRounding); // canvas bb gp.BB_Canvas = ImRect(gp.BB_Frame.Min + Style.WindowPadding, gp.BB_Frame.Max - Style.WindowPadding); gp.RenderX = (HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_GridLines) || HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickMarks) || HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickLabels)) && plot.XAxis.Divisions > 1; gp.RenderY = (HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_GridLines) || HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickMarks) || HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickLabels)) && plot.YAxis.Divisions > 1; // get ticks if (gp.RenderX) GetTicks(plot.XAxis.Min, plot.XAxis.Max, plot.XAxis.Divisions, plot.XAxis.Subdivisions, HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale), gp.XTicks); if (gp.RenderY) GetTicks(plot.YAxis.Min, plot.YAxis.Max, plot.YAxis.Divisions, plot.YAxis.Subdivisions, HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale), gp.YTicks); // label ticks if (HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickLabels)) LabelTicks(gp.XTicks, HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_Scientific), gp.XTickLabels); float max_label_width = 0; if (HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickLabels)) { LabelTicks(gp.YTicks, HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_Scientific), gp.YTickLabels); for (auto &yt : gp.YTicks) max_label_width = yt.Size.x > max_label_width ? yt.Size.x : max_label_width; } // grid bb const ImVec2 title_size = CalcTextSize(title, NULL, true); const float txt_off = 5; const float txt_height = GetTextLineHeight(); const float pad_top = title_size.x > 0.0f ? txt_height + txt_off : 0; const float pad_bot = (HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickLabels) ? txt_height + txt_off : 0) + (x_label ? txt_height + txt_off : 0); const float pad_left = (HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickLabels) ? max_label_width + txt_off : 0) + (y_label ? txt_height + txt_off : 0); gp.BB_Grid = ImRect(gp.BB_Canvas.Min + ImVec2(pad_left, pad_top), gp.BB_Canvas.Max - ImVec2(0, pad_bot)); gp.Hov_Grid = gp.BB_Grid.Contains(IO.MousePos); // axis region bbs const ImRect xAxisRegion_bb(gp.BB_Grid.Min + ImVec2(10, 0), {gp.BB_Grid.Max.x, gp.BB_Frame.Max.y}); const bool hov_x_axis_region = xAxisRegion_bb.Contains(IO.MousePos); const ImRect yAxisRegion_bb({gp.BB_Frame.Min.x, gp.BB_Grid.Min.y}, gp.BB_Grid.Max - ImVec2(0, 10)); const bool hov_y_axis_region = yAxisRegion_bb.Contains(IO.MousePos); // legend hovered from last frame const bool hov_legend = HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_Legend) ? gp.Hov_Frame && plot.BB_Legend.Contains(IO.MousePos) : false; bool hov_query = false; if (plot.Queried && !plot.Querying) { ImRect bb_query; if (HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_PixelQuery)) { bb_query = plot.QueryRect; bb_query.Min += gp.BB_Grid.Min; bb_query.Max += gp.BB_Grid.Min; } else { UpdateTransformCache(); ImVec2 p1 = PlotToPixels(plot.QueryRange.XMin, plot.QueryRange.YMin); ImVec2 p2 = PlotToPixels(plot.QueryRange.XMax, plot.QueryRange.YMax); bb_query.Min = ImVec2(ImMin(p1.x,p2.x), ImMin(p1.y,p2.y)); bb_query.Max = ImVec2(ImMax(p1.x,p2.x), ImMax(p1.y,p2.y)); } hov_query = bb_query.Contains(IO.MousePos); } // QUERY DRAG ------------------------------------------------------------- if (plot.DraggingQuery && (IO.MouseReleased[0] || !IO.MouseDown[0])) { plot.DraggingQuery = false; } if (plot.DraggingQuery) { SetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeAll); if (!HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_PixelQuery)) { ImVec2 p1 = PlotToPixels(plot.QueryRange.XMin, plot.QueryRange.YMin); ImVec2 p2 = PlotToPixels(plot.QueryRange.XMax, plot.QueryRange.YMax); plot.QueryRect.Min = ImVec2(ImMin(p1.x,p2.x), ImMin(p1.y,p2.y)) + IO.MouseDelta; plot.QueryRect.Max = ImVec2(ImMax(p1.x,p2.x), ImMax(p1.y,p2.y)) + IO.MouseDelta; p1 = PixelsToPlot(plot.QueryRect.Min); p2 = PixelsToPlot(plot.QueryRect.Max); plot.QueryRect.Min -= gp.BB_Grid.Min; plot.QueryRect.Max -= gp.BB_Grid.Min; plot.QueryRange.XMin = ImMin(p1.x, p2.x); plot.QueryRange.XMax = ImMax(p1.x, p2.x); plot.QueryRange.YMin = ImMin(p1.y, p2.y); plot.QueryRange.YMax = ImMax(p1.y, p2.y); } else { plot.QueryRect.Min += IO.MouseDelta; plot.QueryRect.Max += IO.MouseDelta; } } if (gp.Hov_Frame && hov_query && !plot.DraggingQuery && !plot.Selecting && !hov_legend) { SetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeAll); if (IO.MouseDown[0] && !plot.XAxis.Dragging && !plot.YAxis.Dragging) { plot.DraggingQuery = true; } } // DRAG INPUT ------------------------------------------------------------- // end drags if (plot.XAxis.Dragging && (IO.MouseReleased[0] || !IO.MouseDown[0])) { plot.XAxis.Dragging = false; G.IO.MouseDragMaxDistanceSqr[0] = 0; } if (plot.YAxis.Dragging && (IO.MouseReleased[0] || !IO.MouseDown[0])) { plot.YAxis.Dragging = false; G.IO.MouseDragMaxDistanceSqr[0] = 0; } // do drag if (plot.XAxis.Dragging || plot.YAxis.Dragging) { UpdateTransformCache(); ImVec2 plot_tl = PixelsToPlot(gp.BB_Grid.Min - IO.MouseDelta); ImVec2 plot_br = PixelsToPlot(gp.BB_Grid.Max - IO.MouseDelta); if (!lock_x && plot.XAxis.Dragging) { if (!lock_x_min) plot.XAxis.Min = flip_x ? plot_br.x : plot_tl.x; if (!lock_x_max) plot.XAxis.Max = flip_x ? plot_tl.x : plot_br.x; } if (!lock_y && plot.YAxis.Dragging) { if (!lock_y_min) plot.YAxis.Min = flip_y ? plot_tl.y : plot_br.y; if (!lock_y_max) plot.YAxis.Max = flip_y ? plot_br.y : plot_tl.y; } if ((lock_x && lock_y) || (lock_x && plot.XAxis.Dragging && !plot.YAxis.Dragging) || (lock_y && plot.YAxis.Dragging && !plot.XAxis.Dragging)) ImGui::SetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor_NotAllowed); else if (lock_x || (!plot.XAxis.Dragging && plot.YAxis.Dragging)) ImGui::SetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNS); else if (lock_y || (!plot.YAxis.Dragging && plot.XAxis.Dragging)) ImGui::SetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW); else ImGui::SetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeAll); } // start drag if (gp.Hov_Frame && hov_x_axis_region && IO.MouseDragMaxDistanceSqr[0] > 5 && !plot.Selecting && !hov_legend && !hov_query && !plot.DraggingQuery) plot.XAxis.Dragging = true; if (gp.Hov_Frame && hov_y_axis_region && IO.MouseDragMaxDistanceSqr[0] > 5 && !plot.Selecting && !hov_legend && !hov_query && !plot.DraggingQuery) plot.YAxis.Dragging = true; // SCROLL INPUT ----------------------------------------------------------- if (gp.Hov_Frame && (hov_x_axis_region || hov_y_axis_region) && IO.MouseWheel != 0) { UpdateTransformCache(); float zoom_rate = 0.1f; if (IO.MouseWheel > 0) zoom_rate = (-zoom_rate) / (1.0f + (2.0f * zoom_rate)); float tx = Remap(IO.MousePos.x, gp.BB_Grid.Min.x, gp.BB_Grid.Max.x, 0, 1); float ty = Remap(IO.MousePos.y, gp.BB_Grid.Min.y, gp.BB_Grid.Max.y, 0, 1); ImVec2 plot_tl = PixelsToPlot(gp.BB_Grid.Min - gp.BB_Grid.GetSize() * ImVec2(tx * zoom_rate, ty * zoom_rate)); ImVec2 plot_br = PixelsToPlot(gp.BB_Grid.Max + gp.BB_Grid.GetSize() * ImVec2((1 - tx) * zoom_rate, (1 - ty) * zoom_rate)); if (hov_x_axis_region && !lock_x) { if (!lock_x_min) plot.XAxis.Min = flip_x ? plot_br.x : plot_tl.x; if (!lock_x_max) plot.XAxis.Max = flip_x ? plot_tl.x : plot_br.x; } if (hov_y_axis_region && !lock_y) { if (!lock_y_min) plot.YAxis.Min = flip_y ? plot_tl.y : plot_br.y; if (!lock_y_max) plot.YAxis.Max = flip_y ? plot_br.y : plot_tl.y; } } // BOX-SELECTION AND QUERY ------------------------------------------------ // confirm selection if (plot.Selecting && (IO.MouseReleased[1] || !IO.MouseDown[1])) { UpdateTransformCache(); ImVec2 select_size = plot.SelectStart - IO.MousePos; if (HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_Selection) && ImFabs(select_size.x) > 2 && ImFabs(select_size.y) > 2) { ImVec2 p1 = PixelsToPlot(plot.SelectStart); ImVec2 p2 = PixelsToPlot(IO.MousePos); if (!lock_x_min && !IO.KeyAlt) plot.XAxis.Min = ImMin(p1.x, p2.x); if (!lock_x_max && !IO.KeyAlt) plot.XAxis.Max = ImMax(p1.x, p2.x); if (!lock_y_min && !IO.KeyShift) plot.YAxis.Min = ImMin(p1.y, p2.y); if (!lock_y_max && !IO.KeyShift) plot.YAxis.Max = ImMax(p1.y, p2.y); } plot.Selecting = false; } // bad selection if (plot.Selecting && (!HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_Selection) || lock_plot) && ImLengthSqr(plot.SelectStart - IO.MousePos) > 4) { ImGui::SetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor_NotAllowed); } // cancel selection if (plot.Selecting && (IO.MouseClicked[0] || IO.MouseDown[0])) { plot.Selecting = false; } // begin selection or query if (gp.Hov_Frame && gp.Hov_Grid && IO.MouseClicked[1]) { plot.SelectStart = IO.MousePos; plot.Selecting = true; } // update query if (plot.Querying) { UpdateTransformCache(); plot.QueryRect.Min.x = IO.KeyAlt ? gp.BB_Grid.Min.x : ImMin(plot.QueryStart.x, IO.MousePos.x); plot.QueryRect.Max.x = IO.KeyAlt ? gp.BB_Grid.Max.x : ImMax(plot.QueryStart.x, IO.MousePos.x); plot.QueryRect.Min.y = IO.KeyShift ? gp.BB_Grid.Min.y : ImMin(plot.QueryStart.y, IO.MousePos.y); plot.QueryRect.Max.y = IO.KeyShift ? gp.BB_Grid.Max.y : ImMax(plot.QueryStart.y, IO.MousePos.y); ImVec2 p1 = PixelsToPlot(plot.QueryRect.Min); ImVec2 p2 = PixelsToPlot(plot.QueryRect.Max); plot.QueryRect.Min -= gp.BB_Grid.Min; plot.QueryRect.Max -= gp.BB_Grid.Min; plot.QueryRange.XMin = ImMin(p1.x, p2.x); plot.QueryRange.XMax = ImMax(p1.x, p2.x); plot.QueryRange.YMin = ImMin(p1.y, p2.y); plot.QueryRange.YMax = ImMax(p1.y, p2.y); } // end query if (plot.Querying && (IO.MouseReleased[2] || IO.MouseReleased[1])) { plot.Querying = false; if (plot.QueryRect.GetWidth() > 2 && plot.QueryRect.GetHeight() > 2) { plot.Queried = true; } else { plot.Queried = false; plot.QueryRange = ImPlotRange(); } } // begin query if ((gp.Hov_Frame && gp.Hov_Grid && IO.MouseClicked[2])) { plot.QueryRect = ImRect(0,0,0,0); plot.QueryRange = ImPlotRange(); plot.Querying = true; plot.Queried = true; plot.QueryStart = IO.MousePos; } // toggle between select/query if (plot.Selecting && IO.KeyCtrl) { plot.Selecting = false; plot.QueryRect = ImRect(0,0,0,0); plot.QueryRange = ImPlotRange(); plot.Querying = true; plot.Queried = true; plot.QueryStart = plot.SelectStart; } if (plot.Querying && !IO.KeyCtrl && !IO.MouseDown[2]) { plot.Selecting = true; plot.Querying = false; plot.Queried = false; plot.QueryRect = ImRect(0,0,0,0); plot.QueryRange = ImPlotRange(); } // DOUBLE CLICK ----------------------------------------------------------- if ( IO.MouseDoubleClicked[0] && gp.Hov_Frame && (hov_x_axis_region || hov_y_axis_region) && !hov_legend && !hov_query) { gp.FitThisFrame = true; gp.FitX = hov_x_axis_region; gp.FitY = hov_y_axis_region; } else { gp.FitThisFrame = false; gp.FitX = false; gp.FitY = false; } // FOCUS ------------------------------------------------------------------ // focus window if ((IO.MouseClicked[0] || IO.MouseClicked[1]) && gp.Hov_Frame) FocusWindow(GetCurrentWindow()); UpdateTransformCache(); // set mouse position gp.LastMousePos = PixelsToPlot(IO.MousePos); // RENDER ----------------------------------------------------------------- // grid bg DrawList.AddRectFilled(gp.BB_Grid.Min, gp.BB_Grid.Max, gp.Col_Bg); // render axes PushPlotClipRect(); // transform ticks if (gp.RenderX) { for (auto& xt : gp.XTicks) xt.PixelPos = PlotToPixels((float)xt.PlotPos, 0).x; } if (gp.RenderY) { for (auto& yt : gp.YTicks) yt.PixelPos = PlotToPixels(0, (float)yt.PlotPos).y; } // render grid if (HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_GridLines)) { for (auto &xt : gp.XTicks) DrawList.AddLine({xt.PixelPos, gp.BB_Grid.Min.y}, {xt.PixelPos, gp.BB_Grid.Max.y}, xt.Major ? gp.Col_XMajor : gp.Col_XMinor, 1); } if (HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_GridLines)) { for (auto &yt : gp.YTicks) DrawList.AddLine({gp.BB_Grid.Min.x, yt.PixelPos}, {gp.BB_Grid.Max.x, yt.PixelPos}, yt.Major ? gp.Col_YMajor : gp.Col_YMinor, 1); } PopPlotClipRect(); // render title if (title_size.x > 0.0f) { RenderText(ImVec2(gp.BB_Canvas.GetCenter().x - title_size.x * 0.5f, gp.BB_Canvas.Min.y), title, NULL, true); } // render labels if (HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickLabels)) { PushClipRect(gp.BB_Frame.Min, gp.BB_Frame.Max, true); for (auto &xt : gp.XTicks) { if (xt.RenderLabel && xt.PixelPos >= gp.BB_Grid.Min.x - 1 && xt.PixelPos <= gp.BB_Grid.Max.x + 1) DrawList.AddText({xt.PixelPos - xt.Size.x * 0.5f, gp.BB_Grid.Max.y + txt_off}, gp.Col_XTxt, gp.XTickLabels.Buf.Data + xt.TextOffset); } ImGui::PopClipRect(); } if (x_label) { const ImVec2 xLabel_size = CalcTextSize(x_label); const ImVec2 xLabel_pos(gp.BB_Grid.GetCenter().x - xLabel_size.x * 0.5f, gp.BB_Canvas.Max.y - txt_height); DrawList.AddText(xLabel_pos, gp.Col_XTxt, x_label); } if (HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickLabels)) { PushClipRect(gp.BB_Frame.Min, gp.BB_Frame.Max, true); for (auto &yt : gp.YTicks) { if (yt.RenderLabel && yt.PixelPos >= gp.BB_Grid.Min.y - 1 && yt.PixelPos <= gp.BB_Grid.Max.y + 1) DrawList.AddText({gp.BB_Grid.Min.x - txt_off - yt.Size.x, yt.PixelPos - 0.5f * yt.Size.y}, gp.Col_YTxt, gp.YTickLabels.Buf.Data + yt.TextOffset); } ImGui::PopClipRect(); } if (y_label) { const ImVec2 yLabel_size = CalcTextSizeVertical(y_label); const ImVec2 yLabel_pos(gp.BB_Canvas.Min.x, gp.BB_Grid.GetCenter().y + yLabel_size.y * 0.5f); AddTextVertical(&DrawList, y_label, yLabel_pos, gp.Col_YTxt); } // PREP ------------------------------------------------------------------- // push plot ID into stack PushID(ID); // reset items count gp.VisibleItemCount = 0; // reset extents gp.Extents.Min.x = INFINITY; gp.Extents.Min.y = INFINITY; gp.Extents.Max.x = -INFINITY; gp.Extents.Max.y = -INFINITY; // clear item names gp.LegendLabels.Buf.resize(0); // reset digital plot items count gp.DigitalPlotItemCnt = 0; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Context Menu //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void AxisMenu(ImPlotAxis& Axis) { ImGui::PushItemWidth(75); bool lock_min = HasFlag(Axis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMin); bool lock_max = HasFlag(Axis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMax); bool invert = HasFlag(Axis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_Invert); bool logscale = HasFlag(Axis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale); bool grid = HasFlag(Axis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_GridLines); bool ticks = HasFlag(Axis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickMarks); bool labels = HasFlag(Axis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickLabels); if (ImGui::Checkbox("##LockMin", &lock_min)) FlipFlag(Axis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMin); ImGui::SameLine(); if (lock_min) { ImGui::PushItemFlag(ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled, true); ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_Alpha, ImGui::GetStyle().Alpha * 0.25f); } ImGui::DragFloat("Min", &Axis.Min, 0.01f + 0.01f * (Axis.Max - Axis.Min), -INFINITY, Axis.Max - FLT_EPSILON); if (lock_min) { ImGui::PopItemFlag(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); } if (ImGui::Checkbox("##LockMax", &lock_max)) FlipFlag(Axis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMax); ImGui::SameLine(); if (lock_max) { ImGui::PushItemFlag(ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled, true); ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_Alpha, ImGui::GetStyle().Alpha * 0.25f); } ImGui::DragFloat("Max", &Axis.Max, 0.01f + 0.01f * (Axis.Max - Axis.Min), Axis.Min + FLT_EPSILON, INFINITY); if (lock_max) { ImGui::PopItemFlag(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Invert", &invert)) FlipFlag(Axis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_Invert); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Log Scale", &logscale)) FlipFlag(Axis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale); ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Grid Lines", &grid)) FlipFlag(Axis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_GridLines); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Tick Marks", &ticks)) FlipFlag(Axis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickMarks); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Labels", &labels)) FlipFlag(Axis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickLabels); } void PlotContextMenu(ImPlot& plot) { if (ImGui::BeginMenu("X-Axis")) { PushID("X"); AxisMenu(plot.XAxis); PopID(); ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Y-Axis")) { PushID("Y"); AxisMenu(plot.YAxis); PopID(); ImGui::EndMenu(); } ImGui::Separator(); if ((ImGui::BeginMenu("Settings"))) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("Box Select",NULL,HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_Selection))) { FlipFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_Selection); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Pixel Query",NULL,HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_PixelQuery))) { FlipFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_PixelQuery); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Crosshairs",NULL,HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_Crosshairs))) { FlipFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_Crosshairs); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Mouse Position",NULL,HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_MousePos))) { FlipFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_MousePos); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Cull Data",NULL,HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_CullData))) { FlipFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_CullData); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Anti-Aliased Lines",NULL,HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_AntiAliased))) { FlipFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_AntiAliased); } ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Legend",NULL,HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_Legend))) { FlipFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_Legend); } #if 0 if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Metrics")) { ImGui::PushItemWidth(75); ImGui::LabelText("Plots", "%d", gp.Plots.GetSize()); ImGui::LabelText("Color Modifiers", "%d", gp.ColorModifiers.size()); ImGui::LabelText("Style Modifiers", "%d", gp.StyleModifiers.size()); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); ImGui::EndMenu(); } #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EndPlot() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EndPlot() { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "Mismatched BeginPlot()/EndPlot()!"); ImPlot &plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; ImGuiContext &G = *GImGui; ImGuiWindow * Window = G.CurrentWindow; ImDrawList & DrawList = *Window->DrawList; const ImGuiIO & IO = GetIO(); // AXIS STATES ------------------------------------------------------------ const bool lock_x_min = HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMin); const bool lock_x_max = HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMax); const bool lock_x = (lock_x_min && lock_x_max) || (gp.NextPlotData.HasXRange && gp.NextPlotData.XRangeCond == ImGuiCond_Always); const bool lock_y_min = HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMin); const bool lock_y_max = HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMax); const bool lock_y = (lock_y_min && lock_y_max) || (gp.NextPlotData.HasYRange && gp.NextPlotData.YRangeCond == ImGuiCond_Always); const bool lock_plot = lock_x && lock_y; // FINAL RENDER ----------------------------------------------------------- PushPlotClipRect(); // render ticks if (HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickMarks)) { for (auto &xt : gp.XTicks) DrawList.AddLine({xt.PixelPos, gp.BB_Grid.Max.y},{xt.PixelPos, gp.BB_Grid.Max.y - (xt.Major ? 10.0f : 5.0f)}, gp.Col_Border, 1); } if (HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_TickMarks)) { for (auto &yt : gp.YTicks) DrawList.AddLine({gp.BB_Grid.Min.x, yt.PixelPos}, {gp.BB_Grid.Min.x + (yt.Major ? 10.0f : 5.0f), yt.PixelPos}, gp.Col_Border, 1); } // render selection/query if (plot.Selecting) { ImRect select_bb(ImMin(IO.MousePos, plot.SelectStart), ImMax(IO.MousePos, plot.SelectStart)); if (plot.Selecting && !lock_plot && HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_Selection)) { if (IO.KeyAlt && IO.KeyShift && select_bb.GetWidth() > 2 && select_bb.GetHeight() > 2) { DrawList.AddRectFilled(gp.BB_Grid.Min, gp.BB_Grid.Max, gp.Col_SlctBg); DrawList.AddRect( gp.BB_Grid.Min, gp.BB_Grid.Max, gp.Col_SlctBd); } else if ((lock_x || IO.KeyAlt) && select_bb.GetHeight() > 2) { DrawList.AddRectFilled(ImVec2(gp.BB_Grid.Min.x, select_bb.Min.y), ImVec2(gp.BB_Grid.Max.x, select_bb.Max.y), gp.Col_SlctBg); DrawList.AddRect( ImVec2(gp.BB_Grid.Min.x, select_bb.Min.y), ImVec2(gp.BB_Grid.Max.x, select_bb.Max.y), gp.Col_SlctBd); } else if ((lock_y || IO.KeyShift) && select_bb.GetWidth() > 2) { DrawList.AddRectFilled(ImVec2(select_bb.Min.x, gp.BB_Grid.Min.y), ImVec2(select_bb.Max.x, gp.BB_Grid.Max.y), gp.Col_SlctBg); DrawList.AddRect( ImVec2(select_bb.Min.x, gp.BB_Grid.Min.y), ImVec2(select_bb.Max.x, gp.BB_Grid.Max.y), gp.Col_SlctBd); } else if (select_bb.GetWidth() > 2 && select_bb.GetHeight() > 2) { DrawList.AddRectFilled(select_bb.Min, select_bb.Max, gp.Col_SlctBg); DrawList.AddRect( select_bb.Min, select_bb.Max, gp.Col_SlctBd); } } } if (plot.Querying || (HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_PixelQuery) && plot.Queried)) { if (plot.QueryRect.GetWidth() > 2 && plot.QueryRect.GetHeight() > 2) { DrawList.AddRectFilled(plot.QueryRect.Min + gp.BB_Grid.Min, plot.QueryRect.Max + gp.BB_Grid.Min, gp.Col_QryBg); DrawList.AddRect( plot.QueryRect.Min + gp.BB_Grid.Min, plot.QueryRect.Max + gp.BB_Grid.Min, gp.Col_QryBd); } } else if (plot.Queried) { ImVec2 p1 = PlotToPixels(plot.QueryRange.XMin, plot.QueryRange.YMin); ImVec2 p2 = PlotToPixels(plot.QueryRange.XMax, plot.QueryRange.YMax); ImVec2 Min(ImMin(p1.x,p2.x), ImMin(p1.y,p2.y)); ImVec2 Max(ImMax(p1.x,p2.x), ImMax(p1.y,p2.y)); DrawList.AddRectFilled(Min, Max, gp.Col_QryBg); DrawList.AddRect( Min, Max, gp.Col_QryBd); } // render legend const float txt_ht = GetTextLineHeight(); const ImVec2 legend_offset(10, 10); const ImVec2 legend_padding(5, 5); const float legend_icon_size = txt_ht; ImRect legend_content_bb; int nItems = GetLegendCount(); bool hov_legend = false; if (HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_Legend) && nItems > 0) { // get max width float max_label_width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nItems; ++i) { const char* label = GetLegendLabel(i); auto labelWidth = CalcTextSize(label, NULL, true); max_label_width = labelWidth.x > max_label_width ? labelWidth.x : max_label_width; } legend_content_bb = ImRect(gp.BB_Grid.Min + legend_offset, gp.BB_Grid.Min + legend_offset + ImVec2(max_label_width, nItems * txt_ht)); plot.BB_Legend = ImRect(legend_content_bb.Min, legend_content_bb.Max + legend_padding * 2 + ImVec2(legend_icon_size, 0)); hov_legend = HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_Legend) ? gp.Hov_Frame && plot.BB_Legend.Contains(IO.MousePos) : false; // render legend box DrawList.AddRectFilled(plot.BB_Legend.Min, plot.BB_Legend.Max, GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_PopupBg)); DrawList.AddRect(plot.BB_Legend.Min, plot.BB_Legend.Max, gp.Col_Border); // render each legend item for (int i = 0; i < nItems; ++i) { ImPlotItem* item = GetLegendItem(i); ImRect icon_bb; icon_bb.Min = legend_content_bb.Min + legend_padding + ImVec2(0, i * txt_ht) + ImVec2(2, 2); icon_bb.Max = legend_content_bb.Min + legend_padding + ImVec2(0, i * txt_ht) + ImVec2(legend_icon_size - 2, legend_icon_size - 2); ImRect label_bb; label_bb.Min = legend_content_bb.Min + legend_padding + ImVec2(0, i * txt_ht) + ImVec2(2, 2); label_bb.Max = legend_content_bb.Min + legend_padding + ImVec2(0, i * txt_ht) + ImVec2(legend_content_bb.Max.x, legend_icon_size - 2); ImU32 col_hl_txt; if (HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_Highlight) && hov_legend && (icon_bb.Contains(IO.MousePos) || label_bb.Contains(IO.MousePos))) { item->Highlight = true; col_hl_txt = GetColorU32(ImLerp(G.Style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Text], item->Color, 0.25f)); } else item->Highlight = false; ImU32 iconColor; if (hov_legend && icon_bb.Contains(IO.MousePos)) { auto colAlpha = item->Color; colAlpha.w = 0.5f; iconColor = item->Show ? GetColorU32(colAlpha) : GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_TextDisabled, 0.5f); if (IO.MouseClicked[0]) item->Show = !item->Show; } else { iconColor = item->Show ? GetColorU32(item->Color) : gp.Col_TxtDis; } DrawList.AddRectFilled(icon_bb.Min, icon_bb.Max, iconColor, 1); const char* label = GetLegendLabel(i); const char* text_display_end = FindRenderedTextEnd(label, NULL); if (label != text_display_end) DrawList.AddText(legend_content_bb.Min + legend_padding + ImVec2(legend_icon_size, i * txt_ht), item->Show ? (item->Highlight ? col_hl_txt : gp.Col_Txt) : gp.Col_TxtDis, label, text_display_end); } } // render crosshairs if (HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_Crosshairs) && gp.Hov_Grid && gp.Hov_Frame && !(plot.XAxis.Dragging || plot.YAxis.Dragging) && !plot.Selecting && !plot.Querying && !hov_legend) { ImGui::SetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor_None); ImVec2 xy = IO.MousePos; ImVec2 h1(gp.BB_Grid.Min.x, xy.y); ImVec2 h2(xy.x - 5, xy.y); ImVec2 h3(xy.x + 5, xy.y); ImVec2 h4(gp.BB_Grid.Max.x, xy.y); ImVec2 v1(xy.x, gp.BB_Grid.Min.y); ImVec2 v2(xy.x, xy.y - 5); ImVec2 v3(xy.x, xy.y + 5); ImVec2 v4(xy.x, gp.BB_Grid.Max.y); DrawList.AddLine(h1, h2, gp.Col_Border); DrawList.AddLine(h3, h4, gp.Col_Border); DrawList.AddLine(v1, v2, gp.Col_Border); DrawList.AddLine(v3, v4, gp.Col_Border); } // render mouse pos if (HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_MousePos) && gp.Hov_Grid) { static char buffer[128]; sprintf(buffer, "%.2f,%.2f", gp.LastMousePos.x, gp.LastMousePos.y); ImVec2 size = CalcTextSize(buffer); ImVec2 pos = gp.BB_Grid.Max - size - ImVec2(5, 5); DrawList.AddText(pos, gp.Col_Txt, buffer); } PopPlotClipRect(); // render border DrawList.AddRect(gp.BB_Grid.Min, gp.BB_Grid.Max, gp.Col_Border); // FIT DATA -------------------------------------------------------------- if (gp.FitThisFrame && (gp.VisibleItemCount > 0 || plot.Queried)) { if (gp.FitX && !HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMin) && !NanOrInf(gp.Extents.Min.x)) plot.XAxis.Min = gp.Extents.Min.x; if (gp.FitX && !HasFlag(plot.XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMax) && !NanOrInf(gp.Extents.Max.x)) plot.XAxis.Max = gp.Extents.Max.x; if (gp.FitY && !HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMin) && !NanOrInf(gp.Extents.Min.y)) plot.YAxis.Min = gp.Extents.Min.y; if (gp.FitY && !HasFlag(plot.YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LockMax) && !NanOrInf(gp.Extents.Max.y)) plot.YAxis.Max = gp.Extents.Max.y; } // CONTEXT MENU ----------------------------------------------------------- if (HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_ContextMenu) && gp.Hov_Frame && gp.Hov_Grid && IO.MouseDoubleClicked[1] && !hov_legend) ImGui::OpenPopup("##Context"); if (ImGui::BeginPopup("##Context")) { PlotContextMenu(plot); ImGui::EndPopup(); } // CLEANUP ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Reset legend items gp.LegendIndices.shrink(0); // Null current plot/data gp.CurrentPlot = NULL; // Reset next plot data gp.NextPlotData = ImNextPlotData(); // Pop PushID at the end of BeginPlot PopID(); // End child window if (!HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_NoChild)) ImGui::EndChild(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MISC API //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetNextPlotRange(float x_min, float x_max, float y_min, float y_max, ImGuiCond cond) { SetNextPlotRangeX(x_min, x_max, cond); SetNextPlotRangeY(y_min, y_max, cond); } void SetNextPlotRangeX(float x_min, float x_max, ImGuiCond cond) { IM_ASSERT(cond == 0 || ImIsPowerOfTwo(cond)); // Make sure the user doesn't attempt to combine multiple condition flags. gp.NextPlotData.HasXRange = true; gp.NextPlotData.XRangeCond = cond; gp.NextPlotData.XMin = x_min; gp.NextPlotData.XMax = x_max; } void SetNextPlotRangeY(float y_min, float y_max, ImGuiCond cond) { IM_ASSERT(cond == 0 || ImIsPowerOfTwo(cond)); // Make sure the user doesn't attempt to combine multiple condition flags. gp.NextPlotData.HasYRange = true; gp.NextPlotData.YRangeCond = cond; gp.NextPlotData.YMin = y_min; gp.NextPlotData.YMax = y_max; } ImVec2 GetPlotPos() { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "GetPlotPos() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); return gp.BB_Grid.Min; } ImVec2 GetPlotSize() { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "GetPlotSize() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); return gp.BB_Grid.GetSize(); } void PushPlotClipRect() { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "PushPlotClipRect() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); PushClipRect(gp.BB_Grid.Min, gp.BB_Grid.Max, true); } void PopPlotClipRect() { PopClipRect(); } bool IsPlotHovered() { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "IsPlotHovered() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); return gp.Hov_Grid; } ImVec2 GetPlotMousePos() { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "GetPlotMousePos() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); return gp.LastMousePos; } ImPlotRange GetPlotRange() { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "GetPlotRange() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; ImPlotRange range; range.XMin = plot.XAxis.Min; range.XMax = plot.XAxis.Max; range.YMin = plot.YAxis.Min; range.YMax = plot.YAxis.Max; return range; } bool IsPlotQueried() { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "IsPlotQueried() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); return gp.CurrentPlot->Queried; } ImPlotRange GetPlotQuery() { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "GetPlotQuery() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; if (HasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlotFlags_PixelQuery)) { UpdateTransformCache(); ImVec2 p1 = PixelsToPlot(plot.QueryRect.Min + gp.BB_Grid.Min); ImVec2 p2 = PixelsToPlot(plot.QueryRect.Max + gp.BB_Grid.Min); plot.QueryRange.XMin = ImMin(p1.x, p2.x); plot.QueryRange.XMax = ImMax(p1.x, p2.x); plot.QueryRange.YMin = ImMin(p1.y, p2.y); plot.QueryRange.YMax = ImMax(p1.y, p2.y); } return plot.QueryRange; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // STYLING //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct ImPlotStyleVarInfo { ImGuiDataType Type; ImU32 Count; ImU32 Offset; void* GetVarPtr(ImPlotStyle* style) const { return (void*)((unsigned char*)style + Offset); } }; static const ImPlotStyleVarInfo GPlotStyleVarInfo[] = { { ImGuiDataType_Float, 1, (ImU32)IM_OFFSETOF(ImPlotStyle, LineWeight) }, // ImPlotStyleVar_LineWeight { ImGuiDataType_S32, 1, (ImU32)IM_OFFSETOF(ImPlotStyle, Marker) }, // ImPlotStyleVar_Marker { ImGuiDataType_Float, 1, (ImU32)IM_OFFSETOF(ImPlotStyle, MarkerSize) }, // ImPlotStyleVar_MarkerSize { ImGuiDataType_Float, 1, (ImU32)IM_OFFSETOF(ImPlotStyle, MarkerWeight) }, // ImPlotStyleVar_MarkerWeight { ImGuiDataType_Float, 1, (ImU32)IM_OFFSETOF(ImPlotStyle, ErrorBarSize) }, // ImPlotStyleVar_ErrorBarSize { ImGuiDataType_Float, 1, (ImU32)IM_OFFSETOF(ImPlotStyle, ErrorBarWeight) }, // ImPlotStyleVar_ErrorBarWeight { ImGuiDataType_Float, 1, (ImU32)IM_OFFSETOF(ImPlotStyle, DigitalBitHeight) } // ImPlotStyleVar_DigitalBitHeight }; static const ImPlotStyleVarInfo* GetPlotStyleVarInfo(ImPlotStyleVar idx) { IM_ASSERT(idx >= 0 && idx < ImPlotStyleVar_COUNT); IM_ASSERT(IM_ARRAYSIZE(GPlotStyleVarInfo) == ImPlotStyleVar_COUNT); return &GPlotStyleVarInfo[idx]; } ImPlotStyle& GetPlotStyle() { return gp.Style; } void SetPlotPalette(const ImVec4* colors, int num_colors) { gp.ColorMap.shrink(0); gp.ColorMap.reserve(num_colors); for (int i = 0; i < num_colors; ++i) { gp.ColorMap.push_back(colors[i]); } } /// Returns the next unused default plot color void RestorePlotPalette() { static ImVec4 default_colors[10] = { {(0.0F), (0.7490196228F), (1.0F), (1.0F)}, // Blues::DeepSkyBlue, {(1.0F), (0.0F), (0.0F), (1.0F)}, // Reds::Red, {(0.4980392158F), (1.0F), (0.0F), (1.0F)}, // Greens::Chartreuse, {(1.0F), (1.0F), (0.0F), (1.0F)}, // Yellows::Yellow, {(0.0F), (1.0F), (1.0F), (1.0F)}, // Cyans::Cyan, {(1.0F), (0.6470588446F), (0.0F), (1.0F)}, // Oranges::Orange, {(1.0F), (0.0F), (1.0F), (1.0F)}, // Purples::Magenta, {(0.5411764979F), (0.1686274558F), (0.8862745166F), (1.0F)}, // Purples::BlueViolet, {(0.5f), (0.5f), (0.5f), (1.0F)}, // Grays::Gray50, {(0.8235294223F), (0.7058823705F), (0.5490196347F), (1.0F)} // Browns::Tan }; SetPlotPalette(default_colors, 10); } void PushPlotColor(ImPlotCol idx, ImU32 col) { ImGuiColorMod backup; backup.Col = idx; backup.BackupValue = gp.Style.Colors[idx]; gp.ColorModifiers.push_back(backup); gp.Style.Colors[idx] = ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(col); } void PushPlotColor(ImPlotCol idx, const ImVec4& col) { ImGuiColorMod backup; backup.Col = idx; backup.BackupValue = gp.Style.Colors[idx]; gp.ColorModifiers.push_back(backup); gp.Style.Colors[idx] = col; } void PopPlotColor(int count) { while (count > 0) { ImGuiColorMod& backup = gp.ColorModifiers.back(); gp.Style.Colors[backup.Col] = backup.BackupValue; gp.ColorModifiers.pop_back(); count--; } } void PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar idx, float val) { const ImPlotStyleVarInfo* var_info = GetPlotStyleVarInfo(idx); if (var_info->Type == ImGuiDataType_Float && var_info->Count == 1) { float* pvar = (float*)var_info->GetVarPtr(&gp.Style); gp.StyleModifiers.push_back(ImGuiStyleMod(idx, *pvar)); *pvar = val; return; } IM_ASSERT(0 && "Called PushPlotStyleVar() float variant but variable is not a float!"); } void PushPlotStyleVar(ImPlotStyleVar idx, int val) { const ImPlotStyleVarInfo* var_info = GetPlotStyleVarInfo(idx); if (var_info->Type == ImGuiDataType_S32 && var_info->Count == 1) { int* pvar = (int*)var_info->GetVarPtr(&gp.Style); gp.StyleModifiers.push_back(ImGuiStyleMod(idx, *pvar)); *pvar = val; return; } else if (var_info->Type == ImGuiDataType_Float && var_info->Count == 1) { float* pvar = (float*)var_info->GetVarPtr(&gp.Style); gp.StyleModifiers.push_back(ImGuiStyleMod(idx, *pvar)); *pvar = (float)val; return; } IM_ASSERT(0 && "Called PushPlotStyleVar() int variant but variable is not a int!"); } void PopPlotStyleVar(int count) { while (count > 0) { ImGuiStyleMod& backup = gp.StyleModifiers.back(); const ImPlotStyleVarInfo* info = GetPlotStyleVarInfo(backup.VarIdx); void* data = info->GetVarPtr(&gp.Style); if (info->Type == ImGuiDataType_Float && info->Count == 1) { ((float*)data)[0] = backup.BackupFloat[0]; } else if (info->Type == ImGuiDataType_Float && info->Count == 2) { ((float*)data)[0] = backup.BackupFloat[0]; ((float*)data)[1] = backup.BackupFloat[1]; } else if (info->Type == ImGuiDataType_S32 && info->Count == 1) { ((int*)data)[0] = backup.BackupInt[0]; } gp.StyleModifiers.pop_back(); count--; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RENDERING FUNCTIONS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SQRT_1_2 0.70710678118f #define SQRT_3_2 0.86602540378f inline void TransformMarker(ImVec2* points, int n, const ImVec2& c, float s) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { points[i].x = c.x + points[i].x * s; points[i].y = c.y + points[i].y * s; } } inline void MarkerGeneral(ImDrawList& DrawList, ImVec2* points, int n, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { TransformMarker(points, n, c, s); if (fill) DrawList.AddConvexPolyFilled(points, n, col_fill); if (outline && !(fill && col_outline == col_fill)) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) DrawList.AddLine(points[i], points[(i+1)%n], col_outline, weight); } } inline void MakerCircle(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[10] = {{1.0f, 0.0f}, {0.809017f, 0.58778524f}, {0.30901697f, 0.95105654f}, {-0.30901703f, 0.9510565f}, {-0.80901706f, 0.5877852f}, {-1.0f, 0.0f}, {-0.80901694f, -0.58778536f}, {-0.3090171f, -0.9510565f}, {0.30901712f, -0.9510565f}, {0.80901694f, -0.5877853f}}; MarkerGeneral(DrawList, marker, 10, c, s, outline, col_outline, fill, col_fill, weight); } inline void MarkerDiamond(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[4] = {{1, 0}, {0, -1}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}}; MarkerGeneral(DrawList, marker, 4, c, s, outline, col_outline, fill, col_fill, weight); } inline void MarkerSquare(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[4] = {{SQRT_1_2,SQRT_1_2},{SQRT_1_2,-SQRT_1_2},{-SQRT_1_2,-SQRT_1_2},{-SQRT_1_2,SQRT_1_2}}; MarkerGeneral(DrawList, marker, 4, c, s, outline, col_outline, fill, col_fill, weight); } inline void MarkerUp(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[3] = {{SQRT_3_2,0.5f},{0,-1},{-SQRT_3_2,0.5f}}; MarkerGeneral(DrawList, marker, 3, c, s, outline, col_outline, fill, col_fill, weight); } inline void MarkerDown(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[3] = {{SQRT_3_2,-0.5f},{0,1},{-SQRT_3_2,-0.5f}}; MarkerGeneral(DrawList, marker, 3, c, s, outline, col_outline, fill, col_fill, weight); } inline void MarkerLeft(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[3] = {{-1,0}, {0.5, SQRT_3_2}, {0.5, -SQRT_3_2}}; MarkerGeneral(DrawList, marker, 3, c, s, outline, col_outline, fill, col_fill, weight); } inline void MarkerRight(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[3] = {{1,0}, {-0.5, SQRT_3_2}, {-0.5, -SQRT_3_2}}; MarkerGeneral(DrawList, marker, 3, c, s, outline, col_outline, fill, col_fill, weight); } inline void MarkerAsterisk(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[6] = {{SQRT_3_2, 0.5f}, {0, -1}, {-SQRT_3_2, 0.5f}, {SQRT_3_2, -0.5f}, {0, 1}, {-SQRT_3_2, -0.5f}}; TransformMarker(marker, 6, c, s); DrawList.AddLine(marker[0], marker[5], col_outline, weight); DrawList.AddLine(marker[1], marker[4], col_outline, weight); DrawList.AddLine(marker[2], marker[3], col_outline, weight); } inline void MarkerPlus(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[4] = {{1, 0}, {0, -1}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}}; TransformMarker(marker, 4, c, s); DrawList.AddLine(marker[0], marker[2], col_outline, weight); DrawList.AddLine(marker[1], marker[3], col_outline, weight); } inline void MarkerCross(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& c, float s, bool outline, ImU32 col_outline, bool fill, ImU32 col_fill, float weight) { ImVec2 marker[4] = {{SQRT_1_2,SQRT_1_2},{SQRT_1_2,-SQRT_1_2},{-SQRT_1_2,-SQRT_1_2},{-SQRT_1_2,SQRT_1_2}}; TransformMarker(marker, 4, c, s); DrawList.AddLine(marker[0], marker[2], col_outline, weight); DrawList.AddLine(marker[1], marker[3], col_outline, weight); } template inline void RenderMarkers(ImDrawList& DrawList, Getter getter, int count, int offset, bool rend_mk_line, ImU32 col_mk_line, bool rend_mk_fill, ImU32 col_mk_fill, bool cull) { int idx = offset; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ImVec2 c; c = Transformer::Transform(getter(idx)); idx = (idx + 1) % count; if (!cull || gp.BB_Grid.Contains(c)) { // TODO: Optimize the loop and if statements, this is atrocious if (HasFlag(gp.Style.Marker, ImMarker_Circle)) MakerCircle(DrawList, c, gp.Style.MarkerSize, rend_mk_line, col_mk_line, rend_mk_fill, col_mk_fill, gp.Style.MarkerWeight); if (HasFlag(gp.Style.Marker, ImMarker_Square)) MarkerSquare(DrawList, c, gp.Style.MarkerSize, rend_mk_line, col_mk_line, rend_mk_fill, col_mk_fill, gp.Style.MarkerWeight); if (HasFlag(gp.Style.Marker, ImMarker_Diamond)) MarkerDiamond(DrawList, c, gp.Style.MarkerSize, rend_mk_line, col_mk_line, rend_mk_fill, col_mk_fill, gp.Style.MarkerWeight); if (HasFlag(gp.Style.Marker, ImMarker_Up)) MarkerUp(DrawList, c, gp.Style.MarkerSize, rend_mk_line, col_mk_line, rend_mk_fill, col_mk_fill, gp.Style.MarkerWeight); if (HasFlag(gp.Style.Marker, ImMarker_Down)) MarkerDown(DrawList, c, gp.Style.MarkerSize, rend_mk_line, col_mk_line, rend_mk_fill, col_mk_fill, gp.Style.MarkerWeight); if (HasFlag(gp.Style.Marker, ImMarker_Left)) MarkerLeft(DrawList, c, gp.Style.MarkerSize, rend_mk_line, col_mk_line, rend_mk_fill, col_mk_fill, gp.Style.MarkerWeight); if (HasFlag(gp.Style.Marker, ImMarker_Right)) MarkerRight(DrawList, c, gp.Style.MarkerSize, rend_mk_line, col_mk_line, rend_mk_fill, col_mk_fill, gp.Style.MarkerWeight); if (HasFlag(gp.Style.Marker, ImMarker_Cross)) MarkerCross(DrawList, c, gp.Style.MarkerSize, rend_mk_line, col_mk_line, rend_mk_fill, col_mk_fill, gp.Style.MarkerWeight); if (HasFlag(gp.Style.Marker, ImMarker_Plus)) MarkerPlus(DrawList, c, gp.Style.MarkerSize, rend_mk_line, col_mk_line, rend_mk_fill, col_mk_fill, gp.Style.MarkerWeight); if (HasFlag(gp.Style.Marker, ImMarker_Asterisk)) MarkerAsterisk(DrawList, c, gp.Style.MarkerSize, rend_mk_line, col_mk_line, rend_mk_fill, col_mk_fill, gp.Style.MarkerWeight); } } } inline void RenderLine(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2, float line_weight, ImU32 col_line, ImVec2 uv) { // http://assemblyrequired.crashworks.org/timing-square-root/ float dx = p2.x - p1.x; float dy = p2.y - p1.y; IM_NORMALIZE2F_OVER_ZERO(dx, dy); dx *= (line_weight * 0.5f); dy *= (line_weight * 0.5f); DrawList._VtxWritePtr[0].pos.x = p1.x + dy; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[0].pos.y = p1.y - dx; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[0].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[0].col = col_line; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[1].pos.x = p2.x + dy; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[1].pos.y = p2.y - dx; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[1].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[1].col = col_line; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[2].pos.x = p2.x - dy; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[2].pos.y = p2.y + dx; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[2].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[2].col = col_line; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[3].pos.x = p1.x - dy; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[3].pos.y = p1.y + dx; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[3].uv = uv; DrawList._VtxWritePtr[3].col = col_line; DrawList._VtxWritePtr += 4; DrawList._IdxWritePtr[0] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[1] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 1); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[2] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 2); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[3] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[4] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 2); DrawList._IdxWritePtr[5] = (ImDrawIdx)(DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx + 3); DrawList._IdxWritePtr += 6; DrawList._VtxCurrentIdx += 4; } inline void RenderLineAA(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2, float line_weight, ImU32 col_line) { DrawList.AddLine(p1, p2, col_line, line_weight); } template inline void RenderLines(ImDrawList& DrawList, Getter getter, int count, int offset, float line_weight, ImU32 col_line, bool cull) { // render line segments const int segments = count - 1; int i1 = offset; ImVec2 p1, p2; if (HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->Flags, ImPlotFlags_AntiAliased)) { for (int s = 0; s < segments; ++s) { const int i2 = (i1 + 1) % count; p1 = Transformer::Transform(getter(i1)); p2 = Transformer::Transform(getter(i2)); i1 = i2; if (!cull || gp.BB_Grid.Contains(p1) || gp.BB_Grid.Contains(p2)) RenderLineAA(DrawList, p1, p2, line_weight, col_line); } } else { const ImVec2 uv = DrawList._Data->TexUvWhitePixel; DrawList.PrimReserve(segments * 6, segments * 4); int segments_culled = 0; for (int s = 0; s < segments; ++s) { const int i2 = (i1 + 1) % count; p1 = Transformer::Transform(getter(i1)); p2 = Transformer::Transform(getter(i2)); i1 = i2; if (!cull || gp.BB_Grid.Contains(p1) || gp.BB_Grid.Contains(p2)) RenderLine(DrawList, p1, p2, line_weight, col_line, uv); else segments_culled++; } if (segments_culled > 0) DrawList.PrimUnreserve(segments_culled * 6, segments_culled * 4); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DATA GETTERS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline float StrideIndex(const float* data, int idx, int stride) { return *(const float*)(const void*)((const unsigned char*)data + (size_t)idx * stride); } struct GetterYs { GetterYs(const float* ys, int stride) { Ys = ys; Stride = stride; } const float* Ys; int Stride; inline ImVec2 operator()(int idx) { return ImVec2((float)idx, StrideIndex(Ys, idx, Stride)); } }; struct Getter2D { Getter2D(const float* xs, const float* ys, int stride) { Xs = xs; Ys = ys; Stride = stride; } const float* Xs; const float* Ys; int Stride; inline ImVec2 operator()(int idx) { return ImVec2(StrideIndex(Xs, idx, Stride), StrideIndex(Ys, idx, Stride)); } }; struct GetterImVec2 { GetterImVec2(const ImVec2* data) { Data = data; } inline ImVec2 operator()(int idx) { return Data[idx]; } const ImVec2* Data; }; struct GetterFuncPtrImVec2 { GetterFuncPtrImVec2(ImVec2 (*g)(void* data, int idx), void* d) { getter = g; data = d;} ImVec2 operator()(int idx) { return getter(data, idx); } ImVec2 (*getter)(void* data, int idx); void* data; }; struct GetterFuncPtrImVec4 { GetterFuncPtrImVec4(ImVec4 (*g)(void* data, int idx), void* d) { getter = g; data = d;} ImVec4 operator()(int idx) { return getter(data, idx); } ImVec4 (*getter)(void* data, int idx); void* data; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void PlotEx(const char* label_id, Getter getter, int count, int offset) { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "Plot() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImPlotItem* item = RegisterItem(label_id); if (!item->Show) return; ImDrawList & DrawList = *ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const bool rend_line = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line].w != 0 && gp.Style.LineWeight > 0; const bool rend_mk_line = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline].w != 0 && gp.Style.MarkerWeight > 0; const bool rend_mk_fill = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerFill].w != 0; ImU32 col_line = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line].w == -1 ? GetColorU32(item->Color) : GetColorU32(gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line]); ImU32 col_mk_line = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline].w == -1 ? col_line : GetColorU32(gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerOutline]); ImU32 col_mk_fill = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerFill].w == -1 ? col_line : GetColorU32(gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_MarkerFill]); const float line_weight = item->Highlight ? gp.Style.LineWeight * 2 : gp.Style.LineWeight; if (gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line].w != -1) item->Color = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line]; bool cull = HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->Flags, ImPlotFlags_CullData); // find data extents if (gp.FitThisFrame) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ImVec2 p = getter(i); FitPoint(p); } } PushPlotClipRect(); if (count > 1 && rend_line) { if (HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale) && HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale)) RenderLines(DrawList, getter, count, offset, line_weight, col_line, cull); else if (HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale)) RenderLines(DrawList, getter, count, offset, line_weight, col_line, cull); else if (HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale)) RenderLines(DrawList, getter, count, offset, line_weight, col_line, cull); else RenderLines(DrawList, getter, count, offset, line_weight, col_line, cull); } // render markers if (gp.Style.Marker != ImMarker_None) { if (HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale) && HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale)) RenderMarkers(DrawList, getter, count, offset, rend_mk_line, col_mk_line, rend_mk_fill, col_mk_fill, cull); else if (HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale)) RenderMarkers(DrawList, getter, count, offset, rend_mk_line, col_mk_line, rend_mk_fill, col_mk_fill, cull); else if (HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->YAxis.Flags, ImAxisFlags_LogScale)) RenderMarkers(DrawList, getter, count, offset, rend_mk_line, col_mk_line, rend_mk_fill, col_mk_fill, cull); else RenderMarkers(DrawList, getter, count, offset, rend_mk_line, col_mk_line, rend_mk_fill, col_mk_fill, cull); } PopPlotClipRect(); } void Plot(const char* label_id, const float* values, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterYs getter(values,stride); PlotEx(label_id, getter, count, offset); } void Plot(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, int count, int offset, int stride) { Getter2D getter(xs,ys,stride); return PlotEx(label_id, getter, count, offset); } void Plot(const char* label_id, const ImVec2* data, int count, int offset) { GetterImVec2 getter(data); return PlotEx(label_id, getter, count, offset); } void Plot(const char* label_id, ImVec2 (*getter_func)(void* data, int idx), void* data, int count, int offset) { GetterFuncPtrImVec2 getter(getter_func,data); return PlotEx(label_id, getter, count, offset); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT BAR //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct GetterBarV { const float* Ys; float XShift; int Stride; GetterBarV(const float* ys, float xshift, int stride) { Ys = ys; XShift = xshift; Stride = stride; } inline ImVec2 operator()(int idx) { return ImVec2((float)idx + XShift, StrideIndex(Ys, idx, Stride)); } }; struct GetterBarH { const float* Xs; float YShift; int Stride; GetterBarH(const float* xs, float yshift, int stride) { Xs = xs; YShift = yshift; Stride = stride; } inline ImVec2 operator()(int idx) { return ImVec2(StrideIndex(Xs, idx, Stride), (float)idx + YShift); } }; template void PlotBarEx(const char* label_id, Getter getter, int count, float width, int offset) { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "PlotBar() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImPlotItem* item = RegisterItem(label_id); if (!item->Show) return; ImDrawList & DrawList = *GetWindowDrawList(); bool rend_line = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line].w != 0 && gp.Style.LineWeight > 0; bool rend_fill = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill].w != 0; ImU32 col_line = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line].w == -1 ? GetColorU32(item->Color) : GetColorU32(gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line]); ImU32 col_fill = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill].w == -1 ? col_line : GetColorU32(gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill]); if (rend_fill && col_line == col_fill) rend_line = false; if (gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line].w != -1) item->Color = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line]; PushPlotClipRect(); float half_width = width * 0.5f; // find data extents if (gp.FitThisFrame) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ImVec2 p = getter(i); FitPoint(ImVec2(p.x - half_width, p.y)); FitPoint(ImVec2(p.x + half_width, 0)); } } int idx = offset; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ImVec2 p; p = getter(idx); idx = (idx + 1) % count; if (p.y == 0) continue; ImVec2 a = PlotToPixels(p.x - half_width, p.y); ImVec2 b = PlotToPixels(p.x + half_width, 0); if (rend_fill) DrawList.AddRectFilled(a, b, col_fill); if (rend_line) DrawList.AddRect(a, b, col_line); } PopPlotClipRect(); } void PlotBar(const char* label_id, const float* values, int count, float width, float shift, int offset, int stride) { GetterBarV getter(values,shift,stride); PlotBarEx(label_id, getter, count, width, offset); } void PlotBar(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, int count, float width, int offset, int stride) { Getter2D getter(xs,ys,stride); PlotBarEx(label_id, getter, count, width, offset); } void PlotBar(const char* label_id, ImVec2 (*getter_func)(void* data, int idx), void* data, int count, float width, int offset) { GetterFuncPtrImVec2 getter(getter_func, data); PlotBarEx(label_id, getter, count, width, offset); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void PlotBarHEx(const char* label_id, Getter getter, int count, float height, int offset) { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "PlotBarH() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImPlotItem* item = RegisterItem(label_id); if (!item->Show) return; ImDrawList & DrawList = *GetWindowDrawList(); bool rend_line = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line].w != 0 && gp.Style.LineWeight > 0; bool rend_fill = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill].w != 0; ImU32 col_line = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line].w == -1 ? GetColorU32(item->Color) : GetColorU32(gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line]); ImU32 col_fill = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill].w == -1 ? col_line : GetColorU32(gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Fill]); if (rend_fill && col_line == col_fill) rend_line = false; if (gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line].w != -1) item->Color = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line]; PushPlotClipRect(); float half_height = height * 0.5f; // find data extents if (gp.FitThisFrame) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ImVec2 p = getter(i); FitPoint(ImVec2(0, p.y - half_height)); FitPoint(ImVec2(p.x, p.y + half_height)); } } int idx = offset; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ImVec2 p; p = getter(idx); idx = (idx + 1) % count; if (p.x == 0) continue; ImVec2 a = PlotToPixels(0, p.y - half_height); ImVec2 b = PlotToPixels(p.x, p.y + half_height); if (rend_fill) DrawList.AddRectFilled(a, b, col_fill); if (rend_line) DrawList.AddRect(a, b, col_line); } PopPlotClipRect(); } void PlotBarH(const char* label_id, const float* values, int count, float height, float shift, int offset, int stride) { GetterBarH getter(values,shift,stride); PlotBarHEx(label_id, getter, count, height, offset); } void PlotBarH(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, int count, float height, int offset, int stride) { Getter2D getter(xs,ys,stride); PlotBarHEx(label_id, getter, count, height, offset); } void PlotBarH(const char* label_id, ImVec2 (*getter_func)(void* data, int idx), void* data, int count, float height, int offset) { GetterFuncPtrImVec2 getter(getter_func, data); PlotBarHEx(label_id, getter, count, height, offset); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT ERROR BARS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct GetterError { const float* Xs; const float* Ys; const float* Neg; const float* Pos; int Stride; GetterError(const float* xs, const float* ys, const float* neg, const float* pos, int stride) { Xs = xs; Ys = ys; Neg = neg; Pos = pos; Stride = stride; } ImVec4 operator()(int idx) { return ImVec4(StrideIndex(Xs, idx, Stride), StrideIndex(Ys, idx, Stride), StrideIndex(Neg, idx, Stride), StrideIndex(Pos, idx, Stride)); } }; template void PlotErrorBarsEx(const char* label_id, Getter getter, int count, int offset) { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "PlotErrorBars() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImGuiID id = GetID(label_id); ImPlotItem* item = gp.CurrentPlot->Items.GetByKey(id); if (item != NULL && item->Show == false) return; ImDrawList & DrawList = *GetWindowDrawList(); PushPlotClipRect(); const ImU32 col = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_ErrorBar].w == -1 ? GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Text) : GetColorU32(gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_ErrorBar]); const bool rend_whisker = gp.Style.ErrorBarSize > 0; const float half_whisker = gp.Style.ErrorBarSize * 0.5f; // find data extents if (gp.FitThisFrame) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ImVec4 e = getter(i); FitPoint(ImVec2(e.x , e.y - e.z)); FitPoint(ImVec2(e.x , e.y + e.w )); } } int idx = offset; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ImVec4 e; e = getter(idx); idx = (idx + 1) % count; ImVec2 p1 = PlotToPixels(e.x, e.y - e.z); ImVec2 p2 = PlotToPixels(e.x, e.y + e.w); DrawList.AddLine(p1,p2,col, gp.Style.ErrorBarWeight); if (rend_whisker) { DrawList.AddLine(p1 - ImVec2(half_whisker, 0), p1 + ImVec2(half_whisker, 0), col, gp.Style.ErrorBarWeight); DrawList.AddLine(p2 - ImVec2(half_whisker, 0), p2 + ImVec2(half_whisker, 0), col, gp.Style.ErrorBarWeight); } } PopPlotClipRect(); } void PlotErrorBars(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, const float* err, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterError getter(xs, ys, err, err, stride); PlotErrorBarsEx(label_id, getter, count, offset); } void PlotErrorBars(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, const float* neg, const float* pos, int count, int offset, int stride) { GetterError getter(xs, ys, neg, pos, stride); PlotErrorBarsEx(label_id, getter, count, offset); } void PlotErrorBars(const char* label_id, ImVec4 (*getter_func)(void* data, int idx), void* data, int count, int offset) { GetterFuncPtrImVec4 getter(getter_func, data); PlotErrorBarsEx(label_id, getter, count, offset); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLOT MISC //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void DrawPieSlice(ImDrawList& DrawList, const ImVec2& center, float radius, float a0, float a1, ImU32 col) { static const float resolution = 50 / (2 * IM_PI); static ImVec2 buffer[50]; buffer[0] = PlotToPixels(center); int n = ImMax(3, (int)((a1 - a0) * resolution)); float da = (a1 - a0) / (n - 1); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { float a = a0 + i * da; buffer[i + 1] = PlotToPixels(center.x + radius * cos(a), center.y + radius * sin(a)); } DrawList.AddConvexPolyFilled(buffer, n + 1, col); } void PlotPieChart(const char** label_ids, float* values, int count, const ImVec2& center, float radius, bool show_percents, float angle0) { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "PlotPieChart() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImDrawList & DrawList = *GetWindowDrawList(); float sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) sum += values[i]; const bool normalize = sum > 1.0f; PushPlotClipRect(); float a0 = angle0 * 2 * IM_PI / 360.0f; float a1 = angle0 * 2 * IM_PI / 360.0f; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ImPlotItem* item = RegisterItem(label_ids[i]); ImU32 col = GetColorU32(item->Color); float percent = normalize ? values[i] / sum : values[i]; a1 = a0 + 2 * IM_PI * percent; if (item->Show) { if (percent < 0.5) { DrawPieSlice(DrawList, center, radius, a0, a1, col); } else { DrawPieSlice(DrawList, center, radius, a0, a0 + (a1 - a0) * 0.5f, col); DrawPieSlice(DrawList, center, radius, a0 + (a1 - a0) * 0.5f, a1, col); } if (show_percents) { static char buffer[8]; sprintf(buffer, "%.0f%%", percent * 100); ImVec2 size = CalcTextSize(buffer); float angle = a0 + (a1 - a0) * 0.5f; ImVec2 pos = PlotToPixels(center.x + 0.5f * radius * cos(angle), center.y + 0.5f * radius * sin(angle)); DrawList.AddText(pos - size * 0.5f + ImVec2(1,1), IM_COL32(0,0,0,255), buffer); DrawList.AddText(pos - size * 0.5f, IM_COL32(255,255,255,255), buffer); } } a0 = a1; } PopPlotClipRect(); } void PlotLabel(const char* text, float x, float y, bool vertical, const ImVec2& pixel_offset) { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "PlotLabel() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImDrawList & DrawList = *ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); PushPlotClipRect(); ImVec2 pos = PlotToPixels({x,y}) + pixel_offset; if (vertical) AddTextVertical(&DrawList, text, pos, gp.Col_Txt); else DrawList.AddText(pos, gp.Col_Txt, text); PopPlotClipRect(); } template inline void PlotDigitalEx(const char* label_id, Getter getter, int count, int offset) { IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != NULL, "Plot() Needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImPlotItem* item = RegisterItem(label_id); if (!item->Show) return; ImDrawList & DrawList = *ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const bool rend_line = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line].w != 0 && gp.Style.LineWeight > 0; if (gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line].w != -1) item->Color = gp.Style.Colors[ImPlotCol_Line]; // find data extents if (gp.FitThisFrame) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ImVec2 p = getter(i); FitPoint(p); } } ImGui::PushClipRect(gp.BB_Grid.Min, gp.BB_Grid.Max, true); bool cull = HasFlag(gp.CurrentPlot->Flags, ImPlotFlags_CullData); const float line_weight = item->Highlight ? gp.Style.LineWeight * 2 : gp.Style.LineWeight; // render digital signals as "pixel bases" rectangles if (count > 1 && rend_line) { // const float mx = (gp.PixelRange.Max.x - gp.PixelRange.Min.x) / (gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Max - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min); int pixY_0 = line_weight; int pixY_1 = gp.Style.DigitalBitHeight; int pixY_Offset = 20;//20 pixel from bottom due to mouse cursor label int pixY_chOffset = pixY_1 + 3; //3 pixels between channels ImVec2 pMin, pMax; float y0 = (gp.PixelRange.Min.y) + ((-pixY_chOffset * gp.DigitalPlotItemCnt) - pixY_0 - pixY_Offset); float y1 = (gp.PixelRange.Min.y) + ((-pixY_chOffset * gp.DigitalPlotItemCnt) - pixY_1 - pixY_Offset); const int segments = count - 1; int i1 = offset; for (int s = 0; s < segments; ++s) { const int i2 = (i1 + 1) % count; ImVec2 itemData1 = getter(i1); ImVec2 itemData2 = getter(i2); i1 = i2; pMin.x = gp.PixelRange.Min.x + mx * (itemData1.x - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min); pMin.y = (gp.PixelRange.Min.y) + ((-pixY_chOffset * gp.DigitalPlotItemCnt) - pixY_Offset); pMax.x = gp.PixelRange.Min.x + mx * (itemData2.x - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min); pMax.y = ((int) itemData1.y == 0) ? y0 : y1; //plot only one rectangle for same digital state while (((s+2) < segments) && ((int) itemData1.y == (int) itemData2.y)) { const int i2 = (i1 + 1) % count; itemData2 = getter(i2); pMax.x = gp.PixelRange.Min.x + mx * (itemData2.x - gp.CurrentPlot->XAxis.Min); i1 = i2; s++; } //do not extend plot outside plot range if (pMin.x < gp.PixelRange.Min.x) pMin.x = gp.PixelRange.Min.x; if (pMax.x < gp.PixelRange.Min.x) pMax.x = gp.PixelRange.Min.x; if (pMin.x > gp.PixelRange.Max.x) pMin.x = gp.PixelRange.Max.x; if (pMax.x > gp.PixelRange.Max.x) pMax.x = gp.PixelRange.Max.x; //plot a rectangle that extends up to x2 with y1 height if ((pMax.x > pMin.x) && (!cull || gp.BB_Grid.Contains(pMin) || gp.BB_Grid.Contains(pMax))) { auto colAlpha = item->Color; colAlpha.w = item->Highlight ? 1.0 : 0.9; DrawList.AddRectFilled(pMin, pMax, GetColorU32(colAlpha)); } } gp.DigitalPlotItemCnt++; } ImGui::PopClipRect(); } void PlotDigital(const char* label_id, const float* xs, const float* ys, int count, int offset, int stride) { Getter2D getter(xs,ys,stride); return PlotDigitalEx(label_id, getter, count, offset); } void PlotDigital(const char* label_id, ImVec2 (*getter_func)(void* data, int idx), void* data, int count, int offset) { GetterFuncPtrImVec2 getter(getter_func,data); return PlotDigitalEx(label_id, getter, count, offset); } } // namespace ImGui