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2021-12-06 15:37:47 -05:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
class FitFunction :
def __init__(self, nparams, numericFlag=True):
self.nparams = nparams
self.numericFlag = numericFlag
def Evaluate(self, x, params):
return None
def EvaluateParamDeriv(self, x, params, this_param):
return None
def EvaluateDeriv(self, x, params):
return None
def NumericDeriv(self, x, y, dx, params):
return (self.Evaluate(x+dx, params) - y)/dx
def NumericParamDeriv(self, x, y, params, this_param, dpar):
par_val = params[this_param]
params[this_param] += dpar
value = (self.Evaluate(x, params) - y)/dpar
params[this_param] = par_val
return value
class SpancFit:
def __init__(self, func) :
self.function = func
self.nparams = func.nparams
self.numericFlag = func.numericFlag
self.covMatrix = np.zeros((self.nparams, self.nparams))
self.xErrorFlag = False
self.chiSq = 0
self.ndf = 0
self.redChiSq = 0
self.Lambda = 0.1
self.parameters = np.zeros(self.nparams)
self.x_data = np.zeros(0)
self.y_data = np.zeros(0)
self.y_errors = np.zeros(0)
self.x_errors = np.zeros(0)
self.x_incr = np.zeros(0)
self.param_incr = np.zeros(self.nparams)
self.ndata = 0
def EvaluateFunction(self, x):
return self.function.Evaluate(x, self.parameters)
def SetParamIncrement(self, func_vals):
vor = 0.0
nach = 0.0
zoom = 0
index = 0
for i in range(len(self.parameters)):
zoom = 0
self.param_incr[i] = abs(self.parameters[i]*1e-3)
if self.param_incr[i] == 0.0:
self.param_incr[i] = 1e-3
for j in range(5):
index = j*self.ndata/5
nach = self.function.NumericParamDeriv(self.x_data[index], func_vals[index], self.parameters, i, self.param_incr[i])
vor = 0
while zoom <= 4 and abs(nach - vor) >= vor:
zoom += 1
vor = nach
self.param_incr[i] *= 0.1
nach = self.function.NumericParamDeriv(self.x_data[index], func_vals[index], self.parameters, i, self.param_incr[i])
def SetXIncrement(self, func_vals):
vor = 0.0
nach = 0.0
zoom = 0
for i in range(self.ndata):
zoom = 0
self.x_incr[i] = abs(self.x_data[i]*1e-3)
if self.x_incr[i] == 0.0:
self.x_incr[i] = 1e-3
nach = self.function.NumericDeriv(self.x_data[i], func_vals[i], self.x_incr[i], self.parameters)
vor = 0
while zoom <= 4 and abs(nach - vor) >= vor:
zoom += 1
vor = nach
self.x_incr[i] *= 0.1
nach = self.function.NumericDeriv(self.x_data[index], func_vals[index], self.x_incr[i], self.parameters)
def Fit(self, x_array, y_array, yerr_array, xerr_array=np.empty(0)):
self.x_data = x_array
self.y_data = y_array
self.y_errors = yerr_array
self.x_errors = xerr_array
self.ndata = len(self.x_data)
self.x_incr = np.zeros(self.ndata)
self.ndf = self.ndata - self.nparams
if len(xerr_array) == 0:
self.xErrorFlag = False
self.xErrorFlag = True
def GetParameterError(self, param_index):
return np.sqrt(abs(self.covMatrix[param_index][param_index]))
def CalculateChiSquare(self, func_vals):
y_eff_errors = np.zeros(self.ndata)
if self.numericFlag:
if self.xErrorFlag:
for i in range(self.ndata):
y_eff_errors[i] = np.sqrt(self.y_errors[i]**2.0 + (self.x_errors[i]*self.function.NumericDeriv(self.x_data[i], func_vals[i], self.x_incr[i], self.parameters))**2.0)
y_eff_errors = self.y_errors
elif self.xErrorFlag:
for i in range(self.ndata):
y_eff_errors[i] = np.sqrt(self.y_errors[i]**2.0 + (self.x_errors[i]*self.function.EvaluateDeriv(self.x_data[i], self.parameters))**2.0)
y_eff_errors = self.y_errors
chisq = np.sum(((self.y_data - func_vals)/y_eff_errors)**2.0)
return chisq, y_eff_errors
def CurveFit(self):
residuum = np.zeros(self.ndata)
y = 0.0
dy = 0.0
chi_lastmain = 0.0
chi_lastsub = 0.0
chi_fit = 0.0
schlechter = True
b = np.zeros(self.nparams)
abl = np.zeros(self.nparams)
norm = np.zeros(self.nparams)
func_vals = np.zeros(self.ndata)
y_eff_errors = np.zeros(self.ndata)
a = np.zeros((self.nparams, self.nparams))
afaktor = np.zeros((self.nparams, self.nparams))
inv = np.zeros((self.nparams, self.nparams))
for i in range(self.ndata):
func_vals[i] = self.function.Evaluate(self.x_data[i], self.parameters)
if self.numericFlag:
if self.xErrorFlag:
chi_lastsub, y_eff_errors = self.CalculateChiSquare(func_vals)
chi_lastmain = chi_lastsub
temp_params = np.zeros(self.nparams)
#Main optimization loop
while True:
chi_fit = chi_lastmain
for i in range(self.nparams):
for j in range(self.nparams):
a[i][j] = 0.0
b[i] = 0.0
residuum = (self.y_data - func_vals)/(y_eff_errors**2.0)
for i in range(self.ndata):
for j in range(self.nparams):
abl[j] = self.function.NumericParamDeriv(self.x_data[i], func_vals[i], self.parameters, j, param_incr[j])
abl[j] = self.function.EvaluateParamDeriv(self.x_data[i], self.parameters, j)
b[j] += abl[j]*residuum[i]
for j in range(self.nparams):
for k in range(self.nparams):
a[j][k] += abl[j]*abl[k]/(y_eff_errors[i]**2.0)
for i in range(self.nparams):
if a[i][i] < 1e-15:
a[i][i] = 1e-15
norm[i] = np.sqrt(a[i][i])
temp_params = self.parameters
#sub-loop looking for the best next step
while True:
chi_lastsub = 0.0
for i in range(self.nparams):
for j in range(self.nparams):
afaktor[i][j] = a[i][j]/(norm[i]*norm[j])
afaktor[i][i] = 1.0 + self.Lambda
inv = np.linalg.inv(afaktor)
for i in range(self.nparams):
for j in range(self.nparams):
self.parameters[i] += b[j]*inv[i][j]/(norm[i]*norm[j])
for i in range(self.ndata):
func_vals[i] = self.function.Evaluate(self.x_data[i], self.parameters)
chi_lastsub, y_eff_errors = self.CalculateChiSquare(func_vals)
schlechter = (chi_lastsub - chi_lastmain > 1e-5) and self.Lambda != 0
sub_iters += 1
if sub_iters > self.MAX_ITERS:
elif schlechter:
self.parameters = temp_params
self.Lambda *= 10.0
#end sub-loop
chi_lastmain = chi_lastsub
if self.numericFlag:
self.Lambda *= 0.1
hauptschritt += 1
if abs(chi_fit - chi_lastmain) < self.PRECISION*chi_fit or hauptschritt > self.MAX_ITERS or self.Lambda == 0.0:
#end main loop
for i in range(self.nparams):
for j in range(self.nparams):
afaktor[i][j] = a[i][j]/(norm[i]*norm[j])
self.covMatrix = np.linalg.inv(afaktor)
self.chiSq = chi_lastmain
if self.ndata > self.nparams:
self.redChiSq = self.chiSq/self.ndf
self.redChiSq = 0.0
return hauptschritt
class LinearFunction(FitFunction):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(2, numericFlag=False)
def Evaluate(self, x, params):
return params[0] + x*params[1]
def EvaluateDeriv(self, x, params):
return params[1]
def EvaluateParamDeriv(self, x, params, this_param):
if this_param == 0:
return 1.0
elif this_param == 1:
return x
return 0.0
class QuadraticFunction(FitFunction):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(3, numericFlag=False)
def Evaluate(self, x, params):
return params[0] + x*params[1] + (x**2.0)*params[2]
def EvaluateDeriv(self, x, params):
return params[1]+2.0*x*params[2]
def EvaluateParamDeriv(self, x, params, this_param):
if this_param == 0:
return 1.0
elif this_param == 1:
return x
elif this_param == 2:
return x**2.0
return 0.0
class CubicFunction(FitFunction):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(4, numericFlag=False)
def Evaluate(self, x, params):
return params[0] + x*params[1] + (x**2.0)*params[2] + (x**3.0)*params[3]
def EvaluateDeriv(self, x, params):
return params[1]+2.0*x*params[2]+3.0*(x**2.0)*params[3]
def EvaluateParamDeriv(self, x, params, this_param):
if this_param == 0:
return 1.0
elif this_param == 1:
return x
elif this_param == 2:
return x**2.0
elif this_param == 3:
return x**3.0
return 0.0
def main():
ndata = 100
x = np.zeros(ndata)
y = np.zeros(ndata)
dy = np.zeros(ndata)
dx = np.zeros(ndata)
for i in range(ndata):
x[i] = i
y[i] = i+0.0001*i*i+7.0
dy[i] = 0.1
dx[i] = 0.1
fit_func = LinearFunction()
my_fit = SpancFit(fit_func)
my_fit.parameters[0] = 1.0
my_fit.parameters[1] = 1.0
print("Testing SPANC fitting routine using test data and linear function...")
my_fit.Fit(x, y, dy)
print("Results from fit with y-errors: param[0] =",my_fit.parameters[0],"param[1] =",my_fit.parameters[1],"Reduced chi-sq =",my_fit.redChiSq)
if __name__ == '__main__':