#include "global.h" #include "GUI_AD.h" #include "GUI_Base.h" #include "Functlib.h" #include "QDK.h" #include "Cleb.h" //To compile : g++ AD.cxx -o {Input Executable Name} -lX11 //For more information about angular distributions, read Rose and Brinks, and Frank Moore (1988). using namespace std; #ifndef __CINT__ int main(int argc,char **argv){ double j1, j2; //detector data input double detradius, targetdistance, detthickness = -1; double Energy; //input .csv file double Sigma; //-------------------------------- detradius = 3.; targetdistance = 4.; detthickness = 5.; Energy = 1062.; Sigma = 0.5; j1 = 2.; j2 = 1.; //-------------------------------- //TEST MODE? y : 1 || n = 0 int test = 1; int det_param_token = -1; int gamma_energy_token = -1; int ang_file_token = -1; int sigma_token = -1; int j1j2token = -1; if(test == 1){ det_param_token = 1; gamma_energy_token = 1; ang_file_token = -1; sigma_token = 1; j1j2token = 1; } if( test == 0 ) { printf("Input detector radius, target distance, and detector thickness : "); scanf("%lf,%lf,%lf",&detradius,&targetdistance,&detthickness); if(detradius > 0 && targetdistance > 0 && detthickness > 0){ det_param_token = 1; }else{ do{ if(detradius< 0|| targetdistance < 0|| detthickness < 0){ printf("Negative numbers are not allowed!\nRe-enter radius, distance, and thickness : "); scanf("%lf,%lf,%lf", &detradius,&targetdistance,&detthickness); } }while(detradius< 0|| targetdistance < 0|| detthickness < 0);} if(detradius > 0 && targetdistance > 0 && detthickness > 0){ det_param_token = 1; printf(" --- Detector characteristics loaded --- \n"); } printf("Enter the gamma-ray energy : "); scanf("%lf", &Energy); if(Energy > 0){ gamma_energy_token = 1; }else{ do{ if(Energy <= 0){ printf("Negative numbers are not allowed!\nRe-enter gamma-ray energy : "); scanf("%lf", &Energy);} }while(Energy <= 0);} if(Energy > 0){ gamma_energy_token = 1; printf(" --- Gamma Energy loaded --- \n"); } //then calucate QD2 and QD4, and replace the 0 with them. } double QD2 = QK2(Energy, detradius, targetdistance, detthickness); ; double QD4 = QK4(Energy, detradius, targetdistance, detthickness); ; // cout << "QD2 = " << " " << QD2 << " QD4 = " << " " << QD4 << "\n"; //input data file of Angular Data (theta, Yexp, Yerr) vector > content; vector row; string line, word; vector adata; vector ydata; vector eydata; int num = 0; string fname,fname2; cout<<"Enter the file name : "; cin>>fname; int aaaa = -1; fstream file(fname.c_str()); if(file.is_open()){ cout<< " --- Angular Data File Loaded --- \n"; ang_file_token = 1; while(getline(file,line)){ row.clear(); stringstream str(line); while(getline(str, word, ',')) row.push_back(word); content.push_back(row); adata.push_back(row[0]); ydata.push_back(row[1]); eydata.push_back(row[2]); } }else{ do{ cout<< "Could not open the file\n"; cout<< "Enter the file name : "; cin>>fname2; fstream file(fname2.c_str()); if(file.is_open()){ aaaa = 1; while(getline(file,line)){ row.clear(); stringstream str(line); while(getline(str, word, ',')) row.push_back(word); content.push_back(row); adata.push_back(row[0]); ydata.push_back(row[1]); eydata.push_back(row[2]); } }else{ aaaa = -1; } }while(aaaa == -1); cout<< " --- Angular Data File Loaded --- \n"; ang_file_token = 1; } for(int i = 0; i< adata.size();i++){ // cout << adata[i] << "\n"; // cout << ydata[i] << "\n"; // cout << eydata[i] << "\n"; } // Legendre Polinomial fit using adata, ydata, eydata; adata.erase(adata.begin()); ydata.erase(ydata.begin()); eydata.erase(eydata.begin()); vector dangle = string_to_double_vector(adata); vector dydata = string_to_double_vector(ydata); vector deydata = string_to_double_vector(eydata); vector dangler; for(int i = 0; i < dangle.size(); i++){ double aa = dangle[i]; dangler.push_back(aa*3.14159/180.); printf("dangle = %lf\n",dangler[i]); } // if you need to scale the y data by sin(theta) /* for(int i=0; i= 0; i--){ residual[i] = mat[i][n]; for( int j = i + 1; j= 0 ){ sigma_token = 1; }else{ do{ printf("Negative numbers are not allowed!\nRe-enter Sigma : "); scanf("%lf", &Sigma); }while(Sigma <0);} if(Sigma >= 0 ){ sigma_token = 1; printf(" --- Sigma Loaded --- \n"); } printf("Please enter J1,J2 : "); scanf("%lf,%lf",&j1,&j2); if(j1 >= 0 && j2 >= 0 ){ j1j2token = 1; }else{ do{ printf("Negative numbers are not allowed!\nRe-enter J1,J2 : "); scanf("%lf,%lf", &j1,&j2); }while(j1 < 0 || j2 < 0);} if(j1 >= 0 && j2 >= 0 ){ j1j2token = 1; printf(" --- J1 & J2 Loaded --- \n"); } } // Calculate BK(j1) for perfect allignment // double A[6]; double js = sqrt(2*j1 +1); double j12 = 2*j1; int IS = (int)j12 % 2; double cg12,cg22,cg24,cg14 = 0.; double I1, I2 = 0.; double cg1, cg2 = 0.; double Bk11, Bk12 = 0.; if(Sigma == 0){ if(IS == 1){ A[0] = j1; A[1] = j1; A[2] = 2.; A[3] = .5; A[4] = -.5; A[5] = 0.; cg12 = CG2(A); A[3] = -.5; A[4] = .5; cg22 = CG2(A); A[2] = 4.; cg24 = CG2(A); A[3] = .5; A[4] = -.5; cg14 = CG2(A); printf("cg12 = %lf\n",cg12); printf("cg22 = %lf\n",cg22); printf("cg24 = %lf\n",cg24); printf("cg24 = %lf\n",cg24); printf("Bk11 = %lf\n",Bk11); printf("Bk12 = %lf\n",Bk12); Bk11 = (0.5)*js*(pow(-1,I1) * cg12 + pow(-1,I2) * cg22); Bk12 = (0.5)*js*(pow(-1,I1) * cg14 + pow(-1,I2) * cg24); }else if(IS == 0){ A[0] = j1; A[1] = j1; A[2] = 2.; A[3] = 0.; A[4] = 0.; A[5] = 0.; cg1 = CG2(A); Bk11 = pow(-1,j1) * js * cg1; A[2] = 4.; cg2 = CG2(A); Bk12 = pow(-1,j1) * js * cg2; printf("Bk11 = %lf\n",Bk11); printf("Bk12 = %lf\n",Bk12); printf("cg1 = %lf\n",cg1); printf("cg2 = %lf\n",cg2); } } //normalize W(m1) // j12 = 2*j1; double j14 = 4*j1; double sigsq = pow(Sigma,2); double sum1 = 0.; double am1,amsq,x,ex = 0.; //-------------------------------------------------------SOMETHING WRONG WITH CN1. for(int i = 0; i <= j14; i = i + 2){ am1 = 0.5*(i - j12); amsq = pow(am1,2); x = - (amsq/(2*sigsq)); ex = exp(x); sum1 = sum1 + ex; } double cn1 = 1./sum1; // cout << "cn1" << " " << cn1 << "\n"; double AL0 = 0.; double A0 = j1 - j2; double A0b = abs(A0); if(A0b > 0){ AL0 = A0b;} if(A0b <= 0){AL0 = 1.;} double AL1 = AL0 +1; double am11,amsq1,x1,ex1 = 0.; //calculate Bk(j1) for gaussian W(m1) or non zero Sigma //NEEDS VALUE FIX if(Sigma != 0){ double A[6]; A[0] = j1; A[1] = j1; A[5] = 0.; double sfact = sqrt(2*j1 +1); double cgg = 0.; double tTerm = 0.; double II = 0.; for(int i = 2; i<= 4; i = i + 2){ A[2] = i; for(int m = 0; m <= j14; m = m +2){ am11 = 0.5*(m - j12); amsq1 = pow(am11,2); x1 = -(amsq1/(2*sigsq)); II = j1 - am11; A[3] = am11; A[4] = -am11; if(isnan(CG2(A))){ // CG2(A) is NaN cout << "Warning, a CG coefficient returned NaN, set to 0.\n"; cgg = 0.0; }else{ //CG2(A) is not NaN. cgg = CG2(A); } // cout << "cgg = " << " " << cgg << "\n"; // cout << "am11 = " << " " << am11 << "\n"; // cout << "amsq1 = " << " " << amsq1 << "\n"; // cout << "x1 = " << " " << x1 << "\n"; ex1 = exp(x1); tTerm = cn1*ex1*pow(-1,II) * sfact*cgg; // cout <<"tTerm "<<" " << tTerm << "\n"; if(i == 2){ Bk11 = Bk11 + tTerm; }else if(i == 4){ Bk12 = Bk12 + tTerm;} } } cout << "Bk11" << " " << Bk11 << "\n"; cout << "Bk12" << " " << Bk12 << "\n"; } vector > content_r; vector row_r; string line_r, word_r; vector j1data; vector j2data; vector Rk20data; vector Rk21data; vector Rk22data; vector Rk40data; vector Rk41data; vector Rk42data; fstream file1("RkTable.csv"); if(file1.is_open()){ while(getline(file1,line_r)){ row_r.clear(); stringstream str(line_r); while(getline(str, word_r, ',')) row_r.push_back(word_r); content_r.push_back(row_r); j1data.push_back(row_r[0]); j2data.push_back(row_r[1]); Rk20data.push_back(row_r[2]); Rk21data.push_back(row_r[3]); Rk22data.push_back(row_r[4]); Rk40data.push_back(row_r[5]); Rk41data.push_back(row_r[6]); Rk42data.push_back(row_r[7]); } cout<< " --- Rk(llj1j2) Table Loaded --- \n"; }else cout<< "Could not open the file\n"; vector::iterator dit; vector::iterator dit2; vector j1datad = string_to_double_vector(j1data); vector j2datad = string_to_double_vector(j2data); vector rk20datad = string_to_double_vector(Rk20data); vector rk21datad = string_to_double_vector(Rk21data); vector rk22datad = string_to_double_vector(Rk22data); vector rk40datad = string_to_double_vector(Rk40data); vector rk41datad = string_to_double_vector(Rk41data); vector rk42datad = string_to_double_vector(Rk42data); int nn = 0; for(dit = j1datad.begin();dit < j1datad.end();dit++){ if(j1 == *dit){ for(dit2 = j2datad.begin();dit2 < j2datad.end();dit2++){ if(j2 == *dit2 and j1 == j1datad[distance(j2datad.begin(),dit2)]){ // cout << *dit << " " << *dit2 << " Index Equals = " < chisqr; vector tdelta; double YT0,YT2,YT4,YT,YE = 0.; double Y_err = 10.; //delta loop; for(int i = 0; i< points; i++){ delta = i*step + delta_min; // delta = tan(atan_delta); //now sum over all theta; for(int j = 0; j < dangler.size(); j++){ Tangle = dangler[j]; //calculate Y_intensity_theory and and experiment and sum over theta // rd0T = (rk01 + 2*delta*rk11 + pow(delta,2)*rk21)/(1+pow(delta,2)); rd2T = (rk01 + 2*delta*rk11 + pow(delta,2)*rk21)/(1+pow(delta,2)); rd4T = (rk02 + 2*delta*rk12 + pow(delta,2)*rk22)/(1+pow(delta,2)); YT0 = 1; // P0(cos(theta)) = 1 YT2 = QD2*Bk11*rd2T*((1.5*pow(cos(Tangle),2)-.5)); YT4 = QD4*Bk12*rd4T*(35./8.* pow(cos(Tangle),4) - 30./8.*pow(cos(Tangle),2) + 3./8.); YT = YT0 + YT2 + YT4; YE = 1 + a2E*(1.5*pow(cos(Tangle),2)-.5) + a4E*(35./8.* pow(cos(Tangle),4) - 30./8.*pow(cos(Tangle),2) + 3./8.); X2_total += pow((YT- YE),2)/(200.); } //Figure out denominator. chisqr.push_back(log(X2_total)); tdelta.push_back(delta); X2_total = 0.; } /* A2T = QD2*Bk11*rd2T; a2T = A2T/A0E; //using the idea that A0E is our normalizer. rd4T = (rk02 + 2*delta*rk12 + pow(delta,2)*rk22)/(1+pow(delta,2)); A4T = QD4*Bk12*rd4T; a4T = A4T/A0E; X22 = pow((a2E -a2T),2)/(a2T); X24 = pow((a4E -a4T),2)/(a4T); X2_total = (X22 + X24)/2; */ vector Theta; vector AD_I; double ad_start = 0.; int adpoints = (3.1415)/(step); double theta,Iad = 0.; double aaa,aab,aac = 0.; for(int i = 0; i < adpoints; i++){ theta = i*step + ad_start; aaa = 1.; aab = (A2E/A0E)*(1.5 * pow(cos(theta),2) - .5); aac = (A4E/A0E)*(35./8. * pow(cos(theta),4) - 30./8. * pow(cos(theta),2) + 3./8. ); Iad = aaa + aab + aac; AD_I.push_back(Iad); Theta.push_back(theta); //these arrays arent used, but they are the function (if one just wanted to the legendre fit function that goes over the data. } vector dydatas; for(int i = 0; i < dydata.size(); i++){ double bbb = dydata[i]; dydatas.push_back(bbb/A0E); printf("Normalized y-intensity %i = %lf\n",i+1,dydatas[i]); } //This is to temporarily fix the issue with the AD distribution, it takes off the last point in the arrays when plotting or doesnt see them. NEED FIX dydatas.push_back(A0E); dangler.push_back(3.1415/2.); int param; param = param_run(det_param_token, gamma_energy_token, ang_file_token, sigma_token, j1j2token); /* cout << det_param_token << "\n"; cout << gamma_energy_token << "\n"; cout << ang_file_token << "\n"; cout << sigma_token << "\n"; cout << j1j2token << "\n"; cout << param << "\n"; */ //Initialize Graphics Here. HistoGUI gui; HistoGUIad gui_ad; // FIX menu input complexity. // int optnum = -1; menu(); printf("Input option : "); scanf("%d", &optnum); if(optnum < 0){ optnum = -1; printf("Negative numbers are not allowed!\nInput option : "); scanf("%d", &optnum); } if(optnum == 0){ Readme(); optnum = -1; printf("Input option : "); scanf("%d", &optnum); } //if all inputs are valid, plot distribution. if(param == 1 && optnum == 1){ optnum = -1; //plotting values here //x will be arctan of mixing ratio. //y will be log(X^2); gui.SetData(tdelta,chisqr); //gui.SetData(Theta,AD_I); gui.Init(); gui.Loop(); gui.Close(); // printf("Input option : "); // scanf("%d", &optnum); // if(optnum < 0){ // printf("Input option : "); // scanf("%d", &optnum); // } } //Plot Angular distribution fit, with points and error bars. if(param == 1 and optnum == 2){ /* gui.SetData(Theta,AD_I); gui.Init(); gui.Loop(); gui.Close(); */ gui_ad.SetData(dangler,dydatas); gui_ad.SetErrors(deydata); gui_ad.SetFit(residual[0],residual[1],residual[2]); gui_ad.Init(); gui_ad.Loop(); gui_ad.Close(); } //exit printf("Input option : "); scanf("%d", &optnum); if(optnum < 0){ optnum = -1; printf("Negative numbers are not allowed!\nInput option : "); scanf("%d", &optnum); } if(param == 1 and optnum == 3){ return 0; } return 1; } #endif