751 lines
16 KiB
751 lines
16 KiB
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include "GUI.h"
#include "Coeff.h"
#include "QDK.h"
#include "Racah.h"
#include "Cleb.h"
//To compile : g++ AD.cxx -o {Input Executable Name} -lX11
//For more information about angular distributions, read Rose and Brinks, and Frank Moore (1988).
using namespace std;
void menu(){
std::cout <<"==========================================\n";
std::cout<< "\t\t Menu Options \t \n";
std::cout<< "0 - Reading and Instructions \n";
std::cout<< "1 - Plot Chi Sqr \n";
std::cout<< "2 - Plot Ang.Dis Fit \n";
std::cout<< "3 - Clear J1 J2 Memory \n";
std::cout<< "4 - Exit \n";
std::cout<< "5 - Legfit to Data \n";
std::cout<< "6 - Generate Data \n";
std::cout<<"=========================================== \n";}
void Readme(){
std::cout<< " The program calculates Chi-Squared values \n";
std::cout<< " from experimental angular distributions as \n";
std::cout<< " a function of multipole ratios using the \n";
std::cout<< " theoretical angular distribution formulae \n";
std::cout<< " in rose and brink \n";
std::cout<< " \n";
std::cout<< " Follow the prompt in order to correctly display \n";
std::cout<< " \n";
std::cout<< " To close the gui, press any button. \n";
std::cout<< " To zoom in, left click then drag and let go. To unzoom\n";
std::cout<< " press the space bar. To draw, right click\n";
std::cout<< " \n";
std::cout<< " ad.txt is generated with geometric stats.\n";
std::cout<< " Then at the end it generates CG, W3J & W6J\n";
#ifndef __CINT__
int main(int argc,char **argv){
HistoGUI gui;
// menu();
double j1, j2;
//detector data input
double detradius, targetdistance, detthickness = -1;
double Energy;
//input .csv file
double Sigma;
double Feeding;
detradius = 3.;
targetdistance = 4.;
detthickness = 5.;
Energy = 1062.;
Sigma = .1;
Feeding = .1;
j1 = 2.;
j2 = 1.;
//TEST MODE? y : 1 || n = 0
int test = 1;
int det_param_token = -1;
int gamma_energy_token = -1;
int ang_file_token = -1;
int sigma_token = -1;
int feeding_token = -1;
int j1j2token = -1;
if(test == 1){
det_param_token = 1;
gamma_energy_token = 1;
ang_file_token = -1;
sigma_token = 1;
feeding_token = 1;
j1j2token = 1;
printf("Input detector radius, target distance, and detector thickness : ");
if(detradius > 0 && targetdistance > 0 && detthickness > 0){
det_param_token = 1;
if(detradius< 0|| targetdistance < 0|| detthickness < 0){
printf("Negative numbers are not allowed!\nRe-enter radius, distance, and thickness : ");
scanf("%lf,%lf,%lf", &detradius,&targetdistance,&detthickness);
}while(detradius< 0|| targetdistance < 0|| detthickness < 0);}
if(detradius > 0 && targetdistance > 0 && detthickness > 0){
det_param_token = 1; printf(" --- Detector characteristics loaded --- \n");
printf("Enter the gamma-ray energy : ");
scanf("%lf", &Energy);
if(Energy > 0){
gamma_energy_token = 1;
if(Energy <= 0){
printf("Negative numbers are not allowed!\nRe-enter gamma-ray energy : ");
scanf("%lf", &Energy);}
}while(Energy <= 0);}
if(Energy > 0){
gamma_energy_token = 1; printf(" --- Gamma Energy loaded --- \n");
QKN(Energy, detradius, targetdistance, detthickness);
//then calucate QD2 and QD4, and replace the 0 with them.
double QD2 = .7;
double QD4 = .3;
//input data file of Angular Data (theta, Yexp, Yerr)
string fname;
cout<<"Enter the file name : ";
vector<vector<string> > content;
vector<string> row;
string line, word;
vector<string> adata;
vector<string> ydata;
vector<string> eydata;
int num = 0;
fstream file(fname.c_str());
stringstream str(line);
while(getline(str, word, ','))
cout<< " --- Angular Data File Loaded --- \n";
}else cout<< "Could not open the file\n";
for(int i = 0; i< adata.size();i++){
// cout << adata[i] << "\n";
// cout << ydata[i] << "\n";
// cout << eydata[i] << "\n";
// Legendre Polinomial fit using adata, ydata, eydata;
vector<int> int_adata(adata.size());
std::transform(adata.begin()+1, adata.end(), std::back_inserter(int_adata), StrToInt);
vector<double> double_angle(int_adata.size() -4);
for(int i = 4; i< int_adata.size(); i++){
// printf("angle = %d\n",int_adata[i]);
vector<int> int_ydata(ydata.size());
std::transform(ydata.begin()+1, ydata.end(), std::back_inserter(int_ydata), StrToInt);
for(int i = 4; i< int_ydata.size(); i++){
// printf("Ydata = %d\n",int_ydata[i]);
vector<double> double_ydata(int_ydata.size() -4);
for(int i = 4; i< int_ydata.size(); i++){
// printf("angle = %d\n",int_adata[i]);
vector<int> int_eydata(eydata.size());
std::transform(eydata.begin()+1, eydata.end(), std::back_inserter(int_eydata), StrToInt);
for(int i = 4; i< int_eydata.size(); i++){
// printf("Error data = %d\n",int_eydata[i]);
for(int i = 3; i< double_angle.size();i++){
// printf("rad angle = %lf\n",double_angle[i]);
//displays the angles inputed as doubles in radians.
for(int i = 3; i< double_ydata.size();i++){
// printf("y_data = %lf\n",double_ydata[i]);
//displays the angles inputed as doubles in radians.
for(int i=0; i<content.size(); i++){
for(int j=0; j<content[i].size(); j++){
cout<< content[i][j]<<" ";
//legendre fitting
// F[xi] = A0 + A2(P2(xi)) + A4(P4(xi))
//xi data is angle data in radians.
//yi data is y-intensity data.
//to change the number of angles, just mess with the indexing of the read in and arrays.
//12 constants. this will build our matrix for gaussian elinmination.
//[a1 a2 a3] [A0] = [a4]
//[a5 a6 a7] [A2] = [a8]
//[a9 a10 a11] [A4] = [a12]
double a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12 = 0.;
for(int i = 3; i< double_angle.size(); i++){
a1 += 1; //how many data points, not intensional but convientient.
a2 += (1.5 * pow(double_angle[i],2) - 1);
a3 += (35./8. * pow(double_angle[i],4) - 30./8. * pow(double_angle[i],2) + 3./8. );
a4 += double_ydata[i];
a5 += (1.5 * pow(double_angle[i],2) - 1);
a6 += (1.5 * pow(double_angle[i],2) - 1)*(1.5 * pow(double_angle[i],2) - 1);
a7 += (1.5 * pow(double_angle[i],2) - 1)*(35./8. * pow(double_angle[i],4) - 30./8. * pow(double_angle[i],2) + 3./8. );
a8 += (1.5 * pow(double_angle[i],2) - 1)*double_ydata[i];
a9 += (35./8. * pow(double_angle[i],4) - 30./8. * pow(double_angle[i],2) + 3./8. );
a10 += (1.5 * pow(double_angle[i],2) - 1)*(35./8. * pow(double_angle[i],4) - 30./8. * pow(double_angle[i],2) + 3./8. );
a11 +=(35./8. * pow(double_angle[i],4) - 30./8. * pow(double_angle[i],2) + 3./8. )* (35./8. * pow(double_angle[i],4) - 30./8. * pow(double_angle[i],2) + 3./8. );
a12 += (35./8. * pow(double_angle[i],4) - 30./8. * pow(double_angle[i],2) + 3./8. )*double_ydata[i];
printf("a1 = %lf\n",a1);
printf("a2 = %lf\n",a2);
printf("a3 = %lf\n",a3);
printf("a4 = %lf\n",a4);
printf("a5 = %lf\n",a5);
printf("a6 = %lf\n",a6);
printf("a7 = %lf\n",a7);
printf("a8 = %lf\n",a8);
printf("a9 = %lf\n",a9);
printf("a10 = %lf\n",a10);
printf("a11 = %lf\n",a11);
printf("a12 = %lf\n",a12);
//here number of equations are 3 because its a 3 coeff. fit.
int n = 3;
double mat[3][4] = {{a1,a2,a3,a4},{a5,a6,a7,a8},{a9,a10,a11,a12}};
//where A0,A2,A4 are stored
double residual[n];
for(int i = 0; i<n;i++){
for( int j = i+1; j<n; j++){
if(abs(mat[i][i]) < abs(mat[i][j])){
for(int k = 0; k<n+1;k++){
//swapping matrix
// mat[i][k] = mat[i][k] + mat[j][k];
// mat[j][k] = mat[i][k] - mat[j][k];
// mat[i][k] = mat[i][k] - mat[j][k];
//performing gaussian elimination.
for(int i = 0; i< n-1; i++) {
for(int j = i +1; j<n;j++){
float f = mat[j][i]/mat[i][i];
for(int k = 0; k<n+1; k++){
mat[j][k] = mat[j][k] -f*mat[i][k];
//backwards substitution for unknowns.
for( int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--){
residual[i] = mat[i][n];
for( int j = i + 1; j<n;j++){
if(i != j){
residual[i] = residual[i] - mat[i][j] * residual[j];
residual[i] = residual[i]/mat[i][i];
cout<<"A0 = "<<residual[0]<<"\n";
cout<<"A2 = "<<residual[1]<<"\n";
cout<<"A4 = "<<residual[2]<<"\n";
printf("Please enter sigma, sigma = 0 for perfect allignment : ");
scanf("%lf", &Sigma);
if(Sigma >= 0 ){
sigma_token = 1;
printf("Negative numbers are not allowed!\nRe-enter Sigma : ");
scanf("%lf", &Sigma);
}while(Sigma <0);}
if(Sigma >= 0 ){
sigma_token = 1; printf(" --- Sigma Loaded --- \n");
printf("Please enter feeding parameter : ");
scanf("%lf", &Feeding);
if(Feeding >= 0 and Feeding < 1){
feeding_token = 1;
printf("Negative numbers are not allowed!\nRe-enter Feeding : ");
scanf("%lf", &Feeding);
}while(Feeding < 0);}
if(Feeding >= 0 ){
feeding_token = 1; printf(" --- Feeding Loaded --- \n");
printf("Please enter J1,J2 : ");
if(j1 >= 0 && j2 >= 0 ){
j1j2token = 1;
printf("Negative numbers are not allowed!\nRe-enter J1,J2 : ");
scanf("%lf,%lf", &j1,&j2);
}while(j1 < 0 || j2 < 0);}
if(j1 >= 0 && j2 >= 0 ){
j1j2token = 1; printf(" --- J1 & J2 Loaded --- \n");
printf("detector radius = %lf\n",detradius);
printf("detector distance = %lf\n",targetdistance);
printf("detector width = %lf\n",detthickness);
printf("Gamma-Ray energy = %lf\n", Energy);
printf("Sigma Distribution = %lf\n", Sigma);
printf("Feeding param = %lf\n", Feeding);
printf("J1,J2 = %lf,%lf\n",j1,j2);
double J = j1 + j2;
double m1 = j1;
double m2 = j2;
double M = m1 + m2;
double j3 = J;
double m3 = j3;
double j4 = j3;
double j5 = j1 + j2 + j3;
double j6 = j2 + j3;
// Calculate BK(j1) for perfect allignment
double A[6];
double js = sqrt(2*j1 +1);
double j12 = 2*j1;
int IS = (int)j12 % 2;
double cg12,cg22,cg24,cg14 = 0.;
double I1, I2 = 0.;
double Bk11, Bk12 = 0.;
double cg1, cg2 = 0.;
if(IS == 1){
A[0] = j1;
A[1] = j1;
A[2] = 2.;
A[3] = .5;
A[4] = -.5;
A[5] = 0.;
cg12 = CG2(A);
A[3] = -.5;
A[4] = .5;
cg22 = CG2(A);
A[2] = 4.;
cg24 = CG2(A);
A[3] = .5;
A[4] = -.5;
cg14 = CG2(A);
Bk11 = (0.5)*js*(pow(-1,I1) * cg12 + pow(-1,I2) * cg22);
Bk12 = (0.5)*js*(pow(-1,I1) * cg14 + pow(-1,I2) * cg24);
}else if(IS == 0){
A[0] = j1;
A[1] = j1;
A[2] = 2.;
A[3] = 0.;
A[4] = 0.;
A[5] = 0.;
cg1 = CG2(A);
Bk11 = pow(-1,j1) * js * cg1;
A[2] = 4.;
cg2 = CG2(A);
Bk12 = pow(-1,j1) * js * cg2;
//normalize W(m1)
j12 = 2*j1;
double j14 = 4*j1;
double sigsq = pow(Sigma,2);
double sum1 = 0.;
double am1,amsq,x,ex = 0.;
for(int i = 0; i <= j14; i = i + 2){
am1 = 0.5*(i - j12);
amsq = pow(am1,2);
x = - (amsq/(2*sigsq));
ex = exp(x);
sum1 = sum1 + ex;
double cn1 = 1./sum1;
double AL0 = 0.;
double A0 = j1 - j2;
double A0b = abs(A0);
if(A0b > 0){ AL0 = A0b;}
if(A0b <= 0){AL0 = 1.;}
double AL1 = AL0 +1;
double am11,amsq1,x1,ex1 = 0.;
//calculate Bk(j1) for gaussian W(m1) or non zero Sigma
A[0] = j1;
A[1] = j1;
double sfact = sqrt(2*j1 +1);
double cgg = 0.;
double tTerm = 0.;
double II = 0.;
for(int i = 2; i<= 4; i = i + 2){
A[2] = i;
Bk11 = 0.;
Bk12 = 0.;
for(int m = 0; m <= j14; m = m +2){
am11 = 0.5*(m - j12);
amsq1 = pow(am11,2);
x1 = -(amsq/(2*sigsq));
II = j1 - am11;
A[3] = am11;
A[4] = -am11;
cgg = CG2(A);
ex1 = exp(x1);
tTerm = cn1*ex1*pow(-1,II) * sfact*cgg;
if(i == 2) Bk11 = Bk11 * tTerm;
if(i == 4) Bk12 = Bk12 * tTerm;
//need to add correction of statistical tensors for cascade feeding.
//Calculate Rk(LL,j1j2)
double B[6];
double c0,c1,c2,q0,q1,q2,i0,i1,i2,sf0,sf1,sf2, rk01,rk11,rk21, rk02, rk12,rk22 = 0.;
for(int k = 1; k < 4; k = k + 2){
A[0] = AL0;
A[1] = AL0;
A[2] = k;
A[3] = 1.;
A[4] = -1.;
A[5] = 0.;
B[0] = j1;
B[1] = j1;
B[2] = AL0;
B[3] = AL0;
B[4] = k;
B[5] = j2;
c0 = CG2(A);
q0 = RACAH(B);
i0 = 1+j1 -j2-k;
sf0 = sqrt((2*j1+2) * (2*AL0 +1) * (2*AL1 +1));
if(k == 2){ rk01 = (pow(-1,i0) * sf0 * c0 * q0);}
if(k == 4){ rk02 = (pow(-1,i0) * sf0 * c0 * q0);}
A[1] = AL1;
B[3] = AL1;
c1 = CG2(A);
q1 = RACAH(B);
i1 = 1 +j1 - j2 + AL1 - AL0 - k;
sf1 = sqrt((2*j1 +1) * (2*AL0 +1) *(2*AL1 +1));
if(k == 2){ rk11 = (pow(-1,i1) * sf1 * c1 * q1);}
if(k == 4){ rk12 = (pow(-1,i1) * sf1 * c1 * q1);}
A[0] = AL1;
B[2] = AL1;
c2 = CG2(A);
q2 = RACAH(B);
i2 = 1 + j1 - j2 - k;
sf2 = sqrt((2*j1 +1) * (2*AL1+1) *(2*AL1+1));
if(k == 2){ rk21 = (pow(-1,i2) * sf2 * c2 * q2);}
if(k == 4){ rk22 = (pow(-1,i2) * sf2 * c2 * q2);}
printf("Bk1 = %lf\n",Bk11);
printf("Bk2 = %lf\n",Bk12);
printf("rk01 = %lf\n",rk01);
printf("rk11 = %lf\n",rk11);
printf("rk21 = %lf\n",rk21);
printf("rk02 = %lf\n",rk02);
printf("rk12 = %lf\n",rk12);
printf("rk22 = %lf\n",rk22);
double JJ[6] = {j1,j1,2,.5,-.5,0};
double racah = RACAH(JJ);
double cg222 = CG2(JJ);
// double cg = CG(J,M,j1,m1,j2,m2);
// double W3J= ThreeJsym(j1,m1,j2,m2,j3,m3);
// double W6J = SixJsym(j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6);
double cg_a = CG_a(JJ);
double W3J_a= ThreeJsym_a(JJ);
double W6J_a = SixJsym_a(JJ);
printf(" CG convert : %lf\n",cg222);
printf(" CG : %lf\n", cg_a);
printf(" W3-J : %lf\n", W3J_a);
printf(" W6-J : %lf\n", W6J_a);
printf(" Racah convert : %lf\n", racah);
// here the Chi-sqs from A2 and A4 needed to be added together.
double delta_min = -3.14159 / 2.;
double delta_max = 3.14159 / 2.;
double step = 0.001;
double delta = 0.;
double tan_delta =0.;
double A0E = residual[0];//NEED FrOM AF FIT
double A2E = residual[1];
double A4E = residual[2];
double A2T,a2T = 0.;
double A4T,a4T = 0.;
double a4E = residual[2]; //NEED FROM AD FIT
double rd2T = 0.;
double rd4T = 0.;
double X22,X24 = 0.;
double X2_total = 0.;
int points = (delta_max - delta_min) / step ;
vector<double> chisqr;
vector<double> tdelta;
for(int i = 0; i< points; i++){
tan_delta = i + step + delta_min;
delta = tan(tan_delta);
rd2T = (rk01 + 2*delta*rk11 + pow(delta,2)*rk21)/(1+pow(delta,2));
A2T = QD2*Bk11*rd2T;
a2T = A2T/A0E;
rd4T = (rk02 + 2*delta*rk12 + pow(delta,2)*rk22)/(1+pow(delta,2));
A4T = QD4*Bk12*rd4T;
a4T = A4T/A0E;
X22 = pow(abs(A2E- a2T),2)/(abs(a2T));
X24 = pow(abs(A4E -a4T),2)/(abs(a4T));
X2_total = X22 + X24;
int param;
param = param_run(det_param_token, gamma_energy_token, ang_file_token, sigma_token, feeding_token, j1j2token);
int optnum = -1;
printf("Input option : ");
scanf("%d", &optnum);
if(optnum < 0){
optnum = -1;
printf("Negative numbers are not allowed!\nInput option : ");
scanf("%d", &optnum);
if(optnum == 0){
optnum = -1;
printf("Input option : ");
scanf("%d", &optnum);
//if all inputs are valid, plot distribution.
if(param == 1 && optnum == 1){
optnum = -1;
//plotting values here
std::vector<double> x;
std::vector<double> y;
//x will be arctan of mixing ratio.
//y will be log(X^2);
for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++){
x.push_back( i );
y.push_back( pow(i, 0.5) );
printf("Input option : ");
scanf("%d", &optnum);
if(optnum < 0){
printf("Input option : ");
scanf("%d", &optnum);
return 1;