#define Analyzer_cxx #include "Analyzer.h" #include #include #include #include TH2F * hsx3IndexVE; TH2F * hqqqIndexVE; TH2F * hpcIndexVE; TH2F * hsx3Coin; TH2F * hqqqCoin; TH2F * hpcCoin; TH2F * hqqqPolar; TH2F * hsx3VpcIndex; int padID = 0; void Analyzer::Begin(TTree * /*tree*/){ TString option = GetOption(); hsx3IndexVE = new TH2F("hsx3IndexVE", "SX3 index vs Energy; sx3 index ; Energy", 24*12, 0, 24*12, 400, 0, 500); hsx3IndexVE->SetNdivisions( -612, "x"); hqqqIndexVE = new TH2F("hqqqIndexVE", "QQQ index vs Energy; QQQ index ; Energy", 4*2*16, 0, 4*2*16, 400, 0, 500); hqqqIndexVE->SetNdivisions( -1204, "x"); hpcIndexVE = new TH2F("hpcIndexVE", "PC index vs Energy; PC index ; Energy", 2*24, 0, 2*24, 400, 0, 4000); hpcIndexVE->SetNdivisions( -1204, "x"); hsx3Coin = new TH2F("hsx3Coin", "SX3 Coincident", 24*12, 0, 24*12, 24*12, 0, 24*12); hqqqCoin = new TH2F("hqqqCoin", "QQQ Coincident", 4*2*16, 0, 4*2*16, 4*2*16, 0, 4*2*16); hpcCoin = new TH2F("hpcCoin", "PC Coincident", 2*24, 0, 2*24, 2*24, 0, 2*24); hqqqPolar = new TH2F("hqqqPolar", "QQQ Polar ID", 16*4, -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi(),16, 10, 50); hsx3VpcIndex = new TH2F("hsx3Vpcindex", "sx3 vs pc; sx3 index; pc index", 24*12, 0, 24*12, 48, 0, 48); hsx3VpcIndex->SetNdivisions( -612, "x"); hsx3VpcIndex->SetNdivisions( -12, "y"); } Bool_t Analyzer::Process(Long64_t entry){ // if( entry > 1) return kTRUE; // printf("################### ev : %llu \n", entry); b_sx3Multi->GetEntry(entry); b_sx3ID->GetEntry(entry); b_sx3Ch->GetEntry(entry); b_sx3E->GetEntry(entry); b_sx3T->GetEntry(entry); b_qqqMulti->GetEntry(entry); b_qqqID->GetEntry(entry); b_qqqCh->GetEntry(entry); b_qqqE->GetEntry(entry); b_qqqT->GetEntry(entry); b_pcMulti->GetEntry(entry); b_pcID->GetEntry(entry); b_pcCh->GetEntry(entry); b_pcE->GetEntry(entry); b_pcT->GetEntry(entry); sx3.CalIndex(); qqq.CalIndex(); pc.CalIndex(); // sx3.Print(); //########################################################### Raw data // //======================= SX3 for( int i = 0; i < sx3.multi; i ++){ hsx3IndexVE->Fill( sx3.index[i], sx3.e[i] ); for( int j = i+1; j < sx3.multi; j++){ hsx3Coin->Fill( sx3.index[i], sx3.index[j]); } for( int j = 0; j < pc.multi; j++){ hsx3VpcIndex->Fill( sx3.index[i], pc.index[j] ); } } // //======================= QQQ for( int i = 0; i < qqq.multi; i ++){ hqqqIndexVE->Fill( qqq.index[i], qqq.e[i] ); for( int j = i + 1; j < qqq.multi; j++){ hqqqCoin->Fill( qqq.index[i], qqq.index[j]); if( qqq.used[i] == true ) continue; if( qqq.id[i] == qqq.id[j] && (16 - qqq.ch[i]) * (16 - qqq.ch[j]) < 0 ){ // must be same detector and wedge and ring int chWedge = qqq.ch[i]; int chRing = qqq.ch[j] - 16; if( qqq.ch[i] >= 16 ) { chWedge = qqq.ch[j]; chRing = qqq.ch[i] - 16; } //printf(" ID : %d , chWedge : %d, chRing : %d \n", qqq.id[i], chWedge, chRing); double theta = -TMath::Pi() + 2*TMath::Pi()/16/4.*(qqq.id[i]*16 + chWedge +0.5); double rho = 10.+40./16.*(chRing+0.5); hqqqPolar->Fill( theta, rho); qqq.used[i] = true; qqq.used[j] = true; } } } // //======================= PC for( int i = 0; i < pc.multi; i ++){ hpcIndexVE->Fill( pc.index[i], pc.e[i] ); for( int j = i+1; j < pc.multi; j++){ hpcCoin->Fill( pc.index[i], pc.index[j]); } } //########################################################### Track constrcution return kTRUE; } void Analyzer::Terminate(){ gStyle->SetOptStat("neiou"); TCanvas * canvas = new TCanvas("cANASEN", "ANASEN", 1000, 1000); canvas->Divide(3,3); //hsx3VpcIndex->Draw("colz"); //=============================================== pad-1 padID ++; canvas->cd(padID); canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1); hsx3IndexVE->Draw("colz"); //=============================================== pad-2 padID ++; canvas->cd(padID); canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1); hqqqIndexVE->Draw("colz"); //=============================================== pad-3 padID ++; canvas->cd(padID); canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1); hpcIndexVE->Draw("colz"); //=============================================== pad-4 padID ++; canvas->cd(padID); canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1); hsx3Coin->Draw("colz"); //=============================================== pad-5 padID ++; canvas->cd(padID); canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1); hqqqCoin->Draw("colz"); //=============================================== pad-6 padID ++; canvas->cd(padID); canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1); hpcCoin->Draw("colz"); //=============================================== pad-7 padID ++; canvas->cd(padID); canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1); canvas->cd(padID)->DrawFrame(-50, -50, 50, 50); hqqqPolar->Draw("same colz pol"); }