/*********************************************************************** * * This is constant.h, to provide various physical constants. * *------------------------------------------------------- * created by Ryan (Tsz Leung) Tang, Nov-18, 2018 * email: goluckyryan@gmail.com * ********************************************************************/ #ifndef constant #define constant #include <cmath> const double pi = acos(-1.0); const double E = 2.718281828459 ; const double hbar_SI = 1.054571628e-34; //Js const double kB = 1.3806504e-23; //JK^-1 const double e = 1.602176487e-19; //C const double c_SI = 299792458; //ms^-1 const double me_SI = 9.10938215e-31 ; //kg const double mp_SI = 1.672621637e-27 ; //kg const double mn_SI = 1.67492729e-27 ; //kg const double NA = 6.022141e+23 ; //mol^-1 const double deg2rad = pi/180 ; const double rad2deg = 180/pi ; //====================================================================== const double amu = 931.49432; // MeV/c^2 const double hbarc = 197.326979; // MeV fm; const double c = 299.792458; // mm/ns; const double ee = 1.439964454; // MeV.fm //====================================================================== double kg2MeV(double m){ return m*c_SI*c_SI/e/1e6; } double T2Brho(double mass, int Z, int A, double T){ //mass in MeV // Z in e // T in MeV/A double gamma = (T*A + mass)/mass; double beta = sqrt(1-1/gamma/gamma); return mass*beta*gamma/Z/c; } double Brho2T(double mass, int Z, int A, double Brho){ //mass in MeV // Z in e return (sqrt(pow(Brho*Z*c,2)+mass*mass)-mass)/A; } double T2beta(double mass, int A, double T){ double gamma = 1.0 + T*A/mass; return sqrt(1-1/gamma/gamma); } double ev2nm(double eV){ // photon energy to nm return hbarc/2/pi/eV; } //====================================================================== const double mp = kg2MeV(mp_SI); const double mn = kg2MeV(mn_SI); const double hbar = 197.326979; //====================================================================== inline std::vector<std::string> SplitStr(std::string tempLine, std::string splitter, int shift = 0){ std::vector<std::string> output; size_t pos; do{ pos = tempLine.find(splitter); /// fine splitter if( pos == 0 ){ ///check if it is splitter again tempLine = tempLine.substr(pos+1); continue; } std::string secStr; if( pos == std::string::npos ){ secStr = tempLine; }else{ secStr = tempLine.substr(0, pos+shift); tempLine = tempLine.substr(pos+shift); } ///check if secStr is begin with space while( secStr.substr(0, 1) == " ") secStr = secStr.substr(1); ///check if secStr is end with space while( secStr.back() == ' ') secStr = secStr.substr(0, secStr.size()-1); output.push_back(secStr); ///printf(" |%s---\n", secStr.c_str()); }while(pos != std::string::npos ); return output; } #endif