#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mapping.h" #include "ClassDet.h" //=============================== int main(int argc, char **argv){ printf("=========================================\n"); printf("=== Mapper ===\n"); printf("=========================================\n"); if (argc != 2) { printf("Incorrect number of arguments:\n"); printf("%s [inFile]\n", argv[0]); printf("\n\n"); return 1; } ///============= read input std::string inFileName = argv[1]; PrintMapping(); TFile * inFile = new TFile(inFileName.c_str(), "READ"); TTree * tree = (TTree*) inFile->Get("tree"); unsigned long long totnumEntry = tree->GetEntries(); ULong64_t evID; UInt_t multi; UShort_t sn[MAXMULTI]; UShort_t ch[MAXMULTI]; UShort_t e[MAXMULTI]; UShort_t e2[MAXMULTI]; ULong64_t e_t[MAXMULTI]; UShort_t e_f[MAXMULTI]; tree->SetBranchAddress("evID", &evID); tree->SetBranchAddress("multi", &multi); tree->SetBranchAddress("sn", sn); tree->SetBranchAddress("ch", ch); tree->SetBranchAddress("e", e); tree->SetBranchAddress("e2", e2); tree->SetBranchAddress("e_t", e_t); tree->SetBranchAddress("e_f", e_f); ///================== new tree TString outFileName = inFileName; TString runStr = outFileName; int pos = outFileName.Last('/'); pos = outFileName.Index("_", pos+1); // find next "_" runStr.Remove(0, pos+1); runStr.Remove(3); pos = outFileName.Index("_", pos+1); // find next "_" outFileName.Remove(pos); // remove the rest outFileName += "_mapped.root"; ULong_t eventID; UInt_t run = runStr.Atoi(); Det sx3; Det qqq; Det pc ; Det misc; printf(" Raw root file : %s\n", inFileName.c_str()); printf(" Run : %03d\n", run); printf(" total Entry : %lld \n", totnumEntry); printf(" Out file name : %s \n", outFileName.Data()); TFile * saveFile = new TFile( outFileName,"RECREATE"); TTree * newTree = new TTree("tree","tree"); newTree->Branch("evID", &eventID,"eventID/l"); newTree->Branch("run", &run,"run/i"); newTree->Branch("sx3Multi", &sx3.multi, "sx3Multi/s"); newTree->Branch("sx3ID", &sx3.id, "sx3ID[sx3Multi]/s"); newTree->Branch("sx3Ch", &sx3.ch, "sx3Ch[sx3Multi]/s"); newTree->Branch("sx3E", &sx3.e, "sx3Energy[sx3Multi]/s"); newTree->Branch("sx3T", &sx3.t, "sx3Time[sx3Multi]/l"); newTree->Branch("qqqMulti", &qqq.multi, "qqqMulti/s"); newTree->Branch("qqqID", &qqq.id, "qqqID[qqqMulti]/s"); newTree->Branch("qqqCh", &qqq.ch, "qqqCh[qqqMulti]/s"); newTree->Branch("qqqE", &qqq.e, "qqqEnergy[qqqMulti]/s"); newTree->Branch("qqqT", &qqq.t, "qqqTime[qqqMulti]/l"); newTree->Branch("qqqSN", &qqq.sn, "qqqSN[qqqMulti]/s"); newTree->Branch("pcMulti", &pc.multi, "pcMulti/s"); newTree->Branch("pcID", &pc.id, "pcID[pcMulti]/s"); newTree->Branch("pcCh", &pc.ch, "pcCh[pcMulti]/s"); newTree->Branch("pcE", &pc.e, "pcEnergy[pcMulti]/s"); newTree->Branch("pcT", &pc.t, "pcTime[pcMulti]/l"); newTree->Branch("miscMulti", &misc.multi, "miscMulti/s"); newTree->Branch("miscID", &misc.id, "miscID[miscMulti]/s"); newTree->Branch("miscCh", &misc.ch, "miscCh[miscMulti]/s"); newTree->Branch("miscE", &misc.e, "miscEnergy[miscMulti]/s"); newTree->Branch("miscT", &misc.t, "miscTime[miscMulti]/l"); newTree->Branch("miscF", &misc.tf, "miscFineTime[miscMulti]/l"); ///================== looping old tree and apply mapping //clock // TBenchmark clock; // Bool_t shown; for( unsigned long long ev = 0; ev < totnumEntry; ev++){ tree->GetEntry(ev); eventID = evID; sx3.multi = 0; qqq.multi = 0; pc.multi = 0; misc.multi=0; sx3.Clear(); qqq.Clear(); pc.Clear(); misc.Clear(); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < multi; i++){ // printf("%10u/%10u| %5d, %2u, %6u, %14llu\n", i, multi, sn[i], ch[i], e[i], e_t[i] ); //globalCh = digi-ID * nCh(digi-iD) + ch int globalCh = -1; for( int j = 0; j < nBd; j++){ if( board.at(j) == sn[i]){ globalCh = (sn[i] > 1000 ? j * 64 : 7*64 + (j-7) * 16) + ch[i]; //& = number V1740 break; } } if( globalCh == -1) printf("ev %llu\n", ev); unsigned short ID = mapping[globalCh]; //=================================== sx3 if( ID < 10000 ) { sx3.id[sx3.multi] = ID / 100; sx3.ch[sx3.multi] = ID % 100; sx3.e[sx3.multi] = e[i]; sx3.t[sx3.multi] = e_t[i]; sx3.multi ++; } //=================================== qqq if( 10000 <= ID && ID < 20000 ) { qqq.id[qqq.multi] = (ID - 10000) / 100; qqq.ch[qqq.multi] = (ID - 10000) % 100; qqq.e[qqq.multi] = e[i]; qqq.t[qqq.multi] = e_t[i]; qqq.sn[qqq.multi] = sn[i]; qqq.multi ++; } //=================================== pc if( 20000 <= ID && ID < 30000 ) { pc.id[pc.multi] = (ID - 20000) / 100; pc.ch[pc.multi] = (ID - 20000) % 100; pc.e[pc.multi] = e[i]; pc.t[pc.multi] = e_t[i]; pc.multi ++; } //=================================== misc if( 30000 <= ID && ID < 40000 ) { misc.id[misc.multi] = (ID - 30000) / 100; misc.ch[misc.multi] = (ID - 30000) % 100; misc.e[misc.multi] = e[i]; misc.t[misc.multi] = e_t[i]; misc.tf[misc.multi] = e_f[i]; // if( ID == 30002 || ID == 30004 ) printf("sn : %d ch: %2d | gID %3d | ID %6d | e_f : %d\n", sn[i], ch[i], globalCh, ID, e_f[i]); misc.multi ++; } } saveFile->cd(); //set focus on this file newTree->Fill(); if( eventID % 100 == 0 ) printf("%6lu/%6llu [%2d%%]\n\033[A\r", eventID, totnumEntry, TMath::Nint((eventID+1)*100./totnumEntry)); } inFile->Close(); saveFile->cd(); //set focus on this file newTree->Write(); UInt_t eventNumber = newTree->GetEntries(); saveFile->Close(); printf("-------------- done, %u\n", eventNumber); return 0; }