#define TrackRecon_cxx #include "TrackRecon.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Armory/ClassSX3.h" #include "Armory/ClassPC1An.h" #include "TVector3.h" int padID = 0; SX3 sx3_contr; PC pw_contr; TVector3 hitPos; bool HitNonZero; TH1F * hZProj; void TrackRecon::Begin(TTree * /*tree*/){ TString option = GetOption(); hZProj = new TH1F("hZProj", "Z Projection", 200, -600, 600); sx3_contr.ConstructGeo(); pw_contr.ConstructGeo(); } Bool_t TrackRecon::Process(Long64_t entry){ // if ( entry > 100 ) return kTRUE; hitPos.Clear(); HitNonZero = false; if( entry > 1) return kTRUE; // printf("################### ev : %llu \n", entry); b_sx3Multi->GetEntry(entry); b_sx3ID->GetEntry(entry); b_sx3Ch->GetEntry(entry); b_sx3E->GetEntry(entry); b_sx3T->GetEntry(entry); b_qqqMulti->GetEntry(entry); b_qqqID->GetEntry(entry); b_qqqCh->GetEntry(entry); b_qqqE->GetEntry(entry); b_qqqT->GetEntry(entry); b_pcMulti->GetEntry(entry); b_pcID->GetEntry(entry); b_pcCh->GetEntry(entry); b_pcE->GetEntry(entry); b_pcT->GetEntry(entry); sx3.CalIndex(); qqq.CalIndex(); pc.CalIndex(); // sx3.Print(); //########################################################### Raw data // //======================= SX3 std::vector> ID; // first = id, 2nd = index if( ID.size() > 0 ){ std::sort(ID.begin(), ID.end(), [](const std::pair & a, const std::pair & b) { return a.first < b.first; } ); // printf("##############################\n"); // for( size_t i = 0; i < ID.size(); i++) printf("%zu | %d %d \n", i, ID[i].first, ID[i].second ); std::vector> sx3ID; sx3ID.push_back(ID[0]); bool found = false; for( size_t i = 1; i < ID.size(); i++){ if( ID[i].first == sx3ID.back().first) { sx3ID.push_back(ID[i]); if( sx3ID.size() >= 3) { found = true; } }else{ if( !found ){ sx3ID.clear(); sx3ID.push_back(ID[i]); } } } // printf("---------- sx3ID Multi : %zu \n", sx3ID.size()); if( found ){ int sx3ChUp, sx3ChDn, sx3ChBk; float sx3EUp, sx3EDn; // printf("------ sx3 ID : %d, multi: %zu\n", sx3ID[0].first, sx3ID.size()); for( size_t i = 0; i < sx3ID.size(); i++ ){ int index = sx3ID[i].second; // printf(" %zu | index %d | ch : %d, energy : %d \n", i, index, sx3.ch[index], sx3.e[index]); if( sx3.ch[index] < 8 ){ if( sx3.ch[index] % 2 == 0) { sx3ChDn = sx3.ch[index]; sx3EDn = sx3.e[index]; }else{ sx3ChUp = sx3.ch[index]; sx3EUp = sx3.e[index]; } }else{ sx3ChBk = sx3.ch[index]; } } sx3_contr.CalSX3Pos(sx3ID[0].first, sx3ChUp, sx3ChDn, sx3ChBk, sx3EUp, sx3EDn); hitPos = sx3_contr.GetHitPos(); HitNonZero = true; // hitPos.Print(); } } // //======================= QQQ for( int i = 0; i < qqq.multi; i ++){ for( int j = i + 1; j < qqq.multi; j++){ if( qqq.id[i] == qqq.id[j] ){ // must be same detector int chWedge = -1; int chRing = -1; if( qqq.ch[i] < qqq.ch[j]){ chRing = qqq.ch[j] - 16; chWedge = qqq.ch[i]; }else{ chRing = qqq.ch[i]; chWedge = qqq.ch[j] - 16; } // printf(" ID : %d , chWedge : %d, chRing : %d \n", qqq.id[i], chWedge, chRing); double theta = -TMath::Pi()/2 + 2*TMath::Pi()/16/4.*(qqq.id[i]*16 + chWedge +0.5); double rho = 10.+40./16.*(chRing+0.5); // if(qqq.e[i]>50){ // hqqqPolar->Fill( theta, rho); // } // qqq.used[i] = true; // qqq.used[j] = true; if( !HitNonZero ){ double x = rho * TMath::Cos(theta); double y = rho * TMath::Sin(theta); hitPos.SetXYZ(x, y, 23 + 75 + 30); HitNonZero = true; } } } } // //======================= PC ID.clear(); int counter=0; std::vector> E; E.clear(); if( E.size()==3 ){ float aE = 0; float cE = 0; int multi_an =0; for(int l=0;l24){ cE = E[l].second; } } } //using CalTrack3 to get the track position and direction // hanVScatsum->Fill(aE,cE); if( HitNonZero){ if (ID.size() == 3) { int aID = -1; int cID1 = -1; int cID2 = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ID.size(); i++) { if (pc.ch[ID[i].second] < 24 && pc.ch[ID[i].second] != 20 && pc.ch[ID[i].second] != 12) { aID = pc.ch[ID[i].second]; } else if (pc.ch[ID[i].second] > 24) { if (cID1 == -1) { cID1 = pc.ch[ID[i].second]; } else { cID2 = pc.ch[ID[i].second]; } } } if (aID != -1 && cID1 != -1 && cID2 != -1) { pw_contr.CalTrack3(hitPos, aID, cID1, cID2); pw_contr.Print(); printf("###################\n"); hZProj->Fill(pw_contr.GetZ0()); } } } // } } //########################################################### Track constrcution //############################## DO THE KINEMATICS return kTRUE; } void TrackRecon::Terminate(){ gStyle->SetOptStat("neiou"); TCanvas * canvas = new TCanvas("cANASEN", "ANASEN", 200, 200); padID=1; canvas->cd(padID); canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1); hZProj->Draw(); }