modified the analyser to include gain matching for the anodes and the cathodes modified: FitHistogramsWithTSpectrum_Sequential_Improved.C modified: MatchAndPlotCentroids.C modified: centroids.txt modified: slope_intercept_results.txt
125 lines
4.6 KiB
125 lines
4.6 KiB
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TH1.h>
#include <TSpectrum.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <TText.h>
void FitHistogramsWithTSpectrum_Sequential_Improved() {
TFile *inputFile = new TFile("Histograms_anodes.root", "READ");
if (!inputFile || inputFile->IsZombie()) {
std::cerr << "Error opening the input file!" << std::endl;
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "Histogram Viewer", 800, 600);
// Open the output ASCII file to save the centroids
std::ofstream outFile("centroids.txt");
if (!outFile.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "Error opening output file!" << std::endl;
outFile << "HistogramIndex\tPeakNumber\tCentroid\tAmplitude\tSigma" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 24; ++i) {
TH1 *histogram = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(inputFile->Get(Form("hCathode_%d", i)));
if (!histogram) {
std::cerr << "Failed to retrieve histogram_" << i << " from the file." << std::endl;
// Set range for peak search
double minX = 700;
double maxX = 25000;
histogram->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(minX, maxX);
// Draw the histogram
// Peak search using TSpectrum
const int maxPeaks = 5;
TSpectrum spectrumFinder(maxPeaks);
int nFound = spectrumFinder.Search(histogram, 2, "", 0.01);
if (nFound <= 0) {
std::cerr << "No peaks found for histogram " << i << std::endl;
Double_t *xPositions = spectrumFinder.GetPositionX();
Double_t *yPositions = spectrumFinder.GetPositionY();
std::vector<std::pair<Double_t, Double_t>> peaks;
// Collect and sort peaks by X position
for (int j = 0; j < nFound; ++j) {
peaks.emplace_back(xPositions[j], yPositions[j]);
std::sort(peaks.begin(), peaks.end());
// Fit each peak with a Gaussian
for (int j = 0; j < peaks.size(); ++j) {
Double_t peakX = peaks[j].first;
Double_t peakY = peaks[j].second;
Double_t initialAmplitude = peakY; // Better initial guess
Double_t initialCentroid = peakX; // Centroid based on peak position
Double_t initialSigma = 60.0;
// Define Gaussian with initial parameters
TF1 *gaussFit = new TF1(Form("gauss_%d", j), "gaus", peakX - 200, peakX + 200);
//gaussFit->SetParameters(peakY, peakX, 25.0); // Initial guesses for amplitude, mean, sigma
gaussFit->SetParameters(initialAmplitude, initialCentroid, initialSigma);
// Perform fit
int fitStatus = histogram->Fit(gaussFit, "RQ+");
if (fitStatus != 0) {
std::cerr << "Fit failed for peak " << j + 1 << " in histogram " << i << std::endl;
delete gaussFit;
// Retrieve fit parameters
double amplitude = gaussFit->GetParameter(0);
double centroid = gaussFit->GetParameter(1);
double sigma = gaussFit->GetParameter(2);
double amplitudeError = gaussFit->GetParError(0);
double centroidError = gaussFit->GetParError(1);
double sigmaError = gaussFit->GetParError(2);
// Chi-squared value
double chi2 = gaussFit->GetChisquare();
int ndf = gaussFit->GetNDF();
outFile << i << "\t" << j + 1 << "\t" << centroid << std::endl;
TText *text = new TText();
//text->DrawText(0.15, 0.8 - j * 0.05, Form("Peak %d: Amp=%.2f, Mean=%.2f, Sigma=%.2f", j + 1, amplitude, centroid, sigma));
text->DrawText(0.15, 0.8 - j * 0.05,
Form("Peak %d: Amp=%.2f±%.2f, Mean=%.2f±%.2f, Sigma=%.2f±%.2f, Chi2/NDF=%.2f",
j + 1, amplitude, amplitudeError, centroid, centroidError, sigma, sigmaError, chi2 / ndf));
// Save results
// Clean up
delete gaussFit;
// Update canvas for visualization
std::cout << "Press Enter to view the next histogram..." << std::endl;
c1->WaitPrimitive(); // Wait until Enter is pressed in the ROOT console
// Close resources
delete c1;