modified: Analyzer.C modified: Analyzer.h modified: Armory/ClassDet.h modified: Armory/ClassPW.h modified: Armory/Mapper.cpp modified: PCGainMatch.C modified: ProcessRun.sh modified: mapping.h
515 lines
15 KiB
515 lines
15 KiB
#define Analyzer_cxx
#include "Analyzer.h"
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TCutG.h>
#include <TH2.h>
#include <TMath.h>
#include <TStyle.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "Armory/ClassPW.h"
#include "Armory/ClassSX3.h"
#include "TVector3.h"
TH2F *hsx3IndexVE;
TH2F *hqqqIndexVE;
TH2F *hpcIndexVE;
TH2F *hsx3Coin;
TH2F *hqqqCoin;
TH2F *hpcCoin;
TH2F *hqqqPolar;
TH2F *hsx3VpcIndex;
TH2F *hqqqVpcIndex;
TH2F *hqqqVpcE;
TH2F *hsx3VpcE;
TH2F *hanVScatsum;
TH2F *hICvsSi;
TH2F *hAnodeHits;
TH1F *hAnodeHits1d;
TH1F *hPCMultiplicity;
TH1F *hRFtime;
int padID = 0;
SX3 sx3_contr;
PW pw_contr;
TVector3 hitPos;
bool HitNonZero;
TH1F *hZProj;
TCutG *PCCoinc;
TCutG *alpha_cut_up;
TCutG *alpha_cut_down;
bool inCut;
bool inCutUp;
bool inCutDown;
void Analyzer::Begin(TTree * /*tree*/) {
TString option = GetOption();
hsx3IndexVE = new TH2F("hsx3IndexVE", "SX3 index vs Energy; sx3 index ; Energy", 24 * 12, 0, 24 * 12, 400, 0, 5000);
hsx3IndexVE->SetNdivisions(-612, "x");
hqqqIndexVE = new TH2F("hqqqIndexVE", "QQQ index vs Energy; QQQ index ; Energy", 4 * 2 * 16, 0, 4 * 2 * 16, 400, 0, 5000);
hqqqIndexVE->SetNdivisions(-1204, "x");
hpcIndexVE = new TH2F("hpcIndexVE", "PC index vs Energy; PC index ; Energy", 2 * 24, 0, 2 * 24, 6400, 0, 20000);
hpcIndexVE->SetNdivisions(-1204, "x");
hsx3Coin = new TH2F("hsx3Coin", "SX3 Coincident", 24 * 12, 0, 24 * 12, 24 * 12, 0, 24 * 12);
hqqqCoin = new TH2F("hqqqCoin", "QQQ Coincident", 4 * 2 * 16, 0, 4 * 2 * 16, 4 * 2 * 16, 0, 4 * 2 * 16);
hpcCoin = new TH2F("hpcCoin", "PC Coincident", 2 * 24, 0, 2 * 24, 2 * 24, 0, 2 * 24);
hqqqPolar = new TH2F("hqqqPolar", "QQQ Polar ID", 16 * 4, -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi(), 16, 10, 50);
hsx3VpcIndex = new TH2F("hsx3Vpcindex", "sx3 vs pc; sx3 index; pc index", 24 * 12, 0, 24 * 12, 48, 0, 48);
hsx3VpcIndex->SetNdivisions(-612, "x");
hsx3VpcIndex->SetNdivisions(-12, "y");
hqqqVpcIndex = new TH2F("hqqqVpcindex", "qqq vs pc; qqq index; pc index", 4 * 2 * 16, 0, 4 * 2 * 16, 48, 0, 48);
hqqqVpcIndex->SetNdivisions(-612, "x");
hqqqVpcIndex->SetNdivisions(-12, "y");
hqqqVpcE = new TH2F("hqqqVpcEnergy", "qqq vs pc; qqq energy; pc energy", 400, 0, 5000, 6400, 0, 20000);
hqqqVpcE->SetNdivisions(-612, "x");
hqqqVpcE->SetNdivisions(-12, "y");
hsx3VpcE = new TH2F("hsx3VpcEnergy", "sx3 vs pc; sx3 energy; pc energy", 400, 0, 5000, 6400, 0, 20000);
hsx3VpcE->SetNdivisions(-612, "x");
hsx3VpcE->SetNdivisions(-12, "y");
hZProj = new TH1F("hZProj", "ZProjection", 600, -600, 600);
hAnodeHits1d = new TH1F("hAnodeHits1d", "Anode Hits", 24, 0, 24);
hAnodeHits = new TH2F("hAnodeHits", "Anode vs Anode Energy, Anode ID; Anode E", 24, 0, 23, 400, 0, 20000);
hPCMultiplicity = new TH1F("hPCMultiplicity", "Number of PC/Event", 40, 0, 40);
hanVScatsum = new TH2F("hanVScatsum", "Anode vs Cathode Sum; Anode E; Cathode E", 6400, 0, 20000, 6400, 0, 20000);
hICvsSi = new TH2F("hICvsSi", "IC vs Si; Si E; IC E", 800, 0, 20000, 400, 0, 8000);
hRFtime = new TH1F("hRFtime", "RF time", 1000, 0, 200000);
TFile *f1 = new TFile("PCCoinc.root");
PCCoinc = (TCutG *)f1->Get("PCCoinc");
TFile *f2 = new TFile("alpha_cut_up.root");
alpha_cut_up = (TCutG *)f2->Get("alpha_cut_up");
TFile *f3 = new TFile("alpha_cut_down.root");
alpha_cut_down = (TCutG *)f3->Get("alpha_cut_down");
// TFile *f1 = new TFile("AnCatSum.root");
// AnCatSum= (TCutG*)f1->Get("AnCatSum");
Bool_t Analyzer::Process(Long64_t entry) {
// if ( entry > 100 ) return kTRUE;
HitNonZero = false;
// if( entry > 1) return kTRUE;
// printf("################### ev : %llu \n", entry);
// sx3.Print();
// ########################################################### Raw data
// //======================= SX3
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> ID; // first = id, 2nd = index
for (int i = 0; i < sx3.multi; i++) {
if (sx3.e[i] > 50) {
ID.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(sx3.id[i], i));
hsx3IndexVE->Fill(sx3.index[i], sx3.e[i]);
for (int j = i + 1; j < sx3.multi; j++) {
hsx3Coin->Fill(sx3.index[i], sx3.index[j]);
// for( int j = 0; j < pc.multi; j++){
// hsx3VpcIndex->Fill( sx3.index[i], pc.index[j] );
// if( sx3.ch[index] > 8 ){
// hsx3VpcE->Fill( sx3.e[i], pc.e[j] );
// }
// }
if (ID.size() > 0) {
std::sort(ID.begin(), ID.end(), [](const std::pair<int, int> &a, const std::pair<int, int> &b) { return a.first < b.first; });
// printf("##############################\n");
// for( size_t i = 0; i < ID.size(); i++) printf("%zu | %d %d \n", i, ID[i].first, ID[i].second );
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> sx3ID;
bool found = false;
for (size_t i = 1; i < ID.size(); i++) {
if (ID[i].first == sx3ID.back().first) {
if (sx3ID.size() >= 3) {
found = true;
} else {
if (!found) {
// printf("---------- sx3ID Multi : %zu \n", sx3ID.size());
if (found) {
int sx3ChUp, sx3ChDn, sx3ChBk;
float sx3EUp, sx3EDn;
// printf("------ sx3 ID : %d, multi: %zu\n", sx3ID[0].first, sx3ID.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < sx3ID.size(); i++) {
int index = sx3ID[i].second;
// printf(" %zu | index %d | ch : %d, energy : %d \n", i, index, sx3.ch[index], sx3.e[index]);
if (sx3.ch[index] < 8) {
if (sx3.ch[index] % 2 == 0) {
sx3ChDn = sx3.ch[index];
sx3EDn = sx3.e[index];
} else {
sx3ChUp = sx3.ch[index];
sx3EUp = sx3.e[index];
} else {
sx3ChBk = sx3.ch[index];
for (int j = 0; j < pc.multi; j++) {
// hsx3VpcIndex->Fill( sx3.index[i], pc.index[j] );
if (sx3.ch[index] > 8) {
hsx3VpcE->Fill(sx3.e[i], pc.e[j]);
// hpcIndexVE->Fill( pc.index[i], pc.e[i] );
sx3_contr.CalSX3Pos(sx3ID[0].first, sx3ChUp, sx3ChDn, sx3ChBk, sx3EUp, sx3EDn);
hitPos = sx3_contr.GetHitPos();
HitNonZero = true;
// hitPos.Print();
// //======================= QQQ
for (int i = 0; i < qqq.multi; i++) {
if (qqq.e[i] > 50) {
// for( int j = 0; j < pc.multi; j++){
// if(pc.index[j]==4){
hqqqIndexVE->Fill(qqq.index[i], qqq.e[i]);
// }
// }
for (int j = 0; j < qqq.multi; j++) {
if (j == i)
hqqqCoin->Fill(qqq.index[i], qqq.index[j]);
for (int j = i + 1; j < qqq.multi; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < pc.multi; k++) {
if (pc.index[k] < 24 && pc.e[k] > 50) {
hqqqVpcE->Fill(qqq.e[i], pc.e[k]);
// hpcIndexVE->Fill( pc.index[i], pc.e[i] );
hqqqVpcIndex->Fill(qqq.index[i], pc.index[j]);
// }
// if( qqq.used[i] == true ) continue;
// if( qqq.id[i] == qqq.id[j] && (16 - qqq.ch[i]) * (16 - qqq.ch[j]) < 0 ){ // must be same detector and wedge and ring
if (qqq.id[i] == qqq.id[j]) { // must be same detector
int chWedge = -1;
int chRing = -1;
if (qqq.ch[i] < qqq.ch[j]) {
chRing = qqq.ch[j] - 16;
chWedge = qqq.ch[i];
} else {
chRing = qqq.ch[i];
chWedge = qqq.ch[j] - 16;
// printf(" ID : %d , chWedge : %d, chRing : %d \n", qqq.id[i], chWedge, chRing);
double theta = -TMath::Pi() / 2 + 2 * TMath::Pi() / 16 / 4. * (qqq.id[i] * 16 + chWedge + 0.5);
double rho = 10. + 40. / 16. * (chRing + 0.5);
// if(qqq.e[i]>50){
hqqqPolar->Fill(theta, rho);
// }
// qqq.used[i] = true;
// qqq.used[j] = true;
if (!HitNonZero) {
double x = rho * TMath::Cos(theta);
double y = rho * TMath::Sin(theta);
hitPos.SetXYZ(x, y, 23 + 75 + 30);
HitNonZero = true;
// //======================= PC
std::vector<std::pair<int, double>> anodeHits;
std::vector<std::pair<int, double>> cathodeHits;
int aID = 0;
int cID = 0;
float cEMax = 0;
int cIDMax = 0;
float cEnextMax = 0;
int cIDnextMax = 0;
float aE = 0;
float cE = 0;
// Define the excluded SX3 and QQQ channels
std::unordered_set<int> excludeSX3 = {34, 35, 36, 37, 61, 62, 67, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 93, 97, 100, 103, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112};
std::unordered_set<int> excludeQQQ = {0, 17, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 119, 127, 128};
for (int i = 0; i < pc.multi; i++) {
// for(int j=0; j<pc.multi;j++){
// if(pc.id[j]==0){
// anodeCount++;
// }
// }
if (pc.e[i] > 100 & pc.multi < 7) {
// hpcIndexVE->Fill( pc.index[i], pc.e[i] );
// for( int j = i+1; j < pc.multi; j++){
// hpcCoin->Fill( pc.index[i], pc.index[j]);
// }
// for (int j=0;j<sx3.multi;j++){
// if(excludeSX3.find(sx3.index[j]) == excludeSX3.end()){
// hpcIndexVE->Fill( pc.index[i], pc.e[i] );
for (int j = i + 1; j < pc.multi; j++) {
inCut = false;
if (PCCoinc->IsInside(pc.index[i], pc.index[j])) {
inCut = true;
// hpcCoin->Fill( pc.index[i], pc.index[j]);
// if(pc.e[i]>100){
if (pc.index[i] < 24) {
anodeHits.push_back(std::pair<int, double>(pc.index[i], pc.e[i]));
// anodeCount++;
} else if (pc.index[i] >= 24) {
cathodeHits.push_back(std::pair<int, double>(pc.index[i], pc.e[i]));
// }
// }
// }
// hpcIndexVE->Fill( pc.index[i], pc.e[i] );
float aESum = 0;
float cESum = 0;
if (anodeHits.size() == 1 && cathodeHits.size() >= 1) {
inCutDown = false;
inCutUp = false;
for (const auto &anode : anodeHits) {
// for(int l=0; l<sx3.multi; l++){
// if (sx3.index[l]==80){
aID = anode.first;
aE = anode.second;
aESum += aE;
// printf("aID : %d, aE : %f, cE : %f\n", aID, aE, cE);
for (const auto &cathode : cathodeHits) {
cID = cathode.first;
cE = cathode.second;
cESum += cE;
if (cE > cEMax) {
cEMax = cE;
cIDMax = cID;
if (cE > cEnextMax && cE < cEMax) {
cEnextMax = cE;
cIDnextMax = cID;
if (alpha_cut_down->IsInside(aE, cESum)) {
inCutDown = true;
if (alpha_cut_up->IsInside(aE, cESum)) {
inCutUp = true;
// if (inCutUp)
// {
for (int i = 0; i < pc.multi; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < pc.multi; j++) {
hpcCoin->Fill(pc.index[i], pc.index[j]);
hpcIndexVE->Fill(pc.index[i], pc.e[i]);
// }
if (inCut) {
hanVScatsum->Fill(aE, cESum);
hAnodeHits->Fill(aID, aE);
// }
// Miscellaneous channels including the Lollipop IC and Si detectors and hot needle IC
for (int i = 0; i < misc.multi; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < misc.multi; j++) {
// if (misc.ch[i] == 0 || misc.ch[j] == 1) {
hICvsSi->Fill(misc.e[i], misc.e[j]);
// }
for (int i = 0; i < misc.multi; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < misc.multi; j++) {
// if (misc.ch[i] == 2 || misc.ch[j] == 4) {
hRFtime->Fill(misc.t[j]*1000 + misc.tf[j]*4 - (misc.t[i]*1000 + misc.tf[i]*4));
// printf("RF time : %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld\n", misc.t[i], misc.t[j], misc.tf[i], misc.tf[j], (misc.t[j]*1000 + misc.tf[j]*4 - (misc.t[i]*1000 + misc.tf[i]*4)));
// }
if (HitNonZero) {
// pw_contr.CalTrack1( hitPos, aID, cIDMax, cIDnextMax, cEMax, cEnextMax,1);
// pw_contr.CalTrack(hitPos, aID, cID);
// ########################################################### Track constrcution
// ############################## DO THE KINEMATICS
return kTRUE;
void Analyzer::Terminate() {
TCanvas *a = new TCanvas("cANASEN", "ANASEN", 800, 600);
// canvas->Divide(3, 3);
TCanvas *b = new TCanvas("ANASEN", "ANASEN", 800, 600);
// hsx3VpcIndex->Draw("colz");
//=============================================== pad-1
// padID++;
// canvas->cd(padID);
// canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1);
// hsx3IndexVE->Draw("colz");
// //=============================================== pad-2
// padID++;
// canvas->cd(padID);
// canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1);
// hqqqIndexVE->Draw("colz");
// //=============================================== pad-3
// padID++;
// canvas->cd(padID);
// canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1);
// hpcIndexVE->Draw("colz");
// //=============================================== pad-4
// padID++;
// canvas->cd(padID);
// canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1);
// hsx3Coin->Draw("colz");
// //=============================================== pad-5
// padID++;
// canvas->cd(padID);
// canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1);
// canvas->cd(padID)->SetLogz(true);
// hqqqCoin->Draw("colz");
// //=============================================== pad-6
// padID++;
// canvas->cd(padID);
// canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1);
// hpcCoin->Draw("colz");
// //=============================================== pad-7
// padID++;
// canvas->cd(padID);
// canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1);
// // hsx3VpcIndex ->Draw("colz");
// hsx3VpcE->Draw("colz");
// //=============================================== pad-8
// padID++;
// canvas->cd(padID);
// canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1);
// // hqqqVpcIndex ->Draw("colz");
// hqqqVpcE->Draw("colz");
// //=============================================== pad-9
// padID++;
// // canvas->cd(padID)->DrawFrame(-50, -50, 50, 50);
// // hqqqPolar->Draw("same colz pol");
// canvas->cd(padID);
// canvas->cd(padID)->SetGrid(1);
// // hZProj->Draw();
// hanVScatsum->Draw("colz");
// hAnodeHits->Draw("colz");
// hAnodeMultiplicity->Draw();