This is analysis code package for FRIB iFDS (FRIB Decay Staion initiative) experiment e21061.
My personal analysis logbook can be found in [Here]( The experimental setup can also be found there.
The elog can be found in [Here](
Other information of the experiment can be found [Here](
# Programs
convert NSCL-evt (raw data) to pixie-evt, ripe off the NSCL header.
convert pixie-evt to root with event building and mapping.h applied.
### mapping.h
Thsi define the mapping
### peachCake.C/h
Analysis class from TSelector. It do the primary analysis and apply corrections. It has option to output a new root file (with prefix "zzz_") with tree branches:
- eventID | eventID
- runID | runID
- AoQ | A/Q value of PID
- Z | Z value of PID
- crossTime | cross scint. T2 analog time
- crossEnergy | croos scint. T2 analog energy
- flag | event identification flag, +1 = has Beta, +2 = has Ions, +4 = has Beam
- vetoFlag | veto, +1 = has Front trigger, +2 = has Rear trigger, +4 = has cross scint T2/B2
- xIons | x-pos of Ions
- yIons | y-pos of Ions
- xBeta | x-pos of beta
- yBeta | y-pos of beta
- dyIonsTime | dinode Ions time
- dyBetaTime | dinode Beta time
- veto_f | front veto detector energy
- veto_r | rear veto detector energy
### DecayFinder.C/h
The DecayFinder.C/h analysis the zzz_XXX files to obtain the decay curve for various isotopes.