2022-06-27 20:21:44 -04:00

581 lines
15 KiB

#define peachCake_cxx
#include "peachCake.h"
#include <TH2.h>
#include <TH1.h>
#include <TMath.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TStyle.h>
#include <TCutG.h>
#include "./armory/AnalysisLibrary.h"
//============== User settings
int tofRange[3] = {500, -280, -210};
int dERange[3] = {500, 0, 5500};
//============== histograms
TH2F * hCloverID;
TH2F * hPID;
TH1F * hZ;
TH2F * hPID0; // raw
TH2F * hPID2; // z vs A/Q
TH1F * hTOF;
TH1F * hdE;
TH2F * hImplantIons;
TH2F * hImplantBeta; //high gain
TH2F * hImplantX;
TH2F * hImplantY;
TH2F * hImplantDyIons;
TH2F * hImplantDyBeta;
TH1F * hDecay;
TH1F * hDecay_veto;
TH1F * hFlag;
TH1F * hvetoFlag;
TH1F * hZ3;
TH1F * hZ6;
TH1F * hZ10;
TH1F * hZ14;
//============ parameters
//TString cutFileName="PIDCuts.root";
//TFile * cutFile;
//TCutG * cut = NULL;
//TObjArray * cutList;
//int numCut = 0;
vector<vector<double>> eCorr;
double TOFCorrection(double x){
//for run 238
//return (-225.8 - 0.040017 * energy
// +0.0000710839 * energy*energy
// -6.28402e-8 * TMath::Power(energy,3)
// +2.90563e-11 * TMath::Power(energy,4)
// -6.70137e-15 * TMath::Power(energy,5)
// +6.08418e-19 * TMath::Power(energy,6) );
// for run 250
double par[6] = {10.9179,
return par[0] * exp( - par[1] * x ) + par[2] - par[5] * (par[3] - x) * exp( - pow( (par[3]-x)/par[4],2) );
TH2F * createTH2F(const char* name, const char* title, Int_t nbinsx, Double_t xlow, Double_t xup, Int_t nbinsy, Double_t ylow, Double_t yup){
TH2F * hist2 = (TH2F *) gROOT->FindObjectAny( name );
if ( hist2 == NULL ) hist2 = new TH2F( name , title , nbinsx, xlow, xup, nbinsy, ylow, yup);
return hist2;
TH1F * createTH1F(const char* name, const char* title, Int_t nbinsx, Double_t xlow, Double_t xup){
TH1F * hist1 = (TH1F *) gROOT->FindObjectAny( name );
if ( hist1 == NULL ) hist1 = new TH1F( name , title , nbinsx, xlow, xup);
return hist1;
void peachCake::Begin(TTree * /*tree*/){
TString option = GetOption();
hCloverID = createTH2F("hCloverID", "Clover; ID; energy [keV]", 52, 0, 52, 400, 0, 2000);
hPID0 = createTH2F("hPID0", "PID raw; ns; msx100", tofRange[0], tofRange[1], tofRange[2], dERange[0], dERange[1], dERange[2]);
hPID = createTH2F("hPID", "PID corrected; ns; msx100", tofRange[0], tofRange[1], tofRange[2], dERange[0], dERange[1], dERange[2]);
hPID2 = createTH2F("hPID2", "PID; A/Q; Z", tofRange[0], 2.0, 4.2, dERange[0], 0, 16.5);
hTOF = createTH1F("hTOF", "TOF", tofRange[0], tofRange[1], tofRange[2]);
hdE = createTH1F("hdE", "dE", dERange[0], dERange[1], dERange[2]);
hZ = createTH1F("hZ", "Z; Z; count", 500, 0, 16);
hImplantIons = createTH2F("hImplantIons", "Implat low gain; x ; y", 400, 0, 1, 400, 0, 1);
hImplantBeta = createTH2F("hImplantBeta", "Implat high gain; x ; y", 400, 0, 1, 400, 0, 1);
hImplantX = createTH2F("hImplantX", "Implat X; low ; high", 400, 0, 1, 400, 0, 1);
hImplantY = createTH2F("hImplantY", "Implat Y; low ; high", 400, 0, 1, 400, 0, 1);
hImplantDyIons = createTH2F("hImplantDyIonsow", "Implat low; sum_a; dy", 400, 0, 80000, 400, 0, 80000);
hImplantDyBeta = createTH2F("hImplantDyBetaigh", "Implat high; sum_a; dy", 400, 0, 8000, 400, 0, 8000);
hDecay = createTH1F("hDecay", "Decay (beta.time - ion.time) ; [ticks]; counts", 100, 0, 2000);
hDecay_veto = createTH1F("hDecay_veto", "Decay (beta.time - ion.time) [veto]; [ticks]; counts", 100, 0, 2000);
hFlag = createTH1F("hFlag", "Flag ( 1 = beam, 2 = Ions, 4 = Beta)", 8, 0, 8);
hvetoFlag = createTH1F("hvetoFlag", "vetoFlag ( 1 = front, 4 = rear)", 8, 0, 8);
hZ3 = createTH1F("hZ3", "Z=3; A ; count ", 200, 6, 12);
hZ6 = createTH1F("hZ6", "Z=6; A ; count ", 200, 14, 21);
hZ10 = createTH1F("hZ10", "Z=10; A ; count ", 200, 25, 33);
hZ14 = createTH1F("hZ14", "Z=14; A ; count ", 200, 38, 44);
eCorr = LoadCorrectionParameters("correction_e.dat");
if( pidCorrFileName != "" ){
pidCorr = LoadCorrectionParameters(pidCorrFileName, 1);
cutFile = new TFile(cutFileName, "READ");
bool listExist = cutFile->GetListOfKeys()->Contains("cutList");
if( listExist ) {
cutList = (TObjArray*) cutFile->FindObjectAny("cutList");
numCut = cutList->GetLast()+1;
printf("----- found %d cuts \n", numCut);
for( int k = 0; k < numCut; k++){
if( cutList->At(k) != NULL ){
printf("found a cut at %2d \n", k);
* */
printf("============ start \n");
Bool_t peachCake::Process(Long64_t entry){
energy = TMath::QuietNaN();
Long64_t startTimeL = 0;
Long64_t startTimeR = 0;
Long64_t stopTime = 0;
double cfdL = TMath::QuietNaN();
double cfdR = TMath::QuietNaN();
double cfd2 = TMath::QuietNaN();
Long64_t startTime40 = 0;
double cfd40 = TMath::QuietNaN();
double a_L[5] = {TMath::QuietNaN()}; ///0 = dy, 1-4 = anode
double a_H[5] = {TMath::QuietNaN()};
veto_f = TMath::QuietNaN();
veto_r = TMath::QuietNaN();
veto_f_time = 0;
veto_r_time = 0;
crossEnergy = 0; /// for analog signal, cross T2
crossTime = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < 4 ; i++) {
dyIonsTime[i] = 0;
dyBetaTime[i] = 0;
dyIonsEnergy[i] = 0;
dyBetaEnergy[i] = 0;
int multiDyBeta = 0;
int multiDyIons = 0;
flag = 0;
vetoFlag = 0;
//======= Scanning the event
for( int i = 0; i < multi; i++){
//----- clover
if( 0 <= detID[i] && detID[i] < 100 ){
if( e[i] > 0 ) {
int id = detID[i];
double eCal = 0;
for( int k = 0; k < int(eCorr[id].size()); k++){
eCal += eCorr[id][k] * TMath::Power(e[i], k);
hCloverID->Fill(detID[i], eCal);
//----- dy Beta
if( detID[i] == 200 ) {
if ( multiDyBeta < 4 ){
dyBetaTime[multiDyBeta] = e_t[i];
dyBetaEnergy[multiDyBeta] = e[i];
multiDyBeta ++;
if( 201 <= detID[i] && detID[i] < 250){
a_H[detID[i] - 200] = e[i];
//----- dy Ions
if( detID[i] == 250 ) {
if ( multiDyIons < 4 ){
dyIonsTime[multiDyIons] = e_t[i];
dyIonsEnergy[multiDyIons] = e[i];
multiDyIons ++;
if( 251 <= detID[i] && detID[i] < 260){
a_L[detID[i] - 250] = e[i];
//----- veto_front
if( detID[i] == 290 ) {
veto_f = e[i];
veto_f_time = e_t[i];
if( veto_f > 0 && (vetoFlag & 1) == 0) vetoFlag += 1;
//----- veto_rear
if( detID[i] == 291 ) {
veto_r = e[i];
veto_r_time = e_t[i];
if( veto_r > 0 && (vetoFlag & 2) == 0) vetoFlag += 2;
//----- image scint L
if( detID[i] == 300 ) {
if( e[i] > 1000 ) {
startTimeL = e_t[i];
cfdL = cfd[i]/16384.;
//----- image scint R
if( detID[i] == 301 ) {
startTimeR = e_t[i];
cfdR = cfd[i]/16384.;
//----- cross T2 analog
if( detID[i] == 306 ) {
if( (vetoFlag & 4) == 0) vetoFlag += 4;
crossEnergy = e[i];
crossTime = e_t[i];
//----- cross B2 logic
if( detID[i] == 307 ) {
stopTime = e_t[i];
cfd2 = cfd[i]/16384.;
if( (vetoFlag & 4) == 0) vetoFlag += 4;
//----- MSX40
///if( detID[i] == 308 ) energy = e[i];
//----- MSX100
if( detID[i] == 309 ) energy = e[i];
//----- MSX40 logic
if( detID[i] == 310 ) {
startTime40 = e_t[i];
cfd40 = cfd[i]/16384.;
//================================== PID
Long64_t startTime = startTimeL;
double startCFD = cfdL;
TOF = TMath::QuietNaN();
if( startTime > 0 && stopTime > 0 && energy > 0 ){
if( stopTime > startTime ){
TOF = double(stopTime - startTime) - startCFD + cfd2;
TOF = -double(startTime - stopTime) - startCFD + cfd2 ;
TOF = TOF * 8; // to ns
///============== PID correction
if( pidCorrFileName != "" ){
for( int k = 0; k < (int) pidCorr.size() ; k++){
if( int(pidCorr[k][0]) != runID/100 ) continue;
TOF = pidCorr[k][1] + pidCorr[k][2] * TOF;
energy = pidCorr[k][3] + pidCorr[k][4] * energy + pidCorr[k][5] * energy * energy;
/// TOF correction, A/Q = 3 to have a fixed TOF.
if( energy > 160./44.*(TOF + 260) +180 ) {
hPID0->Fill(TOF, energy);
double newTOF = TOF - TOFCorrection(energy) - 234;
hPID->Fill(newTOF, energy);
flag += 1;
///======== Z vs A/Q
double c = 299.792458; /// mm/ns
/// exp value
///double FL = 37656 ; /// mm
///double Brho = 4.90370; ///
double FL = 56423 ; /// mm
double Brho = 9.04; ///
double ma = 931.5;
double beta0 = Brho * c / TMath::Sqrt( 9*ma*ma + Brho*Brho*c*c); // for AoQ = 3
double tofOffset = 504.69; /// ns
double beta = FL/c/(newTOF+tofOffset);
double gamma = 1./TMath::Sqrt(1.-beta*beta);
double Z = sqrt((energy + 11.9473) / 23.097) * TMath::Power(beta / beta0, 1.3) ;
double AoQ = c * Brho / gamma/ beta / ma;
//printf("tof : %f, beta: %f (%f), Z : %f, A/Q : %f \n", TOF + tofOffset, beta, beta0, Z, AoQ);
//Z = -0.15938 + 1.01736 *Z + 0.000203316 * Z*Z;
//Z = -0.254632 + 1.06285 * Z - 0.00539634 * Z * Z + 0.000169443 * Z * Z * Z; ///2022-06-09
Z = 0.0153343 + 1.00339 * Z;
hPID2->Fill(AoQ, Z);
if( 3.5 > Z && Z > 2.5 ) hZ3->Fill( AoQ * 3);
if( 6.5 > Z && Z > 5.5 ) hZ6->Fill( AoQ * 6);
if( 10.5 > Z && Z > 9.5 ) hZ10->Fill( AoQ * 10);
if( 14.5 > Z && Z > 13.5 ) hZ14->Fill( AoQ * 14);
//================================== Implant
double sumA_L = 0;
double sumA_H = 0;
for( int i = 1; i <= 4 ; i++){
if( a_L[i] > 0 ) sumA_L += a_L[i];
if( a_H[i] > 0 ) sumA_H += a_H[i];
xIons = (a_L[3]+a_L[2])/sumA_L;
yIons = (a_L[1]+a_L[2])/sumA_L;
xBeta = (a_H[3]+a_H[2])/sumA_H;
yBeta = (a_H[1]+a_H[2])/sumA_H;
if( (flag & 1) == 0 ) {
hImplantIons->Fill(xIons, yIons);
hImplantBeta->Fill(xBeta, yBeta);
hImplantDyIons->Fill(sumA_L, dyIonsEnergy[0]);
hImplantDyBeta->Fill(sumA_H, dyBetaEnergy[0]);
hImplantX->Fill(xIons, xBeta);
hImplantY->Fill(yIons, yBeta);
if( !TMath::IsNaN(veto_f) && !TMath::IsNaN(veto_r) && crossTime == 0 ){
//hImplantIons->Fill(xIons, yIons);
//hImplantBeta->Fill(xBeta, yBeta);
//hImplantDyIons->Fill(sumA_L, dyIonsEnergy[0]);
//hImplantDyBeta->Fill(sumA_H, dyBetaEnergy[0]);
//hImplantX->Fill(xIons, xBeta);
//hImplantY->Fill(yIons, yBeta);
if( 0 < xIons && xIons < 1 && 0 < yIons && yIons < 1 ) flag += 2;
if( 0 < xBeta && xBeta < 1 && 0 < yBeta && yBeta < 1 ) flag += 4;
//============================== debug
if ( false ) {
printf("################# %lld, multi:%d\n", entry, multi);
printf("----- beam Line \n");
printf(" MSX100 eneergy : %f \n", energy);
printf(" startTime : %llu, CFD : %f \n", startTime, startCFD);
printf(" stopTime : %llu, CFD : %f \n", stopTime, cfd2);
printf(" TOF : %f ns \n", TOF);
printf("----- Ions, low gain \n");
for( int i = 1; i <= 4; i++ )printf("a%d : %f\n", i, a_L[i]);
printf("sum A : %f \n", sumA_L);
printf("x : %f , y : %f \n", xIons, yIons);
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )printf("dy : %u, %llu \n", dyIonsEnergy[i], dyIonsTime[i]);
printf("----- Beta, high gain \n");
for( int i = 1; i <= 4; i++ )printf("a%d : %f\n", i, a_H[i]);
printf("sum A : %f \n", sumA_H);
printf("x : %f , y : %f \n", xBeta, yBeta);
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )printf("dy : %u, %llu \n", dyBetaEnergy[i], dyBetaTime[i]);
printf("----- Veto \n");
printf(" cross Time : %llu \n", crossTime);
printf(" cross energy : %d \n", crossEnergy);
printf("veto_f energy : %f \n", veto_f);
printf( "veto_f Time : %llu \n", veto_f_time);
printf("veto_r energy : %f \n", veto_r);
printf( "veto_r Time : %llu \n", veto_r_time);
printf("============ flag : %d, vetoFlag : %d\n", flag, vetoFlag);
//============================= Progress
Double_t time = clock.GetRealTime("timer");
if ( !shown ) {
if (fmod(time, 10) < 1 ){
printf( "%12llu[%2d%%]|%3.0f min %5.2f sec | expect:%5.2f min \n",
TMath::Floor(time/60.), time - TMath::Floor(time/60.)*60.,
shown = 1;}
if (fmod(time, 10) > 9 ){
shown = 0;
//============================= Rejection
if ( flag == 0 ) return kTRUE;
//============================= Save Tree
if( saveNewTree ){
return kTRUE;
void peachCake::Terminate(){
if( saveNewTree ){
if( plotHists ){
int div[2] = {4, 2} ; ///x, y
TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas("c1", canvasTitle, 700 * div[0], 700 * div[1]);
c1->Divide(div[0], div[1]);
int padID=1;
c1->cd(padID); //c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz();
//padID ++;
//c1->cd(padID); //c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz();
//padID ++;
//c1->cd(padID); //c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz();
padID ++;
c1->cd(padID); //c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz();
padID ++;
c1->cd(padID); c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz();
padID ++;
c1->cd(padID); //c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz();
padID ++;
c1->cd(padID); //c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz();
padID ++;
c1->cd(padID); //c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz();
padID ++;
c1->cd(padID); //c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz();
padID ++;
c1->cd(padID); //c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz();
//padID ++;
//c1->cd(padID); c1->cd(padID)->SetGrid(); c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz();
//hCloverID->Draw("colz"); hCloverID->SetNdivisions(-13);
padID ++;
c1->cd(padID); c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz(); hImplantIons->Draw("colz");
padID ++;
c1->cd(padID); c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz(); hImplantBeta->Draw("colz");
//padID ++;
//c1->cd(padID); c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz(); hImplantBeta_veto->Draw("colz");
padID ++;
c1->cd(padID); c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz(); hImplantDyIons->Draw("colz");
padID ++;
c1->cd(padID); c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz(); hImplantDyBeta->Draw("colz");
padID ++;
c1->cd(padID); c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz(); hImplantX->Draw("colz");
padID ++;
c1->cd(padID); c1->cd(padID)->SetLogz(); hImplantY->Draw("colz");
padID ++;
c1->cd(padID); hFlag->Draw("");
hvetoFlag->SetLineColor(2); hvetoFlag->Draw("same");
//================ Save historgram
if( fHistRootName != "" ){
TFile * fHist = new TFile(fHistRootName, "recreate");
printf("---- Save PID histogram as %s \n", fHistRootName.Data());