#include "macro.h" #include "ClassData.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TSystem.h" #define MAX_MULTI 100 #define MAX_File 100 #define NTimeWinForBuffer 3 char* path_to_run="/home/bavarians/FSUDAQ_MUSIC/Run/"; char* path_to_DAQ="/home/bavarians/FSUDAQ_MUSIC/"; char* path_to_con="/home/bavarians/FSUDAQ_MUSIC/Conversion/Raw/"; TFile * outRootFile = NULL; TTree * tree = NULL; unsigned long long evID = 0; unsigned short multi_evt=0; unsigned short bd[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; /// boardPort unsigned short ch[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; /// chID unsigned short e[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; /// 15 bit unsigned long long e_t[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; /// timestamp 47 bit --> to get en sec *4e-9 unsigned short e_f[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; /// fine time 10 bit /// using TClonesArray to hold the trace in TGraph TClonesArray * arrayTrace = NULL; unsigned short traceLength[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; TGraph * trace = NULL; template void swap(T * a, T *b ); int partition(int arr[], int kaka[], TString file[], int start, int end); void quickSort(int arr[], int kaka[], TString file[], int start, int end); void EventBuilder_raw(Data * data[],int nFile, const unsigned int timeWin, bool traceOn = false, bool isLastData = false, unsigned int verbose = 0); int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("=====================================\n"); printf("=== *.fsu Events Builder ===\n"); printf("=====================================\n"); if (argc <= 3) { printf("Incorrect number of arguments:\n"); printf("%s [timeWindow] [traceOn/Off] [verbose] [inFile1] [inFile2] .... \n", argv[0]); printf(" timeWindow : in microsecond, default = 1 \n"); printf(" traceOn/Off : is traces stored \n"); printf(" verbose : > 0 for debug \n"); printf(" Output file name is contructed from inFile1 \n"); return 1; } /// File format must be Run_XXX_BB_YYY.fsu /// XXX = 3 digits, run number /// BB = board number, 2 digits /// YYY = over size index, 3 digits ///============= read input unsigned int timeWindow = atoi(argv[1]); bool traceOn = atoi(argv[2]); unsigned int debug = atoi(argv[3]); int nFile = argc - 4; TString inFileName[nFile]; for( int i = 0 ; i < nFile ; i++){ inFileName[i] = argv[i+4]; } /// Form outFileName; TString outFileName = inFileName[0]; int pos = outFileName.Index("_"); pos = outFileName.Index("_", pos+1); outFileName.Remove(pos); outFileName += Form("_%03u",atoi(&inFileName[0][inFileName[0].Index("B")+5])); outFileName += ".root"; printf("-------> Out file name : %s \n", outFileName.Data()); printf(" Number of Files : %d \n", nFile); for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++) printf("%2d | %s \n", i, inFileName[i].Data()); printf("=====================================\n"); printf(" Time Window = %u \n", timeWindow); printf("=====================================\n"); ///============= sorting file by the serial number & order int ID[nFile]; /// serial+ order*1000; int type[nFile]; for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){ int snPos = inFileName[i].Index("_"); snPos = inFileName[i].Index("_", snPos+1); int sn = atoi(&inFileName[i][snPos+1]); type[i] = atoi(&inFileName[i][snPos+5]); int order = atoi(&inFileName[i][snPos+9]); ID[i] = sn + order * 1000; } quickSort(&(ID[0]), &(type[0]), &(inFileName[0]), 0, nFile-1); for( int i = 0 ; i < nFile; i++){ printf("%d | %6d | %3d | %s \n", i, ID[i], type[i], inFileName[i].Data()); } ///=============== Separate files std::vector idCat; std::vector> typeCat; std::vector> fileCat; for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){ if( ID[i] / 1000 == 0 ) { std::vector temp = {inFileName[i]}; std::vector temp2 = {type[i]}; fileCat.push_back(temp); typeCat.push_back(temp2); idCat.push_back(ID[i]%1000); }else{ for( int p = 0; p < (int) idCat.size(); p++){ if( (ID[i] % 1000) == idCat[p] ) { fileCat[p].push_back(inFileName[i]); typeCat[p].push_back(type[i]); } } } } printf("=====================================\n"); for( int i = 0; i < (int) idCat.size(); i++){ printf("............ %d \n", idCat[i]); for( int j = 0; j< (int) fileCat[i].size(); j++){ printf("%s | %d\n", fileCat[i][j].Data(), typeCat[i][j]); } } ///============= Set Root Tree gSystem->cd(path_to_con); outRootFile = new TFile(outFileName, "recreate"); // gSystem->cd(path_to_DAQ); tree = new TTree("tree", outFileName); tree->Branch("evID", &evID, "event_ID/l"); tree->Branch("multi_evt", &multi_evt, "multi_evt/s"); tree->Branch("bd", bd, "bd[multi_evt]/s"); tree->Branch("ch", ch, "ch[multi_evt]/s"); tree->Branch("e", e, "e[multi_evt]/s"); tree->Branch("e_t", e_t, "e_timestamp[multi_evt]/l"); tree->Branch("e_f", e_f, "e_timestamp[multi_evt]/s"); if( traceOn ) { arrayTrace = new TClonesArray("TGraph"); tree->Branch("traceLength", traceLength, "traceLength[multi_evt]/s"); tree->Branch("trace", arrayTrace, 2560000); arrayTrace->BypassStreamer(); } ///============= Open input Files printf("##############################################\n"); gSystem->cd(path_to_run); printf("#### number of files: %i \n", nFile); FILE * haha[nFile]; size_t inFileSize[nFile]; for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){ haha[i]= fopen(fileCat[i][0], "r"); if( haha[i] == NULL ){ printf("#### Cannot open file : %s. Abort.\n", fileCat[i][0].Data()); return -1; } fseek(haha[i], 0L, SEEK_END); inFileSize[i] = ftell(haha[i]); printf("%s | file size : %d Byte = %.2f MB\n", fileCat[i][0].Data(), (int) inFileSize[i], inFileSize[i]/1024./1024.); fclose(haha[i]); } ///============= Main Loop gSystem->cd(path_to_run); int countBdAgg = 0; unsigned long currentTime = 0; unsigned long oldTime = 0; char * buffer = NULL; Data * data[nFile]; for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){ haha[i] = fopen(inFileName[i], "r"); data[i] = new Data(); data[i]->DPPType ;//typeCat[0][0]; // data->boardSN = atoi(&inFileName[0][inFileName[0].Index("_")+1]); //idCat[0]; data[i]->boardSN = atoi(&inFileName[i][inFileName[i].Index("B")+1]); //idCat[0]; data[i]->SetSaveWaveToMemory(true); // fclose(haha[i]); } int end_of_loop=1; do{ for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){ ///========== Get 1 aggreration for each file oldTime = get_time(); if( debug) printf("*********************** file pos : %d, %lu\n", (int) ftell(haha[i]), oldTime); unsigned int word[1]; /// 4 bytes size_t dump = fread(word, 4, 1, haha[i]); fseek(haha[i], -4, SEEK_CUR); short header = ((word[0] >> 28 ) & 0xF); if( header != 0xA ) break; unsigned int aggSize = (word[0] & 0x0FFFFFFF) * 4; ///byte if( debug) printf("Board Agg. has %d word = %d bytes\n", aggSize/4, aggSize); buffer = new char[aggSize]; dump = fread(buffer, aggSize, 1, haha[i]); countBdAgg ++; if( debug) printf("==================== %d Agg\n", countBdAgg); data[i]->DecodeBuffer(buffer, aggSize,false, 0);//false if(!data[i]->IsNotRollOverFakeAgg ) continue; currentTime = get_time(); if( debug) { printf("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ time used : %lu usec\n", currentTime - oldTime); } } EventBuilder_raw(data, nFile, timeWindow, traceOn, false, debug); if( debug) printf("---------- event built : %llu \n", evID); for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){ data[i]->ClearBuffer(); //if( countBdAgg > 74) break; end_of_loop= end_of_loop*(!feof(haha[i]) && ftell(haha[i]) < inFileSize[i]); } }while(end_of_loop==1); for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){ fclose(haha[i]);} printf("=======@@@@@@@@###############============= end of loop \n"); EventBuilder_raw(data, nFile,timeWindow, traceOn, true, debug); gSystem->cd(path_to_con); tree->Write(); outRootFile->Close(); printf("========================= finsihed.\n"); printf("total events built = %llu \n", evID); printf("=======> saved to %s \n", outFileName.Data()); } void EventBuilder_raw(Data * data[], int nFile, const unsigned int timeWin, bool traceOn, bool isLastData, unsigned int verbose){ if( verbose) { printf("======================== Event Builder \n"); } /// find the last event timestamp; long long firstTimeStamp = -1; unsigned long long lastTimeStamp = 0; long long smallestLastTimeStamp = -1; unsigned int maxNumEvent[nFile] ; for( int b = 0; b < nFile ; b++){ maxNumEvent[b] = 0; for( int chI = 0; chI < MaxNChannels ; chI ++){ if(data[b]->NumEvents[chI] == 0 ) continue; if(data[b]->Timestamp[chI][0] < firstTimeStamp ) { firstTimeStamp = data[b]->Timestamp[chI][0]; } unsigned short ev = data[b]->NumEvents[chI]-1; if( data[b]->Timestamp[chI][ev] > lastTimeStamp ) { lastTimeStamp = data[b]->Timestamp[chI][ev]; } if( ev + 1 > maxNumEvent[b] ) maxNumEvent[b] = ev + 1; if( data[b]->Timestamp[chI][ev] < smallestLastTimeStamp ){ smallestLastTimeStamp = data[b]->Timestamp[chI][ev]; } } if( maxNumEvent[b] == 0 ) return; } if( verbose) printf("================ time range : %llu - %llu, smallest Last %llu\n", firstTimeStamp, lastTimeStamp, smallestLastTimeStamp); unsigned short lastEv[nFile][MaxNChannels] = {0}; /// store the last event number for each ch unsigned short exhaustedCh[nFile] = {0}; /// when exhaustedCh == MaxNChannels ==> stop bool singleChannelExhaustedFlag[nFile] = {false}; /// when a single ch has data but exhaused ==> stop unsigned short exhaustedBd = 0; bool BoardExhaustedFlag[nFile] = {false}; for( int b = 0; b < nFile ; b++){ singleChannelExhaustedFlag[b]=false; exhaustedCh[b]=0; for( int c = 0; c < MaxNChannels; c++){ lastEv[b][c]=0; } } do { /// find the 1st event unsigned long long time1st=-1; int ch1st=-1; int b1st=-1; for( int b = 0; b < nFile ; b++){ for( int chI = 0; chI < MaxNChannels ; chI ++){ if( data[b]->NumEvents[chI] == 0 ) continue; if( data[b]->NumEvents[chI] <= lastEv[b][chI] ) continue; if( data[b]->Timestamp[chI][lastEv[b][chI]] < time1st ) { time1st= data[b]->Timestamp[chI][lastEv[b][chI]]; ch1st = chI; b1st=b; } } } //&& maxNumEvent[b] < MaxNData * 0.6 if( !isLastData && ((smallestLastTimeStamp - time1st) < NTimeWinForBuffer * timeWin) ) break; if( ch1st > MaxNChannels ) break; if( b1st < 0 ) break; bd[multi_evt]= data[b1st]->boardSN; ch[multi_evt]= ch1st; e[multi_evt]= data[b1st]->Energy[ch1st][lastEv[b1st][ch1st]]; e_t[multi_evt]= data[b1st]->Timestamp[ch1st][lastEv[b1st][ch1st]]; e_f[multi_evt]= data[b1st]->fineTime[ch1st][lastEv[b1st][ch1st]]; if( traceOn ){ arrayTrace->Clear("C"); traceLength[multi_evt] = (unsigned short) data[b1st]->Waveform1[ch1st][lastEv[b1st][ch1st]].size(); trace = (TGraph *) arrayTrace->ConstructedAt(multi_evt, "C"); trace->Clear(); for( int hh = 0; hh < traceLength[multi_evt]; hh++){ trace->SetPoint(hh, hh, data[b1st]->Waveform1[ch1st][lastEv[b1st][ch1st]][hh]); } } multi_evt ++; lastEv[b1st][ch1st] ++; /// build the rest of the event exhaustedBd=0; for( int b = 0; b < nFile ; b++){ exhaustedCh[b] = 0; singleChannelExhaustedFlag[b] = false; //for( int chI = ch1st[b]; chI < ch1st[b] + MaxNChannels; chI ++){ //unsigned short chX = chI % MaxNChannels; for( int chI = 0; chI < MaxNChannels; chI ++){ if( data[b]->NumEvents[chI] == 0 ) { exhaustedCh[b] ++; continue; } if(data[b]->NumEvents[chI] <= lastEv[b][chI] ) { exhaustedCh[b] ++; singleChannelExhaustedFlag[b] = true; continue; } if(singleChannelExhaustedFlag[b] && exhaustedCh[b] >= MaxNChannels){BoardExhaustedFlag[b]=true;} if( timeWin == 0 ) continue; if( BoardExhaustedFlag[b]) continue; for( int ev = lastEv[b][chI]; ev < data[b]->NumEvents[chI] ; ev++){ if( data[b]->Timestamp[chI][ev] > 0 && ((data[b]->Timestamp[chI][ev] - e_t[0] )*ch2ns_value*1e-9)*1e6 <= timeWin ) { bd[multi_evt] = data[b]->boardSN; ch[multi_evt] = chI; e[multi_evt] = data[b]->Energy[chI][ev]; e_t[multi_evt] = data[b]->Timestamp[chI][ev]; e_f[multi_evt] = data[b]->fineTime[chI][ev]; if( traceOn ){ traceLength[multi_evt] = (unsigned short) data[b]->Waveform1[chI][ev].size(); trace = (TGraph *) arrayTrace->ConstructedAt(multi_evt, "C"); trace->Clear(); for( int hh = 0; hh < traceLength[multi_evt]; hh++){ trace->SetPoint(hh, hh, data[b]->Waveform1[chI][ev][hh]); } } lastEv[b][chI] = ev + 1; multi_evt ++; if(lastEv[b][chI] == data[b]->NumEvents[chI] ) exhaustedCh[b] ++; } } } } for(int b=0;b= MaxNChannels){BoardExhaustedFlag[b]=true;exhaustedBd ++;};} if( verbose) { printf("=============== multi : %d , ev : %llu\n", multi_evt, evID); for( int ev = 0; ev < multi_evt; ev++){ printf("%3d, bd, ch : %2d, %2d, %u, %llu \n", ev, bd[ev], ch[ev], e[ev], e_t[ev]); } printf("=============== Last Ev , exhaustedBd %d \n", exhaustedBd); for( int chI = 0; chI < MaxNChannels ; chI++){ for( int b = 0; b < nFile ; b++){ if(lastEv[b][chI] == 0 ) continue; printf("board %d %2d, %d %d\n", b+1, chI, lastEv[b][chI], data[b]->NumEvents[chI]); } } } /// fill Tree outRootFile->cd(); tree->Fill(); evID++; multi_evt=0; }while(exhaustedBd < nFile && exhaustedBdNumEvents[chI] == 0 ) continue; int count = 0; for( int ev = lastEv[b][chI] ; ev < data[b]->NumEvents[chI] ; ev++){ data[b]->Energy[chI][count] = data[b]->Energy[chI][ev]; data[b]->Timestamp[chI][count] = data[b]->Timestamp[chI][ev]; data[b]->fineTime[chI][count] = data[b]->fineTime[chI][ev]; count++; } int lala = data[b]->NumEvents[chI] - lastEv[b][chI]; data[b]->NumEvents[chI] = (lala >= 0 ? lala: 0); } } } template void swap(T * a, T *b ){ T temp = * b; *b = *a; *a = temp; } int partition(int arr[], int kaka[], TString file[], int start, int end){ int pivot = arr[start]; int count = 0; for (int i = start + 1; i <= end; i++) { if (arr[i] <= pivot) count++; } /// Giving pivot element its correct position int pivotIndex = start + count; swap(&arr[pivotIndex], &arr[start]); swap(&file[pivotIndex], &file[start]); swap(&kaka[pivotIndex], &kaka[start]); /// Sorting left and right parts of the pivot element int i = start, j = end; while (i < pivotIndex && j > pivotIndex) { while (arr[i] <= pivot) {i++;} while (arr[j] > pivot) {j--;} if (i < pivotIndex && j > pivotIndex) { int ip = i++; int jm = j--; swap( &arr[ip], &arr[jm]); swap(&file[ip], &file[jm]); swap(&kaka[ip], &kaka[jm]); } } return pivotIndex; } void quickSort(int arr[], int kaka[], TString file[], int start, int end){ /// base case if (start >= end) return; /// partitioning the array int p = partition(arr, kaka, file, start, end); /// Sorting the left part quickSort(arr, kaka, file, start, p - 1); /// Sorting the right part quickSort(arr, kaka, file, p + 1, end); }