#include "ClassData.h" #include "ClassDigitizer.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TApplication.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include /** struct timeval, select() */ #include /** tcgetattr(), tcsetattr() */ static struct termios g_old_kbd_mode; static void cooked(void){ tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &g_old_kbd_mode); } static void uncooked(void){ struct termios new_kbd_mode; /** put keyboard (stdin, actually) in raw, unbuffered mode */ tcgetattr(0, &g_old_kbd_mode); memcpy(&new_kbd_mode, &g_old_kbd_mode, sizeof(struct termios)); new_kbd_mode.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO); new_kbd_mode.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; new_kbd_mode.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_kbd_mode); } static void raw(void){ static char init; if(init) return; /** put keyboard (stdin, actually) in raw, unbuffered mode */ uncooked(); /** when we exit, go back to normal, "cooked" mode */ atexit(cooked); init = 1; } int keyboardhit(){ struct timeval timeout; fd_set read_handles; int status; raw(); /** check stdin (fd 0) for activity */ FD_ZERO(&read_handles); FD_SET(0, &read_handles); timeout.tv_sec = timeout.tv_usec = 0; status = select(0 + 1, &read_handles, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if(status < 0){ printf("select() failed in keyboardhit()\n"); exit(1); } return (status); } int getch(void){ unsigned char temp; raw(); /** stdin = fd 0 */ if(read(0, &temp, 1) != 1) return 0; return temp; } unsigned long get_time(){ unsigned long time_us; struct timeval t1; struct timezone tz; gettimeofday(&t1, &tz); time_us = (t1.tv_sec) * 1000000 + t1.tv_usec; return time_us; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ /**##################### Demo for loading and change setting without open a digitizer Digitizer dig; dig.LoadSettingBinary("setting_323.bin"); //dig.PrintSettingFromMemory(); ///dig.SaveSettingAsText("haha.txt"); printf("ch2ns = %f \n", dig.GetCh2ns()); ///for( int i = 0; i < dig->GetNChannel(); i++){ /// dig.SaveSettingToFile(Register::DPP::NumberEventsPerAggregate_G, 10, i); ///} ///dig.SaveSettingToFile(Register::DPP::MaxAggregatePerBlockTransfer, 200, 0); /// unsigned int bSize = dig.CalByteForBuffer(); printf("Buffer Size : %u byte = %.2f MB \n", bSize, bSize/1024./1024.); Reg haha = dig.FindRegister(Register::DPP::RecordLength_G); haha.Print(); /**///##################### test with 2 digitizers /** const int nBoard = 2; Digitizer **dig = new Digitizer *[nBoard]; for( int i = 0 ; i < nBoard; i++){ int board = i % 3; int port = i/3; dig[i] = new Digitizer(board, port, false, true); dig[i]->OpenSettingBinary("setting_" + to_string(dig[i]->GetSerialNumber()) + ".bin"); dig[i]->LoadSettingBinary("setting_" + to_string(dig[0]->GetSerialNumber()) + ".bin"); } dig[0]->SaveSettingAsText("haha.txt"); delete dig[0]; delete dig[1]; TApplication * app = new TApplication("app", &argc, argv); TCanvas * canvas = new TCanvas("c", "haha", 1200, 400); canvas->Divide(3, 1); TH1F * h1 = new TH1F("h1", "count", dig[0]->GetNChannel(), 0, dig[0]->GetNChannel()); TH1F * h2 = new TH1F("h2", "energy ch-0", 400, 0, 40000); TGraph * g1 = new TGraph(); canvas->cd(1); h1->Draw("hist"); canvas->cd(2); h2->Draw(); canvas->cd(3); g1->Draw("AP"); Data * data = dig[0]->GetData(); data->AllocateMemory(); remove("test.bin"); dig[0]->StartACQ(); std::vector haha ; uint32_t PreviousTime = get_time(); uint32_t CurrentTime = 0; uint32_t ElapsedTime = 0; while(true){ if(keyboardhit()) { break; } usleep(50000); dig[0]->ReadData(); if( data->nByte > 0 ){ data->SaveBuffer("test"); data->DecodeBuffer(0); unsigned short nData = data->NumEvents[0]; //channel-0 haha = data->Waveform1[0][nData-1]; for( int i = 0; i < waveFormLength; i++) g1->SetPoint(i, i*ch2ns, haha[i]); canvas->cd(3); g1->Draw("AP"); canvas->Modified(); canvas->Update(); gSystem->ProcessEvents(); } CurrentTime = get_time(); ElapsedTime = CurrentTime - PreviousTime; /// milliseconds if( ElapsedTime > 1000 ){ int temp = system("clear"); data->PrintStat(); for(int i = 0; i < dig[0]->GetNChannel(); i++){ h1->Fill(i, data->NumEvents[i]); } for( int i = 0; i < data->NumEvents[0]; i++){ h2->Fill( data->Energy[0][i]); } data->ClearData(); canvas->cd(1); h1->Draw("hist"); canvas->cd(2); h2->Draw(); canvas->Modified(); canvas->Update(); gSystem->ProcessEvents(); PreviousTime = CurrentTime; printf("Press any key to Stop\n"); } } dig[0]->StopACQ(); app->Run(); delete [] dig; /*********************/ return 0; }