306 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "fsuReader.h"
struct FileInfo{
std::string fileName;
int fileevID;
unsigned long hitCount;
int sn;
int numCh;
int runNum;
#define minNARG 3
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("=== *.fsu to CoMPASS bin ===\n");
if (argc < minNARG) {
printf("Incorrect number of arguments:\n");
printf("%s [tar] [inFile1] [inFile2] .... \n", argv[0]);
printf(" tar : output tar, 0 = no, 1 = yes \n");
printf(" Example: %s 0 '\\ls -1 *001*.fsu'\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
unsigned int debug = false;
uInt runStartTime = getTime_us();
///============= read input
// long timeWindow = atoi(argv[1]);
// bool traceOn = atoi(argv[2]);
bool tarFlag = atoi(argv[1]);
unsigned int batchSize = 2* DEFAULT_HALFBUFFERSIZE;
int nFile = argc - minNARG + 1;
std::string inFileName[nFile];
for( int i = 0 ; i < nFile ; i++){ inFileName[i] = argv[i+ minNARG - 1];}
printf("========================================= Number of Files : %d \n", nFile);
for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++) printf("%2d | %s \n", i, inFileName[i].c_str());
printf(" Batch size = %d events/file\n", batchSize);
// printf(" Out file name = %s \n", outFileName.c_str());
printf(" Is tar output = %s \n", tarFlag ? "Yes" : "No");
printf("========================================= Grouping files\n");
std::vector<std::vector<FileInfo>> fileGroupList; // fileName and evID = SN * 1000 + index
std::vector<FileInfo> fileList;
unsigned long long int totalHitCount = 0;
FSUReader * readerA = new FSUReader(inFileName[0], 1, 1);
if( readerA->GetOptimumBatchSize() > batchSize ) batchSize = readerA->GetOptimumBatchSize();
FileInfo fileInfo = {inFileName[0], readerA->GetSN() * 1000 + readerA->GetFileOrder(), readerA->GetTotalHitCount(), readerA->GetSN(), readerA->GetNumCh(), readerA->GetRunNum()};
totalHitCount += readerA->GetTotalHitCount();
for( int i = 1; i < nFile; i++){
FSUReader * readerB = new FSUReader(inFileName[i], 1, 1);
if( readerB->GetOptimumBatchSize() > batchSize ) batchSize = readerB->GetOptimumBatchSize();
totalHitCount += readerB->GetTotalHitCount();
fileInfo = {inFileName[i], readerB->GetSN() * 1000 + readerB->GetFileOrder(), readerB->GetTotalHitCount(), readerB->GetSN(), readerB->GetNumCh(), readerB->GetRunNum()};
if( readerA->GetSN() == readerB->GetSN() ){
delete readerA;
readerA = readerB;
delete readerA;
printf("======================= total Hit Count : %llu\n", totalHitCount);
for( size_t i = 0; i < fileGroupList.size(); i++){
printf("group ----- %ld \n", i);
//sort by evID
std::sort(fileGroupList[i].begin(), fileGroupList[i].end(), [](const FileInfo & a, const FileInfo & b) {
return a.fileevID < b.fileevID;
for( size_t j = 0; j < fileGroupList[i].size(); j++){
printf("%3ld | %8d | %9lu| %s \n", j, fileGroupList[i][j].fileevID, fileGroupList[i][j].hitCount, fileGroupList[i][j].fileName.c_str() );
//*====================================== format output files
const short numFileGroup = fileGroupList.size();
FILE ** outFile[numFileGroup];
std::vector<std::string> outFileName[numFileGroup];
std::vector<uint16_t> header[numFileGroup];
std::vector<unsigned int> flags[numFileGroup];
for( int i = 0; i < numFileGroup; i++ ){
outFile[i] = new FILE * [fileGroupList[i][0].numCh];
for( int ch = 0; ch < fileGroupList[i][0].numCh; ch++ ){
std::string dudu = "Data_CH" + std::to_string(ch) + "@DIGI_" + std::to_string(fileGroupList[i][0].sn) + "_run_" + std::to_string(fileGroupList[i][0].runNum) + ".BIN";
// printf("|%s| \n", dudu.c_str());
outFile[i][ch] = fopen(dudu.c_str(), "wb");
// std::string temp = inFileName[0];
// size_t pos = temp.find('_');
// pos = temp.find('_', pos + 1);
// std::string outFile_prefix = temp.substr(0, pos);
// std::string outFileName = outFile_prefix + ".BIN";
//*======================================= Open files
printf("========================================= Open files & Build Events.\n");
const short nGroup = fileGroupList.size();
std::vector<Hit> hitList[nGroup];
FSUReader ** reader = new FSUReader * [nGroup];
ulong evID[nGroup];
for( short i = 0; i < nGroup; i++){
std::vector<std::string> fList;
for( size_t j = 0; j < fileGroupList[i].size(); j++){
fList.push_back( fileGroupList[i][j].fileName );
reader[i] = new FSUReader(fList, 600, debug);
hitList[i] = reader[i]->ReadBatch(batchSize, debug );
reader[i]->PrintHitListInfo(&hitList[i], "hitList-" + std::to_string(reader[i]->GetSN()));
evID[i] = 0;
if( debug ) {
for( size_t p = 0; p < 10; p ++ ){
if( hitList[i].size() <= p ) break;
unsigned long long tStart = 0;
unsigned long long tEnd = 0;
unsigned long long t0 = -1;
short g0 = 0 ;
int nFileFinished = 0;
unsigned long long hitProcessed = 0;
// find the earlist time
t0 = -1;
for( short i = 0; i < nGroup; i++){
if( hitList[i].size() == 0 ) continue;
//chekc if reached the end of hitList
if( evID[i] >= hitList[i].size() ) {
hitList[i] = reader[i]->ReadBatch(batchSize, debug + 1);
if( debug ) reader[i]->PrintHitListInfo( &hitList[i], "hitList-" + std::to_string(i));
evID[i] = 0;
if( hitList[i].size() == 0 ) continue;
if( hitList[i][evID[i]].timestamp < t0 ) {
t0 = hitList[i][evID[i]].timestamp;
g0 = i;
// Set file header
int p_ch = hitList[g0][evID[g0]].ch; // present ch
if( header[g0][p_ch] == 0 ) {
header[g0][p_ch] = 0xCAE1;
if( hitList[g0][evID[g0]].energy2 > 0 ) header[g0][p_ch] += 4;
if( hitList[g0][evID[g0]].traceLength > 0 ) header[g0][p_ch] += 8;
if( hitList[g0][evID[g0]].pileUp ) flags[g0][p_ch] += 0x8000;
if( hitList[g0][evID[g0]].fineTime > 0 ) flags[g0][p_ch] += 0x4000;
fwrite(&(header[g0][p_ch]), 2, 1, outFile[g0][p_ch]);
hitList[g0][evID[g0]].WriteHitsToCAENBinary(outFile[g0][p_ch], header[g0][p_ch]);
// fwrite(&(hitList[g0][evID[g0]].sn), 2, 1, outFile);
// fwrite(&(hitList[g0][evID[g0]].ch), 2, 1, outFile);
// unsigned psTimestamp = hitList[g0][evID[g0]].timestamp * 1000 + hitList[g0][evID[g0]].fineTime;
// fwrite(&(psTimestamp), 8, 1, outFile);
// fwrite(&(hitList[g0][evID[g0]].energy), 2, 1, outFile);
// if( hitList[g0][evID[g0]].energy2 > 0 ) fwrite(&(hitList[g0][evID[g0]].energy2), 2, 1, outFile);
// fwrite(&(flags), 4, 1, outFile);
// if( hitList[g0][evID[g0]].traceLength > 0 ){
// char waveCode = 1;
// fwrite(&(waveCode), 1, 1, outFile);
// fwrite(&(hitList[g0][evID[g0]].traceLength), 4, 1, outFile);
// for( int i = 0; i < hitList[g0][evID[g0]].traceLength; i++ ){
// fwrite(&(hitList[g0][evID[g0]].trace[i]), 2, 1, outFile);
// }
// }
if( hitProcessed == 0) tStart = hitList[g0][evID[g0]].timestamp;
hitProcessed ++;
if( hitProcessed % 10000 == 0 ) printf("hit Porcessed %llu/%llu hit....%.2f%%\n\033[A\r", hitProcessed, totalHitCount, hitProcessed*100./totalHitCount);
if( hitProcessed == totalHitCount -1 ) tEnd = hitList[g0][evID[g0]].timestamp;
nFileFinished = 0;
for( int i = 0 ; i < nGroup; i++) {
if( hitList[i].size() == 0 ) {
nFileFinished ++;
if( evID[i] >= hitList[i].size( )) {
hitList[i] = reader[i]->ReadBatch(batchSize, debug);
evID[i] = 0;
if( hitList[i].size() == 0 ) nFileFinished ++;
if( debug > 1 ) printf("========== nFileFinished : %d\n", nFileFinished);
}while( nFileFinished < nGroup);
uInt runEndTime = getTime_us();
double runTime = (runEndTime - runStartTime) * 1e-6;
printf("========================================= finished.\n");
printf(" event building time = %.2f sec = %.2f min\n", runTime, runTime/60.);
printf(" total hit = %llu \n", hitProcessed);
double tDuration_sec = (tEnd - tStart) * 1e-9;
printf(" first timestamp = %20llu ns\n", tStart);
printf(" last timestamp = %20llu ns\n", tEnd);
printf(" total data duration = %.2f sec = %.2f min\n", tDuration_sec, tDuration_sec/60.);
for( int i = 0; i < nGroup; i++) delete reader[i];
delete [] reader;
//============================== delete empty files and close FILE
std::vector<std::string> nonEmptyFileList;
printf("================= Removing Empty Files ....\n");
printf("============================> saved to ....");
if( tarFlag == false ) printf("\n");
for( int i = 0; i < numFileGroup; i++ ){
for( int ch = 0; ch < fileGroupList[i][0].numCh; ch++){
if( ftell(outFile[i][ch]) == 0 ){
int dummy = std::system(("rm -f " + outFileName[i][ch]).c_str());
// printf("Remove %s.\n", outFileName[i][ch].c_str());
if( tarFlag == false ) printf("%s\n", outFileName[i][ch].c_str());
if( tarFlag ){
std::string tarFileName = "run_" + std::to_string(fileGroupList[0][0].runNum) + ".tar.gz";
printf("%s\n", tarFileName.c_str());
printf("============================> tar.gz the BIN\n");
std::string command = "tar -czf " + tarFileName + " ";
for( size_t i = 0; i < nonEmptyFileList.size(); i++ ){
command += nonEmptyFileList[i] + " ";
int result = std::system(command.c_str());
if (result == 0) {
printf("Archive created successfully: %s\n", tarFileName.c_str());
for( size_t i = 0; i < nonEmptyFileList.size(); i++ ){
int dummy = std::system(("rm -f " + nonEmptyFileList[i]).c_str());
// printf("Remove %s.\n", nonEmptyFileList[i].c_str());
} else {
printf("Error creating archive\n");
printf("============================================== end of program\n");
return 0;