clean up, remove EventBuilder and OnlineEventBuilder

This commit is contained in:
splitPoleDAQ 2023-06-14 15:48:50 -04:00
parent 0611cbe0ea
commit 73df2edb80
8 changed files with 1 additions and 706 deletions

View File

@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ Analyzer::Analyzer(Digitizer ** digi, unsigned int nDigi, QMainWindow * parent )
setWindowTitle("Online Analyzer");
setGeometry(0, 0, 1000, 800);
//oeb = new OnlineEventBuilder * [nDigi];
//for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nDigi; i++ ) oeb[i] = new OnlineEventBuilder(digi[i]);
mb = new MultiBuilder(digi, nDigi);
buildTimerThread = new TimingThread(this);
@ -31,16 +28,11 @@ Analyzer::Analyzer(Digitizer ** digi, unsigned int nDigi, QMainWindow * parent )
// for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nDigi; i++ ) delete oeb[i];
// delete [] oeb;
delete mb;
void Analyzer::StartThread(){
// printf("%s\n", __func__);
//for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nDigi; i++) oeb[i]->ClearEvents();
@ -54,11 +46,6 @@ void Analyzer::StopThread(){
void Analyzer::BuildEvents(){
//Set with digitizer to be event build
// digiMTX[digiID].lock();
// oeb[digiID]->BuildEvents(100, false);
// digiMTX[digiID].unlock();
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nDigi; i++ ) digiMTX[digiID].lock();
mb->BuildEvents(0, 0, 0);
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nDigi; i++ ) digiMTX[digiID].unlock();

View File

@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ public:
virtual void SetUpCanvas();
//OnlineEventBuilder * GetEventBuilder() {return oeb[digiID];}
MultiBuilder * GetEventBuilder() { return mb;}
@ -69,8 +67,6 @@ private:
int digiID; // the digi that will event
double waitTimeinSec;
//OnlineEventBuilder ** oeb;
MultiBuilder * mb;
TimingThread * buildTimerThread;

View File

@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
#include "ClassData.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#define MAX_MULTI 100
#define NTimeWinForBuffer 3
TFile * outRootFile = NULL;
TTree * tree = NULL;
unsigned long long evID = 0;
unsigned short multi = 0;
unsigned short bd[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; /// boardID
unsigned short ch[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; /// chID
unsigned short e[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; /// 15 bit
unsigned long long e_t[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; /// timestamp 47 bit
unsigned short e_f[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; /// fine time 10 bit
class Trace{
Trace() {trace.clear(); }
void Clear() { trace.clear(); };
Trace operator = (std::vector<unsigned short> v){
Trace tt;
for( int i = 0 ; i < (int) v.size() ; i++){
return tt;
std::vector<unsigned short> trace;
/// using TClonesArray to hold the trace in TGraph
TClonesArray * arrayTrace = NULL;
unsigned short traceLength[MAX_MULTI] = {0};
TGraph * trace = NULL;
template<typename T> void swap(T * a, T *b );
int partition(int arr[], int kaka[], TString file[], int start, int end);
void quickSort(int arr[], int kaka[], TString file[], int start, int end);
void EventBuilder(Data * data, const unsigned int timeWin, bool traceOn = false, bool isLastData = false, unsigned int verbose = 0);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("=== *.fsu Events Builder ===\n");
if (argc <= 3) {
printf("Incorrect number of arguments:\n");
printf("%s [timeWindow] [traceOn/Off] [verbose] [inFile1] [inFile2] .... \n", argv[0]);
printf(" timeWindow : number of tick, 1 tick. default = 100 \n");
printf(" traceOn/Off : is traces stored \n");
printf(" verbose : > 0 for debug \n");
printf(" Output file name is contructed from inFile1 \n");
return 1;
/// File format must be YYY...Y_runXXX_AAA_BBB_CCC.fsu
/// YYY...Y = prefix
/// XXX = runID, 3 digits
/// AAA = board Serial Number, 3 digits
/// BBB = DPPtype, 3 digits
/// CCC = over size index, 3 digits
///============= read input
unsigned int timeWindow = atoi(argv[1]);
bool traceOn = atoi(argv[2]);
unsigned int debug = atoi(argv[3]);
int nFile = argc - 4;
TString inFileName[nFile];
for( int i = 0 ; i < nFile ; i++){
inFileName[i] = argv[i+4];
/// Form outFileName;
TString outFileName = inFileName[0];
int pos = outFileName.Index("_");
pos = outFileName.Index("_", pos+1);
outFileName += ".root";
printf("-------> Out file name : %s \n", outFileName.Data());
printf(" Number of Files : %d \n", nFile);
for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++) printf("%2d | %s \n", i, inFileName[i].Data());
printf(" Time Window = %u \n", timeWindow);
///============= sorting file by the serial number & order
int ID[nFile]; /// serial+ order*1000;
int type[nFile];
for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){
int snPos = inFileName[i].Index("_"); // first "_"
//snPos = inFileName[i].Index("_", snPos + 1);
int sn = atoi(&inFileName[i][snPos+5]);
TString typeStr = &inFileName[i][snPos+9];
if( typeStr == "PHA" ) type[i] = V1730_DPP_PHA_CODE;
if( typeStr == "PSD" ) type[i] = V1730_DPP_PSD_CODE;
int order = atoi(&inFileName[i][snPos+13]);
ID[i] = sn + order * 1000;
//printf("sn:%d, type:%d (%s), order:%d \n", sn, type[i], typeStr.Data(), order);
quickSort(&(ID[0]), &(type[0]), &(inFileName[0]), 0, nFile-1);
for( int i = 0 ; i < nFile; i++){
printf("%d | %6d | %3d | %s \n", i, ID[i], type[i], inFileName[i].Data());
///=============== Seperate files
std::vector<int> idCat;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> typeCat;
std::vector<std::vector<TString>> fileCat;
for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++){
if( ID[i] / 1000 == 0 ) {
std::vector<TString> temp = {inFileName[i]};
std::vector<int> temp2 = {type[i]};
for( int p = 0; p < (int) idCat.size(); p++){
if( (ID[i] % 1000) == idCat[p] ) {
for( int i = 0; i < (int) idCat.size(); i++){
printf("............ %d \n", idCat[i]);
for( int j = 0; j< (int) fileCat[i].size(); j++){
printf("%s | %d\n", fileCat[i][j].Data(), typeCat[i][j]);
///============= Set Root Tree
outRootFile = new TFile(outFileName, "recreate");
tree = new TTree("tree", outFileName);
tree->Branch("evID", &evID, "event_ID/l");
tree->Branch("multi", &multi, "multi/s");
tree->Branch("bd", bd, "bd[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("ch", ch, "ch[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("e", e, "e[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("e_t", e_t, "e_timestamp[multi]/l");
tree->Branch("e_f", e_f, "e_timestamp[multi]/s");
if( traceOn ) {
arrayTrace = new TClonesArray("TGraph");
tree->Branch("traceLength", traceLength, "traceLength[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("trace", arrayTrace, 2560000);
///============= Open input Files
FILE * haha = fopen(fileCat[0][0], "r");
if( haha == NULL ){
printf("#### Cannot open file : %s. Abort.\n", fileCat[0][0].Data());
return -1;
fseek(haha, 0L, SEEK_END);
const size_t inFileSize = ftell(haha);
printf("%s | file size : %d Byte = %.2f MB\n", fileCat[0][0].Data(), (int) inFileSize, inFileSize/1024./1024.);
Data * data = new Data();
data->DPPType = typeCat[0][0];
data->boardSN = idCat[0];
///============= Main Loop
haha = fopen(inFileName[0], "r");
int countBdAgg = 0;
unsigned long currentTime = 0;
unsigned long oldTime = 0;
char * buffer = NULL;
///========== Get 1 aggreration
oldTime = get_time();
if( debug) printf("*********************** file pos : %d, %lu\n", (int) ftell(haha), oldTime);
unsigned int word[1]; /// 4 bytes
size_t dump = fread(word, 4, 1, haha);
fseek(haha, -4, SEEK_CUR);
short header = ((word[0] >> 28 ) & 0xF);
if( header != 0xA ) break;
unsigned int aggSize = (word[0] & 0x0FFFFFFF) * 4; ///byte
if( debug) printf("Board Agg. has %d word = %d bytes\n", aggSize/4, aggSize);
buffer = new char[aggSize];
dump = fread(buffer, aggSize, 1, haha);
countBdAgg ++;
if( debug) printf("==================== %d Agg\n", countBdAgg);
data->DecodeBuffer(buffer, aggSize, false, 0);
if( !data->IsNotRollOverFakeAgg ) continue;
currentTime = get_time();
if( debug) {
printf("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ time used : %lu usec\n", currentTime - oldTime);
EventBuilder(data, timeWindow, traceOn, false, debug);
if( debug) printf("---------- event built : %llu \n", evID);
//if( countBdAgg > 74) break;
}while(!feof(haha) && ftell(haha) < inFileSize);
printf("=======@@@@@@@@###############============= end of loop \n");
EventBuilder(data, timeWindow, traceOn, true, debug);
printf("========================= finsihed.\n");
printf("total events built = %llu \n", evID);
printf("=======> saved to %s \n", outFileName.Data());
void EventBuilder(Data * data, const unsigned int timeWin, bool traceOn, bool isLastData, unsigned int verbose){
if( verbose) {
printf("======================== Event Builder \n");
/// find the last event timestamp;
unsigned long long firstTimeStamp = -1;
unsigned long long lastTimeStamp = 0;
unsigned long long smallestLastTimeStamp = -1;
unsigned int maxNumEvent = 0;
for( int chI = 0; chI < MaxNChannels ; chI ++){
if( data->DataIndex[chI] == 0 ) continue;
if( data->Timestamp[chI][0] < firstTimeStamp ) {
firstTimeStamp = data->Timestamp[chI][0];
unsigned short ev = data->DataIndex[chI]-1;
if( data->Timestamp[chI][ev] > lastTimeStamp ) {
lastTimeStamp = data->Timestamp[chI][ev];
if( ev + 1 > maxNumEvent ) maxNumEvent = ev + 1;
if( data->Timestamp[chI][ev] < smallestLastTimeStamp ){
smallestLastTimeStamp = data->Timestamp[chI][ev];
if( maxNumEvent == 0 ) return;
if( verbose) printf("================ time range : %llu - %llu, smallest Last %llu\n", firstTimeStamp, lastTimeStamp, smallestLastTimeStamp );
unsigned short lastEv[MaxNChannels] = {0}; /// store the last event number for each ch
unsigned short exhaustedCh = 0; /// when exhaustedCh == MaxNChannels ==> stop
bool singleChannelExhaustedFlag = false; /// when a single ch has data but exhaused ==> stop
do {
/// find the 1st event
int ch1st = -1;
unsigned long long time1st = -1;
for( int chI = 0; chI < MaxNChannels ; chI ++){
if( data->DataIndex[chI] == 0 ) continue;
if( data->DataIndex[chI] <= lastEv[chI] ) continue;
if( data->Timestamp[chI][lastEv[chI]] < time1st ) {
time1st = data->Timestamp[chI][lastEv[chI]];
ch1st = chI;
if( !isLastData && ((smallestLastTimeStamp - time1st) < NTimeWinForBuffer * timeWin) && maxNumEvent < MaxNData * 0.6 ) break;
if( ch1st > MaxNChannels ) break;
multi ++;
bd[multi-1] = data->boardSN;
ch[multi-1] = ch1st;
e[multi-1] = data->Energy[ch1st][lastEv[ch1st]];
e_t[multi-1] = data->Timestamp[ch1st][lastEv[ch1st]];
e_f[multi-1] = data->fineTime[ch1st][lastEv[ch1st]];
if( traceOn ){
traceLength[multi-1] = (unsigned short) data->Waveform1[ch1st][lastEv[ch1st]].size();
///if( verbose )printf("------- trace Length : %u \n", traceLength[multi-1]);
trace = (TGraph *) arrayTrace->ConstructedAt(multi-1, "C");
for( int hh = 0; hh < traceLength[multi-1]; hh++){
trace->SetPoint(hh, hh, data->Waveform1[ch1st][lastEv[ch1st]][hh]);
///if( verbose )if( hh % 200 == 0 ) printf("%3d | %u \n", hh, data->Waveform1[ch1st][lastEv[ch1st]][hh]);
lastEv[ch1st] ++;
/// build the rest of the event
exhaustedCh = 0;
singleChannelExhaustedFlag = false;
for( int chI = ch1st; chI < ch1st + MaxNChannels; chI ++){
unsigned short chX = chI % MaxNChannels;
if( data->DataIndex[chX] == 0 ) {
exhaustedCh ++;
if( data->DataIndex[chX] <= lastEv[chX] ) {
exhaustedCh ++;
singleChannelExhaustedFlag = true;
if( timeWin == 0 ) continue;
for( int ev = lastEv[chX]; ev < data->DataIndex[chX] ; ev++){
if( data->Timestamp[chX][ev] > 0 && (data->Timestamp[chX][ev] - e_t[0] ) < timeWin ) {
multi ++;
bd[multi-1] = data->boardSN;
ch[multi-1] = chX;
e[multi-1] = data->Energy[chX][ev];
e_t[multi-1] = data->Timestamp[chX][ev];
e_f[multi-1] = data->fineTime[chX][ev];
if( traceOn ){
traceLength[multi-1] = (unsigned short) data->Waveform1[chX][ev].size();
trace = (TGraph *) arrayTrace->ConstructedAt(multi-1, "C");
for( int hh = 0; hh < traceLength[multi-1]; hh++){
trace->SetPoint(hh, hh, data->Waveform1[chX][ev][hh]);
lastEv[chX] = ev + 1;
if( lastEv[chX] == data->DataIndex[chX] ) exhaustedCh ++;
if( verbose) {
printf("=============== multi : %d , ev : %llu\n", multi, evID);
for( int ev = 0; ev < multi; ev++){
printf("%3d, ch : %2d, %u, %llu \n", ev, ch[ev], e[ev], e_t[ev]);
printf("=============== Last Ev , exhaustedCh %d \n", exhaustedCh);
for( int chI = 0; chI < MaxNChannels ; chI++){
if( lastEv[chI] == 0 ) continue;
printf("%2d, %d %d\n", chI, lastEv[chI], data->DataIndex[chI]);
/// fill Tree
multi = 0;
}while( !singleChannelExhaustedFlag || (exhaustedCh < MaxNChannels) );
///========== clear built data
/// move the last data to the top,
for( int chI = 0; chI < MaxNChannels; chI++){
if( data->DataIndex[chI] == 0 ) continue;
int count = 0;
for( int ev = lastEv[chI] ; ev < data->DataIndex[chI] ; ev++){
data->Energy[chI][count] = data->Energy[chI][ev];
data->Timestamp[chI][count] = data->Timestamp[chI][ev];
data->fineTime[chI][count] = data->fineTime[chI][ev];
int lala = data->DataIndex[chI] - lastEv[chI];
data->DataIndex[chI] = (lala >= 0 ? lala: 0);
if( verbose > 0 ) {
printf("&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& end of one event build loop\n");
template<typename T> void swap(T * a, T *b ){
T temp = * b;
*b = *a;
*a = temp;
int partition(int arr[], int kaka[], TString file[], int start, int end){
int pivot = arr[start];
int count = 0;
for (int i = start + 1; i <= end; i++) {
if (arr[i] <= pivot) count++;
/// Giving pivot element its correct position
int pivotIndex = start + count;
swap(&arr[pivotIndex], &arr[start]);
swap(&file[pivotIndex], &file[start]);
swap(&kaka[pivotIndex], &kaka[start]);
/// Sorting left and right parts of the pivot element
int i = start, j = end;
while (i < pivotIndex && j > pivotIndex) {
while (arr[i] <= pivot) {i++;}
while (arr[j] > pivot) {j--;}
if (i < pivotIndex && j > pivotIndex) {
int ip = i++;
int jm = j--;
swap( &arr[ip], &arr[jm]);
swap(&file[ip], &file[jm]);
swap(&kaka[ip], &kaka[jm]);
return pivotIndex;
void quickSort(int arr[], int kaka[], TString file[], int start, int end){
/// base case
if (start >= end) return;
/// partitioning the array
int p = partition(arr, kaka, file, start, end);
/// Sorting the left part
quickSort(arr, kaka, file, start, p - 1);
/// Sorting the right part
quickSort(arr, kaka, file, p + 1, end);

View File

@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ HEADERS += ClassData.h \
Scope.h \
SingleSpectra.h \
OnlineEventBuilder.h \
MultiBuilder.h \
Analyser.h \
qcustomplot.h \
@ -47,7 +46,6 @@ SOURCES += ClassDigitizer.cpp \
Scope.cpp \
SingleSpectra.cpp \
OnlineEventBuilder.cpp \
MultiBuilder.cpp \
Analyser.cpp \

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ ROOTLIBS = `root-config --cflags --glibs`
OBJS = ClassDigitizer.o OnlineEventBuilder.o MultiBuilder.o
ALL = test test_indep EventBuilder DataGenerator EventKenshikushi
ALL = test test_indep DataGenerator EventKenshikushi
@ -40,10 +40,6 @@ test_indep : test_indep.cpp RegisterAddress.h macro.h
@echo "--------- making test_indep"
$(CC) $(COPTS) -o test_indep test_indep.cpp $(CAENLIBS)
EventBuilder : EventBuilder.cpp ClassData.h
@echo "--------- making EventBuilder"
$(CC) $(COPTS) -o EventBuilder EventBuilder.cpp $(CAENLIBS) $(ROOTLIBS)
DataGenerator : DataGenerator.cpp ClassDigitizer.o OnlineEventBuilder.o
@echo "--------- making DataGenerator"
$(CC) $(COPTS) -o DataGenerator DataGenerator.cpp ClassDigitizer.o OnlineEventBuilder.o $(CAENLIBS)

View File

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
#include "OnlineEventBuilder.h"
#include <algorithm>
OnlineEventBuilder::OnlineEventBuilder(Digitizer * digi){
data = digi->GetData();
nCh = digi->GetNChannels();
void OnlineEventBuilder::ClearEvents(){
eventIndex = -1;
totalEventBuilt = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < MaxNEvent; i++ ) events[i].clear();
for( int i = 0; i < MaxNChannels; i++ ){
nextIndex[i] = -1;
loopIndex[i] = 0;
chExhaused[i] = false;
earlistTime = -1;
earlistCh = -1;
nExhaushedCh = 0;
void OnlineEventBuilder::PrintStat(){
printf("========= Total Event built : %lu, last built : %lu, index: %lu \n", totalEventBuilt, eventBuilt, eventIndex);
void OnlineEventBuilder::FindEarlistTimeAndCh(){
earlistTime = -1;
earlistCh = -1;
nExhaushedCh = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < MaxNChannels; i++ ){
chExhaused[i] = false;
for(unsigned int ch = 0; ch < nCh; ch ++){
if( data->DataIndex[ch] == -1 || loopIndex[ch] * MaxNData + nextIndex[ch] > data->LoopIndex[ch] * MaxNData + data->DataIndex[ch]) {
nExhaushedCh ++;
chExhaused[ch] = true;
if( nextIndex[ch] == -1 ) nextIndex[ch] = 0;
unsigned long long time = data->Timestamp[ch][nextIndex[ch]];
if( time < earlistTime ) {
earlistTime = time;
earlistCh = ch;
//printf("ch: %d , nextIndex : %d, %llu\n", ch, nextIndex[ch] , earlistTime);
// printf("%s | ch : %d, %llu\n", __func__, earlistCh, earlistTime);
void OnlineEventBuilder::FindLatestTime(){
latestTime = 0;
// int latestCh = -1;
for( unsigned ch = 0; ch < nCh; ch++ ){
int index = data->DataIndex[ch];
if( index == -1 ) continue;
if( data->Timestamp[ch][index] > latestTime ) {
latestTime = data->Timestamp[ch][index];
//latestCh = ch;
// printf("%s | ch : %d, %lld \n", __func__, latestCh, latestTime);
void OnlineEventBuilder::BuildEvents(unsigned short timeWindow, bool verbose){
this->timeWindow = timeWindow;
if( verbose ) data->PrintAllData();
if( earlistCh == -1 || nExhaushedCh == nCh) return; /// no data
eventBuilt = 0;
//======= Start building event
eventIndex ++;
if( eventIndex >= MaxNEvent ) eventIndex = 0;
eventBuilt ++;
totalEventBuilt ++;
unsigned long long dT = 0;
dataPoint dp = {0, 0, 0};
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nCh; i++){
int ch = (i + earlistCh ) % nCh;
if( chExhaused[ch] ) continue;
if( loopIndex[ch] * MaxNData + nextIndex[ch] > data->LoopIndex[ch] * MaxNData + data->DataIndex[ch]) {
nExhaushedCh ++;
chExhaused[ch] = true;
do {
unsigned long long time = data->Timestamp[ch][nextIndex[ch]];
if( time >= earlistTime && (time - earlistTime < timeWindow) ){ = ch; = data->Energy[ch][nextIndex[ch]];
dp.timeStamp = time;
if( nextIndex[ch] >= MaxNData) {
loopIndex[ch] ++;
nextIndex[ch] = 0;
}while( dT < timeWindow);
std::sort(events[eventIndex].begin(), events[eventIndex].end(), [](const dataPoint& a, const dataPoint& b) {
return a.timeStamp < b.timeStamp;
///Find the next earlist
if( verbose ){
printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Event ID : %ld, total built: %ld, multiplicity : %ld\n", eventIndex, totalEventBuilt, events[eventIndex].size());
for( int i = 0; i <(int) events[eventIndex].size(); i++){
int chxxx = events[eventIndex][i].ch;
printf("%02d | %d | %5d %llu \n", chxxx, nextIndex[chxxx], events[eventIndex][i].energy, events[eventIndex][i].timeStamp);
if( nExhaushedCh == nCh ) {
printf("######################### no more event to be built\n");
printf("----- next ch : %d, next earlist Time : %llu.\n", earlistCh, earlistTime);
if( latestTime - earlistTime <= timeWindow ) {
if( verbose ) {
printf("######################### left over data for next build, latesTime : %llu.\n", latestTime);
}while(nExhaushedCh < nCh);

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
This is an online event builder for single digitizer
In principle, it can be merged into the digitizer Class.
But for clarity and separate the memory for an event.
Use another class to hold the event data and methods.
#include "macro.h"
#include "ClassDigitizer.h"
#define MaxNEvent 5000
struct dataPoint{
unsigned short ch;
unsigned short energy;
unsigned long long timeStamp;
class OnlineEventBuilder {
OnlineEventBuilder(Digitizer * digi);
void ClearEvents();
void BuildEvents(unsigned short timeWindow, bool verbose = false);
long eventIndex;
long eventBuilt; // reset once call BuildEvents()
long totalEventBuilt;
std::vector<dataPoint> events[MaxNEvent]; // should be a cirular memory, store energy
unsigned short GetTimeWindow() const { return timeWindow;}
void PrintStat();
unsigned short nCh;
Data * data;
unsigned short timeWindow;
int loopIndex[MaxNChannels];
int nextIndex[MaxNChannels];
int nExhaushedCh;
bool chExhaused[MaxNChannels];
unsigned long long earlistTime;
int earlistCh;
void FindEarlistTimeAndCh();
unsigned long long latestTime;
void FindLatestTime();

View File

@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ public:
SetDigiID(0); // define which digitizer to build event
//evtbder = GetEventBuilder(); // get the event builder pointer from mother class;
evtbder = GetEventBuilder();
@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ public slots:
//OnlineEventBuilder * evtbder;
MultiBuilder *evtbder;
// declaie histograms
@ -70,8 +68,6 @@ inline void SplitPole::UpdateHistograms(){
BuildEvents(); // call the event builder to build events
//============ Get events, and do analysis
long eventBuilt = evtbder->eventBuilt;
if( eventBuilt == 0 ) return;
@ -84,7 +80,6 @@ inline void SplitPole::UpdateHistograms(){
unsigned short e1 = 0, e2 = 0;
for( long i = eventStart ; i <= eventIndex; i ++ ){
//std::vector<dataPoint> event = evtbder->events[i];
std::vector<EventMember> event = evtbder->events[i];
for( int k = 0; k < (int) event.size(); k++ ){