Event Builder can output CAEN binary

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Tang 2024-07-17 14:53:49 -04:00
parent cc296f6e94
commit 84bb439ff3
2 changed files with 107 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ struct FileInfo{
#define NMINARG 5
#define debug 0
@ -31,10 +32,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < NMINARG) {
printf("Incorrect number of arguments:\n");
printf("%s [timeWindow] [withTrace] [verbose] [inFile1] [inFile2] .... \n", argv[0]);
printf("%s [timeWindow] [withTrace] [format] [inFile1] [inFile2] .... \n", argv[0]);
printf(" timeWindow : in ns, -1 = no event building \n");
printf(" withTrace : 0 for no trace, 1 for trace \n");
printf(" verbose : > 0 for debug \n");
printf(" format : 0 for root, 1 for CoMPASS binary \n");
printf(" Output file name is contructed from inFile1 \n");
printf(" Example: %s -1 0 0 '\\ls -1 *001*.fsu' (no event build, no trace, no verbose)\n", argv[0]);
@ -49,7 +50,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
///============= read input
long timeWindow = atoi(argv[1]);
bool traceOn = atoi(argv[2]);
unsigned int debug = atoi(argv[3]);
// unsigned int debug = atoi(argv[3]);
unsigned short format = atoi(argv[3]);
unsigned int batchSize = 2* DEFAULT_HALFBUFFERSIZE;
int nFile = argc - NMINARG + 1;
TString inFileName[nFile];
@ -63,8 +65,15 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if( nFile == 1 ) pos = outFileName.Index("_", pos+1); // find next "_", S/N
outFileName.Remove(pos); // remove the rest
outFileName += "_" + ( timeWindow >= 0 ? std::to_string(timeWindow) : "single");
outFileName += ".root";
printf("-------> Out file name : %s \n", outFileName.Data());
TString outFileFullName;
if( format == 0 ){
outFileFullName = outFileName + ".root";
outFileFullName = outFileName + ".bin";
printf("-------> Out file name : %s \n", outFileFullName.Data());
printf("========================================= Number of Files : %d \n", nFile);
for( int i = 0; i < nFile; i++) printf("%2d | %s \n", i, inFileName[i].Data());
@ -113,22 +122,17 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
for( size_t i = 0; i < fileGroupList.size(); i++){
printf("group ----- %ld \n", i);
//sort by ID
std::sort(fileGroupList[i].begin(), fileGroupList[i].end(), [](const FileInfo & a, const FileInfo & b) {
return a.fileID < b.fileID;
for( size_t j = 0; j < fileGroupList[i].size(); j++){
printf("%3ld | %8d | %9lu| %s \n", j, fileGroupList[i][j].fileID, fileGroupList[i][j].hitCount, fileGroupList[i][j].fileName.c_str() );
// //*====================================== create tree
TFile * outRootFile = new TFile(outFileName, "recreate");
TTree * tree = new TTree("tree", outFileName);
TFile * outRootFile = nullptr;
TTree * tree = nullptr;
unsigned long long evID = 0;
unsigned int multi = 0;
unsigned short sn[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; /// board SN
@ -138,31 +142,39 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
unsigned long long e_t[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; /// timestamp 47 bit
unsigned short e_f[MAX_MULTI] = {0}; /// fine time 10 bit
unsigned short traceLength[MAX_MULTI];
tree->Branch("evID", &evID, "event_ID/l");
tree->Branch("multi", &multi, "multi/i");
tree->Branch("sn", sn, "sn[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("ch", ch, "ch[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("e", e, "e[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("e2", e2, "e2[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("e_t", e_t, "e_timestamp[multi]/l");
tree->Branch("e_f", e_f, "e_fineTime[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("traceLength", traceLength, "traceLength[multi]/s");
FILE * caen = nullptr;
if( format == 0 ){
// //*====================================== create tree
outRootFile = new TFile(outFileFullName, "recreate");
tree = new TTree("tree", outFileFullName);
// TClonesArray * arrayTrace = nullptr;
// TGraph * trace = nullptr;
tree->Branch("evID", &evID, "event_ID/l");
tree->Branch("multi", &multi, "multi/i");
tree->Branch("sn", sn, "sn[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("ch", ch, "ch[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("e", e, "e[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("e2", e2, "e2[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("e_t", e_t, "e_timestamp[multi]/l");
tree->Branch("e_f", e_f, "e_fineTime[multi]/s");
tree->Branch("traceLength", traceLength, "traceLength[multi]/s");
if( traceOn ) {
tree->Branch("trace", trace,"trace[multi][MAX_TRACE_LENGTH]/S");
short trace[MAX_MULTI][1024];
if( traceOn ) {
// arrayTrace = new TClonesArray("TGraph");
// tree->Branch("trace", arrayTrace, 2560000);
// arrayTrace->BypassStreamer();
caen = fopen(outFileFullName.Data(), "wb");
if( caen == nullptr ){
perror("Failed to open file");
return -1;
tree->Branch("trace", trace,"trace[multi][1024]/S");
//*======================================= Open files
printf("========================================= Open files & Build Events.\n");
@ -292,12 +304,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
traceLength[p] = events[p].traceLength;
if( traceOn ){
// trace = (TGraph *) arrayTrace->ConstructedAt(p, "C");
// trace->Clear();
// for( int hh = 0; hh < traceLength[multi]; hh++){
// trace->SetPoint(hh, hh, events[p].trace[hh]);
// }
if( traceLength[p] > MAX_TRACE_LENGTH ) {
printf("\033[31m event %lld has trace length = %d > MAX_TRACE_LENGTH = %d \033[0m\n", evID, traceLength[p], MAX_TRACE_LENGTH);
traceLength[p] = MAX_TRACE_LENGTH;
@ -306,14 +312,21 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
for( int hh = 0; hh < traceLength[p]; hh++){
trace[p][hh] = events[p].trace[hh];
// tree->Write();
if( format == 0 ){
// tree->Write();
if( caen ) {
for( size_t gg = 0; gg < events.size(); gg++ ){
events[gg].WriteHitsToCAENBinary(caen, traceOn);
multi = 0;
evID ++;
@ -348,25 +361,29 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
}while( nFileFinished < nGroup);
if( format == 0 ) tree->Write();
uInt runEndTime = getTime_us();
double runTime = (runEndTime - runStartTime) * 1e-6;
printf("========================================= finished.\n");
printf(" event building time = %.2f sec = %.2f min\n", runTime, runTime/60.);
printf(" total events built = %llu by event builder (%llu in tree)\n", evID, tree->GetEntriesFast());
// printf(" total events built = %llu by event builder (%llu in tree)\n", evID, tree->GetEntriesFast());
printf(" total events built = %llu by event builder\n", evID);
double tDuration_sec = (tEnd - tStart) * 1e-9;
printf(" first timestamp = %20llu ns\n", tStart);
printf(" last timestamp = %20llu ns\n", tEnd);
printf(" total data duration = %.2f sec = %.2f min\n", tDuration_sec, tDuration_sec/60.);
printf("========================================> saved to %s \n", outFileName.Data());
printf("========================================> saved to %s \n", outFileFullName.Data());
TMacro info;
info.AddLine(Form("tStart= %20llu ns",tStart));
info.AddLine(Form(" tEnd= %20llu ns",tEnd));
if( format == 0 ){
TMacro info;
info.AddLine(Form("tStart= %20llu ns",tStart));
info.AddLine(Form(" tEnd= %20llu ns",tEnd));
for( int i = 0; i < nGroup; i++) delete reader[i];
delete [] reader;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
class Hit{
unsigned short sn;
uint8_t ch;
unsigned short ch;
unsigned short energy;
unsigned short energy2;
unsigned long long timestamp;
@ -45,6 +45,44 @@ public:
// Define operator< for sorting
bool operator<(const Hit& other) const {
return timestamp < other.timestamp;
void WriteHitsToCAENBinary(FILE * file, bool withTrace){
if( file == nullptr ) return;
uint16_t header = 0xCAE1; // default to have the energy only
uint32_t flag = 0;
uint8_t waveFormCode = 1; // input
size_t dummy;
if( energy2 > 0 ) header += 0x4;
if( traceLength > 0 && withTrace ) header += 0x8;
dummy = fwrite(&header, 2, 1, file);
dummy = fwrite(&sn, 2, 1, file);
dummy = fwrite(&ch, 2, 1, file);
uint64_t timestampPS = timestamp * 1000 + fineTime;
dummy = fwrite(&timestampPS, 8, 1, file);
dummy = fwrite(&energy, 2, 1, file);
if( energy2 > 0 ) dummy = fwrite(&energy2, 2, 1, file);
dummy = fwrite(&flag, 4, 1, file);
if( traceLength > 0 && withTrace ){
dummy = fwrite(&waveFormCode, 1, 1, file);
dummy = fwrite(&traceLength, 4, 1, file);
for( int j = 0; j < traceLength; j++ ){
dummy = fwrite(&(trace[j]), 2, 1, file);
if( dummy != 1 ) printf("write file error.\n");