#ifndef Cross_h #define Cross_h /********************************************* * This is online analyzer for PID, ANL * * Created by Khushi @ 2024-09-03 * * ******************************************/ #include "Analyser.h" class Cross : public Analyzer{ public: Cross(Digitizer ** digi, unsigned int nDigi, QMainWindow * parent = nullptr): Analyzer(digi, nDigi, parent){ SetUpdateTimeInSec(1.0); RedefineEventBuilder({0}); // only builder for the 0-th digitizer. tick2ns = digi[0]->GetTick2ns(); SetBackwardBuild(false, 100); // using normal building (acceding in time) or backward building, int the case of backward building, default events to be build is 100. evtbder = GetEventBuilder(); evtbder->SetTimeWindow(500); SetDatabase("http://localhost:8086/", "testing", "zKhzKk4Yhf1l9QU-yE2GsIZ1RazqUgoW3NlF8LJqq_xDMwatOJwg1sKrjgq36uLEsQf8Fmn4sJALP7Kkilk14A=="); SetUpCanvas(); // see below }; void SetUpCanvas(); public slots: void UpdateHistograms(); void ReplotHistograms(); private: MultiBuilder *evtbder; //Histogram2D * hPID; Histogram1D * hdE; // raw dE (ch=1): ch1 Histogram1D * hE; // raw E (ch=4) : ch4 Histogram1D * hdT; // raw dT (ch=7): ch7 Histogram1D * hTotE; // total energy (dE+E): ch1+ch4 Histogram1D * hTWin; // coincidence time window TWin: (t4-t1)*1e9 Histogram2D * hdEE; // dE versus E : ch1 versus ch4 Histogram2D * hdEtotE; // dE versus totE : ch1 versus (ch1+ch4) Histogram2D * hdEdT; // dE versus TOF: ch1 versus (t7-t1)*1e9 Histogram1D * hMulti; //Multiplicity of an event int tick2ns; int chDE, chE; float energyDE, energyE, ch7; unsigned long long t1, t4, t7; QPushButton * bnClearHist; QLabel * lbInfluxIP; RComboBox * cbLocation; QCheckBox * chkDEFourTime; }; inline void Cross::ReplotHistograms(){ hdE->UpdatePlot(); hE->UpdatePlot(); hdT->UpdatePlot(); hTotE->UpdatePlot(); hdEE->UpdatePlot(); hdEtotE->UpdatePlot(); hdEdT->UpdatePlot(); hTWin->UpdatePlot(); hMulti->UpdatePlot(); } inline void Cross::SetUpCanvas(){ setGeometry(0, 0, 2000, 1000); //============ histograms //hPID = new Histogram2D("RAISOR", "E", "dE", 100, 0, 5000, 100, 0, 5000, this); //layout->addWidget(hPID, 2, 0); int row = 0; cbLocation = new RComboBox(this); cbLocation->addItem("Cross", 0); cbLocation->addItem("Target", 1); layout->addWidget(cbLocation, row, 0); connect(cbLocation, &RComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, [=](){ switch (cbLocation->currentData().toInt() ) { case 0 : { hdE->SetLineTitle("raw dE (ch = 0)"); hE->SetLineTitle("raw E (ch = 2)"); hdE->replot(); hE->replot(); chDE = 0; chE = 2; //Can also set histograms range } break; case 1 : { hdE->SetLineTitle("raw dE (ch = 1)"); hE->SetLineTitle("raw E (ch = 4)"); hdE->replot(); hE->replot(); chDE = 1; chE = 4; //Can also set histograms range } } }); chkDEFourTime = new QCheckBox("dE channel / 4", this); layout->addWidget(chkDEFourTime, row, 1); bnClearHist = new QPushButton("Clear All Hist.", this); layout->addWidget(bnClearHist, row, 2); connect( bnClearHist, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [=](){ hdE->Clear(); hE->Clear(); hdT->Clear(); hTotE->Clear(); hdEE->Clear(); hdEtotE->Clear(); hdEdT->Clear(); hTWin->Clear(); hMulti->Clear(); }); QString haha; if( influx ) { haha = dataBaseIP + ", DB : " + dataBaseName; }else{ haha = "No influxDB connection."; } lbInfluxIP = new QLabel( haha , this); if( influx == nullptr ) lbInfluxIP->setStyleSheet("color : red;"); layout->addWidget(lbInfluxIP, row, 3, 1, 3); row ++; hdEE = new Histogram2D("dE vs E", "E[ch]", "dE[ch]", 500, -100, 5000, 500, -100, 5000, this); layout->addWidget(hdEE, row, 0, 1, 2); hdE = new Histogram1D("raw dE (ch=0)", "dE [ch]", 300, 0, 5000, this); layout->addWidget(hdE, row, 2); hE = new Histogram1D("raw E (ch=2)", "E [ch]", 300, 0, 10000, this); layout->addWidget(hE, row, 3); hTotE = new Histogram1D("total energy (dE+E)", "TotE [ch]", 300, 0, 16000, this); layout->addWidget(hTotE, row, 4); hMulti = new Histogram1D("Multiplicity", "", 10, 0, 10, this); layout->addWidget(hMulti, row, 5); row ++; hdEtotE = new Histogram2D("dE vs TotE", "TotE[ch]", "dE[ch]", 500, 0, 10000, 500, 0, 5000, this); layout->addWidget(hdEtotE, row, 0, 1, 2); hdT = new Histogram1D("raw dT (ch=7)", "dT [ch]", 300, 0, 1000, this); layout->addWidget(hdT, row, 2); hdEdT = new Histogram2D("dE vs TOF", "TOF [ns]", "dE", 100, 0, 500, 100, 0, 4000, this); layout->addWidget(hdEdT, row, 3); hTWin = new Histogram1D("coincidence time window", "TWin [ns]", 100, 0, 100, this); layout->addWidget(hTWin, row, 4); } inline void Cross::UpdateHistograms(){ if( this->isVisible() == false ) return; BuildEvents(false); // call the event builder to build events //============ Get events, and do analysis long eventBuilt = evtbder->eventBuilt; if( eventBuilt == 0 ) return; //============ Get the cut list, if any QList cutList1 = hdEE->GetCutList(); const int nCut1 = cutList1.count(); unsigned long long tMin1[nCut1], tMax1[nCut1]; unsigned int count1[nCut1]; QList cutList2 = hdEtotE->GetCutList(); const int nCut2 = cutList2.count(); unsigned long long tMin2[nCut2], tMax2[nCut2]; unsigned int count2[nCut2]; //============ Processing data and fill histograms long eventIndex = evtbder->eventIndex; long eventStart = eventIndex - eventBuilt + 1; if(eventStart < 0 ) eventStart += MaxNEvent; for( int i = 0; i < nCut1; i++) { tMin1[i] = -1; tMax1[i] = 0; count1[i] = 0; } for( int i = 0; i < nCut2; i++) { tMin2[i] = -1; tMax2[i] = 0; count2[i] = 0; } for( long i = eventStart ; i <= eventIndex; i ++ ){ std::vector event = evtbder->events[i]; //printf("-------------- %ld\n", i); if( event.size() == 0 ) return; hMulti->Fill(event.size()); energyDE = -100; t1 = 0; energyE = -100; t4 = 0; ch7 = -100; t7 = 0; for( int k = 0; k < (int) event.size(); k++ ){ //event[k].Print(); if( event[k].ch == chDE ) {energyDE = event[k].energy; t1 = event[k].timestamp;} // Reads channel 0 of the digitizer corresponding to dE if( event[k].ch == chE ) {energyE = event[k].energy; t4 = event[k].timestamp;} // Reads channel 2 of the digitizer corresponding to E if( event[k].ch == 7 ) {ch7 = event[k].energy; t7 = event[k].timestamp;} //RF Timing if setup } // printf("(E, dE) = (%f, %f)\n", E, dE); //hPID->Fill(ch4 , ch1); // x, y //etotal = ch1*0.25*0.25 + ch4 if( energyDE > 0 ) hdE->Fill(energyDE); if( energyE > 0 ) hE->Fill(energyE); if( ch7 > 0 ) hdT->Fill(ch7); if( energyDE > 0 && energyE > 0 ){ hTotE->Fill(0.25 * energyDE + energyE); hdEE->Fill(energyE,energyDE); if( t4 > t1 ) { hTWin->Fill((t4-t1)); }else{ hTWin->Fill((t1-t4)); } hdEtotE->Fill( (chkDEFourTime->isChecked() ? 0.25 : 1) * energyDE + energyE,energyDE); } if( energyDE > 0 && ch7 > 0) hdEdT->Fill((t7-t1)*1e9,energyDE); //check events inside any Graphical cut and extract the rate // if( ch1 == 0 && ch4 == 0 ) continue; for(int p = 0; p < cutList1.count(); p++ ){ if( cutList1[p].isEmpty() ) continue; if( cutList1[p].containsPoint(QPointF(energyE, energyDE), Qt::OddEvenFill) ){ if( t1 < tMin1[p] ) tMin1[p] = t1; if( t1 > tMax1[p] ) tMax1[p] = t1; count1[p] ++; //printf("hdEE.... %d \n", count1[p]); } } for(int p = 0; p < cutList2.count(); p++ ){ if( cutList2[p].isEmpty() ) continue; if( cutList2[p].containsPoint(QPointF(energyDE+energyE,energyDE), Qt::OddEvenFill) ){ if( t1 < tMin2[p] ) tMin2[p] = t1; if( t1 > tMax2[p] ) tMax2[p] = t1; count2[p] ++; //printf("hdEtotE.... %d \n", count2[p]); } } } for(int p = 0; p < cutList2.count(); p++ ){ printf("hdEE.... %d %d \n", p, count1[p]); } //========== output to Influx QList cutNameList1 = hdEE->GetCutNameList(); for( int p = 0; p < cutList1.count(); p ++){ if( cutList1[p].isEmpty() ) continue; double dT = (tMax1[p]-tMin1[p]) / 1e9; // tick to sec double rate = count1[p]*1.0/(dT); //printf("%llu %llu, %f %d\n", tMin1[p], tMax1[p], dT, count1[p]); printf("%10s | %d | %f Hz \n", cutNameList1[p].toStdString().c_str(), count1[p], rate); if( influx ){ influx->AddDataPoint("Cut,name=" + cutNameList1[p].toStdString()+ " value=" + std::to_string(rate)); influx->WriteData("testing"); influx->ClearDataPointsBuffer(); } } } #endif