#ifndef COINCIDENTANLAYZER_H #define COINCIDENTANLAYZER_H #include "Analyser.h" #include "FSUDAQ.h" //^=========================================== class CoincidentAnalyzer : public Analyzer{ Q_OBJECT public: CoincidentAnalyzer(Digitizer ** digi, unsigned int nDigi, QString rawDataPath, QMainWindow * parent = nullptr): Analyzer(digi, nDigi, parent){ this->digi = digi; this->nDigi = nDigi; this->rawDataPath = rawDataPath; SetUpdateTimeInSec(1.0); //RedefineEventBuilder({0}); // only build for the 0-th digitizer, otherwise, it will build event accross all digitizers SetBackwardBuild(false, 100); // using normal building (acceding in time) or backward building, int the case of backward building, default events to be build is 100. evtbder = GetEventBuilder(); evtbder->SetTimeWindow(500); //========== use the influx from the Analyzer // influx = new InfluxDB("https://fsunuc.physics.fsu.edu/influx/"); dataBaseName = "testing"; allowSignalSlot = false; SetUpCanvas(); } ~CoincidentAnalyzer(){ } void SetUpCanvas(); public slots: void UpdateHistograms(); private: Digitizer ** digi; unsigned int nDigi; MultiBuilder *evtbder; bool allowSignalSlot; // declaie histograms Histogram2D * h2D; Histogram1D * h1; Histogram1D * h1g; Histogram1D * hMulti; QCheckBox * chkRunAnalyzer; RSpinBox * sbUpdateTime; QCheckBox * chkBackWardBuilding; RSpinBox * sbBackwardCount; RSpinBox * sbBuildWindow; // data source for the h2D RComboBox * xDigi; RComboBox * xCh; RComboBox * yDigi; RComboBox * yCh; // data source for the h1 RComboBox * aDigi; RComboBox * aCh; QString rawDataPath; void SaveHistRange(); void LoadHistRange(); }; inline void CoincidentAnalyzer::SetUpCanvas(){ setWindowTitle("Online Coincident Analyzer"); setGeometry(0, 0, 1600, 1000); {//^====== channel settings QGroupBox * box = new QGroupBox("Configuration", this); layout->addWidget(box, 0, 0); QGridLayout * boxLayout = new QGridLayout(box); boxLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft); box->setLayout(boxLayout); { chkRunAnalyzer = new QCheckBox("Run Analyzer", this); boxLayout->addWidget(chkRunAnalyzer, 0, 0); QLabel * lbUpdateTime = new QLabel("Update Period [s]", this); lbUpdateTime->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignCenter); boxLayout->addWidget(lbUpdateTime, 0, 1); sbUpdateTime = new RSpinBox(this, 1); sbUpdateTime->setMinimum(0.1); sbUpdateTime->setMaximum(5); sbUpdateTime->setValue(1); boxLayout->addWidget(sbUpdateTime, 0, 2); connect(sbUpdateTime, &RSpinBox::valueChanged, this, [=](){ sbUpdateTime->setStyleSheet("color : blue"); }); connect(sbUpdateTime, &RSpinBox::returnPressed, this, [=](){ sbUpdateTime->setStyleSheet(""); SetUpdateTimeInSec(sbUpdateTime->value()); }); chkBackWardBuilding = new QCheckBox("Use Backward builder", this); boxLayout->addWidget(chkBackWardBuilding, 1, 0); QLabel * lbBKWindow = new QLabel("Max No. Backward Event", this); lbBKWindow->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignCenter); boxLayout->addWidget(lbBKWindow, 1, 1); sbBackwardCount = new RSpinBox(this, 0); sbBackwardCount->setMinimum(1); sbBackwardCount->setMaximum(9999); sbBackwardCount->setValue(100); boxLayout->addWidget(sbBackwardCount, 1, 2); chkBackWardBuilding->setChecked(false); sbBackwardCount->setEnabled(false); connect(chkBackWardBuilding, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, [=](int status){ SetBackwardBuild(status, sbBackwardCount->value()); sbBackwardCount->setEnabled(status); SetBackwardBuild(true, sbBackwardCount->value()); }); connect(sbBackwardCount, &RSpinBox::valueChanged, this, [=](){ sbBackwardCount->setStyleSheet("color : blue;"); }); connect(sbBackwardCount, &RSpinBox::returnPressed, this, [=](){ sbBackwardCount->setStyleSheet(""); SetBackwardBuild(true, sbBackwardCount->value()); }); QLabel * lbBuildWindow = new QLabel("Event Window [ns]", this); lbBuildWindow->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignCenter); boxLayout->addWidget(lbBuildWindow, 2, 1); sbBuildWindow = new RSpinBox(this, 0); sbBuildWindow->setMinimum(1); sbBuildWindow->setMaximum(9999999999); sbBuildWindow->setValue(1000); boxLayout->addWidget(sbBuildWindow, 2, 2); connect(sbBuildWindow, &RSpinBox::valueChanged, this, [=](){ sbBuildWindow->setStyleSheet("color : blue;"); }); connect(sbBuildWindow, &RSpinBox::returnPressed, this, [=](){ sbBuildWindow->setStyleSheet(""); evtbder->SetTimeWindow((int)sbBuildWindow->value()); }); } { QFrame *separator = new QFrame(box); separator->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine); separator->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); boxLayout->addWidget(separator, 3, 0, 1, 4); QLabel * lbXDigi = new QLabel("X-Digi", this); lbXDigi->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignCenter); boxLayout->addWidget(lbXDigi, 4, 0); xDigi = new RComboBox(this); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nDigi; i ++ ){ xDigi->addItem("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[i]->GetSerialNumber()), i); } boxLayout->addWidget(xDigi, 4, 1); QLabel * lbXCh = new QLabel("X-Ch", this); lbXCh->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignCenter); boxLayout->addWidget(lbXCh, 4, 2); xCh = new RComboBox(this); for( int i = 0; i < digi[0]->GetNumInputCh(); i++) xCh->addItem("Ch-" + QString::number(i), i); boxLayout->addWidget(xCh, 4, 3); QLabel * lbYDigi = new QLabel("Y-Digi", this); lbYDigi->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignCenter); boxLayout->addWidget(lbYDigi, 5, 0); yDigi = new RComboBox(this); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nDigi; i ++ ){ yDigi->addItem("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[i]->GetSerialNumber()), i); } boxLayout->addWidget(yDigi, 5, 1); QLabel * lbYCh = new QLabel("Y-Ch", this); lbYCh->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignCenter); boxLayout->addWidget(lbYCh, 5, 2); yCh = new RComboBox(this); for( int i = 0; i < digi[0]->GetNumInputCh(); i++) yCh->addItem("Ch-" + QString::number(i), i); boxLayout->addWidget(yCh, 5, 3); connect(xDigi, &RComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, [=](){ allowSignalSlot = false; xCh->clear(); for( int i = 0; i < digi[0]->GetNumInputCh(); i++) xCh->addItem("Ch-" + QString::number(i), i); allowSignalSlot = true; int bd = xDigi->currentData().toInt(); int ch = xCh->currentData().toInt(); h2D->SetXTitle("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[bd]->GetSerialNumber()) + ", Ch-" + QString::number(ch)); h2D->UpdatePlot(); }); connect(xCh, &RComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, [=](){ if( !allowSignalSlot) return; int bd = xDigi->currentData().toInt(); int ch = xCh->currentData().toInt(); h2D->SetXTitle("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[bd]->GetSerialNumber()) + ", Ch-" + QString::number(ch)); h2D->UpdatePlot(); }); connect(yDigi, &RComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, [=](){ allowSignalSlot = false; yCh->clear(); for( int i = 0; i < digi[0]->GetNumInputCh(); i++) yCh->addItem("Ch-" + QString::number(i), i); allowSignalSlot = true; int bd = yDigi->currentData().toInt(); int ch = yCh->currentData().toInt(); h2D->SetYTitle("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[bd]->GetSerialNumber()) + ", Ch-" + QString::number(ch)); h2D->UpdatePlot(); }); connect(yCh, &RComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, [=](){ if( !allowSignalSlot) return; int bd = yDigi->currentData().toInt(); int ch = yCh->currentData().toInt(); h2D->SetYTitle("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[bd]->GetSerialNumber()) + ", Ch-" + QString::number(ch)); h2D->UpdatePlot(); }); } { QFrame *separator1 = new QFrame(box); separator1->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine); separator1->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); boxLayout->addWidget(separator1, 6, 0, 1, 4); QLabel * lbaDigi = new QLabel("ID-Digi", this); lbaDigi->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignCenter); boxLayout->addWidget(lbaDigi, 7, 0); aDigi = new RComboBox(this); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nDigi; i ++ ){ aDigi->addItem("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[i]->GetSerialNumber()), i); } boxLayout->addWidget(aDigi, 7, 1); QLabel * lbaCh = new QLabel("1D-Ch", this); lbaCh->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignCenter); boxLayout->addWidget(lbaCh, 7, 2); aCh = new RComboBox(this); for( int i = 0; i < digi[0]->GetNumInputCh(); i++) aCh->addItem("Ch-" + QString::number(i), i); boxLayout->addWidget(aCh, 7, 3); connect(aDigi, &RComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, [=](){ allowSignalSlot = false; aCh->clear(); for( int i = 0; i < digi[0]->GetNumInputCh(); i++) aCh->addItem("Ch-" + QString::number(i), i); allowSignalSlot = true; int bd = aDigi->currentData().toInt(); int ch = aCh->currentData().toInt(); h1->SetXTitle("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[bd]->GetSerialNumber()) + ", Ch-" + QString::number(ch)); h1->UpdatePlot(); h1g->SetXTitle("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[bd]->GetSerialNumber()) + ", Ch-" + QString::number(ch)); h1g->UpdatePlot(); }); connect(aCh, &RComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, [=](){ if( !allowSignalSlot) return; int bd = aDigi->currentData().toInt(); int ch = aCh->currentData().toInt(); h1->SetXTitle("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[bd]->GetSerialNumber()) + ", Ch-" + QString::number(ch)); h1->UpdatePlot(); h1g->SetXTitle("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[bd]->GetSerialNumber()) + ", Ch-" + QString::number(ch)); h1g->UpdatePlot(); }); } { QFrame *separator1 = new QFrame(box); separator1->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine); separator1->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); boxLayout->addWidget(separator1, 8, 0, 1, 4); QPushButton * bnClearHist = new QPushButton("Clear All Hist.", this); boxLayout->addWidget(bnClearHist, 9, 1); connect(bnClearHist, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [=](){ h2D->Clear(); h1->Clear(); h1g->Clear(); hMulti->Clear(); }); QPushButton * bnSaveSettings = new QPushButton("Save Settings", this); boxLayout->addWidget(bnSaveSettings, 9, 2); connect(bnSaveSettings, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &CoincidentAnalyzer::SaveHistRange); QPushButton * bnLoadSettings = new QPushButton("Load Settings", this); boxLayout->addWidget(bnLoadSettings, 9, 3); connect(bnLoadSettings, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &CoincidentAnalyzer::LoadHistRange); } } //============ histograms hMulti = new Histogram1D("Multiplicity", "", 16, 0, 16, this); layout->addWidget(hMulti, 0, 1); // the "this" make the histogram a child of the SplitPole class. When SplitPole destory, all childs destory as well. h2D = new Histogram2D("Coincident Plot", "XXX", "YYY", 200, 0, 30000, 200, 0, 30000, this, rawDataPath); //layout is inheriatge from Analyzer layout->addWidget(h2D, 1, 0, 2, 1); int bd = xDigi->currentData().toInt(); int ch = xCh->currentData().toInt(); h2D->SetXTitle("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[bd]->GetSerialNumber()) + ", Ch-" + QString::number(ch)); bd = yDigi->currentData().toInt(); ch = yCh->currentData().toInt(); h2D->SetYTitle("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[bd]->GetSerialNumber()) + ", Ch-" + QString::number(ch)); h2D->UpdatePlot(); h1 = new Histogram1D("1D Plot", "XXX", 300, 0, 30000, this); h1->SetColor(Qt::darkGreen); // h1->AddDataList("Test", Qt::red); // add another histogram in h1, Max Data List is 10 bd = aDigi->currentData().toInt(); ch = aCh->currentData().toInt(); h1->SetXTitle("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[bd]->GetSerialNumber()) + ", Ch-" + QString::number(ch)); h1->UpdatePlot(); layout->addWidget(h1, 1, 1); h1g = new Histogram1D("1D Plot (PID gated)", "XXX", 300, 0, 30000, this); h1g->SetXTitle("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[bd]->GetSerialNumber()) + ", Ch-" + QString::number(ch)); h1g->UpdatePlot(); layout->addWidget(h1g, 2, 1); layout->setColumnStretch(0, 1); layout->setColumnStretch(1, 1); allowSignalSlot = true; } inline void CoincidentAnalyzer::UpdateHistograms(){ if( this->isVisible() == false ) return; if( chkRunAnalyzer->isChecked() == false ) return; unsigned long long t0 = getTime_ns(); BuildEvents(); // call the event builder to build events // unsigned long long t1 = getTime_ns(); // printf("Event Build time : %llu ns = %.f msec\n", t1 - t0, (t1-t0)/1e6); //============ Get events, and do analysis long eventBuilt = evtbder->eventBuilt; if( eventBuilt == 0 ) return; //============ Get the cut list, if any QList cutList = h2D->GetCutList(); const int nCut = cutList.count(); unsigned long long tMin[nCut] = {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF}, tMax[nCut] = {0}; unsigned int count[nCut]={0}; //============ Get the channel to plot int a_bd = aDigi->currentData().toInt(); int a_ch = aCh->currentData().toInt(); int x_bd = xDigi->currentData().toInt(); int x_ch = xCh->currentData().toInt(); int y_bd = yDigi->currentData().toInt(); int y_ch = yCh->currentData().toInt(); int a_sn = digi[a_bd]->GetSerialNumber(); int x_sn = digi[x_bd]->GetSerialNumber(); int y_sn = digi[y_bd]->GetSerialNumber(); //============ Processing data and fill histograms long eventIndex = evtbder->eventIndex; long eventStart = eventIndex - eventBuilt + 1; if(eventStart < 0 ) eventStart += MaxNEvent; for( long i = eventStart ; i <= eventIndex; i ++ ){ std::vector event = evtbder->events[i]; hMulti->Fill((int) event.size()); if( event.size() == 0 ) return; int aE = -1; int xE = -1, yE = -1; unsigned long long xT = 0; for( int k = 0; k < (int) event.size(); k++ ){ //event[k].Print(); if( event[k].sn == a_sn && event[k].ch == a_ch) { h1->Fill(event[k].energy); aE = event[k].energy; } if( event[k].sn == x_sn && event[k].ch == x_ch) { xE = event[k].energy; xT = event[k].timestamp; } if( event[k].sn == y_sn && event[k].ch == y_ch) yE = event[k].energy; } if( xE >= 0 && yE >= 0 ) h2D->Fill(xE, yE); //check events inside any Graphical cut and extract the rate for(int p = 0; p < cutList.count(); p++ ){ if( cutList[p].isEmpty() ) continue; if( cutList[p].containsPoint(QPointF(xE, yE), Qt::OddEvenFill) && xE >= 0 && yE >= 0 ){ if( xT < tMin[p] ) tMin[p] = xT; if( xT > tMax[p] ) tMax[p] = xT; count[p] ++; //printf(".... %d \n", count[p]); if( p == 0 && aE >= 0 ) h1g->Fill(aE); // only for the 1st gate } } unsigned long long ta = getTime_ns(); if( ta - t0 > sbUpdateTime->value() * 0.9 * 1e9 ) break; } h2D->UpdatePlot(); h1->UpdatePlot(); hMulti->UpdatePlot(); h1g->UpdatePlot(); // QList cutNameList = h2D->GetCutNameList(); // for( int p = 0; p < cutList.count(); p ++){ // if( cutList[p].isEmpty() ) continue; // double dT = (tMax[p]-tMin[p]) * tick2ns / 1e9; // tick to sec // double rate = count[p]*1.0/(dT); //printf("%llu %llu, %f %d\n", tMin[p], tMax[p], dT, count[p]); //printf("%10s | %d | %f Hz \n", cutNameList[p].toStdString().c_str(), count[p], rate); // influx->AddDataPoint("Cut,name=" + cutNameList[p].toStdString()+ " value=" + std::to_string(rate)); // influx->WriteData(dataBaseName); // influx->ClearDataPointsBuffer(); // } } inline void CoincidentAnalyzer::SaveHistRange(){ QString filePath = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Save Settings to File", QDir::toNativeSeparators(rawDataPath + "/CoinAnaSettings.txt" ), "Text file (*.txt)"); if (!filePath.isEmpty()){ QFile file(filePath); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream out(&file); // Define the text to write QStringList lines; lines << QString::number(digi[aDigi->currentData().toInt()]->GetSerialNumber()); lines << QString::number(aCh->currentData().toInt()); lines << QString::number(h1->GetNBin()); lines << QString::number(h1->GetXMin()); lines << QString::number(h1->GetXMax()); lines << QString::number(digi[xDigi->currentData().toInt()]->GetSerialNumber()); lines << QString::number(xCh->currentData().toInt()); lines << QString::number(h2D->GetXNBin()); lines << QString::number(h2D->GetXMin()); lines << QString::number(h2D->GetXMax()); lines << QString::number(digi[yDigi->currentData().toInt()]->GetSerialNumber()); lines << QString::number(yCh->currentData().toInt()); lines << QString::number(h2D->GetYNBin()); lines << QString::number(h2D->GetYMin()); lines << QString::number(h2D->GetYMax()); lines << QString::number(sbUpdateTime->value()); lines << QString::number(chkBackWardBuilding->isChecked()); lines << QString::number(sbBackwardCount->value()); lines << "#===== End of File"; // Write each line to the file for (const QString &line : lines) out << line << "\n"; // Close the file file.close(); qDebug() << "File written successfully to" << filePath; }else{ qWarning() << "Unable to open file" << filePath; } } } inline void CoincidentAnalyzer::LoadHistRange(){ QString filePath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Load Settings to File", rawDataPath, "Text file (*.txt)"); int a_sn, a_ch, a_bin; float a_min, a_max; int x_sn, x_ch, x_bin; float x_min, x_max; int y_sn, y_ch, y_bin; float y_min, y_max; float updateTime = 1.0; int bkCount = 100; bool isBkEvtBuild = false; if (!filePath.isEmpty()) { QFile file(filePath); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream in(&file); short count = 0; while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); if( count == 0 ) a_sn = line.toInt(); if( count == 1 ) a_ch = line.toInt(); if( count == 2 ) a_bin = line.toInt(); if( count == 3 ) a_min = line.toFloat(); if( count == 4 ) a_max = line.toFloat(); if( count == 5 ) x_sn = line.toFloat(); if( count == 6 ) x_ch = line.toFloat(); if( count == 7 ) x_bin = line.toFloat(); if( count == 8 ) x_min = line.toFloat(); if( count == 9 ) x_max = line.toFloat(); if( count == 10 ) y_sn = line.toFloat(); if( count == 11 ) y_ch = line.toFloat(); if( count == 12 ) y_bin = line.toFloat(); if( count == 13 ) y_min = line.toFloat(); if( count == 14 ) y_max = line.toFloat(); if( count == 15 ) updateTime = line.toFloat(); if( count == 16 ) isBkEvtBuild = line.toInt(); if( count == 17 ) bkCount = line.toInt(); count ++; } file.close(); qDebug() << "File read successfully from" << filePath; if( count >= 18 ){ sbUpdateTime->setValue(updateTime); chkBackWardBuilding->setChecked(isBkEvtBuild); sbBackwardCount->setValue(bkCount); int x_index = xDigi->findText("Digi-" + QString::number(x_sn)); int y_index = yDigi->findText("Digi-" + QString::number(y_sn)); int a_index = aDigi->findText("Digi-" + QString::number(a_sn)); if( x_index == -1 ) qWarning() << " Cannot find digitizer " << x_sn; if( y_index == -1 ) qWarning() << " Cannot find digitizer " << y_sn; if( a_index == -1 ) qWarning() << " Cannot find digitizer " << a_sn; xDigi->setCurrentIndex(x_index); yDigi->setCurrentIndex(y_index); aDigi->setCurrentIndex(a_index); xCh->setCurrentIndex(x_ch); yCh->setCurrentIndex(y_ch); aCh->setCurrentIndex(a_ch); h1->Rebin(a_bin, a_min, a_max); h1g->Rebin(a_bin, a_min, a_max); h2D->Rebin(x_bin, x_min, x_max, y_bin, y_min, y_max); } }else { qWarning() << "Unable to open file" << filePath; } } } #endif