# Introduction This is a DAQ for 1st gen CAEN digitizer for V1725, V17255S, V1230 with PHA and PSD firmware. It has scope (updated every half-sec), allow full control of the digitizer (except LVDS), and allow saving waevform. It can be connected to InfluxDB v1.8 and Elog. # Required / Development enviroment Ubuntu 22.04 CAENVMELib_v3.3 CAENCOmm_v1.5.3 CAENDigitizer_v2.17.1 `sudo apt install qt6-base-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libqt6charts6-dev qt6-webengine-dev elog` The elog installed using apt is 3.1.3. If a higher version is needed. Please go to https://elog.psi.ch/elog/ The libcurl4 is need for pushing data to InfluxDB v1.8 # Compile use `qmake6 -project ` to generate the *.pro in the *.pro, add ` QT += core widgets charts` ` LIBS += -lCAENDigitizer -lcurl` then run ` qmake6 *.pro` it will generate Makefile then ` make`