
886 lines
30 KiB

#ifndef DATA_H
#define DATA_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring> ///memset
#include <iostream> ///cout
#include <bitset>
#include <vector>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "CAENDigitizerType.h"
#include "macro.h"
#define MaxNData 10000 /// store 10k events per channels
class Data{
char *buffer; /// readout buffer
int DPPType;
std::string DPPTypeStr;
unsigned short boardSN;
float ch2ns; /// only use in TriggerRate calculation
unsigned int nByte; /// number of byte from read buffer
uint32_t AllocatedSize;
double TriggerRate[MaxNChannels]; /// Hz
double NonPileUpRate[MaxNChannels]; /// Hz
unsigned long TotNumEvents[MaxNChannels];
unsigned short NumEventsDecoded[MaxNChannels]; /// reset at every decode
unsigned short NumNonPileUpDecoded[MaxNChannels]; /// reset at every decode
/// store data for event building and deduce the trigger rate.
//it is a circular memory
bool IsNotRollOverFakeAgg;
int LoopIndex[MaxNChannels]; /// number of loop in the circular memory
int DataIndex[MaxNChannels];
unsigned long long Timestamp[MaxNChannels][MaxNData]; /// 47 bit
unsigned short fineTime[MaxNChannels][MaxNData]; /// 10 bits, in unit of ch2ns / 1000 = ps
unsigned short Energy[MaxNChannels][MaxNData]; /// 15 bit
unsigned short Energy2[MaxNChannels][MaxNData]; /// 15 bit, in PSD, Energy = Qshort, Energy2 = Qlong
bool PileUp[MaxNChannels][MaxNData]; /// pile up flag
std::vector<short> Waveform1[MaxNChannels][MaxNData];
std::vector<short> Waveform2[MaxNChannels][MaxNData];
std::vector<bool> DigiWaveform1[MaxNChannels][MaxNData];
std::vector<bool> DigiWaveform2[MaxNChannels][MaxNData];
void Allocate80MBMemory();
void AllocateMemory(uint32_t size);
void ClearData();
void ClearTriggerRate();
void ClearBuffer();
void CopyBuffer( const char * buffer, const unsigned int size);
void DecodeBuffer(bool fastDecode, int verbose = 0); /// fastDecode will not save waveform
void DecodeBuffer(char * &buffer, unsigned int size, bool fastDecode, int verbose = 0); // for outside data
void PrintStat() const;
void PrintAllData(bool tableMode = true) const;
//^================= Saving data
bool OpenSaveFile(std::string fileNamePrefix); // return false when fail
std::string GetOutFileName() const {return outFileName;}
void SaveData();
void CloseSaveFile();
unsigned int GetFileSize() const {return outFileSize;}
uint64_t GetTotalFileSize() const {return FinishedOutFilesSize + outFileSize;}
void ZeroTotalFileSize() { FinishedOutFilesSize = 0; }
unsigned int nw;
//bool SaveWaveToMemory;
///for temperary
std::vector<short> tempWaveform1;
std::vector<short> tempWaveform2;
std::vector<bool> tempDigiWaveform1;
std::vector<bool> tempDigiWaveform2;
FILE * outFile;
uint64_t FinishedOutFilesSize; // sum of files size.
unsigned int outFileIndex;
std::string outFilePrefix;
std::string outFileName;
unsigned int outFileSize; // should be max at 2 GB
short calIndexes[MaxNChannels][2]; /// the index for trigger rate calculation
unsigned int ReadBuffer(unsigned int nWord, int verbose = 0);
int DecodePHADualChannelBlock(unsigned int ChannelMask, bool fastDecode, int verbose);
int DecodePSDDualChannelBlock(unsigned int ChannelMask, bool fastDecode, int verbose);
inline Data::Data(){
ch2ns = 2.0;
boardSN = 0;
DPPTypeStr = "";
IsNotRollOverFakeAgg = false;
buffer = NULL;
for ( int i = 0; i < MaxNChannels; i++) TotNumEvents[i] = 0;
nw = 0;
outFileIndex = 0;
outFilePrefix = "";
outFileName = "";
outFile = nullptr;
outFileSize = 0; // should be max at 2 GB
FinishedOutFilesSize = 0; // sum of files size.
inline Data::~Data(){
if( buffer != NULL ) delete buffer;
inline void Data::AllocateMemory(uint32_t size){
AllocatedSize = size;
buffer = (char *) malloc( AllocatedSize);
printf("Allocated %u byte for buffer = %u words\n", AllocatedSize, AllocatedSize / 4);
inline void Data::Allocate80MBMemory(){
AllocateMemory( 80 * 1024 * 1024 ); /// 80 M Byte
inline void Data::ClearTriggerRate(){
for( int i = 0 ; i < MaxNChannels; i++) {
TriggerRate[i] = 0.0;
NonPileUpRate[i] = 0.0;
NumEventsDecoded[i] = 0;
NumNonPileUpDecoded[i] = 0;
inline void Data::ClearData(){
nByte = 0;
AllocatedSize = 0;
IsNotRollOverFakeAgg = false;
for( int ch = 0 ; ch < MaxNChannels; ch++){
LoopIndex[ch] = 0;
DataIndex[ch] = -1;
for( int j = 0; j < MaxNData; j++){
Timestamp[ch][j] = 0;
fineTime[ch][j] = 0;
Energy[ch][j] = 0;
Energy2[ch][j] = 0;
NumEventsDecoded[ch] = 0;
NumNonPileUpDecoded[ch] = 0;
calIndexes[ch][0] = -1;
calIndexes[ch][1] = -1;
inline void Data::ClearBuffer(){
printf("==== Data::%s \n", __func__);
delete buffer;
buffer = nullptr;
AllocatedSize = 0;
nByte = 0;
inline void Data::CopyBuffer(const char * buffer, const unsigned int size){
std::memcpy(this->buffer, buffer, size);
//^############################################### Save fsu file
inline bool Data::OpenSaveFile(std::string fileNamePrefix){
outFilePrefix = fileNamePrefix;
char saveFileName[100];
sprintf(saveFileName, "%s_%03d_%3s_%03u.fsu", outFilePrefix.c_str() , boardSN, DPPTypeStr.c_str(), outFileIndex);
outFileName = saveFileName;
outFile = fopen(saveFileName, "wb"); // overwrite binary
if (outFile == NULL) {
printf("Failed to open the file. Probably Read-ONLY.\n");
return false;
fseek(outFile, 0L, SEEK_END);
outFileSize = ftell(outFile);
return true;
inline void Data::SaveData(){
if( buffer == nullptr) {
printf("buffer is null.\n");
if( outFile == nullptr ) return;
if( outFileSize > (unsigned int) MaxSaveFileSize){
FinishedOutFilesSize += ftell(outFile);
outFileIndex ++;
char saveFileName[100];
sprintf(saveFileName, "%s_%03d_%3s_%03u.fsu", outFilePrefix.c_str() , boardSN, DPPTypeStr.c_str(), outFileIndex);
outFileName = saveFileName;
outFile = fopen(outFileName.c_str(), "wb"); //overwrite binary
fwrite(buffer, nByte, 1, outFile);
outFileSize = ftell(outFile);
inline void Data::CloseSaveFile(){
if( outFile != NULL ){
int result = chmod(outFileName.c_str(), S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
if( result != 0 ) printf("somewrong when set file (%s) to read only.", outFileName.c_str());
//^####################################################### Print
inline void Data::PrintStat() const{
if( !IsNotRollOverFakeAgg ) {
printf(" this is roll-over fake event or no events.\n");
printf("%2s | %6s | %9s | %9s | %6s\n", "ch", "# Evt.", "Rate [Hz]", "N-PileUp", "Tot. Evt.");
for(int ch = 0; ch < MaxNChannels; ch++){
printf("%2d | %6d | %9.2f | %9.2f | %6lu\n", ch, NumEventsDecoded[ch], TriggerRate[ch], NonPileUpRate[ch], TotNumEvents[ch]);
inline void Data::PrintAllData(bool tableMode) const{
printf("============================= Print Data\n");
if( tableMode ){
int entry = 0;
int MaxEntry = 0;
printf("%4s|", "");
for( int ch = 0; ch < MaxNChannels; ch++){
if( LoopIndex[ch] > 0 ) {
MaxEntry = MaxNData-1;
if( DataIndex[ch] > MaxEntry ) MaxEntry = DataIndex[ch];
if( DataIndex[ch] < 0 ) continue;
printf(" %5s-%02d,%2d,%-6d |", "ch", ch, LoopIndex[ch], DataIndex[ch]);
printf("%4d|", entry );
for( int ch = 0; ch < MaxNChannels; ch++){
if( DataIndex[ch] < 0 ) continue;
printf(" %5d,%12lld |", Energy[ch][entry], Timestamp[ch][entry]);
entry ++;
}while(entry <= MaxEntry);
for( int ch = 0; ch < MaxNChannels ; ch++){
if( DataIndex[ch] < 0 ) continue;
printf("------------ ch : %d, DataIndex : %d, loop : %d\n", ch, DataIndex[ch], LoopIndex[ch]);
for( int ev = 0; ev <= (LoopIndex[ch] > 0 ? MaxNData : DataIndex[ch]) ; ev++){
if( DPPType == V1730_DPP_PHA_CODE ) printf("%4d, %5u, %15llu, %5u \n", ev, Energy[ch][ev], Timestamp[ch][ev], fineTime[ch][ev]);
if( DPPType == V1730_DPP_PSD_CODE ) printf("%4d, %5u, %5u, %15llu, %5u \n", ev, Energy[ch][ev], Energy2[ch][ev], Timestamp[ch][ev], fineTime[ch][ev]);
//^####################################################### Decode
inline unsigned int Data::ReadBuffer(unsigned int nWord, int verbose){
if( buffer == NULL ) return 0;
unsigned int word = 0;
for( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) word += ((buffer[i + 4 * nWord] & 0xFF) << 8*i);
if( verbose >= 2) printf("%6d | 0x%08X | ", nWord, word);
return word;
inline void Data::DecodeBuffer(char * &buffer, unsigned int size, bool fastDecode, int verbose){
this->buffer = buffer;
this->nByte = size;
DecodeBuffer(fastDecode, verbose);
inline void Data::DecodeBuffer(bool fastDecode, int verbose){
/// verbose : 0 = off, 1 = only energy + timestamp, 2 = show header, 3 = wave
if( buffer == NULL ) {
if( verbose >= 1 ) printf(" buffer is empty \n");
if( nByte == 0 ) return;
nw = 0;
if( verbose >= 1 ) printf("Data::DecodeBuffer ######################################### Board Agg.\n");
unsigned int word = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose);
if( ( (word >> 28) & 0xF ) == 0xA ) { /// start of Board Agg
unsigned int nWord = word & 0x0FFFFFFF ;
if( verbose >= 1 ) printf("Number of words in this Agg : %u = %u Byte\n", nWord, nWord * 4);
nw = nw + 1; word = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose);
unsigned int BoardID = ((word >> 27) & 0x1F);
unsigned short pattern = ((word >> 8 ) & 0x7FFF );
bool BoardFailFlag = ((word >> 26) & 0x1 );
unsigned int ChannelMask = ( word & 0xFF ) ;
if( verbose >= 1 ) printf("Board ID(type) : %d, FailFlag = %d, Patten = %u, ChannelMask = 0x%X\n",
BoardID, BoardFailFlag, pattern, ChannelMask);
if( BoardID > 0 ) {
case 0x8 : DPPType = V1730_DPP_PSD_CODE; break;
case 0xB : DPPType = V1730_DPP_PHA_CODE; break;
nw = nw + 1;
unsigned int bdAggCounter = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose);
if( verbose >= 1 ) printf("Board Agg Counter : %u \n", bdAggCounter & 0x7FFFFF);
nw = nw + 1;
unsigned int bdAggTimeTag = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose);
if( verbose >= 2 ) printf("Agg Counter : %u \n", bdAggTimeTag);
for( int ch = 0; ch < MaxNChannels; ch ++) {
NumEventsDecoded[ch] = 0;
NumNonPileUpDecoded[ch] = 0;
for( int chMask = 0; chMask < MaxNChannels/2 ; chMask ++ ){
if( ((ChannelMask >> chMask) & 0x1 ) == 0 ) continue;
if( verbose >= 2 ) printf("==================== Dual Channel Block, ch Mask : %d, nw : %d\n", chMask *2, nw);
if( DPPType == V1730_DPP_PHA_CODE ) {
if ( DecodePHADualChannelBlock(chMask, fastDecode, verbose) < 0 ) break;
if( DPPType == V1730_DPP_PSD_CODE ) {
if ( DecodePSDDualChannelBlock(chMask, fastDecode, verbose) < 0 ) break;
if( verbose >= 1 ) printf("nw : %d, incorrect buffer header. \n", nw);
///printf("nw : %d ,x 4 = %d, nByte : %d \n", nw, 4*nw, nByte);
}while(4*nw < nByte);
///Calculate trigger rate and first and last Timestamp
for(int ch = 0; ch < MaxNChannels; ch++){
if( NumEventsDecoded[ch] > 0 ) {
IsNotRollOverFakeAgg = true;
if( DataIndex[ch] < 0 ){
TriggerRate[ch] = 0;
NonPileUpRate[ch] = 0;
if( NumEventsDecoded[ch] > 4 ){
int indexStart = DataIndex[ch] - NumEventsDecoded[ch] + 1;
if( indexStart < 0 ) indexStart += MaxNData;
//printf("%d %d| %d %d \n", DataIndex[ch], NumEventsDecoded[ch], indexStart, DataIndex[ch] );
unsigned long long dTime = Timestamp[ch][DataIndex[ch]] - Timestamp[ch][indexStart];
double sec = dTime * ch2ns / 1e9;
TriggerRate[ch] = NumEventsDecoded[ch]/sec;
NonPileUpRate[ch] = NumNonPileUpDecoded[ch]/sec;
}else{ // look in to the data in the memory, not just this agg.
if( calIndexes[ch][0] == -1 ) calIndexes[ch][0] = 0;
if( calIndexes[ch][0] > -1 && calIndexes[ch][1] == -1 ) calIndexes[ch][1] = DataIndex[ch];
short nEvent = calIndexes[ch][1] - calIndexes[ch][0] ;
if( nEvent < 0 ) nEvent += MaxNData;
//printf("ch %2d ----- %d %d | %d \n", ch, calIndexes[ch][0], calIndexes[ch][1], nEvent);
if( calIndexes[ch][0] > -1 && calIndexes[ch][1] > -1 && nEvent > 10 ){
unsigned long long dTime = Timestamp[ch][calIndexes[ch][1]] - Timestamp[ch][calIndexes[ch][0]];
double sec = dTime * ch2ns / 1e9;
//printf(" %10llu %10llu, %f = %f sec, rate = %f \n", Timestamp[ch][calIndexes[ch][0]], Timestamp[ch][calIndexes[ch][1]], ch2ns, sec, nEvent / sec);
TriggerRate[ch] = nEvent / sec;
short pileUpCount = 0;
for( int i = calIndexes[ch][0] ; i <= calIndexes[ch][0] + nEvent; i++ ) {
if( PileUp[ch][i % MaxNData] ) pileUpCount ++;
NonPileUpRate[ch] = (nEvent - pileUpCount)/sec;
calIndexes[ch][0] = calIndexes[ch][1];
calIndexes[ch][1] = -1;
calIndexes[ch][1] = -1;
inline int Data::DecodePHADualChannelBlock(unsigned int ChannelMask, bool fastDecode, int verbose){
//printf("======= %s\n", __func__);
nw = nw + 1;
unsigned int word = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose);
bool hasFormatInfo = ((word >> 31) & 0x1);
unsigned int aggSize = ( word & 0x7FFFFFFF ) ;
if( verbose >= 2 ) printf("Dual Channel size : %d \n", aggSize);
unsigned int nSample = 0; /// wave form;
unsigned int nEvents = 0;
unsigned int extra2Option = 0;
bool hasExtra2 = false;
bool hasDualTrace = 0 ;
if( hasFormatInfo ){
nw = nw + 1; word = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose);
nSample = ( word & 0xFFFF ) * 8;
extra2Option = ( (word >> 24 ) & 0x7 );
hasExtra2 = ( (word >> 28 ) & 0x1 );
if( !fastDecode || verbose >= 2){
unsigned int digitalProbe = ( (word >> 16 ) & 0xF );
unsigned int analogProbe2 = ( (word >> 20 ) & 0x3 );
unsigned int analogProbe1 = ( (word >> 22 ) & 0x3 );
bool hasWaveForm = ( (word >> 27 ) & 0x1 );
bool hasTimeStamp = ( (word >> 29 ) & 0x1 );
bool hasEnergy = ( (word >> 30 ) & 0x1 );
hasDualTrace = ( (word >> 31 ) & 0x1 );
if( verbose >= 2 ) {
printf("DualTrace : %d, Energy : %d, Time: %d, Wave : %d, Extra2: %d \n",
hasDualTrace, hasEnergy, hasTimeStamp, hasWaveForm, hasExtra2);
if( verbose >= 3){
if( hasExtra2 ){
printf("...... extra 2 : ");
switch (extra2Option){
case 0: printf("[0:15] trapwzoid baseline * 4 [16:31] Extended timestamp (16-bit)\n"); break;
case 1: printf("Reserved\n"); break;
case 2: printf("[0:9] Fine time stamp [10:15] Reserved [16:31] Extended timestamp (16-bit)\n"); break;
case 3: printf("Reserved\n"); break;
case 4: printf("[0:15] Total trigger counter [16:31] Lost trigger counter\n"); break;
case 5: printf("[0:15] Event after Zero crossing [16:31] Event before Zero crossing\n"); break;
case 6: printf("Reserved\n"); break;
case 7: printf("Reserved\n"); break;
printf("...... Analog Probe 1 : ");
switch (analogProbe1 ){
case 0 : printf("Input \n"); break;
case 1 : printf("RC-CR (1st derivative) \n"); break;
case 2 : printf("RC-CR2 (2st derivative) \n"); break;
case 3 : printf("trapazoid \n"); break;
printf("...... Analog Probe 2 : ");
switch (analogProbe2 ){
case 0 : printf("Input \n"); break;
case 1 : printf("Theshold \n"); break;
case 2 : printf("trapezoid - baseline \n"); break;
case 3 : printf("baseline \n"); break;
printf("...... Digital Probe : ");
switch (digitalProbe ){
case 0 : printf("Peaking \n"); break;
case 1 : printf("Armed (trigger) \n"); break;
case 2 : printf("Peak Run \n"); break;
case 3 : printf("Pile up \n"); break;
case 4 : printf("Peaking \n"); break;
case 5 : printf("Trigger Validation Window \n"); break;
case 6 : printf("Baseline for energy calculation \n"); break;
case 7 : printf("Trigger holdoff \n"); break;
case 8 : printf("Trigger Validation \n"); break;
case 9 : printf("ACQ Busy \n"); break;
case 10 : printf("Trigger window \n"); break;
case 11 : printf("Ext. Trigger \n"); break;
case 12 : printf("Busy = memory is full \n"); break;
nEvents = (aggSize - 2) / (nSample/2 + 2 + hasExtra2 );
if( verbose >= 2 ) printf("----------------- nEvents : %d, fast decode : %d\n", nEvents, fastDecode);
if( verbose >= 2 ) printf("does not has format info. unable to read buffer.\n");
return 0;
///========== decode an event
for( unsigned int ev = 0; ev < nEvents ; ev++){
if( verbose >= 2 ) printf("------ event : %d\n", ev);
nw = nw +1 ; word = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose);
bool channelTag = ((word >> 31) & 0x1);
unsigned int timeStamp0 = (word & 0x7FFFFFFF);
int channel = ChannelMask*2 + channelTag;
if( verbose >= 2 ) printf("ch : %d, timeStamp0 %u \n", channel, timeStamp0);
///===== read waveform
if( !fastDecode ) {
unsigned int triggerAtSample = 0 ;
if( fastDecode ){
nw += nSample/2;
for( unsigned int wi = 0; wi < nSample/2; wi++){
nw = nw +1 ; word = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose-2);
///The CAEN manual is wrong, the bit [31:16] is anaprobe 1
bool isTrigger1 = (( word >> 31 ) & 0x1 );
bool dp1 = (( word >> 30 ) & 0x1 );
unsigned short wave1 = (( word >> 16) & 0x3FFF);
short trace1 = 0;
if( wave1 & 0x2000){
trace1 = static_cast<short>(~wave1 + 1 + 0x3FFF);
trace1 = - trace1;
trace1 = static_cast<short>(wave1);
///The CAEN manual is wrong, the bit [31:16] is anaprobe 2
bool isTrigger0 = (( word >> 15 ) & 0x1 );
bool dp0 = (( word >> 14 ) & 0x1 );
unsigned short wave0 = ( word & 0x3FFF);
short trace0 = 0;
if( wave0 & 0x2000){
trace0 = static_cast<short>(~wave0 + 1 + 0x3FFF);
trace0 = - trace0;
trace0 = static_cast<short>(wave0);
if( hasDualTrace ){
if( isTrigger0 == 1 ) triggerAtSample = 2*wi ;
if( isTrigger1 == 1 ) triggerAtSample = 2*wi + 1;
if( verbose >= 4 ){
if( !hasDualTrace ){
printf("%4d| %5d, %d, %d \n", 2*wi, trace0, dp0, isTrigger0);
printf("%4d| %5d, %d, %d \n", 2*wi+1, trace1, dp1, isTrigger1);
printf("%4d| %5d, %5d | %d, %d | %d %d\n", wi, trace0, trace1, dp0, dp1, isTrigger0, isTrigger1);
unsigned long long extTimeStamp = 0;
unsigned int extra2 = 0;
if( hasExtra2 ){
nw = nw +1 ; word = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose);
extra2 = word;
if( extra2Option == 0 || extra2Option == 2 ) extTimeStamp = (extra2 >> 16);
unsigned long long timeStamp = (extTimeStamp << 31) ;
timeStamp = timeStamp + timeStamp0;
if( verbose >= 2 && hasExtra2 ) printf("extra2 : 0x%0X, TimeStamp : %llu\n", extra2, timeStamp);
nw = nw +1 ; word = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose);
unsigned int extra = (( word >> 16) & 0x3FF);
unsigned int energy = (word & 0x7FFF);
bool rollOver = (extra & 0x002);
bool pileUp = (extra & 0x200);
bool pileUpOrRollOver = ((word >> 15) & 0x1);
if( verbose >= 3 ) {
printf("PileUp or RollOver : %d\n", pileUpOrRollOver);
printf("PileUp : %d , extra : 0x%03x, energy : %d \n", pileUp, extra, energy);
printf(" lost event : %d \n", ((extra >> 0) & 0x1) );
printf(" roll-over : %d (is fake event ?)\n", ((extra >> 1) & 0x1) );
printf(" fake-event : %d \n", ((extra >> 3) & 0x1) );
printf(" input sat. : %d \n", ((extra >> 4) & 0x1) );
printf(" lost trg : %d \n", ((extra >> 5) & 0x1) );
printf(" tot trg : %d \n", ((extra >> 6) & 0x1) );
printf(" coincident : %d \n", ((extra >> 7) & 0x1) );
printf(" not coin. : %d \n", ((extra >> 8) & 0x1) );
printf(" pile-up : %d \n", ((extra >> 9) & 0x1) );
printf(" trapezoid sat. : %d \n", ((extra >> 10) & 0x1) );
if( rollOver == 0 ) { // non-time roll over fake event
DataIndex[channel] ++;
if( DataIndex[channel] >= MaxNData ) {
LoopIndex[channel] ++;
DataIndex[channel] = 0;
Energy[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = energy;
Timestamp[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = timeStamp;
if(extra2Option == 0 || extra2Option == 2 ) fineTime[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = (extra2 & 0x07FF );
PileUp[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = pileUp;
NumEventsDecoded[channel] ++;
TotNumEvents[channel] ++;
if( !pileUp ) {
NumNonPileUpDecoded[channel] ++;
if( !fastDecode ) {
if( hasDualTrace ){
Waveform1[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = tempWaveform1;
Waveform2[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = tempWaveform2;
Waveform1[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = tempWaveform1;
DigiWaveform1[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = tempDigiWaveform1;
//if( DataIndex[channel] > MaxNData ) ClearData(); // if any channel has more data then MaxNData, clear all stored data
if( verbose >= 1 ) printf("evt %4d | ch : %2d, PileUp : %d , energy : %5d, rollOver: %d, timestamp : %10llu, triggerAt : %d, nSample : %d, %f sec\n",
DataIndex[channel], channel, pileUp, energy, rollOver, timeStamp, triggerAtSample, nSample , timeStamp * 4. / 1e9);
///=========== Key information
/// ch, energy, timestamp
/// trace
return nw;
inline int Data::DecodePSDDualChannelBlock(unsigned int ChannelMask, bool fastDecode, int verbose){
//printf("======= %s\n", __func__);
nw = nw + 1;
unsigned int word = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose);
if( (word >> 31) != 1 ) return 0;
unsigned int aggSize = ( word & 0x3FFFFF ) ;
if( verbose >= 2 ) printf(" size : %d \n", aggSize);
unsigned int nEvents = 0;
nw = nw + 1; word = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose);
unsigned int nSample = ( word & 0xFFFF ) * 8;
unsigned int digitalProbe1 = ( (word >> 16 ) & 0x7 );
unsigned int digitalProbe2 = ( (word >> 19 ) & 0x7 );
unsigned int analogProbe = ( (word >> 22 ) & 0x3 );
unsigned int extraOption = ( (word >> 24 ) & 0x7 );
bool hasWaveForm = ( (word >> 27 ) & 0x1 );
bool hasExtra = ( (word >> 28 ) & 0x1 );
bool hasTimeStamp = ( (word >> 29 ) & 0x1 );
bool hasCharge = ( (word >> 30 ) & 0x1 );
bool hasDualTrace = ( (word >> 31 ) & 0x1 );
if( verbose >= 2 ) {
printf("dualTrace : %d, Charge : %d, Time: %d, Wave : %d, Extra: %d\n",
hasDualTrace, hasCharge, hasTimeStamp, hasWaveForm, hasExtra);
if( hasExtra ){
printf(".... extra : ");
case 0: printf("[0:15] trapwzoid baseline * 4 [16:31] Extended timestamp (16-bit)\n"); break;
case 1: printf("[0:11] reserved [12] lost trigger counted [13] 1024 trigger counted [14] Over-range\n");
printf("[15] trigger lost [16:31] Extended timestamp (16-bit)\n"); break;
case 2: printf("[0:9] Fine time stamp [10:15] flag [10:15] Reserved [16:31] Extended timestamp (16-bit)\n"); break;
case 3: printf("Reserved\n"); break;
case 4: printf("[0:15] Total trigger counter [16:31] Lost trigger counter\n"); break;
case 5: printf("[0:15] Event after Zero crossing [16:31] Event before Zero crossing\n"); break;
case 6: printf("Reserved\n"); break;
case 7: printf("debug, must be 0x12345678\n"); break;
printf(".... digital Probe 1 : ");
case 0 : printf("Long gate \n"); break;
case 1 : printf("Over threshold \n"); break;
case 2 : printf("Shaped TRG \n"); break;
case 3 : printf("TRG Val. Acceptance \n"); break;
case 4 : printf("Pile-Up \n"); break;
case 5 : printf("Coincidence \n"); break;
case 6 : printf("Reserved \n"); break;
case 7 : printf("Trigger \n"); break;
printf(".... digital Probe 2 : ");
case 0 : printf("Short gate \n"); break;
case 1 : printf("Over threshold \n"); break;
case 2 : printf("TRG Validation \n"); break;
case 3 : printf("TRG HoldOff \n"); break;
case 4 : printf("Pile-Up \n"); break;
case 5 : printf("Coincidence \n"); break;
case 6 : printf("Reserved \n"); break;
case 7 : printf("Trigger \n"); break;
printf(".... analog Probe (dual trace : %d): ", hasDualTrace);
if( hasDualTrace ) {
case 0 : printf("Input and baseline \n"); break;
case 1 : printf("CFD and baseline \n"); break;
case 2 : printf("Input and CFD \n"); break;
case 0 : printf("Input \n"); break;
case 1 : printf("CFD \n"); break;
nEvents = (aggSize -2) / (nSample/2 + 2 + hasExtra );
if( verbose >= 2 ) printf("----------------- nEvents : %d, fast decode : %d\n", nEvents, fastDecode);
///========= Decode an event
for( unsigned int ev = 0; ev < nEvents ; ev++){
if( verbose >= 2 ) printf("--------------------------- event : %d\n", ev);
nw = nw +1 ; word = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose);
bool channelTag = ((word >> 31) & 0x1);
unsigned int timeStamp0 = (word & 0x7FFFFFFF);
int channel = ChannelMask*2 + channelTag;
if( verbose >= 2 ) printf("ch : %d, timeStamp %u \n", channel, timeStamp0);
///===== read waveform
if( !fastDecode ) {
if( fastDecode ){
nw += nSample/2;
for( unsigned int wi = 0; wi < nSample/2; wi++){
nw = nw +1 ; word = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose-4);
bool dp2b = (( word >> 31 ) & 0x1 );
bool dp1b = (( word >> 30 ) & 0x1 );
unsigned short waveb = (( word >> 16) & 0x3FFF);
bool dp2a = (( word >> 15 ) & 0x1 );
bool dp1a = (( word >> 14 ) & 0x1 );
unsigned short wavea = ( word & 0x3FFF);
if( hasDualTrace ){
if( verbose >= 3 ){
printf("%4d| %5d, %d, %d \n", 2*wi, wavea, dp1a, dp2a);
printf("%4d| %5d, %d, %d \n", 2*wi+1, waveb, dp1b, dp2b);
nw = nw +1 ; word = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose);
unsigned int extra = word;
unsigned long long extTimeStamp = 0;
if( extraOption == 0 || extraOption == 2 ) extTimeStamp = (extra >> 16);
unsigned long long timeStamp = (extTimeStamp << 31) ;
timeStamp = timeStamp + timeStamp0;
nw = nw +1 ; word = ReadBuffer(nw, verbose);
unsigned int Qlong = (( word >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
unsigned int Qshort = (word & 0x7FFF);
bool isEnergyCorrect = ((word >> 15) & 0x1); // the PUR, either pileup or saturated
if( isEnergyCorrect == 0 ) {
DataIndex[channel] ++;
if( DataIndex[channel] >= MaxNData ) {
LoopIndex[channel] ++;
DataIndex[channel] = 0;
NumEventsDecoded[channel] ++;
NumNonPileUpDecoded[channel] ++;
TotNumEvents[channel] ++;
Energy[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = Qshort;
Energy2[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = Qlong;
Timestamp[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = timeStamp;
if( !fastDecode ) {
if( hasDualTrace ){
Waveform1[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = tempWaveform1;
Waveform2[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = tempWaveform2;
Waveform1[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = tempWaveform1;
DigiWaveform1[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = tempDigiWaveform1;
DigiWaveform2[channel][DataIndex[channel]] = tempDigiWaveform2;
//if( DataIndex[channel] >= MaxNData ) ClearData();
if( verbose >= 2 ) printf("extra : 0x%08x, Qshort : %d, Qlong : %d \n", extra, Qshort, Qlong);
if( verbose >= 1 ) printf("ch : %2d, Qshort : %d, Qlong : %d, timestamp : %llu\n",
channel, Qshort, Qlong, timeStamp);
///=========== Key information
/// ch, Qshort, Qlong , timestamp
/// trace
return nw;