
308 lines
9.0 KiB

* This Analyzer does not use event builder,
* this simply use the energy_short and energy_long for each data.
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QChart>
#include <QChartView>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QVector>
#include <QRandomGenerator>
#include "Analyser.h"
class NeutronGamma : public Analyzer{
NeutronGamma(Digitizer ** digi, unsigned int nDigi, QString rawDataPath, QMainWindow * parent = nullptr): Analyzer(digi, nDigi, parent){
this->digi = digi;
this->nDigi = nDigi;
this->settingPath = rawDataPath + "/NG_HistogramSettings.txt";
isSignalSlotActive = false;
// for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nDigi; i++ ){
// for( int ch = 0; ch < digi[i]->GetNumInputCh(); ch++){
// delete hist2D[i][ch];
// }
// }
delete hist2D;
void ClearInternalDataCount();
// void LoadSetting();
// void SaveSetting();
public slots:
void UpdateHistograms();
QVector<int> generateNonRepeatedCombination(int size);
void SetUpCanvas();
Digitizer ** digi;
unsigned short nDigi;
Histogram2D * hist2D;
RComboBox * cbDigi;
RComboBox * cbCh;
QGroupBox * histBox;
QGridLayout * histLayout;
int lastFilledIndex[MaxNDigitizer][MaxNChannels];
int loopFilledIndex[MaxNDigitizer][MaxNChannels];
bool fillHistograms;
QString settingPath;
unsigned short maxFillTimeinMilliSec;
unsigned short maxFillTimePerDigi;
bool isSignalSlotActive;
inline void NeutronGamma::SetUpCanvas(){
setWindowTitle("Neutron-Gamma Separation");
QScreen * screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
QRect screenGeo = screen->geometry();
if( screenGeo.width() < 1000 || screenGeo.height() < 800) {
setGeometry(0, 0, screenGeo.width() - 100, screenGeo.height() - 100);
setGeometry(0, 0, 1000, 800);
QWidget * layoutWidget = new QWidget(this);
QVBoxLayout * layout = new QVBoxLayout(layoutWidget);
QGroupBox * controlBox = new QGroupBox("Control", this);
QGridLayout * ctrlLayout = new QGridLayout(controlBox);
cbDigi = new RComboBox(this);
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nDigi; i++) cbDigi->addItem("Digi-" + QString::number( digi[i]->GetSerialNumber() ), i);
ctrlLayout->addWidget(cbDigi, 0, 0, 1, 2);
connect( cbDigi, &RComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, [=](int index){
isSignalSlotActive = false;
cbCh->addItem("All Ch", digi[index]->GetNumInputCh() );
for( int i = 0; i < digi[index]->GetNumInputCh(); i++) cbCh->addItem("ch-" + QString::number( i ), i);
isSignalSlotActive = true;
cbCh = new RComboBox(this);
for( int i = 0; i < digi[0]->GetNumInputCh(); i++) cbCh->addItem("ch-" + QString::number( i ), i);
ctrlLayout->addWidget(cbCh, 0, 2, 1, 2);
// connect( cbCh, &RComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &SingleSpectra::ChangeHistView);
connect( cbCh, &RComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, [=](){
QCheckBox * chkIsFillHistogram = new QCheckBox("Fill Histograms", this);
ctrlLayout->addWidget(chkIsFillHistogram, 0, 8);
connect(chkIsFillHistogram, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, [=](int state){ fillHistograms = state;});
fillHistograms = false;
QLabel * lbSettingPath = new QLabel( settingPath , this);
ctrlLayout->addWidget(lbSettingPath, 1, 0, 1, 8);
histBox = new QGroupBox("Histgrams", this);
layout->addWidget(histBox, 10);
histLayout = new QGridLayout(histBox);
double eMax = 50000;
double eMin = 0;
double nBin = 1000;
// for( unsigned int i = 0; i < MaxNDigitizer; i++){
// if( i >= nDigi ) continue;
// for( int j = 0; j < digi[i]->GetNumInputCh(); j++){
// if( i < nDigi ) {
// hist2D[i][j] = new Histogram2D("Digi-" + QString::number(digi[i]->GetSerialNumber()), "Long Energy [ch]", "Short Energy [ch]", nBin, eMin, eMax, nBin, eMin, eMax);
// }else{
// hist2D[i][j] = nullptr;
// }
// }
// }
// histLayout->addWidget(hist2D[0][0], 0, 0);
hist2D = new Histogram2D("Neutron-Gamma", "PSD = (l-s)/l", "Short Energy [ch]", nBin, eMin, eMax, nBin, 0, 1);
histLayout->addWidget(hist2D, 0, 0);
inline void NeutronGamma::ClearInternalDataCount(){
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nDigi; i++){
for( int ch = 0; ch < MaxRegChannel ; ch++) {
lastFilledIndex[i][ch] = -1;
loopFilledIndex[i][ch] = 0;
inline void NeutronGamma::UpdateHistograms(){
if( !fillHistograms ) return;
if( this->isVisible() == false ) return;
int ID = cbDigi->currentData().toInt();
int ch = cbCh->currentData().toInt();
int lastIndex = digi[ID]->GetData()->GetDataIndex(ch);
if( lastIndex < 0 ) return;
int loopIndex = digi[ID]->GetData()->GetLoopIndex(ch);
int temp1 = lastIndex + loopIndex * digi[ID]->GetData()->GetDataSize();
int temp2 = lastFilledIndex[ID][ch] + loopFilledIndex[ID][ch] * digi[ID]->GetData()->GetDataSize() + 1;
if( temp1 - temp2 > digi[ID]->GetData()->GetDataSize() ) { //DefaultDataSize = 10k
temp2 = temp1 - digi[ID]->GetData()->GetDataSize();
lastFilledIndex[ID][ch] = lastIndex;
lastFilledIndex[ID][ch] = loopIndex - 1;
for( int j = 0 ; j <= temp1 - temp2; j ++){
lastFilledIndex[ID][ch] ++;
if( lastFilledIndex[ID][ch] > digi[ID]->GetData()->GetDataSize() ) {
lastFilledIndex[ID][ch] = 0;
loopFilledIndex[ID][ch] ++;
uShort data_long = digi[ID]->GetData()->GetEnergy(ch, lastFilledIndex[ID][ch]);
uShort data_short = digi[ID]->GetData()->GetEnergy2(ch, lastFilledIndex[ID][ch]);
// printf(" ch: %d, last fill idx : %d | %d \n", ch, lastFilledIndex[ID][ch], data);
double psd = (data_long - data_short) *1.0 / data_long;
hist2D->Fill(data_long, psd);
void NeutronGamma::UpdateHistograms(){
if( !fillHistograms ) return;
timespec t0, t1;
QVector<int> randomDigiList = generateNonRepeatedCombination(nDigi);
for( int i = 0; i < nDigi; i++){
int ID = randomDigiList[i];
QVector<int> randomChList = generateNonRepeatedCombination(digi[ID]->GetNumInputCh());
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t0);
for( int k = 0; k < digi[ID]->GetNumInputCh(); k ++ ){
int ch = randomChList[k];
int lastIndex = digi[ID]->GetData()->GetDataIndex(ch);
// printf("--- ch %2d | last index %d \n", ch, lastIndex);
if( lastIndex < 0 ) continue;
int loopIndex = digi[ID]->GetData()->GetLoopIndex(ch);
int temp1 = lastIndex + loopIndex * digi[ID]->GetData()->GetDataSize();
int temp2 = lastFilledIndex[ID][ch] + loopFilledIndex[ID][ch] * digi[ID]->GetData()->GetDataSize() + 1;
// printf("loopIndx : %d | ID now : %d, ID old : %d \n", loopIndex, temp1, temp2);
if( temp1 <= temp2 ) continue;
if( temp1 - temp2 > digi[ID]->GetData()->GetDataSize() ) { //DefaultDataSize = 10k
temp2 = temp1 - digi[ID]->GetData()->GetDataSize();
lastFilledIndex[ID][ch] = lastIndex;
lastFilledIndex[ID][ch] = loopIndex - 1;
// printf("ch %d | regulated ID now %d new %d | last fill idx %d\n", ch, temp2, temp1, lastFilledIndex[ID][ch]);
for( int j = 0 ; j <= temp1 - temp2; j ++){
lastFilledIndex[ID][ch] ++;
if( lastFilledIndex[ID][ch] > digi[ID]->GetData()->GetDataSize() ) {
lastFilledIndex[ID][ch] = 0;
loopFilledIndex[ID][ch] ++;
uShort data_long = digi[ID]->GetData()->GetEnergy(ch, lastFilledIndex[ID][ch]);
uShort data_short = digi[ID]->GetData()->GetEnergy2(ch, lastFilledIndex[ID][ch]);
// printf(" ch: %d, last fill idx : %d | %d \n", ch, lastFilledIndex[ID][ch], data);
hist2D[ID][ch]->Fill(data_long, data_short);
if( histVisibility[ID][ch] ) hist2D[ID][ch]->UpdatePlot();
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t1);
if( t1.tv_nsec - t0.tv_nsec + (t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec)*1e9 > maxFillTimePerDigi * 1e6 ) break;
inline QVector<int> NeutronGamma::generateNonRepeatedCombination(int size) {
QVector<int> combination;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) combination.append(i);
for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i) {
int j = QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(i, size);
combination.swapItemsAt(i, j);
return combination;