
269 lines
8.0 KiB

#include "TFile.h"
#include "TChain.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TTreeReader.h"
#include "TTreeReaderValue.h"
#include "TTreeReaderArray.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "TCutG.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TStopwatch.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "vector"
#include "../analyzers/SplitPoleHit.h"
namespace ChMap{
const short ScinR = 0;
const short ScinL = 1;
const short dFR = 9;
const short dFL = 8;
const short dBR = 11;
const short dBL = 10;
const short Cathode = 7;
const short AnodeF = 13;
const short AnodeB = 15;
const double c = 299.792458; // mm/ns
const double pi = M_PI;
const double deg2rad = pi/180.;
SplitPoleHit hit;
TH2F * coin;
TH1F * hMulti;
TH1F * hF;
TH1F * hB;
TH1F * hXavg;
TH2F * hFocal;
TH2F * hXavg_Q;
TH2F * hXavg_Theta;
TH2F * hRay;
TH1F * hEx;
TH2F * hEx_Multi;
ULong64_t t1, t2;
#define XMIN -200
#define XMAX 200
void SplitPolePlotter(TChain *tree, TCutG * pidCut = nullptr, double rhoOffset = 0, double rhoScaling = 1, bool isFSUDAQ = true){
printf("################# SplitPolePlotter.C ####################\n");
TObjArray * fileList = tree->GetListOfFiles();
printf("\033[0;31m========================================== Number of Files : %2d\n",fileList->GetEntries());
printf("========================================== Number of Files : %2d\033[0m\n",fileList->GetEntries());
printf(" Total Number of entries : %llu \n", tree->GetEntries());
if( tree->GetEntries() == 0 ) {
printf("========= no events. Abort.\n");
//*====================================================== histograms
coin = new TH2F("hCoin", "Coincident ", 16, 0, 16, 16, 0, 16);
hMulti = new TH1F("hMulti", "Multiplicity", 16, 0, 16);
if( isFSUDAQ ){
PID = new TH2F("hPID", "PID; Scin_X ; AnodeB", 200, 0, 20000, 100, 0, 40000);
hXavg_Q = new TH2F("hXavg_Q", "Xavg vs Q ", 200, XMIN, XMAX, 200, 0, 40000);
PID = new TH2F("hPID", "PID; Scin_X ; AnodeB", 200, 0, 4000, 100, 0, 5000);
hXavg_Q = new TH2F("hXavg_Q", "Xavg vs Q ", 200, XMIN, XMAX, 200, 0, 5000);
hF = new TH1F("hF", "Front delay line position", 600, XMIN, XMAX);
hB = new TH1F("hB", "Back delay line position", 600, XMIN, XMAX);
hXavg = new TH1F("hAvg", "Xavg", 600, XMIN, XMAX);
hFocal = new TH2F("hFocal", "Front vs Back ", 200, XMIN, XMAX, 200, XMIN, XMAX);
hXavg_Theta = new TH2F("hXavg_Theta", "Xavg vs Theta ", 200, XMIN, XMAX, 200, 0.5, 1.4);
hRay = new TH2F("hRay", "Ray plot", 400, XMIN, XMAX, 400, -50, 50);
hEx = new TH1F("hEx", "Ex; Ex [MeV]; count/10 keV", 600, -1, 5);
hEx_Multi = new TH2F("hEx_Multi", "Ex vs Multi; Ex; Multi", 600, -1, 5, 16, 0, 16);
hit.CalConstants("12C", "d", "p", 16, 18); // 80MeV, 5 deg
hit.CalZoffset(0.750); // 1.41 T
t1 = 0;
t2 = 0;
//*====================================================== Tree Reader
TTreeReader reader(tree);
TTreeReaderValue<ULong64_t> evID = {reader, "evID"};
TTreeReaderValue<UInt_t> multi = {reader, "multi"};
TTreeReaderArray<UShort_t> sn = {reader, "sn"};
TTreeReaderArray<UShort_t> ch = {reader, "ch"};
TTreeReaderArray<UShort_t> e = {reader, "e"};
TTreeReaderArray<UShort_t> e2 = {reader, "e2"};
TTreeReaderArray<ULong64_t> e_t = {reader, "e_t"};
TTreeReaderArray<UShort_t> e_f = {reader, "e_f"};
ULong64_t NumEntries = tree->GetEntries();
//^ * Process
printf("############################################### Processing...\n");
fflush(stdout); // flush out any printf
ULong64_t processedEntries = 0;
float Frac = 0.1;
TStopwatch StpWatch;
while (reader.Next()) {
// if( processedEntries > 10 ) break;
// printf("============== %5llu | multi : %d (%zu) \n", processedEntries, multi.Get()[0], sn.GetSize());
// for( int i = 0; i < multi.Get()[0]; i++ ){
// printf(" %d | %5d %2d %7d %10llu\n", i, sn[i], ch[i], e[i], e_t[i]);
// }
// if( *multi != 9 ) continue;
for( int i = 0; i < *multi; i++){
t2 = e_t[i];
if( t2 < t1 ) printf("entry %lld-%d, timestamp is not in order. %llu, %llu\n", processedEntries, i, t2, t1);
if( i == 0 ) t1 = e_t[i];
// if( e[i] == 65535 ) continue;
if( ch[i] == ChMap::ScinR ) {hit.eSR = e[i]; hit.tSR = e_t[i] + e_f[i]/1000;}
if( ch[i] == ChMap::ScinL ) {hit.eSL = e[i]; hit.tSL = e_t[i] + e_f[i]/1000;}
if( ch[i] == ChMap::dFR ) {hit.eFR = e[i]; hit.tFR = e_t[i] + e_f[i]/1000;}
if( ch[i] == ChMap::dFL ) {hit.eFL = e[i]; hit.tFL = e_t[i] + e_f[i]/1000;}
if( ch[i] == ChMap::dBR ) {hit.eBR = e[i]; hit.tBR = e_t[i] + e_f[i]/1000;}
if( ch[i] == ChMap::dBL ) {hit.eBL = e[i]; hit.tBL = e_t[i] + e_f[i]/1000;}
if( ch[i] == ChMap::Cathode ) {hit.eCath = e[i]; hit.tCath = e_t[i] + e_f[i]/1000;}
if( ch[i] == ChMap::AnodeF ) {hit.eAF = e[i]; hit.tAF = e_t[i] + e_f[i]/1000;}
if( ch[i] == ChMap::AnodeB ) {hit.eAB = e[i]; hit.tAB = e_t[i] + e_f[i]/1000;}
for( int j = i+1; j < sn.GetSize(); j++){
coin->Fill(ch[i], ch[j]);
unsigned int dQ = hit.eAB; // delta Q
unsigned int Qt = hit.eSL; // total Q
if( Qt > 0 && dQ > 0 ) {
PID->Fill(Qt, dQ);
//=============== PID gate cut
if( pidCut ){
if( !pidCut->IsInside(Qt, dQ) ) continue;
if( hit.theta > 1.2 || 0.5 > hit.theta ) continue;
if( (!TMath::IsNaN(hit.x1) || !TMath::IsNaN(hit.x2)) ) {
hFocal->Fill(hit.x1, hit.x2);
hXavg_Q->Fill(hit.xAvg, dQ);
hXavg_Theta->Fill( hit.xAvg, hit.theta);
for( int i = 0; i < 400; i++){
double z = -50 + 100/400.*i;
double x = (z/42.8625 + 0.5)* ( hit.x2-hit.x1) + hit.x1;
double ex = hit.Rho2Ex( ((hit.xAvg - rhoOffset)/1000/rhoScaling + hit.GetRho0() ) );
//if( XMIN < hit.xAvg && hit.xAvg < XMAX) printf("x1 : %6.2f, x2 : %6.2f, xAvg %6.2f cm , ex : %f \n", hit.x1, hit.x2, hit.xAvg, ex);
hEx_Multi->Fill(ex, *multi);
//*============================================ Progress Bar
processedEntries ++;
if (processedEntries >= NumEntries*Frac - 1 ) {
TString msg; msg.Form("%llu", NumEntries/1000);
int len = msg.Sizeof();
printf(" %3.0f%% (%*llu/%llu k) processed in %6.1f sec | expect %6.1f sec\n",
Frac*100, len, processedEntries/1000,NumEntries/1000,StpWatch.RealTime(), StpWatch.RealTime()/Frac);
Frac += 0.1;
//^ * Plot
TCanvas * canvas = new TCanvas("cc", "Split-Pole", 2500, 1000);
canvas->Divide(5, 2);
canvas->cd(1); {
if( pidCut ) pidCut->Draw("same");
canvas->cd(2); hRay->Draw("colz");
canvas->cd(3); hF->Draw();
canvas->cd(4); hB->Draw();
canvas->cd(5); hXavg_Q->Draw("colz");
canvas->cd(6); hXavg->Draw("colz");
canvas->cd(7); hEx->Draw();
//canvas->cd(8); coin->Draw("colz");
canvas->cd(8); hEx_Multi->Draw("colz");
canvas->cd(9); canvas->cd(9)->SetLogy(); hMulti->Draw();
canvas->cd(10); hXavg_Theta->Draw("colz");