init. commit

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Tang 2024-08-16 16:24:21 -04:00
commit f3d3ecb7db
12 changed files with 6731 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"configurations": [
"name": "Linux",
"includePath": [
"defines": [],
"compilerPath": "/usr/bin/gcc",
"cStandard": "c17",
"cppStandard": "gnu++17",
"intelliSenseMode": "linux-gcc-x64"
"version": 4

.vscode/settings.json vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"files.associations": {
"AutoFit.C": "cpp",
"peaks.C": "cpp",
"array": "cpp",
"deque": "cpp",
"list": "cpp",
"vector": "cpp",
"string_view": "cpp",
"span": "cpp",
"SaveTH1IntoText.C": "cpp"

AutoFit.C Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

AutoFit_para.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# for n-Gauss fit, can use "#", or "//" to comment out whole line
# peak low high fixed? sigma_Max fixed? hight
0.000 -0.1 0.1 1 0.08 0 20
0.854 0.8 0.9 1 0.08 0 20
1.363 1.3 1.4 1 0.08 0 10
1.561 1.5 1.6 1 0.09 0 10
2.005 1.9 2.1 1 0.09 0 20
2.809 2.7 2.85 0 0.09 0 10

SaveTH1IntoText.C Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
void SaveTH1IntoText(TH1F * hist, TString fileName){
int nBin = hist->GetNbinsX();
FILE * paraOut;
paraOut = fopen (fileName.Data(), "w+");
printf("=========== save histogram to %s \n", fileName.Data());
for( int i = 1; i <= nBin ; i++){
double x = hist->GetBinCenter(i);
double y = hist->GetBinContent(i);
fprintf(paraOut, "%14.8f\t%9.6f\n", x, y);

caliPeaks.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TH2F.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TTreeReader.h"
#include "AutoFit.C"
#include "SaveTH1IntoText.C"
// mod = 0, 1, 2
// row = 1, 2, 3
// pstrip = 0 - 127
#define MAXMOD 3
#define MAXROW 3
#define MAXPStrip 128
const double ExRange[2] = {-0.5, 3.5};
const double ExRel = 0.05; //MeV
#define SAVETREE false
TH1F * hEx;
void caliPeaks(){
/// Load peaks
std::vector<double> peaks[MAXMOD][MAXROW][MAXPStrip];
FILE * inList = fopen("fit_result.txt", "r");
char buffer[256];
while( fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), inList) ){
std::vector<std::string> haha = SplitStrAF(buffer, " ");
// printf("%zu| %s", haha.size(), buffer);
int m = atoi(haha[0].c_str());
int r = atoi(haha[1].c_str()) - 1;
int p = atoi(haha[2].c_str());
for( int i = 3; i < (int) haha.size(); i++ ) peaks[m][r][p].push_back(atof(haha[i].c_str()));
// for( int i = 0; i < MAXMOD; i++ ){
// for( int j = 0 ; j < MAXROW; j++ ){
// for( int p = 0 ; p < MAXPStrip; p++){
// if( peaks[i][j][p].size() == 0 ) continue;
// printf("%d %d %3d | ", i, j+1, p);
// for( size_t h = 0; h < peaks[i][j][p].size(); h++) printf(" %6.3f", peaks[i][j][p][h]);
// printf("\n");
// }
// }
// }
TFile * file = new TFile("R9-172_summed_tree.root");
TTree * tree = (TTree *) file->Get("rxtree");
const int nBin = (ExRange[1] - ExRange[0])/ExRel;
for( int i = 0; i < MAXMOD; i++ ){
for( int j = 0; j < MAXROW; j++ ){
dudu[i][j] = new TH2F(Form("dudu_%d%d", i, j+1), Form("%d-%d; pStrip; Ex", i, j+1), 128, 0, 128, nBin, ExRange[0], ExRange[1]);
for( int p = 0; p < MAXPStrip; p ++ ){
haha[i][j][p] = new TH1F(Form("h_%d%d_%d", i, j+1, p), Form("%d-%d-%d", i, j+1, p), nBin, ExRange[0], ExRange[1]);
hEx = new TH1F("hEx", "Ex", 10*nBin, ExRange[0], ExRange[1]);
TTreeReader reader(tree);
TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> Ex = {reader, "Ex"};
TTreeReaderValue<Int_t> mod = {reader, "mod"};
TTreeReaderValue<Int_t> row = {reader, "row"};
TTreeReaderValue<Int_t> pStrip = {reader, "pstrip"};
TTreeReaderValue<Int_t> ebis = {reader, "ebis_on"};
TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> ThetaCM = {reader, "ThetaCM"};
TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> Zmeasured = {reader, "Zmeasured"};
TFile * newFile = nullptr;
TTree * newTree = nullptr;
Double_t Ex_org;
Double_t Ex_C;
Int_t mod_C;
Int_t row_C;
Int_t pStrip_C;
Double_t z;
Double_t thetaCM;
TFile * newFile = new TFile("Cali_132Sn.root", "recreate");
TTree * newTree = new TTree ("tree", "Calibrated Ex");
newTree->Branch("Ex_org", &Ex_org, "Ex_org/D");
newTree->Branch("mod", &mod_C, "mod/I");
newTree->Branch("row", &row_C, "row/I");
newTree->Branch("pstrip", &pStrip_C, "pstrip/I");
newTree->Branch("Ex", &Ex_C, "Ex/D");
newTree->Branch("z", &z, "z/D");
newTree->Branch("thetaCM", &thetaCM, "thetaCM/D");
const double y1 = 0.000;
const double ya = 0.854;
const double y2 = 2.005;
while( reader.Next() ){
if( *ebis == 0 ) continue;
if( *row == 0 ) continue;
int m = *mod;
int r = *row -1;
int p = *pStrip;
// printf("%d %d %d | %f\n", m, r, p, *Ex/1000.);
if( peaks[m][r][p].size() == 0 ) continue;
double slope = 1;
double offset = 0;
if( peaks[m][r][p].size() == 1 ) {
if( peaks[m][r][p][0] < 1 ){
offset = -peaks[m][r][p][0];
offset = y2 - peaks[m][r][p][0];
if( peaks[m][r][p].size() >= 2 ){
double x1 = peaks[m][r][p][0];
double x2 = peaks[m][r][p].back();
if( x1 < 0.2 ) {
if( x2 < 1.8 ) {
slope = (ya-y1)/(x2-x1);
slope = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1);
offset = y1 - slope * x1;
if( x1 >= 0.2 ) {
// printf("%d %d %d| x1 : %f, ya : %f \n", m, r, p, x1, ya);
slope = (y2-ya)/(x2-x1);
offset = ya - slope * x1;
Ex_org = *Ex/1000.;
mod_C = m;
row_C = r;
pStrip_C = p;
z = *Zmeasured;
thetaCM = *ThetaCM;
Ex_C = slope * (*Ex/1000.) + offset;
dudu[m][r]->Fill(p, Ex_C);
hEx->Fill( *Ex/1000);
if( SAVETREE ) {
if( SAVETREE ) {
printf("============== %llu\n", newTree->GetEntries());
// TCanvas * canvas = new TCanvas("canvas", "canvas", 2100, 1500);
// // haha[0][2][10]->Draw();
// canvas->Divide(3,3);
// canvas->cd(1); dudu[0][0]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(2); dudu[0][1]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(3); dudu[0][2]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(4); dudu[1][0]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(5); dudu[1][1]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(6); dudu[1][2]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(7); dudu[2][0]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(8); dudu[2][1]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(9); dudu[2][2]->Draw("colz");
TCanvas * canvasEx = new TCanvas("canvasEx", "canvasEx", 800, 400);

ex_sub_50keV.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
-0.49750000 11.810265
-0.49250000 20.502277
-0.48750000 10.194973
-0.48250000 14.888348
-0.47750000 0.582401
-0.47250000 7.277138
-0.46750000 18.972553
-0.46250000 20.668644
-0.45750000 0.365417
-0.45250000 11.062874
-0.44750000 8.761005
-0.44250000 12.459820
-0.43750000 -6.840687
-0.43250000 -0.140518
-0.42750000 8.560337
-0.42250000 17.261868
-0.41750000 5.964081
-0.41250000 -1.333031
-0.40750000 7.370541
-0.40250000 15.074791
-0.39750000 -4.220276
-0.39250000 5.485332
-0.38750000 18.191624
-0.38250000 8.898594
-0.37750000 6.606243
-0.37250000 24.314571
-0.36750000 4.023582
-0.36250000 7.733269
-0.35750000 -4.556362
-0.35250000 0.154686
-0.34750000 17.866413
-0.34250000 -5.421177
-0.33750000 1.291908
-0.33250000 7.005676
-0.32750000 19.720123
-0.32250000 0.435249
-0.31750000 18.151058
-0.31250000 11.867542
-0.30750000 2.584709
-0.30250000 9.302555
-0.29750000 16.021080
-0.29250000 13.740284
-0.28750000 4.460171
-0.28250000 14.180733
-0.27750000 -7.098022
-0.27250000 2.623901
-0.26750000 4.346508
-0.26250000 0.069790
-0.25750000 5.793755
-0.25250000 1.518394
-0.24750000 8.243717
-0.24250000 12.969723
-0.23750000 31.696404
-0.23250000 -0.576233
-0.22750000 3.151806
-0.22250000 6.880527
-0.21750000 14.609932
-0.21250000 -1.659988
-0.20750000 12.070770
-0.20250000 26.802212
-0.19750000 22.534332
-0.19250000 21.267132
-0.18750000 42.000610
-0.18250000 32.734772
-0.17750000 44.469612
-0.17250000 62.205132
-0.16750000 46.941330
-0.16250000 60.678207
-0.15750000 69.415764
-0.15250000 77.154007
-0.14750000 67.892921
-0.14250000 108.632523
-0.13750000 113.372795
-0.13250000 132.113754
-0.12750000 185.855392
-0.12250000 169.597702
-0.11750000 189.340698
-0.11250000 238.084381
-0.10750000 267.828735
-0.10250000 292.573761
-0.09750000 358.319489
-0.09250000 408.065887
-0.08750000 396.812958
-0.08250000 467.560699
-0.07750000 515.309143
-0.07250000 494.058258
-0.06750000 580.808044
-0.06250000 609.558533
-0.05750000 688.309692
-0.05250000 684.061523
-0.04750000 704.814026
-0.04250000 823.567200
-0.03750000 812.321106
-0.03250000 822.075623
-0.02750000 849.830872
-0.02250000 850.586792
-0.01750000 868.343384
-0.01250000 951.100647
-0.00750000 941.858582
-0.00250000 975.617188
0.00250000 956.376526
0.00750000 909.136536
0.01250000 894.897217
0.01750000 936.658569
0.02250000 894.420532
0.02750000 873.183289
0.03250000 847.946655
0.03750000 821.710754
0.04250000 774.475464
0.04750000 739.240906
0.05250000 718.007019
0.05750000 747.773804
0.06250000 701.541260
0.06750000 677.309387
0.07250000 625.078247
0.07750000 586.847778
0.08250000 567.617920
0.08750000 532.388794
0.09250000 470.160339
0.09750000 480.932556
0.10250000 460.705475
0.10750000 428.479065
0.11250000 363.253326
0.11750000 345.028259
0.12250000 322.803894
0.12750000 345.580200
0.13250000 269.357178
0.13750000 268.134827
0.14250000 226.913177
0.14750000 219.692200
0.15250000 193.471893
0.15750000 165.252289
0.16250000 169.033356
0.16750000 136.815094
0.17250000 132.597504
0.17750000 118.380608
0.18250000 109.164391
0.18750000 98.948853
0.19250000 74.733994
0.19750000 70.519814
0.20250000 55.306313
0.20750000 46.093491
0.21250000 39.881348
0.21750000 65.669891
0.22250000 42.459106
0.22750000 52.249008
0.23250000 18.039581
0.23750000 31.830841
0.24250000 19.622780
0.24750000 32.415398
0.25250000 10.208694
0.25750000 4.002670
0.26250000 29.797325
0.26750000 25.592659
0.27250000 7.388680
0.27750000 43.185371
0.28250000 31.982750
0.28750000 14.780800
0.29250000 0.579536
0.29750000 24.378952
0.30250000 -3.820953
0.30750000 9.979820
0.31250000 9.781273
0.31750000 -6.416588
0.32250000 17.386223
0.32750000 -1.810287
0.33250000 7.993889
0.33750000 6.798744
0.34250000 8.604271
0.34750000 14.410484
0.35250000 1.217377
0.35750000 2.024948
0.36250000 8.833199
0.36750000 14.642128
0.37250000 9.451744
0.37750000 5.262032
0.38250000 4.072998
0.38750000 -14.115349
0.39250000 -5.303017
0.39750000 0.509995
0.40250000 7.323677
0.40750000 -6.861954
0.41250000 -7.046906
0.41750000 8.768829
0.42250000 -27.414764
0.42750000 2.402321
0.43250000 6.220093
0.43750000 -1.961464
0.44250000 5.857666
0.44750000 -2.322533
0.45250000 10.497955
0.45750000 -14.680878
0.46250000 18.140968
0.46750000 -3.036507
0.47250000 -7.213295
0.47750000 6.610588
0.48250000 -14.564850
0.48750000 -9.739601
0.49250000 9.086319
0.49750000 -18.087074
0.50250000 5.740211
0.50750000 4.568176
0.51250000 2.396820
0.51750000 -9.773857
0.52250000 -7.943855
0.52750000 -2.113174
0.53250000 8.718185
0.53750000 4.550232
0.54250000 -2.617050
0.54750000 12.216354
0.55250000 9.050438
0.55750000 -9.114807
0.56250000 3.720634
0.56750000 21.556755
0.57250000 -15.606445
0.57750000 2.231041
0.58250000 -13.930801
0.58750000 -14.091965
0.59250000 -2.252441
0.59750000 0.587753
0.60250000 4.428635
0.60750000 7.270195
0.61250000 23.112434
0.61750000 -0.044647
0.62250000 5.798950
0.62750000 0.643227
0.63250000 15.488182
0.63750000 9.333817
0.64250000 2.180138
0.64750000 8.027130
0.65250000 22.874809
0.65750000 21.723167
0.66250000 26.572205
0.66750000 40.421913
0.67250000 42.272308
0.67750000 40.123390
0.68250000 38.975143
0.68750000 67.827576
0.69250000 96.680687
0.69750000 80.534485
0.70250000 108.388954
0.70750000 132.244110
0.71250000 166.099945
0.71750000 201.956451
0.72250000 194.813660
0.72750000 251.671524
0.73250000 295.530090
0.73750000 281.389313
0.74250000 334.249207
0.74750000 366.109802
0.75250000 424.971069
0.75750000 416.833038
0.76250000 480.695679
0.76750000 502.558960
0.77250000 529.422974
0.77750000 561.287598
0.78250000 603.152954
0.78750000 650.019043
0.79250000 681.885742
0.79750000 666.753113
0.80250000 721.621155
0.80750000 724.489929
0.81250000 685.359375
0.81750000 745.229492
0.82250000 728.100220
0.82750000 751.971741
0.83250000 736.843872
0.83750000 813.716675
0.84250000 703.590210
0.84750000 786.464355
0.85250000 776.339233
0.85750000 738.214783
0.86250000 786.091003
0.86750000 757.967896
0.87250000 716.845520
0.87750000 702.723755
0.88250000 686.602722
0.88750000 694.482361
0.89250000 664.362671
0.89750000 612.243652
0.90250000 584.125305
0.90750000 618.007629
0.91250000 522.890625
0.91750000 568.774353
0.92250000 534.658752
0.92750000 482.543823
0.93250000 504.429565
0.93750000 417.315979
0.94250000 429.203064
0.94750000 392.090851
0.95250000 352.979309
0.95750000 356.868469
0.96250000 344.758270
0.96750000 277.648773
0.97250000 238.539948
0.97750000 250.431808
0.98250000 246.324341
0.98750000 211.217560
0.99250000 231.111465
0.99750000 190.006042
1.00250000 180.901306
1.00750000 157.797241
1.01250000 124.693863
1.01750000 130.591156
1.02250000 119.489136
1.02750000 114.387794
1.03250000 84.287125
1.03750000 86.187141
1.04250000 63.087837
1.04750000 68.989220
1.05250000 52.891273
1.05750000 60.794006
1.06250000 44.697426
1.06750000 45.601517
1.07250000 25.506294
1.07750000 27.411743
1.08250000 34.317879
1.08750000 31.224693
1.09250000 26.132187
1.09750000 26.040359
1.10250000 12.949211
1.10750000 -0.141251
1.11250000 -6.231041
1.11750000 17.679848
1.12250000 8.591423
1.12750000 11.503677
1.13250000 26.416603
1.13750000 -3.669785
1.14250000 -1.755493
1.14750000 4.159477
1.15250000 2.075127
1.15750000 0.991463
1.16250000 23.908470
1.16750000 2.826157
1.17250000 7.744530
1.17750000 19.663574
1.18250000 9.583305
1.18750000 30.503716
1.19250000 25.424805
1.19750000 31.346573
1.20250000 46.269020
1.20750000 34.192146
1.21250000 47.115952
1.21750000 81.040443
1.22250000 91.965607
1.22750000 83.891457
1.23250000 95.817978
1.23750000 115.745186
1.24250000 98.673073
1.24750000 147.601639
1.25250000 179.530884
1.25750000 161.460815
1.26250000 161.391418
1.26750000 199.322693
1.27250000 252.254669
1.27750000 246.187302
1.28250000 256.120636
1.28750000 284.054626
1.29250000 242.989319
1.29750000 306.924683
1.30250000 304.860718
1.30750000 309.797424
1.31250000 323.734863
1.31750000 308.672913
1.32250000 299.611694
1.32750000 313.551147
1.33250000 354.491241
1.33750000 330.432068
1.34250000 295.373535
1.34750000 309.315674
1.35250000 319.258545
1.35750000 350.202057
1.36250000 322.146240
1.36750000 348.091125
1.37250000 328.036682
1.37750000 328.982941
1.38250000 312.929840
1.38750000 301.877441
1.39250000 282.825714
1.39750000 294.774689
1.40250000 275.724304
1.40750000 287.674622
1.41250000 274.625641
1.41750000 283.577301
1.42250000 259.529663
1.42750000 250.482697
1.43250000 242.436417
1.43750000 249.390808
1.44250000 250.345886
1.44750000 248.301636
1.45250000 235.258087
1.45750000 233.215195
1.46250000 246.172989
1.46750000 206.131470
1.47250000 235.090607
1.47750000 203.050446
1.48250000 252.010956
1.48750000 162.972168
1.49250000 199.934021
1.49750000 213.896576
1.50250000 175.859818
1.50750000 193.823730
1.51250000 172.788315
1.51750000 162.753601
1.52250000 131.719543
1.52750000 149.686172
1.53250000 142.653473
1.53750000 137.621475
1.54250000 145.590149
1.54750000 124.559494
1.55250000 138.529526
1.55750000 117.500237
1.56250000 105.471619
1.56750000 121.443687
1.57250000 102.416443
1.57750000 115.389870
1.58250000 91.363976
1.58750000 83.338760
1.59250000 86.314232
1.59750000 88.290382
1.60250000 67.267204
1.60750000 70.244713
1.61250000 57.222900
1.61750000 51.201767
1.62250000 46.181313
1.62750000 80.161537
1.63250000 58.142441
1.63750000 59.124031
1.64250000 27.106293
1.64750000 51.089241
1.65250000 52.072861
1.65750000 62.057167
1.66250000 47.042152
1.66750000 33.027817
1.67250000 27.014160
1.67750000 9.001183
1.68250000 15.988884
1.68750000 18.977264
1.69250000 3.966331
1.69750000 21.956070
1.70250000 11.946495
1.70750000 21.937599
1.71250000 2.929375
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1.72250000 -0.085022
1.72750000 10.908798
1.73250000 9.903297
1.73750000 -0.101517
1.74250000 15.894341
1.74750000 9.890884
1.75250000 0.888100
1.75750000 5.886002
1.76250000 0.884575
1.76750000 -3.116165
1.77250000 0.883774
1.77750000 28.884392
1.78250000 7.885689
1.78750000 -9.112335
1.79250000 10.890327
1.79750000 32.893661
1.80250000 41.897682
1.80750000 25.902374
1.81250000 30.907753
1.81750000 51.913811
1.82250000 58.920547
1.82750000 70.927963
1.83250000 108.936058
1.83750000 129.944824
1.84250000 135.954285
1.84750000 176.964417
1.85250000 170.975235
1.85750000 182.986725
1.86250000 244.998901
1.86750000 291.011749
1.87250000 359.025269
1.87750000 370.039490
1.88250000 405.054382
1.88750000 480.069977
1.89250000 518.086243
1.89750000 551.103149
1.90250000 613.120728
1.90750000 691.139038
1.91250000 702.158020
1.91750000 767.177673
1.92250000 738.197998
1.92750000 777.218994
1.93250000 815.240723
1.93750000 810.263062
1.94250000 772.286133
1.94750000 796.309875
1.95250000 804.334290
1.95750000 879.359375
1.96250000 899.385132
1.96750000 867.411560
1.97250000 887.438721
1.97750000 896.466492
1.98250000 880.494995
1.98750000 938.524170
1.99250000 873.554016
1.99750000 948.584534
2.00250000 897.615723
2.00750000 874.647644
2.01250000 877.680176
2.01750000 814.713440
2.02250000 925.747375
2.02750000 789.781982
2.03250000 863.817261
2.03750000 751.853210
2.04250000 782.889893
2.04750000 734.927185
2.05250000 727.965210
2.05750000 747.003906
2.06250000 707.043213
2.06750000 599.083252
2.07250000 629.124023
2.07750000 597.165405
2.08250000 568.207520
2.08750000 564.250244
2.09250000 547.293701
2.09750000 495.337830
2.10250000 452.382629
2.10750000 422.428101
2.11250000 430.474243
2.11750000 429.521088
2.12250000 389.568604
2.12750000 380.616821
2.13250000 328.665710
2.13750000 294.715271
2.14250000 294.765503
2.14750000 275.816406
2.15250000 244.868011
2.15750000 238.920288
2.16250000 223.973251
2.16750000 214.026886
2.17250000 185.081207
2.17750000 162.136200
2.18250000 158.191879
2.18750000 152.248230
2.19250000 163.305267
2.19750000 136.362991
2.20250000 131.421387
2.20750000 97.480461
2.21250000 66.540215
2.21750000 78.600655
2.22250000 62.661766
2.22750000 63.723564
2.23250000 65.786034
2.23750000 42.849190
2.24250000 48.913025
2.24750000 54.977539
2.25250000 49.042732
2.25750000 35.108604
2.26250000 54.175156
2.26750000 19.242393
2.27250000 33.310303
2.27750000 22.378899
2.28250000 1.448166
2.28750000 38.518120
2.29250000 8.588753
2.29750000 6.660065
2.30250000 12.732056
2.30750000 -2.195274
2.31250000 -11.121925
2.31750000 9.952103
2.32250000 17.026817
2.32750000 -1.897797
2.33250000 -5.821724
2.33750000 11.255020
2.34250000 3.332451
2.34750000 -2.589439
2.35250000 -8.510651
2.35750000 -3.431183
2.36250000 -24.351036
2.36750000 0.729790
2.37250000 7.811302
2.37750000 -36.106514
2.38250000 -1.023643
2.38750000 -8.940102
2.39250000 7.144127
2.39750000 -7.770966
2.40250000 -10.685379
2.40750000 -3.599113
2.41250000 -5.512169
2.41750000 -16.424545
2.42250000 -7.336243
2.42750000 4.752739
2.43250000 -12.157593
2.43750000 -2.067253
2.44250000 -14.976227
2.44750000 -14.884521
2.45250000 -22.792137
2.45750000 -15.699074
2.46250000 -14.605331
2.46750000 -2.510910
2.47250000 -18.415810
2.47750000 -10.320030
2.48250000 -16.223564
2.48750000 -26.126427
2.49250000 -28.028603
2.49750000 -12.930099
2.50250000 -17.830925
2.50750000 -30.731064
2.51250000 -16.630524
2.51750000 -17.529305
2.52250000 -14.427399
2.52750000 -15.324821
2.53250000 -12.221565
2.53750000 -8.117622
2.54250000 -4.013008
2.54750000 -6.907707
2.55250000 -17.801727
2.55750000 -31.695068
2.56250000 -7.587738
2.56750000 -21.479713
2.57250000 -0.371017
2.57750000 -5.261642
2.58250000 -16.151588
2.58750000 -15.040848
2.59250000 6.070564
2.59750000 -8.817337
2.60250000 -21.704567
2.60750000 -7.591110
2.61250000 -13.476974
2.61750000 -23.362160
2.62250000 -14.246666
2.62750000 -15.130493
2.63250000 -1.013634
2.63750000 -19.896103
2.64250000 -5.777893
2.64750000 -1.658997
2.65250000 -14.539421
2.65750000 12.580826
2.66250000 9.701759
2.66750000 -12.176628
2.67250000 3.945663
2.67750000 20.068634
2.68250000 30.192291
2.68750000 10.316620
2.69250000 6.441628
2.69750000 10.567322
2.70250000 12.693687
2.70750000 9.820740
2.71250000 26.948471
2.71750000 29.076881
2.72250000 27.205971
2.72750000 21.335739
2.73250000 36.466187
2.73750000 58.597313
2.74250000 14.729126
2.74750000 35.861610
2.75250000 47.994781
2.75750000 40.128624
2.76250000 40.263153
2.76750000 56.398361
2.77250000 52.534248
2.77750000 39.670815
2.78250000 38.808060
2.78750000 38.945984
2.79250000 29.084595
2.79750000 66.223877
2.80250000 40.363838
2.80750000 19.504486
2.81250000 57.645813
2.81750000 35.787811
2.82250000 46.930496
2.82750000 61.073860
2.83250000 26.217903
2.83750000 20.362633
2.84250000 39.508034
2.84750000 44.654114
2.85250000 34.800880
2.85750000 42.948318
2.86250000 48.096443
2.86750000 39.245247
2.87250000 32.394722
2.87750000 31.544884
2.88250000 42.695724
2.88750000 55.847252
2.89250000 33.999451
2.89750000 58.152328
2.90250000 18.305885
2.90750000 28.460129
2.91250000 24.615051
2.91750000 29.770645
2.92250000 16.926926
2.92750000 26.083885
2.93250000 23.241524
2.93750000 14.399841
2.94250000 18.558838
2.94750000 32.718513
2.95250000 12.878876
2.95750000 23.039909
2.96250000 1.201630
2.96750000 4.364021
2.97250000 7.527100
2.97750000 4.690857
2.98250000 10.855293
2.98750000 1.020409
2.99250000 -2.813797
2.99750000 4.352676
3.00250000 12.519836
3.00750000 20.687668
3.01250000 -8.143822
3.01750000 -5.974625
3.02250000 -11.804749
3.02750000 -1.634201
3.03250000 8.537033
3.03750000 -6.291054
3.04250000 -21.118462
3.04750000 -5.945183
3.05250000 -6.771233
3.05750000 -5.596603
3.06250000 -11.421288
3.06750000 -9.245300
3.07250000 5.931374
3.07750000 -6.891273
3.08250000 -9.713249
3.08750000 -6.534538
3.09250000 -16.355148
3.09750000 -1.175079
3.10250000 1.005676
3.10750000 -8.812897
3.11250000 0.369209
3.11750000 -10.447998
3.12250000 -7.264534
3.12750000 5.919617
3.13250000 -2.895554
3.13750000 2.289955
3.14250000 0.476143
3.14750000 -10.336990
3.15250000 -2.149445
3.15750000 -6.961220
3.16250000 -1.772308
3.16750000 -14.582726
3.17250000 3.607544
3.17750000 14.798485
3.18250000 -1.009888
3.18750000 -9.817581
3.19250000 -18.624596
3.19750000 8.569069
3.20250000 -15.236588
3.20750000 -5.041565
3.21250000 5.154137
3.21750000 -11.649475
3.22250000 -6.452415
3.22750000 -7.254669
3.23250000 -12.056252
3.23750000 -15.857147
3.24250000 -20.657364
3.24750000 -3.456902
3.25250000 1.744240
3.25750000 -6.053940
3.26250000 -11.851440
3.26750000 10.351746
3.27250000 -2.444397
3.27750000 0.760147
3.28250000 -10.034637
3.28750000 -2.828735
3.29250000 -8.622154
3.29750000 6.585106
3.30250000 -13.206955
3.30750000 1.001663
3.31250000 -3.789040
3.31750000 -0.579056
3.32250000 -3.368401
3.32750000 -2.157066
3.33250000 0.054955
3.33750000 12.267654
3.34250000 5.481026
3.34750000 14.695084
3.35250000 3.909821
3.35750000 4.125237
3.36250000 0.341331
3.36750000 7.558113
3.37250000 -6.224434
3.37750000 -8.006302
3.38250000 2.212517
3.38750000 5.432014
3.39250000 -5.347816
3.39750000 12.873039
3.40250000 -1.905426
3.40750000 2.316788
3.41250000 -1.460320
3.41750000 -6.236748
3.42250000 -18.012489
3.42750000 5.212440
3.43250000 13.438057
3.43750000 0.664345
3.44250000 -5.108681
3.44750000 0.118973
3.45250000 9.347298
3.45750000 -3.423691
3.46250000 2.806000
3.46750000 10.036377
3.47250000 1.267426
3.47750000 11.499153
3.48250000 10.731567
3.48750000 11.964653
3.49250000 -0.801575
3.49750000 2.432877

ex_sub_50keV_2.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
-0.49750000 3.216999
-0.49250000 11.968987
-0.48750000 1.721531
-0.48250000 6.474644
-0.47750000 -7.771683
-0.47250000 -1.017445
-0.46750000 10.737358
-0.46250000 12.492722
-0.45750000 -7.751350
-0.45250000 3.005142
-0.44750000 0.762196
-0.44250000 4.519814
-0.43750000 -14.722004
-0.43250000 -7.963257
-0.42750000 0.796051
-0.42250000 9.555923
-0.41750000 -1.683643
-0.41250000 -8.922646
-0.40750000 -0.161083
-0.40250000 7.601044
-0.39750000 -11.636269
-0.39250000 -1.873016
-0.38750000 10.890800
-0.38250000 1.655178
-0.37750000 -0.579880
-0.37250000 17.185627
-0.36750000 -3.048306
-0.36250000 0.718327
-0.35750000 -11.514477
-0.35250000 -6.746716
-0.34750000 11.021606
-0.34250000 -12.209507
-0.33750000 -5.440060
-0.33250000 0.329952
-0.32750000 13.100529
-0.32250000 -6.128330
-0.31750000 11.643372
-0.31250000 5.415638
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-0.30250000 2.961861
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-0.29250000 7.510338
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-0.28250000 8.061066
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-0.27250000 -3.385948
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-0.26250000 -5.830711
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-0.25250000 -4.273224
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-0.18250000 27.692310
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-0.17250000 57.267826
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-0.16250000 55.845596
-0.15750000 64.635330
-0.15250000 72.425629
-0.14750000 63.216484
-0.14250000 104.007904
-0.13750000 108.799889
-0.13250000 127.592438
-0.12750000 181.385559
-0.12250000 165.179230
-0.11750000 184.973465
-0.11250000 233.768265
-0.10750000 263.563629
-0.10250000 288.359558
-0.09750000 354.156067
-0.09250000 403.953094
-0.08750000 392.750732
-0.08250000 463.548889
-0.07750000 511.347656
-0.07250000 490.146973
-0.06750000 576.946838
-0.06250000 605.747253
-0.05750000 684.548279
-0.05250000 680.349854
-0.04750000 701.151978
-0.04250000 819.954651
-0.03750000 808.757874
-0.03250000 818.561707
-0.02750000 846.366089
-0.02250000 847.171021
-0.01750000 864.976562
-0.01250000 947.782593
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0.01750000 933.630859
0.02250000 891.440857
0.02750000 870.251465
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0.04750000 736.499390
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0.05750000 745.126709
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0.06750000 674.756348
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0.07750000 584.388184
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0.08750000 530.022278
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0.09750000 478.658661
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0.10750000 426.297302
0.11250000 361.117432
0.11750000 342.938171
0.12250000 320.759430
0.12750000 343.581299
0.13250000 267.403687
0.13750000 266.226654
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0.14750000 217.874298
0.15250000 191.698944
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0.27750000 42.498581
0.28250000 31.337891
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0.35750000 1.995125
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0.51250000 3.555122
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0.52250000 -6.712738
0.52750000 -0.845825
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0.53750000 5.889694
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0.55250000 10.497200
0.55750000 -7.632507
0.56250000 5.238350
0.56750000 23.109772
0.57250000 -14.018242
0.57750000 3.854309
0.58250000 -12.272583
0.58750000 -12.398903
0.59250000 -0.524666
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0.60250000 6.225502
0.60750000 9.101433
0.61250000 24.977921
0.61750000 1.854980
0.62250000 7.732597
0.62750000 2.610779
0.63250000 17.489525
0.63750000 11.368835
0.64250000 4.248711
0.64750000 10.129143
0.65250000 25.010147
0.65750000 23.891708
0.66250000 28.773834
0.66750000 42.656525
0.67250000 44.539772
0.67750000 42.423592
0.68250000 41.307968
0.68750000 70.192917
0.69250000 99.078423
0.69750000 82.964493
0.70250000 110.851120
0.70750000 134.738312
0.71250000 168.626083
0.71750000 204.514404
0.72250000 197.403290
0.72750000 254.292740
0.73250000 298.182739
0.73750000 284.073334
0.74250000 336.964478
0.74750000 368.856171
0.75250000 427.748444
0.75750000 419.641266
0.76250000 483.534668
0.76750000 505.428619
0.77250000 532.323120
0.77750000 564.218262
0.78250000 606.113892
0.78750000 653.010071
0.79250000 684.906860
0.79750000 669.804199
0.80250000 724.702087
0.80750000 727.600586
0.81250000 688.499573
0.81750000 748.399170
0.82250000 731.299316
0.82750000 755.200073
0.83250000 740.101318
0.83750000 817.003174
0.84250000 706.905579
0.84750000 789.808594
0.85250000 779.712097
0.85750000 741.616211
0.86250000 789.520874
0.86750000 761.426086
0.87250000 720.331848
0.87750000 706.238220
0.88250000 690.145142
0.88750000 698.052612
0.89250000 667.960632
0.89750000 615.869263
0.90250000 587.778442
0.90750000 621.688171
0.91250000 526.598450
0.91750000 572.509338
0.92250000 538.420715
0.92750000 486.332733
0.93250000 508.245270
0.93750000 421.158386
0.94250000 433.072052
0.94750000 395.986298
0.95250000 356.901093
0.95750000 360.816467
0.96250000 348.732391
0.96750000 281.648895
0.97250000 242.565948
0.97750000 254.483566
0.98250000 250.401749
0.98750000 215.320496
0.99250000 235.239807
0.99750000 194.159668
1.00250000 185.080109
1.00750000 162.001114
1.01250000 128.922668
1.01750000 134.844803
1.02250000 123.767494
1.02750000 118.690742
1.03250000 88.614563
1.03750000 90.538940
1.04250000 67.463882
1.04750000 73.389389
1.05250000 57.315460
1.05750000 65.242096
1.06250000 49.169289
1.06750000 50.097054
1.07250000 30.025375
1.07750000 31.954262
1.08250000 38.883713
1.08750000 35.813728
1.09250000 30.744308
1.09750000 30.675446
1.10250000 17.607147
1.10750000 4.539413
1.11250000 -1.527756
1.11750000 22.405640
1.12250000 13.339600
1.12750000 16.274117
1.13250000 31.209206
1.13750000 1.144852
1.14250000 3.081062
1.14750000 9.017838
1.15250000 6.955177
1.15750000 5.893074
1.16250000 28.831543
1.16750000 7.770569
1.17250000 12.710159
1.17750000 24.650314
1.18250000 14.591034
1.18750000 35.532318
1.19250000 30.474159
1.19750000 36.416565
1.20250000 51.359543
1.20750000 39.303078
1.21250000 52.247177
1.21750000 86.191833
1.22250000 97.137062
1.22750000 89.082848
1.23250000 101.029198
1.23750000 120.976120
1.24250000 103.923599
1.24750000 152.871643
1.25250000 184.820251
1.25750000 166.769409
1.26250000 166.719147
1.26750000 204.669434
1.27250000 257.620300
1.27750000 251.571716
1.28250000 261.523712
1.28750000 289.476257
1.29250000 248.429367
1.29750000 312.383057
1.30250000 310.337280
1.30750000 315.292084
1.31250000 329.247437
1.31750000 314.203369
1.32250000 305.159882
1.32750000 319.116943
1.33250000 360.074554
1.33750000 336.032745
1.34250000 300.991486
1.34750000 314.950806
1.35250000 324.910675
1.35750000 355.871094
1.36250000 327.832092
1.36750000 353.793671
1.37250000 333.755798
1.37750000 334.718475
1.38250000 318.681732
1.38750000 307.645569
1.39250000 288.609924
1.39750000 300.574890
1.40250000 281.540375
1.40750000 293.506470
1.41250000 280.473083
1.41750000 289.440277
1.42250000 265.408051
1.42750000 256.376373
1.43250000 248.345245
1.43750000 255.314697
1.44250000 256.284729
1.44750000 254.255295
1.45250000 241.226440
1.45750000 239.198151
1.46250000 252.170410
1.46750000 212.143250
1.47250000 241.116638
1.47750000 209.090591
1.48250000 258.065125
1.48750000 169.040192
1.49250000 206.015839
1.49750000 219.992065
1.50250000 181.968842
1.50750000 199.946167
1.51250000 178.924072
1.51750000 168.902542
1.52250000 137.881561
1.52750000 155.861160
1.53250000 148.841309
1.53750000 143.822021
1.54250000 151.803314
1.54750000 130.785156
1.55250000 144.767578
1.55750000 123.750542
1.56250000 111.734077
1.56750000 127.718178
1.57250000 108.702835
1.57750000 121.688065
1.58250000 97.673851
1.58750000 89.660202
1.59250000 92.647118
1.59750000 94.634598
1.60250000 73.622643
1.60750000 76.611244
1.61250000 63.600418
1.61750000 57.590149
1.62250000 52.580444
1.62750000 86.571304
1.63250000 64.562729
1.63750000 65.554710
1.64250000 33.547264
1.64750000 57.540375
1.65250000 58.534050
1.65750000 68.528290
1.66250000 53.523094
1.66750000 39.518463
1.67250000 33.514389
1.67750000 15.510880
1.68250000 22.507942
1.68750000 25.505562
1.69250000 10.503746
1.69750000 28.502487
1.70250000 18.501801
1.70750000 28.501671
1.71250000 9.502106
1.71750000 7.503113
1.72250000 6.504677
1.72750000 17.506798
1.73250000 16.509491
1.73750000 6.512741
1.74250000 22.516563
1.74750000 16.520943
1.75250000 7.525887
1.75750000 12.531395
1.76250000 7.537468
1.76750000 3.544098
1.77250000 7.551292
1.77750000 35.559059
1.78250000 14.567383
1.78750000 -2.423729
1.79250000 17.585716
1.79750000 39.595734
1.80250000 48.606316
1.80750000 32.617455
1.81250000 37.629158
1.81750000 58.641426
1.82250000 65.654259
1.82750000 77.667648
1.83250000 115.681610
1.83750000 136.696136
1.84250000 142.711212
1.84750000 183.726868
1.85250000 177.743073
1.85750000 189.759857
1.86250000 251.777191
1.86750000 297.795105
1.87250000 365.813538
1.87750000 376.832581
1.88250000 411.852173
1.88750000 486.872314
1.89250000 524.893066
1.89750000 557.914307
1.90250000 619.936157
1.90750000 697.958618
1.91250000 708.981567
1.91750000 774.005127
1.92250000 745.029175
1.92750000 784.053833
1.93250000 822.079102
1.93750000 817.104858
1.94250000 779.131226
1.94750000 803.158142
1.95250000 811.185608
1.95750000 886.213684
1.96250000 906.242249
1.96750000 874.271423
1.97250000 894.301147
1.97750000 903.331482
1.98250000 887.362305
1.98750000 945.393738
1.99250000 880.425720
1.99750000 955.458252
2.00250000 904.491394
2.00750000 881.525085
2.01250000 884.559326
2.01750000 821.594116
2.02250000 932.629517
2.02750000 796.665405
2.03250000 870.701904
2.03750000 758.738953
2.04250000 789.776611
2.04750000 741.814758
2.05250000 734.853516
2.05750000 753.892822
2.06250000 713.932678
2.06750000 605.973145
2.07250000 636.014160
2.07750000 604.055725
2.08250000 575.097839
2.08750000 571.140503
2.09250000 554.183777
2.09750000 502.227600
2.10250000 459.271973
2.10750000 429.316925
2.11250000 437.362427
2.11750000 436.408508
2.12250000 396.455139
2.12750000 387.502319
2.13250000 335.550079
2.13750000 301.598419
2.14250000 301.647308
2.14750000 282.696747
2.15250000 251.746765
2.15750000 245.797348
2.16250000 230.848480
2.16750000 220.900192
2.17250000 191.952454
2.17750000 169.005295
2.18250000 165.058685
2.18750000 159.112640
2.19250000 170.167175
2.19750000 143.222260
2.20250000 138.277893
2.20750000 104.334114
2.21250000 73.390884
2.21750000 85.448227
2.22250000 69.506126
2.22750000 70.564590
2.23250000 72.623619
2.23750000 49.683212
2.24250000 55.743370
2.24750000 61.804092
2.25250000 55.865372
2.25750000 41.927216
2.26250000 60.989624
2.26750000 26.052597
2.27250000 40.116135
2.27750000 29.180237
2.28250000 8.244896
2.28750000 45.310120
2.29250000 15.375916
2.29750000 13.442268
2.30250000 19.509178
2.30750000 4.576660
2.31250000 -4.355293
2.31750000 16.713310
2.32250000 23.782478
2.32750000 4.852211
2.33250000 0.922508
2.33750000 17.993370
2.34250000 10.064796
2.34750000 4.136780
2.35250000 -1.790672
2.35750000 3.282440
2.36250000 -17.643883
2.36750000 7.430359
2.37250000 14.505165
2.37750000 -29.419472
2.38250000 5.656464
2.38750000 -2.267044
2.39250000 13.810013
2.39750000 -1.112366
2.40250000 -4.034180
2.40750000 3.044563
2.41250000 1.123871
2.41750000 -9.796249
2.42250000 -0.715813
2.42750000 11.365189
2.43250000 -5.553246
2.43750000 4.528877
2.44250000 -8.388428
2.44750000 -8.305176
2.45250000 -16.221359
2.45750000 -9.136978
2.46250000 -8.052032
2.46750000 4.033478
2.47250000 -11.880455
2.47750000 -3.793816
2.48250000 -9.706619
2.48750000 -19.618858
2.49250000 -21.530533
2.49750000 -6.441643
2.50250000 -11.352196
2.50750000 -24.262177
2.51250000 -10.171600
2.51750000 -11.080460
2.52250000 -7.988754
2.52750000 -8.896484
2.53250000 -5.803658
2.53750000 -1.710258
2.54250000 2.383698
2.54750000 -0.521774
2.55250000 -11.426689
2.55750000 -25.331047
2.56250000 -1.234833
2.56750000 -15.138054
2.57250000 5.959282
2.57750000 1.057182
2.58250000 -9.844353
2.58750000 -8.745323
2.59250000 12.354271
2.59750000 -2.545570
2.60250000 -15.444855
2.60750000 -1.343567
2.61250000 -7.241722
2.61750000 -17.139313
2.62250000 -8.036339
2.62750000 -8.932808
2.63250000 5.171295
2.63750000 -13.724045
2.64250000 0.381187
2.64750000 4.486977
2.65250000 -8.406677
2.65750000 18.700241
2.66250000 15.807724
2.66750000 -6.084236
2.67250000 10.024376
2.67750000 26.133545
2.68250000 36.243279
2.68750000 16.353577
2.69250000 12.464432
2.69750000 16.575859
2.70250000 18.687843
2.70750000 15.800392
2.71250000 32.913506
2.71750000 35.027184
2.72250000 33.141426
2.72750000 27.256226
2.73250000 42.371597
2.73750000 64.487526
2.74250000 20.604019
2.74750000 41.721077
2.75250000 53.838699
2.75750000 45.956886
2.76250000 46.075630
2.76750000 62.194939
2.77250000 58.314819
2.77750000 45.435257
2.78250000 44.556252
2.78750000 44.677818
2.79250000 34.799950
2.79750000 71.922638
2.80250000 46.045891
2.80750000 25.169708
2.81250000 63.294090
2.81750000 41.419037
2.82250000 52.544548
2.82750000 66.670616
2.83250000 31.797249
2.83750000 25.924454
2.84250000 45.052216
2.84750000 50.180534
2.85250000 40.309425
2.85750000 48.438881
2.86250000 53.568893
2.86750000 44.699471
2.87250000 37.830612
2.87750000 36.962318
2.88250000 48.094589
2.88750000 61.227417
2.89250000 39.360817
2.89750000 63.494774
2.90250000 23.629295
2.90750000 33.764381
2.91250000 29.900032
2.91750000 35.036247
2.92250000 22.173019
2.92750000 31.310356
2.93250000 28.448265
2.93750000 19.586731
2.94250000 23.725754
2.94750000 37.865349
2.95250000 18.005508
2.95750000 28.146225
2.96250000 6.287506
2.96750000 9.429352
2.97250000 12.571762
2.97750000 9.714737
2.98250000 15.858276
2.98750000 6.002373
2.99250000 2.147041
2.99750000 9.292267
3.00250000 17.438057
3.00750000 25.584404
3.01250000 -3.268677
3.01750000 -1.121193
3.02250000 -6.973152
3.02750000 3.175453
3.03250000 13.324623
3.03750000 -1.525642
3.04250000 -16.375343
3.04750000 -1.224480
3.05250000 -2.073059
3.05750000 -0.921074
3.06250000 -6.768524
3.06750000 -4.615410
3.07250000 10.538269
3.07750000 -2.307487
3.08250000 -5.152687
3.08750000 -1.997314
3.09250000 -11.841385
3.09750000 3.315109
3.10250000 5.472168
3.10750000 -4.370216
3.11250000 4.787971
3.11750000 -6.053284
3.12250000 -2.893967
3.12750000 10.265907
3.13250000 1.426346
3.13750000 6.587341
3.14250000 4.748909
3.14750000 -6.088966
3.15250000 2.073730
3.15750000 -2.763016
3.16250000 2.400803
3.16750000 -10.434814
3.17250000 7.730125
3.17750000 18.895638
3.18250000 3.061707
3.18750000 -5.771660
3.19250000 -14.604454
3.19750000 12.563301
3.20250000 -11.268372
3.20750000 -1.099480
3.21250000 9.069969
3.21750000 -7.760017
3.22250000 -2.589432
3.22750000 -3.418289
3.23250000 -8.246590
3.23750000 -12.074318
3.24250000 -16.901489
3.24750000 0.271912
3.25250000 5.445869
3.25750000 -2.379608
3.26250000 -8.204521
3.26750000 13.971130
3.27250000 1.147339
3.27750000 4.324120
3.28250000 -6.498543
3.28750000 0.679359
3.29250000 -5.142174
3.29750000 10.036858
3.30250000 -9.783554
3.30750000 4.396606
3.31250000 -0.422676
3.31750000 2.758606
3.32250000 -0.059547
3.32750000 1.122864
3.33250000 3.305840
3.33750000 15.489372
3.34250000 8.673477
3.34750000 17.858139
3.35250000 7.043365
3.35750000 7.229156
3.36250000 3.415512
3.36750000 10.602425
3.37250000 -3.210091
3.37750000 -5.022049
3.38250000 5.166557
3.38750000 8.355728
3.39250000 -2.454536
3.39750000 15.735756
3.40250000 0.926620
3.40750000 5.118042
3.41250000 1.310028
3.41750000 -3.497421
3.42250000 -15.304306
3.42750000 7.889374
3.43250000 16.083618
3.43750000 3.278419
3.44250000 -2.526215
3.44750000 2.669716
3.45250000 11.866211
3.45750000 -0.936729
3.46250000 5.260895
3.46750000 12.459076
3.47250000 3.657829
3.47750000 13.857140
3.48250000 13.057014
3.48750000 14.257454
3.49250000 1.458450
3.49750000 4.660019

fit_result.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

getPeaks.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TH2F.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TTreeReader.h"
#include "AutoFit.C"
// mod = 0, 1, 2
// row = 1, 2, 3
// pstrip = 0 - 127
#define MAXMOD 3
#define MAXROW 3
#define MAXPStrip 128
const double ExRange[2] = {-0.5, 2.5};
const double ExRel = 0.05; //MeV
TH1F * haha[3][3][128];
TH2F * dudu[3][3];
TH1F * hEx;
void getPeaks(){
TFile * file = new TFile("R9-172_summed_tree.root");
TTree * tree = (TTree *) file->Get("rxtree");
const int nBin = (ExRange[1] - ExRange[0])/ExRel;
for( int i = 0; i < MAXMOD; i++ ){
for( int j = 0; j < MAXROW; j++ ){
dudu[i][j] = new TH2F(Form("dudu_%d%d", i, j+1), Form("%d-%d; pStrip; Ex", i, j+1), 128, 0, 128, nBin, ExRange[0], ExRange[1]);
for( int p = 0; p < MAXPStrip; p ++ ){
haha[i][j][p] = new TH1F(Form("h_%d%d_%d", i, j+1, p), Form("%d-%d-%d", i, j+1, p), nBin, ExRange[0], ExRange[1]);
hEx = new TH1F("hEx", "Ex", 10*nBin, ExRange[0], ExRange[1]);
TTreeReader reader(tree);
TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> Ex = {reader, "Ex"};
TTreeReaderValue<Int_t> mod = {reader, "mod"};
TTreeReaderValue<Int_t> row = {reader, "row"};
TTreeReaderValue<Int_t> pStrip = {reader, "pstrip"};
TTreeReaderValue<Int_t> ebis = {reader, "ebis_on"};
while( reader.Next() ){
if( *ebis == 0 ) continue;
if( *row == 0 ) continue;
int m = *mod;
int r = *row -1;
int p = *pStrip;
// printf("%d %d %d | %f\n", m, r, p, *Ex/1000.);
dudu[m][r]->Fill(p, *Ex/1000);
hEx->Fill( *Ex/1000);
// TCanvas * canvas = new TCanvas("canvas", "canvas", 2100, 1500);
// haha[0][2][10]->Draw();
// canvas->Divide(3,3);
// canvas->cd(1); dudu[0][0]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(2); dudu[0][1]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(3); dudu[0][2]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(4); dudu[1][0]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(5); dudu[1][1]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(6); dudu[1][2]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(7); dudu[2][0]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(8); dudu[2][1]->Draw("colz");
// canvas->cd(9); dudu[2][2]->Draw("colz");
// hEx->Draw();
// FILE * outList = fopen("fit_result.txt", "w");
// for( int i = 0; i < MAXMOD; i ++ ){
// printf("############################## mod:%d\n", i);
// for( int j = 0; j < MAXROW; j++ ){
// printf("============================== row:%d\n",j);
// for( int k = 0; k < MAXPStrip; k ++ ){
// if( j == 0 && k < 30 ) continue;
// std::vector<double> exList = fitAuto(haha[i][j][k], -1, 0.1, 0.13, 3);
// fprintf(outList, "%d %d %3d", i, j+1, k);
// for( size_t p = 0; p < exList.size(); p++ ) {
// if( 1.8 > exList[p] && exList[p] > 1.2 ) continue;
// fprintf(outList, " %6.3f", exList[p]);
// }
// fprintf(outList, "\n");
// // printf("%3d |", k);
// // for( size_t p = 0; p < exList.size(); p++ ) printf(" %.3f", exList[p]);
// // printf("\n");
// }
// }
// }
// fclose(outList);

raw_ex_50keV.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
-0.49750000 52.000000
-0.49250000 61.000000
-0.48750000 51.000000
-0.48250000 56.000000
-0.47750000 42.000000
-0.47250000 49.000000
-0.46750000 61.000000
-0.46250000 63.000000
-0.45750000 43.000000
-0.45250000 54.000000
-0.44750000 52.000000
-0.44250000 56.000000
-0.43750000 37.000000
-0.43250000 44.000000
-0.42750000 53.000000
-0.42250000 62.000000
-0.41750000 51.000000
-0.41250000 44.000000
-0.40750000 53.000000
-0.40250000 61.000000
-0.39750000 42.000000
-0.39250000 52.000000
-0.38750000 65.000000
-0.38250000 56.000000
-0.37750000 54.000000
-0.37250000 72.000000
-0.36750000 52.000000
-0.36250000 56.000000
-0.35750000 44.000000
-0.35250000 49.000000
-0.34750000 67.000000
-0.34250000 44.000000
-0.33750000 51.000000
-0.33250000 57.000000
-0.32750000 70.000000
-0.32250000 51.000000
-0.31750000 69.000000
-0.31250000 63.000000
-0.30750000 54.000000
-0.30250000 61.000000
-0.29750000 68.000000
-0.29250000 66.000000
-0.28750000 57.000000
-0.28250000 67.000000
-0.27750000 46.000000
-0.27250000 56.000000
-0.26750000 58.000000
-0.26250000 54.000000
-0.25750000 60.000000
-0.25250000 56.000000
-0.24750000 63.000000
-0.24250000 68.000000
-0.23750000 87.000000
-0.23250000 55.000000
-0.22750000 59.000000
-0.22250000 63.000000
-0.21750000 71.000000
-0.21250000 55.000000
-0.20750000 69.000000
-0.20250000 84.000000
-0.19750000 80.000000
-0.19250000 79.000000
-0.18750000 100.000000
-0.18250000 91.000000
-0.17750000 103.000000
-0.17250000 121.000000
-0.16750000 106.000000
-0.16250000 120.000000
-0.15750000 129.000000
-0.15250000 137.000000
-0.14750000 128.000000
-0.14250000 169.000000
-0.13750000 174.000000
-0.13250000 193.000000
-0.12750000 247.000000
-0.12250000 231.000000
-0.11750000 251.000000
-0.11250000 300.000000
-0.10750000 330.000000
-0.10250000 355.000000
-0.09750000 421.000000
-0.09250000 471.000000
-0.08750000 460.000000
-0.08250000 531.000000
-0.07750000 579.000000
-0.07250000 558.000000
-0.06750000 645.000000
-0.06250000 674.000000
-0.05750000 753.000000
-0.05250000 749.000000
-0.04750000 770.000000
-0.04250000 889.000000
-0.03750000 878.000000
-0.03250000 888.000000
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