#!/usr/bin/python3 import IsegLibrary as iseg import os import datetime import csv import socket import sys import time import influxdb_client from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient, Point, WritePrecision from influxdb_client.client.write_api import SYNCHRONOUS, ASYNCHRONOUS #------ database try: with open('ISEG_TOKEN.txt', 'r') as f: token = f.readline() except: print("Error: ISEG_TOKEN.txt file not found.") token = None # Or assign a default value if needed org = "FSUFoxLab" ip = "https://fsunuc.physics.fsu.edu/influx/" write_client = influxdb_client.InfluxDBClient(url=ip, token=token, org=org) bucket = "ISEG" write_api = write_client.write_api(write_options=ASYNCHRONOUS) #assign a port, to prevent the script run mulitple time s = socket.socket() host = socket.gethostname() port = 4305 s.bind((host,port)) nArg = len(sys.argv) if nArg > 1 : IP = sys.argv[1] else : IP = input('Mpod IP address to connect : ') #Sergio MPOD #ANASEN MPOD databaseIP="" pushToDB = False #===================== GUI mpod = iseg.Mpod(IP) if mpod.isConnected == False: exit() chList = mpod.GetChList() hvList = mpod.GetAllHV() # get all V iList = mpod.GetAllCurrent() # get all current outVList = mpod.GetAllOutputHV() outIList = mpod.GetAllLC() onOffList = mpod.GetAllOnOff() modChList = iseg.SplitChList(chList) nMod = len(modChList) nChPerMod = [] for k in range(0, nMod): nChPerMod.append(len(modChList[k])) nChannel = len(chList) updateTime = 3 #sec # print(onOffList) from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QPushButton, QCheckBox, QLineEdit, QLabel, QVBoxLayout, QWidget, QTabWidget, QGridLayout, QMessageBox, QFileDialog, QProgressBar from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt, QThread, QTimer, QObject, pyqtSignal from functools import partial ColStrList = ["Name", "Ch", 'On/Off', "Set V [V]", "Set I [mA]", "Out V [V]", "Out I [uA]"] class MyWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle("Iseg Controller (" + str(IP) + ")") self.setGeometry(100, 100, 500, 200) widget = QWidget() layout = QVBoxLayout() widget.setLayout(layout) self.setCentralWidget(widget) self.txtName = [[QLineEdit() for _ in range(rows)] for rows in nChPerMod] self.txtV = [[QLineEdit() for _ in range(rows)] for rows in nChPerMod] self.txtI = [[QLineEdit() for _ in range(rows)] for rows in nChPerMod] self.txtVOut = [[QLineEdit() for _ in range(rows)] for rows in nChPerMod] self.txtIOut = [[QLineEdit() for _ in range(rows)] for rows in nChPerMod] self.chkON = [[QCheckBox() for _ in range(rows)] for rows in nChPerMod] self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.updateTimer) # self.time = 0 self.timer.start(updateTime*1000) #=========== database and refresh time gLayout = QGridLayout() layout.addLayout(gLayout) lbIP = QLabel("Database IP : ", self) lbIP.setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignRight) gLayout.addWidget(lbIP, 0, 0) self.txtIP = QLineEdit(self) self.txtIP.setText("") self.txtIP.textChanged.connect(partial(self.TextChange, self.txtIP)) self.txtIP.returnPressed.connect(partial(self.UnSetTextColor, self.txtIP)) gLayout.addWidget(self.txtIP, 0, 1) self.chkDB = QCheckBox("Enable", self) gLayout.addWidget(self.chkDB, 0, 2) if token == None: self.txtIP.setEnabled(False) self.chkDB.setEnabled(False) lb1 = QLabel("Refresh period [sec] :", self) lb1.setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignRight) gLayout.addWidget(lb1, 1, 0) self.txtRefresh = QLineEdit(self) self.txtRefresh.setText(str(updateTime)) self.txtRefresh.textChanged.connect(partial(self.TextChange, self.txtRefresh)) self.txtRefresh.returnPressed.connect(self.SetTimer) self.txtRefresh.returnPressed.connect(partial(self.UnSetTextColor, self.txtRefresh)) gLayout.addWidget(self.txtRefresh, 1, 1) self.AllChkOff = QPushButton("Switch all channels off.") gLayout.addWidget(self.AllChkOff, 2, 1) self.AllChkOff.clicked.connect(partial(self.SetAllOnOff)) #=========== set tab self.tabWidget = QTabWidget(self) layout.addWidget(self.tabWidget) for k in range(0, nMod): tab = QWidget(self) layout_tab = QGridLayout() layout_tab.setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignTop) tab.setLayout(layout_tab) for index, lb in enumerate(ColStrList): qlb = QLabel(lb, tab) layout_tab.addWidget(qlb, 0, index) initRow = 1 for i, a in enumerate(modChList[k]) : for j, lb in enumerate(ColStrList) : #------------ name if j == 0: layout_tab.addWidget(self.txtName[k][i], initRow + i, j) #------------ Ch if j == 1: qlb = QLabel(str(a - 100*k), tab) layout_tab.addWidget(qlb, initRow + i, j, alignment=Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter) #------------ On/Off if j == 2: if onOffList[sum(nChPerMod[:k]) + i] == 0 : self.chkON[k][i].setChecked(False) if onOffList[sum(nChPerMod[:k]) + i] == 1 : self.chkON[k][i].setChecked(True) if onOffList[sum(nChPerMod[:k]) + i] == 3 : self.chkON[k][i].setChecked(False) self.chkON[k][i].setStyleSheet("background-color: red;") layout_tab.addWidget(self.chkON[k][i], initRow + i, j, alignment=Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter) self.chkON[k][i].clicked.connect(partial(self.SetOnOff, k, i)) #------------ V set if j == 3: self.txtV[k][i].setText(str(hvList[sum(nChPerMod[:k]) + i])) self.txtV[k][i].setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignRight) layout_tab.addWidget(self.txtV[k][i], initRow + i, j) self.txtV[k][i].returnPressed.connect(partial(self.SetHV, k, i) ) self.txtV[k][i].returnPressed.connect(partial(self.UnSetTextColor, self.txtV[k][i])) self.txtV[k][i].textChanged.connect(partial(self.TextChange, self.txtV[k][i])) #------------ I set if j == 4: self.txtI[k][i].setText("{:.2f}".format(iList[sum(nChPerMod[:k]) + i]*1000)) self.txtI[k][i].setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignRight) layout_tab.addWidget(self.txtI[k][i], initRow + i, j) self.txtI[k][i].returnPressed.connect(partial(self.SetI, k, i) ) self.txtI[k][i].returnPressed.connect(partial(self.UnSetTextColor, self.txtI[k][i])) self.txtI[k][i].textChanged.connect(partial(self.TextChange, self.txtI[k][i])) #------------ V out if j == 5: self.txtVOut[k][i].setText("{:.2f}".format(outVList[sum(nChPerMod[:k]) + i])) self.txtVOut[k][i].setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignRight) layout_tab.addWidget(self.txtVOut[k][i], initRow + i, j) self.txtVOut[k][i].setReadOnly(True) self.txtVOut[k][i].setStyleSheet("background-color: lightgrey;") #------------ I out if j == 6: self.txtIOut[k][i].setText("{:.2f}".format(outIList[sum(nChPerMod[:k]) + i]*1e6)) self.txtIOut[k][i].setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignRight) layout_tab.addWidget(self.txtIOut[k][i], initRow + i, j) self.txtIOut[k][i].setReadOnly(True) self.txtIOut[k][i].setStyleSheet("background-color: lightgrey;") self.tabWidget.addTab(tab, "Mod-" + str(k)) #============= Save setting sLayout = QGridLayout() layout.addLayout(sLayout) bLoad = QPushButton("Load", self) bLoad.clicked.connect(self.LoadSetting) sLayout.addWidget(bLoad, 0, 0) self.txtFile = QLineEdit(self) sLayout.addWidget(self.txtFile, 0, 1) bSave = QPushButton("Save", self) bSave.clicked.connect(self.SaveSetting) sLayout.addWidget(bSave, 0, 3) #============= General Setting #TODO ######################################################### slots def SaveSetting(self): fileName = self.txtFile.text() if fileName == "" : return outfile = open(fileName, "w") csv_writer = csv.writer(outfile) for k in range(0, nMod): for i, a in enumerate(modChList[k]) : papap = [self.txtName[k][i].text(), "u"+str(modChList[k][i]), self.txtV[k][i].text(),self.txtI[k][i].text()] csv_writer.writerow( papap ) outfile.close() self.txtFile.setText( fileName + " (Saved)") msg_box = QMessageBox() msg_box.setWindowTitle("Information") msg_box.setText("Setting saved to " + fileName + "as a csv file.") msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Information) msg_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok) msg_box.exec() def LoadSetting(self): file_path, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open File", "", "CSV Files (*.csv);;All Files (*)") if file_path: infile = open(file_path, "r") csv_reader = csv.reader(infile) row_count = sum(1 for row in csv_reader) infile.seek(0) count = 0 for row in csv_reader: ch = row[1] if ch.startswith('u') and ch[1:].isdigit(): chID = int(ch[1:]) % 100 modID = int(int(ch[1:]) / 100) # print(str(modID) + "," + str(chID)) self.txtName[modID][chID].setText(row[0]) self.txtV[modID][chID].setText(row[2]) self.txtI[modID][chID].setText(row[3]) # print("Setting " + row[1] ) mpod.SetHV(int(ch[1:]), float(row[2])) time.sleep(0.01) mpod.SetCurrent(int(ch[1:]), float(row[3])/1000) time.sleep(0.01) count = count+1 self.txtFile.setText("Loading Setting, %d/%d ." % (count, row_count)) self.repaint() self.txtFile.setText(file_path + " (Loaded)") def UnSetTextColor(self, qLineEdit : QLineEdit): qLineEdit.setStyleSheet("") def TextChange(self, qLineEdit : QLineEdit): qLineEdit.setStyleSheet("color : darkgreen;") def SetTimer(self): sec = float(self.txtRefresh.text()) self.timer.stop() self.timer.start(int(sec * 1000)) def SetHV(self, mod, ch): value = float(self.txtV[mod][ch].text()) print("mod : " + str(mod) + ", ch : " + str(ch) + " | " + str(value)) mpod.SetHV( mod*100 + ch, value) newValue = mpod.GetHV(mod*100+ch) self.txtV[mod][ch].setText("{:.1f}".format(newValue)) def SetI(self, mod, ch): value = float(self.txtI[mod][ch].text()) print("mod : " + str(mod) + ", ch : " + str(ch) + " | " + str(value)) mpod.SetCurrent( mod*100 + ch, value/1000.) newValue = mpod.GetCurrent(mod*100+ch) self.txtI[mod][ch].setText("{:.1f}".format(newValue)) def SetAllOnOff(self): for k in range(0, nMod): for ch, a in enumerate(modChList[k]) : state = self.chkON[k][ch].checkState() if state == Qt.CheckState.Checked: print("Switching off Mod-%d, ch-%d" % (k, ch)) mpod.SwitchOnHV( int(k) * 100 + int(ch), 0) self.chkON[k][ch].setChecked(False) onOffList[sum(nChPerMod[:k]) + ch] = 0 time.sleep(0.01) # wait 10 mili-sec print("========== done") def SetOnOff(self, mod, ch): state = self.chkON[mod][ch].checkState() if state == Qt.CheckState.Checked: if onOffList[sum(nChPerMod[:mod]) + ch] == 3 : mpod.SwitchOnHV(mod*100 + ch, 2) mpod.SwitchOnHV( mod*100 + ch, 1) onOffList[sum(nChPerMod[:mod]) + ch] = 1 else: mpod.SwitchOnHV( mod*100 + ch, 0) onOffList[sum(nChPerMod[:mod]) + ch] = 0 value = mpod.IsHVOn(mod*100 + ch) print("mod : " + str(mod) + ", ch : " + str(ch) + " | " + str(state) + " | " + str(onOffList[sum(nChPerMod[:mod]) + ch]) + " | " + str(value)) if value == 0 : self.chkON[mod][ch].setChecked(False) self.chkON[mod][ch].setStyleSheet("") if value == 1 : self.chkON[mod][ch].setChecked(True) self.chkON[mod][ch].setStyleSheet("") if value == 3 : self.chkON[mod][ch].setChecked(False) self.chkON[mod][ch].setStyleSheet("background-color: red;") def updateTimer(self): # self.time += 1 # print(f'Time: {self.time}') outVList = mpod.GetAllOutputHV() outIList = mpod.GetAllLC() # print(outVList) if self.chkDB.checkState() == Qt.CheckState.Checked: points = [] for k in range(0, nMod): for i, a in enumerate(modChList[k]) : vout = outVList[sum(nChPerMod[:k]) + i] # in Volt iout = outIList[sum(nChPerMod[:k]) + i] # in Amp self.txtVOut[k][i].setText("{:.2f}".format(vout)) self.txtIOut[k][i].setText("{:.2f}".format(iout * 1e6)) if self.chkDB.checkState() == Qt.CheckState.Checked: points.append(Point("Voltage").tag("Ch",int(chList[i] + 100 * k)).field("value",float(vout))) points.append(Point("LeakageCurrent").tag("Ch",int(chList[i] + 100 * k)).field("value",float(iout))) if self.chkDB.checkState() == Qt.CheckState.Checked: write_api.write(bucket=bucket, org=org, record=points) if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication(sys.argv) window = MyWindow() window.show() sys.exit(app.exec())