#!/usr/bin/python3 import IsegLibrary as iseg import os import datetime import csv import socket #assign a port, to prevent the script run mulitple time s = socket.socket() host = socket.gethostname() port = 4305 s.bind((host,port)) #===================== GUI import PySimpleGUI as sg #gui.theme('DarkAmber') header = ["name", "HV [V]", "Current [mA]"] chList = iseg.GetChList() hvList = iseg.GetAllHV() # get all V iList = iseg.GetAllCurrent() # get all current outVList = iseg.GetAllOutputHV() outIList = iseg.GetAllLC() onOffList = iseg.GetAllOnOff() modChList = iseg.SplitChList(chList) nMod = len(modChList) nChannel = len(chList) updateTime = 60 #sec fileName = '' layoutTab = [] for k in range(0, nMod): layoutTab.append([]) for k in range(0, nMod): baseI = 0 for kk in range(0, k): baseI += len(modChList[kk]) ## i know it is stupid to have this every time, but pysimplegui request a non-used array layoutTab[k].append([ sg.Text("Name", size = 8, justification = "center" ), sg.Text("CH", size = 4, justification = "center" ), sg.Text("On/Off", size = 6, justification = "center"), sg.Text("Set V [V]", size = 8, justification = "center" ), sg.Text("Set I [mA]", size = 9, justification = "center" ), sg.Text("Out V [V]", size = 8, justification = "center" ), sg.Text("Out I [uA]", size = 10, justification = "center" ) ]) for j in range(0, len(modChList[k])) : i = baseI + j layoutTab[k].append( [ sg.Input(default_text='', size = 8, justification = "left", key=("n%d" % chList[i])), sg.Text("u"+str(chList[i]), size = 4, justification = "center" ), sg.Checkbox('', default = onOffList[i], size = 3, enable_events = True, key=("c%d" % chList[i])), sg.Input(default_text=("%.3f" % hvList[i]), size = 8, justification = "right", enable_events=True, key=("v%d" % chList[i]) ), sg.Input(default_text=("%.3f" % (iList[i]*1000)), size = 9, justification = "right", enable_events=True, key=("i%d" % chList[i]) ), sg.Input(default_text=("%.3f" % outVList[i]), size = 8, justification = "right", enable_events=True, key=("a%d" % chList[i]), readonly = True ), sg.Input(default_text=("%.3f" % (outIList[i]*1e6)), size = 10, justification = "right", enable_events=True, key=("b%d" % chList[i]), readonly = True ) ] ) layoutTabGroup = [] layoutTabGroup.append([]) for k in range(0, nMod): layoutTabGroup[0].append(sg.Tab("Mod-%0d" % k, layoutTab[k])) layout = [ [ sg.Text("refresh period [sec] :", size = 27, justification = "right"), sg.Input(updateTime, size = 8, justification = "right", enable_events=True, key=("-Refresh-")) ] , [ sg.TabGroup(layoutTabGroup) ] ] layout.append([sg.FileSaveAs('Save As', target = '-Save-', initial_folder='~', file_types = (('csv file','*.csv'),)), sg.FileBrowse('Load', target = '-Load-', initial_folder='~', file_types = (('csv file','*.csv'),)), sg.Input(default_text=fileName, expand_x = True, justification = "left", readonly = True, enable_events=True, key="-Save-" ), sg.Input('', visible = False, enable_events=True, key="-Load-" ) ]) comboList = ["Get Rise Rate [V/s]", "Get Fall Rate [V/s]", "Set Rise Rate [V/s]", "Set Fall Rate [V/s]"] layout.append([sg.Combo(comboList, default_value = comboList[0], size = 20, enable_events=True, key="-VRateCombo-"), sg.Text("Ch:", size = 3), sg.Combo(chList, default_value = chList[0], size = 4, enable_events=True, key="-VRateCh-"), sg.Input('', size = 6, justification = "right", enable_events=True, key="-VRate-") ]) window = sg.Window('Iseg HV Control & Monitor', layout, finalize = True, keep_on_top = True) for i in range(0, nChannel): window[("v%d" % chList[i])].bind("", "_Enter") window[("i%d" % chList[i])].bind("", "_Enter") window[("v%d" % chList[i])].bind("", "_Enter") window[("i%d" % chList[i])].bind("", "_Enter") # Event Loop to process "events" and get the "values" of the inputs while True: event, values = window.read(timeout = updateTime * 1000, timeout_key = "_TIMEOUT_") ## this pause for 20 sec and wait for event #print(event) #print(values) #print(datetime.datetime.now()) if event == "-Refresh-" : updateTime = int(window[event].get()); if event in (None, 'Exit'): break if event[0:1] == 'c' : ID = event[1:] iseg.SwitchOnHV(int(ID), int(window[event].get())) if event == '-Save-' : fileName = values["Save As"] outfile = open(fileName, "w") csv_writer = csv.writer(outfile) for i in range(0, nChannel): papap = [window[("n%d" % chList[i])].get(), "u"+str(chList[i]), window[("v%d" % chList[i])].get(), window[("i%d" % chList[i])].get()] csv_writer.writerow( papap ) outfile.close(); if event == "-Load-" : fileName = window["-Load-"].get() window['-Save-'].update(fileName) infile = open(fileName, "r") csv_reader = csv.reader(infile) i = 0 for row in csv_reader: window[("n%d" % chList[i])].update(row[0]) window[("v%d" % chList[i])].update(row[2]) window[("i%d" % chList[i])].update(row[3]) iseg.SetHV(chList[i], float(row[2])) iseg.SetCurrent(chList[i], float(row[3])/1000) i += 1 if event in ["-VRateCombo-", "-VRateCh-", "-VRate-"]: item = window["-VRateCombo-"].get() ch = window["-VRateCh-"].get() val = window["-VRate-"].get() if item == comboList[0]: window["-VRate-"].update("%.3f" % float(iseg.GetHVRiseRate(int(ch)))) if item == comboList[1]: window["-VRate-"].update("%.3f" % float(iseg.GetHVFallRate(int(ch)))) if item == comboList[2]: iseg.SetHVRiseRate(ch, val) window["-VRate-"].update("%.3f" % float(iseg.GetHVRiseRate(int(ch)))) if item == comboList[3]: iseg.SetHVFallRate(ch, val) window["-VRate-"].update("%.3f" % float(iseg.GetHVFallRate(int(ch)))) haha = event.find('_Enter') if haha > 0 : ID = event[:haha] ch = int(ID[1:]) if event[0:1] == 'v' : iseg.SetHV(ch, float(window[ID].get())) window[ID].update("%.3f" % iseg.GetHV(ch)) if event[0:1] == 'i' : iseg.SetCurrent(ch, float(window[ID].get())/1000.) window[ID].update("%.3f" % (iseg.GetCurrent(ch)*1000)) if event == "_TIMEOUT_" : #hvList = GetAllHV() # get all V #iList = GetAllCurrent() # get all current outVList = iseg.GetAllOutputHV() outIList = iseg.GetAllLC() tempFile = open("temp.dat", "w") for i in range(0, nChannel): #window[("v%d" % chList[i])].update("%.3f" % hvList[i]) #window[("i%d" % chList[i])].update("%.3f" % (iList[i]*1000)) window[("a%d" % chList[i])].update("%.3f" % outVList[i]) window[("b%d" % chList[i])].update("%.3f" % (outIList[i]*1e6)) #==== To DataBase tempFile.write("Voltage,Ch=%d value=%f\n" % (chList[i], outVList[i])) tempFile.write("LeakageCurrent,Ch=%d value=%f\n" % (chList[i], outIList[i]*1e6)) tempFile.close() os.system("curl -XPOST --data-binary @temp.dat") window.close()