#ifndef EVTREADER_H #define EVTREADER_H #include /// for FILE #include #include #include #include #include "TString.h" #include "TBenchmark.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "../DataBlock.h" #define MAX_CRATES 2 #define MAX_BOARDS_PER_CRATE 13 #define MAX_CHANNELS_PER_BOARD 16 #define BOARD_START 2 class evtReader{ public: DataBlock * data; private: FILE * inFile; long int inFileSize; long int inFilePos; bool endOfFile; bool isOpened; Long64_t blockID; long int nBlock; unsigned int extraHeader[14]; unsigned int traceBlock[MAX_TRACE_LENGHT/2]; TBenchmark gClock; long int inFilePosPrecent[10]; Long64_t blockIDPrecent[10]; ///============================================ Methods public: evtReader(); evtReader(TString inFileName); ~evtReader(); void OpenFile(TString inFileName); void CloseFile(); void UpdateFileSize(); bool IsEndOfFile(); bool IsOpen() {return isOpened;} long int GetFilePos() {return inFilePos;} long int GetFileSize() {return inFileSize;} Long64_t GetBlockID() {return blockID;} Long64_t GetNumberOfBlock() {return nBlock;} int ReadBlock(int opt = 0); /// 0 = default, fill data /// 1 = no fill data void ScanNumberOfBlock(); void JumptoPrecent(int precent); ///this is offset by 1 block void PrintStatus(int mod); }; //========================== implementation evtReader::evtReader(){ inFile = 0; data = new DataBlock(); inFileSize = 0; inFilePos = 0; nBlock = 0; blockID = -1; endOfFile = false; isOpened = false; } evtReader::~evtReader(){ fclose(inFile); delete inFile; delete data; } evtReader::evtReader(TString inFileName){ inFile = 0; data = new DataBlock(); inFileSize = 0; inFilePos = 0; nBlock = 0; blockID = -1; endOfFile = false; isOpened = false; OpenFile(inFileName); } void evtReader::OpenFile(TString inFileName){ inFile = fopen(inFileName, "r"); if( inFile == NULL ){ printf("Cannot read file : %s \n", inFileName.Data()); }else{ fseek(inFile, 0L, SEEK_END); inFileSize = ftell(inFile); rewind(inFile); ///back to the File begining data->Clear(); gClock.Reset(); gClock.Start("timer"); isOpened = true; } }; void evtReader::CloseFile(){ fclose(inFile); isOpened = false; data->Clear(); inFileSize = 0; inFilePos = 0; nBlock = 0; blockID = -1; endOfFile = false; }; void evtReader::UpdateFileSize(){ if( inFile == NULL ) return; fseek(inFile, 0L, SEEK_END); inFileSize = ftell(inFile); fseek(inFile, inFilePos, SEEK_SET); } bool evtReader::IsEndOfFile() { int haha = feof(inFile); return haha > 0 ? true: false; } int evtReader::ReadBlock(int opt){ if( feof(inFile) ) return -1; if( endOfFile ) return -1; unsigned int header[4]; ///read 4 header, unsigned int = 4 byte = 32 bits. if ( fread(header, sizeof(header), 1, inFile) != 1 ) { endOfFile = true; return -1; } blockID ++; if( opt == 0 ){ /// see the Pixie-16 user manual, Table4-2 data->eventID = blockID; data->ch = header[0] & 0xF ; data->slot = (header[0] >> 4) & 0xF; data->crate = (header[0] >> 8) & 0xF; data->headerLength = (header[0] >> 12) & 0x1F; data->eventLength = (header[0] >> 17) & 0x3FFF; data->pileup = header[0] >> 31 ; data->time = ((ULong64_t)(header[2] & 0xFFFF) << 32) + header[1]; data->cfd = header[2] >> 16 ; data->energy = (header[3] & 0xFFFF ); data->trace_length = (header[3] >> 16) & 0x7FFF; data->trace_out_of_range = header[3] >> 31; data->ClearQDC(); data->ClearTrace(); ///======== read QDCsum if( data->headerLength >= 4 ){ fread(extraHeader, sizeof(unsigned int) * (data->headerLength-4), 1, inFile); if( data->headerLength == 8 || data->headerLength == 16){ data->trailing = extraHeader[0]; data->leading = extraHeader[1]; data->gap = extraHeader[2]; data->baseline = extraHeader[3]; } if( data->headerLength == 12 || data->headerLength == 16){ for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ int startID = 0; if( data->headerLength > 12) startID = 4; ///the 1st 4 words data->QDCsum[i] = extraHeader[i+startID]; } } }else{ for( int i = 0 ; i < 8; i++){ data->QDCsum[i] = 0;} data->trailing = 0; data->leading = 0; data->gap = 0; data->baseline = 0; } ///====== read trace if( data->eventLength > data->headerLength ){ fread(traceBlock, sizeof(unsigned int) * ( data->trace_length / 2 ), 1, inFile); for( int i = 0; i < data->trace_length/2 ; i++){ data->trace[2*i+0] = traceBlock[i] & 0xFFFF ; data->trace[2*i+1] = (traceBlock[i] >> 16 ) & 0xFFFF ; } ///make QDC by trace /** if( data->headerLength == 4 || data->headerLength == 8 ) { for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ data->QDCsum[i] = 0;} for( int i = 0; i < data->trace_length; i++){ if( 0 <= i && i < 31 ) data->QDCsum[0] += data->trace[i]; if( 31 <= i && i < 60 ) data->QDCsum[1] += data->trace[i]; if( 60 <= i && i < 75 ) data->QDCsum[2] += data->trace[i]; if( 75 <= i && i < 95 ) data->QDCsum[3] += data->trace[i]; if( 95 <= i && i < 105 ) data->QDCsum[4] += data->trace[i]; if( 105 <= i && i < 160 ) data->QDCsum[5] += data->trace[i]; if( 160 <= i && i < 175 ) data->QDCsum[6] += data->trace[i]; if( 175 <= i && i < 200 ) data->QDCsum[7] += data->trace[i]; } }*/ } } if( opt == 1 ){ data->headerLength = (header[0] >> 12) & 0x1F; data->eventLength = (header[0] >> 17) & 0x3FFF; data->trace_length = (header[3] >> 16) & 0x7FFF; if( data->headerLength >= 4 ){ fread(extraHeader, sizeof(unsigned int) * (data->headerLength-4), 1, inFile); } if( data->eventLength > data->headerLength ){ fread(traceBlock, sizeof(unsigned int) * ( data->trace_length / 2 ), 1, inFile); } } inFilePos = ftell(inFile); return 1; } void evtReader::ScanNumberOfBlock(){ nBlock = 0; int count = 0; while( ReadBlock(1) != -1 ){ nBlock ++; int haha = (inFilePos*10/inFileSize)%10; if( haha == count ) { inFilePosPrecent[count] = inFilePos; blockIDPrecent[count] = blockID; count++; } PrintStatus(10000); } printf("\n\n\n"); printf("scan complete: number of data Block : %ld\n", nBlock); inFilePos = 0; blockID = -1; rewind(inFile); ///back to the File begining endOfFile = false; } void evtReader::JumptoPrecent(int precent){ if( precent < 0 || precent > 10 ) { printf("input precent should be 0 to 10\n"); return; } fseek(inFile, inFilePosPrecent[precent], SEEK_SET); blockID = blockIDPrecent[precent]; } void evtReader::PrintStatus(int mod){ ///==== event stats, print status every 10000 events if ( blockID % mod == 0 ) { UpdateFileSize(); gClock.Stop("timer"); double time = gClock.GetRealTime("timer"); gClock.Start("timer"); printf("Total measurements: \x1B[32m%llu \x1B[0m\nReading Pos: \x1B[32m %.3f/%.3f GB\x1B[0m\nTime used:%3.0f min %5.2f sec\033[A\033[A\r", blockID, inFilePos/(1024.*1024.*1024.), inFileSize/1024./1024./1024, TMath::Floor(time/60.), time - TMath::Floor(time/60.)*60.); } } #endif