252 lines
12 KiB
252 lines
12 KiB
#ifndef PIXIE16_H
#define PIXIE16_H
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include "pixie16/pixie16.h"
#include "DataBlock.h"
#define MAXFIFODATABLOCK 1000 ///max FIFO Datablack for one read
enum CSRA_BIT{
FAST_TRIGGER = 0x00000001,
M_VALIDATION = 0x00000002,
ENABLE_CHANNEL = 0x00000004,
C_VALIFATION = 0x00000008,
BLOCK_DAQ_DPM_FULL = 0x00000010,
POLARITY = 0x00000020,
VETO_TRIGGER = 0x00000040,
HIST_ENERGY = 0x00000080,
ENABLE_TRACE = 0x00000100,
ENABLE_QDC = 0x00000200,
ENABLE_CFD = 0x00000400,
REQ_M_VALIDATION = 0x00000800,
REQ_C_VALIDATION = 0x00002000,
INPUT_RELAY = 0x00004000,
PILEUP = 0x00018000,
NO_TRACE_LARGE_PULSE = 0x00020000,
GROUP_TRIGGER = 0x00040000,
CH_VETO = 0x00080000,
MO_VETO = 0x00100000,
EXT_TIMESTAMP = 0x00200000,
DIRECT_MODULUE = 0x00000010,
CHASSIS_MASTER = 0x00000040,
EXTERNAL_TRIGGER = 0x00000100,
USE_INHIBIT = 0x00000400,
DISTRIBUTE_CLOCK = 0x00000800,
SORT_TIMESTAMP = 0x00001000,
class Pixie16 {
unsigned short NumCrates;
unsigned short NumModules;
unsigned short * PXISlotMap;
unsigned short OfflineMode;
char ** ComFPGAConfigFile;
char ** SPFPGAConfigFile;
char ** TrigFPGAConfigFile;
char ** DSPCodeFile;
char ** DSPParFile;
char ** DSPVarFile;
unsigned short * ModRev;
unsigned int * ModSerNum;
unsigned short * ModADCBits;
unsigned short * ModADCMSPS;
unsigned short * numChannels;
unsigned short * ch2ns;
unsigned short BootPattern ;
int retval;
bool isRunning;
int CheckError(std::string operation);
unsigned int nFIFOWords;
unsigned int * ExtFIFO_Data;
unsigned int * Statistics;
unsigned int totNumFIFOWords;
unsigned short * FIFOMods;
unsigned short * FIFOChannels;
unsigned short * FIFOEnergies;
unsigned long long * FIFOTimestamps;
unsigned int FIFONumDataBlock;
unsigned int AccumulatedFIFONumDataBlock;
bool FIFOisUsed;
double Baselines[3640], TimeStamps[3640]; ///for baseline
unsigned short ADCTrace[8192];
DataBlock * data;
unsigned int nextWord;
std::fstream outFile;
int GetStatus() {return retval;}
bool IsRunning() {return isRunning;}
///======================== startup
void LoadConfigFile( bool verbose = false, std::string fileName = "Pixie16.config");
void CheckDriver();
void CheckHardware();
void GetDigitizerInfo(unsigned short modID);
void BootDigitizers();
void CloseDigitizers();
unsigned short GetCh2ns(unsigned short modID) {return ch2ns[modID];}
void AdjustOffset();
void CaptureBaseLine(unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch);
int GetBaslineLength() {return 3640;}
double * GetBasline() {return Baselines;}
double * GetBaselineTimestamp() {return TimeStamps;}
void CaptureADCTrace(unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch);
int GetADCTraceLength() {return 8192;}
unsigned short * GetADCTrace() {return ADCTrace;}
///========================= Setting
unsigned short * GetSlotMap() {return PXISlotMap;};
unsigned int GetNumModule() {return NumModules;}
unsigned int GetDigitizerSerialNumber(unsigned short modID) { return ModSerNum[modID];}
unsigned short GetDigitizerRev(unsigned short modID) { return ModRev[modID];}
unsigned short GetDigitizerADCBits(unsigned short modID) { return ModADCBits[modID];}
unsigned short GetDigitizerNumChannel(unsigned short modID) { return numChannels[modID];}
unsigned short GetDigitizerSamplingRate(unsigned short modID) { return ModADCMSPS[modID];}
std::string GetSettingFile(unsigned modID) {return DSPParFile[modID];}
unsigned int GetDigitizerSetting(std::string parName, unsigned short modID, bool verbose = false);
void PrintDigitizerSettings(unsigned short modID);
void SetDigitizerSetting(std::string parName, unsigned int val, unsigned short modID, bool verbose = false);
void SetDigitizerSynchWait(unsigned int val, unsigned short modID) { SetDigitizerSetting("SYNCH_WAIT", val, modID, 1);}
void SetDigitizerInSynch(unsigned int val, unsigned short modID) { SetDigitizerSetting("IN_SYNCH", val, modID, 1);}
void SetDigitizerSlowFilterRange(unsigned int val, unsigned short modID) { SetDigitizerSetting("SLOW_FILTER_RANGE", val, modID, 1);}
void SetDigitizerPresetRunTime(double val_in_sec, unsigned short modID) { SetDigitizerSetting("HOST_RT_PRESET", Decimal2IEEEFloating(val_in_sec), modID, 1);}
double GetChannelSetting(std::string parName, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch, bool verbose = false);
double GetChannelTriggerRiseTime (unsigned modID, unsigned short ch){ return GetChannelSetting("TRIGGER_RISETIME", modID, ch); }
double GetChannelTriggerFlatTop (unsigned modID, unsigned short ch){ return GetChannelSetting("TRIGGER_FLATTOP", modID, ch); }
double GetChannelTriggerThreshold(unsigned modID, unsigned short ch){ return GetChannelSetting("TRIGGER_THRESHOLD", modID, ch); }
double GetChannelEnergyRiseTime (unsigned modID, unsigned short ch){ return GetChannelSetting("ENERGY_RISETIME", modID, ch); }
double GetChannelEnergyFlatTop (unsigned modID, unsigned short ch){ return GetChannelSetting("ENERGY_FLATTOP", modID, ch); }
double GetChannelEnergyTau (unsigned modID, unsigned short ch){ return GetChannelSetting("TAU", modID, ch); }
double GetChannelTraceLength (unsigned modID, unsigned short ch){ return GetChannelSetting("TRACE_LENGTH", modID, ch); }
double GetChannelTraceDelay (unsigned modID, unsigned short ch){ return GetChannelSetting("TRACE_DELAY", modID, ch); }
double GetChannelVOffset (unsigned modID, unsigned short ch){ return GetChannelSetting("VOFFSET", modID, ch); }
double GetChannelBaseLinePrecent (unsigned modID, unsigned short ch){ return GetChannelSetting("BASELINE_PERCENT", modID, ch); }
unsigned short GetCSRA(int bitwise, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch, bool verbose = false);
bool GetChannelOnOff(unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch, bool verbose = false) {return GetCSRA(CSRA_BIT::ENABLE_CHANNEL, modID, ch, verbose);}
bool GetChannelPolarity(unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch, bool verbose = false) {return GetCSRA(CSRA_BIT::POLARITY, modID, ch, verbose);}
bool GetChannelTraceOnOff(unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch, bool verbose = false) {return GetCSRA(CSRA_BIT::ENABLE_TRACE, modID, ch, verbose);}
bool GetChannelGain(unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch, bool verbose = false) {return GetCSRA(CSRA_BIT::INPUT_RELAY, modID, ch, verbose);}
bool GetChannelQDCsumOnOff(unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch, bool verbose = false) {return GetCSRA(CSRA_BIT::ENABLE_QDC, modID, ch, verbose);}
void PrintChannelAllSettings(unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch);
void PrintChannelSettingsSummary(unsigned short modID);
void SetChannelSetting(std::string parName, double val, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch, bool verbose = false);
void SetChannelTriggerRiseTime (double val, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch){ SetChannelSetting("TRIGGER_RISETIME", val, modID, ch, 1);}
void SetChannelTriggerFlatTop (double val, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch){ SetChannelSetting("TRIGGER_FLATTOP", val, modID, ch, 1);}
void SetChannelTriggerThreshold(double val, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch){ SetChannelSetting("TRIGGER_THRESHOLD", val, modID, ch, 1);}
void SetChannelEnergyRiseTime (double val, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch){ SetChannelSetting("ENERGY_RISETIME", val, modID, ch, 1);}
void SetChannelEnergyFlatTop (double val, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch){ SetChannelSetting("ENERGY_FLATTOP", val, modID, ch, 1);}
void SetChannelEnergyTau (double val, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch){ SetChannelSetting("TAU", val, modID, ch, 1);}
void SetChannelTraceLenght (double val, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch){ SetChannelSetting("TRACE_LENGTH", val, modID, ch, 1);}
void SetChannelTraceDelay (double val, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch){ SetChannelSetting("TRACE_DELAY", val, modID, ch, 1);}
void SetChannelBaseLinePrecent (double val, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch){ SetChannelSetting("BASELINE_PERCENT", val, modID, ch, 1);}
void SetChannelVOffset (double val, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch){ SetChannelSetting("VOFFSET", val, modID, ch, 1);}
void SwitchCSRA(int bitwise, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch);
void SetCSRABit(int bitwise, unsigned short val, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch);
void SetChannelOnOff(bool enable, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch) { SetCSRABit(CSRA_BIT::ENABLE_CHANNEL, enable, modID, ch); }
void SetChannelPositivePolarity(bool positive, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch) { SetCSRABit(CSRA_BIT::POLARITY, positive, modID, ch); }
void SetChannelTraceOnOff(bool enable, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch) { SetCSRABit(CSRA_BIT::ENABLE_TRACE, enable, modID, ch); }
void SetChannelGain(bool high, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch) { SetCSRABit(CSRA_BIT::INPUT_RELAY, high, modID, ch); }
void SetChannelQDCsumOnOff(bool high, unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch) { SetCSRABit(CSRA_BIT::ENABLE_QDC, high, modID, ch); }
void SaveSettings(std::string fileName);
///========================== RUN
void StartRun(bool listMode);
void StopRun();
unsigned int * GetStatitics(unsigned short modID);
double GetInputCountRate(unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch);
double GetLiveTime(unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch);
double GetOutputCountRate(unsigned short modID, unsigned short ch);
double GetRealTime(unsigned short modID);
void PrintStatistics(unsigned short modID);
void CheckExternalFIFOWords(unsigned short modID);
void ReadData(unsigned short modID);
unsigned int GetTotalNumWords() {return totNumFIFOWords;}
unsigned int GetnFIFOWords() {return nFIFOWords;}
unsigned int GetNextWord() {return nextWord;}
DataBlock * GetData() {return data;}
int ProcessSingleData(short ch = -1);
unsigned int ScanNumDataBlockInExtFIFO(); /// also fill the FIFOEnergies, FIFOChannels, FIFOTimestamps, output FIFONumDataBlock
unsigned int GetAccumulatedFIFONumDataBlock() {return AccumulatedFIFONumDataBlock;}
unsigned int GetFIFONumDataBlock() {return FIFONumDataBlock;}
unsigned short * GetFIFOEnergies() {return FIFOEnergies;}
unsigned short * GetFIFOChannels() {return FIFOChannels;}
unsigned short * GetFIFOMods() {return FIFOMods;}
unsigned long long * GetFIFOTimestamps() {return FIFOTimestamps;}
/// FIFOisUsed is not used in this Class, it is for sync in thread
void SetFIFOisUsed(bool isUsed) {this->FIFOisUsed = isUsed;};
bool GetFIFOisUsed() {return FIFOisUsed;}
void PrintExtFIFOWords() {
unsigned int nWords = (ExtFIFO_Data[nextWord] >> 17) & 0x3FFF;
printf("------------------- print dataBlock, nWords = %d\n", nWords);
int count = 0;
for( unsigned int i = nextWord; i < nextWord + nWords + 10 ; i++){
if( i == nextWord + nWords ) printf("===== end of dataBlock\n");
if( count % 4 == 3 ){
printf("%08X \n", ExtFIFO_Data[i]);
printf("%08X ", ExtFIFO_Data[i]);
count ++;
printf("\n------------------- \n");
void OpenFile(std::string fileName, bool append);
void SaveData();
long int GetFileSize();
void CloseFile();