fix removal reaction, can direct compute without using the detail balance between adding and removal reaction. added custom JA

This commit is contained in:
Ryan@Home 2025-02-27 02:05:13 -05:00
parent 27367abf52
commit cc5da2c7d9
2 changed files with 94 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ import opticalPotentials as op
from reactionData import approximate_to_half_integer, ReactionData
class DWBA_ZR:
def __init__(self, nu_A:str, nu_a:str, nu_b:str, JB:str, orbital:str, ExB:float, ELabPerU:float):
def __init__(self, nu_A:str, nu_a:str, nu_b:str, JB:str, orbital:str, ExB:float, ELabPerU:float, JA:str = None):
self.reactDigest = ReactionData(nu_A, nu_a, nu_b, JB, orbital, ExB, ELabPerU)
self.reactDigest = ReactionData(nu_A, nu_a, nu_b, JB, orbital, ExB, ELabPerU, JA)
if self.reactDigest.SpinBalanced == False :
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ class DWBA_ZR:
op.Koning(A_A, Z_A, self.ELab , Z_a)
self.dwI = self.reactDigest.dwI
self.dwI.spin_A = self.spin_A
self.dwI.AddPotential(WoodsSaxonPot( -op.v, op.r0, op.a), False)
@ -107,7 +108,10 @@ class DWBA_ZR:
#---------------------------------------- other constants
self.D0 = 1.55e+4 # for (d,p)
#TODO need to do other reactions like (t,d)
#for (d,p), (p,d)
self.D0 = 1.55e+4
self.Alsj2 = self.D0 * 3/2 # = A-{lsj}^2 for (d,p), 3/2 = (2s(deutron)+1)/(2s(neutron)+1)
mass_I =
k_I = self.dwI.k
@ -119,25 +123,29 @@ class DWBA_ZR:
# print(f" mu(O) : {mass_O}")
# print(f" k(O) : {k_O}")
self.massBoverMassA = A_B/A_A
self.ffactor = np.sqrt(4*np.pi)/k_I /k_O
self.massFactor = A_B/A_A
if A_A > A_B:
self.massFactor = A_A/A_B
# print(f"spin A : {self.spin_A}")
# print(f"spin a : {self.spin_a}")
# print(f"spin B : {self.spin_B}")
self.fmsq2mb = 10
self.spinFactor = (2*self.spin_B + 1) / (2*self.spin_A+1) / (2*self.s +1)
# self.spinFactor = (2*self.spin_B + 1) / (2*self.spin_A+1) / (2*self.spin_a +1)
self.spinFactor = 1. / (2*self.spin_A+1) / (2*self.spin_a +1)
# print(f" spin factor : {self.spinFactor}")
self.xsecScalingfactor = mass_I * mass_O / np.pi / self.dwI.hbarc**4 / k_I**3 / k_O * self.spinFactor * self.D0
self.transMatrixFactor = (2*self.spin_B + 1) * self.Alsj2
if A_A > A_B:
self.transMatrixFactor = (2*self.spin_A + 1) * self.Alsj2
self.xsecScalingfactor = mass_I * mass_O / np.pi / self.dwI.hbarc**4 / k_I**3 / k_O * self.spinFactor* self.transMatrixFactor
self.radialInt = None
print(f" (JA, JB, s) : {self.spin_A}, {self.spin_B}, {self.s}")
print(f" Spin factor : {self.spinFactor:.6f}")
print(f" tran.Mat. factor : {self.transMatrixFactor:.6f}")
print(f"Xsec Scaling factor : {self.xsecScalingfactor:.6f}")
@ -170,33 +178,65 @@ class DWBA_ZR:
def CalScatMatrixAndRadialIntegral(self):
start_time = time.time()
sm_I, wfu_I = self.dwI.CalScatteringMatrix()
sm_I, wfu_I_temp = self.dwI.CalScatteringMatrix()
sm_O, wfu_O_temp = self.dwO.CalScatteringMatrix()
#TODO need to check the mass of a and b,
# if a > b, rescale the outgoing channel
# if b < a, rescale the incoming channel
#============ rescale the outgoing wave
print("====================== Scaling the outgoing wave")
rpos_O_temp = self.dwO.rpos * self.massBoverMassA
self.rpos_O = []
rpos_O_filled = False
self.wfu_O = []
for L2 in range(0, self.maxL2 + 1):
temp_wfu_L = []
for k in range(0, int(2*self.spin_b)+1):
wfu_O_inter_real = interp1d(rpos_O_temp, np.real(wfu_O_temp[L2][k]), kind='cubic')
wfu_O_inter_imag = interp1d(rpos_O_temp, np.imag(wfu_O_temp[L2][k]), kind='cubic')
temp_wfu = []
for r in self.dwI.rpos:
if r > max(rpos_O_temp) :
if rpos_O_filled == False:
temp_wfu.append(wfu_O_inter_real(r) + 1j * wfu_O_inter_imag(r))
rpos_O_filled = True
if self.dwI.A_a > self.dwO.A_a :
self.wfu_I = wfu_I_temp
self.rpos_I = self.dwI.rpos
rpos_O_temp = self.rpos_I * self.massFactor
self.rpos_O = []
rpos_O_filled = False
self.wfu_O = []
for L2 in range(0, self.maxL2 + 1):
temp_wfu_L = []
for k in range(0, int(2*self.spin_b)+1):
wfu_O_inter_real = interp1d(rpos_O_temp, np.real(wfu_O_temp[L2][k]), kind='cubic')
wfu_O_inter_imag = interp1d(rpos_O_temp, np.imag(wfu_O_temp[L2][k]), kind='cubic')
temp_wfu = []
for r in self.dwI.rpos:
if r > max(rpos_O_temp) :
if rpos_O_filled == False:
temp_wfu.append(wfu_O_inter_real(r) + 1j * wfu_O_inter_imag(r))
rpos_O_filled = True
self.wfu_O = wfu_O_temp
self.rpos_O = self.dwO.rpos
rpos_I_temp = self.rpos_O * self.massFactor
self.rpos_I = []
rpos_I_filled = False
self.wfu_I = []
for L1 in range(0, self.maxL1 + 1):
temp_wfu_L = []
for k in range(0, int(2*self.spin_a)+1):
wfu_I_inter_real = interp1d(rpos_I_temp, np.real(wfu_I_temp[L1][k]), kind='cubic')
wfu_I_inter_imag = interp1d(rpos_I_temp, np.imag(wfu_I_temp[L1][k]), kind='cubic')
temp_wfu = []
for r in self.dwO.rpos:
if r > max(rpos_I_temp) :
if rpos_I_filled == False:
temp_wfu.append(wfu_I_inter_real(r) + 1j * wfu_I_inter_imag(r))
rpos_I_filled = True
print("====================== Calculating Radial integrals")
self.radialInt = np.zeros((self.maxL1+1, int(2*self.spin_a+1), int(2*self.l+1), int(2*self.spin_b+1)), dtype=complex)
@ -207,7 +247,7 @@ class DWBA_ZR:
if J1 < 0 :
index1 = int(J1 - L1 + self.spin_a)
wf1 = wfu_I[L1][index1]
wf1 = self.wfu_I[L1][index1]
for L2 in np.arange(L1 - self.l, L1 + self.l + 1, 1):
if L2 < 0 :
@ -222,7 +262,7 @@ class DWBA_ZR:
integral = simpson(bs[:min_length] * wf1[:min_length] * wf2[:min_length], dx=self.boundState.dr)
indexL2 = int(L2 - L1 + self.l)
# product = integral * pf1 * pf2
product = integral * pf1 * pf2 * self.massBoverMassA
product = integral * pf1 * pf2 * self.massFactor
self.radialInt[L1][index1][indexL2][index2] = product
# if J1 == L1 + self.spin_a and L2 == L1 + 1 and J2 == L2 - self.spin_b:
# print(f"{L1:2d}, {J1:4.1f}({index1}), {L2:2d}({indexL2}), {J2:4.1f}({index2}), {integral * pf1 * pf2 * self.massBoverMassA:.6f}")
@ -308,13 +348,22 @@ class DWBA_ZR:
def PlotIncomingDistortedWave(self, L, J, maxR = None):
self.dwI.PlotDistortedWave(L, J, maxR)
# self.dwI.PlotDistortedWave(L, J, maxR)
plt.plot(self.rpos_I, np.real(self.wfu_I[L][int(J-L + self.spin_a)]), label="Real")
plt.plot(self.rpos_I, np.imag(self.wfu_I[L][int(J-L + self.spin_a)]), label="Imag")
plt.title(f"Incoming Radial wave for L={L} and J={J}")
if maxR != None :
plt.xlim(-1, maxR)
input("Press Enter to continue...")
def PlotOutgoingDistortedWave(self, L, J, maxR = None):
plt.plot(self.rpos_O, np.real(self.wfu_O[L][int(J-L + self.spin_b)]), label="Real")
plt.plot(self.rpos_O, np.imag(self.wfu_O[L][int(J-L + self.spin_b)]), label="Imag")
plt.title(f"Radial wave function for L={L} and J={J}")
plt.title(f"Outgoing Radial wave for L={L} and J={J}")
if maxR != None :
plt.xlim(-1, maxR)
@ -450,7 +499,7 @@ class DWBA_ZR:
if maxM is None:
maxM = int(self.j + self.spin_b + self.spin_a)
self.legendrePArray = associated_legendre_array(maxL, maxM, theta_deg)
def AngDist(self, theta_deg:float) -> float:
xsec = 0

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@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ def approximate_to_half_integer(value):
return round(value * 2) / 2
class ReactionData:
def __init__(self, nu_A:str, nu_a:str, nu_b:str, JB:str, orbital:str, ExB:float, ELabPerU:float):
self.SpinBalanced = self.ReactionDigestion(nu_A, nu_a, nu_b, JB, orbital, ExB, ELabPerU)
def __init__(self, nu_A:str, nu_a:str, nu_b:str, JB:str, orbital:str, ExB:float, ELabPerU:float, JA:str = None):
self.SpinBalanced = self.ReactionDigestion(nu_A, nu_a, nu_b, JB, orbital, ExB, ELabPerU, JA)
def ReactionDigestion(self, nu_A:str, nu_a:str, nu_b:str, JB:str, orbital:str, ExB:float, ELabPerU:float):
def ReactionDigestion(self, nu_A:str, nu_a:str, nu_b:str, JB:str, orbital:str, ExB:float, ELabPerU:float, JA):
iso = IsotopeClass()
self.A_A, self.Z_A = iso.GetAZ(nu_A)
@ -40,11 +40,15 @@ class ReactionData:
nu_B = f"{self.A_B}{self.sym_B}"
# print(nu_B)
spin_A_str = iso.GetJpi(self.A_A, self.Z_A)
if JA is not None:
spin_A_str = JA
spin_A_str = iso.GetJpi(self.A_A, self.Z_A)
self.spin_A = float(eval(re.sub(r'[+-]', '', spin_A_str)))
self.spin_B = float(eval(re.sub(r'[+-]', '', JB)))
print("-------- spin_B",self.spin_B)
# print("-------- spin_B",self.spin_B)
if self.A_a == 2 and self.Z_a == 1:
self.spin_a = 1.0
@ -108,8 +112,8 @@ class ReactionData:
if self.isSpinBalanced == False :
print("Fail angular momentum conservation.")
return False
print("All Spin are balance.")
# else:
# print("All Spin are balance.")
self.reactionStr = f"{nu_A}({spin_A_str})({nu_a},{nu_b}){nu_B}({ExB:.3f}|{JB}, {orbital}) @ {ELabPerU:.1f} MeV/u"